GL Transcript Monday 10/8/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/8/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Daisy: Hey!

Ashlee: Hey yourself! What are you doing here? Are you-- you're not sick, are you?

Daisy: Me? No. Why?

Ashlee: I don't know. It's like a medical facility.

Coop: What's the news with Marina?

Buzz: None. There is nothing new on Marina. Frank's about to lose it.

Coop: Yeah. I heard what Doris said about her on the news today. That she wasn't really kidnapped. That this whole thing was a front.

Buzz: Marina Cooper, international thief.

Coop: How can she go around saying stupid stuff like that?

Buzz: Because she's the only one playing it this way. Being personal, going after family. I might just have to change that.

Coop: Yeah. Boy, I was really glad to get your call today, Pops, I have to tell you that. I'm glad that you're finally coming around about this. And I've actually been working on something that you can use on Doris.

Buzz: You have?

Coop: Yeah, I have. And I think you're going to be really interested in this, too.

Buzz: Coop, I don't think I'm up to political mud-slinging.

Coop: Dad, this is about much more than just the campaign.

Doris: Thanks for your time. And don't forget spread the word, howl for Wolfe! We'll save Springfield.

Ava: Nice.

Doris: How am I supposed to concentrate on the campaign when my one and only daughter is about to destroy her life.

Ava: By going out of town with Coop?

Doris: Oh, my head is exploding.

Ava: Were you ever this concerned about her when she was in juvie?

Doris: No. She was safe there.

Ava: You make Coop sound like he's some kind of an ax murderer.

Doris: You're the one that just told me he is a player. I just can't possibly sit here and do nothing. I have to do something.

Ava: What are you going to do? Set up Coop like you did with Jack, and ruin his life? Like you do with everybody else who tries to get close to Ashlee.

Doris: Ashlee needs my protection.

Ava: Well, who is going to protect Coop?

Frank: I know that, Eleni. She's my daughter, too. How could you even think that? What are you kidding? I'm the one person in this whole world who knows exactly what you're going through! You know I'm doing absolutely everything I can to... hello? Hello!

Mallet: Are you okay, man?

Frank: You know, I joined... I joined this police force to make a difference for Eleni and for Marina. And you know what just occurred to me? It just occurred to me that I just ruined everything. I ruined our lives. I lost my marriage. I let my daughter think it's okay to be a cop. What the hell was I thinking here?

Mallet: Frank, I'm going to tell you something, buddy. You know what you've always been about? You've always been about doing the best you can.

Frank: What are you doing?

Mallet: You suspended me, remember?

Frank: No, no. That's on hold. Everything is on hold until I get my daughter back.

Mallet: Okay. Good, because I don't really want to walk out of here with Marina missing.

Frank: Mallet, I need you, buddy. I need you back. I need backup right now. I'm barely getting through these days.

Mallet: Okay, Frank. Okay. We're going to find Marina, and we'll bring her back, all right? So, what's the news with Harley?

Frank: Nothing. That's the problem.

Mallet: Is there something you need to tell me about?

Frank: I think we're being double crossed by Foley.

Mallet: What?

Frank: And I need you for one other mission, something very important.

Mallet: Sure. Name it.

Frank: I need you to keep me from killing Foley.

Cyrus: That's it.

Harley: Looks deserted.

Cyrus: We've got the cash, so we've got to deal.

Harley: I'd say we've got one thing working for us right now and we use that.

Cyrus: What's that?

Harley: The element of surprise. Wait here.

Cyrus: Wait.

Harley: Back off. I mean it, Cyrus. You'll be in the way.

Cyrus: This could be our only shot to Marina.

Harley: I know!

Cyrus: Please.

Harley: Stay behind me, okay? I have the gun. Let's go.

Cyrus: Come on.

Harley: Calm down. Calm down. Who are you, and what happened?

Cyrus: Where is Marina?

Deluca: Thank you. I didn't think anyone was going to hear me. Who's Marina?

Harley: Calm down! I'm a police detective. Who did this to you?

Deluca: I didn't get his name. A black guy, tall, with nice clothes. He hired me to take care of some things on the boat. Is Marina the redhead?

Cyrus: So you did see her. Where is she?

Deluca: I don't know. I don't know where either of them went.

Harley: Would you chill out. Okay, go on.

Deluca: She was real quiet. I didn't think anything about it. But when they were leaving, she handed me a note. And he must have saw, because before I had a chance to read it, he grabbed...

Harley: Do you have the note?

Deluca: No. When I came to, it was like you found me. He must have took it.

Cyrus: Did you see anything, did you hear anything?

Harley: Cyrus, it's useless.

Cyrus: I'm not just giving up.

Harley: Look, if the man knew anything, he wouldn't have been alive when we found him.

Frank: Foley heard the message that we got a hit on Griggs' cell phone. He also claims that Harley wasn't there when I called.

Mallet: So then where was she?

Frank: That's a damn good question. It gets worse. Right after that, his ankle transmitter goes dead. Then I finally get Harley on a cell phone, for about ten seconds, and her cell phone goes dead.

Mallet: You don't think he hurt Harley, do you?

Frank: About the only thing I know is that I was absolutely nuts to trust this guy. My daughter's missing, and now Harley could be in danger, too.

Mallet: Oh, boy, what's happening here. Okay, listen, we don't know for sure that something went wrong, right? Maybe Harley and Cyrus are still working on the lead.

Frank: But that doesn't explain the transmitter, though. Look, I'm not taking anymore chances here. I want this guy here where I can keep an eye on him.

Mallet: Okay. Cyrus was working with Griggs, right? So our best shot at finding Marina is finding Griggs.

Frank: Do you think I made a mistake here?

Mallet: It's a tightrope, Frank, we're walking a tightrope.

Frank: Yeah, well, what if I'm act too slow? I mean, we're talking about my daughter, my sister, here.

Mallet: No, Frank, no. Don't go there. Not now. Not now.

Frank: I'm giving them one hour. One hour, and then I'm going to have to act. For God's sake, we're talking about my daughter and my sister.

Doris: You know what, back off, Ava. Okay? This is a family matter, and it's really none of your business.

Ava: Coop is my business.

Doris: ( Laughs ) Oh, now you're going to use Ashlee’s situation to make a move on your ex-boyfriend? How Olivia of you.

Ava: As much as you would like to think I am some shallow slut, desperate to win her man back...

Doris: That works.

Ava: ...You are wrong. Hey, I am concerned about Coop! As a friend. Now that I know what you're capable of doing to anybody who gets close to Ashlee.

Doris: Look, all I did was make a few phone calls, okay? I put up a few roadblocks.

Ava: You had an innocent guy sent to jail. You ruined his life and his career.

Doris: You are not even a mother, Ava. You couldn't possibly understand.

Ava: You need to understand that Coop is a good guy. He would never intentionally do anything to hurt Ashlee.

Doris: Listen to you. He has already hurt her. He has given her hope for something that could never possibly happen. He needs to be removed.

Ava: No! Wait! You can't go around removing people. It's wrong. And, anyways, think about the political ramifications of this, Doris. It's one thing to insult Buzz's family, okay? But his son is friends with your daughter. If he goes and gets hit in the head with a shovel, what does that look like?

Doris: Oh, please, give me a little more credit for some originality. A shovel...

Ava: Fine! You know, we both want Coop to get away from Ashlee. How about this? I've got a great idea. How about if I do it. I will, I will pull out the stops, I'll do everything that I can to split them up, to break them up. Just let me do it. I can do it.

Doris: Do it then! We'll try it your way.

Ava: Thank you.

Doris: Hey, don't thank me. Just get the job done. And if it fails, then I'll have to do it my way.

Buzz: So, basically what you're telling me is that Doris ruined this guy.

Coop: Just for being nice to Ashlee.

Buzz: She's crazy.

Coop: You think? And I don't even know how or if I should even move forward.

Buzz: Did you check out this Jack's story?

Coop: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I checked it out, all right. He's telling the truth. And he's just one of many people that Doris had nailed to the wall just so she could keep Ashlee near her. Meantime, Ashlee is just driving herself nuts and crazy, thinking there is something wrong with her. Dad, this is not normal. Doris has got to pay.

Buzz: Leave it alone.

Coop: I can't leave it alone.

Buzz: You will, you will leave it alone! Doris would love a reason to go after you. You need a cool and logical mind to handle this one.

Coop: You find a cool and logical mind, and I'll think about it, then.

Buzz: I've got your back, and I've got Ashlee’s back. I'll talk to Doris.

Coop: This is not--

Buzz: You, go! Go!

Coop: You can't talk--

Buzz: Go, go, go! I'll talk to her.

Coop: Fine.

Buzz: I'll talk to Doris.

Daisy: I was actually just visiting a patient from when I was a candy striper, but let's go. Because hospitals depress me.

Ashlee: Oh, not me. There is always someone so interesting to talk to.

Daisy: You're way too positive all the time.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I know. I know. But I'm really glad that I ran into you, because if you have some time, I really need your help with something.

Daisy: Help?

Ashlee: Coop asked me to go away.

Daisy: Go away... as in... when?

Ashlee: This weekend. It's like we're going away to this cabin. It's like, you know, an overnight trip. It's actually the place where Marina and Coop like, had their hideout. It's a Bauer family cabin upstate. And we're be sharing a bedroom.

Daisy: Right. This is fast.

Ashlee: Yeah, that's what I thought. You know, he said it, he asked me, he kind of sprung it on me, and I didn't know what to say.

Daisy: Are you going?

Ashlee: You know how I feel about him. I really want to make him happy, and he makes me really happy.

Daisy: So you're ready to...

Ashlee: No, I didn't-- I didn't say that. It's just he's been so bummed about Marina that if there is something I can do to help him forget. I know, that's not a very good reason.

Daisy: I don't know. I'm not an expert on this stuff.

Ashlee: You're more an expert than me.

Daisy: Rafe is the first time I did anything right, and then...

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: It's nothing. It's just, you know, big. Letting someone get this close, it's big.

Ashlee: Yeah?

Daisy: What?

Ashlee: I can’t. If I let him get any closer, he's going to disappear.

Daisy: No.

Ashlee: Yes! You let people in, and they bail on you. And Coop and I are fine the way we are. We're great. We're good. So what we need to do is not change, exactly. We need to make sure that everything stays the same.

Daisy: Bye. I'll call you. I want to help. Right after I figure out my own life.

Nancy: Are you all right, honey?

Daisy: Um, yeah. I, um, I need to make an appointment to talk to someone about a pregnancy thing. I can do that, right? Just talk to someone?

Nancy: Absolutely.

Daisy: Okay. Good.

Ashlee: Hi baby.

Coop: Hey.

Ashlee: Are you writing about me again?

Coop: I am writing something for you to read while we're away.

Ashlee: Yeah, um, about that.

Coop: Yeah?

Ashlee: I don't think you should write anything for that.

Coop: What?

Ashlee: Um, we shouldn't go. We shouldn't go. Not with Marina missing, and your family needs you. I don't know, this is-- I would be such a selfish woman to take you away.

Coop: How about, what about the...

Ashlee: The whole magical thing, yeah.

Coop: Yes. What about it.

Ashlee: I know, I brought that up. But I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but if Marina was at the Bauer family cabin, she would have let someone know by now.

Coop: You're right. You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I just-- this whole Marina thing just has me a little crazy right now. And, of course, I'm being selfish about it all. I just wanted to run away with the most beautiful woman instead of staying here.

Ashlee: Don't do that.

Coop: And we have a family crisis, and I apologize.

Ashlee: Don’t.

Coop: What?

Ashlee: Don't get all gushy and nice. Makes me feel worse.

Coop: You know what? I'm not even going to pretend like I understand what that means. Come here.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: Up. Ashlee, get up. Thank you.

Ashlee: What? ( Laughs ) Okay.

Doris: Buzz.

Buzz: Speak of the devil.

Doris: You're alone. You talking to yourself?

Buzz: I like my own company.

Doris: Good. I'll take a cup of coffee to go, and then we'll be out of your way.

Buzz: You know, we've never had a proper chat, Doris, you and I.

Doris: No. Never. You'd better stop acting like this, Buzz. Or you'll never beat me in the polls.

Buzz: You're probably a pretty good judge of character, aren't you?

Doris: I do the best I can. I mean, it's my job to protect the public from unsavory characters.

Buzz: Yeah. Protection is what it's all about, isn't it? I've got a question for you, Doris: Who is going to protect you from me?

Cyrus: Yeah!

Harley: No, no. No!

Cyrus: What's the point? It's not doing us any good. We might as well just chuck that out the window.

Harley: No, no, no! We had a small setback, that's all.

Cyrus: This was our lead. This was the only thing we had. What do you think, Griggs is going to make the same mistake twice?

Harley: But Marina is still alive.

Cyrus: What does he want with her? We don't know that yet.

Harley: Please don't lose it on me, please! I need you. We're going to get to the other side of this mess. I need you. I told that to Frank and Gus in the beginning, and I meant it. Please, I need you.

Cyrus: She tried to slip that guy a note.

Harley: So she's fighting. And she will try again.

Cyrus: Yeah, she'll try.

Harley: Okay. I'm just going to call Frank, and I'm just going to tell him what's happening, okay? ( Phone rings )

Cyrus: Did you give out that number?

Harley: What number? There wasn't even a phone. ( Phone rings )

Cyrus: Hello?

Griggs: Cyrus the virus. Long time no speak.

Cyrus: Griggs, why don't you and I meet, and...

Griggs: Cyrus, why don't you let me do the talking?

Cyrus: Sure.

Griggs: She's okay, so far, if that's what you are wondering. But you do know that, don't you? Because you've already been to the docks.

Cyrus: The docks?

Griggs: Do we really have to do this? Okay. Cute top, your cop friend was wearing, the green really works with her eyes.

Cyrus: Okay. So we went.

Griggs: What, no thanks for the nice care I took of your boat?

Cyrus: Hope you filled the tank.

Griggs: Ah, I knew I forgot something.

Cyrus: Griggs...

Griggs: By the way, that was a gift, my using that phone you traced. I wouldn't count on it happening again.

Cyrus: I'm not counting on anything, as long as we finish our business.

Griggs: Oh, my friend, we are just getting started.

Cyrus: You must be getting sick of Marina. All of that constant talking. Why don't you let me take her off your hands?

Griggs: ( Laughs ) I'm laughing.

Cyrus: That is why you called.

Griggs: I wouldn't assume anything about me right now.

Cyrus: I brought money. I've got plenty of it.

Griggs: Well, bully for you, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Listen, that's all this is about for you, Griggs, so why don't we just pick a time and a place?

Griggs: It's not just about the money anymore.

Cyrus: All right. You're mad at me. Take it out on me.

Griggs: Okay.

Cyrus: So tell me what you want.

Griggs: Oh, I will, in due time. In the meantime, I think I'll just enjoy watching you squirm.

Cyrus: Griggs, you let her go and I will hand myself over to you.

Griggs: And lose the cop. From now on you fly solo.

Harley: Bad idea.

Griggs: Hey, we were just talking about you, sweetheart.

Harley: Without me, Cyrus goes straight back to prison. My brother will make sure of that.

Griggs: And that bothers me why?

Harley: How will you make him dance?

Griggs: I see anyone else with a badge, and your little girl will never have to worry about breathing again. How does that translate?

Cyrus: You son of a bitch, you let her go! 

Daisy: Okay. This is good. I'll be there.

Nancy: And the meantime, take these... and call with any questions.

Daisy: Okay. I'm sorry if I seem like, I don't know...

Nancy: You bringing anyone with you?

Daisy: Oh, for the-- you mean, the appointment? That might be a good idea. I don't know. I've got to go.

Ava: Ooh, that looks good. Can I have a sip?

Coop: Ah, you can feel free to make one for yourself. This is actually for Ashlee and me.

Ava: Oh, a little snack for your trip?

Coop: Change of plans. We're not going to go. Actually, it was crazy to think that we could leave with everything with Marina right now. So we're, we're actually going to go for a walk around the pond. 

Ava: Right.

Coop: We are. Just as soon as Ashlee gets her Jacket.

Ava: Hmm, well have a lovely walk around the park. Enjoy your alone time, because basically that's all Ashlee’s going to give you.

Coop: Ava, you need to just stop and find yourself a brand new hobby, because trashing Ashlee is getting very old.

Ava: Wake up, Coop. I know you like to play the hero, but she can't be saved. Give it up!

Doris: You're locking me in? That's not a smart move.

Buzz: Let's have a little talk.

Doris: What, candidate to candidate?

Buzz: More like parent to parent. My son was in here earlier and told me about a man, a friend of yours named Jack Summers. 

Doris: Jack Summers is not a friend of mine. And I don't know how he got out or why he is even walking the streets.

Buzz: Well, probably you forgot to put the final nail in his coffin, Doris. You practically killed the man. You ruined his reputation, you took away his life.

Doris: You know what? He did that himself. Unlock the door.

Buzz: One minute. In a minute. From what I hear, all this guy actually did was try to help your daughter through difficult times. He was a professional, right? She was a student. What did he find out that scared you so much?

Doris: I am not afraid of anyone. Especially not Jack Summers or you. What exactly are you accusing me of, Buzz? Why don't you just come out and say it. 

Buzz: For some warped reason, you don't want her to have a relationship with anyone. No one gets close to her, no friends. Even as a little girl, no school friends.

Doris: I had to protect her. I still do. She is good, and people take advantage. I know what I'm talking about, Buzz. I know what it's like to be hurt and alone and have no one looking out after you, no one believing you when... look, I know what it's like not to have anybody to stand up for you, okay? It is a scary feeling, the scariest in the world.

Buzz: What happened to you, Doris?

Doris: Oh, don't you play shrink with me, Buzz. I don't need you to fix me. Okay? I did what I could. When Ashlee was born, I promised myself that I would make sure nothing would ever happen to her, no one would hurt her. And people like Jack Summers, and all of the rest those miserable human beings, would not hurt her, okay? They were going to hurt her, and I just made sure they didn’t. 

Buzz: You lied! You ruined people's lives because they wanted to be her friend. You call that protection? You put a man into prison, an honest man into prison. You used the law to commit these crimes. And worst of all, worst of all, you let your daughter believe she was the reason that these people left.

Doris: You are no one to point the finger at me as a parent.

Buzz: I never locked my daughter in a cage.

Ashlee: Mom, hey. I left my Jacket here.

Buzz: It's behind the counter.

Ashlee: Everything okay?

Doris: Absolutely. Buzz and I, we were just exchanging ideas. 

Ashlee: Oh, about the campaign. Thank you. It sounded like you were talking about me.

Doris: I was just telling Buzz how I plan to protect Springfield, just like I've always protected you.

Buzz: I'll be in the back if you need me.

Doris: She doesn't need you.

Buzz: Like I said...

Doris: What? What it is? You think you can walk into the middle of a conversation and know exactly what's going on.

Ashlee: I heard. I heard more than I needed to. I always thought that you were a driven, type "A" mom who was just a bit bummed out when you didn't have a perfect daughter.

Doris: Oh, you are perfect. You're too good. That's why-- you're too good for this world. 

Ashlee: Then why won't you let me see anyone, Mom? I heard you and Buzz talking. You sabotaged Jack. He was a friend. He was trying to help me. There were other friends, too, that you would just...

Doris: They weren't your friends.

Ashlee: My hope is that one day you can stop lying to me. You can just come clean. Maybe treat me like an adult.

Doris: I'm sorry, but I see you like a little girl. All parents feel that way.

Ashlee: All parents don't hurt people to keep their children isolated, Mom. God, I hope they don’t.

Doris: I fought people to keep you from being hurt. I know you understand, that you shot Alan because you thought he was going to hurt us. 

Ashlee: I shot Alan because he hated us. Because he was going to hurt us. Jack didn't hurt me, Mom. You just scared him away. I've spent so much time wondering what was wrong with me.

Doris: You know what? Better to be alone than with people who don't care about you. You have learned to be very independent.

Ashlee: That helped a lot. When I was having nervous breakdowns in juvie because I had no mother to come and visit me.

Doris: I didn't want to draw attention to you. And you were safe there.

Ashlee: What? Do you even hear what you're saying?

Mother: Wasn't that fine? Let's go to the park. I love you. Hi. 

Daisy: Hi.

Buzz: Hey, Daisy. Daisy? How was school?

Daisy: It was okay.

Buzz: Are you crying?

Daisy: No.

Buzz: I mean, because it's okay. I'm on the verge of it myself, almost all the time these days.

Daisy: Marina.

Buzz: Marina.

Daisy: No word?

Buzz: No. It's Harley, and I believe in her. And she believes in you, too, you know?

Daisy: Don't do that.

Buzz: Come on, you know it's the truth. Come on. Sit down. Honey, you know it's true. I mean, she wouldn't have thought it was okay and lead this search if she didn't trust you to handle this thing. 

Daisy: I didn't used to care what she thought of me, I mean.

Buzz: You two have been through a lot of wars, you know.

Daisy: I didn't care what any adult in my life thought, and then it all mattered.

Buzz: Funny how that happens. I've been through the experience myself.

Daisy: I just want to live up to what people expect of me, but you know, I...

Buzz: What?

Daisy: What if I don't?

Buzz: Well, the people that love you are going to love you because you tried.

Daisy: Would you?

Buzz: God, yes! What, jeez. What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?

Daisy: You know, life just comes at you from weird places sometimes. 

Buzz: Are you still thinking about Marina?

Daisy: Yeah, it's Marina. Look, Grandpa...

Buzz: Yeah.

Daisy: It's always going to matter to me, what you think, always.

Buzz: Honey, you're never going to have to worry about that, okay?

Mallet: All the blue files, those are Marina's.

Frank: Gotcha.

Mallet: Just a handful of different cases.

Frank: Look, Mallet, I will know it when I see it.

Mallet: Okay man, don’t worry about it.

Frank: I’m sorry.

Mallet: It’s alright.

Frank: There has got to be anote in here somewhere, that tells me mayybe where she is.

Mallet: Here, let me help.

Frank: You know what, I appreciate you trying to help, but I got it.

Harley: We just got to figure ou what’s next.

Cyrus: Well, that's up to him.

Harley: For now.

Cyrus: Until he's done with me, and then you know what happens to Marina.

Harley: There are two people in this room who aren't going to let anything happen, right? 

Cyrus: It should be me, that's all. I should be wherever she is, not her.

Harley: No argument there.

Cyrus: It shouldn't be her. It shouldn't be her!

Buzz: On the house.

Daisy: It's huge.

Buzz: Well, you've got to keep up your strength.

Daisy: What does that mean?

Buzz: Well, you know, all of the crying. It takes it out of you.

Daisy: Oh, yeah.

Buzz: Um, there is something I need you to know, you know. You said you want me to be proud of you. I would like you to be proud of me.

Daisy: I am. What's this about?

Buzz: Well, it's something Coop and I are working on. It's about the election. And we're sort of-- how do I say this-- take it in a different direction. And I can rationalize it because of what Doris Wolfe said, you know. 

Daisy: About Marina?

Buzz: Yeah. Like I said, I can justify it, but I don't feel good about it.

Daisy: So what are you going to do?

Buzz: I don't know. I hope it's not too late. You see, I... it matters to me what you think about me.

Ashlee: You should go.

Doris: Ashlee, just think about it. Think about everything that we have been through over the years. All of the things that I have done for you. Can't you see I have always had your best interest at heart.

Ashlee: You had a really rough childhood.

Doris: To say the least.

Ashlee: You didn't want me to feel the way you felt-- God, you were so lonely at such a young age. And you did the exact same thing to me. 

Doris: Well, that's not what I wanted. I just want you to be careful. I don't want you to waste your time with people that don't care about you. People that don't have your best interests at heart. I did my best to spare you from pain. And I'm sorry if you can't understand that, okay? But it is my job to protect you, and I do what I have to do.

Coop: Ash?

Ashlee: Hey, what's up?

Coop: That's a good question.

Doris: Ashlee and I were talking about what it's like to protect your children. But you might not know about that, seeing as how your father dumped you.

Ashlee: Stop it!

Coop: Doris, back off.

Doris: Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you. 

Coop: Or what? Hmm?

Ashlee: I can't do this anymore! ( Cries )

Coop: Nice work, Doris.

Doris: You know what? Watch your step, Mr. Bradshaw.

Coop: No! You need to watch me. Because I'm going to go out that door after your daughter, and there is not a damn thing that you can do about it. Ashlee!

Ashlee: Just keep walking, Coop. It's not worth the hassle.

Coop: No. Ashlee, I know about Doris. I know what she did to you.

Ashlee: I'm so confused. This doesn't need to be your problem also.

Coop: No, no. Well, that's too late. All right? Stop. Come here. Ashlee, I need you. Okay? I'm not going to let you out of my sight. Come here, come here. 

Frank: Okay, you know what? I'll take care of the rest of this at the station.

Mallet: All right. I'll stay here and do some work.

Frank: Yeah.

Mallet: How long has it been?

Frank: Time's up.

Mallet: So what are going to do about Foley?

Frank: I had this made up, just in case.

Harley: Hold still, Cyrus.

Cyrus: I can do this.

Harley: Just stop already. You're giving him exactly what he wants, you know.

Cyrus: Yeah? What's that?

Harley: He wants you frustrated. Blaming yourself. Out of your mind with worry.

Cyrus: Well, he's doing a good job.

Harley: Well, you have to stop letting him. You've got to stop. You just stay focused. And you have to realize it's all about you now. 

Cyrus: Me?

Harley: He's toying with you. I don't know what will happen next. But right now you're front and center. And we have to let him do whatever he wants.

Cyrus: Because that's the only thing keeping Marina alive.

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