Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/23/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Daisy? Honey, did you go to school today?
Daisy: No.
Reva: You know what? I understand that you're grieving, but you have got to get out of this room.
Daisy: Rafe doesn't love me anymore.
Reva: Why would you say that?
Daisy: He has another girlfriend. I saw them together, and he won't even talk to me because of what I did.
Reva: You did what you did because you thought it was right.
Daisy: But was it?
Reva: That's not for me to say. You need to get on with your life. Come on.
Daisy: What life? It's over.
Reva: Oh, that's not... no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not. You know what, I'm so tired. Nobody wants to talk to anybody, and I've had it. To hell with that. Go. You've got to get on with your life, you've got to get moving.
Daisy: But I'm so tired.
Reva: You know what they say in Oklahoma? Too damn bad.
Frank: Oh, no, no, no, you don’t. Come here, come here, sit down. Come here. You're dehydrated, you're in shock, and you're probably suffering from posttraumatic stress, so come on. I just need you to lie down, okay?
Marina: What time is it?
Frank: It's five minutes later than the last time you asked me. Listen, sweetheart, I need to know something, okay? Did Griggs hit you or hurt you in any way?
Marina: I'm okay. Would you ask your son to back off, please?
Buzz: Not this time. He's earned it.
Frank: You see this hand? Do you see this beautiful, beautiful hand? Do you understand for weeks I thought I'd never, ever see this hand again in my life? Do you know that?
Marina: Me, too. I even wrote a good-bye letter to you in my head. You want to hear it?
Buzz: Not really.
Marina: Well, can I at least tell you how much I love you guys? And how lucky I am to be your daughter and your granddaughter.
Frank: That's allowed.
Marina: Could I get a Buzz burger with extra cheese, please?
Buzz: (Laughs) It's coming right up. It's good to have you back.
Marina: Daddy?
Frank: Yeah, baby? You can ask me any question you want. Just not the time, okay?
Marina: Okay. Would you find Cyrus?
Frank: No. What are you doing, sweetheart? Don't do this. You need to rest. You need to stay put or I'll strap you to the bed.
Marina: We have to find him!
Buzz: You waiting for someone?
Harley: Hmm? Yeah. Cyrus said he was going to meet us back here.
Buzz: You think he just took off?
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Uh... how's Marina?
Buzz: She's hungry. I'm going to go get her some food, so I'll be right back.
Harley: You should go in.
Gus: Yeah. You know, Marina's not the only reason that I came by. I heard that... that you needed me.
Harley: Who said that?
Gus: Daisy.
Frank: Marina, you need to rest.
Marina: How can I rest when he is still out there? What if... what if Griggs didn't leave? What if he still... what if he has Cyrus?
Frank: That's not my problem anymore.
Marina: I have to go. I have to find him.
Frank: Marina...
Marina: I can't just let him die!
Cyrus: (Laughs) You brought me to a church? What is this, your idea of irony?
Griggs: It's about to be demolished, Cyrus, along with you.
Cyrus: I hate sad endings. Are you sure we can't negotiate?
Griggs: We've already done that. Your life for Marina's. I hope she was worth it, Cyrus. You cheated me out of millions for that girl, and now you're going to die. So any last words? No? All right then.
Cyrus: 476-532-967-38. Password "leukemia."
Griggs: What?
Cyrus: You didn't think I'd leave the Spaulding house with nothing, did you? I've got all their account numbers and passwords, the score of a lifetime.
Griggs: Where?
Cyrus: Right up here. But if you put a bullet in my brain, you'll never get them out. (Laughing)
Griggs: Give me the account numbers and the passwords, or the next bullet will be for your brain.
Cyrus: When I give them to you, you'll kill me.
Griggs: Or I could kill you now.
Cyrus: If I give you all the codes, you'll kill me. No, no, no, no, no. One at a time, starting with the one of least value.
Griggs: How many are there?
Cyrus: How many stars are there in the night sky?
Griggs: If this is a game, Cyrus, I will shoot off your kneecaps. I will let you yell all day, and then I'll kill you, okay?
Cyrus: It's not a game. I swear to you on my... well, obviously.
Griggs: "Leukemia." The numbers again?
Cyrus: 476-532-967.... (Cyrus grunts)
Griggs: Whoo! Did that hurt? Yeah, you don't want to try that again, Cyrus.
Cyrus: You can't blame a guy for trying.
Griggs: You need to pray.
Cyrus: Pray?
Griggs: That this account is legit.
Marina: You'd just let him die.
Frank: Marina, how did Griggs get here? Tell me how he got here. How did he, Marina?
Marina: Put me down! You can't watch me 24/seven.
Frank: Young lady, watch me. You're under police protection for 24/seven. You have put your life in danger for the last time.
Marina: Daddy, please. Please, for me, save him.
Frank: Marina, how many times have you been in this hospital before you met Cyrus Foley? And how many times have you been in here after?
Marina: You're giving him a death sentence. For loving me! At least send out a search party or something.
Frank: I did.
Marina: Really? Under whose command?
Frank: Joe Francozi.
Marina: Francozi? He's legally blind.
Frank: Mendoza is with him.
Marina: Oh, "doze off" Mendoza, huh? He'd be better off with Zach and Jude.
Frank: They're the only two men I could spare right now.
Marina: You are the chief of police! You're supposed to be fair and objective!
Frank: Fair? I'll tell you what's unfair. What's unfair is that you were going to run away with that guy and you weren't even going to call me or leave a note.
Marina: I would have called you as soon as we got settled.
Frank: I'm not so sure about that, Marina. That guy's changed you. He's turned you into somebody I don't even know anymore.
Marina: I am your daughter.
Frank: My daughter? My daughter never would have left her family, never would have turned her back on the people she loves. She never would have sacrificed her career. She never would have protected a criminal. This guy has twisted you around.
Marina: Oh, that's a lot easier for you to believe than the truth, isn't it? That I fell in love with somebody that you don't like! And it is love, Daddy.
Frank: We've been through here before.
Marina: No. No, no, no, no. This is... this is different than... than Danny or Alan-Michael or any of them. And if I could have been honest with you, I wouldn't have had to run away. See, this isn't Cyrus' fault.
Frank: Please tell me you're still not defending him.
Marina: Griggs was going to kill me. And if he has Cyrus, it's because he willingly took my place. You really think he deserves to die for that?
Natalia: Who let you in?
Reva: We knocked out the butler. (Laughs)
Natalia: If you're looking for Alan...
Reva: No, actually, we're looking for you. Daisy and Rafe need to sit down and have a talk.
Natalia: Rafe's not home.
Daisy: Would you tell me if he was?
Natalia: Daisy, I don't think that you want to do this.
Reva: I think she does.
Natalia: Rafe is out with his grandfather.
Reva: Great.
Daisy: I just want to talk to him.
Natalia: What do you want to talk... what do you want to say? Do you want to tell him that you're sorry, that what you did was wrong?
Reva: I think that's her decision to make, isn't it?
Natalia: No, I don't think that it is.
Reva: Well, when will Rafe be back?
Natalia: I'm not sure when he'll be back, but when he does get back, he'll have homework to do.
Daisy: Reva, we don't have to do this.
Reva: No, Daisy, you didn't get pregnant on your own. Go back to the room and study, and I'll be back there later.
Daisy: But...
Reva: No, I mean it. And try to call your mom, okay? Please? You have no right to treat her like that. And from now on, whatever you have to say, you can say to me.
Natalia: Rafe doesn't want to see Daisy anyway, so... I'm not looking for trouble.
Reva: My granddaughter needs support, not judgment. She got into trouble because of your son, and she handled it all by herself.
Natalia: That's what you call it, handling it?
Reva: I understand you don't believe in what she did.
Natalia: Do you?
Reva: It's not my call.
Natalia: It's not your call? It's not your call. It's not Harley’s call. It's not... maybe that's why Daisy thought it was okay.
Reva: It must be so great to be so sure and to have no forgiveness.
Natalia: It is not up to me to forgive her or you.
Reva: Me?
Natalia: You are the first person who knew she was pregnant, and you kept it a secret.
Reva: Because Daisy asked me to.
Natalia: Well, did she ask her to drive her down to the doctor so she could get an abortion?
Reva: No, she unfortunately did that all on her own without telling anyone, including me.
Natalia: But you had a chance. You could have stopped her.
Reva: This was Daisy's choice to make, not ours. And it's a decision she's going to have to live with now, just like you had to live with the decision you made when you were pregnant with Rafe.
Natalia: And I never regretted keeping Rafe, ever.
Reva: The decision Daisy made was the one she thought was best for everyone involved. She was protecting your son because she loves him.
Natalia: And look what she did to him.
Harley: I'm going to check on Marina.
Gus: Right. Let's go in together?
Harley: Well, we're not together.
Gus: You know what? I'm going to go to dinner.
Harley: Okay.
Gus: I was thinking...
Harley: You were thinking? Sorry.
Gus: I was thinking maybe... if you'd like to grab a bite with me, maybe Towers, talk about our kids, what's going on.
Harley: Well, I don't see what good that would do now.
Gus: Well, we can't pretend like it's not happening or...
Harley: No.
Gus: So?
Harley: I'll think about it. So what if I call you? Gus? So what if I call you later? Okay, promise. It was good to see you, good to talk to you. Don't, okay?
Gus: Okay.
Harley: I'll go in and see Marina before she thinks I abandoned her, too.
Reva: You know what I'd like to do with this? (Vase shatters) That felt good. (Laughs) I'm so glad I got that out of my system. Now, where were we?
Natalia: You really are...
Reva: Crazy? Unpredictable? Only when my family is threatened. My granddaughter is a sweet, wonderful girl who was a virgin before she met your son. Now let me ask you something: Who was responsible for using a condom?
Natalia: Rafe, of course. But it does not excuse Daisy for what she did.
Reva: And you're so pure?
Natalia: What?
Reva: I know I'm a sinner, but what about you, Natalia? Don’t you come to town to steal another woman's husband?
Natalia: No. No, that is not true.
Reva: Really? I seem to have heard that you slept with Gus, who was married to Harley. Now, that's adultery, isn't it?
Natalia: No... I mean, yes. But it was not like that. It was... Gus and Harley were having problems before I even got here.
Reva: They were having problems? I don't remember them having any problems.
Natalia: It was not an affair. It was one time together.
Reva: And one time doesn't count?
Natalia: I am very aware that it was a sin.
Reva: Before you came to town, Harley and Gus were a happily married couple, and now they're talking to lawyers. You do the math.
Natalia: I never, ever tried to split them up.
Reva: I believe you.
Natalia: You believe me?
Reva: Yeah. Just like you should believe that Daisy never meant to get pregnant or to have an abortion.
Natalia: I know that. I do, I know that. But she has to... we all...
Reva: Have to be responsible for our own actions?
Natalia: Yes. All of us.
Cyrus: There's got to be a way out of here.
Marina: There always is, isn't there?
Cyrus: Marina
Marina: You just can't get any peace, can you?
Cyrus: You know I love you, right?
Marina: Well, can't you do something about these dirty clothes? Okay, now you're wasting your brain power.
Cyrus: That's not my brain.
Marina: Griggs is going to be back any minute.
Cyrus: Don't worry. I've got it all under control. Marina?
Frank: Marina, who are you calling?
Marina: Harley! Give it to me!
Frank: Marina, give me the phone.
Harley: I'm here, I'm here. I'm right here. What's going on?
Marina: Is Cyrus back?
Harley: No.
Marina: Go.
Frank: Marina...
Marina: No, get him out of here! Get him out!
Harley: Frank, maybe you need to take a break.
Frank: I'm posting a guard outside. And, Marina, someday you'll understand.
Marina: Sure, Dad. And maybe someday I'll forgive you.
Harley: Okay, don't say anything else. Frank, just let me handle this, please.
Marina: Cyrus is dead, isn't he?
Harley: Don't say that. Maybe he's off somewhere.
Marina: Somewhere with Griggs.
Harley: I hope that's not what happened.
Marina: He sacrificed himself for us, and you know it. And, Harley, if we're right, he only has one chance. That's us.
Reva: Daisy, it's me. If you're there, pick up the phone. (Sighs) She was supposed to go straight back to the room.
Buzz: Daisy?
Reva: Yeah. We... well, I should say I had a run-in with Natalia. She seems to think that I should have told everyone that Daisy was pregnant. Oh, please don't tell me you agree with her.
Buzz: Well, it's over, you know, so...
Reva: But?
Buzz: Oh, come on. Harley's her mother. Someone should have let her in on it.
Reva: Okay. So if Daisy came to you and wanted you to keep her secret.
Buzz: Okay, better you than me, but...
Reva: That's not an answer.
Buzz: Frank would tell you, sometimes you have to risk pushing them away to help them.
Reva: Oh, really? And how did that work with Marina?
Buzz: Oh, you. Oh, you. I love you. I've got to remember I love you. I know you, and I know you're trying to do the best for Daisy but, you know...
Reva: So you want me to butt out?
Buzz: Well, she's going back staying with you. She... that's not the best place for her.
Reva: It's not like I'm keeping her prisoner, Buzz!
Buzz: I know that. But she should spend more time with her mother.
Reva: Maybe her mother should spend more time with her.
Natalia: Forgive me.
Gus: Natalia?
Natalia: Yeah? I'm in here.
Gus: Hey.
Natalia: Hi. What's wrong?
Gus: How about what's right?
Natalia: What?
Gus: I just came from the hospital, and I saw Harley and somehow or another it just sort of crystallized in my mind that she's okay. She's okay. She doesn’t... she doesn't need me anymore, you know?
Natalia: Okay. She’s...
Gus: I try to help her with the family, I try to help her with the boys, and she kind of shuts me out. Which means, what? It means like that she's okay. And it's funny because when I'm with you and when I'm with Rafe, I kind of feel like I have a value, like I'm sort of needed and I...
Natalia: Okay, I don’t... what are you trying to... I'm not really understanding...
Gus: Listen, simple. Are we attracted to each other? Do you like me? Do we like each other? I'm just saying that we should stop tiptoeing around this whole thing and try it. Give it a try. See if we can have... if we... like, if we can have a...
Natalia: Are you talking about...
Gus: Like a family. You, me, and Rafe, a family. I mean, we... we have to at least try. Right?
Harley: Are you satisfied?
Marina: Okay. Okay, okay, you're right. I'm too weak to help him. I can't even outrun this stupid guard. You have to go by yourself.
Harley: Go where? They're not at the docks. The cops have been all over it.
Marina: Who, Humpty and Dumpty?
Harley: No, Dozier and what's his name.
Marina: Come on, Harley. They're the two lamest cops and you know that. This is dad's way of avoiding a public execution.
Harley: Your father doesn't want anything bad to happen. He doesn't want anything that bad to happen.
Marina: You know, Cyrus, he saved my life twice now. I know everyone thinks that he's some criminal.
Harley: I don’t. I know who he is.
Marina: You do?
Harley: We spent a lot of time together looking for you. I know how much he loves you.
Marina: Really?
Harley: Yes, really. And if I had any idea of how to help him, Marina, I wouldn't be here. But I don’t.
Cyrus: (Grunts) Marina... oh, you didn't happen to bring any aspirin with you, did you?
Marina: Stop whining and pull it together!
Cyrus: I love a bossy woman.
Marina: And I love a man who's roped and tied.
Cyrus: Is this an x-rated fantasy?
Marina: You are wasting brain power again.
Cyrus: Sorry.
Marina: I chose you. I chose you over my family, over my job, over the town I grew up in. And as soon as I did...
Cyrus: We got separated.
Marina: I want to go away with you.
Cyrus: It could be a bit of a problem just at the moment.
Marina: You're not coming back?
Cyrus: I'm going to get to you. I am. And then I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again.
Marina: Promise?
Cyrus: I'm sorry. The Spaulding accounts, the ones I promised Griggs, I only had two of them. The rest I made up. He's going to figure that out pretty soon.
Harley: I knew you were lying. Why are you imagining me now? Why do I get the bad news? Why do I have to hear about this instead of Marina?
Cyrus: Because we were partners and my head hurts and you, you helped me stand up to Griggs before.
Harley: Wow, lucky me.
Cyrus: You taught me a thing or two, and that's rare.
Harley: High praise, indeed, coming from a guy who's tied up in an abandoned building.
Cyrus: Well, at least I'm not dead yet. Although it's not looking good.
Harley: So then why feed Marina all that crap about getting out of here to be with her?
Cyrus: That's what she wanted to hear.
Harley: No, that's what you wanted to hear.
Cyrus: If you don't mind, this is my hallucination. I don't need to be corrected. I need a plan.
Harley: Well, I risked everything. I risked my job to get you out of jail because I thought you were smart and resourceful, and now I find out you were bluffing about the codes?
Cyrus: I only had two.
Harley: Two? That's it, two?
Cyrus: Well, it bought me some time, didn't it?
Harley: Yeah. Time for what?
Cyrus: I'm working on that. If you have any ideas... Harley?
Marina: Harley, dad can't find out what you're doing. If he finds out that you're going after Cyrus...
Harley: I know, I know, I know. I'm on it. Don't worry.
Dr. Gunning: Detective do you mind giving us some privacy?
Harley: Of course not. Not at all.
Marina: Wait. You will call me the minute you find him. You promise.
Harley: Don't you worry. I'll bring Cyrus home.
Marina: Okay.
Harley: Hello, Gus, it's me. I've been thinking about it and, um, I can't have dinner with you tonight. It's just... it's not right considering everything that's going on. Sorry. I got to go. Griggs. Cyrus said Griggs uses abandoned buildings.
Frank: Did you really think I wouldn't find out that you were hiding Foley in your house?
Harley: Frank, I can't talk about this right now.
Frank: You lied to me. You lied to your brother and it could have cost Marina her life.
Harley: Hey, I would never do anything to hurt Marina. I said I'd find her and I did.
Frank: By harboring a criminal behind my back?
Harley: Your daughter is home and she is safe, and you should be thankful for that. She's home, Frank. I've got to go.
Frank: Harley!
Harley: Springfield City Council. Thank you. Hello, this is Harley Cooper, Detective Harley Cooper with the Springfield Police Department. I need a list from city planning, all the buildings that are about to be demolished or that are abandoned.
Buzz: Look, I didn't mean for you to feel guilty.
Reva: Yes, you did. I was the only one who was available to Daisy, and now I get smacked around.
Buzz: Oh, come on! No one's blaming you for this!
Reva: Yes, they are! But you know what? It's okay, because I'm used to it. I’m really happy that Marina’s home. Ow! Hey, Jeffrey, it's me. Uh, I've got something to say to you and, um, I don't know... are you sitting down or...? I just want you to know that you could push the number three button and erase whatever it is that I say because you don't have to listen. That's the way it is. I just want you to know that... (Sighs) I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss the fits you have when I beat you at cards. I miss seeing your wet footprints on my carpet when you come out of the shower. Are you still there or have you hit the number three? Whatever. Some things have happened recently, and I would really like to talk to you about it, but, you know, it's okay if you... if you want to erase this and don't listen to it. But I just think that you're... well, no, I'm not going to go there. I'd just really like for you to come home soon, okay?
Harley: Rats.
Reva (yells): Daisy! Hey! I know you're not asleep.
Daisy: Leave me alone.
Reva: No. It's time for you to get on with your life.
Daisy: I'm taking it one day at a time, like Grandpa Billy.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know what? That one day is over. It's time for you to go to school. You're going tomorrow.
Daisy: I... I can’t. Did you see the way Natalia treated me? I might as well have, like, a big "S" tattooed on my belly for "slut."
Reva: Well, that would hurt.
Daisy: I feel like everyone's looking at me.
Reva: Well, get used to that, sweetie. You're a Shayne. So you go to school tomorrow and you act like nothing happened. I'll walk you if you want me to. Or maybe Harley could do that.
Daisy: Harley's on a case.
Reva: Is that why you haven't been talking to her?
Daisy: And because...
Reva: And because what?
Daisy: Can I tell you something weird?
Reva: You can always tell me something weird.
Daisy: I miss her. Even when she used to get on my case. I don't know what happened or when it happened, but I just do.
Reva: I know just how that is. I do. You know what, sweetie? I love that you came to me and that you told me everything. That means so much to me, more than you could ever know. But you need the rest of your family now. You do. You need your mama.
Natalia: I want to be with you. I always have. But this... not like this. This isn't right.
Gus: I'm saying that we could just date. We could just start with a little dating.
Natalia: You want to date?
Gus: See how that goes.
Natalia: You're still married.
Gus: I'm separated. Very separated.
Natalia: Would you want our son dating a woman who was separated?
Gus: Oh, our son who is 17 years old?
Natalia: When I slept with you, it sent him the wrong message. You know, it made him feel free to make bad decisions with Daisy.
Gus: One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Natalia: It was wrong. You know, even though it was... it was great for me... it was a sin. And don't laugh at me, because I have prayed about this.
Gus: I'm not. Who's laughing?
Natalia: I know I'm old-fashioned, but this is... I have to start living right. I have to play by the rules because every time that I don't, something very bad happens, and I was reminded of that today.
Gus: Somebody said something to you?
Natalia: Reva said some things and she was right. So I have to start living right. And that means that I can't be with you while you're married, and I don't want to be with anyone until I am.
Gus: So you're taking a vow of celibacy?
Natalia: I'm not going to become a nun. I just... I want... I want to wait.
Gus: Well, if we had waited we wouldn't have a son today.
Natalia: I'd like to think that I would have a son and maybe I would have a husband, too.
Gus: Well, it's nice to think that, but in this world today it doesn't necessarily work that way.
Natalia: Well, I am... I'm trying to hold on to something.
Gus: What are you saying? I'm off limits until I'm divorced?
Natalia: I don't even know how I feel about divorce.
Buzz: Mmm...
Marina: Onions, too.
Buzz: What, you got a date?
Marina: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you where I was going. It's just if dad found out...
Buzz: Oh, please, I understand. I've been there. I just wish you'd reached your destination instead of, you know...
Marina: Me, too.
Buzz: We held a vigil.
Marina: You did?
Buzz: The whole town. Lit up candles and prayed.
Marina: You know, I think Cyrus could use a candle or two.
Buzz: Well, Cyrus has got a lot of reasons to come back, but I'm sure I'll light a candle if it will speed things along.
Harley: Cyrus. Hey.
Cyrus: Oh, you're back already.
Harley: What?
Cyrus: What's the plan? You'd better make it good.
Harley: What are you babbling about? Wake up.
Cyrus: Huh?
Harley: It's me. Hey, get up.
Cyrus: Are you real?
Harley: Yes, I'm real. What's wrong with you? Did Griggs drug you?
Griggs: No, I just smacked him over the head. And I got to tell you, I like doing that. Hello, sweetheart. You know, Cyrus, it seems that people just can't get enough of me.
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