GL Transcript Monday 10/22/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/22/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Hey, Irene.

Irene: Welcome back, Mr. Aitoro.

Gus: Thank you. Thank you. Did you happen to see Natalia around? I was by her room and she wasn’t...

Irene: She went out a little while ago.

Gus: Okay. Because she left me a bunch of phone calls and-- thanks-- sounded important that we speak. Did something... did anything happen when I was gone?

Daisy: Hey, Irene. Have you seen Natalia? I need to talk to her.

Gus: Hi, Daisy.

Irene: Excuse me.

Daisy: I need to talk to her about Rafe.

Gus: What's going on with Rafe?

Daisy: You haven't spoken to Natalia at all?

Gus: No. We've left each other a couple of messages.

Daisy: What about Harley?

Gus: Not since I went out of town.

Daisy: Then you don't know?

Gus: I don't know what?

Daisy: It's nice standing here with you before you decide to hate me, too.

Gus: I could never hate you.

Daisy: Why not? Rafe does.

Gus: What, did you guys have a fight?

Daisy: It's more than that.

Gus: All right. Take a deep breath. Come here, sit down.

Daisy: It's just... it's hard for me to say because I can't take anymore judgment.

Gus: Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not that bad. I'm sure that we can all, as a family, work it out.

Daisy: It's worse than you can imagine. Gus, I got pregnant.

Alan: Well, I didn't expect to see you here again.

Rafe: You got my message?

Alan: Is Daisy in another cell, or did Harley free her and leave you here to take the heat?

Rafe: Daisy wasn't arrested.

Alan: She wasn't? This is about her. This is... she’s... she's the reason you're in here, right?

Rafe: No. I was busted drinking.

Alan: Were you at a party?

Rafe: No, I was by myself. Are you going to get me out of here or not?

Alan: Why didn't you call your mother?

Rafe: I cause my mom enough grief.

Alan: Did Daisy give you the alcohol?

Rafe: Daisy and I are done.

Alan: Really? Well, if you want me to get you out of here, Rafe, you've got to tell me what's going on. Okay, I'll just call your mother and tell her to come...

Rafe: Daisy got pregnant.

Alan: Pregnant? She's going to have a baby?

Rafe: No, no baby. She took care of it, and she didn't even bother to tell me until after it was done.

Alan: She had an abortion without telling you? No wonder you're so upset. There was going to be another baby.

Father Ray: Hello? Natalia.

Natalia: Hi, Father.

Father Ray: I'm sorry, the church is closed. We're moving to a new building.

Natalia: I didn't even notice. I'm sorry.

Father Ray: The new building is a lot bigger. Still, it's kind of sad, you know, tearing this place down. Are you okay? Do you need to talk?

Natalia: I think I'm... I'm just going to sit and pray a little longer, if that's okay.

Father Ray: Sure. Take all the time you need.

Frank: You're under arrest, Foley.

Cyrus: For what? Walking away from you?

Alexandra: Oh, Cyrus, don't make things worse.

Frank: For resisting arrest, grand larceny, kidnapping and whatever the judge...

Cyrus: Oh, come on. You don't really believe I kidnapped her, do you? I'm trying to find her.

Frank: Is she on the docks? My men are on their way down there right now. Now, just tell me, make it easier on yourself. Where is she?

Cyrus: Fine, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.

Alexandra: Cyrus, think about it before you say anything.

Cyrus: Ever since Marina disappeared, I've been searching for her with Harley.

Frank: In New York?

Cyrus: No, Frank, I never stopped. Why do you think I came back to town? You've got my face plastered on posters everywhere. I mean, if I wanted to get away, I wouldn't be seen within a thousand miles of this place. But I don't care if I get caught. All I want to do is find Marina.

Frank: No, that's what I'm trying to do.

Cyrus: You just don't get it, do you? We're on the same side. What do you think I was doing at your sister's house? Huh? Like it or not, Frank, I'm the best chance you've got at finding your daughter.

Griggs: It would be bad if this is a setup and you were followed. Correction: Very bad.

Harley: I came here alone. Nobody knows where I am. I did everything you asked, I swear.

Griggs: This is just a coincidence?

Harley: I don't know where they're headed, maybe here. I'm not the only cop looking for Marina. I don't know, maybe you slipped up. Maybe... maybe they figured out where you are; it wasn't me. I don't want any trouble. I just want my niece back.

Griggs: Give me the money.

Harley: Not until I see Marina. I didn't bring them here, but I could. You really want to go down as a cop killer?

Griggs: Don't you mean two?

Harley: If you did anything to hurt my niece, you'd never get out of the city.

Griggs: You're going to stop me?

Harley: Somebody will. And I don't mean prison, I mean in a body bag. You know these cops, they're not very forgiving to cop killers.

Griggs: Cop killer, huh?

Harley: Marina? Are you okay?

Marina: Harley?

Harley: Yes, sweetie. You're going to be fine.

Marina: This isn't a dream?

Harley: No. It's very real. Can you stand up? You okay? Let's get up. Here's the money. It's in the case. We're just going to leave. No trouble, we're just going to go.

Griggs: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You got to inspect your merchandise. You don't think you should give me the same courtesy before you go?

Frank: Trust you? I don't have to work with you. You know, you could have helped us, you could have worked with us...

Cyrus: I did help you. I went to New York with Harley. I did everything in my power to find Marina.

Frank: Really? What about the part when you cut off your ankle transmitter and the part where you wanted to make a run for it?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, Frank. He only ran because you pumped all of these phony charges against... you know he didn't kidnap Marina and you had his face plastered all over the bloody state. I don't want you to say a word until my attorney gets here.

Cyrus: Forget the lawyer, Alex. I know you're the one who rang Frank, told him where I was.

Alexandra: No, Cyrus...

Cyrus: It's all right, it's all right. You were just doing what you had to do. I understand. I understand, it's okay. If you say anything to put Marina and Harley in danger, you won't see me or fresh air ever again. How do you think Frank's going to feel when he finds out you were the reason his only daughter was kidnapped?

Frank: That's enough of you two. No more games here.

Cop: You called for a transport?

Cyrus: You're making a big mistake, Frank.

Frank: Book him. Send him off to county holding. I don't want him anywhere near my station.

Cop: What's the charge?

Frank: Kidnapping.

Alexandra: I'm going to get him out of this.

Frank: You might want to save the lawyer for yourself.

Alexandra: (Laughs) And what does that mean?

Frank: Because you knew where he was. And now I'll officially be asking you all of the questions.

Alan: I've taken care of everything. You should be out very soon.

Rafe: Thank you.

Alan: I don't want to hear anymore about underage drinking, okay?

Rafe: Okay.

Alan: I know you're in a lot of pain right now. You're hurting. And, believe me, I understand the sadness about losing a child, but drinking is not the way to deal with it.

Rafe: I got it.

Alan: One good thing about this-- you're not going to be tied to Harley’s daughter the rest of your life. I tried to warn you about Daisy. Those Cooper’s, they're nothing but trouble for the Spaulding’s.

Rafe: Well, Daisy and me.. yeah, we're done.

Alan: I'm glad to hear that. You won't regret, either, because you've got an incredible future ahead of you now, Rafe. You're very bright. Besides, you have the entire Spaulding family supporting you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Alan: I know this was a hard lesson for you to learn, it was painful, but I think you realize now that you cannot trust Daisy. And I hope you don't make that mistake again.

Daisy: Wow, you've never been quiet for this long.

Gus: Yeah. All right, you got pregnant. Well, these things, you know, happen. And of course... of course you'd both be upset. Of course... of course Rafe would be upset.

Daisy: So upset that he hates me.

Gus: Well, he doesn't blame you for this. Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait. No, he knows better than that. You know what, if that's the case, I will go and talk to him right now.

Daisy: He's not mad because I got pregnant.

Gus: I'm confused.

Daisy: Gus, I... I didn't know what to do. I was so upset. And Rafe was so happy. He was happy about school, and he was happy about us traveling after graduation. And we were doing so good, everything was getting better for both of us. And I didn't want to cause any more trouble. I didn't know...

Gus: Daisy, no, no.

Daisy: Gus, I... I got an abortion. It seemed like the only way.

Gus: Oh, kid, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. Are you okay? Physically?

Daisy: I'm a little tired, but it's not so bad anymore.

Gus: Good.

Daisy: Nothing's good.

Gus: What does your mother say?

Daisy: I didn't tell Harley I was pregnant or that I got the abortion. She was so busy looking for Marina, which, I mean, I get that that comes first.

Gus: No, no, no. Don't ever say that. No one's more important than you. You're number one. I'm sure if she had known...

Daisy: She would have yelled at me. Because what's the one thing Harley tried to drill into my head?

Gus: Well, of course, she doesn't want to see her daughter get pregnant.

Daisy: Yeah, so I just failed her again.

Gus: No, that's not... that's not so. Listen, your mom... your mom went through something very similar to this, you know? She was your age. And Natalia and I, we... well, you know. Rafe, did he go down with you to actually have the abortion?

Daisy: I didn't tell anyone before. Reva figured it out after, but...

Gus: So, you did this without discussing it with Rafe?

Daisy: I thought I was doing the right thing for everyone. Marina was missing, and you and Harley were breaking up, and Rafe was talking about summer plans in Europe. And I just thought, if I could just make this go away.

Gus: And he knows now, and that's why you said he hates you. I got it, I got it.

Daisy: He's really angry. Oh, my God, that's why I was looking for Natalia. Rafe's in jail.

Gus: What? When? Why?

Daisy: For drinking. I went to the police station to try to help, but he didn't want to talk to me.

Gus: All right. Does his moth... does Natalia know?

Daisy: Well, I don't know. Remy called me. I don't know if he told Natalia...

Gus: I'll take care of this now, okay? Go be with your mom. I'm sure you guys need each other right now.

Daisy: Maybe she needs you.

Gus: Hey, Dougherty, it's Aitoro. Listen, I hear my kid's in a holding cell? Yeah. Should I come down there?

Alan: I handled it.

Gus: Alan?

Alan: Rafe called me and asked me to bail him out of jail.

Gus: Yeah, I know. I'm back in town.

Alan: A lot's happened since you've been away.

Gus: Yeah, I know. I know.

Alan: Oh, I'm sure that means that you've heard Harley’s side of things, huh?

Gus: I haven't spoken to Harley. How's Rafe?

Alan: Well, about as well as can be expected. He's pretty torn up.

Gus: Can I talk to him?

Alan: No, not right now. He's gone out. He's taking a walk.

Gus: Well, he's obviously upset. He got picked up for drinking. I hope you didn't let him just walk out of there by himself.

Alan: No, no. As a matter of fact, I gave him his money and told him to go find the prettiest girl in town and she'd help him forget his problems.

Gus: That's great advice, Dad.

Alan: Rafael will be fine. He's not the problem. The Cooper’s are.

Daisy: Alan bailed Rafe out? Where is he?

Gus: I think Rafe is taking a little alone time.

Daisy: What else did Alan say? Did Rafe mention me?

Gus: Can I... I'll just give... let me give you a ride back to town, okay?

Frank: Simmons, any word from our search on the dock yet?

Cop: Not yet.

Frank: All right. Alex, let's go have a talk.

Alan: Whoa, whoa. Alexandra, you're out of the hospital?

Alexandra: Thank you for noticing, dear.

Alan: What is going on here?

Alexandra: It's nothing.

Alan: Well, if it's nothing, then, Frank, let her go.

Frank: Push me a little harder, Alan, because I'd love to lock you up, too.

Alexandra: Oh, come on, Frank, that's not necessary. Alan does not speak for me.

Frank: Simmons, keep an eye on both of them, will you? I'll be right back.

Alexandra: Alan, be quiet because I don't want to aggravate Frank any more than necessary.

Alan: Is this about the guy who abducted Marina?

Alexandra: Oh, don't act like you don't know who Griggs is. If I go down, trust me, you will go down, too.

Alan: I didn't pay Griggs, I merely answered your phone.

Alexandra: But you knew he had Marina. That's makes you guilty, too.

Alan: Sounds like what you're saying is that we would both be better off if something happened to Mr. Griggs and Marina.

Alexandra: Well, it's a little bit more serious than that, dear, because Harley’s on her way now to meet him.

Alan: Hmm. Well, maybe Griggs could do something to both of them. You know, I'm not into discounts, but this might be a nice two-for-one.

Harley: Satisfied? Can we leave now?

Griggs: I never go back on my word, unlike some people.

Harley: The boat. I'll take you right to a doctor, okay? It's going to be okay.

Marina: Cyrus?

Harley: You're not going to see him tonight, babe. I don't think your father could handle seeing you and him.

Marina: No...

Harley: You followed me after I told you not to.

Cyrus: Well, I don't follow rules very well.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: You okay? Huh? Thank you for finding her.

Harley: Thank you for double crossing me. Good job following. Whose car did you take this time?

Cyrus: Actually, I had a driver.

Griggs: Happy birthday to me.

Marina: What's going on?

Harley: Apparently your kidnapper does go back on his word, regardless of what he says.

Griggs: Once a partner double crosses you, all the rules go bye-bye.

Marina: Cyrus?

Cyrus: Babe, it's all going to be all right, okay? Could we have a word in private?

Harley: Meyer. What are you doing? Me and Marina? I don't care what this guy's paying you, you going to go to jail for this? We can take him, okay? You just... you go left, and I'm going to get him, take him down, okay?

Marina: No. Harley, I'm not leaving here without Cyrus.

Frank: Alex, is your answer really going to change that much once your lawyer gets here? Because it's a pretty simple question. What were you doing in Harley’s house with Cyrus Foley?

Alan: Frank, my sister is not talking.

Frank: Well, if your sister talks, maybe she can save herself right now.

Alexandra: Well, what is there to save, Frank? I mean, Cyrus wanted to get information out of me.

Frank: About what?

Alan: Should you be asking that question, Frank? Cyrus Foley robbed my sister and her charity while you let that man walk out of this police station a free man.

Frank: He was supposed to help us find my daughter.

Alan: And instead he checked her out of the hospital when she was at death's door and took her over to Harley’s and bullied her.

Alexandra: I can speak for myself, Alan, really.

Alan: You should be asking: How did Cyrus get into Harley’s house? Did he knock the door down, or did Harley let him stay there with her?

Frank: Was Harley there?

Alexandra: Yes. She was hiding Cyrus so they could look for Marina together. You put out that he's a kidnapper all over the state. He couldn't go out in public.

Alan: Phony charges, sheltering a criminal-- you know, I don't know which one of you Cooper siblings is worse. Perhaps you should look into talking to an attorney yourself, Frank.

Girl: Have I seen you around before?

Rafe: Maybe. I've been around.

Girl: Are you old enough to get into a club with me?

Rafe: I'm old enough to sneak into a club.

Girl: Works for me.

Gus: Hi. Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt.

Natalia: How did you know I was here?

Gus: A hunch. I know how much this place comforts you.

Natalia: Not much tonight.

Gus: I guess I picked a pretty bad time to not be around, huh? I heard everything.

Natalia: Not everything.

Gus: Well, about Daisy, Rafe, and the baby, and now there's not a baby.

Natalia: Rafe is in jail.

Gus: It's going to be okay.

Natalia: No, it's not going to be okay, Nick, because I got a phone call saying that my son is in jail and I left him there by himself because I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how any of this happened. I don't know what is going on in this... this life.

Gus: Well, at least Rafe is out of jail.

Natalia: Did you do that?

Gus: No, my father. How did you know he was in jail in the first place?

Natalia: Remy. And I wanted to go get him right away, and Remy said I had to stop babying him.

Gus: How much does Remy know?

Natalia: What do I know? I brought my son here six months ago because I wanted him to get to know his father.

Gus: And he did.

Natalia: And he did, and he ended up in juvie, and he met Daisy. We weren't doing so great before, but we were getting by, and we did it honestly. And now I have Alan Spaulding paying my bills; I slept with a married man; Rafe’s girlfriend just got an abortion. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that? Do I yell at him for getting his girlfriend pregnant? Do I sit here and pray all day long? I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. Should I have let him sit in a jail cell to teach him a lesson? I don't know.

Gus: I don't know either. But I do know this-- you don't have to deal with all of this stuff by yourself anymore, okay, because I'm here. You've got me, and Rafe’s got me, and we'll figure this thing out. It's going to be okay, okay? Come on, you can't hide in here all night long, so let's go.

Natalia: I'm not hiding. I like it here. I like rules. I like knowing what's right and wrong. I like knowing what is expected of me.

Gus: Well, I don't know if I completely agree with that logic. At my house-- well, what used to be my house-- I love that house. I love it because it's always messy and it's a little unfinished. You know, it's kind of like life. You got to learn how to bend.

Natalia: I'm not so good at bending.

Gus: Well, don't worry about it, I am. See, because separately we might not know how to always handle Rafe or know what to do, but together.. together we'll figure it out.

Daisy: I am so glad you're okay. When I left you in jail, I was so worried.

Girl: Jail? Baby, you just got a whole lot hotter.

Daisy: Can we go somewhere? Because we have to talk.

Rafe: No, we don't got nothing to talk about. Come on.

Daisy: Rafe, please.

Rafe: Don't wait up.

Frank: Have you heard from Harley at all? No? Okay. Just keep me posted.

Alan: Your sister is missing, too, Frank?

Frank: She's in the field, Alan.

Alan: In the field-- that's cop lingo for "I have no idea where she is." You know, you must really be proud of yourself, Frank. You're not only a failure as a boss, as a father, but as a brother, too.

Frank: You know, Alan...

Alan: Go ahead, Frank, hit me. I'll just add it to the list of charges I'm going to file against you. You know something, Frank, you need to get a hold of yourself. You need to think about stepping down, perhaps. If you can't control yourself, your family, how are you going to control this town?

Frank: I don't have time for you today, Alan.

Alan: You know, Alexandra, you should talk to your attorney about being a little more punctual.

Alexandra: And you should learn to shut up, Alan.

Alan: I'm only trying to protect my sister. Really, Alexandra, this Cyrus Foley is the worse folly of all.

Alexandra: Oh, really? Worse than your Doris Wolfe?

Alan: Do you really think you have a chance with that man?

Alexandra: As long as I am alive and breathing, and he is as well.

Harley: I have to get you to a hospital. Cyrus can take care of himself. Come on.

Marina: I'm not leaving here without him.

Harley: What just happened? Where is Griggs?

Cyrus: He's gone.

Harley: With Meyer? Did he take the money?

Cyrus: Yeah. I told him the rest of the cops were closing in.

Harley: Did you see anything, by boat, car? Did you see anything?

Cyrus: Can you give us a minute?

Harley: Cyrus, she has to go to the hospital.

Cyrus: Harley's right, you need to see a doctor. And you need to see your dad.

Marina: What about you?

Cyrus: I am so sorry for this. I never meant anything bad to happen to you.

Marina: I know.

Harley: Come on. Enough. Enough, guys, enough. We've got to go.

Cyrus: I'm sorry we didn't get to have our lives...

Marina: We will. We will. It may not be the one we talked about, but we're going to have our life.

Harley: Listen, my boat only holds two, but I will come back for you.

Cyrus: I saw another boat on the way through. I can jerry rig it.

Harley: You sure?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Marina: You won't take long?

Cyrus: I won’t.

Harley: Come on. Come on, baby, let's go.

Gus: You're here.

Rafe: You're back.

Gus: Yeah, a little while ago.

Natalia: He knows about everything, Rafe.

Rafe: All right, let's get it over with. The lecture, the punishment, whatever you're going to do, just do it.

Gus: We're going to start with the drinking. What's up with that?

Rafe: It's not going to happen again. Alan's right, Daisy's not worth it.

Gus: Yeah, I heard about my father's advice to you. I understand that Daisy hurt you. Did your grandfather happen to mention that you're responsible? You play a major part in this as well?

Rafe: I did not go and get an abortion.

Gus: Yeah, but you're part of the reason that she had to make a choice in the first place.

Rafe: Yeah.

Natalia: It doesn't excuse this...

Gus: Rafe, I... I understand that you're upset, okay, and you're angry. Do you think you could maybe find it in your heart to not be?

Rafe: Could you? If it was you...

Gus: Rafe, I was just a little bit older than you when I decided, out of anger, to go after the people that killed my father. And because I did that out of this anger, your mother never got a chance to tell me that she was pregnant with you. And when I look back at this, this anger was such a waste. Such a waste.

Rafe: Well, I guess we have something in common then.

Gus: The anger?

Rafe: No. Neither one of us got to raise our kids.

Natalia: Okay, so, I guess I should be glad that he is not running off somewhere and getting into more trouble.

Gus: Honey, listen, he's upset. When he calms down, I mean, he might not want to talk to his parents tonight or tomorrow, or for a long time, but when he's ready, we'll be here. The both of us.

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: Rafe? Amy. "Where are you? Check your e-mail." Wow, all of a sudden I'm popular. "Where are you? Missed you today." Nothing from Rafe.

Frank: You have her? She's okay? She's safe? You're in the building? Okay.

Alexandra: They found Marina? She's okay?

Frank: According to Harley.

Alexandra: You must be so relieved.

Frank: Alex, just sign these papers, okay? Sign the statement right now. You're free to go. Nothing is going to ruin this moment for me. Marina.

Marina: Daddy.

Frank: Oh, my God, honey. Oh, my God, baby. Oh, sis. Come on.

Alan: Don't you think you should just sign it, Alexandra, and make yourself scarce before Marina comes in here and points a guilty finger at you?

Frank: Sweetheart, are you okay? Are you hungry? Can I get you anything to eat or drink?

Marina: Same old dad. Some coffee would be nice.

Frank: All right, baby. Let’s... all right. Okay, honey, stay put, okay? I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. I can't believe it, after all these weeks... I haven't called pop or anyone. Eleni... nobody. I mean, I...

Harley: We can do that later. We can do that later.

Frank: What's the matter? What aren't you telling me, Harley? Did Griggs touch her?

Harley: No. I don't think so, no.

Frank: Are you okay?

Harley: I'm okay. Griggs got away. Meyers-- Officer Meyers, is on Griggs' payroll and he delivered Cyrus to Griggs, cuffs and all. I think it'll turn out okay, though, because Griggs took the case. So he'll let Cyrus go, right? Cyrus said he'd be right behind us. He'll be okay.

Frank: That's it? That's what you wanted to tell me?

Harley: Yeah, Griggs got away. I thought you'd be upset.

Frank: Look, I'll be upset tomorrow. Right now, I just want to be with my family.

Harley: That's all that matters.

Frank: Sis, I owe you so big. Honey, thank you so much for bringing back my daughter.

Harley: Oh, you don't owe me anything. She's my niece. But I'm not working weekends anymore and I want all the overtime pay. So, yeah, I change my mind, you do owe me big. (Laughs)

Frank: Yeah, I do.

Harley: She's home and she's safe, thank God. She's safe, Frank. That's all that matters.

Alexandra: Marina, where is Cyrus?

Marina: Not that it's any of your business, but he's fine. He's on the next boat.

Alexandra: You left him with Griggs?

Marina: No. Griggs left.

Alexandra: Well, Griggs isn't going to let him go that easy, you know, because it’s... it's revenge. It isn't just money. Why did you leave him there?

Griggs: That was a very nice good-bye. It almost got to me. But then I remembered, I don't care what happens to you or anyone, any of you here.

Cyrus: Marina and Harley are safe. That's good enough for me.

Griggs: Yeah, that is good for you. Because from now on, you belong to me. Come on.

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