Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/2/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Olivia: Hey, Emma, honey, we talked about this-- you've got to start picking up your toys.
Emma: Can I call Daddy in heaven? I want to thank him for my jewelry box.
Olivia: Emma, we talked about this, baby, Daddy's not in heaven. But you still can't talk to him. Come here. You remember your storybook, "The King of Happyland"? And in it, the king gave a beautiful daughter, the Princess Sunshine, a beautiful crown and a pony? Well, it's kind of like that, except in our story, the king is a little... crazy with power. Your daddy's not a well man. He's not well. So, if you see him, or if he tries to call you, you have to tell mommy right away, okay? Okay, good.
Rafe: No, dude. Pratter got busted for showing movies in class.
Natalia: Rafe, did you eat?
Rafe: It's in my locker, right?
Natalia: Raphael, get off the phone.
Rafe: Hold on a second. Listen, I'm on way back, now, all right? Hey, I was just talking.
Alan: Your mother asked you very nicely to hang up.
Natalia: And who were you talking to, anyway?
Rafe: A friend from school.
Natalia: A friend from school who will you be seeing in five minutes.
Rafe: Yeah, well, I see you guys all the time, don't I?
Natalia: Did you eat or not?
Alan: Your mother asked you a question.
Rafe: Yes. Okay, can I have it back now?
Alan: I gave it to you and I can take it back.
Rafe: Mom...
Alan: I want you to listen to your mother, son.
Rafe: You're not my father, all right? You can't tell me what to do.
Natalia: Where are you going?
Alan: Sorry, Natalia.
Natalia: It's not you. This is how he's been ever since everything...
Daisy: I'm so glad you're okay.
Harley: Thinking about you and your brothers...
Daisy: Oh, my God.
Harley: That got me through it-- especially you, knowing that you were going through such a horrible time and I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there...
Daisy: I'm okay. I'm okay. I mean, I was bad right after, but, you know, the day to day stuff, going to school, everything's sort of back to normal. Maybe it shouldn't be, but... we shouldn't be talking about this right now.
Harley: We should. Yes, we should.
Daisy: Look what you just went through. You're lucky to be alive and you're so calm. I'd still be freaking out. God, I'm sorry.
Harley: For what?
Daisy: This is the last thing you want to talk about.
Harley: I don't know how to talk about it. I don't know. I don't know how you explain what it's like when you think... you can't imagine it if you've never been through it.
Marina: Cyrus? It's okay. It's okay, you're safe now. You're in the hospital.
Cyrus: Am I going to die?
Marina: No. Oh, God, no.
Cyrus: Then why are you crying?
Marina: Because I was so scared. But now you're here... and you're awake, and you're gonna be okay. You had to have surgery, but... but they were able to stop the bleeding. And everything is going to be okay.
Harley: Thank you.
Daisy: What else can I do? Are you done with the doctors and everything?
Harley: Yes, I'm just waiting to see how Cyrus is doing.
Daisy: Marina's with Cyrus. You need to go home. You need to rest.
Harley: Oh... don't you have school today?
Daisy: My mom was buried under a building... oh, God, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.
Harley: You couldn't say anything wrong right now.
Gus: You're all right? You're all right.
Cyrus: Hey. You've got to stop this. Cops aren't supposed to cry.
Marina: I can't help it. The last time we were alone like this, it wasn't like this. So much happened so fast, and I... I felt like you were gone forever.
Cyrus: We made it. And we're together now. It's not the coast of France, but...
Marina: Oh, hey, the coast of France isn't going anywhere.
Cyrus: You know, I'll have to do time.
Marina: Don't talk about that right now.
Cyrus: I'm not worried. I've got my detective looking out for me.
Marina: I... I'm actually not doing that anymore.
Cyrus: What? Your job? What? You better not give that up for me.
Marina: No, I'm not.
Cyrus: I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I... I know how much being a cop means to you. I'd never ask you to give it up...
Marina: Somebody else did. Actually, they told me I... I had to. I was gone for a really long time...
Cyrus: Well, they don't fire you for getting kidnapped.
Marina: They fire people for all sorts of reasons-- you know, cutbacks and stuff. But it's good timing, anyway, because now we're going to get to start our lives all over again together. What is it?
Cyrus: I... I could use something for the pain. Could you get a nurse?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah. I'll be right back.
Olivia: Hey, what have you got there, Doctor?
Emma: You said daddy was sick.
Olivia: Yeah. Um, but it's not that kind of sick, Emma. It's not that kind of sick where you go to the doctor with, like, a sore throat or a tummy ache.
Emma: Will he get better?
Olivia: I don't know, sweetie. I hope so, but in the meantime, your grandpa is going to take care of him for us because he loves you this much.
Emma: And I love you and daddy this much.
Olivia: You know what, let's go find your granddad Alan. Come on.
Natalia: I hate what this thing with Daisy has done to me and Rafe, because we... we were so close, normally. You know, and I don't even recognize that boy, the way he was talking to me. I didn't raise him like that.
Alan: Well, there's only so much you can do for him right now, Natalia.
Natalia: I'm his mother.
Alan: I know that, but he's been through a big trauma in his life. I mean, he feels betrayed. He's very hurt because the girl he thought loved him betrayed him and had an abortion without even telling him. How's that sandwich look?
Natalia: It's okay. It's a little soggy.
Alan: Yeah. I have an idea. Why don't we have dinner tonight at the club?
Natalia: I don't know.
Alan: Oh, come on, come on. You've been through a trauma yourself and I think a little change of pace, a little scenery... and, besides, Charlie, my friend, is going to be there, and he runs St. Mary.
Natalia: Oh, the catholic high school?
Alan: exactly. It may be a chance for you to talk with him, and I can... I can assure you we will have something much better than these... these soggy tuna melts.
(Knock on door) (knock on door)
Daisy: Fine, okay.
Gus: Cyrus should be doing time for putting you and Marina through this.
Harley: It wasn't his fault. I've had so much water from everyone, thank you.
Gus: He's been stealing.
Harley: Yes, but he was as much a victim of Griggs as Marina was.
Gus: How do you figure that?
Harley: Marina made the choice to be with Cyrus, just like I made the choice to go after Cyrus because Marina asked me to.
Gus: So, you are defending him now?
Harley: He kept me sane when I thought I was going to die.
Gus: What can I do for you?
Harley: I don't know.
Gus: You're freezing. Are you all right?
Harley: I'm not really feeling it.
Gus: I can take you home, if you want, spend a little time with you and stay over. I could take care of you, take care of the boys.
Harley: For how long?
Gus: As long as you need.
Harley: I don't know what I need. What are these? What are these?
Gus: (Mumbling)
Harley: Annulment papers? You want to end our marriage like it never existed?
Marina: Cyrus, the nurse said...
Cyrus: Don't shoot until I say what I have to say.
Natalia: I can't have dinner with you at the club tonight. I don't belong there, and I would have to fight the urge to bus tables.
Alan: Will you ever feel comfortable in my world, huh?
Natalia: No. I can't picture myself there.
Alan: You underestimate yourself. I'm going to help you see yourself through my eyes. After all, you've helped me with a lot of things.
Natalia: You know, I'm supposed to go out with Gus tonight.
Alan: Really? Why didn't you tell me in the first place?
Natalia: You know, he's going to give Harley annulment papers, and I... I think that he needs to talk to somebody.
Alan: Annulment? So he's not divorcing her?
Natalia: It wasn't my idea. I didn't ask him to do it.
Alan: If I were you, I would ask to see those papers.
Natalia: Why?
Alan: It sounds rather impulsive for Gus. I wouldn't put it past him if he goes over there, he changes his mind as soon as he sees Harley. Because, don't forget, she broke up with him.
Olivia: There's granddad Alan.
Alan: Well, looky who's here! Emma!
Olivia: We went by the house, and Jeremy said you were out with Rafe.
Natalia: Oh, Rafe went back to school.
Olivia: Oh.
Alan: Olivia, do you need to see me about something?
Olivia: Um, yeah, actually.
Natalia: I could... I could take Emma to the toy store?
Olivia: Oh, that would be helpful, thank you so much.
Alan: And Emma, you can have anything you want in that store because granddad's buying.
Olivia: Well, that looks like it's going well.
Alan: It was.
Olivia: What's new on the Phillip front?
Alan: Nothing. Has he contacted you?
Olivia: No, no. But Emma is asking so many questions, Alan. She's not afraid of Phillip. If he comes for her, she's just going to go with him.
Alan: Now, look, Olivia, I told you-- you don't have to worry about a thing. I will protect you. But you were going to help me with...
Olivia: I'll go get Emma.
Alan: No, no. I... I want you to keep Gus away from the house tonight.
Olivia: Again?
Alan: I have plans for Natalia.
Olivia: Does she know that?
Gus: This is... I don't want to talk about this.
Harley: No, no, no. I mean, if you want to do that, you... you have to do it now. I mean, annulments take a long time, don't they?
Gus: I don't know.
Harley: But you know the difference between a divorce and a...
Gus: Yeah, I know, of course.
Harley: Did Natalia ask you to do that?
Gus: She wouldn't do that.
Harley: I was sort of hoping you'd say yes, because if Natalia didn't have anything to do with it, it means you decided on your own that our marriage should never exist. Because that's what it means, Gus-- an annulment, it means that you were never married. But we didn't get married in a church, so if you want to be with Natalia, we don't have to do this.
Gus: There's nothing... there's no guarantee that anything is even going to happen but, I mean, that's never going to be...
Harley: Not right now. You know what? I... after everything I've been through, I... I'm not really sure how I should feel about this right now.
Gus: Which is why I didn't think we should be talking about this right now. Look, Harley, this... it doesn't mean that this wasn't the best thing that ever happened in my life. It doesn't mean that this wasn't sacred to me. I mean, because if you think that that means that, just take them and just rip them up.
Cyrus: I love your daughter. You may hate it, but you know it. I'll leave her. If you guarantee that I can walk out of this town without you sending the National Guard after me, and I'll turn my back on Marina forever.
Frank: Are you kidding me? At this point you'll say anything to get out of jail.
Cyrus: All I know is that she lost her badge because of me.
Frank: She told you that.
Cyrus: She didn't have to. I've spent months looking for a way we could be together. The selfish bastard that I am, I'd rather stay here and serve my time because I'd know she'd wait. But it's starting to cost her too much. And I can't let that happen. So don't think I'm doing this for a get out of jail free card, because I'm doing it for her. And leaving her... that's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Frank: Okay, Foley. We have a deal.
Cyrus: Just like that.
Frank: Just like that. You leave town. I mean, you're not going to get very far...
Cyrus: You just said...
Frank: I won't be the one sending somebody after you. It will be Alex.
Cyrus: What?
Frank: Alex, as in Alexandra, your wife. You don't think she has immigration on her speed dial?
Cyrus: If you only knew about Alexandra.
Frank: It was a nice speech, though, especially the part about you choosing to walk away from her. Nice choice. But you know something, Foley? I've done my homework. You've got some jail time waiting for you back home, don't you, pal? You see, for me, I'm in a win/win situation.
Rafe: Why aren't you at school?
Daisy: Why aren't you?
Rafe: Because I had to come here to find out why you're not there. You missed a few days.
Daisy: Don't worry about it.
Rafe: Don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything myself, right?
Daisy: If you're going to be like this, just go.
Rafe: Why haven't you been in school, Daisy?
Daisy: Because I don't want to go. What?
Rafe: Why do you do this?
Daisy: Do what?
Rafe: You don't feel like going to school, so you just don't go. You don't feel like having a baby, so you... you just...
Daisy: Get rid of it? There was no easy way out, Rafe. Didn't we go through this once?
Rafe: No. No, I don't think that.
Daisy: Do you have any idea what it took for me to go and do that alone?
Rafe: You wanted to do that alone.
Daisy: Nobody wants that, nobody wants to sit in a hospital gown with nothing to do but think about it. To go in knowing that no one is going to be there for you when you get out. Who wants that?
Rafe: Someone who wants to get it over with without having to worry about what it meant to somebody else.
Daisy: All I thought about was you.
Rafe: Don't lie about stuff that big!
Daisy: I'm not.
Rafe: You didn't pick up the phone.
Daisy: I did. That day, when you said I sounded sleepy, and I told you I was studying...
Rafe: You were doing it right then?
Daisy: They had given me some drugs already, and I was waiting to go in, and I was scared, so I called you.
Rafe: I can't believe you.
Daisy: Isn't there a part of you that's glad? I know that you can't admit it because you're catholic, but isn't there a part that is relieved?
Rafe: That you had an abortion before I even knew you were pregnant?
Daisy: That I made this decision for you so you didn't have to. If I had told you, you would have dropped out of school and gotten a job like your mom, and barely made enough money to live on. You would have given up on college because you didn't have enough time. You would have stopped doing that work with those kids with diabetes because you had your own kid to think about. You know, you would have had to toss out all those travel guides that Alan got you, and tried to forget those trips that you almost made it to but didn't because you got Daisy pregnant. And maybe you would have married me, even if you didn't want to. You would just square things with God. You can hate me forever, okay. But don't say I didn't think about you.
Rafe: Daisy...
Daisy: The best night of my life turned into the worst day of my life. I hope some way through this I can wake up without it being the first thing that pops into my head. But I'm not going to apologize to you. Because I know I did the right thing. Okay, this is all I have to say about this. So... just for the record, I'm going back to school. I just needed a break.
Gus: Harley, if you don't want to...
Harley: I'll think about it. Make an appointment with a lawyer or Father Ray, or whoever. I know you're not doing this to hurt me. I know you just want to start over with a blank slate. And it doesn't get much blanker than an annulment.
Gus: When you were in that building, you obviously had a lot of time to think. Did it change the way you look at things... us?
Harley: Well, it can never be the way we were. But now nothing in my life can ever be the way that it was before.
Gus: That's why we don't have to talk about this, especially not today.
Harley: Did you think you would get more of a fight from me?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I'm feeling all fought out.
Gus: So what do you want to do?
Harley: I think that most people never get five minutes of the kind of happiness that we had. And we had years of it, right?
Gus: Right.
Harley: So we should hold onto that.
Gus: Yeah. We can forget about all the rough patches and the arguments...
Harley: No, we should hold onto those, too. Because it makes the happy times more precious.
Marina: Were you even going to say good-bye? You need to go back to the hospital.
Cyrus: I don't want to go.
Marina: Too bad.
Cyrus: No, I mean, I don't want to leave you.
Marina: Then don’t.
Cyrus: You'll lose everything because of me.
Marina: The one thing that I was afraid of losing, I just found him again. And now he is off escaping from hospitals and packing his bags...
Cyrus: I had it all thought out when we were leaving here together but staying here together, I don't have a plan for that.
Marina: I don't either. Maybe... maybe that's what makes it fun.
Cyrus: It's always going to be a fight. And I'm okay when it's me doing the fighting, but when you have to...
Marina: Hey, hey. In "us versus the world," I bet on us. We've been through so much to be together. Okay? Which is it? Am I taking you to the hospital or the airport?
Cyrus: Which is the one where they give you the strong pills?
Marina: Good choice.
(Cell phone rings)
Gus: Olivia?
Olivia: Gus, it's Olivia. I hope this isn't a bad time.
Gus: What's wrong? Something with Phillip?
Olivia: It's the security system which you put in for me, it's not working right. You know, I can get a staff member to come and look at it...
Gus: No, I can come over... I can come over and help you right now.
Olivia: Okay, thanks. Maybe I won't have to lock him in a closet.
Marina: Don't ever leave me again.
Cyrus: You either.
Marina: Never. Hey. Are you okay?
Harley: You saw Gus?
Marina: No. He was here?
Harley: Yes. He came by.
Marina: Are you okay?
Harley: Uh-huh. Yeah.
Marina: He must be so happy to see you, and to know that you're home and safe.
Harley: Yeah. Yeah. Is he awake yet?
Marina: Ah, yeah, actually, he had a very busy day. It's a long story, but he's sleeping now, and I think he'll sleep through the night. I... I don't know what I would have done if I would have lost him, or if I would have lost you. (Sobbing) I get chills just thinking about it, you know. I think of you guys down there, and what must have been going through your heads. I am just so glad you had each other, to keep each other alive.
Harley: Hey, it's a job, right? We're never off the clock.
Marina: Yeah. Sorry. Let me give you a ride home.
Harley: Oh, Marina, I think I'll walk. Honestly, I have somebody coming, actually.
Marina: Okay. Will you call me?
Harley: Yes, yes, yes.
Marina: I love you.
Harley: I love you. I love you.
Marina: Thank you. Thank you.
Harley: Sign my name. Sign my name and just like that my marriage is erased forever. Hi, it's me. I was wondering, could I maybe stop by for a while.
Daisy: You try to do the right thing, think things through, put other people first... maybe that was just never you. Hole hasn't closed up yet.
Rafe: Where's my phone? Damnit, Alan.
Alan: Well, don't you look lovely. When is Gus coming home?
Natalia: Um, I'm not sure.
Alan: Well, you shouldn't have to sit here all alone again.
Natalia: Why? You want to wait with me?
Alan: Rather than wait here with you, I would like to take you out.
Natalia: Why not? Let's go.
Olivia: You sure you don't want a drink?
Gus: No. Thanks.
Olivia: You know, all I can think about is Phillip prowling around out there.
Gus: Well, we're going to get this thing fixed up for you.
Olivia: And Emma... since she got this gift, she just keeps asking questions.
Gus: Where is she?
Olivia: She's with the nanny tonight. She's safe there. I don't want her here without that thing in. It's so stressful.
Gus: Tell me about it. I just officially ended my marriage before I came over here.
Olivia: I'm sorry.
Gus: It's all right. We knew it was coming. But what are you supposed to do at that moment when you have to say good-bye to the most important person in your life. You don't happen to have a Phillip’s head screwdriver, do you?
Olivia: Phillip's head?
Gus: I'm sorry.
Olivia: Oh, that figures. What does it look like?
Gus: Perfect. There we go. It is killing me, though, the whole thing.
Olivia: You know what? It's your first divorce. It will get easier.
Gus: Well, actually, it's going to be an annulment.
Olivia: What?
Gus: It's going to be an annulment. I asked Harley for an annulment.
Olivia: All right. This cannot be easy for you.
Gus: She was open to it.
Olivia: What are you doing here? I can't believe you're here.
Gus: I need to stay busy. I actually appreciate this, you know. It keeps me away from everybody for a while. What are you supposed to do right after you say good-bye to that person that you love the most in this life, but you can't be with them? I don't know. So if you've got anything else that needs fixing, just let me know.
Olivia: You know what, give me a hammer, and I'll break a few things.
Gus: (Laughs)
Frank: Hey, baby girl. How you holding up?
Marina: I just came to pack my things.
Frank: You don't have to do that. I can get someone to do that for you.
Marina: And to tell you that I'm going to be with Cyrus. He's staying. And I will wait tables at Company until I can get my job on the force back, but I am not giving up on him or my career.
Frank: I see he came and talked to you...
Marina: He didn't have to.
Frank: You're already sounding a lot like him.
Marina: I don't want anymore lies between us. I am sick and tired of apologizing and hiding my feelings for him. You're not my boss anymore.
Frank: But I'm still your father.
Marina: And you're going to have to get used to me being with Cyrus.
Cyrus: You woke me, you know.
Harley: Sorry.
Cyrus: It's okay.
Harley: You can go back to sleep. I'll just sit right here.
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