Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/24/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Okay, then Tuesday it is. Yes, I know the rules. The new guy pays, right? (Laughs) Okay. Right. Okay, thank you. Bye-bye. Wow. Fellowship week, whatever that is, it's going to be a lot of work.
Cassie: Yeah? So should we reschedule?
Josh: Wait a minute, what time's your appointment?
Cassie: It's in, like, 15 minutes. But if you're too busy...
Josh: No, no, no, not at all. After everything you've done to help me make this place my own, are you kidding me?
Cassie: Josh, it's not like you owe me.
Josh: Hey, that's not what I'm trying to say here. It's, uh... you want this so I want this.
Cassie: Well, there's no guarantee.
Josh: Cassie, we're going to have a baby together. (Laughs)
Cassie: Okay, you may be a miracle worker but if we don't get there in 15 minutes...
Josh: All right, all right all right, I'm going, I'm ready, I'm ready. Let's go. Let's go, go, go, go! You know, you can look at pictures if you want.
Cassie: What pictures?
Josh: The ones you keep in your purse of R.J. and Will and Tammy. I know you're thinking about her today.
Cassie: I'm not trying to replace Tammy, you know. It wouldn't be fair to our baby.
Josh: Forget fair, it's just human, that's all. Ever since you had to give up Will and then losing Tammy...
Cassie: Well, I have R.J. You know, no matter what happens-even if I can never have another child, I love that little boy with all my heart.
Josh: (Laughs) I know you do. But I also know that you're missing your bigger family.
Nurse: Um...Mr. And Mrs. Lewis?
Cassie: Yeah, uh...
Nurse: Dr. Fields will see you now.
Doctor Fields: First, let me say that we make advances in the field of fertility all the time. We've come a long way since doctors told you could never carry a child to term.
Cassie: So you think there's a good chance that I could become pregnant?
Doctor Fields: There's a chance.
Josh: But there's also a possibility that she might not be able to?
Doctor Fields: Cassie, you have a condition called endometriosis. In your case, the scarring of the uterus is severe.
Cassie: Yeah, I know, I know what I have, Doctor. The question is can you do something about it?
Doctor Fields: Well, there's a procedure called a Laparotomy.
Josh: A surgery?
Doctor Fields: Uh-huh. We remove the scar tissue and if all goes well, Cassie may be able to sustain a pregnancy.
Cassie: May...may.
Doctor Fields: Well, I can't promise, but we've had excellent results. Now, I could schedule for tomorrow and you could go home the same day.
Josh: Wow, tomorrow. Um... don't you want to think about this a little bit?
Cassie: What are the odds?
Doctor Fields: Well, we've come a long way, but I won't lie to you, Cassie. You've got a lot working against you.
Josh: Yeah, well we've got a lot working for us, too.
Josh: When you wake up...
Cassie: Will you be here?
Josh: You're kind of stuck with me. (Sigh)
Reva: Hey, stranger. What's up?
Josh: Um, how did you know?
Reva: Know what? I'm here for a Cancer Research Foundation meeting. What are you stalking me, Joshua?
Josh: (Laughs) No, no. I just thought...
Reva: Oh, you know what? I forgot. I have pictures. Fabulous pictures of our daughter Marah at the spring fashion show in Paris.
Josh: (Laughs) Oh, man.
Reva: What about that daughter of ours? Spring fashions in the fall, fall fashions in the spring.
Josh: She's so beautiful.
Reva: This is where you say how much she looks like her mom.
Josh: Yes, she does.
Reva: Thank you.
Josh: I forget sometimes how much I miss them.
Reva: Oh, you haven't said why you're here. You're okay, right?
Josh: Yes, I'm...I'm fine. It's Cassie, actually. Uh, she's not, uh, sick or anything, she's just, uh...
Reva: She's what?
Josh: You know how much she wanted to have another baby?
Reva: And how much you don’t. Yes.
Josh: Right. Well, we've, uh, had a change of heart.
Reva: We?
Josh: I have. In fact, she's in surgery right now, or going into surgery, anyway. Dr. Fields, uh, he's going to try to correct the problem that keeps her from carrying a pregnancy.
Reva: Ah, a Laparotomy.
Josh: You know about it?
Reva: Yes, I actually did a feature on it on my TV show. Doesn't always work.
Josh: We know that. But she... I mean we want to do everything we possibly can.
Reva: You're doing it again.
Josh: Doing what?
Reva: Well, it's just like the time you went to prison for her, only this time you're giving up your life so that she can have her baby.
Josh: Wait a minute. Wait a minute, you can't possibly compare...
Reva: Can't I? How can I not compare? Are you really willing to go through fertility tests and surgery and whatever else comes next? I mean, would you do that if it were up to you?
Josh: It's called marriage.
Reva: I've experienced marriage on several occasions, thank you.
Josh: I know that, Reva. I didn't mean anything by that, okay?
Reva: The point is, you haven't had a change of heart. You're just putting her needs ahead of your own.
Josh: Like she's done for me a couple of hundred times.
Reva: You know, I don't know whether to call you a saint or a sap.
Josh: Reva... having kids was the greatest thing that ever happened in my life. I kind of like the idea of a new one. I'll see you.
Reva: Well, thanks for giving me the heads up.
(Beeping) (laughter)
Tammy: Whose turn is it to be it? Will? R.J.?
R.J.: Mom! You, Mom!
Cassie: Me? Why is it always me? Oh, my gosh.
Tammy: No peeking.
Cassie: I don't peek. I'm not a peeker.
Tammy: Spin her. One, two, three.
Cassie: (Laughs) Okay. All right, ready or not, here I come.
Tammy: Little hint. Okay. (Laughter)
Tammy: You are cold, Mom! You are so cold right now.
Cassie: Oh, that's not fair. (Monkey screeches)
Cassie: What do we have, monkeys? (Pig snorts) Oh, pigs, I hear pigs.
Tammy: I told you these brothers of mine are animals.
R.J.: Look who's talking.
Will: Yeah, look.
Tammy: Grow up, Will.
Cassie: Oh, Tammy, don't even say that. I don't want you to grow up for a second. I want you stay just as you are. Oh, I got you! I got you! (Laughter)
Tammy: Okay. Whose turn is it to be it? R.J., why don't you take off the blindfold? R.J.? What's wrong? We've got to go.
Cassie: Where do you have to go? We're just playing.
Tammy: Come on, boys, quickly. I mean it, out of here.
Cassie: Tammy, where are you taking the boys?
Tammy: Away from here, away from him.
Cassie: Who?
Tammy: Alan. He's coming after us.
Cassie: Tammy? R.J., Will, wait! Wait! Don't run away. Come back! I'll protect you! No! Stay away from my children!
Beth: Cassie, Cassie, hey, no one is going to hurt your children.
Cassie: Oh, Beth.
Beth: Rick said that I could come in and say hi while Josh was calling R.J.
Cassie: Surgery. The surgery.
Beth: Rick, uh... Rick said that Dr. Fields will have the results tomorrow.
Cassie: Uh. More waiting.
Beth: Well I'm certainly no doctor, but this seems like a good first step to me.
Cassie: Yeah. A baby.
Beth: I want this for you.
Cassie: Thanks. Yeah, me, too.
Beth: If this works, our youngest could be...could be really close friends.
Cassie: Really? I don't know.
Beth: Come on. You've got to be positive about this surgery. You know, before you know it, you could look like me.
Cassie: No, I mean you and Alan.
Beth: Alan? What about Alan?
Cassie: He's always after the children. He's always after them.
Beth: You're thinking about Tammy.
Cassie: Your children, my children. But don't worry, Beth. We won't let them take away our babies.
Beth: No, no, no, no, no, no. Alan... Alan couldn't do that. Why would he want to?
Cassie: He's dangerous. When he finds out your baby's his.
Beth: Cassie... Cassie, you just said that...
Cassie: Kids. We're gonna play...
Beth: No, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie... you just said this baby isn't Rick’s. Cassie, you said... Cassie!
Nurse: Mrs. Bauer?
Beth: Yes... yes, of course.
Rick: So, uh... how's R.J.?
Josh: Uh, he's worried about his mom. But, you know, he doesn't know exactly what's going on, so...
Rick: Right. Don't want to get his hopes up about having a brother or sister possibly?
Josh: His or Cassie’s.
Rick: Yeah. She really wants to have this baby, doesn't she?
Josh: We both do. At first I wasn't really into it. You know, a new job and I've got a lot going on. And I'm old. (Laughs)
Rick: I'm old, too, young fella. We're both old.
Josh: But then I started thinking about it and I kind of like the idea now. I just think a baby... how could a baby not make our life better?
Rick: Yeah, well, it has for me. You know, it's worked out for me, too, thanks to you and Cassie.
Josh: Right. What's done is done. I'm still not sure that was the right thing but for Cassie’s sake -- Beth!
Rick: Hey, sweetie.
Josh: What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Cassie?
Beth: No, no, no... I'm sorry. She's fine. She's, um, coming out of it slowly.
Rick: Sweetheart, are you okay? Something wrong?
Beth: It's, it's just, um... I'm sure it's just the anesthesia. She doesn't know what she's saying.
Josh: Cassie?
Rick: What did she say exactly?
Beth: (Sighs) It’s... it's stupid. She just... she said that the baby isn't yours, that it's Alan’s. See? This is silly. I mean, why would she say something like that, right?
Rick: Why? Well, sweetheart, you said it yourself, because of the anesthesia. Now, come on, I'm a doctor, I know that stuff makes you say some really strange things.
Beth: Just why did she say that of all things?
Rick: Well maybe she was dreaming or maybe in her head she thought you were Alan. There were all kinds of possibilities.
Beth: She's never said anything to you like that, right, Josh?
Josh: No. No, I can't imagine... I think Rick must be right. She must be, uh... dreaming.
Rick: Exactly.
Cassie: R.J.
R.J.: Josh called. He said they were fixing something.
Cassie: Oh, yeah. It's just like, you know, when we take the car in the shop to get something fixed. It's no big deal.
R.J.: Yeah, that's what Josh said. But I know when he's treating me like a kid, so I road my bike over.
Cassie: You did? Did you tell Mrs. Chitwood?
R.J.: I left her a note. You're my mom.
Cassie: And you're my brave boy.
R.J.: What's wrong?
Cassie: Oh, honey, there's nothing wrong. We just... you know, the doctors thought that this could help me to have a baby. Wouldn't you like to have a new little brother or sister?
R.J.: Bobby Hendrix has a new dog.
Cassie: (Laughs) Dogs are nice, sweetie, but... won't you miss the way things were before, with Will and Tammy there?
R.J.: You mean I'm not enough?
Cassie: No, honey, don't you ever think that. Don't you ever think that. You mean everything to me and to Josh. That's not it. We just... we just want to have an even bigger family. That would give you someone else to love and to count on and, you know, someone to grow up, grow up loving you.
Beth: I guess I'm just being paranoid. (Laughs)
Rick: Sweetheart, you're allowed to be paranoid. You're expecting a child, okay? You're also allowed to have your cravings for jalapeños and pancakes.
Beth: Hmm, pancakes. Yeah, speaking of which, that sounds good. I think I'll go have some and I'm clear my head. So, um, give Cassie a hug for me, Dad.
Josh: I will. Thank you.
Rick: Thanks for covering for me.
Josh: You mean lying.
Rick: A necessary lie. Or maybe you would rather Cassie go to jail for switching the DNA.
Josh: Rick, is that some kind of a threat? Come on.
Rick: No, Josh, it's just reminding you what's at stake.
Josh: I know what's at stake. If I didn't know what was at stake... R.J.
R.J.: Don't be mad, she wants to see you.
Cassie: That boy of mine.
Josh: Yeah, yeah. Boy, I'm not the disciplinarian I used to be. Instead of punishing him I gave him five bucks for ice cream.
Cassie: (Laughs) That's okay. I think he's just... he's just worried about his mom.
Josh: He's not the only one.
Cassie: Why? Why? Why what did the doctors say?
Josh: We'll know more tomorrow.
Cassie: Okay. Well, then what is it?
Josh: You don't remember?
Cassie: I remember R.J. visiting me.
Rick: Right.
Cassie: Before that...
Josh: Beth.
Cassie: Right. It was Beth. Beth came. That was really nice of her to check in on me.
Josh: Cassie, you really don't remember what you said to Beth? You told her that Rick is not the baby's father, that Alan is.
Cassie: Oh, my God, no, I did not. No!
Josh: It's okay. It's all right. Rick went into damage control. He convinced her it was because of the medication.
Cassie: Oh, my God, no. What did you say?
Josh: I guess I could have told her the truth, maybe I should have told her the truth, but...
Cassie: But you didn’t. I'm sorry. I keep asking you to sacrifice little pieces of yourself for me.
Josh: That's okay. It's not that drastic. It's not like I want that child to grow up with Alan as a father.
Cassie: But you did it for met just like you're willing to have this baby for me. You would have told her the truth.
Josh: Cassie, Cassie, it's okay. We make choices. We live with them.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Josh: Positive.
Josh: "Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, pure, pleasing, commendable, if there is any excellence and if there's anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Cassie: How's it going?
Josh: Well, I have till Sunday.
Cassie: "Whatever's true, whatever's just..."
Josh: It's amazing, you know. Sometimes that weekly text hits me right between the eyes.
Cassie: You're true and just.
Josh: So were you. You did what you thought was right for that child.
Cassie: Even if it goes against everything you believe in?
Josh: I believe in us. I believe in you. I believe in that baby we're going to have.
Doctor Fields: The Laparotomy was even more successful than we'd hoped?
Cassie: So there's nothing to prevent me from becoming pregnant?
Doctor Fields: Oh, you still have a long way to go. We'll start the IVF on the next cycle. Now Cassie, you've been through this before with the injections and the pills. We need you to come in a couple times a week. Now we're hoping this takes place the first time, but I'm willing to keep trying as long as you are. Getting pregnant is going to be a lot of hard work. I won't lie and no guarantees.
Josh: Hey, we'll deal with that if and when we have to. Right?
Doctor Fields: Well, I've prepared some literature to guide you through the process. It's, uh... just a little light reading so you can catch up to your wife.
Josh: (Sighs) I feel like I'm a kid back at school carrying your books for you. But then again, now that I think about it, you probably weren't the kind of girl that let a boy carry your books.
Cassie: I don't want to do it.
Josh: Do what?
Cassie: The testing, the injections, the monitoring, the whole long complicated thing. I don't want to do it.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute now. I know it seems daunting right now, but it's going to be fine. We'll go through it together.
Cassie: That's exactly deciding factor for me. You're willing to sacrifice your time and your responsibilities, your dreams for the small chance of mine happening.
Josh: Cassie, it's not a sacrifice, I've told you that.
Cassie: But it is a sacrifice. Just like it was a sacrifice for you to not tell Beth the truth about me switching the test results and it's a sacrifice for you to go to jail for me when you thought I shot Alan. You're always put me first and this is a marriage, so now it's my turn to put you first.
Josh: You do! Come here, sit down with me, okay? Look, you've been with me 100% ever since I decided to become a preacher.
Cassie: Please, be honest. I do not make it easy for you. I make you... compromise your principles.
Josh: You don't make me do anything. You're my wife. You come first before everything else.
Cassie: Yeah, well, you're my husband and you come first before everything else for me.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Cassie... Cassie just...
Cassie: I want you to focus on the church and your job and your congregation.
Josh: What about you? What about what you want? Are you telling me that you're going to just take your dreams, you're going to stuff them in some drawer somewhere? You're going to give up on your desire to have a child?
Cassie: I don't have to give up on anything. It doesn’t... it doesn't have to be a newborn. I've made up my mind. I want to try to get Will back.
Josh: If this is because you think you don't deserve to have...
Cassie: No, I do deserve to have a child, my own. The one I had to send away.
Josh: Will.
Cassie: I know originally I thought it was best for him to grow up with his father in the palace where he can take his rightful place.
Josh: So what's changed?
Cassie: Well, first it was just a feeling, little hints in his phone calls, the e-mails.
Josh: Is he unhappy or home sick or...
Cassie: I think it's more than being home sick. Last time I saw him he was quiet and just so turned in on himself, and that's not Will.
Josh: Well, I'm guessing it's not easy to be a prince.
Cassie: Just a little boy away from his whole family.
Josh: He's with his father.
Cassie: Yeah, that's another thing. Alonzo is completely preoccupied. I guess the island wants to end the monarchy for good.
Josh: I... I thought Alonzo didn't care about the crown and you know, stuff like that.
Cassie: I guess it's growing on him.
Josh: Well, that's too bad.
Cassie: He takes off for weeks at a time. He lives Will alone in that palace with his tutors and his nannies and then he comes back and trots him out like a prop just to argue for the future of the crown.
Josh: Wow. How is it that Alonzo has changed so much?
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know and I don't care, but if he's using my son...
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. You realize what you're talking about here, right? I mean, you signed legal documents. You gave up your rights to that boy. He's his biological father.
Cassie: Yeah, well, that's what lawyers are for, right? To find loopholes.
Josh: (Sighs)
Cassie: What?
Josh: I was just thinking, you know, what's worse? A year of fertility injections or lunch with a lawyer?
Cassie: Josh...
Josh: I'm kidding. It's a joke. This is going to be a fight. But I'm ready for it.
Cassie: And you don't think I'm asking for too much?
Josh: I think you want what's best for your son and that's not asking too much. And besides, it's, uh... been a long time since I've had a good fight with a prince, you know what I'm saying?
Cassie: I love you, but in that case I think we better get us a good lawyer.
Josh: Oh, come on. Come on. Thanks a lot.
Cassie: In the meantime, I can go ahead and call Will and tell him to expect a visit?
Josh: Yeah. And while you're doing that, I'll make some calls of my own.
Cassie: Josh?
Josh: What was that for?
Cassie: Not even hesitating.
Josh: Call your son and tell him I say hi.
Josh: It's Josh. Uh, Cassie needs something and as much as I hate to say it, that means I need something from you.
Cassie: This is his mother, that's who. Who's this? Look, either you put my son on the phone or you're going to have an international incident on your hands.
Will: Mom?
Cassie: Will, is that you, sweetie? I miss you so much.
Will: I miss you, too.
Cassie: How's school?
Will: Okay.
Cassie: What about after school? Um, is your father still taking you fishing?
Will: Um, I take fencing lessons, dad watches, when he’s around.
Cassie: But you still have your friends, right? The other boys at school?
Will: I only have one friend. And I have to travel to see him.
Cassie: Well, honey, what if you could have a whole bunch of new friends and have a normal life? Like your brother, R.J.
Will: How?
Cassie: We'll talk about it when I see you. I'm going to come visit, Josh and I together. We'll come as soon as we can arrange it. I promise. It's a promise, honey. I love you.
Will: Me, too.
R.J.: Who's that?
Cassie: R.J., You're going to give Mrs. Chitwood gray hairs if you keep this up.
R.J.: She already has them. So who was on the phone?
Cassie: Your brother.
R.J.: Oh.
Cassie: How about some ice cream?
R.J.: It's always the ice cream when you and Josh have to tell me something.
Cassie: You're right, sweetie, you're too old for that trick. Um, remember how I told you that Josh and I wanted to have a new baby?
R.J.: I still want a dog.
Cassie: Well, we're not going to have a new baby.
R.J.: Really? Cool! I saw this golden retriever puppy.
Cassie: R.J., I'm talking about your brother Will.
R.J.: What about him?
Cassie: Well, I don't want to get your hopes up, but what if we could bring him home with us? You haven't seen anymore a while, but I think once you spend some time together you'll get used to each other. It will be just like old times.
R.J.: Old times?
Cassie: Yeah. Only better. You remember how much fun you guys used to have together, right? Look.
R.J.: I remember.
Josh: "The temptation to do evil is obvious, but the temptation to do good is even more insidious."
Reva: Walk the talk, don't talk it?
Josh: You stole my punch line.
Reva: (Laughs) Well, I have a jump on your congregation. I used to sleep with the preacher.
Josh: Is that why I never see you in church?
Reva: I'm just getting used to seeing you up there on the pulpit.
Josh: Well, that makes two of us.
Reva: Well, it seems to me you're fitting right in.
Josh: Yeah. I wouldn't mind having a, uh, a photo. You know, one of those ones that Marah just sent us from Paris.
Reva: Right next to the new baby picture?
Josh: Yeah. About that. Um...
Reva: What? You've changed your mind, you and Cassie?
Josh: Sort of. We want to have a child but, um, one that comes factory equipped and ready to roll. His name is Will.
Reva: Will! Wow. I never did think he belonged at the palace.
Josh: Apparently he agrees with you, Will does.
Reva: He misses Cassie?
Josh: It's a little more complicated than that, actually. Um, Cassie thinks he's being used as a chip in some kind of high stakes political game.
Reva: Well, then what are you waiting for? Get him out of there, bring him home!
Josh: How did I know you were going to say that?
Reva: Well, what do you want know do? How do I fit in? Do you want know dust off my crown and go racing down San Cristobel?
Josh: (Laughs) Uh, maybe not right away. Let's just put that on hold for a minute. Right now what I need is someone to, um, plead the case, you know? Someone who would be willing to, uh, throw himself through a brick wall for Cassie.
Reva: Jeffrey?
Josh: Yes, Jeffrey. The problem is, uh, I've been trying to get in touch with him and even his partner doesn't know how to do that. So, uh...
Reva: Well, Mel doesn't know everything about him.
Josh: Yeah, well, I'd rather not hear the details of any tattoos or body piercings if you don't mind, but, uh, I would like to know how to find him.
Reva: Well, you can’t.
Josh: I thought you said you wanted to help.
Reva: I do want to help it's just... he's on a secret assignment.
Josh: What, for the government or something?
Reva: No, actually, it's more secretive than that, it's for me and I really can't talk about it.
Josh: I see. Not even to your friendly neighborhood, uh, confessor?
Reva: Oh, my goodness. You've been a lot of things to me over the years, Joshua, but that's not one of them. Can Cassie wait until Jeffrey gets back into town?
Josh: Yeah, I guess she'll have to. My understanding is no one knows the ins and outs of Will's custody arrangement better than Jeffrey does.
Reva: Well, he helped put it together, he should be able to take it apart.
Josh: Okay. Well, thank you.
Reva: It's still a lot of work, though. Two boys can be a handful.
Josh: Well, it's a good thing the lord gave me two hands then, isn't it? (Laughs)
Reva: (Laughs) You know, it's not just the office or the books or the certificates. You really do belong here, Joshua.
Josh: Are you okay with that?
Reva: (Whispers) Of course I am. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: Tell Cassie that I will get Jeffrey on the case just as soon as he gets back to town.
Josh: I will.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: And you tell Jeffrey that when it comes to the fee I'll be expecting a... what do you call it? A clergy discount.
Reva: Hmm. Fat chance.
Josh: Reva? For the record, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy, too. (Laughs)
Josh: Isn't it a little cold for fishing?
Cassie: Ha! Shows what you know. Fluke season may be over, but the old guys, they're out here all winter long.
Josh: (Laughs) Yeah, well somehow I don't see you sawing through the ice for wall eyed pike.
Cassie: Hey, you know, if it makes my son happy.
Josh: Will?
Cassie: Yep. He used to love fishing with his dad. I guess he says Alonzo has him fencing now.
Josh: That's not actually a real sport.
Cassie: I wouldn't say that to the guy holding the sword.
Josh: Yeah. (Sighs) So you, uh, you talked to Will? Do you mind?
Cassie: (Laughs) Knock yourself out.
Josh: How's he doing?
Cassie: Well, he didn't come right out and say it, but I think he's really lonely. He said he only has one friend and he doesn't live anywhere nearby.
Josh: Well, that's not a good thing.
Cassie: So I bought him a new rod and reel and signed him up for fishing lessons.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: I know we can't just snap our fingers and make it happen, but I want him to have a normal childhood. I don't want him to be a prince in training.
Josh: Well, if there's a way to do that, I’m sure Jeffrey will figure it out.
Cassie: Oh, did you talk to him?
Josh: No, he's apparently away on some legal thing for Reva, but she agreed to ask him. You okay with that?
Cassie: That you asked Reva? Yeah, I love it. I... after everything that's come between us, finally it's something we can agree on. Something we can all do together.
Josh: Well, I figured, you know... you know how Reva is when it comes to kids, so...
Cassie: You know what? I feel really right about this. You know, after Tammy, I couldn't believe in anything for a while.
Josh: And now?
Cassie: Now I feel like there's this little piece of hope, this little spark that just won't let go.
Josh: You better watch out for that. That might turn into belief, and that's a slippery slope, my friend.
Cassie: (Laughs) Well, one thing I know for sure, I could never think of Will as a replacement for Tammy. Maybe I was kind of trying for that a little bit when I was so desperate to get pregnant.
Josh: (Whispers) That's okay.
Cassie: I know. But I let that go and Will is my son, he belongs with me.
Josh: We'll just have to make sure that his father understands that.
Cassie: We will. Stop me if you've already heard this, Padre, but, uh... I'm starting to think that all that pain and suffering I went through and feeling so lost was there just to bring me here to this moment, to this new faith that my Will is coming home.
Edmund: Whoo, careful.
Will: Sorry, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: That's all right. One of these days I'll show you how to use that thing properly. That's what friends are for.
Will: Oh, mom called.
Edmund: Did she? Did you tell her about me?
Will: You said not to.
Edmund: Good boy. But you did tell her how much you wanted to come home, right? It's only a matter of time. I can't wait until we see her again.
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