Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/31/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: You just might be the scariest vampire I've ever seen.
R.J.: You guys are just saying that.
Josh: No, no. It's actually freaking me out right now that I'm standing here next to you.
R.J.: Hey, could you guys maybe wait by the curb while I go to the door? You guys kind of take away the scariness.
Cassie: R.J., you do know you'll be doing the actual trick-or-treating with Blake and Clarissa, okay?
R.J.: You guys are really leaving?
Josh: Well it's not that we want to.
Cassie: We have to. We have to got to this hearing to bring Will home.
R.J.: Fine.
Cassie: But it'll be worth it, won't it? To have your brother here for Thanksgiving and Christmas?
R.J.: Yeah. I better go catch up with them.
Cassie: We'll be home soon!
Josh: Once he gets into the candy, he'll be fine, really. And next Halloween we'll go trick-or-treating with both your boys.
Jeffrey: And we get to spend this Halloween with the biggest ghoul I know.
Dinah: This is a hallucination. Maybe I shouldn't be here.
Edmund: You look fine to me, Dinah.
Dinah: This is real. You're real.
Edmund: Last time I checked.
Dinah: What hell are you doing here?
Edmund: Receiving treatment... ...for my mental condition. I'm like you, I'm locked up. It's a remote, but it's a nice place, isn't it?
Dinah: No. No, it's not and I'm not like you. I didn't do anything. You're... oh, damn it.
Edmund: Dinah, what's wrong?
Dinah: Don't touch me.
Edmund: All right, fair enough. I don't want to cause any trouble-- not today.
Dinah: Yeah, that's right. It's Halloween, that's like your Christmas.
Edmund: Well, that and also I have a very special guest visiting today.
Dinah: Let me guess: The headless horsemen?
Edmund: Cassie.
Dinah: Cassie's coming here? To see you?
Edmund: Yes, and I owe it all to a very clever little boy.
Gentleman: Will? Master Will? Will, where are you? We need to get you back to San Cristobel.
Lizzie: Let's see. I definitely came down these stairs on my way in. So I just need to go down one more flight and make a left or was it a right? I'll figure it out when I get to the bottom. I have an excellent sense of direction. I just need to backtrack. This might be a good place to hold our next family reunion. It's just a... gritty spa. That's it, not a big deal.
Mallet: Hello? Hello?
Marina: That's weird.
Mallet: Yeah, I guess the guard's on a coffee break or something.
Marina: Yeah, who needs a security guard in an insane asylum?
Mallet: It's not an insane asylum. It's a health clinic.
Guard: (Groaning) Nothing, not scared at all?
Marina: No.
Mallet: No, you didn't get me. You didn't get me.
Guard: Don't worry about it. Can I help you?
Mallet: Yeah, I'm Detective Mallet from the Springfield Police Department. We got word that a fugitive-- that a person of interest might come down here looking to make contact with one of your patients Dinah Marler.
Marina: Have you seen any of these people?
Guard: Sorry, it's been real crazy around here. Crazy , get it.
Mallet: Yeah. You should probably should stick to the scary thing.
Guard: Yeah.
Marina: Do you mind if we have a look around?
Guard: Yeah, I'll print you out some passes.
Edmund: You actually survived being shot in the head?
Dinah: Yeah, and being locked up in a burning home. You remember?
Edmund: Well, you still look wonderful.
Dinah: I think I should yell my head off right now and that way you can get the electric shock treatment.
Edmund: Well, I do love that so. But then again, we can always play nice and help each other.
Dinah: Really? How?
Edmund: Well, put in a good word or two. Tell Cassie that I'm a changed man.
Dinah: What do I get in return?
Edmund: I may be locked up here, Dinah, but I still have access to the outside world.
Dinah: Really? What kind of access?
Edmund: Well, I have a friend who can help you get things.
Attendant: Winslow, what are you doing out of your room? And you need to get back to your wing.
Edmund: It's been lovely seeing you Dinah. We'll talk soon.
Lizzie: Come on. I could swear this was the way out. I am walking in circles. Great. I think I have to go back to Dinah’s room and start over again. Why not? It's not like I've got anything else better to do. Hello? A little help, please? Come on, there has got to be a directory around here somewhere.
Jeffrey: So we get in, we fly through the hearing, and the judge will grant you custody and we get out.
Josh: With as little contact with Edmund as possible.
Cassie: We have a hearing scheduled with Edmund Winslow.
Guard: What are you people, robots?
Josh: Edmund Winslow.
Guard: See, that's what I'm talking about.
Josh: Terrified, yes.
Guard: I'll let him know you're here.
Cassie: So how is he?
Guard: Mr. Winslow? Edmund is a model patient, nice guy. Pretty much everybody loves him around here.
Del: Criminals! Ingrates, all of them.
Edmund: Yes, yes, we'll all rot in hell, me, my family, and everyone who drove you into this. Bye, Del. See you tomorrow. I've got better things to do today.
Jeffrey: I don't remember seeing this part of the clinic in the brochure.
Dinah: "Dear stupid doctors, who actually think they're going to get something from this. I thought it couldn't get worse but that was before I knew that the psycho who tried to burn me alive was down the hall. You think I'm scary, you really should be worried about him. I'm so sane, I could teach a class.
Josh: Hey, George, I just want to make sure there are guards on Edmund all of the time during the hearing.
Guard: Of course.
Josh: You have to understand this man has a history with my wife and my family.
Cassie: Josh.
Jeffrey: No, no, he's right.
Cassie: Is there a restroom where that I can pop into?
Josh: You okay?
Cassie: Yes, I'm fine.
Guard: Yes, just down the hall and to the right.
Josh: I'll wait here.
Cassie: I'll be right back.
Lizzie: Okay, this can't be right. You can't tell me that not one of you people are trying to sneak out of here. Hello? Where is everybody? Does anybody work here? Hello, crazy people. It's me, Lizzie Spaulding, I'm your friend. I love the sound of my voice as much as the next person, but this is getting old.
Cassie: Okay. You can do this. You have to do this. Get your family together, so I'm going to get my son back, and Edmund is going to help. He's going to help. Okay, Edmund, here I come.
Dinah: What do they keep in these desks? Actually, Edmund should be afraid of me this time around because I have nothing to lose. Absolutely perfect.
Mallet: Of course, they would have to put Dinah on the top floor. Did I just go blind?
Marina: Not unless I did too.
Lizzie: You have got to be kidding.
Cassie: Not funny, you guys. I'm nervous enough already.
Jeffrey: What's this about?
Guard: It looks like a power failure.
Jeffrey: You think?
Guard: I should go check it out.
Jeffrey: That's a good idea, George.
Josh: Cassie, you back there?
Cassie: Josh? Jeffrey? Hockey mask guy?
Edmund: Morons run this place. Electric locks. Show time.
Cassie: Another beautiful day, walking through the dark. Josh! Stupid, small ladder. Josh! Josh!
Josh: Cassie? We're over here. Just follow my voice.
Cassie: I hear you. I'm right here, just across the way.
Josh: Cassie?
Cassie: Josh, I can't go that way.
Josh: Are you sure?
Cassie: The door is locked. I'm sure.
Jeffrey: Try to find another way around. We'll come to you.
Josh: Are you okay?
Cassie: Oh, never better. I'll get there, don't worry.
Josh: She's going to be okay, right?
Jeffrey: Of course.
Josh: She's tough.
Jeffrey: And resourceful.
Josh: And this is not exactly Alcatraz.
Jeffrey: No. It's a clinic for rich people.
Josh: The patients are harmless, right?
Jeffrey: Sure.
Mallet: Well, we could, I don't know, head out or wander around in the dark.
Marina: We could do that.
Mallet: Though even when the lights were on, we got locked in.
Marina: And lost direction.
Mallet: Maybe we should just sit tight.
Marina: Works for me.
Mallet: Oh! Hey, don't look so defeated, okay? Cyrus and Harley may still be here.
Marina: You get to see Dinah. Is she okay?
Mallet: Not really. Not really. Did you ever think about dating a regular guy, like Steve from Notre Dame, majored in Economics, 14 handicap in golf, works in an office. Gets a paper cut every now and then.
Marina: I thought a lot about it.
Mallet: Yeah. And?
Marina: And I'm here with you chasing down a thief, aren't I?
Mallet: Is Cyrus worth it? After everything he has put you through, all of the trouble with your dad?
Marina: Sometimes I ask myself that very question. And then I think of what it's like to be in a room with him. And the answer is always yes. Where are you going?
Mallet: Dinah's worth it, too.
Dinah: How about some light, people.
Mallet: Hi, this is a nice restaurant.
Dinah: Oh, my God, what are you doing here?
Mallet: Are you okay?
Dinah: I guess so. What are you doing here?
Mallet: The lights are out.
Dinah: Can you help me get out?
Mallet: I can't help you.
Dinah: Of course you can't, because you're the law.
Mallet: I'll make a deal with you. Do you want to go for a walk. It's a nice night.
Dinah: Don't you toy with me.
Mallet: I'm not toying with you. Come on. Come here.
Cassie: Hello? Is someone there? Josh? Jeffrey? (Screams) Please, Cassie, don't be afraid.
Edmund: You look beautiful.
Cassie: Edmund, please...
Edmund: Simply stating a fact.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie, I'm sorry about Tammy. I can't imagine what you've been through.
Cassie: Okay, what the hell did you do?
Edmund: When?
Cassie: Now. What did you do, cut the power so we could be alone together in the dark?
Edmund: Not a bad idea, but it's just a stroke of Halloween luck.
Cassie: Well, I call it bad luck. Look, I just need to get to Josh and Jeffrey.
Edmund: Jeffrey O’Neill is here, too?
Cassie: Yeah, it's old home here at the institution.
Edmund: They prefer we call it clinic.
Cassie: I just need to get Will home.
Edmund: I'm going to help you do that. I'm going to prove that to you, Cassie, no matter what I have to do.
Cassie: I hope so.
Jeffrey: Don't you think it should be left to me to lead the way?
Josh: I have excellent night vision.
Jeffrey: But I was trained for this kind of thing.
Josh: You were trained. Now you're a lawyer.
Jeffrey: Josh, there is no shame in letting me go first.
Josh: Jeffrey, if we're ever in this situation again and we're looking for Reva, I promise you I will allow you to take the lead.
Jeffrey: Are you sure about that?
Josh: Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey: I'm glad to hear it.
Josh: Maybe I just want you behind me in case one of the inmates...
Jeffrey: Patients.
Josh: Patients, whatever, try to sneak up behind us.
Jeffrey: Well, that's a reassuring thought.
Josh: Look, we're both here for the same reason, all right?
Jeffrey: Yes, to help Cassie bring her son home.
Josh: Exactly. It's going to be great Thanksgiving.
Lizzie: (Screams) Marina?
Marina: Lizzie.
Lizzie: Marina?
Marina: Lizzie.
Lizzie: Get off me! What are you doing here?
Marina: We got a tip that Cyrus was coming to see Dinah. I didn't know you were having troubles again.
Lizzie: What are you talking about?
Marina: I'm not going to tell anyone. I hear it's a really good place.
Lizzie: You think I'm taking a vacation here?
Marina: Your not?
Lizzie: I'm not crazy--
Marina: Anymore. I am here to see Dinah, too, you jerk.
Marina: I think that's a little bit harsh, don't you think? Where'd you get the flashlight?
Lizzie: I'm not telling you. Bye.
Marina: (Sighs)
Dinah: You can put me down now.
Mallet: Yeah, I know.
Dinah: You haven't done this in a while.
Mallet: Well, it's good to know I've still got it. Nice night. Look at that moon.
Dinah: Yeah. I haven't smelled fresh air in a while.
Mallet: They don't let you play around the compound?
Dinah: Not since I hit that orderly in the head with a coconut.
Mallet: (Laughs) They must enjoy you around here.
Dinah: I haven't been voted most popular yet.
Mallet: Well, you know, keep working on that.
Dinah: Why did you come back here?
Mallet: We heard that Cyrus might be coming down here looking for you.
Dinah: Cyrus, here?
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: So you came back on police business?
Mallet: No. I wanted to make sure that you're all right. To make sure that you're safe. And I know you're going to say, oh, Mallet, I don't need your protection. I don't want you to interfere with my life--
Dinah: Mallet. Mallet. Do you think the kitchen staff will mind if we crack open this stash?
Mallet: Gee, I don't think they'll really care.
Cassie: You're not leading me down to some secret Hannibal Lector lair?
Edmund: Lair. I'm trying to get you to the hearing, Cassie.
Cassie: The orderly speaks very highly of you. Apparently your royalty around here?
Edmund: Well, I'm still royalty. No, it's okay. Go ahead and laugh, Cassie, it's amusing in a way.
Cassie: If you say so.
Edmund: I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget all the things I did to you.
Cassie: I don't.
Will: Mom?
Cassie: Will, how did you get here? Did you come with Alonzo?
Will: Uncle Edmund!
Edmund: Oh, William.
Will: I was so scared after I left your room.
Cassie: Will, is Edmund the friend you were telling me about? The one you had to travel to visit?
Will: Yes.
Edmund: We started off as pen pals, but I got the sense he wasn't happy in San Cristobel.
Cassie: So he visited you? A lot?
Edmund: Occasionally. Cassie, he needed guidance.
Cassie: Guidance? From you?
Edmund: I was like a father to him when we lived together. I was, Cassie. I wouldn't abuse that privilege. You know that.
Alonzo: Hey, buddy, what are you doing here? You should be back at the penthouse.
Will: I wanted to see mom.
Alonzo: You have responsibilities back home.
Cassie: Hello, Alonzo.
Alonzo: Did you arrange for Will to be here?
Cassie: No, of course not. I had no idea.
Alonzo: He said he came here to see you.
Edmund: Maybe if you spent more time with him....
Alonzo: And I'm going to take parenting advice from you? Steal another baby.
Will: Mom...
Cassie: It's going to be okay sweetie. Don't worry, we'll work this out.
Alonzo: Work it out? By taking him back to San Cristobel.
Attention staff and patients the, emergency generators are operating. Engineers believe they have located the source of the power failure. In a minute they'll shut off the emergency generators and testing the main system. We might lose power completely for a few seconds. Due to a risk of surge, please stay away from equipment and wiring during that time. The test will begin now.
Cassie: Just stay where you are, Will, the lights will come back on in a minute. (Screaming)
Mallet: Wow, we've got lights. Wow! Wow, we can read the label. Sherry cooking wine. That's a good year.
Dinah: Actually, it's really good.
Mallet: (Laughing) Don't ever tell me that I never take you anywhere.
Dinah: This is not a date.
Mallet: This is a wonderfully cheap date. The guide book said this is the most romantic place in the whole town.
Dinah: Did the guide books say anything about barb wire?
Mallet: I think they tried to downplay that.
Dinah: Mallet... Do you smell that?
Mallet: I'm sorry, I've been running around all day.
Dinah: Not you. The air.
Mallet: The air. Good.
Dinah: Brings me back. It makes me think of that night. Remember that little cottage that we spent the night on at the lake?
Mallet: Yes. Do you remember that?
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I can remember most things, just not always at the right time. But that one stuck.
Mallet: What do you remember? My tan body glistening in the sun?
Dinah: No, I can't recall that. What I do remember is when it started to rain, the sound of the rain just pounding on the roof.
Mallet: Uh-huh. I was afraid it might come down on top of us.
Dinah: (Laughs) It wouldn't have mattered that night.
Mallet: That's easy for you to say. I was the one on top.
Dinah: (Laughs) You know, I don't know if it is the booze, but I feel normal.
Mallet: Yeah? Do you feel better? Do you think... do you think this place has been helping you?
Dinah: I want it to. I want to believe that. But I want you to help me. Mallet, I want you to help me. I want you to get me out of here. I want you to walk me out the front door, get me through the fence. Whatever you've got to do. I want you to get me out here. It is so close, I can just smell it. Please, I know you can do it.
Mallet: Dinah, I can't do that at this point. I can't do that. I'm sorry. Not now.
Cassie: Oh, my God, Alonzo! Alonzo.
Will: Dad?
Edmund: Cassie, move him out of here, now.
Will: What happened?
Cassie: I don't know, honey, but I've sure he'll be okay.
Will: Are you sure?
Cassie: I'm not. Let Edmund take care of it.
Edmund: Alonzo, can you hear me?
Jeffrey: What the hell happened, Edmund?
Edmund: He was standing by the electric box, the sparks--
Jeffrey: Josh, you might want to say a prayer for him.
Josh: What were you doing here.
Edmund: I was down here.
Josh: Where is Cassie?
Edmund: She took Will out of the room to protect him.
Josh: What is Will doing here?
Edmund: He came to see me.
Josh: That is not...
Jeffrey: Josh. He's dead.
Edmund: Poor bastard.
Jeffrey: He just stumbled into the circuit box.
Edmund: I don't know, the lights were out.
Josh: Where were you?
Edmund: Standing with Cassie and Will making sure they were safe.
Josh: I should have never let Cassie get anywhere near you.
Jeffrey: I think Alonzo should have stayed away from Edmund. There's a nasty bruise on Alonzo’s back. The electrical shock might have stopped Alonzo’s heart but I don't think he just stumbled into that circuit box. I think someone knocked him into it. So tell me, Edmund, how's your swing these days?
Cassie: When we get you out of here, we're going to get you a nice big bag of Halloween candy.
Will: Mom?
Cassie: Yes?
Will: Am I ever going to see my dad again?
Cassie: I don't know, sweetie. I don't know. But no matter what happens now, you're going to be fine. Because you're with me now, and everything is going to be fine. Do you believe that?
Will: I do.
Cassie: I love you. And I missed you so much. Hello?
Del: Princess Cassie, right?
Cassie: Um, I used to be.
Del: I remember you.
Cassie: Did you used to live in San Cristobel?
Del: Yep. I had everything there. It's your family, the royals, they took it all. They sent me here.
Cassie: I'm so sorry.
Del: No, you're not. You're as bad as any of them. As bad as Edmund is, as bad as Alonzo was...
Cassie: Was?
Del: Happy Halloween, Princess.
Mallet: I just wish... I don't know. I just wish there was a switch or something we could hit and it would just turn everything back to the way it was.
Dinah: There is no switch. Whatever we had before doesn't exist. If you want to take me back to my room.
Mallet: Dinah, I just don't want you to get hurt or to hurt anybody else.
Dinah: And if I promise you I won't?
Mallet: I want to believe you.
Dinah: But you don't believe anymore, do you? You know what? Neither do I.
Mallet: I'll walk you back to your room.
Dinah: No, don't bother. I know my way back, and the lights are back on.
Edmund: Get your hands off of me, O’Neill.
Guard: What is going on here?
Josh: A man is dead.
Guard: Oh, God.
Jeffrey: Take Edmund and get him locked back in his room.
Edmund: I didn't kill Alonzo. I was nowhere near him when he died. Ask Cassie! Ask Cassie!
Cassie: Look, I get that you have some problems with the royals in San Cristobel. I get that, because I had some problems with them, too. But I haven't been a part of that scene for a really long time.
Del: It's still in your blood. I can prove it.
Cassie: Okay, can we just talk, Mr.
Del: Del.
Cassie: Del, okay. I'm just here with my son.
Del: Another prince.
Cassie: Look, we don't want any trouble, so if you wouldn't mind--
Del: Actually, I would mind.
Edmund: Stay the hell away from her!
Del: Let go of me! Let go of me! I will hurt you, just like I hurt Alonzo.
Cassie: You're hurt.
Edmund: I'll be fine. I'll be fine. How are you?
Cassie: I'm okay. Who was that?
Edmund: The man who killed Alonzo.
Cassie: Killed? Oh, my God. Then you saved my life.
Edmund: Well, then I guess we're even.
Marina: They never came here.
Mallet: No. I think Alex set us up again.
Marina: Yeah. Did you see Dinah?
Mallet: Yeah, I saw her.
Marina: And how is she?
Mallet: Let's just go back to town and try to find Cyrus and Harley, okay?
Marina: All right. It sounds good to me.
Mallet: Where is your jacket?
Marina: I must have left it in the stairwell in the dark.
Guard: Where are you when I needed a cop?
Mallet: Why, what happened?
Guard: Never mind. What are you doing back?
Marina: Back? I never left.
Guard: Yeah, you did. With some little blond girl. Spaulding something.
Dinah: Lizzie Spaulding, you're a hero. Thank you.
Lizzie: Thank you. Marina thinks she is so smart, too bad she doesn’t know that she is the reason that you are on the loose.
Dinah: What do you mean?
Lizzie: On the loose, free.
Dinah: I don’t care, I owe you.
Lizzie: Let's get out of here.
Edmund: I'll be fine. Don't worry about it.
Cassie: Josh!
Jeffrey: How did this happen?
Edmund: The man who pushed Alonzo came after Cassie. He's a disgruntled San Cristobel expatriate named Dilbert.
Will: Where's my dad?
Cassie: I'm so sorry, sweetie he's gone. It was a terrible accident. I'm so sorry.
Josh: You fought him off?
Edmund: Not very well.
Will: Do I have to go back there now?
Cassie: No, no, honey, you're going to go home with us, now.
Will: Could Uncle Edmund come, too?
Josh: No, he has to stay here.
Edmund: We'll talk soon, I promise. We'll see each other soon.
Cassie: Are you ready, Will?
Will: Yeah.
Cassie: Good-bye, Edmund.
Edmund: Good-bye, Cassie, it was great seeing you.
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