Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/9/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Look, it's just decided, okay? I'm the one that's going to take responsibility. That's the bottom line.
Billy: Decided? It happened on my watch.
Cassie: You weren't watching, you had personal issues, okay?
Billy: Just go right out and say it, I was drinking.
Mel: No, what I'm trying to say...
Josh: Yeah, well, that's exactly why you have to stay out of it, though, because you need to let me take care of this, okay?
Cassie: No, you are going to be a minister. You're going to have your own church.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: There's no way we're going to let you start out with a mark against you.
Billy: Amen. It is me.
Cassie: No, it's me. (Everyone talking at same time) I was the rookie. I was the rookie. If anyone's going to go...
Josh: It's me because I'm the one whose name was on...
Billy: No, that's our name.
Josh: Billy, I'm not going to let you take the fall for this. That's the bottom line, okay?
Billy: Oh...
Josh: You're my brother...
Billy: Nobody is asking you...
Josh: ...It's not going to happen.
Billy: ...I'm telling you.
Mel: What I'm trying to tell you... (everyone yelling at same time)
Lizzie: (Whistles) I love this family. I do. But I have read the contracts and none of you were to blame. Somebody else is.
(Engine humming)
Natalia: Doesn't he look handsome?
Gus: That's not exactly the term I'd use with Harley and Marina missing.
Natalia: No, I mean your son.
Gus: Oh. Whoa. Where'd he get that tie? You got him to wear a tie?
Natalia: He did it by himself.
Gus: Seriously?
Natalia: Mm-hmm.
Gus: Really?
Natalia: He's really trying. He wants to show how responsible he is.
Gus: That's funny because when I was his age I was allergic to ties.
Natalia: I know, I remember.
Gus: Hmm.
Natalia: Is there anything new on Harley and Marina?
Gus: I... I just... I keep beating myself up that I left her in New York with that guy. I don't know what I was thinking.
Alan: Natalia, there's a guy on a motorcycle out here revving up his engine and burning a hole in the ozone.
Natalia: It's Remy.
Gus: You're not getting on a motorcycle with that guy?
Natalia: You call me if you hear anything.
Alan: What is this? Would you look at that handsome Rafael? He's a beacon of light in this dark world, isn't he?
Gus: You think it's okay she gets on a motorcycle?
Alan: Well, it's her life, isn't it, Gus?
Reva: It's the meeting for the Cancer Research Foundation.
Nurse: I'm sorry, I don't see anything.
Reva: Well, that's odd, I got a message.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Reva: Thanks. Cancer research? How many more times are you going to set me up like this?
Jeffrey: I'm going to keep doing it until you return my calls.
Reva: Jeffrey, I told you, I can't do this.
Jeffrey: You can’t... you can't do what? Save yourself from Alan Spaulding?
Reva: We have a pact.
Jeffrey: Reva, he killed a man.
Reva: He saved my life.
Jeffrey: And what... well, what good is that in life if you're stuck in that mansion under his thumb?
Reva: I never should have told you.
Jeffrey: He didn't save your life, okay, he owns it. You've got to stop this.
Reva: I can’t. Don't you see?
Jeffrey: What I see... what I see, Reva, is a woman who is so desperate to save her son that she's willing to put her trust and faith in Alan Spaulding.
Reva: It's for Jonathan’s sake. I don't have a choice.
Jeffrey: Yes, you do. Go to the police and tell them what you told me.
Reva: No, I can’t do that. Because if I do that, Alan’s going to...
Jeffrey: You don't get it, do you? If someone traces the death of that sheriff back to Springfield, Alan’s going to make sure that you pay for it. You're going to have to throw him under the bus before he runs you over.
Gus: You see what he's doing, right?
Natalia: Look at you, avoiding the question.
Gus: Hey, keep it down! There's an ordnance against noise!
Alan: Natalia, you'll have to forgive Gus. He's still upset about Harley. And since he can't protect her anymore, it's only natural that he would want to protect you.
Gus: Shut it, Alan.
Natalia: Why are you taking this out on him?
Gus: Because he's playing you. Do you think for one minute he approves of Remy?
Alan: It's not for me to approve or disapprove.
Natalia: Thank you, Alan.
Gus: See, now he's trying to score some points with you.
Natalia: Well, he's doing a very good job because he's not trying to control me.
Alan: You know, you've worked hard all of your life, Natalia. And you've raised my grandson without a father and I think it's time you had a little fun in your life.
Gus: And you think she should do that with Remy? And you've started liking him when? Before or after you fired him?
Alan: He tricked Elizabeth into hiring him at the house so he could look after Natalia. Now, I don't like that, but I do respect it.
Natalia: I wish that he could see it like that.
Gus: I see plenty.
Alan: Now why don't you run along, have a good time and I'll try to keep Gus from getting in his squad car and following you.
Natalia: Thanks.
Gus: It's not going to work.
Alan: Look, why don't you do something constructive and go out and look for Harley or Marina?
Gus: You think that by sending her off with this guy that she might run back and want to actually be with you?
Alan: I'm her friend, that's all. And besides, I want to show Rafael that I'm open-minded, unlike his father.
Gus: If you saw Remy on his motorcycle out in the freeway, you'd run him over.
Alan: I would do no such thing. Of course, accidents do happen.
Gus: You're old enough to be her grandfather.
Alan: Are you establishing your territory with her? You are, aren't you? Well, if you do make up your mind and go after her, Remy is going to be the least of your problems, Gus, because you'll have to fight me now.
Lizzie: It wasn't Billy’s fault. It was the contractor who built the house.
Billy: I should have known.
Lizzie: No, he came with a recommendation. Don't you remember?
Billy: No.
Lizzie: From your son, Billy.
Billy: Dylan?
Lizzie: Try again.
Josh: Wait, Bill set... set this up? Is that what...
Lizzie: Yeah, I guess he was working with him in Venezuela.
Cassie: Did he know?
Billy: No, no way he could have known.
Mel: Well, none of that matters anyway because look what I have-- a letter from one of the families that lost its home.
Josh: "Dear Judge Howell, we want to go on record thanking Lewis Construction for all the care and concern it's shown us. Not only have they found us a new home but they have paid all our medical and legal expenses. More than that, they have spent time with us asking what we want and need. We ask you take this into consideration when you make your ruling."
Lizzie: In my family, that's P.R., but you guys actually mean it.
Billy: Yeah, yeah, we do.
Josh: So, what, is that it? It's just over, just like that?
Mel: Well, no promises, but it looks good. If you guys could just compile a list for me of all the buildings you've put up in the past five years just to show there's no history of shoddy construction....
Lizzie: I'm on it.
Cassie: Yeah, I'll help.
Mel: Great.
Billy: I'm going to straighten out Bill.
Josh: Mel, thank you very much.
Mel: Okay, I'm glad to help.
Josh: Okay.
Lizzie: Okay, Cassie and I are going to get on that list.
Cassie: Yes. We will catch up with you at Company.
Josh: Bye.
Cassie: Bye.
Lizzie: Bye-bye.
Billy: You take care of saving souls; we'll take care of the construction business, okay?
Josh: Yeah. About the business, um...
Billy: Yeah?
Josh: You're off the hook.
Reva: I'm doing what I have to do.
Jeffrey: And what is that, hmm? Looking out for Alan’s welfare above everything else, including us?
Reva: Us?
Jeffrey: Yes, us. There is an us, believe it or not.
Reva: I know there is. I know it even more now since I've moved out.
Jeffrey: Well, then fight for it. Put this guy behind bars.
Reva: It's not going to matter. Even if Alan is arrested, they're going to ask questions. Why was that sheriff trying to kill me? What was I doing in Tourmaline?
Jeffrey: We'll come up with a good story.
Reva: It doesn't matter. They're going to ask questions in that town. Jonathan and Sarah live there and then Alan’s going to know that they're still alive.
Jeffrey: And what are you going to do once Alan decides that he's scared and turns you in?
Reva: He won’t.
Jeffrey: You sure about that?
Reva: You have a daughter. Wouldn't you do whatever you have to do for Ava?
Jeffrey: What are you talking about?
Reva: You would. You would put your life on the line for her, wouldn't you?
Jeffrey: Alan's going to figure this out, okay? So, if we at least take control of the situation...
Reva: The situation is controlled.
Alan: Hello, Reva.
Reva: Alan.
Alan: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Al. So how's the murdering business?
Josh: Will you just let me explain?
Billy: No, you don't have to explain. I get picture. Time to put old Billy out to pasture.
Josh: You never wanted to run the company in the first place, Billy.
Billy: I didn't?
Josh: I dumped it on you when they sent me off to prison. Now you're free, that's all I'm saying.
Billy: Free. Yeah, right, free to get drunk on my own time so I don't make any other buildings go boom, right?
Josh: Billy... Billy, you've said yourself that you're starting to feel some pressure, right? And when you start feeling that way, you turn to the bottle. So, this way...
Billy: This way you get to start out your new church and you don't have an embarrassing brother to drag along. I got it.
Cassie: Even without Bill's input, we've got a pretty impressive list. Lizzie?
Lizzie: Aren't they adorable?
Cassie: The Lewis brothers, together again. (Laughter)
Billy: Hey, look, you want to fire me, just be man enough to look me right in the eye and tell me.
Josh: I'm trying to give you what you want, Billy.
Billy: Who's going to run Lewis?
Josh: Maybe Bill will come back. I don't know. Matt's available...
Billy: Matt? Whoa, wait, wait, Matt is in worse shape than I ever thought...
Josh: You can consult, okay? But in the meantime you can take a vacation. You can maybe get better at golf, that would be a good thing. You can raise alpacas for all I care. I don't really care. I'm just saying, you gave me a year of your life; I'm trying to give it back to you.
Billy: Oh, oh, my life?
Josh: Yes.
Billy: My choice?
Josh: Yes.
Billy: I think it's high time that I stepped up.
Remy: I kept expecting to see Gus in the rearview mirror.
Natalia: He has other things on his mind.
Remy: Harley? I guess the whole department's out looking for Cyrus Foley.
Natalia: You miss it?
Remy: I wish I was out trying to bring Marina home, but I don't miss the badge. Second-best move I made.
Natalia: What was the best move?
Remy: You figure it out.
Kiley: Sweet ride.
Remy: Can I help you?
Kiley: I bet you get a nice price for that thing, huh?
Remy: I guess.
Kiley: Enough to pay off your marker?
Natalia: Remy, who is this?
Kiley: Your boyfriend here likes to play poker. Trouble is he's not very good at it. Whereas my boss, Mr. Joe Crawford, is very good. And very patient, up until a point.
Natalia: Remy, you owe this...
Kiley: Yeah, tell her, Remy.
Remy: I had a bad night. I'll have the cash tomorrow for you.
Kiley: There's another game tonight? Like your luck will change. I don't think so.
Remy: Damn it, it's a sure thing, okay? Just give me 24 hours.
Kiley: Time's up.
Natalia: How much...
Remy: Stay out of this, Natalia.
Natalia: How much?
Kiley: You're wasting your time on this loser, sweetheart.
Natalia: Take this watch. It's an antique, it belonged to my mother. You take it and you leave us alone.
Alan: Reva, just exactly what did you tell Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: I know. I know about Tourmaline.
Alan: So do I, it's a gemstone.
Jeffrey: It's a gem of a little town in southern California. They're looking for a new sheriff right about now, thanks to you.
Alan: You gave me your word.
Jeffrey: Don't blame Reva. She didn't say anything that I couldn't figure out for myself.
Reva: He traced your flight. He heard the sheriff had been killed and he connected the dots.
Alan: And you filled in the blanks, huh?
Reva: He's my lawyer. Whatever I told him is confidential.
Alan: You think that would stop him if he thought he could nail me?
Jeffrey: You're right. I wouldn't hesitate. Lucky for you, Reva won't let me.
Alan: Really?
Reva: You saved my life.
Jeffrey: Reva won't give you up, Alan. That's not to say that I won’t.
Alan: So it comes down between you and me, huh? Have I ever told you how fond I am of your daughter?
Jeffrey: What does Ava have to do with this?
Alan: She has a very bright future ahead of her, a future that I could help a lot.
Jeffrey: You think you can use Ava as a bargaining chip?
Alan: Okay, if you don't want to think about your daughter's future, what about your sordid past? You know, Olivia came very close to prosecuting you for something you did to her when she was more... well, no more than a child.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) You really a bottom feeder, aren't you? You going to try to dredge that up?
Alan: I didn't say that. I'm merely trying to make a point. You and I have something in common-- we were both in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jeffrey: Yeah, but I didn't shoot the sheriff. You did.
Alan: True. But I have a feeling that if you'd been in my place and you saw that Reva was in serious danger, you would have pulled the trigger, too. Come along, Reva; Mr. O’Neill has an important decision to make. And for your sake, I hope it's the right one.
Josh: I thought we stopped playing cowboys in the fourth grade.
Billy: I guess not. Whoopie tai yai yay.
Josh: You're going to stay in the saddle, right? You're going to let this thing buck you until it throws you and you break your neck?
Billy: Josh, I know you think you're doing me a favor, but, you know, if I leave now it’s alcoholism that's won.
Josh: It doesn’t.. it doesn't have to be forever, okay? It can be a leave of absence. Dylan can take care of things...
Billy: Until I get cured?
Josh: There are clinics, you know that. There's a place in Palm Springs...
Billy: Josh, you don't understand. There is no cure for alcoholism. If there was, there'd be more alcoholics who'd be able to drink. You can’t. I can’t. All you can do is you can face it, you can fight it and you deal with it. And you deal with it by deciding not to drink, and that's what you do a minute at a time, a day at a time. But that's it, and it never changes.
Josh: I want to help you fight it, Billy. I would to go toe to toe with the bottle if there was a way to do that.
Billy: I wish I could do it for me, too. (Laughs) Hey, you know what? It was a lot of fun playing cowboys and Indians, wasn't it?
Josh: Except you always got to be the Lone Ranger and I ended up being...
Billy: Tonto!
Josh: Tonto, that's right.
Billy: Somebody has to be Tonto. Hey, you remember the time we saved Reva Shayne from those bank robbers?
Josh: (Laughs) What were those guys' names? The Miller brothers.
Billy: Miller brothers.
Josh: Twins.
Billy: Yes. (Laughs)
Josh: They kicked our butts, if I recall.
Billy: I think it was worth it because she kissed me.
Josh: No, she didn’t.
Billy: Yes, she did. Honest injun.
Josh: She did not.
Billy: Oh, she did.
Josh: You are such a liar.
Billy: Josh, don't you understand? Playing cowboys is what's keeping me alive.
Josh: Okay. Just do me this much, okay? If you feel pressure, if you feel like you can't handle it...
Billy: If I feel like I can't handle it, I'm going to go talk to the right Reverend Lewis, okay?
Josh: Okay.
Billy: Now I'm going to go try and straighten out my wayward boy. Okay.
Cassie: This one is from the governor's office congratulating Lewis Construction on the new state office building. On time, on budget... what are they doing now?
Lizzie: Okay, they were hugging.
Cassie: (Laughs) Those two. You know, no matter how much they fight...
Lizzie: I know. It's like the last of the good guys. I stopped believing that there were any until I worked with Billy.
Cassie: You guys really seem to bring out the best in each other.
Lizzie: Well, it's not just Billy. Okay, so don't gag or anything, but you've been an inspiration.
Cassie: Me? I've been an inspiration? Come on, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Yes! Yes! No, you have, okay? When I lost Sarah I just fell apart and watching you and how you dealt with losing Tammy...
Cassie: Well, I fell apart.
Lizzie: But you pulled yourself back together.
Cassie: Well, I had Josh and I had R.J. and, you know, I had to be okay, for Tammy’s sake.
Lizzie: I know. That's why I want to keep going. I want to make something out of myself so wherever she is, she's proud of me.
Cassie: I'm sure she is.
Lizzie: It doesn't go away, does it?
Cassie: Nope.
Lizzie: So, sometimes I've been thinking about having... you know, trying again. Like, maybe having another baby someday. And... and, I don't know, do you think that would be wrong? You know, that I would be trying to replace Sarah?
Cassie: No. No, I don't think that would be wrong at all.
Remy: Get out of here.
Natalia: I'm not going to leave you here with that guy.
Remy: I said go. Just leave.
Kiley: You're not a cop anymore. She don't take orders and neither do I. (Grunting)
Gus: My old friend Kiley.
Kiley: What the hell?
Gus: You don't remember me?
Kiley: Aitoro.
Gus: Oh, that's better. I feel so much better now. Yeah, Kiley and I are old friends ever since I busted him from bouncing bad checks, wasn't it?
Kiley: Hey, I was innocent.
Gus: Is that right? What's this right here? What were you going to do with this, trim your toenails?
Kiley: How did that get there?
Gus: I don't know. Here's the deal, Kiley...
Kiley: (Grunts)
Gus: We're going to apologize to my friends, okay? You're going to apologize to them and then I'm going to forget how much I dislike you.
Kiley: No.
Gus: No?
Kiley: Ow!
Gus: Think again.
Kiley: My mistake.
Gus: And?
Kiley: Sorry.
Gus: Oh, that's so much better. Thank you, Kiley. Now, you're going to get lost and I don't want to see you anywhere near the lady again, do you understand?
Remy: I could have handled him, Gus.
Gus: I see that. And what would have happened if he used the knife?
Natalia: You know what, it's over. Please?
Gus: It's over this time.
Natalia: Please?
Remy: You may not like me in her life, but I'm not the one hurting her. Just ask her.
Reva: Don't panic, Alan. Jeffrey gave me his word.
Alan: You gave me your word, and we both know what that's worth.
Reva: Besides, if he goes to the police, he knows that's going to be hurting me, too.
Alan: Maybe he'll cut you an immunity deal and have me sentenced to life.
Reva: So what are you going to do, shoot him, too?
Alan: Shoot him? Reva, you are so ungrateful. I shot that man and saved your life!
Reva: Here we go! You're going to hang that over my head, right? Torture me with it? Jeffrey was right, maybe we should just end this all right now.
Alan: You think it's that simple? If there's a trial it won't be here in Springfield, it will be in Tourmaline with a jury of the sheriff's friends.
Reva: Shh! Once we tell the truth...
Alan: The truth is what power and money say it is.
Reva: Yeah, well you have power and you have money.
Alan: Not enough to take care of the entire city of Tourmaline. No, you can take the chance if you want to. I'm beginning a new life, and not just for myself.
Reva: With Rafe? Someone else you can shape and squeeze like you did Phillip? I'd be doing that boy a favor.
Alan: He and his mother had nothing before they came to me.
Reva: Well, they seem fine to me.
Alan: I can offer them a world they've never known and they can offer me purpose and hope. But not if you let Jeffrey go to the police.
Reva: Let him?
Alan: Where's Josh when you need him?
Reva: Oh, now that's a cheap shot.
Alan: Are you saying Josh wouldn't keep silent for you?
Reva: They are two totally different people.
Alan: So I said.
Reva: Jeffrey is not going to stay silent for anyone, not even me, and I can't make him do anything. That's part of his charm.
Alan: If Jeffrey goes to the...
Jeffrey: Good. You're both here. I have something to tell you. I made a call about the sheriff.
Josh: Okay, there we go.
Cassie: Put me down.
Josh: No, no, no, no, I've got to carry you through the threshold, right?
Cassie: But we've been married for weeks. This isn't the honeymoon suite; it's not even our room.
Josh: Details, details, details.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Josh: What?
Cassie: Is this because of the good news about the building collapse?
Josh: It's because of a lot of things. I mean, yes, it's that, and it's also you working with Lizzie and my brother fighting his demons and not to mention the fact that this very office right here, along with the church that goes with it, is about to become ours. It's all good stuff.
Cassie: And it's only going to get better.
Josh: Yes, ma'am.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Josh: Man. Have you looked at the best-seller list lately? I mean, right now there's, like, a zillion books out there on why God doesn't exist. You know, that... that religion is a fraud and believers are fools and faith is evil.
Cassie: You know, give me a good mystery.
Josh: But somehow I'm glad that those books exist. I'm glad that there's books out there that force us to ask difficult questions of ourselves about our faith. And the more I look at this world, the more I see that there is something greater out there. There's something greater that moves us and pushes us and helps us to do things that we didn't believe we could possibly do. You and me and Lizzie and Billy...
Cassie: Do I sense next Sunday’s sermon coming on here? Is that what's happening?
Josh: You married a minister. I'm sorry.
Cassie: I'm not. I might not know what I believe, but I do know this: I know I believe in us.
Josh: I believe in us, too. Hey, you want to help me with a genuine miracle right here and now?
Cassie: Absolutely.
Josh: Right now, turning this office-- Steven Rutledge’s office-- into my office. Josh Lewis' office. Evidently the post office already knows that this is mine. In fact, here's something addressed to you. That's interesting.
Cassie: Oh, I'll take that.
Josh: "This postcard is to confirm your appointment with the Springfield Fertility Clinic."
Lizzie: Uh-oh.
Billy: What?
Lizzie: You're squinting.
Billy: So?
Lizzie: So, you only squint when you're upset.
Billy: Hey, girls get upset, not me.
Lizzie: Okay. You only squint when you've got a burr in the saddle. Is that better?
Billy: Much.
Lizzie: Well, what's the burr?
Billy: Bill.
Lizzie: Did you warn him about the people he's recommending?
Billy: Couldn't get a hold of him, but I managed to talk to all the department heads down there.
Lizzie: And?
Billy: And I'm not so sure this is a one-time thing. I don't think this is just one single mistake.
Lizzie: What do you mean?
Billy: Well, they were all afraid to tell me but Bill apparently has not only been cutting corners but he's dropped the ball on entire projects. He's missed meetings, he's even blown off clients.
Lizzie: What's going on with him?
Billy: I don't know. I'm not going to... I'm not going to judge until I talk to him.
Lizzie: I mean, that sounds kind of bad.
Billy: Yeah. Well, you know, maybe he... he went down there and he took on a lot of responsibility right off the bat and it might have just been too much for him. Maybe he still needs to sew some oats or, you know, take time.
Lizzie: Like you did?
Billy: I'm going to call. (Phone ringing)
Woman: Hola?
Billy: Hi, I'd like that speak to Bill Lewis, please?
Woman: Sorry, I can't help.
Billy: Excuse me, is this his number?
Woman: I should go.
Billy: Hold on, wait a second. Who am I talking to? Hold on.
Gus: Now, I'd cut off my own arm before I let anything happen to Natalia or my son.
Natalia: That's not what he means.
Gus: I know what he means. You care about her, right?
Natalia: He didn't expect for this to happen.
Gus: You don't need to defend him.
Remy: She doesn't need to defend me, Gus.
Natalia: I understand him. You weren't so different when I met you.
Gus: Maybe not. But if I was ever finding myself messing with trouble, I made sure I left you out of it.
Natalia: You left me, period.
Gus: I left you because I loved you. Because I wanted to protect you. And that's why I walked away. And I strongly suggest that you do the same. Let's go.
Natalia: What are you doing?
Gus: I'm taking you home.
Natalia: I'm not going anywhere with you.
Gus: Natalia...
Natalia: Nick, you had your chance. I am staying right here with Remy.
Gus: Okay.
Alan: "Trust him," you said. "Attorney-client privilege."
Jeffrey: Slow down. Be quiet and listen to me.
Alan: Let me tell you something, O’Neill: If they come after me...
Jeffrey: No one is coming after anyone.
Alan: What did you say?
Jeffrey: I have a contact in the California attorney general's office. I spoke with him and I'm calling in a very big favor.
Reva: What kind of favor?
Jeffrey: The kind of favor that says that the sheriff of Tourmaline had a terrible gambling problem. He was deeply in debt with the kind of people who don't take kindly to welchers.
Reva: Is that true?
Jeffrey: Well, it is now. I will suggest that they will avoid a federal inquiry and considerable embarrassment by closing the case as soon as possible.
Alan: You can call off the dogs?
Jeffrey: I'm doing this for Reva. I would let the dogs eat your liver.
Reva: You really think you can pull this off?
Jeffrey: I'm going to make a trip and then it'll be over.
Alan: Well, you know, something, O’Neill, I misjudged you. It's not often that I admit that I was wrong, but thank you.
Jeffrey: You saved Reva’s life, so we'll call it even. Now, I'm going to take Reva home with me.
Reva: Now wait a minute, do I have a say in that or are you just going to, like, hit me over the head with a club and drag me back to my cave by the hair?
Jeffrey: Do you want to stay in his house?
Reva: Hell no. No, but I'd just like for you to ask me.
Alan: Are you sure you want to take her home?
Jeffrey: Positive. We'll send for her things tomorrow. Better yet, you can send them and pay the freight, okay?
Alan: Gladly. But would you like for me to make a donation to your charity or something?
Reva: (Sighs) Here we go.
Jeffrey: Well, there is one more thing you can do: Stay away from Reva. If you see her on the street, cross to the other side. Got it?
Alan: Gladly. But, you know, Reva and I have unique rapport.
Reva: Oh, rapport this.
Jeffrey: Alan, I can make this go away, I can also make it come back. Just give me a reason
Reva: (Laughs)
Josh: (Sighs) I don't understand, Cassie.
Cassie: I was going to tell you about it.
Josh: When? I'm sorry, I just... I thought we talked about this.
Cassie: We did talk about it. I made the appointment before we talked about it. And it's just an appointment to find out if it's even possible for me to get pregnant.
Josh: Cassie... I know you want to have a baby. I think I understand why.
Cassie: It's not about Tammy. It's not. I mean it. You're excited about your future and...
Josh: Our future.
Cassie: Yeah, our future. And I think a baby can complete that.
Josh: I love babies, I do. But I just think with everything going on and everything that's going to be going on...
Cassie: You've got your job, you've got your mission.
Josh: I think it's going to be very time consuming.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I think you have more gas in your tank than you realize.
Josh: (Laughs) Where did that come from? Hey, I can hold my own with you. Come here, come here. You know, I can run an eight, maybe seven-and-a-half-minute mile. I can bench press your body weight easily. And if you and I spend a weekend in bed together, I can hold my own with you even though you're 15 years younger than me. I can handle it. That's not the point. The point is this: I'm going to be spending so much time, night and day, focused on this church, my first church. I just don't see where there's going to be time for a baby.
Cassie: Okay, so I'm being unfair.
Josh: No, you're not being unfair at all. I love the fact that you want to start a new family with me. But right now, you and R.J. are my family. And Marah and Shayne and Will. This new church will be my family. Again, I don't see where I'm going to have the time or energy for a new baby.
Cassie: Okay. Okay, it's okay. Just forget about the postcard and I'll cancel the appointment.
Josh: Maybe I'll feel different in a year, I don't know.
Cassie: It's okay. It's okay. We've got work to do. Why don't we just, you know, get this place up and running?
Josh: Hey, hey, I love you.
Cassie: I love you, too. Yeah.
Lizzie: What, she just hung up on you?
Billy: That's right, she sure did.
Lizzie: But she knew Bill?
Billy: She was definitely hiding something.
Lizzie: You know, I read the reports. Venezuela, it's an important part of Lewis business.
Billy: Yeah, and it's very touchy down there with Chavez in control. I mean, you make a few mistakes, you're out.
Lizzie: Well, you can't let that happen.
Billy: Okay. (Phone ringing)
Woman: Please, stop calling. I can't help you.
Billy: Will you see Bill?
Woman: I don't know.
Billy: If you do, tell him his father called and that he's no longer employed by Lewis down there and that I'm very sorry.
Natalia: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get back on the bike.
Remy: Maybe you should take a cab or call Alan, tell him to send the car.
Natalia: Remy, I am not going to let anyone tell me how to live my life, not even Gus.
Remy: Even when he's right? As long as you're around me, guys like Kiley will keep turning up.
Natalia: Well, you had some bad luck. That will change.
Remy: Yeah, it can get worse.
Natalia: So stop playing cards. Go to Frank and get your badge back.
Remy: You could have been hurt.
Natalia: I wasn’t.
Remy: Until I can get my life in gear, I'm only going to mean more trouble for you.
Natalia: Wait a minute, you're dumping me? After all these months of waiting for me?
Remy: It's crazy, right? I mean, I... I was the guy who tried to keep Gus away from you because I thought he'd hurt you. I took a job at Spaulding to protect you from...
Natalia: And now that I'm available...
Remy: I'm going to walk the talk, but I can't let anybody hurt you. Especially me.
Alan: Well, Alice, how is our patient?
Nurse: Just a slight sprain.
Alan: Well, good, thank you. I'll take care of him from here on. Here you are, Kiley.
Kiley: You didn't mention anything about Detective Aitoro.
Alan: Oh, so Gus rescued his lady, huh? Well, I'll have to give you a little bit of a bonus for that.
Kiley: Somebody's in a good mood, huh?
Alan: Yeah, well, I have a new lease on life. And for your hard work, it's even better.
Kiley: All because I leaned on that loser?
Alan: Well, let's just hope that Natalia sees Remy as a loser and also a danger to her and her son.
Kiley: Well, if she didn't know before, Aitoro sure drove it home.
Alan: I don't think Natalia and Remy are going to work out after all.
Kiley: There’s still Aitoro, women love that "rescue me" thing.
Alan: I'll take care of him.
(Phone ringing)
Natalia: Hi, this is Natalia. I can't take your call but please leave me a message. Make it good news.
Reva: So...
Jeffrey: Hmm?
Reva: Is your guitar still sitting by the fireplace and is Waldo still hanging on the wall?
Jeffrey: Everything is exactly as you left it.
Reva: Good. Then that are we wasting time for? Take me home, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Actually, there is one thing that is not as you left it: Moi. I chased after you once, Reva. I'm not going to do it again. I'm not going to play Josh.
Reva: Did I ask you to?
Jeffrey: From now on you've got to tell me everything, okay? No holding back. Not even if it's really scary, okay?
Reva: (Laughs) Got it. No holding back.
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