GL Transcript Thursday 11/1/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/1/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Olivia: Who are you? How did you get in here? I swear, if you've did anything to my daughter... Phillip.

Coop: Hey, you're here.

Ashlee: Well, I do work here.

Coop: Yeah, but not lately. You've been calling in sick the last few days.

Ashlee: I haven't been well. Um... I need to go to Company and get some more sugar.

Coop: I just brought some over.

Ashlee: Well -- I'm sure that there's something that we need.

Coop: What's going on with you? Why are you avoiding me?

Ashlee: I'm not.

Coop: Uh-huh. Because I've called, and I left you messages, and I sent you texts. Not to mention the other day you just blew me off.

Ashlee: I blew you off?

Coop: Yeah. We were supposed to meet after the vigil for Marina, and then, you know, we were supposed to hang out and get together and talk, and you just never showed up.

Ashlee: Did you miss me? I-- I have a feeling that it was a "no."

Coop: What? Wait a minute, you blew me off, and now you're acting like this is my fault. So--

Ashlee: How long did you wait, Coop?

Coop: Wait for what?

Ashlee: To throw Ava down on your bed. I saw you. I saw you. To me, you didn't look like you were that heartbroken that I wasn’t there.

Mallet: Oh, boy. I don't know. Geez, I don't know if you should probably be sitting in that chair, at that desk.

Marina: Better? Now I'm just a civilian visiting a friend at work.

Mallet: I'm just trying to keep you from getting in more trouble here.

Marina: And I'm just trying to find Harley and Cyrus. We just wasted an entire day.

Mallet: No we didn’t. It was a lead. We had to check it out.

Marina: It wasn't a lead, Mallet. It was a lie. It was another stupid Spaulding lie. Alexandra knows something, and I swear. I'm going to wring her neck until she talks. Sending us to that stupid island because she knows that you would go to visit Dinah. I'm sorry.

Mallet: No, that's okay. Look, it's possible that Harley and Cyrus are still trying to find Griggs.

Marina: Wouldn't they have checked in by now?

Mallet: Well, they know Frank's not on Cyrus’s side.

Marina: No. No, Harley would never go this long without talking to her kids.

Mallet: Yeah, that's true.

Marina: Now I know how everyone must have felt when I was missing.

Mallet: Yeah, that's how we all felt.

(Telephone ringing)

Harley: Hi, this is Harley.

Leave me a message, and I'll

call you back.

Gus: Hey, it's me, how are you, Harley? I don't know how many messages I've left you so far, but you're not calling me back. I -- I even spoke to Frank, and he didn't seem to know where you are, either. Maybe you're not telling him, or maybe you don't want me to know. But if it's any difference to you, I'm not calling about us. I'm calling about Zach. Actually, I'm not even calling about Zach. I'm calling about Phillip. I don't want you to be worried, but he sent a present to Emma for her birthday, and I thought you should know that. And I just thought that we should talk about that, and I'd really like to do that in person. So call me.

Natalia: Is that Harley?

Gus: That's not at all like what it sounded like.

Natalia: Oh, no. You sounded worried. Is it the thing about your brother Phillip?

Gus: Things got very ugly between her and Phillip at the end.

Natalia: And you want to protect her. I understand.

Mallet: Okay. The last thing you need is more coffee.

Marina: Okay. Well, you won't let me sit at my desk, my former desk, which is where I do my best thinking. So, you know what we're going to do? We're going to walk and talk. We have to fix this, Mallet. We have to shake Alex until she tells us what she knows about Cyrus and Harley.

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Well, we can't hit her head-on, so we'll have to disarm her. And who are you calling?

Marina: My secret weapon. A man no woman can resist. Grandpa, hey, it's me. Where are you? Seriously? Don't move.

Doctor: How did you get your cast so dusty?

Alexandra: Really, Doctor, is that any of your business?

Buzz: Frank, that is fantastic! I can't believe it! I'm gonna come over. Do you want to tell Marina or should I?

Alexandra: Make yourself useful, go get that man and bring him into me. Now.

Buzz: Oh, great. I'll be right over. I'll be right over.

Doctor: Excuse me. A patient is asking for you.

Buzz: This isn't a good time.

Alexandra: Buzz, please. Please! What's the good news?

Buzz: I don't know the details. But she's back. Harley's back!

Alexandra: What?

Buzz: She's back home.

Alexandra: Well, where was she?

Buzz: Well, I don't know what happened. She's in a state of shock, I guess. But the point is that she's okay and she's back!

Alexandra: But what about Cyrus? Did they find him, too?

Buzz: Find Cyrus?

Alexandra: Well, I mean, you know, where they found Harley in the rubble. I mean, Cyrus was with her, you know! What? They just didn't dig deep enough, or what?

Marina: You lying bitch.

Mallet: You've known this whole time?

Alexandra: I was just repeating what Buzz said to me before.

Buzz: I didn't say anything about a building.

Mallet: Alex. Alex! You need to tell us, right now.

Marina: Oh, you're so lucky that they're here with me right now, if we were alone...

Alexandra: You would what? Police brutality?

Marina: Oh no. No, no, no. See, I'm not a cop anymore, remember? I've got nothing to lose.

Mallet: Where are Cyrus and Harley?

Alexandra: I told you, I thought they were at the clinic.

Marina: All right, Alex. This is only gonna hurt as long as I want it to.

Alexandra: No, don't you, don't you, Buzz you're going to just stand there and let her do this? Don’t...

Buzz: You're right. I'm not.

Marina: Oh! Oh, no. He was your only chance for protection.

Alexandra: Okay... Griggs told me they were in the cathedral.

Marina: Father Ray's church? That place is nothing but...

Mallet: Hold it, they were in there when it came down?

Alexandra: He didn't tell me until after. I went over there to try to find Cyrus. But I couldn't get anywhere, it was a...

Marina: Okay. Okay. We have, we have to go.

Mallet: I'll send a uniform in to deal with you.

Alexandra: Oh! I swear, I went there as soon as I found out. And I was going to help them. I was going to do everything I could to help...

Alexandra: Do think they will... might be alive?

Harley: Cyrus! Cyrus! I have good news. I... I found a hole. And I think I saw light. And we can go there, and work out way to the machine stop, and then we can yell for help! Cyrus? Cyrus? Please stay with me. Stay with me, please? It's not that far away. I promise. (Loud crash)

(cell phone rings)

Alan: Perfect timing.

Olivia: Why? Why? Is it Phillip? Have you heard from him?

Alan: No, nothing here.

Olivia: You know, Alan, you should see Emma with the jewelry box that he sent her. She loves it. Every time I look at it, I'm --

Alan: Look, Olivia, I told you, if Phillip reappears, you and Emma will be safe. I promise you that.

Olivia: Thank you.

Alan: This is not a favor. Emma is my granddaughter.

Olivia: I know.

Alan: Hm. Good. Now remember, we have a deal as well. And I want you to get Gus away from this house, and keep him away all afternoon.

Natalia: If you have to call Harley, just call her.

Gus: Well, no, what I want is just for you to understand where I'm coming from.

Natalia: I do. I understand.

Gus: You do?

Natalia: As long as -- (cell phone rings)

Gus: It’s Olivia, It might be about Phillip.

Natalia: Answer it.

Gus: Hey.

Olivia: Gus! Thank God you picked up.

Gus: What's going on?

Olivia: I know I shouldn't be calling you, but I think that Phillip was here.

Gus: Just now?

Olivia: Yeah. You know what? I'm gonna just call the cops.

Gus: Well, you just did. I'm on my way over, okay.

Olivia: Thank you.

Gus: Ah, that was Olivia, and she thinks that Phillip was just in her place. She's pretty upset.

Natalia: Then go. Check on her.

Gus: Yeah. Um, listen, when I get back, I'd like to have like a little sit-down with you and, you know, talk about some stuff.

Natalia: What kind of stuff?

Gus: I know that everything kind of seems-- I mean, it’s...

Natalia: I know. You want to protect Harley and Olivia, and their kids. I know. That is exactly why I fell in love with you in the first place.

Coop: Nothing happened.

Ashlee: Really? Because to me, groping looks like something.

Coop: Fine. I kissed Ava, okay? But then I realized I shouldn't be doing it, and I stopped.

Ashlee: Oh, good. So you realized that it was wrong like right after you did it? What else?

Coop: Okay. It shouldn't have happened, all right? I shouldn't have gone through with it. But you weren't there. If you were there, it wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Ashlee: Great. New rule, okay? I'm ten minutes late, you can make out with whoever you want.

Coop: Ashlee, I did not go after Ava.

Ashlee: Are you guys ready to order? No? Okay...

Coop: Come here. I did not go after Ava. All right? I waited for you. But then I went over Company, and I couldn't face telling Buzz that I thought that Marina had died. So I drank. And I drank a lot. On my way home, I ran into Ava.

Ashlee: How lucky.

Coop: What? She could see the state I was in.

Ashlee: She was more than willing to help you feel better.

Coop: (Laughing) At least she was there. That's a lot more than I can say for you.

Ashlee: You want to know where I was, Coop? I went over to the police station. The phone rang, I picked up the hot line, and I thought it was Marina.

Coop: What?

Ashlee: Yeah. None of the cops believed me. So, you know, they thought it was a prank.

Coop: Why didn't you call me?

Ashlee: Well, no. I couldn't, see? You see, because you were just talking about how you thought Marina was dead. And I thought-- I didn't want to be mean. I didn't wanna, like, give you hope. So I went down to the docks like an idiot, by myself, to see. And, God, she wasn't there. And I got hit over the head with something and my purse was stolen. So, I'm sorry, that's why I was late.

Coop: Are you okay? You weren't hurt or anything, were you?

Ashlee: You know what? I was hurt when I saw you making out with Ava. I need a break. I need another sick day. I need to leave.

Coop: Fine. You know what? Run away again. Don't even deal with the situation.

Ashlee: Fine. (Crying)

(knock on the door)

Olivia: Who is it?

Gus: Gus.

Olivia: Just a minute. Come on, print. Print! Hi.

Gus: Hey. How are you?

Olivia: I don't know.

Gus: So what is it that's making you think Phillip was here?

Olivia: Um, this was under my door when I got back today.

Gus: A horse?

Olivia: It's a pony.

Gus: A scary pony?

Olivia: It's a message from Phillip. He used to tell Emma when she was old enough, he was going to buy her a pony. He would tell her a story about how he'd have his own horse and the two of them would just--

Gus: ...Ride off together?

Olivia: Yeah, actually. You know what? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you.

Gus: No. Hey. We're gonna figure this thing out, okay?

Alan: Isn't this your day off? I mean, you should be out having fun somewhere.

Natalia: Oh, no... I might have plans. I'm just waiting to see...

Alan: Waiting to hear from Gus? I thought I just saw him leaving.

Natalia: Yeah. Something came up.

Alan: So you're just going to be sitting around waiting for him again, huh?

Natalia: No. I have things to do. What?

Alan: Well, it's just that, you know, when a man's marriage breaks up, he needs a little time.

Natalia: Time for what?

Alan: Well, he needs a little freedom, nothing tying him down. No responsibilities. The way he used to be.

Natalia: He won't be long.

Alan: I'm sure he won’t.

Nurse: The doctor said you're all set to go.

Alexandra: What? Oh. Have you heard any news? I mean anything about them finding any of the people in that building that was destroyed?

Nurse: No, I'm sorry.

Marina: Cyrus!

Buzz: Harley! Harley!

Marina: Cyrus! Harley!

Buzz: Oh, my God.

Marina: Harley? Cyrus?

Mallet: Easy, easy. Everybody be careful. This is very unstable, alright? Finding anyone underneath this is gonna be--

Marina: No! Don't you say it! Don't you dare say it!

Mallet: Marina, slow down. Let's call in a recovery team.

Marina: A rescue team. Okay, Mallet? It's a rescue team!

Mallet: Alright, that's what I meant.

Marina: If Dinah were here right now...

Mallet: Wait! Wait! Shut up!

Harley: Down here! Down here!

Buzz: Did you hear that? What is it? It sounded like --

Marina: It's voice! It's a voice! Someone's calling for help.

Ava: Was it something I said?

Coop: It's not you.

Ava: I heard Marina's okay. I thought there would be a week's worth of Cooper celebration.

Coop: It's not about Marina, either. It's a... it's a lot of stuff. We don't know where Harley is now.

Ava: What?

Coop: Yeah.

Ava: That's terrible. I guess I never really thought about it before.

Coop: Thought about what?

Ava: How hard it must be on you. Having all the cops in your family. Every day worrying about something bad happening.

Coop: Yeah, well, you know, it is what it is, right?

Ava: Hey, you know how you opened up to me before? I'm here for you. If you ever need anything, I'm here for you.

Coop: Look, Ava, it meant a lot that you were there for me, okay? Um, but, uh... I want to give Ashlee a shot. Okay? And I don't want to lead you on.

Ava: Is this about me, or is it about Ashlee? 'Cause if you're worried about me, I'm fine.

Coop: Well, what about Ashlee?

Ava: What Ashlee doesn't know won't hurt her.

(Knock on the door)

Ashlee: Mom leave me alone!

Doris: How did you know it was me?

Ashlee: You've knuckles like jack hammers, okay? So just leave me be. I'll call you later. I thought you gave that back to me?

Doris: Oh, I did. I just made some extra copies first.

Ashlee: Do you realize how wrong that is?

Doris: Oh, look, I know you're angry at me. That's why I came here. But when I got to the door, I could hear you crying, honey.

Ashlee: (crying) Mom.

Doris: Oh, baby.

Natalia: Don't do it.

Alan: Do what?

Natalia: Ask me where Gus is.

Alan: I don't have to ask you. I can see he's not here.

Natalia: You know, you act like I don't know him. Like you know him better than me. I was the one who grew up with him.

Alan: I know that. And I don't mean to judge Gus. But, you know, he's going through a very difficult time now with Harley. And he has a restless soul --

Natalia: He was married to Harley for a long time.

Alan: Exactly. But, you know, he's different from me. I'm more of an old-fashioned family man.

Natalia: How many times have you been married?

Alan: That's my point. I love commitment. I love obligations. I love responsibilities. That's why I take my relationships very seriously.

Natalia: And you think that Gus doesn't?

Alan: Well, I don't know if he's is in the right place right now for a relationship. As a matter of fact, I don't know what place he's in.

Gus: This thing was printed from a website, but I don't know how it got under your door. I’m gonna want to talk to your security team, and check out the cameras in the hotel, if that's all right.

Olivia: Mm-hm. I just, I can't believe this is happening. Do you want a drink?

Gus: No, I'm sorry, it's a little early for me.

Olivia: Well, I don't do this every day.

Gus: You're entitled. Is there any way you can beef up security for a while? Until we figure this thing out?

Olivia: Well, you mean around Emma?

Gus: Yeah, and yourself, if that's okay. It's just that we don't know which Phillip we're dealing with yet?

Olivia: I have to have a bunch of armed guards following my daughter all day? What am I supposed to tell her?

Gus: I'm sorry. I'm sorry this is happening.

Olivia: You know, I'd actually got used to being a single parent no Bill, no Buzz...

Gus: Well, I understand it's nice to have somebody there.

Olivia: Yeah. Don't -- don't tell anybody I said that.

Gus: Scout's honor.

Olivia: It's just that, you want to feel like you can handle everything on your own. That you don't need anyone. But when you have a child that you need to take care of, and you need to protect, and --

Gus: I guess I should, uh, get going.

Olivia: Yeah-- wait, no. Um, what if Phillip comes back?

Gus: Well then, you will just call me right away.

Mallet: Yeah, exactly, that church. We've found one, maybe two, people in the rubble. Okay. Ambulance and rescue is on the way.

Buzz: Well, I'm not waiting.

Mallet: Buzz, hold on. Hold on. You pull out the wrong piece, the whole thing will come down again.

Marina: Well, we're close. I can tell.

Harley: Down here.

Marina: Come on...

Mallet: Pull this piece out.

Buzz: Mallet!

Harley: Down here.

Mallet: I got it, I got it.

Marina: Just keep moving!

Harley: It took you long enough.

Buzz: Thank God. Are you hurt?

Harley: Could you get us out of here?

Marina: Harley, where's Cyrus?

Harley: He's unconscious. Please hurry.

Buzz: He doesn't look like he's breathing.

Marina: Cyrus! Cyrus, wake up! Wake up, damn it! (sirens) We're at the hospital, Cyrus. It's gonna be okay.

Doctor: Is this the building collapse victim?

Paramedic: Yeah. In and out of consciousness. He's still in shock.

Doctor: What else?

Paramedic: BP dropped to 90 over 60. Pulse was tacky with difficulty breathing. Altra-stat was 88. We've got 200 cc's of ringers on board. Alright, let's move him. Let's go.

Buzz: Here, hon, have another drink.

Harley: I'm fine. I am. I just want to see my kids.

Buzz: Uh, Mallet, could you give us a moment alone?

Mallet: Yeah. Sure. You okay?

Marina: No. They won't tell me anything.

Mallet: I know. You've just got to give them time to do their jobs, okay?

Marina: I know. I know, I'm just--

Mallet: Worried? EMS guys didn't say anything bad.

Marina: They didn't say anything good, either. Hey, wait, Doctor?

Buzz: No! You're not letting leaving the hospital until you get a check-up. A building just fell on you.

Harley: Not all of it.

Buzz: What's wrong with you?

Harley: I just want to see Daisy and the boys.

Buzz: I got you. I got you. But, you know, it's not gonna do anyone any good if you go and collapse in front of your kids.

Harley: Okay.

Buzz: Okay. I thought that would work. You stay here. I'm gonna go up and find Lillian... drop her name.

Harley: You have to snap out of this unconscious thing. You're scaring people. I know you'll be okay. We survived the demolition of a building. We're survivors.

Gus: Are you leaving?

Alan: Well, you didn't expect her to wait around all day for you, did you?

Gus: I really need to talk to you.

Alan: Well, that's too bad. Now you're going to have to wait for her.

Natalia: This sounds important. Do you mind if we, maybe, do lunch another day?

Alan: Of course not. We'll talk later.

Gus: Thank you. Thanks. So... I -- I just want to talk to you and tell you about some of the things I've been thinking.

Natalia: Okay.

Gus: Okay. When Harley asked me to leave the house, she called a lawyer to talk about divorce and everything. But then the thing with Marina came up and everything kind of got side-tracked, and it kind of left us in limbo. She is and I am. I kind of wasn't going forward and wasn't going back. And just was kind of stuck.

Natalia: And I'm stuck with you.

Gus: It's time for my marriage to end.

Natalia: Are you sure?

Gus: Yeah, I'm quite sure. And I can see that now.

Natalia: So are you filing for divorce?

Gus: Well, I know you're feelings on the whole thing. Beliefs. This isn't about the way the whole thing ends. This is about new beginnings, you know, and the future possibilities. So I'm going to ask Harley that instead of a divorce, that we try for an annulment.

Ava: When your shift's over, we can go back to my place.

Coop: Ava, I can’t.

Ava: Are you sure that Ashlee is taking this as seriously as you? She didn't even show up at your place the other night.

Coop: She had a good reason for not being there.

Ava: Oh. (Phone ringing)

Coop: Excuse me. Hello? What? When? Um, yeah. I'll be right there.

Ava: Good news?

Coop: It's great news! They found Harley. She's at the hospital right now. She's okay.

Ava: Good!

Coop: But I now have to find someone to cover here.

Ava: I'll do it. I'll do it.

Coop: What? No. Look, you work at Spaulding now, I'm not gonna ask you to--

Ava: Your sister's in the hospital. It's fine. Go.

Coop: Okay. Um, thank you.

Ava: You're welcome. Any time.

Coop: Okay, um, thanks.

Doris: There you are. Nothing a nice, hot shower can't make better, right?

Ashlee: I didn't think you'd to still be here.

Doris: Come on, I am not that bad of a mother, am I?

Ashlee: Do you really want me to answer that? (Laughs)

Doris: Ashlee, I'm here to help you. Is this about what happened at the docks, because I am going to find that guy.

Ashlee: No.

Doris: Well, what is it then?

Ashlee: Um...

Doris: Oh, what did Mr. Bradshaw do to you this time?

Ashlee: Nothing, or so he says.

Doris: But you don't believe him. What's this about?

Ashlee: Um, I don't think that he's over his ex-girlfriend.

Doris: Ava. Well, I never thought he was. But why are you saying that?

Ashlee: Um, it was that day that I got mugged, you know. I had plans to meet him. And that's why I skipped out of the hospital, you know? But by the time I got back here, um... Ava was there and they were kissing.

Doris: I hope you broke up with him right then and there.

Ashlee: No. I couldn't say anything, really. So I left. But I spoke to him today, and, I don't know, he said nothing else happened.

Doris: Baby, they were kissing! In his room. I wouldn't be surprised if they've been sleeping together the whole time he's been seeing you.

Ashlee: I don't believe that.

Doris: Well, I am not going to let Mr. Bradshaw break your heart anymore.

Ashlee: Mom, no, not again. Stop it.

Doris: Well, nobody... nobody hurts my daughter and gets away with it. The Cooper family has got to learn his actions have consequences.

Olivia: Did you get fired from Spaulding?

Ava: No. I'm just helping out. Family emergency.

Olivia: Is everything okay?

Ava: Yeah, I think so. I saw Gus going into your room today. What's up with that?

Olivia: I'm protecting Emma.

Ava: From Phillip? Have you heard anything else?

Olivia: No, but I can't wait for him to make another move. That's why you saw Gus going into my room. I made a deal with Alan, that he would help me protect Emma, and in exchange I would -- I would keep Gus a little distracted. I know you're disappointed.

Ava: No, I'm not. I know you'll do anything to protect Emma. I'm counting on Doris to do the same thing for Ashlee.

Olivia: What did you find out?

Ava: Actually, she has a freaky mean streak when it comes to people getting close to Ashlee. She's so overprotective, that she drives people away. She did that with her best friend and her first boyfriend.

Olivia: What did she do?

Ava: Whatever it takes. Bullying, bribing, throwing people in jail.

Olivia: Yikes, that's one scary bitch.

Ava: She's my scary bitch.

Ashlee: Mom, I don't want you to do what you did before. Coop made a mistake, but --

Doris: He sure did make a mistake.

Ashlee: Mom, I shouldn't have even told you. I can handle things myself.

Doris: Well, you know what, sometimes you just need a little help from your mother, okay?

Ashlee: I don't want your help. You already bashed the Cooper’s in the press, you know. Isn't that enough for you?

Doris: The press? That was just politics, sweetie. Now this is personal. The Cooper’s haven't even begun to suffer yet.

Coop: So she's okay? I mean, she's not Harley pretending she's okay while blood is gushing out of her ears, right?

Buzz: I don't know. I'm going to wait until the doctor says she's okay.

Coop: Okay. Good idea. Did she say how any of this happened?

Buzz: She tried to rescue Cyrus from Griggs, Griggs got the best of them and locked them in that church.

Coop: Wait? They were inside while the church was being demolished?

Buzz: Yeah. I can't even imagine what they went through.

Natalia: Do you think that Harley is going to go along with this?

Gus: Well, I think she's not going to be happy because she's going to be thinking I'm doing it for you.

Natalia: Are you? Because you shouldn’t.

Gus: A year ago, if somebody had said to me that, uh, "You and Harley are not going to be together in a year," I never would have believed it. But here I am.

Natalia: Are you sure? Because I honestly believe that if she called you right now and she wanted you back, you would go.

Gus: No. It's time to move on.

Natalia: Have you talked to a priest? Do you even know what the difference is between a divorce and an annulment?

Gus: Of course I know what the difference is. And I know how you feel about--

Natalia: No. You need to understand that--

Gus: Well, if there's something you can explain to me that I don't understand, why don't you explain it me? And do it over lunch.

Natalia: You look at these papers, and you talk to Father Ray, and then I will have lunch with you.

(Cell phone rings)

Gus: It's Buzz. Buzz?

Buzz: Gus. I'm not even sure I should be calling you, well, I feel I should.

Gus: Is it about the kids?

Buzz: No. It's Harley. Griggs has had her and Cyrus locked up for the last couple of days in that church that was demolished.

Gus: What? I was just there.

Buzz: I'm at the hospital. It looks like--

Gus: I'm on my way.

Harley: If you don't open your eyes soon, I'll have to do something drastic. Like pour ice water down your pants or something.

Marina: Cyrus! Doctor!

Doctor: Okay, let's get him in OR right now. I think he has internal bleeding.

Marina: What does that even mean?

Harley: Is he going to be okay?

Mallet: I don't know. You can't go there, honey. You can't go with him, okay?

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