GL Transcript Tuesday 10/16/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/16/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Mallet: Yeah. No, that sounds good.

Vanessa: Dinah, it's your mom. Look, was I supposed to think your sending me all those pancakes was funny? I need to talk to you about something... (beep)

Mallet: Hey, Dinah, it's me. I... well, I hope you're okay. I don't expect you to call me back or anything. Not that I'd mind if you did. But anyway, I hope you're taking care of yourself. You know you need to. We talked about the driving thing yesterday and... well, I know you hate hearing this kind of stuff from me, but I'm just saying it, you know, because I... (beep)

Dinah: Please pick up. Please pick up.

(Cell phone rings)

Matt: Hello?

Dinah: What are you doing?

Matt: Hey. Nothing.

Dinah: I want to play.

Matt: Yeah? Well, you know, it's really not a great time for me.

Dinah: Where are you?

Matt: Main Street. But, look, Dinah...

Vanessa: Oh, Lizzie, hi. Listen, I got your call but...

Lizzie: Hi! Oh, good, good, one second, one second.

Vanessa: No, I can’t.

Lizzie: One second.

Billy: Well, I'm sure glad you're here because I... oh, Vanessa.

Lizzie: Yeah, we just ran into each other. Oh, you know something you two should go to that thing that they're having for Josh and Cassie together.

Billy: Yeah, well, I guess we could go, yeah, sure. Look, do you know where the files are for all the work that Bill's been doing down in Venezuela?

Lizzie: Yes, those are all over at my place.

Billy: Well, I'd like you to get them because I need to call him.

Lizzie: Sure. But don't be rude to your guest, I'll get them to you later.

Billy: You don't have to go right this...

Lizzie: I'll just be in the way. You have fun.

Vanessa: Wow, she is really subtle.

Billy: (Laughs) She's looking after me. Actually, I was going to call you anyway, because... have you heard from Bill?

Vanessa: Well, yeah. I mean, a couple of e-mails. Why? Have you?

Billy: No, no, not since I fired him.

Vanessa: You what?

Billy: Yeah.

Vanessa: Oh, Billy. I mean, really.

Billy: (Laughs)

Vanessa: Well, we are really doing well by our kids.

Billy: (Laughs) Yeah.

Josh: Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Josh: What was that?

Cassie: Nothing.

Josh: Looked like it was important.

Cassie: It was the appointment reminder from the fertility clinic.

Josh: I thought you threw that away yesterday.

Cassie: Yeah, well, not quite. But we talked about it. It's all taken care of. We're not going to try to have a child.

Josh: You know, I feel really bad that I disappointed you.

Cassie: Well, I wouldn't be able to keep the appointment today anyway because someone has got me very busy this afternoon, very happily busy.

Josh: So we're okay?

Cassie: How could I not be okay? I'm about to give a young girl with a very bright future a scholarship in my daughter's name.

Josh: I'm just asking.

Cassie: And I know it was your idea, so I'm grateful to you.

Josh: Well, just for the record, it wasn't my idea because I was trying to distract you from wanting to have a baby. Just so you understand.

Cassie: I know. I know that. I know you better than that. But I need to start looking over for my speech, so...

Josh: Okay.

Dinah: (Laughs) You can run but you can't hide.

Matt: Hey.

Dinah: Oh, you really do look like you're down about something.

Matt: It’s... it's not a big deal.

Dinah: Well, I think that I have the cure.

Billy: I think Bill might be just going through a patch.

Vanessa: Yeah? What kind of patch?

Billy: Well, that girl who was on the phone down there? She sounded... fun.

Vanessa: Oh. That kind of patch.

Billy: Yeah, well, you know, maybe he just took on too much too quick, and he wasn't ready to...

Vanessa: Stop having fun.

Billy: Yeah. You know, I think maybe I might be doing him a favor by taking him out of the loop, you know?

Vanessa: Oh, well, hope he sees it that way.

Billy: Well, doing too much too quick can be very deadly. I know what I'm talking about.

Vanessa: Yeah. I know you do. Um... okay, so I'll call him and make sure he's okay, and when I find out he is, I'll let you know.

Billy: Thanks.

Vanessa: Yeah. So how's your patch coming along?

Billy: I'm going to be okay.

Vanessa: Oh, good. Uh, listen, I... um, I was wanting to come and talk to you anyway because, um... well, you know, we went to Alex’s party together and...

Billy: Yeah?

Vanessa: It's just that where we were heading, I really can't go.

Billy: Vanessa, I really have it under control.

Vanessa: Well, I'm really glad, but it's not you I'm talking about; it's me. I just think that maybe I made a mistake thinking that I... you know, I had everything... I was finished with Matt and that it would be just so easy to walk away.

Dinah: Feel any better?

Matt: You see me complaining?

Dinah: So what's going on?

Matt: Oh, nothing. I'm just being a big baby. Something I had planned didn't work out.

Dinah: What something?

Matt: Today's my day to be with Maureen. I hadn't seen her in a while and I had some fun things planned.

Dinah: Is Maureen all right?

Matt: Yeah, she's fine. You know, I don't even want to talk about it.

Dinah: Maybe later?

Matt: Yeah.

Dinah: Okay. Later. See ya.

Cop: Are you Matt Reardon?

Matt: Can I help you?

Cop: You drive a burgundy SUV four-door?

Matt: Yeah.

Cop: You mind coming with me?

Matt: Okay. You want to tell me what this is all about?

Mallet: Have a seat. Thanks, Bennett. This could take awhile.

Beth: I'm really just not interested.

Rick: What's going on, Beth?

Beth: Mr. Sheehan is a reporter.

Sheehan: I think your wife's story would make a terrific piece.

Rick: What story?

Beth: "Riches To Rags" is how he won't put it if he knows what's good for him. You know, Rick is a doctor. It's not exactly like I'm homeless.

Sheehan: You walked away from a billionaire's life.

Beth: I think we're done here.

Sheehan: Don't forget about the baby, the contesting paternity. I can give you some control over the story.

Beth: We already have control, thank you. We're having a little girl, and she is going to have a nice, normal life.

Sheehan: Normal. See? It writes itself.

Rick: That was, uh... that was different.

Beth: Yes.

Rick: Here you go.

Beth: When I lived up at the house we had publicists to fend off people like that.

Rick: Lived at the house. Uh-huh. I get it, you miss that life, don't you? The publicist, the whole nine yards, right?

Beth: Well, there was one publicist that was really cute. (Laughter)

Rick: Besides that guy, are you happy?

Beth: I have to say no.

Rick: What?

Beth: I'm delirious.

Rick: Don't do that to me!

Beth: And just think how happy I'll be when our baby is born.

Cassie: You made it!

Beth: Oh, hi! I did. (Laughter)

Cassie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Beth: That's okay, no, no.

Cassie: Look at this.

Josh: She often has that effect on people.

Cassie: Wow.

Beth: Yeah, I went a little-crazy today. You know, I know it's a little early for dolls, but I figured, "what the heck?"

Cassie: Oh, I remember buying dolls for Tammy. I loved shopping for my babies, you know? Even when I couldn't afford it.

Beth: Yeah, it makes it seem real. It just makes it... um... you guys have great a great time, and I'm going to be late for my own event if I don't hurry up and get going. So let me just grab my stuff.

Lizzie: (Sighs) This is Lizzie Spaulding leaving a message for Bill Lewis, again. Whoever is in charge of answering this phone, please, it is really important. What is up with that guy, huh? Huh? You think everything's okay? I am trying to do something nice for Billy, and you have been a big help. Yes, you have. You've been a very big help. Ooh, good girl.

Beth: Lizzie. Hi.

Lizzie: Hi. I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

Beth: Yeah. Talking to Roxy.

Lizzie: About important stuff.

Beth: Okay.

Lizzie: I don't mean to come off like...

Beth: No, no, it’s... you know, um, I just want to let you know that, um, you might be approached by a reporter. He's been nosing around.

Lizzie: About?

Beth: Uh, something to do with me walking away from Alan and the Spaulding lifestyle for a simpler life.

Lizzie: What? Doesn't he buy that you just walked away?

Beth: I guess there's not a...

Lizzie: I mean I don't, some days.

Rick: What was that about?

Beth: Uh... I guess I have to prove myself to everybody these days.

Josh: What's wrong? Cassie?

Cassie: Nothing. She just... for a minute there, uh, she looked like...

Josh: Like Tammy, yeah, I see that.

Kate: Miss Lewis? I'm Kate Lester.

Cassie: You're Kate, hi.

Gloria: And I'm Gloria, her mother. Thank you for this.

Kate: This is such an honor. Your daughter was amazing.

Cassie: Thank you. She was. She really was. And I read all your transcripts and the recommendations from your teachers. You're pretty amazing yourself.

Josh: I think it's about time.

Cassie: Yeah, sure. We should get started. So, Kate, why don't you come up here with me so everyone can see you? Hello. Hello. Hello. Hi. I hope you can all hear me. Thank you all for being here today. I prepared a few words I wanted to share with you. But if it's okay with you, I think I'd rather just tell you how I'm feeling. My daughter, Tammy, who we are honoring here today... well, those of you who know me know how strong the bond was between us and how difficult it was for me to let her go. And that is why today is so important, because today a part of Tammy lives on. I'm standing next to an extraordinary young woman named Kate Lester, and Kate embodies all of the great qualities that we all loved about Tammy. And by accepting this scholarship today, Kate reminds us how important our children are to us. She reminds us that their success is our success and that as they realize their hopes and dreams, we are renewed. And they make life worth living.

Vanessa: So, anyway, life goes on, and Maureen is taking this huge test today because that will enable her to qualify for this private school we want to get her into.

Billy: Is this "we" you and Matt, the fellow who's been with Dinah, who makes you miserable?

Vanessa: You know, you made me miserable first. Oh, I'm sorry.

Billy: Well, that’s...

Vanessa: Sorry, Billy. I really didn’t... you know, I was hoping I would never say that to you.

Billy: It's hard to give up those habits.

Vanessa: I just am so angry! I don't understand how he did what he did, and he makes me so angry that I could just... you know, it just makes you insane, that kind of...

Billy: Feelings are hard to deal with. You know that. (Sighs)

Vanessa: I don't think I really know what it is that I am feeling. And, uh... we were together for all those years. (Crying) And I keep thinking about Maureen.

Billy: So you really kind of haven't made any decisions?

Vanessa: Well... I just can't make any decisions right now.

Billy: But you kind of think it's better if you and I don't go anywhere?

Vanessa: Well, I mean, you and I are always going to be connected, always.

Billy: Sweetie, you know, that's one of the true joys of my life. But I got to tell you truthfully, I... Matt's behavior just seems to have taken him out of the picture.

Vanessa: Well, you just stop right there, okay? Because that is for me to decide, right?

Billy: You're right. But just remember how much fun you could be missing. (Laughter)

Vanessa: Okay. I'll talk to you after I've talked to Bill, all right?

Billy: Okay.

Matt: Nice. This is cute. You put on a good show.

Mallet: You really ought to take a seat, Matt.

Matt: Is it wired for electricity or...?

Mallet: Only way to find out.

Matt: Is this where you break out the rubber hose?

Mallet: Are you almost done?

Matt: You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of high school. They made us watch that movie "Scared Straight." Is this where you take me down to the cell block and show me what's going to happen to me if I don't leave Dinah alone?

Mallet: No, that's not what I want.

Matt: What do you want?

Mallet: I'll tell you what I want. What I... take better care of her. That's what I want.

Matt: What?

Mallet: She's making a huge mistake, but it's not her fault. She doesn't know what she's doing.

Matt: Thanks, Mallet. I'm flattered.

Mallet: It's not about you, Matt. It's about her not taking care of herself, and obviously she won't let me do it.

Matt: Me?

Mallet: Yeah. Look, I'm not going to stand here and waste my energy telling you to steer clear of my wife, okay? I don't like this. I don't like any of it. As a matter of fact, I hate it. But if you're going to be with her, you're going to have to take some, some responsibility.

Matt: Take care of her?

Mallet: Yeah, you heard me.

Matt: Supervise her?

Mallet: If you care about her, yes.

Matt: Basically be you.

Mallet: No. Just... just do what's right.

Matt: Mallet, don't you get it? That's why she's not with you anymore. She's tired of being smothered.

Mallet: She’s... she's not herself.

Matt: Yeah, well, she's not a child, even though you continue to treat her like one. I'm not her keeper. She doesn't want one. She doesn't need one. Can I go?

Dinah: Come on! Keep up!

Maureen: Are you sure mom said this was okay?

Dinah: Maureen, will you trust your sister, please? You can take that test any time. We have lots of work to do.

Cassie: So good luck to you.

Gloria: Thank you again so much.

Cassie: Oh, please, thank you! Thank you. Katie's going to make us so proud. I know it. And there are a bunch of photographers over there, so why don't you two get started and I'll join you in a minute. Was I horrible?

Josh: You were great.

Cassie: The speech just seemed kind of stiff all of a sudden.

Josh: No, not at all. It was from the heart. That’s... that's better.

Rick: It was a nice speech.

Beth: Yes. Tammy was an amazing girl.

Rick: Yes, she was.

Lizzie: Hi.

Rick: I'm gonna grab some coffee.

Beth: Yeah, okay.

Lizzie: Did you like the speech?

Beth: I did. Yes, I did.

Lizzie: Yeah. My favorite part was... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Beth: Lizzie, just...

Lizzie: No, I was really cold before.

Beth: It's okay.

Lizzie: It's not okay. It's not okay. I've been all wrapped up with Billy, and I never see you, and I guess it's just easy to assume...

Beth: That I haven't changed.

Lizzie: I know how hard it is to walk away from granddad. So if you say that you have, you have.

Beth: It was hard, you're right. As you well know, he grabs a hold of you and he...

Lizzie: Squeezes the life out of you?

Beth: Yeah, something like that. What makes someone like that attractive, I don't know, but...

Lizzie: But?

Beth: But... but nothing. Nothing. We're free, right? We're free.

Lizzie: How's the baby?

Beth: Turning and churning and anxious to meet her big sister.

Lizzie: I will be there. You're so lucky.

Beth: I know. To have Rick, I know that I am.

Lizzie: No. No... paternity. What if the baby had been granddad's?

Beth: Well, it’s not, right? And that’s... and that's all that matters.

Vanessa: Mallet?

Mallet: Hey, Vanessa.

Vanessa: Listen, I need your help.

Mallet: Vanessa, if it's about Dinah, I am all tapped out.

Vanessa: Just... just listen to me, okay? Maureen was taking this test. It was very important to her, and Dinah shows up out of nowhere, says, you know, that Maureen has better things to do with her time, and because she's a relative, they let her go.

Mallet: Was she diving?

Vanessa: Yes.

Mallet: (Sighs) Dinah! How long ago was this?

Vanessa: About an hour ago. I've been calling them and they've been ignoring the calls. At least that's what I hope it is. I mean, they could be anywhere.

Mallet: All right, you know what? Just sit tight. All right, don't go anywhere, and I'm going to... just stay here.

Matt: Hey, I got your message. What's going on?

Maureen: Daddy!

Matt: Maureen, what are you doing? What are you...? I thought you had a test today.

Maureen: Not anymore.

Matt: Dinah?

Dinah: (Laughs) You should have seen your face when you saw her. It was priceless.

Matt: I can't believe it. I thought you were going to be in class all day. What time is it?

Maureen: Dad, it's okay. Dinah said so.

Matt: Oh, well, that explains it. I mean, after all, Dinah is your big sister.

Dinah: Now, I told her you had lots of fun things planned for the day.

Matt: Yeah. You know what? I'm dying of thirst. Will you do me a favor and run up there and get me a soda at the counter real quick?

Maureen: Okay.

Matt: Thanks, sweetie. Dinah, what'd you do?

Dinah: I didn't do anything.

Matt: You took her out of a test.

Dinah: You should not lose your day with her because of a stupid test.

Matt: Well, I talked to Vanessa about it. I was okay with it.

Dinah: You are lying right now. You were bummed out, okay? It's not right.

Matt: You shouldn't have done it.

Dinah: Hey, I'm on your side, you know.

Matt: I know you're on my side, but we can't just go around doing whatever we want.

Mallet: Better not have anything to do with this, man.

Dinah: We're busy.

Mallet: Dinah, your mom's looking for you.

Dinah: Thanks for the tip.

Mallet: She's been trying to call.

Dinah: Are you her enforcer now?

Mallet: No, but I think you should come with me and have a talk with her.

Matt: Maybe it's not such a bad idea, Dinah.

Dinah: Matt, you're kidding, right?

Mallet: Matt, can you watch over...

Matt: I'll handle it.

Matt: Okay. Thank you. Dinah, come on.

Dinah: No! No! Matt deserves to be with his Maureen, okay? We are going to have fun today.

Matt: You know, Dinah, actually, I think I probably ought to call the school and see if I can get her back in to take the test.

Dinah: I don't believe this.

Mallet: Come on, just come. Just come and talk to your mother.

Dinah: No, I am going to talk to Vanessa, okay? Because Vanessa is not Maureen’s only parent, and if Matt can't remind her of that, I am happy to do it for him. (Door slams)

Josh: Hey, Rick. How are you doing? How's the golf game going?

Rick: Hey, Josh. Good, good.

Josh: Good, good how'd you like this?

Rick: It was... it was good. Um...

Josh: What?

Rick: I have to say, though, you know, it was part of Cassie’s speech, you know, the one part where she was talking about how we realize ourselves through our children?

Josh: Yeah, it was very moving.

Rick: Yeah. It just... it just got me thinking about my situation.

Josh: You nervous?

Rick: Oh, no. No, no, no. Every day this gets closer, I just get more and more excited. You know, I just love the idea of being a dad again, and this little girl, she's going to have days like this, with me standing back watching my little girl realize her dreams. And when that day happens, I'm going to think about what Cassie said today.

Josh: I'm glad you're excited.

Rick: Let's face the facts. I mean, some guys our age are done with the whole baby thing and can't stand the idea of having to change diapers, but not me. I'm savoring the idea of doing it every single day.

Josh: I'm sorry, what did you just say?

Rick: I said I savor the idea of changing diapers?

Josh: No, no, no, before that. When you were saying guys our age being done with babies, that whole speech.

Rick: But it's true. I mean, we're not spring chickens.

Josh: Did Cassie ask you to say that?

Rick: What?

Josh: I'm just asking, did Cassie put you up to that or...?

Rick: What are you talking about?

Cassie: Uh, did Cassie put you up to what?

Rick: He's convinced that you talked to me about asking him something.

Cassie: Asking him about what?

Josh: About kids and, you know, babies, stuff like that.

Cassie: Why would you think I would do that?

Rick: Maybe you guys need a little time alone to, you know...

Cassie: Do you think I have some secret plan to get you to come around about having children?

Josh: I don't know. I'm just saying.

Rick: It was a great speech. I've got to get some coffee.

Cassie: Josh, I wouldn't do that. I... I respect what you want. I'm not sneaky. I'm... what am I talking about?

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: This is so hard.

Josh: What is? What's hard? What's going on?

Cassie: There's something I think I better show you.

Lizzie: Billy? Billy?

Billy: Hi.

Lizzie: Are you...

Billy: No. For once I am not.

Lizzie: I mean, are you okay? I mean, you didn't come to the ceremony.

Billy: No, you're right, I didn’t.

Lizzie: Where's Vanessa?

Billy: She's working things out.

Lizzie: Working things out.

Billy: Yeah, she's working things out. Look, I really want to thank you for bringing her over here. It was... it was good.

Lizzie: I'm sorry!

Billy: No, Lizzie...

Lizzie: I thought maybe... maybe Vanessa could help you get it together.

Billy: Sweetie, I think that I have turned this corner all by myself.

Lizzie: Well, not just about you. You know, if this thing with Bill gets any worse...

Dinah: Where's my mother? Let's get this over with.

Vanessa: Where's Maureen? Is she...

Mallet: She's fine, she's with Matt. He didn't have anything to do with this.

Dinah: Of course she's fine. Can we all stop overreacting, please?

Vanessa: Overreacting? You really, really went too far.

Dinah: You know, I don't know who's worse you or you.

Vanessa: Dinah, that test was very important for your sister.

Dinah: So is spending time with her father.

Vanessa: No, you don't get it. She needed that test so that she could get into country prep.

Dinah: Oh, she could take the test another day, Mom.

Vanessa: No, she could not take the test another day. They don't give it another day. Don't you understand?

Dinah: It's a snooty school!

Vanessa: Dr. Grayson.

Dinah: Oh, that better be an honorary title.

Mallet: Vanessa.

Dinah: Oh, you know what? I'm going to save everybody a whole bunch of time. I don't need an examination, all right? I'm fine.

Vanessa: Dr. Grayson is not here for an examination.

Dinah: Then what is he here for?

Vanessa: You need to go with him for an extended period of observation.

Dinah: Observation?

Mallet: Vanessa, is this what I think it is?

Dr. Grayson: Dinah, there's no reason to get excited.

Dinah: Oh, no, no, no. I'm not excited. You see, my mother is, because she's the one who called you up to have me committed or taken to the psycho ward. Is that what you're doing, Mom?

Vanessa: No. Dr. Grayson runs a very fine hospital. They're excellent doctors and...

Dinah: Oh, awesome. Padded cells, yeah?

Vanessa: No. No padded cells. This is to get you the help that you need, Dinah.

Dinah: Do I not get a say?

Mallet: Look, hold on, Vanessa, now, I didn't know anything about this, okay? I didn't know you were up to this when I went to go find her. I didn't know this was your plan.

Vanessa: I know, I know. Dinah, I know that you want to get better even though you can't admit it right now.

Dinah: I am fine.

Mallet: Vanessa, this is a physical problem, not a mental problem.

Vanessa: I understand that it is a physical problem. However, the physical problem is causing her behavior. She is a danger to herself and to other people, and it's got me worried sick.

Dinah: Mallet, honey, why don't you just take me home? Why don't you take me home? Because I think that's what everybody wants here, okay? If that is going to make this all disappear, then take me home. Take me home and take care of me, all right? But I am not going home with that man over there.

Vanessa: Nothing is going to make this disappear. It's too late.

Dinah: No, it's not. I'm not gonna go. Come on. I'm not gonna go!

Mallet: What are you thinking?

Dinah: Why are you people doing this to me?

Mallet: What the hell are you thinking?

Dinah: I wasn't going to shoot anybody. I am trying to make a point here.

Mallet: Yeah, I think you made it, I'm sorry to say.

Lizzie: You know, for a while I thought about putting Roxy in shows. I was totally convinced that she would win the Westminster. Or maybe just model or be a movie star.

Billy: Sweetie, why are you telling me all this?

Lizzie: I called some agents and casting directors. And then one day, Hilda, the maid over at Spaulding, pointed out to me that Roxy had peed on my granddad's priceless rug, again. (Laughter)

Billy: Good for her.

Lizzie: No, you know, it... she's beautiful. She's just not that well trained. You know, she barks, she begs, she eats anything she can grab, you know? And I... I didn't see it. I just kept making excuses.

Billy: Well, I'll tell you, Bill is not peeing on anybody's rug.

Lizzie: My mother made a lot of excuses for me and I was just a meltdown waiting to happen.

Billy: Yeah, I remember.

Lizzie: If Bill's going through something, don't just blow it off. He might really need you.

Billy: Okay.

Beth: And then Lizzie said that she wanted to see more of me and I was so relieved because she's been so standoffish lately. You know, it's just...

Rick: Stay away from my wife. You drop this story and you drop it right now. One word about my wife in a newspaper or magazine and I'll make sure those are the last words you ever write, do you understand? How long have you been standing there?

Beth: Long enough. Kind of reminded me of someone.

Rick: Somebody with a beard who runs a corporation? I'm sorry that you had to see that.

Beth: Well, I'm not. Not one bit.

Josh: Cassie, what's going on?

Cassie: This.

Josh: "Fertility: Advances, breakthroughs and New Hope."

Cassie: Yes, I saw it in the library and I've been reading it.

Josh: Behind my back.

Cassie: (Sighs) Yeah.

Josh: I see.

Cassie: Okay, let me say something. I threw out that appointment card. I gave up going to the doctor to talk about my options because you're not interested, because it's not something that you want.

Josh: I told you why.

Cassie: Yes, I know, I get that. But it is something that I want and it's something I don't even know how to let go of.

Josh: Maybe this is something we should have talked about before we got married.

Cassie: No. I would have married you anyway. I'd still marry you anyway. That's not the point.

Josh: What do you want me to say?

Cassie: I don't know. I just... marriage is supposed to be about compromise, I get that. But this doesn't feel like a compromise to me. You don't want to have another child and there's nothing I can do about that. But I hid this book from you. I hid this book from you because I can't give up what I want but I don't want to make you feel bad for what you want. There just has to be some other way.

Josh: I don't know what that is yet. But I do know it starts with this kind of conversation.

Dinah: Forget about the gun, okay? I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, okay? I wasn't thinking.

Vanessa: That's the problem.

Dinah: You stay out of this! Don't let her do this to me. Don't let her do this to me. I know that you don't want to see me locked up somewhere. I know you don’t.

Mallet: Dinah, I want you to get better. Just get better. Just get better.

Dinah: I'm not going to get better there!

Mallet: It's not happening here.

Dinah: I am not going to go.

Dr. Grayson: We've helped a great many patients exactly like you.

Dinah: Get your hands off me.

Mallet: Okay baby, listen. If I thought it would work, if I thought you'd be safe, I would take you home in a second. You know that.

Dinah: I am never coming back to you, ever. Especially not after this, after you've betrayed me and sided with her. I hate you. And I hate you! I hate you both. You say that you care about me, you're trying to take care of me but you've abandoned me and you're lying to me. You're lying!

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