Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/29/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Well, I tried to stop Doris, tried to get the Wolfe to reconsider.
Marina: Forget it. It's over.
Mallet: I'm very sorry.
Marina: I'm not. Maybe I made a mistake. My judgment was off.
Mallet: You were in love.
Marina: Hey, if they can take my badge away for that, they can have it.
Mallet: All right. Well, I'll keep the hunt on for Cyrus and Griggs, and I'll keep you posted.
Marina: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just because I don't have my badge anymore doesn't mean I'm going to sit this one out.
Frank: Oh, man. I tried to get a minute with Doris Wolfe, see what I could do about this and uh...
Marina: Don't worry about it. I'm okay.
Mallet: Yeah, she's okay.
Frank: Well, you know what? I'm not actually okay with this. As a matter of fact, I'm going to get every officer on this force to make a statement on your behalf. We are going to bury them in paperwork. And trust me, honey, I'm going to get your badge back.
Marina: You don't have to do that.
Frank: I'm going to start with Aunt Harley, but I can't find her. Have you talked to her lately?
Marina: She's busy.
Mallet: She's working on a case.
Frank: Okay, you two, what's going on?
Marina: Harley agreed to help me when I was in the hospital, she's looking for Cyrus.
Harley: No help. What?
Cyrus: I'm bored.
Harley: We're freezing, we're starving. Down with this building, and you're bored.
Cyrus: Yeah. Let's play rock, paper, scissors. Don't do that. Come on.
Harley: What? What?
Cyrus: Rock, paper, scissors. Rock, I win.
Harley: I didn't throw anything.
Cyrus: Well, we'll throw again.
Harley: What are we playing for? ( Sirens wailing )
Cyrus: We're playing for your house.
Harley: This is it.
Cyrus: Get ready to throw.
Harley: Cyrus, it's happening.
Cyrus: If you forfeit, I win. Harley, come on. Ready?
Harley: What do I win?
Cyrus: You get to keep your house.
Harley: That's a bogus prize.
Cyrus: What?
Harley: That's a bogus prize. Oh, my God. Please take care of my children. Please take care of my children.
Cyrus: Ready? Rock, paper, scissors. I win. I'm going to paint your whole house orange and blue.
Harley: Best two out of three.
Cyrus: Now you're talking.
Harley: This is it. This is it.
Cyrus: Harley, best two out of three. ( Explosion )
Ava: ( Screams ) ( laughing ) I'm sorry.
Olivia: That's okay. We have more of them. Come here. I can't believe you're turning seven.
Emma: When does everybody getting here?
Olivia: You mean when do all of the presents get here? You should go get ready. So I was hoping you had a date tonight.
Ava: Well, Coop is not here tonight, but maybe soon. Ashley stood him up.
Olivia: And you were there to comfort him. That's my girl.
Ava: Yeah, well it wasn't exactly like that, but...
Olivia: Okay, tell me later. Hi, welcome!
Ava: Okay.
Rick: Hey!
Beth: Hi! I hope we're not too early.
Olivia: No, no. You're just in time. Your sister is in the other room. You want to go say hi.
Rick: Oh, this party is all he's talked about all week.
Olivia: I'm sorry, come in.
Bellhop: This just arrived downstairs.
Olivia: Oh, Emma is not going to know what to do with all of this new stuff.
Beth: Well, I'm sure she'll figure it out. That's a pretty package. Who sent that?
Olivia: I'm going to take a peek?
Beth: A parent's privilege. ( Laughter ) Olivia?
Olivia: It's from Phillip.
Alan: Natalia, I thought you and I were friends.
Natalia: We are.
Alan: Then why did I have to find out that you were thinking about moving out, from Hilda and Jeremy?
Natalia: I wasn't keeping that from you.
Alan: Were you afraid I might try to talk you out of it?
Natalia: You know, so much has been going on.
Alan: I know that. All the more reason for you to stay here, surrounded by people who can support you and Rafael.
Natalia: How can I put this?
Alan: What? Tell it to me straight. That's the way I like it. You know that.
Natalia: Well, Gus' room is right next to my room, and, you know, technically, he's still a married man.
Alan: Is that all?
Natalia: It's not a small thing. You know, and Rafe...
Alan: Look, I understand. I understand. You want to be a good example for Raphael, and I admire that. But don't forget, this is a very big house. As a matter of fact, I have an idea. Why don't we have your things moved out to the guesthouse? You'll have your independence there, yet you'll still be a part of the house. As a matter of fact, it faces my suite. So if there are any problems, I'll be right there.
Gus: Hello. Just the usual stuff from the station. Things to look out for, that kind of stuff.
Anne: Gus, I heard about you and Harley.
Gus: Try not to sound so happy, Anne.
Anne: Sir, what happened? I need some help here!
( Debris falling )
Gus: Nat, hi. Dad.
Alan: Son.
Natalia: Did you need me?
Gus: I made a decision, but I didn't ask you, so I hope you'll like it.
Natalia: What did you do?
Gus: I had the staff move your stuff to the pool house. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. And I was thinking about you and Rafe...
Natalia: Alan was just saying that.
Gus: If you don't want me to...
Natalia: I was trying to tell you that he was thinking the same thing, but he offered me the guesthouse.
Alan: It is just sitting there empty.
Natalia: But if you have already started moving things, I can go with the pool house idea. Is that okay for you?
Alan: Yes, Natalia. Whatever is best for you.
Gus: I was just be picking the pool house...
Natalia: Because it is next to the pool.
Gus: You're funny. No. Because I was next to the pool. And if you needed anything or if Rafe needed anything...
Alan: Well, it looks like you have thought this through, so if you will excuse me, it looks like I'll be going to my granddaughter's party.
Beth: Is this really from Phillip?
Olivia: This can't be happening.
Beth: It is certainly his handwriting.
Emma: Daddy sent me something?
Olivia: You know what, sweetheart, why don't you open it and see what daddy sent you? Ava is going to help you.
Bellhop: Is there something wrong, Ms. Spencer?
Olivia: The present you brought up. Who did it come from?
Bellhop: It came through the regular delivery service.
Rick: There had to be a return address.
Bellhop: There wasn't one.
Olivia: Go. What do you know about this? Is he coming after Emma?
Rick: Why are you asking me?
Olivia: You know him better than anyone.
Rick: I haven't seen him for a year. I haven't a clue.
Olivia: We have to have a clue, because we don't know what he is planning.
Beth: Maybe it's nothing! I'm just saying, you never know.
Frank: Let me get this straight. You're telling me that Harley is out on the streets all by herself looking for the most dangerous guy in this town?
Mallet: Frank, if he is in town.
Frank: You're not helping, Mallet.
Marina: I would have been out there myself if I could have been.
Frank: The point is: Who has talked to Harley? Oh, that's just great.
Marina: She said she would call when she found something.
Frank: Exactly when was the last time you tried to reach her?
Marina: Early today.
Frank: I've been trying to reach her since yesterday. If you two had told me sooner, I could have pushed the panic button a lot faster!
Officer: Chief, Cedars just called. They have an unidentified male walking in. Could be an assault.
Frank: I do not need this now. I need everybody to try to find my sister! I cannot believe you two did not tell me what was going on.
Alexandra: Excuse me. Can you help me? I was supposed to have a hospital board meeting, and they said it isn't going to be in the same place.
Nurse: Sorry, can’t. He's in here.
Doctor: What happened to this guy?
Beth: I'm going to go check and make sure the kids are getting along.
Olivia: Well, the delivery service doesn't know anything.
Rick: Well, that figures.
Olivia: It figures if he's up to something. Otherwise what's the mystery
Rick: He could face charges if he shows up in this town. Why would he do that?
Olivia: Why aren't you more upset?
Rick: I am upset about this, and so is my wife.
Olivia: Rick, you are the one who kept his secret the last time.
Rick: I did it then. I'm not going to do it again.
Olivia: Am I supposed to trust you?
Rick: We need to stick together on this.
Olivia: So he is not going to come back for the kids like he did the last time?
Rick: Until we know for sure.
Olivia: I don't mind saying this, but I'm scared.
Rick: He's had a long, long time to think about this. I just wish I knew what he was thinking.
Alan: Are we celebrating my granddaughter's birthday out here in the hall?
Olivia: Alan. No. Everyone is inside.
Alan: Well, Rick, is Beth in there?
Rick: Yes, yes, and so is James.
Alan: Great.
Olivia: You should know something before you go in there.
Alan: Know what?
Olivia: I'm sure it's natural, but Emma, it's her birthday; she has been asking about Phillip a lot.
Alan: Just like that, out of the blue?
Rick: What's out of the blue? He is the little girl's father.
Alan: What did you tell her?
Olivia: I changed the subject.
Alan: That's probably the right thing to do right now.
Rick: So you think that's what we should do, we should keep pretending that Phillip doesn't exist?
Alan: No, no, I'm not saying that at all. Why the concern all of a sudden?
Olivia: Nothing. It's just that you have a very unique perspective, that's all.
Rick: And maybe you know a lot more than you're telling us about Phillip.
Alan: What would I know?
Beth: Alan. Did they tell you Phillip sent Emma a birthday present out of the blue? Who would have expected that?
Alan: Well, apparently I would have. I think that's what you two have been fishing to find out.
Marina: Where is he going?
Frank: I'm dividing the city into grids. I'm assigning two officers per grid.
Marina: That's great, as long as every one of them is actually working for you.
Frank: If you're referring to Myers, he was a dirty cop and he is gone.
Marina: Okay, so where do I go?
Frank: Unfortunately, you don't have your badge anymore.
Marina: Since when does that make a difference? Oh, come on, I'm looking for my aunt, who I put in harm's way.
Frank: It's not that simple.
Marina: You don't want me out there because of Cyrus.
Frank: That's true. Doris took your badge, and if I send you out there, she might take mine. I want to make sure I do this search right.
Marina: So I can't believe you wouldn't want every person out there.
Frank: You can man the desk, work the phones, develop some leads. That's the best that I can do right now. I'm sorry.
Marina: Oh, work the phones, develop some leads.
Mallet: That's something.
Marina: He sticks by the book even when it’s...
Mallet: Especially when.
Marina: Do you think Harley is okay?
Mallet: Do you mean everything is your fault? No.
Marina: I'm the one who asked her to go.
Mallet: Harley does what she wants when she wants. On her own time. She made a choice. So our job is to back her up and bring her in safely. If she's in trouble.
Marina: See, that's your job. My job is man the desk, take some calls, get some leads. Look at this desk. It's just the picture of organization, isn't it?
Mallet: I'm...
Marina: What is this? Tobias came in here early and said something to my dad about a man who just turned himself in at Cedars or something.
Mallet: I don't know. I'm cleaning my desk.
Marina: Tall, African-American man with a distinguishing scar on his head, nice clothes. Sound familiar?
Mallet: Yeah, Griggs. I'm there.
Marina: And I'm coming.
Doctor: I need you to write this up. I'm calling for a consult. He may have internal injuries.
Alexandra: For a moment, I thought you...
Griggs: Ah, hey. Who's got more lives than a cat, huh?
Alexandra: What happened?
Griggs: Well, they thought they could beat me, that's what happened.
Alexandra: What?
Griggs: They were wrong.
Alexandra: Just tell me, tell me.
Griggs: I fell, a hole in the floor.
Alexandra: What hole, where?
Griggs: It's not there anymore.
Alexandra: Would you just tell me what happened to Cyrus?
Griggs: Oh, they're gone, both of them.
Alexandra: What do you mean, gone? Griggs, escaped, what?
Griggs: No, I mean gone. The church blew up, and that was that.
Alexandra: What do you mean? An explosion? No. That means St. Michael's today, it was scheduled for demolition.
Griggs: They were locked up inside. Look, I know you kind of dug the guy, but God only knows why. It's time to move on. There is no way they made it out of that blast, no way.
Natalia: Thanks for coming down here with me.
Gus: No problem. We can go by Emma’s birthday party any time.
Natalia: I've been coming here for just a few months.
Gus: Father Ray did a great job taking care of it, but it was old. It's always sad, though, when a church comes down. It's like a death in the family. Sorry, that was a little morbid.
Natalia: No, I think you got it right.
Gus: You know, I was thinking to myself that when people do demolitions like this, if they're careful, they get everybody out.
Natalia: Oh, I'm sure they're really thorough.
Gus: Yeah, I'm sure they're thorough. It must be like just ghosts and spirits. All right. I guess we should get out of here.
Natalia: All right. Good-bye, church. ( Cell phone rings )
Gus: I should get this. Hey, Frank, what's up?
Frank: Gus, listen, I know it's your day off.
Gus: That's all right. You need me to come in?
Frank: Have you spoken to Harley lately?
Gus: No, not in a couple of days. Why?
Frank: We've been trying to track her down. She's on a case. We're actually working together. I don't want you to get worried about anything, especially if it turns out to be nothing, but I could really use your help.
Gus: Just say the word. You want to tell me what's up?
Frank: I'd rather not, not yet. Gus, listen, if you should happen to talk to her...
Gus: Yeah, I'll try to get in touch with you right away. --With her right away. Hmm.
Natalia: Something wrong?
Gus: I hope not. Let's get out of here. Careful.
Alexandra: Griggs, tell me, are you sure about this? There's no way out?
Griggs: No way out. They're gone. It's not such a bad thing for you, huh?
Marina: Alexandra?
Mallet: What are you doing here?
Alexandra: Nothing. I... I thought I had a board meeting.
Marina: Is he here?
Alexandra: Who?
Mallet: Griggs. The one who's hurt, is it Griggs?
Marina: What did he tell you? What did he say? Where are Harley and Cyrus?
Alexandra: He didn't actually tell me anything, really.
Gus: Are you sure it was Phillip?
Natalia: Why is everyone so worried?
Olivia: We have our reasons.
Alan: Yes, reasons that have some people seeing conspiracy everywhere they look.
Olivia: We just had to be sure you weren't involved, Alan.
Rick: It wouldn't be that surprising, Alan.
Gus: Phillip didn't want to hurt any of the children, just us. Maybe there's a lead and we can find out where it was purchased.
Olivia: Go, inside. Help yourself.
Rick: This has been terribly fun.
Olivia: You don't want him anywhere near this place. Wait.
Alan: I told you I have no idea what happened.
Olivia: I need a promise from you.
Alan: What kind of promise?
Olivia: This is your granddaughter, and I know you love her, Alan. If Phillip does come back and he tries to do something...
Alan: You want my protection?
Olivia: Can I count on you?
Alan: Of course you can count on me. But I need your help with something also.
Rick: Yes, flap those wings, James. Higher and higher, and they land. Okay. Here you go. Tell you what, why don't you go get us a table and hold onto it for dear life, okay? Right over there.
Beth: So, um, that jewelry box that Phillip sent Emma, that was pretty nice.
Rick: Yeah, it's very nice.
Beth: He always had good taste.
Rick: Yeah.
Beth: You haven't heard from him, too, have you?
Rick: Of course not.
Beth: I'm just asking.
Rick: I told you, if I had heard something, I would have told you.
Beth: Okay.
Rick: Well, I've given this moment a lot of thought, him coming back. I've run all these scenarios in my head: What I would do if he did this and how I would react if he did that.
Beth: What kind of scenarios are you talking about?
Rick: Beth, when you're friends for as long as Phillip and I have been, and things end as badly as they did, things just change.
Beth: He wasn't himself back then. And... and...
Rick: Beth.
Beth: I know it’s taken a long time for you to get over...
Rick: I don't know how to react to any of this, okay? On one hand, it's perfectly normal for him to send a birthday present to his daughter, and on the other hand, it's just not normal. And it's unsettling to me.
Beth: I understand that.
Rick: I don't understand... I don't know what you think about of this. You're acting so calm about everything.
Beth: Well, I think that, yes, I mean, granted, if he is still troubled, then we need to protect our kids. We need to be prepared.
Rick: Well, I know you're concerned about the children. It's just...
Beth: What?
Rick: It's not about how the children or Phillip feel, Beth, if Phillip were to come back, how would that make you feel?
Olivia: Bye, thanks for coming.
Emma: Thanks for coming, bye.
Gus: We want to thank you you, too, and say happy birthday.
Natalia: Thank you. We had fun.
Emma: Thanks for the present.
Gus: You're welcome. You're very, very welcome. See you later.
Olivia: Okay.
Gus: There is nothing on the present that indicated anything. But I'm going to keep digging.
Olivia: Thank you.
Ava: Is it okay if I take Emma downstairs so we can try out some of her new toys on the beach?
Olivia: That's a good idea. Just keep an eye on her. You stay with Ava. I don't get the deal, Alan.
Alan: I made it very clear. I don't want you to marry Gus. I just want you to make yourself available to him. I'm sure if you did, he would find you as beautiful and intriguing as I did once.
Olivia: You want me to be a wedge between Gus and Natalia?
Alan: Wedge. I like that.
Olivia: Alan, they were childhood sweethearts. Harley is out of the picture. Why not just give him a chance?
Alan: I did give him a chance. He couldn't make up his mind about Harley.
Olivia: Nobody moves fast enough when it comes to Harley!
Alan: I was rooting for Natalia and Gus at one point, but the water has been poisoned. I'm not so sure they would make it in the long run.
Olivia: Are you so sure you're going to get what you want?
Alan: I don't know what Phillip wants and neither do you. I will protect you, I promise. But I think you're going to help me because you're very motivated.
Olivia: I get it, Alan. I get it. What if I'm not his type?
Alan: Olivia, you're everyone's type when you want to be. Emma, give your granddad a hug. Happy birthday, sweetheart. I want you to do your boss a favor. Go down to McGuire Street, to the antique store down there.
Ava: Okay, I know the one.
Alan: I want you to find a very old cross with a lot of character, one that has been used.
Ava: Okay. Are you planning on warding off vampires?
Alan: No, because they avoid me.
Gus: What a day. They sock you from the left, they sock you from the right. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Natalia: Are you going to check in at the station?
Gus: Frank said he would handle it. I'm sure it'll be okay.
Natalia: You know, you're allowed to be worried about Harley in front of me. You don't have to squash your feelings for my sake. I need... you know, I need some time to figure out things... us.
Gus: If there's ever going to be an "us."
Natalia: We made a mistake that night, and I don't know when the fallout stops, but...
Gus: You know, you don't have to say anything. You're worried about Rafe, and you want to set the right example. It's good.
Natalia: I'm worried about all of us, Nick. I had a nice time with you today. Thank you for coming with me to the church.
Gus: Well, thank you for coming with me to the party. I enjoyed myself.
Marina: What are they doing to him in there?
Mallet: I don't know. Still trying to figure out what happened to him, I guess.
Marina: Do you believe she didn't talk to Griggs? Because I don't believe she didn't talk to him.
Alexandra: The doctors have been with him ever since he got there. How could he really talk to me?
Doctor: Hey, hey, hey.
Marina: Where are they? What did you do with them? Where are Harley and Cyrus? Wake up, damn it!
Doctor: Don't handle the patient that way.
Mallet: Doc, he's a criminal first, a patient second. Wake him up.
Doctor: No, I can't do that.
Marina: We need to talk to him!
Doctor: I really can't do that because he's in a coma. This patient has nothing to say to you right now.
Beth: If Phillip wanted to come back-- and I don't know who could stop him if that's what he wanted-- but he would have to answer for some things. People will insist on it. I will insist on it.
Rick: Beth, it's Phillip.
Beth: Oh, okay, so that means I will just let him off the hook. Everybody will just let him off the hook. Well, there is answering for things in the legal sense, and the second is answering for things in a personal sense. And the second is a lot harder.
Rick: Oh, is it?
Beth: Yes, it is. Come on, come on. Yes, I hope that Phillip is better. I really do. But either way, it doesn't change things for us, okay? It doesn't change things for us or for our baby.
Rick: I know. And I won't let it change anything.
Olivia: Hi.
Gus: Hey, I just saw you.
Olivia: Yeah. I didn't have time to talk to you.
Gus: About what, Phillip?
Olivia: It was hard at the party, and I didn't want Emma to worry about things, so I just kept everything away from her, but the truth is...
Gus: What?
Olivia: I'm freaking out.
Gus: Okay. Listen. We're going to be okay. Last time we didn't know what was coming. This time we're ready for him.
Olivia: I don't know that.
Gus: You know what you don't know? At Spaulding Enterprises, we have an entire floor of lawyers, just sit there shooting spitballs at each other.
Olivia: I don't need a lawyer, Gus.
Gus: Then what?
Olivia: I need a friend I can count on. I need protection.
Gus: You have that. You have that. Okay? All right? Okay.
Alan: Well, did you get moved into the pool house all right?
Natalia: Well, bit by bit. I didn't want the staff doing everything.
Alan: And I've been thinking about you. I have something here I want to show you. I kept it in this brown bag just to protect it.
Natalia: Oh, it's really beautiful.
Alan: It was a gift to me from Gus’ mother, Lucia. She was a very religious woman. I never knew what to do with it. I thought you might like to put it in your new room.
Natalia: No, no, I can't keep this. You should keep this.
Alan: Please, I would love to share this with you.
Mallet: All right, Frank's up to date.
Marina: So is he going to wake up?
Doctor: Maybe, maybe not.
Mallet: Did he say anything? Did he mumble anything?
Doctor: He suffered serious trauma. That's all I know. He came in under his own power barely and fell to the floor. Once he's stable, we're going to wheel him into surgery and see what we can repair.
Mallet: Right. And after that, it's anyone's guess.
Doctor: I'm sorry. I'd help you out if I could.
Marina: We're not done here yet. You talked to him.
Alexandra: What?
Marina: You're crying. You wouldn't have anything to cry about if you didn't talk to him.
Alexandra: Don't you ever just feel like crying? I'm exhausted with everything that has happened. I don't know where my husband is. I guess I do know that even if I found him, I've lost him to you.
Marina: Stop with the act.
Alexandra: Oh, why is it so easy to assume that I have no feelings? Is that why it was so easy for you to go after Cyrus in the first place?
Mallet: All right, that's enough.
Alexandra: It sure as hell is. Let me know what you find out. I'd be so curious to know.
Marina: Where are they?
Mallet: We'll find them. We'll find both of them.
Marina: In what condition, Mallet? How am I supposed to tell Harley’s kids that she... that it's my fault that she's missing?
Alexandra: Oh! Oh. Oh. Everything is rubble. It's all rubble.
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