GL Transcript Wednesday 10/17/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/17/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Daisy. Daisy.

Daisy: Reva...

Reva: Daisy!

Daisy: Reva, it's okay. It's just a dream.

Reva: Oh, honey, what are you doing out of bed?

Daisy: Couldn't sleep. Are you okay?

Reva: Oh, come on, don't worry about me. You are supposed to be in this bed. Now, come on.

Daisy: I'm okay.

Reva: Come on, you need to rest after yesterday.

Daisy: It wasn't a heart transplant. It was just a procedure.

Reva: Let me take care of you. That's what we're supposed to do. That's what we grannies are supposed to do.

Daisy: You've been great, but I can't stay in this room forever.

Reva: Easy, easy, easy. Can I at least get you some breakfast?

Daisy: No food.

Reva: There must be something I can do for you.

Daisy: Yeah. Tell me how to break this to my mom and dad.

Reva: You don't have to tell anyone until you are ready to.

Daisy: The longer I wait, the more they're going to hate me.

Reva: Oh, sweetie, nobody is going to hate you.

Daisy: But they've been so proud of me, with student council and good grades, and I hardly have any rips in my jeans anymore.

Reva: You want me to tell Harley and Dylan?

Daisy: No. No. I made the adult choice to have an abortion, then I can tell them.

Reva: It's okay to be scared. It is. It's okay to...

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: It's my mom.

Alexandra: So you call this breakfast?

Cyrus: Be glad it's not prison food.

Harley: Hey, it's me, again. Remember me? I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I missed your appointment. Would you do me a favor and just call me and let me know that you're okay, all right? Sorry. I love you.

Alexandra: Well, sounds like you should be spending more time with your daughter instead of keeping me prisoner and torturing me.

Cyrus: What, you think this is torture? Oh, if we don't hear from Griggs today, then we can talk torture.

Alexandra: I told you he only calls me when he wants more money.

Cyrus: Well, let's hope his greed is keeping Marina alive. If something happens to her, Alex... you okay, Harley?

Harley: Yeah.

Alexandra: Oh, that girl's always been trouble, hasn't she? And I do sympathize.

Harley: Shove your sympathy. Daisy turned her life around.

Cyrus: So what's the problem?

Harley: I don't know. Where were we?

Cyrus: Griggs.

Harley: Oh, right. Griggs calling. Well, if Griggs doesn't call, we go to plan B.

Alexandra: What's plan B?

Harley: We're going fishing for shark, and you're the bait.

Natalia: Rafe's been speaking to kids about juvenile diabetes.

Rafe: Ma, you don't have to give him my whole resume.

Natalia: No, I'm just...

Rafe: You're just trying to show off.

Father Ray: It's okay, Natalia. I know he's a good kid. It's obvious.

Rafe: See?

Father Ray: You know, you kind of remind me of my brother, Tony.

Natalia: Is that a good thing?

Father Ray: Sometimes. You just keep coming to church, okay.

Natalia: Oh, he will. We will.

Father Ray: I know Father Doyle from your old church in Chicago. He asked me to look out for you.

Rafe: Yeah, he said "look out" or "watch out"?

Father Ray: (Laughs) A little of both, I think.

Natalia: Well, this boy has come a long way since we were in Chicago.

Rafe: And maybe you'll admit that Daisy is not bad for me, then. Hello?

Daisy: You're there.

Rafe: Daisy?

Daisy: I just needed to hear your voice.

Rafe: Are you okay? What's wrong.

Daisy: Nothing. I love you, okay?

Rafe: Yeah, I love you, too.

Natalia: Rafe, come here!

Rafe: Look, I've got to go. Are you sure you're okay?

Daisy: Yeah. Perfect.

Reva: Was that Rafe? Did you tell? You know, he's in this, too.

Daisy: I know.

Reva: Sweetheart, I would never push you, but...

Daisy: I can do this. I'm ready to do this, because it will be fine, right? Hi, Mom. It's me. I need to see you. It's important.

Reva: You want to sit down, rest a bit?

Daisy: Can we, like, rewind the tape back to when I was like four, maybe?

Reva: Four was good, huh?

Daisy: Oh, yeah. Bubble baths, gummy bears, ballerinas...

Reva: Chicken pox, earaches, not to mention no Harley, no Dylan, no Grammy... me.

Daisy: That doesn't sound so bad right now, either.

Reva: Daisy, whatever you need...

Daisy: They're in there, waiting.

Reva: Yeah, and you told Harley just enough to make her worry. You want me to go in and warm up the audience?

Daisy: Would you?

Reva: Just remember, baby, they love you.

Daisy: I know. That's what makes this so hard.

Harley: So, where is she?

Dylan: She okay?

Reva: Ah, Daisy is outside. She's a... a little fragile right now.

Harley: Daisy's fragile?

Buzz: Maybe I should talk to her.

Reva: Uh, you know what? She's going to need all of us. That's why I was kind of hoping we... we were going to do this at your house, Harley.

Dylan: Yeah. Why did we have to meet here, anyway?

Harley: You know, with this hunt for Marina, we've stirred up a hornet's nest, and I've actually taken my own kids out of that house. I don't want anyone near my house.

Buzz: Do you actually think this Griggs guy would come after one of us? I mean...

Harley: I don't want to take any chances, okay?

Reva: Well, then, with Buzz's permission?

Natalia: Hi... oh, I wanted to get some takeout. I want to surprise Rafe.

Reva: I wouldn't worry about that.

Natalia: Did I miss something? Why are you closed?

Reva: Daisy?

Buzz: Well, it's just sort of a Cooper pow-wow. Come, let's get something for Rafe.

Reva: Daisy's gone.

Harley: Gone? Where?

Natalia: Is there something wrong with Daisy?

Buzz: Reva, just tell us. Come on.

Reva: Well, you know, it’s... it's not up to me. This has to be Daisy's decision.

Dylan: But Daisy's not here.

Harley: You're starting to scare me. Does this have something to do with her doctor's appointment?

Reva: It's really not my place.

Harley: That's never stopped you before, Reva.

Natalia: I'm going to go.

Dylan: No, no, no. Wait. Don’t.

Reva: Dylan, you said...

Dylan: I know what I said. But it's pretty obvious Daisy can't handle this on her own.

Harley: Handle what? Dylan! What is going on?

Dylan: Daisy's pregnant.

Harley: Daisy? Daisy is pregnant? She's pregnant? She told you this?

Dylan: No. Reva did.

Harley: Reva?

Reva: Harley, I wanted to tell you, but it had to be Daisy's decision.

Harley: Daisy's decision? She's a child.

Buzz: Apparently not.

Natalia: Rafe would have told me.

Dylan: Rafe doesn't know. At least, last time I checked, he didn’t.

Harley: So, you and Daisy, you had this whole father-daughter chitchat about this?

Buzz: Harley come on. At least she had someone.

Harley: Yeah, she had her father. She had her grandmother. Where was her mother?

Natalia: Yeah. And what about the baby's father? Because this baby belongs to two people.

Harley: They're just babies. They're babies having a baby. This is like... like us.

Dylan: I'm just glad you know now.

Buzz: Oh, come on, let's just think about the kids. Think about how terrified she is. She's scared about disappointing us, scared to drag Rafe into it, you know...

Natalia: I've been there.

Buzz: Yeah. So cut her some slack. When she's ready to talk, she'll talk.

Natalia: Maybe she is telling Rafe right now.

Reva: Um, I really didn't want to have to be the messenger here. Daisy made the decision to end the pregnancy.

Natalia: How could this have happened? You knew?

Reva: Not until after.

Harley: My daughter gets pregnant and she can't tell me? She makes this decision, and she doesn't tell me this?

Natalia: This isn't about you, Harley.

Reva: I know everybody's upset.

Natalia: Upset? Daisy and Rafe made a mistake, and we could have dealt with that, but ending an innocent life?

Buzz: Hey, hey, now wait a minute here!

Natalia: No, no. You call it what you want. But I know in my... in my soul, in my church, it is the wrong thing to do. What she did was wrong.

Harley: So, you're saying when you were pregnant with Gus' child, when you were a child yourself, you didn't consider this?

Natalia: The point is, I didn’t.

Buzz: Natalia, listen, I respect your faith, but this... this kind of talk is not helpful.

Natalia: Helpful? I'm not really so concerned with being helpful right now because that child was my son's, too. And what she did...

Harley: Don't finish that sentence.

Reva: You know what? Let's stop now. We can argue about this forever! All I know is that Daisy's the one who is hurting, so let's leave our own baggage at the door and try to think of a way to help her.

(Knock at the door)

Daisy: Reva, it's open. Look, I'm sorry I ran out. I just... I couldn’t...

Rafe: You couldn't what? Daisy, what's wrong?

Rafe: Drink this.

Daisy: Just stay here.

Rafe: Daisy, what's going on? What are you doing here?

Daisy: Oh, Reva... we had a sleepover.

Rafe: She left you like this? I'm calling a doctor.

Daisy: No.

Rafe: Daisy, something's not right.

Daisy: We can make it right, somehow.

Rafe: What is it?

Daisy: Rafe, do you love me?

Rafe: Okay, that's the second time...

Daisy: Okay, please, just say it.

Rafe: I love you. I love you, but you've got to tell me what's going on.

Daisy: I know. Um... okay. Okay, um... you know the night when we... you know?

Rafe: Yeah.

Daisy: It was the best night of my life before Harley caught us. It was like people say, but it was true. It was like we were the only two people in the world.

Rafe: (Laughs) But we weren’t.

Daisy: But a night like that, as great as it was, it can have consequences.

Rafe: Yeah. My mom blew a fuse when she found out, and Gus had a cow. I mean, talk about a hypocrite.

Daisy: Rafe, I thought we were being careful.

Rafe: What?

Daisy: I wasn't thinking about anything that night, except for you and me. I never thought that this could happen to me. I wasn't thinking about the next nine months.

Rafe: You're... you're pregnant? But I... I didn't even... how... how could that happen?

Daisy: I don't know. It all just happened.

Rafe: Oh, Daisy, I'm so sorry.

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: I can’t... I can't believe this. You're pregnant? When did you find out?

Daisy: Last week, I guess. But I kind of knew. I just didn't want to admit it.

Rafe: And you didn’t... you didn't tell me?

Daisy: I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I was all alone.

Rafe: You didn’t... doesn't matter, okay? I know now, and that's what matters. And you're not alone anymore.

Harley: Hey, we have to talk about this.

Natalia: Talk? The talk should have happened a long time ago between you and your daughter.

Harley: Excuse me?

Natalia: You know what? Maybe if you spent a little bit more time with Daisy, she would have a little bit more respect for herself and for other lives.

Harley: Okay, I think that we both made some mistakes here. But to tell me that I didn't try? I put my daughter in a juvie detention center. Do you know how hard that was? I was trying to teach her something then.

Natalia: Teach her what? You know what it did teach her? It taught her how to lie and how to take shortcuts...

Harley: Because who did she meet in that center? Who taught her those shortcuts?

Natalia: Oh, it's so typical that you would try to blame Rafe.

Harley: No. It takes two. Your son is not an innocent victim in this.

Natalia: At least I held on to him and raised him. Maybe if you hadn't given Daisy away at birth, she would've had some kind of idea what a family is.

Harley: And you know exactly what a family is, because you saw mine and you did your damnedest to take it.

Reva: Hey, hey, this is not the time for this.

Buzz: Daisy and Rafe are what matters now.

Harley: I need to call Gus.

Natalia: You know what? Gus and I will handle our son, and you and Dylan can handle your daughter.

Harley: Where is my daughter?

Buzz: Harley!

Harley: No. Daddy, I left her explicit instructions that she was to stay with you for the night. But she didn't, did she, Daddy?

Reva: Harley...

Harley: Where's my daughter. Reva?

Reva: I am not going to let you see her until you calm down.

Harley: Congratulations, Reva. You finally found a way to take my daughter away from me.

Buzz: Harley, that's not what she's trying...

Harley: Daddy, please! This is between me and Reva! I asked you 100 times to stay out of this. A hundred times I asked you to let me handle my own daughter.

Reva: It's a good thing I didn't listen to you, Harley. Because you were so busy, you weren't available for her when she needed you.

Harley: Is that how you justify this? You wanted to get your hands on her since you lost your own child!

Reva: I'll forget you said that for now.

Harley: You knew she was pregnant, and you don't tell me? You know my daughter's had an abortion, and you don't tell me? And then, when she needs somebody to love her and somebody to hold her, that's your job, too?

Reva: I did that job, Harley, because you were so busy with your own job, you couldn't be there for her!

Harley: I was trying to save my niece's life.

Reva: Right. you made a choice, right?

Harley: A very difficult choice, yes.

Reva: I wasn't trying to take your place, Harley. From the second I learned she was pregnant, I tried to get her to tell you.

Harley: Yes, I'm sure you twisted both of her arms.

Reva: Do you know your own daughter? She's more pigheaded than you are.

Harley: She is a child. And if she couldn't tell me something, then you should tell me.

Reva: I'm sorry, can we back up? Do you want me to stay out of your daughter's life, or do you want me to get more involved? Because you can't have it both ways!

Harley: Out! I want you out! Is that clear? Out!

Reva: Oh, really! Well, that's not going to happen because she's my granddaughter, and I'm going to be in her life whether you like it or not.

Harley: That's because you're the cool granny, because you're the one who's so understanding, and you make everything so fun, Reva.

Reva: Do you think this is fun for her? Or for me, or for anybody else?

Harley: I think you live for this. I think you are so hungry for somebody to love you, Reva, that you would take my daughter away from me!

Buzz: Harley, Harley, come on, will you stop this! You want your daughter to see you like this?

Reva: You know what? You're right. I do want to be loved. Who doesn't? But Daisy needed someone to help her. She came to me. I took her in. I respected her wishes, and I tried to help her.

Harley: Well, you make it sound so noble.

Dylan: All right, so, I called all over the place. Couldn't find her, but I left a message.

Harley: That's okay. We know where she is. Don’t we, Reva?

Dylan: Would you stop! All right? If you want to blame somebody, blame me. I saw her yesterday, and I was really hard on her. All right? I... I made her feel like she threw her whole life away. And that's probably right when she went to the clinic.

Reva: No, no. You didn't push her into this, Dylan.

Dylan: I'm sure I didn't help.

Buzz: None of us did. Not enough. (Cell phone rings)

Cyrus: Hello?

Harley: It's me. How's it going?

Cyrus: Still no word from Griggs. How's your daughter?

Harley: Um... I don't know. I'm not sure.

Cyrus: Harley, are you okay?

Harley: She was pregnant. She was pregnant, and I didn't know.

Cyrus: Because we were looking for Marina. I'm really sorry. Look, if you want to step back from this case...

Harley: It's a little late for that. She already made her choice.

Cyrus: What, you mean she...

Harley: Why am I telling you any of this? I barely... I barely know you. I have to go.

Rafe: Hey, get back in there. You have to take care of yourself now, and the baby.

Daisy: Um... Rafe, there is something else.

Rafe: I know that this changes everything, but we'll work it out.

Daisy: You make it sound so easy, but our families, our friends...

Rafe: Once... once they get over the shock, they'll deal. I mean, my mom's not going to be happy, but it's not like she can judge. And your mom, either.

Daisy: Well, that's not going to stop her.

Rafe: I'm getting into this, all right? We... we can get married, and I'll get a job after school. Or I'll ask Alan for a loan.

Daisy: You would do that?

Rafe: What's the point of having a rich grandfather?

Daisy: Well, what about, like, the trip next spring?

Rafe: We can always go to Europe. We'll have a kid. We'll be a family.

Natalia: Go on, Daisy. Tell him. Tell him everything.

Rafe: Hey, Mom, how did you find out?

Natalia: Her father told us.

Rafe: Us?

Natalia: Yeah. We were all there-- Harley, Dylan, Reva, Buzz.

Daisy: Natalia, I know what you must be thinking...

Natalia: You have no idea.

Rafe: Wait. So everybody knows now?

Daisy: I had to tell them, but when I went to face them...

Rafe: What about... what about me? When were you going to tell me?

Natalia: That's a good question.

Rafe: Ma, I can deal with this.

Daisy: You were just so excited about this Europe trip and doing good in school and everything, and...

Rafe: Who cares? Daisy, this is our kid.

Daisy: If I told you, then it would have been real. And I didn't want it to be real. And so, I...

Rafe: Until... until what?

Natalia: Tell him, or I will.

Daisy: I'm not pregnant anymore.

Rafe: Oh, God, Daisy, you lost the baby?

Daisy: I had to choose, and the longer I waited... so, yesterday, I ended it.

Rafe: You...

Natalia: She means...

Rafe: I know what she means. Daisy, you had an abortion?

Daisy: I didn't want to ruin your life.

Rafe: You did this for me?

Daisy: For you, for us!

Rafe: For us? Daisy, you get... you get pregnant and decide to take care of it without even asking me how I feel?

Daisy: But, you see, I was trying to spare you.

Rafe: No! No. That's crap, okay? You didn't ask me because you knew what I'd say!

Daisy: Don't be angry, okay? Look, I was scared and confused, but I knew one thing. I knew that we were not ready for something like this.

Rafe: It would have been hard, but so what?

Natalia: Raphael, let's go home.

Rafe: I don't want to go home, okay? And I don't need you swooping in telling me that I told you so!

Natalia: I'm not...

Daisy: Could we just talk this out?

Rafe: What's talking going to do? No.

Daisy: No. I want you to understand.

Rafe: I can't listen anymore.

Daisy: Rafe!

Rafe: I can’t. I've got to go.

Natalia: I know that you're hurting right now, and I know that you didn't want this to happen, but you took something you had no right to take.

Daisy: I'm sorry, but I thought...

Natalia: No, you didn't think. You never do. But I'm not going to let you hurt my son again.

Daisy: (Crying)

Harley: Daisy?

Daisy: Go away.

Harley: Why are you out here, sweetie?

Daisy: Go, please.

Harley: I just saw Rafe and Natalia.

Daisy: Don’t... don't say anything about them. I'm... I did the one thing you tried to keep me from doing. I made the exact same mistake that you did.

Harley: When I... when I found out that I was pregnant with you, I was terrified. I couldn't face anyone. And I had to make a choice. but every choice seemed wrong. It's just one choice seemed less wrong than the others.

Daisy: Well, then you were braver than I am, because I could not have that baby and then give it away.

Harley: My sweet little girl. I was not brave. I just made a choice, like you did. I only wish you had told me so we could've talked this through.

Daisy: But if I told you, then it'd be real. I'd be pregnant, and I didn't want to be. I just... I just wanted it to go away. (Crying)

(Alarm ringing)

Cyrus: Hey, you're Daisy's boyfriend, right?

Rafe: What's it to you?

(Police sirens blaring)

Cyrus: You got to run, kid.

Rafe: I'm not a kid.

Cyrus: Move. Move! (Police sirens blaring)

Harley: I wish I was there.

Daisy: Me, too.

Dylan: So, is this a private party, or can anyone come?

Harley: You have to be family.

Dylan: Oh. Well, in that case... just get in here.

Daisy: If anyone should come for ice right now...

Harley: (Laughs) They would see us, and they'd think...

Dylan: Call the house detectives. (Laughter)

Daisy: They'd think that's a... that's one lucky girl.

Dylan: I am so sorry for the stupid things I said to you. It was dumb. For saying you'd ruined your life, you know? Who the hell am I to talk, right?

Daisy: You're my dad.

Dylan: I guess you got a tough break.

Harley: No. You were there. That's most important. You were there, and I was off playing cops and robbers.

Daisy: No, I don’t... I don't blame you, you know. I think it’s... I like that you're a cop.

Harley: Really?

Daisy: Yeah. You know, the kids at school, they, um... they, like, to... they think that you can fix a speeding ticket or talk to the... the judge if they get busted. (Laughter)

Harley: Perfect! (Laughs)

Daisy: But there are some things that you can't fix.

Harley: If I could...

Daisy: I know.

Dylan: That's goes double for me.

Daisy: You know what I want right now?

Harley: Anything. Anything, anything, anything!

Daisy: I want to go home.

Harley: You want to go home?

Daisy: I want to go to my own room, down the hall from my little brothers. I want to... oh, can we order pizza? And we'll watch a movie, and we'll snuggle up on the sofa.

Harley: Your brothers aren't at home tonight, baby. They're with Rick.

Daisy: Oh, it's okay. It'll just be you and me. Oh, and you're invited, too.

Harley: I think it's important that you stay at your dad's house tonight.

Dylan: That's okay by me.

Daisy: Wait a minute. Why can't I be with you? In my own room?

Harley: It's just so complicated. Could you just trust me?

Daisy: No. I get it. You're ashamed of me.

Harley: No, Daisy, of course not.

Dylan: Daisy, Daisy, your mom's in the middle of this Marina thing.

Daisy: Oh, yeah, that's a great excuse. No.

Dylan: It's not an excuse.

Daisy: Thanks a lot, Harley, for nothing.

Dylan: Daisy... I'll just go get her and I'll explain.

Harley: Yeah, explain it to her. And when you're finished, maybe you can explain it all to me.

Rafe: Father Ray's not with you?

Natalia: No. It's just me.

Rafe: You're not going to stop me?

Natalia: What do you want from me, Rafe? You want a hug? Or a spanking? What?

Rafe: Nothing. I want nothing from you or anybody else.

Natalia: Hey, we have been through it all, right? No father, no money, no place to stay, except the car sometimes. Everything life threw at us, we... we faced it together.

Rafe: Ma, you can't kiss this and make it better, all right? You can't sing me a Spanish lullaby or walk me to school and face the bully.

Natalia: Oh, try me.

Rafe: Look, I messed up, all right? I messed up. And what Daisy did is... but if you guys had given us a chance...

Natalia: Rafe...

Rafe: No, no. Alan was right, all right? You let your guard down, you let anybody get too close, and you lose.

Reva: Is Daisy...

Dylan: She was just here with me and Harley. It almost felt like a family for a second.

Reva: What happened?

Daisy: My mom doesn't have room for me again.

Dylan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I tried to tell you before you took off.

Daisy: Yeah, Marina, I know.

Dylan: The guy who has Marina, he's a dangerous dude.

Daisy: I get it.

Dylan: Do you? Do you? Do you? Because your mother would do anything she could to have you with her tonight, but she wants you safe, okay? Do you understand that? So you've got to stay with me or with Reva, all right? Whichever. But she wants you safe.

Daisy: Even when she tries to help me, I take it all wrong, and I shove it back at her. It's like we're speaking two different languages.

Reva: Yeah. You know what it's called? The languages are "mother" and "daughter."

Dylan: All right. So, I'll get your room ready. You feel like eating? What do you want to eat? I'll order whatever you want.

Daisy: It doesn't matter.

Dylan: All right. Well, then, double pepperoni it is, all right?

Daisy: I'm sorry.

Reva: For what?

Daisy: Where do I start? For everything. For leaving you to tell them.

Reva: I will live. So will you.

Daisy: That's my punishment, huh?

Reva: You listen to me, Daisy. Look at me. This is not the end of your life. It's going to be painful and it's going to hurt, and the memory will never, ever go away- - nor should it-- but you will get past this.

Daisy: You don't understand.

Reva: Your mom, I know, she's hurt, and she's disappointed. But, Daisy, sweetheart, oh, she loves you, honey!

Daisy: I know, but it's not just her. It's Rafe.

Reva: Rafe. You told him? You told him everything?

Daisy: Yeah, and he hates me.

Reva: No, I don't believe that.

Daisy: Yeah, you should have seen him. When he thought I was pregnant, he was amazing. And then I told him, and I've never seen him so hurt and angry, and...

Ra: It's going to take time, but he'll get past it, too.

Daisy: What if he doesn't? What if I went through all of this for us, and I ruined it? What if I ruined everything?

Cyrus: You look like you could use a beer.

Harley: I feel like I could use a keg.

Cyrus: I saw that boy.

Harley: Oh, Rafe.

Cyrus: And you think you're a mess. He was trying to break every window on Main Street.

Harley: Well, I wish I could say I was sorry.

Cyrus: Harley, give the kid a break. There's no bad guys here.

Harley: Hey, I don't need you to be the voice of reason, okay? I get that it's not all his fault. I get it's not all her fault. It’s... most likely, it's my fault.

Cyrus: I don't believe that.

Harley: Well, call me when you have kids, okay?

Cyrus: Don't wait for that.

Harley: The truth is, this situation actually brought us closer.

Cyrus: Good.

Harley: Yeah, we talked-- till she asked to come home.

Cyrus: Home?

Harley: Yeah. You can imagine that conversation. "Oh, my sweet little girl, I love you so much, but, actually, I'm harboring a fugitive from justice right now, and the monster he calls his wife." You know, I changed my mind. This isn't my fault. This is your fault. How could you be stupid enough to get involved with Griggs? Because of you, I had to choose between my niece's life and my daughter.

Cyrus: Well, I wish I could go back and change that.

Harley: No, you don’t. You wish you could have it all. You wish you could have the money and Marina.

Cyrus: Well, yeah. Failing that...

Harley: Failing that, we have to wait for Griggs to call, and then we pounce. And in the meantime, somebody else is with my kid.

Cyrus: Look, I can take Alex somewhere else while we're waiting for Griggs. You want someone to be here with you? Your father or Gus?

Harley: No. There's nobody. You, me, Alex, we're the only hope Marina has. Hey, I know it's not your fault.

Cyrus: It's okay.

Harley: Thanks for the beer.

Cyrus: I'll put it on your tab. Try and get some sleep.

Harley: Yeah, right. That's my little girl.

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