GL Transcript Monday 10/15/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/15/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cyrus: Alexandra did not order Marina's kidnapping.

Harley: Did you hear what I just said?

Cyrus: Yeah, I heard what you said. Griggs has Marina.

Harley: Alexandra has been calling Griggs from the hospital pay phone.

Cyrus: You're wasting your time, Harley.

Harley: You were stealing from her. You were about to run off with Marina. There's her motive.

Cyrus: Alex didn't know that.

Harley: Are you sure?

Cyrus: She wouldn't do this to me. We're married.

Harley: I cannot believe you just said that with a straight face.

Cyrus: What would Alex gain from taking Marina?

Harley: I don't know. You tell me.

Cyrus: What's that for?

Harley: That's to ice that bruised ego of yours.

Cyrus: What?

Harley: You just don't want to admit you've been out-played, player.

Cyrus: I'm fine.

Harley: Good. I hope so. Because you're going to have to suck it up if you want to save Marina's life. Your wife is going down!

Alexandra: How is the girl?

Griggs: You said that like you care.

Alexandra: If I didn't, would I have just wired you more money?

Griggs: Well, the price may go up next time. How badly do you want to keep her away from Cyrus? And how badly do you want to keep her alive?

Alexandra: All right. There's no need to send me anything more than her tacky little bracelet.

Griggs: You got my gift.

Alexandra: I'd better not be getting anything else.

Griggs: For now.

Vanessa: Well, I think we should just go ahead and consult another specialist.

Mallet: Dinah will never go for it.

Vanessa: Yeah, but her condition has changed. Thank you.

Mallet: Her address has changed.

Vanessa: You're not telling me that she's staying with Matt, are you?

Mallet: No. She got her own place. That doesn't make me feel any better though.

Vanessa: Well, I don't know what I feel. I mean, I don't know whether I'm scared or just angry or missing Matt or what.

Mallet: Well, better think fast.

Reva: Ah, I guess it didn't go so well?

Dylan: Nope.

Reva: Daisy doesn't think I sold her out, right? You told her how you knew she was pregnant?

Dylan: Well, I told her a lot of things.

Reva: Uh-oh.

Dylan: Yeah, I'm still kind of new to this whole teenager-father thing, so.

Reva: No kidding. So what did you say?

Dylan: Well, the thing is I wanted to be supportive and yet firm. And it just all came out wrong.

Reva: What did?

Dylan: Everything. You know, I was... I was disappointed and I was angry, and I guess I just told her that she blew it and she threw away her life for some boy who's probably not going to stick around anyway, so...

Reva: That's not supportive.

Dylan: Uh-uh. I saw her, and... I wanted to help her, you know? But then just the fact that she's pregnant means I already failed her.

Reva: It's not really about you, Dylan.

Dylan: What if it is? I mean, maybe it is. Maybe I wasn't there enough. I wish I could go back. I wish I could go back, I could be there more, I could be there for her more. I could be stronger, I could be tougher on her, and then...

Reva: I know that song. I've heard it.

Dylan: You read the story. So what are you saying, this is payback for me and Harley, is that it?

Reva: Does it matter?

Dylan: I guess not.

Reva: You know what really matters? Is that we find that little girl and we let her know that she's not alone.

Nurse: Miss Lemay? Is there anyone with you?

Daisy: My mom was supposed to be here, but I guess she's working.

Nurse: You can just talk to the doctor if you'd like.

Daisy: No. I know what I want to do. I would have liked to have talked it over with my mom first, but it's my decision. I've read all this stuff, and a parent doesn't have to sign off on anything. And I waited 72 hours, and I talked to the counselor here, Laura, um... so I thought it through.

Nurse: I'll go ahead and arrange your ride home for you.

Daisy: Oh, can't I just leave by myself? I mean, I'm kind of handling this on my own.

Nurse: You'll be groggy from the medication. If you want me to call someone...

Daisy: No, that's okay. Oh, I'm going in right now?

Nurse: If you're ready.

Harley: A list of all of the calls made from that pay phone on Alex’s floor. We circled the ones we traced back to Griggs.

Cyrus: A lot of people use that phone.

Harley: And I'm sure Griggs has a lot of friends on that floor.

Cyrus: Look, I'm a good judge of character.

Harley: You're going to build a case for Alex’s character?

Cyrus: She offered up all Spaulding resources to help find Marina.

Harley: She was trying to throw us off her trail. Cyrus, I know you want to believe that your wife is some bored, lonely matron, but she's as dangerous as Alan Spaulding.

Cyrus: Hardly.

Harley: Did I tell you about her drug conviction?

Cyrus: Alex did drugs?

Harley: No, she ran drugs. She did jail time.

Cyrus: I did jail time.

Harley: That's not the point. Fine, you didn't want to believe this? Fine. But Alexandra knows where Marina is, and I'm telling you, any understanding that the two of you had went out the window when you stole her money and you stole her pride. So she took something from you and I'll prove it on my own if I have to.

Vanessa: So, anyway, this is the list that the doctor friend of mine got for me. And these are all... they're mostly on the east coast, but they're the top of their field... of sunflowers. You know, it's amazing how brain doctors can grow in a field of sunflowers, isn't it?

Mallet: I'm listening. I'm listening. It's like I told you before, Dinah is done with all of that. She’s... she's done with me. She's done with new doctors, old doctors, whatever. This isn't bothering you?

Vanessa: Well, I guess I just can't believe it.

Dinah: I can't see myself going back to Mallet. I mean, I'd be a fool to give all this up.

Matt: Buzz burgers?

Dinah: My freedom. It was difficult leaving him, but it was more difficult living with him, keeping myself in check all the time just so he wouldn't freak out.

Matt: You know, you can't fault him for caring.

Dinah: Well, I can at least go out now. I can go do what I want to do, have some fun, drive my car.

Matt: You drive?

Dinah: Yes. Now I can. He took my keys away from me. He didn't let me drive, you know? But don't you even think about it.

Matt: Not my place.

Dinah: I'm just done. I am done waiting for my brain to get back in order, all right? I am ready to live life again.

Matt: Well, cheers to that.

Mallet: That's it, I've seen enough. I'm going over there.

Vanessa: No, no, no. Allow me.

Mallet: No, Vanessa, wait.

Vanessa: This is something that needs a mother to do. (Clears throat) Hi. Got a minute?

Dinah: No.

Matt: No.

Vanessa: You, not you.

Dinah: Mom, we were just getting ready to order.

Vanessa: Yeah.

Dinah: So...

Vanessa: That can wait. He can wait. You can’t.

Dylan: Hmm, I thought she just wasn't picking up for me.

Reva: No, her phone's turned off. Harley's, too.

Dylan: Well, she told me she was going to meet up with Harley and she promised me she'd tell her then, but, you know, Harley’s working and, well, so...

Reva: Lately there hasn't been a lot of love lost between me and Harley, but she does put her family first.

Dylan: Where you going?

Reva: I'm going to find them and see if I can do a little damage control for Daisy's daddy.

Dylan: Oh, that's going to take a lot of work.

Reva: Oh, honey. (Sighs) You know what, it's tough. She's your little girl. It's hard to know what you're supposed to do or say when you're faced with something like this.

Dylan: Yeah.

Reva: Go easy on the beer.

Nurse: You can put this on. Everything else comes off-- jewelry, your watch. You can put your belongings in this bag. I'll put it in a locker for you. The doctor will be in shortly to make sure you understand the consent form and to go over your aftercare before the surgery. If you need anything, there's a buzzer by the bed.

Daisy: Okay, thanks. Hey. I just needed to hear your voice.

Rafe: Hey, what's up? Daisy, you there?

Daisy: I'm here.

Harley: Straight to voicemail, of course. Hi, Daisy, it's me. Sorry I missed your Ob/Gyn appointment. I kind of caught this break in Marina's case and... well, anyway, I'm really proud of you for taking care of yourself and I promise we'll reschedule. Okay, I love you. Bye.

Natalia: Harley?

Harley: Natalia, hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Harley: I was looking for Gus. Have you seen him?

Natalia: Oh, he's away. He won't be back until tomorrow night.

Harley: Oh. Actually, I wanted to see Rafe. I've been meaning to talk to him.

Natalia: About what?

Harley: You know, about Daisy. I wanted to clear the air.

Natalia: Oh. Well, he's not here. And, you know, I was just about to go, so...

Harley: Oh, so you're the gatekeeper now?

Natalia: The staff is off today.

Harley: Alan doesn't give the staff off.

Natalia: Alan isn't here, either.

Harley: Oh, I get it, so the place is yours. You're kind of running the compound now, huh? This must be nice.

Natalia: Are you jealous?

Harley: No, no, no. I used to live here. I don't miss it.

Natalia: So, why are you here again?

Harley: I don't think that's any of your business.

Natalia: It's not. So, I guess you should go.

Harley: I thought you were leaving?

Natalia: You first.

Harley: Hmm.

Alexandra: Cyrus. What... I didn't think it'd be safe for you to come back.

Cyrus: Well, it's not.

Alexandra: What are you doing here?

Cyrus: I heard a rumor that you're being released. What kind of a driver would I be if I didn't come to take you home?

Alexandra: Now you're my driver again? Ah.

Cyrus: Well, let's not get into that just yet.

Alexandra: So, you really want to take me home?

Cyrus: I owe you.

Alexandra: Any word on Marina?

Cyrus: No, nothing. Is this everything?

Alexandra: Yes, I think so. Yes. Thank you. Cyrus, I know that you'd rather be looking for Marina.

Cyrus: Well, the search has hit a wall. The cops are grasping.

Alexandra: For what?

Cyrus: It doesn't matter.

Alexandra: Well, can I help? I mean...

Cyrus: I don't think so.

Alexandra: Oh, come on, Cyrus, you're not losing hope, are you?

Cyrus: Let's go home.

Alexandra: Yes, I'd like to go home.

Cyrus: I'll get the car.

Daisy: Sorry. So, where are you?

Rafe: Nowhere, just walking around

Daisy: I'm sorry that I ran off before.

Rafe: Yeah, you said you had somewhere to be? Daisy, did you just wake up from a nap or something?

Daisy: No, I was studying. It wore me out.

Rafe: Oh, that's right, I forgot. We have a... we have a history exam on Friday, right? Wait, hold on. Daisy, look, can I call you right back? I forgot I have to meet my mom.

Daisy: Stay on the phone with me.

Rafe: Okay.

Daisy: Just until you see her.

Rafe: Daisy, are you sure you're all right?

Daisy: Tell me about our trip to Europe.

Rafe: Yeah, hold on. I have the stuff right here.

Daisy: Start from the beginning, okay? We're graduating in June.

Rafe: Yeah. I think about that a lot. I think about graduation a lot, about us standing up there with a cap and gown on, all stupid, and looking out to the crowd and me seeing my mother like crying and screaming like a little baby.

Daisy: And there's mine, too, and Dylan and Reva.

Rafe: And everybody there... everybody going crazy. But you and me, we're just... we're chill, and we're just thinking about college and about the trip.

Daisy: The trip. You and me together.

Rafe: Yeah. I'm looking at the... the hotel in Madrid right now, and Dais, I forgot to tell you, but there's this pool there with this waterfall in it...

Daisy: A waterfall, really?

Rafe: And there's this couple, right, and they're standing right underneath it. And they're just letting the water just fall all over them.

Daisy: That could be us.

Rafe: Why the heck not us? Yeah.

Daisy: Why not us?

Rafe: Daisy, you should see the streets. They're cobblestone. I mean, they're freakin' cobblestone. I bet you when you walk on them, it's like... it's like you're going back in the past or something.

Vanessa: What are you doing?

Dinah: Well, I am having dinner with the husband you dumped, while you have dinner with the husband that I dumped.

Vanessa: I know that. We are talking about you.

Dinah: Yeah, well, Matt and I weren't talking about you.

Vanessa: Come here. You are acting out big time, the way you used to do when you were younger.

Dinah: I don't do anything like I used to do, Mom.

Vanessa: Dinah, this is not about your injuries only. This is personal.

Dinah: Uh-huh. Like when you fired me?

Vanessa: I did that because I wanted to protect you. You just had a major meltdown on national TV.

Dinah: Right. And you couldn't find me a desk job?

Vanessa: I didn't know what you could do at that point.

Dinah: That is so good of you, Mom. Your confidence is soaring.

Vanessa: I mean, is this about revenge? Is that why you left Mallet, the person that you love? Why?

Dinah: You know why? You know why? Because he didn't let me be me. All right, he would stop me from being me. And I can't even put the words together in my head because I get it all screwed up in my head.

Vanessa: Look at me. Look at me. So, it's better to go around hurting the people you love?

Dinah: Yeah.

Cyrus: I know it's going to take more than a plate of fiddlehead ferns to make things right again between us, but...

Alexandra: Oh! Look, these are very hard to find. They're... Cyrus, we will find her.

Cyrus: How are you feeling? All right? Can I get you something?

Alexandra: I am just so happy to be home and with you here.

Cyrus: Right.

Alexandra: Okay. I know you miss her.

Cyrus: I miss a lot of things. Being on the run is not really living.

Alexandra: Maybe I can fix that.

Cyrus: Why would you?

Alexandra: Oh, come on. In spite of everything, I mean... I care for you. And, actually, I'm very worried about how you're getting along these days with the whole town chasing after you.

Cyrus: Yeah, it's like I've been hiding out in some sort of suburban nightmare ruled by overzealous soccer moms who think that they're right about everything, and they're wrong most of the time.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Cyrus: So, shall we eat? (Cell phone ringing) Is that yours?

Alexandra: Yes. I left it in the hallway.

Cyrus: Well, just let it ring. Unless you think it's important.

Alexandra: Well, it... I better go get it. I'll be right back.

Cyrus: Oh, I'll help you. Was this the best hiding place you could find? Was under the couch occupied?

Harley: Hey, notice the attire. I'm a pro at this.

Cyrus: Yeah, so am I.

Harley: Cyrus, less charm, more questions.

Cyrus: I know what I'm doing.

Harley: Just get her to admit that she's working with Griggs.

Cyrus: Or clear herself.

Harley: Whatever. Whatever.

Cyrus: This is my plan, Harley. Now get back in the drapes before someone sees you.

Harley: Cyrus, we don't have enough time...

Cyrus: Go! Go! Back in the drapes. Quiet.

Harley: Overzealous soccer mom?

Cyrus: Quiet.

Harley: Zach played baseball.

Cyrus: Shh.

Harley: Just get her to talk.

Cyrus: Shh-oot! I...

Alexandra: "Shh" what?

Cyrus: I forgot the caviar.

Alexandra: Oh, for heaven sakes, forget about it. (Laughter)

Cyrus: How about some wine?

Alexandra: Oh, no, I shouldn’t. I'm still on blood thinners.

Cyrus: You can cheat, I won't tell.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Cyrus: Who was on the phone?

Alexandra: Well, no one, actually. Oh, this looks good. Oh, you did, you picked a fine one.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Alexandra: I thought maybe it might be important about Marina.

Cyrus: Oh? What about Marina?

Alexandra: Well, I want you to know I put out feelers everywhere I can possibly think of.

Cyrus: Thanks for helping me, Alex. I know I don't deserve it.

Alexandra: Oh, you deserve it. You don't deserve to go to prison for that girl, no. I mean Griggs is the one who deserves to be punished. Oh, boy, this tastes good, but it really goes to my head right now.

Cyrus: Oh, good. Enjoy it. I'm just glad nothing happened to you.

Alexandra: What?

Cyrus: Well, Griggs. When you saw him that night.

Alexandra: Oh, you mean when I saw him on the patio before the party.

Cyrus: Uh-huh.

Alexandra: You know, it was just lucky that you happened by.

Cyrus: That's probably the last time you thought you would hear from him.

Alexandra: Uh...

Cyrus: I mean hear of him. Everybody's talking now. I mean, if you'd been down on the docks, it could have been you.

Alexandra: I'm sorry, what could have been me?

Cyrus: More wine?

Alexandra: Well, I...

Cyrus: Well, it could have been you that Griggs took, since he knows how important you are to me.

Alexandra: What?

Cyrus: Alex, you keep humoring me, saying that, "We'll find Marina," but we've both been around long enough to know how these things usually turn out.

Alexandra: No, no, wait. We really... we really can't go there.

Cyrus: Well, I mean, you didn't think that she was any good for me.

Alexandra: Well, no, I... (laughs) kind of depressing talk for my homecoming. Look, Cyrus, we can absolutely keep hoping, okay? Maybe we should prepare ourselves in case some tragedy happens, and, you know, try to figure a way to sort of get beyond it, you know? Well...

Dinah: Let's go.

Matt: What happened?

Mallet: I'll drive you.

Dinah: What?

Mallet: I will drive you.

Matt: I'll drive her.

Dinah: I can drive myself. What's going on?

Mallet: Where's Vanessa?

Dinah: She left. Let's go.

Matt: Mallet noticed that you... you had a little trouble parking the car.

Dinah: I was in a hurry. What are you trying to do? You trying to turn everybody against me?

Mallet: What?

Dinah: My mom, Matt.

Matt: I'm on your side.

Mallet: Look at your car. You can't drive. You're going to hurt yourself or someone else.

Dinah: I've hurt plenty, okay? I have hurt plenty and everyone can take care of themselves. And I can take care of myself.

Mallet: Dinah...

Dinah: You know what? You know what, just be frank about this. You know what, I am so fine... I am so fine I don't even know why I've been carrying this around with me, okay?

Mallet: Dinah, don't do this. Don't do this.

Reva: Excuse me. Hi, I'm looking for my granddaughter. I think she might be here for a checkup. Daisy Lemay.

Nurse: I'm sorry, that's confidential. Hospital policy.

Reva: Well, if by chance she were here, can you maybe tell me if her mother's with her? She had a fight with her daddy, and I just don't want her to be alone.

Nurse: I'll see if she's awake yet.

Reva: Awake? Oh, dear God.

Nurse: She said she'd like you to...

Daisy: It's over. It's over. (Cries) I didn't know what else to do.

Reva: Daisy, sweetie, I thought you were going to think about this before you decided anything.

Daisy: I knew it would just get harder the longer I waited, so...

Reva: I wish you had told me.

Daisy: So you could stop me?

Reva: No, no, no. So I could have been here with you. This is something you shouldn't have had to do on your own.

Daisy: It's okay.

Reva: No. No, it's not.

Daisy: Are you mad at me?

Reva: Oh, of course not.

Daisy: This is what I had to do, you know? I knew my choices and this made sense. And I know you always say follow your heart, but...

Reva: But you didn't?

Daisy: I don't know. I don't know. But I know I'm not sorry, if that's what you're waiting for me to say.

Reva: You can say anything to me, whatever it is.

Daisy: I just know this was too important to handle the way I usually do.

Reva: What do you mean?

Daisy: You know, how I just make decisions. I do stuff without thinking about it, you know? No matter what happens. Why I'm always in trouble. But I thought about this, about everyone else, and what would be best for them. I mean, it's a grown-up decision. I did the right thing.

(Knock on the door)

Vanessa: Is Matt here?

Dinah: What do you want?

Vanessa: I want to talk to him. I was thinking about what you said earlier, and... well, not all of it was...

Dinah: Crazy talk?

Vanessa: Yeah. Some of it made some sense.

Dinah: Don't you think we've talked enough for today?

Vanessa: I think that maybe I made a mistake.

Dinah: What?

Vanessa: About the way I pushed the divorce.

Dinah: What, so now that I have him, you'd like to have him back?

Vanessa: I just want to talk to him.

Dinah: He's not here.

Vanessa: Dinah?

Dinah: What, Mom? You know what, I'm not a slut. Okay, I'm a little messed up in the head, all right? What?

Vanessa: When you see him, tell him I want to talk to him.

Dinah: Yeah, hi, room service, please. Hi, I'd like to send up an order of pancakes to Mrs. Reardon's room, please. On the hour, every hour. Yeah. Through the night. You know, I really don't care if you guys aren't serving breakfast anymore, just do it, all right? I'm paying. Yeah. It's Mrs. Mallet. M-A-L-L-E-T. You can charge it to my husband's room. You know what, go ahead and send some to him, too, all right? Thank you. I'll show you crazy.

Cyrus: Where'd you get this?

Alexandra: What? It was a gift. It's only a nice gesture that... ah.

Cyrus: Where is she?

Alexandra: What?

Cyrus: Where's Marina?

Alexandra: Wha...

Harley: Tell us where she is.

Cyrus: That was very dramatic.

Alexandra: Harley.

Harley: Where is Marina?

Alexandra: Well, she's with Griggs.

Harley: How much did you pay him?

Alexandra: I have been in the hospital.

Cyrus: What did you do? Find Griggs when you caught me with Marina? You saw a little opportunity, waved your checkbook at him?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, I wouldn't go into business with a guy... kind of a criminal.

Harley: You married one.

Cyrus: So, what was the plan here? You were going to get rid of Marina, and then what? I'd forget all about her and spend the rest of my life married to you?

Alexandra: Come on, of course not. Of course not.

Cyrus: If you're angry with me, go after me. But to take it out on Marina, she's innocent!

Alexandra: What innocent? How is she innocent?

Cyrus: What kind of a person are you?

Alexandra: What do you mean? I mean, I have done nothing but good for you, you know? And here you set me up with a party that humiliates me in front of the whole town! You know, and you steal money from me...

Harley: Where is Marina?

Alexandra: (Laughs) And then you're not even care about sneaking around and embarrassing me, making me look... such a... in front of everyone with that girl.

Cyrus: Tell me where she is!

Alexandra: That girl!

Cyrus: Tell me where she is!

Alexandra: You know, I did everything to make this work. I really did. And it still could work.

Cyrus: Are you insane?

Harley: Stop it. The two of you, stop it.

Alexandra: Cyrus... Cyrus... now listen...

Harley: Focus, please. Please, Alex, how do we find Marina?

Alexandra: I don't know.

Reva: (Sighs)

Daisy: So, you're not saying a lot.

Reva: I don't know what to say.

Daisy: Do you think I'm wrong? Or do you just think what I did was wrong for anyone?

Reva: Who am I to say?

Daisy: Reva, I'm asking you.

Reva: I don't know. I don't know, baby. I don't know because it's not my body and it's not my choice. Does Rafe know?

Daisy: I wanted to handle this on my own, like you did with the cancer. It's better for him. He's got school, and he’s... wants to travel and he's doing all that stuff with the kids with diabetes. This is not a good time for him.

Reva: Or for you.

Daisy: Yeah.

Reva: You told me you were going to tell Harley.

Daisy: She was working and...

Reva: Daisy.

Daisy: I was going to, but Marina's still missing. That's important.

Reva: You don't think this is?

Daisy: Yeah, well... but, like you said, it's my body, it's my choice. This decision was all me.

Reva: No, it didn't have to be, though. That's all I'm saying. We would have supported you.

Daisy: Yeah, well, now you don't have to, you know, because it's all done. It's all done. And, you know, it would have been harder if everyone was talking about it, and everyone... you all knew. It would have just made me confused and... no, this was me. I decided what was best for me. I made the choice to have an abortion. God, this was so hard. It was so hard! (Cries)

Harley: It's over, Alex. If you want to do something for him now, tell us where Griggs is keeping Marina.

Alexandra: I can lead you to him.

Cyrus: Then do it. Let's go.

Alexandra: It may not lead you to Marina.

Cyrus: What do you mean?

Alexandra: Because if he's dropped her somewhere... and I told him not to hurt her.

Cyrus: Oh, that was nice of you.

Harley: How would we get in touch with him?

Alexandra: Well, he won’t answer his phone.

Cyrus: I swear, if you waste any more time...

Alexandra: I won't! I... I... he only called me when he had the need for...

Harley: What, more money?

Alexandra: Well, money, and mostly revenge.

Cyrus: You must get along great then. So, what do we do?

Alexandra: Well, when he wants to talk to me, he leaves me a number. It's never the same number.

Harley: That's his MO.

Cyrus: Yeah. So, we wait, again.

Harley: We're close this time.

Alexandra: Harley, are you going to take me in?

Cyrus: No, no, no. You're not leaving my sight.

Alexandra: Look, I only wanted to do the right thing for you. I only wanted to help you.

Cyrus: The second Marina comes home, I want nothing to do with you.

Alexandra: You'll be leaving me?

Cyrus: I already left.

All that you are all that you've been

all that you wanted to forget you bury deep

where no one can see and hope you can live with every

regret of holding your breath

of searching yourself a peace that can mend your broken home

somehow you defy all reason and rhyme

you're like a flower that grows in the stone

how can something so beautiful come from somewhere so unkind

you must have known where had grown

you could leave it all behind and now you're something so

beautiful now you are something so



now you are something so beautiful

beautiful something so beautiful

something so beautiful

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