GL Transcript Thursday 10/11/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/11/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: Hey. So, do you think Stephen’s going to mind that I'm moving in on his turf before he's even left town?

Cassie: No. I do believe the good reverend told you to make his office your office. I didn't know his kids were so young.

Josh: Hey, have you seen my PDA? Is it, um...?

Cassie: I thought it was on you.

Josh: Ah, yes, it is.

Cassie: Are you nervous?

Josh: No. No. Why would I... I've seen parishioners before.

Cassie: Yeah, but very soon, they will be your parishioners, and every last one of them is going to want face time with their new reverend.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Cassie: You're very popular guy. You've got a whole list of people who want to see you today.

Josh: Yes, well, what can I say? Who's first?

Cassie: Let's see. A woman by the name of Reva Shayne. Do you know her?

Matt: Miss, do you need a hand with that?

Dinah: Oh. Hi!

Matt: Hi. Empty boxes.

Dinah: Yeah. I'm moving out.

Matt: Well, I guess it worked then.

Dinah: What?

Matt: Sleeping with me to drive Mallet away.

Dinah: Look... sorry, but I'm not being thrown out or anything. I just... I'm the one who decided to go. Just some things I need to do that I can't do with Mallet around.

Matt: What things?

Dinah: Matt, I'm awfully sorry that this happened.

Matt: I heard you the first time.

Dinah: I haven't seen you since the party.

Matt: Been out of town.

Dinah: I just figured that...

Matt: You're not the reason I stayed away, Dinah. But you're pretty much the reason I came back.

Rafe: Hi, Mom!

Natalia: Hi. What are you doing here?

Rafe: I know they don't let you eat that fancy food stuff, so, I made you something.

Natalia: Let me see. Ooh. Peanut butter and jelly with bananas? Very nice.

Rafe: Mm-hmm, well, keep going. Keep going.

Natalia: Oh, I love these. You can't eat these.

Rafe: Yeah, I know, but you do, you can, so I went to the store.

Natalia: Thank you, baby. So, what do you want?

Rafe: What?

Gus: Well, hello, guys.

Rafe: Oh, no, no, no, I didn't see you there. I beat you...

Gus: You beat me to what? You got a Buzz burger in that bag?

Rafe: No, peanut butter and jelly and bananas.

Gus: I know when I've been beat.

Natalia: Huh! Okay. Yeah, I see-- you're buttering me up because you want to see Daisy, and you're just making sure that Alan and Remy aren't here.

Rafe: No!

Gus: No, that's ridiculous.

Natalia: No, you can't, and no, they aren’t. But I will take these. Thank you.

Mallet: Oh, hey, Daisy.

Daisy: Hey.

Mallet: You know what? Are you hungry? I think they just gave me an extra order of fries.

Daisy: Oh, no, thanks. I'm good.

Mallet: Are you sure? Because I get them with lots of mustard, they're really good. Dinah is always... well, Dinah was always teasing me about the mustard thing. Sure you won't try it?

Daisy: I already ate. Thanks, though.

Mallet: You are missing out. See you.

Daisy: Mm-hmm. (Retching) That was fun.

Reva: First time?

Daisy: First time for a lot of stuff.

Reva: I know, I can tell.

Daisy: Do you think other people can tell? Am I showing?

Reva: Oh, sweetie. So, am I still the only one you've told?

Daisy: Everyone is so busy looking for Marina, and my mom has been back in town for, like, what, two seconds? Okay, yeah. I'm going to tell her today, I promise. And Rafe, too.

Reva: They need to know.

Daisy: I know. I mean, I'm going to do it.

Reva: You'll call me?

Daisy: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Okay, sweetie.

Daisy: Thank you.

Reva: Here, just in case.

Daisy: Yeah, I mean... hey, Harley. Um, I'd really like to catch up with you, so... well, you don't have to call me back but, um... you know, maybe I'll stop by later. Although, I have to go see someone. I have this appointment thing. Um... okay, bye. How am I going to do this?

Matt: There's something going on with us, Dinah. You know what it is.

Dinah: It's messed up, that's what it is.

Matt: Yeah, I guess it is.

Dinah: Mallet thinks that it's okay because he doesn't think that I... well, that I knew what I was doing.

Matt: Did you?

Dinah: It's not about what I was doing, it's about why.

Matt: I don't know. I just feel better when I'm with you than when I'm not.

Dinah: Matt, I love Mallet.

Matt: You're leaving Mallet.

Dinah: I'm leaving where we lived-- not because I don't want to be with him, but because I... I think I'm too much for him right now. I'm bringing him down.

Matt: He's bringing you down.

Dinah: I guess that, too.

Matt: Okay. So, you don't want to choose.

Dinah: This is not about a choice between you and Mallet. It's about deciding about being with someone or just being with no one. I want... I need to be with no one right now.

Matt: No one wants to be alone, Dinah.

Dinah: It's not about being alone. It's about being on my own. It's different.

Laura: Susan?

Daisy: It's actually Daisy.

Laura: Hi. I'm Laura. What brings you in today?

Daisy: I'm pregnant.

Laura: Well, why don't we have a seat? Let's see, you're 17.

Daisy: And-a-half.

Laura: Is the father with you?

Daisy: He doesn't know. My dad would kill me if he knew.

Laura: No, no, not your father.

Daisy: Oh! I... only my grandma knows. I told her.

Laura: Okay. Well, tell me how I can help you.

Daisy: Aren't you supposed to tell me that?

Laura: Well, sometimes when people come in here, they already know what they want to talk about, or they have specific questions.

Daisy: I don't even know what's right to ask.

Laura: That's okay. That's okay. I'll walk you through it, give you every bit of information we have. I'll lay out your options and offer my support.

Daisy: Okay. Great, because I have no idea what to do.

Laura: I need to be very clear, Daisy-- I can't tell you what to do.

Daisy: Right. But you can make suggestions.

Laura: No, no, I can't steer you one way or the other.

Daisy: Oh, okay.

Laura: Okay? Well, let me get a little more information from you. And has a doctor confirmed your pregnancy?

Daisy: Yeah. I went in for a test.

Laura: You were tested for HIV, STDs?

Daisy: Yeah. And I don't have anything.

Laura: And are you and the father still together?

Gus: I have something here that is for you. It's from Alan. He's out of town and I wanted to make sure that you got it. And I wanted to make sure that you were here when he got it.

Rafe: What, you don't trust me or something?

Natalia: No, it's not you. It's Alan. What is it?

Gus: I don't know.

Rafe: He wants me to take a trip to Europe.

Natalia: What, with him?

Rafe: No, with me, by myself.

Natalia: To Europe?

Rafe: I must have told him that I wanted to go to Spain once.

Gus: You didn't tell him that. It's all of those Spanish bullfighting movies you've been watching. He must have seen it...

Rafe: Yeah, but it's cool, right?

Natalia: Yeah, well, you're... no, you're not going to bullfighting.

Rafe: Not the bulls, okay. Spain. Spain is really, really cool...

Gus: You're getting a graduation present, you're not six weeks into school.

Natalia: Yeah, we haven't even seen one report card yet.

Rafe: Ma, I told you, I'm good. I'm good except for Trig.

Natalia: Are you flunking Trig?

Rafe: I'm not flunking, no.

Gus: Alan is trying to buy his love. Give him a chance, that's what he does.

Natalia: You know what? Look, if you do really well this year and graduate and everything, we can talk about it.

Rafe: Nah, you know what? You can give it back to him. I don't need... I don’t... I don't want it.

Natalia: Wait, wait, wait. You know what? I have work to do. This one is all yours.

Gus: Hmm.

Cassie: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Oh, hey!

Cassie: Hey. I was just heading out.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: I'll see you. Hi.

Reva: So... hi!

Josh: Hi!

Reva: Wow, what, are you getting set up here?

Josh: Yeah, it's kind of a transition period. I'm moving in, Reverend Rutledge moving out. Hey, you know, last time, you had an appointment with him, but you got stuck with me. Is...

Reva: No, no, no. No, it is you that I wanted to see. And not just as Reva and... and Josh, unless of course you don't think we can keep it professional?

Josh: (Laughing) Have a seat. My door is always open to you. So?

Reva: So... (chuckles)

Josh: Um...

Reva: Do you want to set a timer or something?

Josh: No, no. I... I'm a minister in training, not a shrink.

Reva: Right. Less pay; better benefits.

Josh: Let's hope. What's up?

Reva: Well, um...

Josh: You know, last time we talked like this, you were in some trouble.

Reva: Yeah. It’s... it's not me that's in trouble this time. It’s... it's Daisy. She's pregnant. Yeah, I thought I'd start you off with an easy one.

Dinah: Okay. Don't you crack now, all right? Hi. I thought you were at work still.

Mallet: Frank sent me home.

Dinah: Is he still beating you up? Haven't you been working your butt off since...

Mallet: Since you left, yeah. Frank sent me home because I haven't been home since... whatever. Who cares?

Dinah: It's not even noon yet.

Mallet: Well, I haven't been sleeping, so technically, it's still last night. Would you like one?

Dinah: No. I'm just getting ready to go. Anything happen with Marina?

Mallet: The whole force has been working around the clock. We've got nothing. We don't know where she is. We don't know if Griggs has her or not. We don't even know if she is still alive.

Dinah: It's not your fault.

Mallet: She's my partner.

Dinah: You're not responsible for her. You're not responsible.

Mallet: Or you? Dinah, just go home, wherever that is now.

Dinah: I want you to listen to me: You can't take care of me and you can't take care of Marina and the entire world. You're a mess right now. And Marina, she has the skills. Her father gave her skills. You taught her an awful lot. She's going to get out of this situation. But you have to ease up on yourself.

Mallet: You, too.

Gus: Wait. Take it.

Rafe: I told you, give it back to him. I don't want to go.

Gus: You don't want to go? Lying to your old man. You know, this is the second time I've seen you do this-- just not take something that you really wanted or something that was good just to protect your mom.

Rafe: Look, it's eight months away and stuff could happen...

Gus: So, you don't want to be out of town in case something should happen to her? Is that it? Rafe, I don't know how to break this to you, but you're not all that she has in her life anymore.

Rafe: What is that supposed to mean?

Gus: Well, it means that she's got friends now. She's got me. She's the whole Spaulding family, whether she really wants that or not...

Rafe: All right. So, because she has me as her son, now she can just go, and I can go to Europe, and she's got all these crazy people, right?

Gus: Rafe, it's not that she doesn't need you. She just needs you in a different way. Look, I know it's hard. You've been doing this since you were in diapers, being the man of the house. But you don't have to do that anymore.

Rafe: It wasn't that hard, please.

Gus: Well, you know, I was a kid when I lost my father. But at least I had a chance to be a kid. You never had that chance.

Rafe: All right, so now you want me to go to Europe?

Gus: Well, I want you to put yourself first. It's okay to do that. It really is. I don't want you, you know, running with the bulls, because your mom will kill me, but... you're 17 years old. The only person you've got to take care of is you.

Laura: You should think about it, talk about it.

Daisy: I am already so sick of talking... oh, God, maybe I'm just sick.

Laura: Okay. Do you need this?

Daisy: No. I just... I was just starting to get my life back together. I was doing okay in school, and I was getting along with my parents, sort of. And I had a real boyfriend. And we were only together this one night. And I know, it only takes one time, but... when it happened, I just wasn't paying attention to that. And I don't know if he... I don't know if we used a condom and it didn't work or if... I can't believe I just don't know.

Laura: However it happened, it happened.

Daisy: Well, my mom had me when she was 16, and then she gave me up for adoption. Am I done?

Laura: Well, if you want to be. Daisy, a pregnancy changes your life, but it doesn't have to ruin it. Whatever you decide-- keeping the baby, making an adoption plan, terminating the pregnancy-- you can get through it. Read the literature, talk it over with the father and your family, when you're ready.

Daisy: Which will be, like, never.

Laura: You'll come in again later this week and we'll talk?

Daisy: Yeah, okay.

Reva: You remember what it was like when we found out we were going to be parents for the first time?

Josh: I think you found out before I did.

Reva: Yeah. I'm talking about when we found out that Marah was going to be ours.

Josh: Some of the best years of my life.

Reva: Yeah, me, too. I mean, I was already a mother, but then when I found out that I was going to get to raise a child with you, together...

Josh: And then there were two.

Reva: Yeah. I miss that time that I didn't have with them. I... I still think about that. Oh, boy, you know, this isn't why... I'm not supposed to be that Reva today, right?

Josh: It's fine. It's okay. It's the Daisy situation. I mean, it's what she's going through. I get it, I understand.

Reva: Yeah, I know. I just don't know if she's in love with Rafe or she's just in love with love. And I don't know where her head is at with the whole baby idea or what she wants to do about it.

Josh: Well, that would be a good thing to figure out.

Reva: Yeah. She's just young... and she's scared.

Josh: Well, then it's a good thing she has you in her life.

Reva: Thanks. Well, time's up.

Josh: Doesn't have to be.

Reva: Yeah, well, we just kind of took a trip down memory lane there. But you were a big help. You were. And the bottom line is that a child changes everything, you know. Diaper duty, no sleep.

Josh: Tripping over toys all the time.

Reva: Yeah, spit-up on your brand new shirt.

Josh: Diaper duty.

Reva: That does merit a second saying.

Josh: I'm not ready... I'm not ready to do that again.

Reva: Ready? Are you thinking about it?

Jane: It's a cute dress, isn't it?

Daisy: Yeah, except for a really skinny girl, though. You could wear it.

Jane: My line of work, it would get ruined in a day.

Olivia: Jane. Hi. We're running a little late. All right, sweetie, have a great day, okay? Um... look, she woke up with a runny nose, and I tried to get an appointment for today at the pediatrician's, but I can't get anything until tomorrow. But I think it's just the sniffles. And her hands are still a little sticky from art class. She likes the glue. Here you go. I have a staff meeting that's going to be running late, and then I have to swing by and pick up her Halloween costume because all of the good ones are gone by Columbus Day, as you know. All right, then, I'll be home after that. Have fun. I love you!

Jane: Let's go.

Olivia: You okay?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, I was just listening. Sorry.

Olivia: Oh, it's scary, isn't it? The life of a single mother.

Daisy: Yeah. I don't know how you deal?

Olivia: Oh, it makes it all worth it.

Daisy: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah. Oh, that would look great on you. Oh, I forgot. Excuse me.

Cassie: You made paper bag puppets?

Emma: I'm sticky.

Cassie: Oh, are you?

Olivia: Emma. Emma. I'm sorry, Cassie.

Cassie: Totally fine.

Olivia: I... I wanted to give you my new extension at the Beacon-- they keep changing the phones on me. Emma, my love, you've got to go home and wash up, okay? Have fun! Oh, my gosh!

Cassie: I want one of those.

Olivia: What for R.J.? What happened to Mrs. Chitwood?

Cassie: Oh, not the nanny. The baby.

Rafe: Hey you. Nice doll.

Dinah: Get some rest and feel better, all right?

Mallet: Dinah.

Dinah: I can't be here, okay?

(Cell phone rings)

Mallet: Are you all right?

Dinah: Yes, I'm fine. Just answer your phone.

Mallet: I don't want to. We're talking.

Dinah: It could be about Marina.

(Cell phone rings)

Mallet: Oh, okay. Yeah, Mallet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What have you got? Great, great. Yeah, no, hold on. I'm trying to find a pen. Yeah, go ahead. 705... 705-668... what? 6683? Okay. And 2... another one? 207-8384. No, I'll run a trace right now. Thank you. Okay, good.

Dinah: Wait, what... no!

Mallet: What?

Dinah: I... he needs to call back. I didn't get the last number.

Mallet: Wait, wait, wait.

Dinah: No, you need to call back and get the number. Check the numbers again, because that's not it.

Mallet: It's okay. Just stay here a minute.

Dinah: No, I can’t. I can’t.

Mallet: Dinah.

Dinah: I can't stay, all right? I can't stay, because when I'm with you, you make me feel like I can't handle things on my own. Because I know that you will handle things, and I get overwhelmed when I'm with you.

Mallet: So, you're saying you would stay if we can work through that?

Dinah: No, I'm not saying that. Don't confuse me, please.

Mallet: I don't mean to confuse you.

Dinah: No, you saw what I did with Matt.

Mallet: Yes, yes. Yes, you hurt me and I'm pissed. But I still want you to come home. I want you to come home, because we can't fix what's broken... what's broken while you're somewhere else.

Dinah: No, I can't, I can’t. We can’t. The marriage can't fix that because it can't put it back to what it was because I'm not what I was.

Mallet: So it'll be different. It'll be different, but we'll still be together.

Dinah: No. You see, that's not good for you, but it is -- it isn't -- I didn't -- I don't know how to...

Olivia: So, you want a baby, huh?

Cassie: Yeah, well, you know, things are falling into place with my marriage and Josh's new job, and I always knew I'd want something more. You know? And... I lost Tammy. I'm trying to see Will more, and I think... I think it would be good for R.J., too, you know, to have a child of our own. Ours, together. I mean, I can't think of anything more hopeful than that. What?

Olivia: Nothing. No, I just... you know, as long as you want a child to add to your family and not hold to it together.

Cassie: Like glue?

Olivia: Look, I've been burned by Reva more than once. I wouldn't judge you for it.

Cassie: Yeah. I can't worry about Josh and Reva.

Olivia: So, does Josh want a baby?

Cassie: Well, he's not exactly been gung-ho about the idea of us trying to get pregnant. I'm not quite sure what to do about that.

Olivia: Well, if it were me, I would just go off my birth control pills and let it happen. But you-- you should just be honest with him.

Reva: You want to switch chairs?

Josh: No, I don’t. This is your session. This is your time. We're talking about Daisy right now.

Reva: What's up?

Josh: I've been thinking about kids, our kids, and R.J., and Cassie has been thinking about kids.

Reva: About having more?

Josh: I'm at a different place in my life right now. I mean, it's a new job, a new marriage. I have aches and pains I never had before. My knees hurt now when I go running. My back hurts...

Reva: I hear you.

Josh: Yeah. And I kind of hate to say this, but I really don't want to be a new dad again. I'm really helping you out today, aren't I?

Reva: (Laughs) No, you have. You have been, but I still don't know what to do.

Josh: Be there for her. Just... just be there for Daisy. Make sure that she knows all of the facts. Makes sure that she knows that she's loved, that she is not alone, even though she is going to have to make this decision on her own. And as far as you're concerned, don't be afraid to lean on family right now.

Reva: I think I have.

Rafe: All right, something's up.

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: Is it the Marina thing? Because I'm sorry, I didn't even... I didn't even ask.

Daisy: Yeah, there's nothing new there, so...

Rafe: You know, I didn't have a lot of these when I was little.

Daisy: Dolls?

Rafe: Yes -- no, silly... toys. I mean, we didn't have a lot of money, so I had to make my own fun, pretty much. Look, I was talking to Gus, and he says that I didn't have a chance to be a kid then, and he thinks I should be one now.

Daisy: What do you mean? Spain?

Rafe: Yeah, it's a gift from Alan. And I figured we'd trade in the first-class ticket for two coach and we'd go together.

Daisy: That sounds amazing.

Rafe: Daisy, we could be together. I mean, we can forget about everything. We'd just go away-- no parents, no school, no nothing.

Daisy: When?

Rafe: After we graduate. We'll go this summer, right?

Daisy: Yeah, summer. That sounds great.

Natalia: Don't you have any work to do?

Gus: Don't you ever take a break?

Natalia: I am. Right now.

Gus: Good.

Natalia: How did it go with Rafe?

Gus: Well, Europe’s... Europe’s on the table again.

Natalia: Okay. That's good.

Gus: Yeah.

Natalia: He should travel and see the world and experience...

Gus: Sure, sure. And what about you? I would have thought maybe you would have had Remy, you know, hanging around when you're on your break.

Natalia: Well, we're on a break, too.

Gus: You broke up?

Natalia: I want to talk about Rafe.

Gus: Okay. It's just that you didn't mention it before and I just...

Natalia: Yeah. I wanted your food.

Gus: So what happened? You had a fight?

Natalia: What happened?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Natalia: You know exactly what happened. No... you know. You made him feel guilty about dating me, and he was going through some things financially, and he cut me loose.

Gus: I'm impressed.

Natalia: You're messing with my head.

Gus: What did I do?

Natalia: You're checking up on me, you're bringing me lunch.

Gus: I'm just trying to... I'm a jerk because I'm just trying to be nice to you.

Natalia: Yes, yes, you are.

Gus: I'm just being nice.

Natalia: This is not nice!

Gus: What is it, then?

Natalia: You know what this ends up being? This ends up me going home and lighting candles and crying and looking at old pictures...

Gus: I never asked you to do that...

Natalia: And listening to sad songs.

Gus: I don't want you to do that. I care very, very, very much about you.

Natalia: See? That.

Gus: What?

Natalia: Don't do that.

Gus: What did I do?

Natalia: I would like to get over you sometime in the next lifetime.

Gus: You mean you haven't?

Rafe: All right, so, we map it out, okay? All right, and we'll figure out where we want to go, what we want to see, what we want to do, right?

Daisy: I've never seen you this excited.

Rafe: Daisy, I've never even seen an ocean.

Daisy: What?

Rafe: Yes. And now I'm going to be fricking flying over one. I've never been on a plane.

Daisy: Yeah, I went to... I went to San Cristobel a couple of times.

Rafe: Yeah, well, the biggest trip I ever went on was, like, going from south side to north side of the el. Do you want to take this back with you so you can look at it?

Daisy: Um, you know, actually, my bag's kind of full right now. But next time.

Rafe: Daisy, where you going?

Daisy: I have to go talk to somebody.

Rafe: You think I'm totally lame?

Daisy: No.

Rafe: You think I'm totally lame?

Daisy: No. No, no, no, no, no.

Rafe: All right, look, maybe this isn't as big a deal for you because you've seen more things, all right? But you've never seen them with me. Daisy, we'll be living big. I mean, you want to go, right?

Daisy: More than anything. Um, but I've... I've got to go because I'm going to be late. I'll call you later.

Rafe: Yeah.

Dylan: So, I come in here to pick up a prescription, I happen to see my daughter's name on the appointment sheet, and you can't tell me why?

Nurse: Well, you shouldn't have been looking at this.

Dylan: You shouldn't have left it out on the counter.

Nurse: Well, I cannot disclose patient information...

Dylan: She's 17 years old! You know what? I'll find out myself or a doctor or someone who'll tell me.

Reva: Dylan. Dylan, wait. Daisy's pregnant.

Josh: Hello.

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: Your husband is not half bad at this ministry thing. Come here, come here, come here.

Cassie: No?

Josh: No. I think I actually helped Reva a little bit today, and then this married couple came in...

Cassie: Yeah? Um, do you have time for one more?

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Sit, please. I don't want you to think that I want to have a baby with you because I'm insecure or needy or anything else like that, okay. I am very happy with you.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: But there is this... there's this void in me. And you found something that makes you feel whole, and I guess I've just been looking for that, too. And I think that is having a child with you. And one of the things that I love so much about you is how important family is to you. And I just want to have that with you. I... I want our family to grow. And I know how you feel about all of this, I do. But that doesn't make how I feel wrong.

(knock on the door)

Mallet: Fast, real fast.

Room service: Should I bill it to your room, sir?

Mallet: Yeah, that's a good idea. Thank you.

Matt: Hey.

Dinah: Hi. Can I come in?

Matt: Sure. What are you... what are you doing here?

Dinah: Well, you know how you said that no one wants to be alone?

Matt: Yeah.

Dinah: Well, I don’t.

Matt: Going back to Mallet?

Dinah: No.

Matt: I don't want you to do anything you're going to regret.

Dinah: I'm a different person now, and that person wants to be here.

Josh: I don't know what you want me to say to you.

Cassie: You don't have to say anything. I just needed to say it. I needed to get that out. I don't want to hide the way I feel because I'm afraid that how I feel won't jive with how you feel.

Josh: No, I don't want you to do that either. I want you to talk to me, tell me what you're thinking.

Cassie: And it's not the first time we haven't been on the same page about something, right? I mean, about a baby, even, although that was someone else’s.

Josh: Maybe it's easier if it's someone else’s.

Cassie: Well, then, will you pretend that I'm someone else? Will you just pretend I'm another one of your parishioners who is coming to you for help with a problem?

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: Please, really. I really need you to tell me what to do about this. Will you please just think about it?

Gus: Don't look at me like that.

Rafe: Did you use the kid angle?

Gus: I would never use you.

Rafe: Would you use my mom? All right? Because you were selling it hard pretty hard before about how I don't need to... I don't need to protect her anymore.

Gus: I would never hurt your mother.

Rafe: No, hurt my mom again. All right, so is this the real deal or are you going to go running back to Harley again?

Gus: First of all, Harley’s not even there. I would never be able to run back to her.

Rafe: Yeah, okay, but if she were...

Gus: It doesn't matter, what you're saying. It's never going to happen.

Rafe: Okay. I'm glad.

Gus: Rafe, whatever happens between your mother and me, I will always be good to her. I promise.

Rafe: Yeah, I can get that. All I want is to be good to Daisy.

Dylan: I just saw her. She didn't say anything.

Reva: Well, I think she's pretty freaked out. She hasn't told anybody.

Dylan: Yeah, except you, right? You know, I knew this would happen when she started hanging out with Gus' kid. I warned Harley. I mean, it wasn't that long ago she was doing drugs and hanging out with really bad people. I mean, she's a kid. She can't handle this.

Reva: Dylan, she's going to need you. She's going to need all of us. She's still having trouble wrapping her own head around all of this.

Dylan: She had just started getting back on track.

Reva: Yeah, I know that. But this doesn't have to change anything.

Dylan: Oh, no, no, no. Things are going to change.

Reva: Dylan, we have to be supportive of her.

Dylan: Yeah. I'm going to be supportive in every way I know how. But you know what? She has choices, too. And I don't think Daisy can handle having a baby now.

Daisy: Thanks for meeting with me. I needed to talk about something. I couldn't think of anyone better to talk about it with than you.

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