Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/12/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Cyrus: If we could just find something that matters to Griggs.
Harley: You mean more than money?
Cyrus: Snatch his mother or his sister or his dog. Trade something for Marina.
Harley: Yeah, I'm sure he would want that dog.
Cyrus: If we find something he cares about that he would risk his life for...
Harley: Don't do that. I can't take you to the hospital if you break your hand.
Cyrus: Why, because your brother will be there waiting with a swat team?
Harley: His daughter has been missing more than a week. He doesn't know what to do with himself.
Cyrus: Well neither do we.
Harley: Well, we can always... go around the area of the lighthouse again later.
Cyrus: What are you doing?
Harley: I'm making sure we don't pass out.
Cyrus: I've heard about your cooking.
Harley: It's better than prison food.
Cyrus: I'm just going to got walk around a bit more.
Harley: Yeah, go get caught. That's going to help-- really.
Cyrus: Well it isn't the first time I've been a fugitive. Look, I'm sure that your mac and cheese is great, but while Marina' still out there... Looks pretty good.
Harley: Some things I've learned about investigating? You've got to eat, and you've got to sleep, and you've got to see your kids or you will go crazy.
Daisy: Thanks for meeting me. I need to talk about something. I couldn't think of anyone better to talk about it with than you.
Natalia: I'm at work, Daisy.
Daisy: I know. You're busy, I get that, but--
Natalia: And if you're going to ask me to spend more time with Rafe...
Daisy: I'm not.
Natalia: I can't do that. He's on the right track. He's doing well in school. He's getting good grades.
Daisy: I know.
Natalia: And he has a chance to go to Europe next summer and then to college...
Daisy: I know that, too.
Natalia: So I can't have you jeopardizing that for him.
Daisy: I care about Rafe. That's why I'm here.
Rafe: This is so stupid. How the heck am I supposed to know what "X" over "Y" over "X" equals?
Dylan: Take it easy, kid.
Harley: Well, I was planning to come over there later. I promise. 100? You got them all right? Oh, I'm so proud of you. Well, as soon as we find Marina, you and Jude can come home, okay? I love you, too. Hey, this is our secret, right? Remember? It's our secret; you won't tell anybody. Okay. I will. Zach says hi to the guy in all of the posters.
Cyrus: He's good at keeping a secret.
Harley: Yeah. The kid's a great liar, great.
Cyrus: What did he get a hundred on?
Harley: Oh, a spelling test.
Cyrus: Good for him.
Harley: Uh-huh. As long as he goes to college and doesn't pursue a life of crime.
Cyrus: Or fighting it.
Harley: Really? What's wrong with being a cop?
Cyrus: I'm just saying, he's a smart kid. He could be anything, rich, happy, safe. I'm going to go get back out and look for her.
Harley: I'll grab my stuff and go with you.
Alexandra: Nine, ten, eleven...
Nurse: Mrs. Spaulding?
Alexandra: Yes.
Nurse: You've got a package.
Alexandra: Thank you. Oh, good lord. Who would send me such a cheap piece of jewelry? It looks like something only Marina Cooper would wear. Oh, no, Griggs. Griggs. "Pay up or the hand comes next."
Rafe: Have a seat, Mr. Lewis.
Dylan: I'll stand.
Rafe: Okay, so, how have you been? Have you heard? About Daisy?
Dylan: Have I heard what about Daisy?
Rafe: The student council thing. It's a big deal, right?
Dylan: Yeah, it's a big deal. She's got a lot of stuff going on right now.
Rafe: Yeah. Daisy deserves it.
Dylan: Yeah. You know what, I'm glad to hear you say that since you've already messed up her life.
Natalia: Will you hand me that laundry bag, please?
Daisy: Do you like working here?
Natalia: Did you come here to ask me that?
Daisy: I know you hate me because of what Rafe and I did--
Natalia: I don't hate you. I think-- I think you just don't understand.
Daisy: I think I do.
Natalia: Okay. I don't want to hurt Rafe or keep him from someone he...
Daisy: Loves.
Natalia: I don't know about that. I am tough on Rafe, I am. And I know that you think that I'm very strict. But that's how mom’s are when they work so hard to raise their child and do it right.
Daisy: It was hard?
Natalia: I'm not asking for any sympathy. I chose to give up what I did for Rafe.
Daisy: Like college.
Natalia: That was part of it.
Daisy: And you never thought about giving up? You know, like putting him up for adoption, like Harley did with me?
Natalia: My only action was to raise my son as best I could. And he turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
Daisy: He did?
Natalia: Yeah. He's the closest I've ever come to doing something right, which is why I want things for him. Now, I want things for him more than he could possibly want them for himself. I want the typical things. I want him to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or the first Puerto Rican president.
Daisy: I want that for him, too.
Natalia: Well, you should want that for yourself, Daisy. Go to college, like me and your mom never did. You can make that choice.
Alexandra: (Gasps) Oh, I can't call from this phone. (Grunts) Oh, God. Oh, come on. Cyrus Foley, you had better be worth it.
Harley: Well, such a gentleman.
Cyrus: I'm just trying to get you moving.
Harley: Oh, were you listening to the call again?
Cyrus: Yeah. What if Griggs just planted that chiming noise to get us back to Springfield to stop us looking for Marina in New York?
Harley: Do you think he's that smart?
Cyrus: He's smarter than us. So far.
Harley: So far.
Cyrus: I understand why Marina looked up to you.
Harley: Where did that come from?
Cyrus: You're good at what you do.
Harley: Well, I understand why Marina... never mind.
Cyrus: Frank?
Harley: I know, he loves her. He loves his daughter more than any father could.
Cyrus: No, Frank outside, coming towards the house.
Dylan: How old are you, 16?
Rafe: No, I'm 17.
Dylan: You know where I was when I was your age? About two years away from going to prison.
Rafe: Well, I'm done with all of that stuff. I'm done with juvie. And I'm done getting in trouble.
Dylan: You sure about that?
Rafe: Yes. I have people who I care about letting down now. I've got my mom, I've got Gus, I've got Daisy.
Dylan: Right. You've got it all figured out, don't you?
Rafe: No, not all of it, no.
Dylan: What about Daisy? You know all about her, right? You know everything she had to go through to get her feet back on the ground? Do you know that?
Rafe: Daisy is a tough girl. She's strong. And people don't give her enough credit for that. And, honestly, if you did give her credit for that, then...
Dylan: Do not tell me how to raise my daughter.
Rafe: Mr. Lewis, I'm not.
Dylan: We're through here.
Rafe: Mr. Lewis...
Dylan: Just know this, if my daughter gets into trouble, I will do whatever I have to do to protect her. Do you hear me?
Rafe: Yeah. Loud and clear.
Daisy: What was it like when you found out Rafe had diabetes?
Natalia: The worst day of my life. But, you know, we managed. And it made me appreciate what I had even more.
Daisy: And how did Rafe get it? Is it hereditary?
Natalia: Diabetes?
Daisy: Yeah. I mean, well Rafe never talks about it, so I just wondered.
Natalia: Well, my grandmother had it. And Alan said that his mother had it. So, yeah, it can run in families.
Daisy: It sounds so easy, what you said before, about giving myself a shot, you know, to do stuff with my life. But what if... but what if things have been too screwed up, ever since Harley gave me up?
Natalia: Daisy, you are 17 years old. You have to start thinking about all these things that are going to happen: Graduating from high school, going to college, working on a career, maybe having a family, you know?
Daisy: If you could go back, what would you have done, you know, when you first got together with Gus?
Natalia: Well, I wouldn't have done anything different, because then I wouldn't have Rafe, would I? But that doesn't mean that I don't spend every day of my life wondering what might have been.
Hotel clerk: Ms. Rivera, room 132 needs prepping. You're behind schedule.
Natalia: Okay. Bye, Daisy.
Daisy: Oh-- you scared me.
Rafe: Yeah, well, you're cute when you're scared. What are you doing here, anyway?
Daisy: Nothing-- I mean, I was going to my dad's room and then I saw your mom working.
Rafe: Yeah. You know, I just ran into your dad, too. It's weird.
Daisy: You saw Dylan?
Rafe: Yeah, just now. He was not in a very good mood, to say it nicely.
Daisy: Did he say why he was mad?
Rafe: I don't know. Me messing up your life, I guess. What were you talking to my mom about?
Daisy: Stuff. Oh, she was just talking about how she raised you. Do you ever think about that?
Rafe: All the time. I mean, my mom is amazing.
Daisy: Does it make you want to have kids or does it make you think, no, it's going to be too hard?
Rafe: Um, I want to have kids, yeah, I guess. Doesn't everybody? Do you want to take a walk down by the water?
Daisy: I can’t. I have to go to the student council stuff. I'm sorry, but I will see you later, okay?
Dinah: I cannot believe you don't know how valuable I am with this whole Marina search thing. Who knows Cyrus better than I do? I'm tired of people telling me I need to calm down! I just want to help. Hello? I can help. Daisy?
Daisy: Hi, Dinah.
Dinah: Hi. Can I help you with something. You don't look okay.
Daisy: I'm fine.
Dinah: I don't think so.
Daisy: I'm kind of looking for my mom. I called her and I got voicemail.
Dinah: Oh, okay. Well, I can help you look for her. Although when I like to ask my mother for help, I usually don't get it. Don't listen to me. Harley is not Vanessa. Why don't I just drive you to the house?
Daisy: That's okay. I think I'm just going to sit for a second.
Dinah: It's wild. I'm looking at you, and all I can think about is that little baby.
Daisy: What?
Dinah: I was there when you were born.
Daisy: Right. That.
Dinah: Yeah. I didn't know your mom very well, I mean we were all pretty young. But when I saw that baby, you, it changed us, all of us. And I just remember I looked at you and I thought you were so cute, I just wanted to grab you and run away. And I knew right then I wanted my own little baby, a little girl like you. But, your mom, she had so much courage. She knew that she wasn't ready to be a mom, and she had to let you go. And I don't know what could be harder than that. And I really don't know why I just brought all of this up. I'm sorry. I go off a little sometimes.
Daisy: That's okay.
Dinah: Yeah, it just came back to me, just like that, the day you were born. Now I'm looking at you; you're so grown up.
Harley: You have to go, now!
Frank: Harley, it's me.
Harley: I'll be right there.
Cyrus: You're going to let me leave?
Harley: I know you'll come back.
Cyrus: I will.
Frank: Harley.
Harley: Wait a minute.
Cyrus: It's stuck.
Harley: What is?
Cyrus: The door is stuck.
Harley: If you turn it-- just turn it-- just leave. I don't care.
Frank: It took you long enough, I'm going to have to shave again here.
Harley: Sorry. I'm busy.
Frank: Too busy to check in with me about Marina, huh?
Harley: I'm sorry. With Gus gone, it's so hard. I'm taking on so much more, you know?
Frank: I thought the kids were at dad's?
Harley: They are at dad’s. I do this, I eat lots of macaroni and cheese. It makes me think of them. Something going on?
Frank: I have word that someone may have spotted Foley?
Harley: Cyrus Foley, here in Springfield?
Frank: Yes, near the lighthouse. It means that he may have left the country.
Harley: But Griggs is the one that has Marina.
Frank: For all we know, they could be laughing all the way to the bank while my daughter...
Harley: You know that's not true.
Frank: No, I don't know that, actually.
Harley: Frank, he's risking his life for her. He loves her. He loves your daughter.
Frank: And how do you feel about him?
Harley: Cyrus deserves to be punished for stealing, Frank.
Frank: And he will be.
Harley: But he is no threat. And he loves Marina. He loves your daughter. He would never betray her.
Frank: Speaking of which, sis, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that you're dealing with all of this while your marriage is falling apart.
Harley: She is my niece. I want to do this and I need to do this.
Frank: Thank you, sis. Thank you.
Harley: You can thank me when we find her. And you can thank me by leaving Cyrus alone.
Frank: You know I can't do that.
(Cell phone ringing)
Harley: It's Daisy. Um... sorry. She's been wanting and wanting to talk to me. Can you just give me a few minutes.
Frank: Yeah-- well, you know what? Actually, I've got to go to the station, so I'll see you.
Harley: I love you. And you know we will find her. You know that, right?
Frank: Right.
(Cell phone ringing)
Harley: Hey, you.
Daisy: Hey.
Harley: How's everything?
Daisy: Everything's fine. Is there any word on Marina?
Harley: Not yet. Where are you?
Daisy: Um, I'm on my way to Cedars for my doctor's appointment.
Harley: A doctor's appointment, are you sick?
Daisy: No. It's um... that checkup you wanted me to have with the gynecologist, remember?
Harley: I totally forgot. I'm so sorry. At least one of us remembered. One of us has a brain, right?
Daisy: Right. Look, I know you're really busy with Marina and everything, but um...
Harley: No, no, no, no. I can be there in ten minutes, just ten minutes, if you want me there.
Daisy: Definitely. I'd love that.
Harley: Good. I'll see you there.
Daisy: I'm so sorry, Daddy.
Natalia: Excuse me, sir, do I have the wrong room?
Rafe: No, you have the exact right room, madam. Here, Ma, this is for you.
Natalia: What is it?
Rafe: Open and it and see. Here.
Natalia: This better not be bad news.
Rafe: Look, Ma, can't a kid give his mom a present without having to have any reason?
Natalia: A gift certificate for a massage! Rafe! Is this from Alan?
Rafe: No. Mom, I saved up from my allowance money.
Natalia: How long did you save your allowance money?
Rafe: Um, well, Gus helped a little bit, too, but don't tell him I said that please.
Natalia: Thank you. You're such a good boy.
Rafe: Ma, I figured you deserved something nice for being on your feet all the time.
Natalia: This doesn't mean I'm going to let you be alone with Daisy.
Rafe: Yeah, well, I don't think Daisy wants me to be alone with Daisy.
Alexandra: No-- Cyrus, what are you doing here? Frank call off the manhunt?
Cyrus: No, afraid not. I'm still at large.
Alexandra: And Marina?
Cyrus: She's still missing.
Alexandra: Listen, what can I do to help?
Cyrus: Well, you've got a time machine?
Alexandra: Wouldn't that change things a lot. Make things different. I could be 20 years younger and you could be--
Cyrus: 12.
Alexandra: Ha-ha. I'm thinking more like 20 years older, dear. I'm just glad you're okay.
Cyrus: Oh, Alex, I hurt you. You shouldn't have had to deal with that not with everything you did for me.
Alexandra: Cyrus, you and I hurt each other. But that's what they-- that's what we do, we hurt each other.
Cyrus: Well, Marina didn't do anything to deserve this.
Alexandra: Maybe not. Would you help me to the chair? I need a stroll down the avenue out there. Listen, I want you to know something. I contacted the Spaulding investigative team. You know, they really have many more contacts than the SPD, and besides that, they will spare no expense.
Cyrus: Griggs doesn't want any authorities involved.
Alexandra: My people, they don't wear badges.
Cyrus: Oh, Alex, I don't deserve this, but for Marina, I'll accept it. Listen, I can't stay. If anyone sees me, I'm in trouble. I should go.
Alexandra: Sure, I understand.
Cyrus: I'll be in touch. And thank you, again, for everything that you're doing for me.
Alexandra: It's nothing, really.
Cyrus: You're a gem.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Okay. Oh, come on. Now pick up, will you. Just pick up.
(Cell phone ringing)
Griggs: Hello?
Alexandra: Well, I got your very thoughtful present. What a nice touch. Rest assured, your money is on its way.
Griggs: Excellent. Good choice. A really smart move, calling me from a pay phone.
Alexandra: Yeah, that's me, smart.
Griggs: And rich. You know I've got a good system going here. You pay me to keep Marina alive, and Cyrus keeps on suffering.
Alexandra: And if I suspect that any harm has come to that girl, you have-- Griggs?
Rafe: Mom.
Natalia: Keep your sugar up.
Rafe: I'm not even hungry.
Natalia: Too bad. So tell me what is going on with you and Daisy?
Rafe: Do you even care?
Natalia: Of course I care. I want to know if you're angry or upset about something.
Rafe: Ma, you want to hear about me and Daisy, but you don't want me and Daisy to be together. That doesn't make sense.
Natalia: Well, has she said that she doesn't want to hang out together that much?
Rafe: She hasn't said anything like that. It's just... I don't know, she's been a little distant.
Natalia: Maybe she figures there is more to life than hooking up in the back of a movie theater.
Rafe: We do not do that. Mom, we study. Sometimes.
Natalia: She was elected student council president, vice president, whatever. Maybe she decided to focus on that.
Rafe: She should.
Natalia: She should.
Rafe: And I can help her do that. Mom, I want to ask you something.
Natalia: What?
Rafe: You know that trip to Europe Alan gave to me?
Natalia: Well he didn't give it to you. It was offered, and it depends on how well you do in school.
Rafe: Mom?
Natalia: What?
Rafe: I really want to take Daisy. I-- I really want to take her, all right? I'll trade in my first class ticket and I'll get two regular tickets so we can go, we can backpack together and see all of the sights together.
Natalia: Wow. You are out of your mind.
Rafe: Before you totally freak out. I know you're not going to say yes right now. But I have eight months-- Mom, I have eight months to prove I'm responsible, and Daisy, too. Both of us, we've changed. We don't want to be screw-ups anymore.
Daisy: Did Reva tell you? Dylan? Come on, just say something, okay? This is so much worse. Just yell at me --
Dylan: What?! What?!! What do you want me to say, huh? You want me to just tell you, you ruined your life.
Daisy: That's a start.
Dylan: I can't believe I'm even saying this. I can't believe this is happening and these words are coming out of my mouth. After everything with me and your mother and even Gus had warned you--
Daisy: I know, I know. Okay? And I thought we were being smart.
Dylan: Oh, damn it, Daisy. Sometimes I really think that you want to mess up your entire life.
Daisy: Don't say that.
Dylan: Think about it. Think about the drugs, the boy, everything you did, to put yourself in juvie. And-- does your mother know about this?
Daisy: Not yet. She's meeting me at the hospital. And I'm going to tell her then.
Dylan: All right, listen to me. Look at me. This is going to break her heart.
Daisy: I didn't want this, okay? I never thought this could happen to me.
Dylan: But, you know what? It did. It did. Now we have to live with it.
Harley: Well, well, well. Let me guess. Spaulding earnings weren't quite what you expected this quarter-- get it?
Alexandra: I just had a hunger for Pringles in the machine down the hall. I can't seem to stomach anything else around here.
Harley: What a shame. Have you heard from Cyrus?
Alexandra: No, not since your brother put him on the most wanted list. He's probably long gone by now.
Harley: I'm sure.
Alexandra: Does Frank realize what he's doing?
Harley: Frank is just trying to get Marina back safe and sound. Cyrus will get what's coming to him. Unless you've forgotten he tried to steal millions and millions of Spaulding dollars.
Alexandra: You know-- I'm sorry, but I really need to rest right now.
Harley: I'll leave you to that.
(Song) I always say more than I should say I go outside hiding out inside drops of rain and I haven't found the perfect life, no just riding these waves on the blade of the night contaminated beauty uniqueness delight a melting pot of feelings and I... I've been bruised, disillusioned I paid my dues until my hands got weak but every day I wake up hoping I know I'm bruised, but not broken... ♪
Cyrus: Griggs, I know you probably won't ever hear this, but if you've hurt Marina Cooper, I will hunt you down and kill you. I'll make you sorry you got near her.
...Bruised, but not broken ♪
Harley: It's Cooper. Hey, Keagan, I need a favor. Could you do a dump of all of the pay phones on the fifth floor of Cedars Hospital. Yeah, this number. And put a rush on it.
Daisy: Hi. I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Vaughn.
Nurse: That's right. I saw your mother a little earlier, and she said she'd be here to meet you.
Daisy: She did? That's good. I mean, I think that's good.
Nurse: Why don't you take a seat. It's going to be a few minutes.
Daisy: Thanks. How far along are you?
Girl: Seven months.
Daisy: Wow! (Laughs) I mean, that's crazy. You're about to have a baby. Are you excited?
Girl: I guess.
Daisy: How are you going to feel when you first meet her, or him?
Girl: I'm not going to. I'm giving her up.
Daisy: Oh, someone is going to adopt her?
Girl: Yeah. I can't even see her.
Nurse: Miss Moralis?
Girl: Bye.
Daisy: Harley, where are you?
Natalia: Let's go, you have a math quiz tomorrow.
Rafe: I meant what I said about Daisy and me getting our acts together.
Natalia: Uh-huh. I'm glad you meant it. As your mom, I will believe it when I see it.
Rafe: Just watch, all right? Eight months from now you're going to trust us both enough to let us both go on that trip together. I guarantee it, Mama.
Nurse: Ms. Lemay?
Daisy: Is it my turn already?
Nurse: Yeah. The doctor's ready for you.
Daisy: Oh, but my mom isn't here yet.
Nurse: Oh, I meant to tell you. We just got a message from your mother at the front desk. She got busy with a case, and she can't make it. She said you should just go ahead without her. Are you ready to go?
Daisy: I guess I have to be.
Alexandra: Of course, I'm aware it's a large amount. Your job is not to ask questions, remember. Just do it, damn it! Hold on, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This has been a very taxing week for me. Just assure me that that wire transfer has been made and I can rest easy tonight, okay?
Cyrus: Come on!
Harley: Looks like you fixed it.
Cyrus: Where have you been?
Harley: I could ask you the same thing.
Cyrus: Well, I'll told you I'd come back. Any leads?
Harley: Yes. I came across some interesting information at the hospital when I went to meet Daisy.
Cyrus: How is she?
Harley: She's fine. Look, Cyrus...
Cyrus: Why are you looking at me like that?
Harley: I had a hunch about a phone. So I had some calls dumped from this phone. And the number popped up more than once, and so I called it. It's Griggs' voicemail.
Cyrus: Who's phone?
Harley: Pay phone, fifth floor, Cedars Hospital.
Cyrus: Pay phone.
Harley: Alexandra. Your wife has been calling Griggs. I think she hired him to kidnap Marina.
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