GL Transcript Thursday 10/4/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/4/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Jeffrey: Sex in a Laundromat, huh?

Mel: Uh-huh. Yeah, our client took them herself. She is stalking her husband, which could be a problem for us.

Jeffrey: So have you ever done it in a Laundromat?

Mel: Hello? We're working, O’Neill.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) So what are you doing tonight?

Mel: Working.

Jeffrey: Well, change of plans. Let's go out and we'll have some fun. What do you say?

Mel: How about the Laundromat?

Jeffrey: You're on.

Mel: You know what, sure. It's about time we acknowledge our amazing chemistry, but here's the thing: I'm not going for that cheap fling, so if you're interested in me, we're talking dating. We're talking a commitment, a walk down the aisle. Holidays with the Boudreau family. I mean, I'm talking serious commitment here. Wow! You're not running? What's going on?

Jeffrey: Well, what's a little commitment? Besides, I happen to know you're a good cook. And your kid is almost grownup, so I could probably do a lot worse.

Mel: Uh-huh. Yeah. You know what, you have done worse, okay? Do you want a list?

Jeffrey: No thanks. Hey, come on, Mel. Let's go out and have a little fun, that's all.

Mel: Give it up, O’Neill. That doesn't sound like you anymore. You know what? You are trying really hard to forget the woman you really want to be with. Let's face it, you and Reva were going steady.

Jeffrey: Going steady? I haven't heard that since I was a kid.

Mel: And now you're in major denial, which is why you're hitting on me.

Jeffrey: I think that you are over thinking what I'm thinking.

Mel: Oh, come on, say it. You miss Reva. It's not a crime.

Jeffrey: Reva is shacked up with Alan right now, okay? So why should I waste my time?

Mel: Oh, I don't know, maybe the same reason why you're still living in her house.

Jeffrey: Does this mean we're not going to the Laundromat?

Alan: You know, Natalia, they pay people to do this.

Natalia: Yes, me. I was very lucky to get this job.

Alan: You have worked hard your entire life. You have raised my grandson. Now, why don't you just rest now and allow me to repay you.

Natalia: I am repaid every time I see Rafe smile. And I can make my own money.

Alan: You're a very proud woman. Well, will you at least let me take you to dinner at the Country Club? I mean, you haven't lived until you've tasted their lobster.

Natalia: Are we ever going to talk about it?

Alan: Talk about what?

Natalia: You kissed me. And I told Gus that it was nothing, but I need to hear you say it.

Gus: Huevos rancheros.

Rafe: Yeah, man, when you didn't come home last night, I figured you were either dead or here.

Gus: Yeah, I was a little bit of both. It's okay, I can sleep after I find Marina. This is very nice of you. Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah. Look, I know you've been down on me since the whole Daisy thing, all right? But I want you to know, I've gotten tested, the whole deal. I am clean.

Gus: Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear that, considering you've been handling my food.

Rafe: No, I'm being serious. I don't want to lie and sneak around you and my mother anymore. All right? So from now on, you and me, we're straight.

Gus: Hmmm. Well, I appreciate that. I appreciate the visit, and I appreciate that huevos rancheros. And silverware. And I appreciate the fact that you care about what I think. So since we're being straight with each other from here on out, what is it, exactly, that you want?

Rafe: An hour with Daisy.

(Knock on the door)

Daisy: Okay. I'm coming.

Reva: Thank you for returning my calls.

Daisy: I'm going to be late.

Reva: Sweetie, you can't tell me you're pregnant and just disappear.

Daisy: I've got a lot to do. I've got a big test today.

Reva: Where's Harley?

Daisy: She left for the station, okay?

Reva: Did you tell her?

Daisy: Did you know about the Queen of England, Queen Victoria, she took the thrown when she was...

Reva: Did you tell your mother?

Daisy: No, I didn’t. Marina is missing, and what am I supposed to say, so is my period? I can't do that.

Reva: Harley, of all people, will understand. She's been where you are.

Daisy: Yeah, that's just it. All my life, she said, "Don't be like me, Daisy. Don't be stupid," and I was.

Reva: You'll have to tell her some time. You know, when I found out I had cancer, all I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head and forget about it. But you can't do that. It's something that you can't hide from. Have you thought about how you want to handle things?

Daisy: You're asking too many questions. Just leave me alone.

Reva: You must have some thoughts about what you want to do.

Daisy: Yeah. I want to get to school before I need a note.

Reva: Have you seen a doctor?

Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I did, when I got the test.

Reva: Since?

Daisy: Look, I'm barely pregnant. It might even be a false-positive because tests can be wrong, right?

Reva: You don't believe it's wrong.

Daisy: I was with Rafe once. Once! This is so unfair. When the nurse told me, I thought, maybe they mixed up the test results with someone else’s.

Reva: Well, you were in shock.

Daisy: Yeah, but not anymore.

Reva: Have you told Rafe? He deserves to know. And you should probably tell Dylan, too.

Daisy: No, I can't do that. He'll look all disappointed.

Reva: He will be disappointed, I'm not going to lie to you about that. But we'll all get together on this, and we'll help you get through it.

Daisy: I don't want to be a science project.

Reva: You won't be. Honey, I know this won't be easy, but you can get through this.

Daisy: How? How? Everything has changed. My entire life in one night.

Reva: You have to let us in.

Daisy: I have to go.

Reva: I know this is going to be hard for you to face, sweetie, but you have to do it. It's what you have to do. We'll get together, you and me and Harley and Dylan.

Daisy: I can't do that.

Reva: Daisy --

Daisy: No. No! And who are you to give me advice? Look at your life, have you ever taken advice from anyone? No! This is up to me, just me.

Reva: Daisy, if you don't tell your mother this...

Daisy: What, you will?

Reva: You shouldn't have to face this alone.

Daisy: If you tell anyone, if you tell Harley, anyone, I will never speak to you again! I hate my life!

Reva: Daisy...

Daisy: Nothing ever goes right!

Gus: Is there a special reason why you need to see her? You can't speak to her on the phone?

Rafe: Yes, actually, there is. I'm getting my first big Pre-Calc test back, and I'm freaked. She helped me study for it.

Gus: (Sighs) See, here's my dilemma: When I was your age, nobody could keep me away from your mother. I'm surprised you just haven't sneaked out of the house.

Rafe: I did. But the place is like a friggin' Fort Knox.

Gus: Ah-hah!

Rafe: And now I'm trying to build points with you and my mother.

Gus: Points?

Rafe: Like I did in juvie, okay? I figured I got at least ten from this.

Gus: Nope.

Rafe: What?

Gus: You've got more than ten. All right, listen, I'll give you permission, but just to see her. Not to kiss her, not to hold her hand, none of that-- you know the rest. You know what I'm saying.

Rafe: All right. So then how many points do I need for the rest? I'm joking. I'm joking!

Alan: When I kissed you, it was impulsive, that's all. And I'm very sorry, because I know it made you uncomfortable.

Natalia: I just didn't expect it.

Alan: Neither did I. Look, it was a very hard day for me with Alex in the hospital, and Beth moved on, she has a new life, and I had no one. But you were very comforting and there for me--

Natalia: That's exactly what I thought it was. How is Alexandra?

Alan: About the same.

Natalia: I'm sorry.

Alan: Alex and I have a very complicated relationship, but I don't know what I would do without her.

Natalia: You know, you don't have to be afraid to show emotion in front of me.

Alan: Well, I have a reputation to hold up, you know.

Natalia: Well, you know, your sister is in the hospital. It's not like I'm asking you to watch Oprah.

Alan: (Laughs) Well, now that you mention it...

Natalia: No! Oprah?

Alan: I do like it when she gives things away.

Natalia: I cannot believe you just shared that with me.

Alan: Well, you're easy to talk to, easy to be around. My son is so blind. He cannot see that you're right in front of him.

Natalia: Let's not get into that, please?

Alan: Look, I'm sorry. I know that you had feelings for him. But I'm afraid that Gus will be forever smitten with Harley until he drops dead.

Natalia: They're not together right now.

Alan: No, but Harley is all he wants. Anyone would see that you're a much better woman. You've raised an incredible young man, Raphael. Any man would be crazy not to want you.

Natalia: Okay. Thanks. I'm going to get back to work right now.

Alan: I-- I just hope that-- never mind.

Natalia: What?

Alan: Well, I just hope that after my little indiscretion that we'll still be able to be friends. I mean, I hate to admit this, but I need a friend these days.

Natalia: Well, maybe we can watch Oprah sometime.

Alan: You won't tell anybody?

Natalia: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Remember the first time you had a beer, and it tasted kind of funny. It was a little bitter, but the more you drank some, the more you got used to it. And the more you got used to it, before you knew it, you ended up liking the stuff. Okay? It was fun and refreshing.

Mel: Are you trying to tell me you have a drinking problem?

Jeffrey: It's a metaphor, Mel.

Mel: You know what? You have a Reva problem.

Jeffrey: Reva's not a problem. It is not a problem.

Mel: Oh, really? Then what is it then?

Jeffrey: I don't know. You know, we just sort of fell into it. There was no baggage-- well, if there was baggage, we decided to check it at the door. It was so easy to be with her. And after the Olivia ordeal it was...

Mel: Yeah, it was a relief. I know.

Jeffrey: Exactly. It was a relief. I think we were both looking for a relief and a couple of laughs. That's all. It wasn't supposed to be this long thing. It just... but it kind of somehow...

Mel: Turned into something more?

Jeffrey: Yes. And I don't know how it happened, and I can't believe I'm letting it bother me so much.

Mel: (Laughs) Okay. Without making you admit your feelings...

Jeffrey: Feelings? Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't say anything about feelings. I just said it bothered me.

Mel: Uh-huh.

Jeffrey: So, I wanted to ask you something.

Mel: Whoa, whoa! What is that?

Jeffrey: Well, this is just some of Reva’s belongings.

Mel: No! What are you doing? You can't throw out this stuff. You're living in her house.

Jeffrey: I'm not going to throw it out. I thought that she might need some of it. So I was wondering if you could maybe...

Mel: Me? No, no, no, no, no.

Jeffrey: Come on.

Mel: I'm not doing that. No, no, no. You know what, if you want to be with Reva, just be with her. Do what you've got to do. Forget the whole no strings, no baggage thing. Just, storm the castle.

Jeffrey: Storm the-- no thanks.

Mel: Do you really think that Reva and Alan are romantically involved?

Jeffrey: No.

Mel: Okay. Well, then, she's got to be there for a reason. Why would she move in with the man who killed her son?

Jeffrey: I don't know. I've been trying to figure that out for a long time now. You know, if she wants to live with whoever she wants to live with, fine.

Mel: That's it. You rest your case?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Mel: You know, remind me, if I ever get into trouble, I'll hire another lawyer. Pathetic.

Daisy: I know this is scary, but... I mean, Marina, she's so smart. She's such a good cop. She's going to show up safe and sound.

Frank: Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself. But to me she's-- she's always going to be my little girl. You know, when she was-- when she was born, I'd get up ten, 20 times a night to check on her to make sure she was still breathing. Eleni thought I was crazy, but, anyway, you know, you're baby's born, you start worrying, and then I-- I guess it never stops. Hey, listen, do you need a lift somewhere? Can I do anything for you?

Daisy: No. I'm good. I better go, I have class.

Frank: Yeah. Well, um, thanks for talking to your Uncle Frank. You know, Daisy, I haven't spent much time with you. And I'm sorry for that. So I just want you to know that. If you need me for anything, just talk to me, I mean, whatever. I'm there for you, okay?

Daisy: You're the best. I'll see you later. And try not to worry.

Frank: Thanks.

(Cell phone rings)

Daisy: Hello? Yeah. Yeah, I overslept, but I'm on my way in now. What? I'm late one day and I have to go to the principal's office? That's so-- my father? What is Dylan doing there? Yeah. Okay. I will be there as soon as I can. Oh, my God. Reva, Reva told my dad. Oh my God.

Secretary: Daisy. Go right in. Your father's inside.

Daisy: The principal is, too?

Secretary: No. Your father wanted to see you alone.

Daisy: Okay. Okay, before you yell, I'm sorry. I didn't want to get pregnant, either. No. Wait. Don't blame Rafe, because he brought condoms. No, no, no.

Dylan: Get in here now. We need to talk. So I suppose you know what this is about?

Daisy: Will you just let me talk, okay? Because I can explain.

Rafe: Ow!

Secretary: Waiting for Daisy?

Rafe: Daisy's in there?

Secretary: With her father.

Daisy: Okay. I didn't want her to tell you, because I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how. And it took a long time to...

Dylan: Can I get a word in yet? I am so proud of you!

Daisy: What? You're proud?

Dylan: Of course I'm proud. Why wouldn't I be proud? I always thought this would happen.

Daisy: Right. So, what, did Reva call you like two seconds after I left?

Dylan: No, no, no, Reva didn't call me. It was the principal, she called me.

Daisy: Mrs. Hartford?

Dylan: Yeah. She wanted to be the first one to tell me you were elected vice president.

Daisy: I was? I was? Of the student council, yeah, right, that's what she wanted to tell you.

Dylan: Now, I know popularity isn't that important, so just forget about that. But what this means is that you got your stuff together. And considering everything you've been through, that's-- you did good, kid. Yeah, real good. I mean, kid-- madam, vice just come here. I knew you wouldn't let us down.

Jeffrey: Wow! Where is everyone?

Gus: Out looking for Marina.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. How's Frank holding up?

Gus: Well, you're a father. He's a father. Figure it out.

Jeffrey: Well, I've been a father for about five seconds. I still can't figure the whole thing out.

Gus: Yeah, but you love your daughter, right? I love my son. I worry about them every single minute of the day, and it drives me crazy. And, Frank, he's trying to save the world all the time. Imagine how he feels about his daughter.

Jeffrey: Any leads?

Gus: We've got plenty of leads, but none of them good.

Jeffrey: She's a tough kid. She's going to figure her way out of this. I know she is.

Gus: She hates-- she hates being called a kid. I almost said hated. What's the matter with me. What's the matter with me?

Jeffrey: Listen, Frank wants me to look after her interests legally. So, um, can I get the police report?

Gus: For you, O’Neill, sure.

Jeffrey: So you're... you're back at the Spaulding house? That must be fun, huh?

Gus: I'm just looking out for my kid. Keep to myself.

Jeffrey: Is that what Reva is doing, too? She and Alan are sure getting along now aren't they?

Gus: Yeah, I think they're doing some fundraising stuff together.

Jeffrey: Have you seen them?

Gus: Not really.

Jeffrey: Did they take a trip somewhere to raise money or something like that?

Gus: Not that I know of.

Jeffrey: I wonder what it's like, a typical night over there, huh? Alan and Reva sitting back and smoking cigars, drinking brandy.

Gus: Where exactly are you going with this?

Jeffrey: I'm just making conversation.

Gus: I don't think so. I think you're working on a case, O’Neill, and I don't think you're working on Marina's case. So what is it exactly that you want to know about Reva and Alan, exactly?

Alan: Whoa! Are you all right?

Natalia: Yes, thank you. You don't have to hang around. You know, I forgive you for the kiss.

Alan: (Laughs) Oh, I know that. Maybe I just want to help you, that's all.

Natalia: You already are. No one has done more for Rafe. Because of you, he may not have to give himself shots some day.

Alan: I just wish I could help them find a cure for him.

Natalia: Well, you're doing what you can. I mean, not just for Rafe, especially now with the cancer fundraising that you're doing with Reva.

Alan: Oh, yes, that.

Natalia: Well, you're not giving up on that project, are you? Because I haven't seen you working on it lately.

Alan: Oh, Reva and I do most of our work at the office.

Natalia: But I thought that Reva moved in so that you could do it from the house?

Alan: Yes, that's true. But I... it's very complicated, Natalia.

Natalia: You really don't get along with Reva, do you?

Alan: Why would you say that?

Natalia: You smoke a lot when she's around. I think she makes you nervous.

Alan: Well, Reva makes everyone nervous. She's a little unstable these days. Especially since her ex-husband left her for her sister. It's been a little dicey.

Natalia: So how is it your responsibility?

Alan: Well, I'm just afraid that Reva may do something destructive or dangerous.

Reva: Gee, Alan, I really appreciate your concern.

Daisy: It's no big deal.

Dylan: Don't say that. It is. It's a big deal because of what it means.

Daisy: I don't think it means what you think it does.

Dylan: Well, mostly it means that you're happy, and you're doing well, and I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. And how good that's going to make your mom feel. Because now you're going to have so much open to you that was never open to us, like college, you know.

Daisy: One thing at a time, okay? There are more things in the world than college.

Dylan: You're going to college.

Daisy: Sure, but, I mean, you and Harley, the smartest two people I know, you didn't go to college.

Dylan: Yeah, but just imagine if we had.

Daisy: There is more than one way to a happy life.

Dylan: Right.

Daisy: People make choices.

Dylan: Sure. Yeah, but you're going to college.

Daisy: I just don't want to be a nerd or anything.

Dylan: All right. That's fine. I get it. You're playing it cool, and that's okay.

Daisy: There's still a lot to figure out.

Dylan: Right, right. Like which college your going to! Did you fill out any applications?

Daisy: It's so far off, okay?

Dylan: No, it's not. It's not! This is what people do. It's October now, and you graduate in June. That's like nine months away.

Daisy: Nine months.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Gus: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Look, I just want to make sure that Reva is safe.

Gus: From my father?

Jeffrey: The two are like best buddies now? They couldn't even stand to be in the same room together.

Gus: Look, O’Neill, I have so much on my head. My marriage fell apart. Marina is missing. I'm trying to keep my kid alive.

Jeffrey: I know, I know. I'm just saying if you're having this sense that Alan is putting some pressure on Reva or threatening her...

Gus: Just remember the fact that he is my father.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I remember that. And we both know what he's capable of, don't we? I'm just saying if you can just keep an eye on her for me.

Gus: If I see or hear anything, I will let you know.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Gus: I'm just not going to work that hard on it.

Jeffrey: You won't have to. You're a detective.

Reva: I really hope I'm not interrupting anything too important.

Natalia: I'm just working.

Reva: Oh, are you?

Alan: And I'm helping.

Reva: He's really very good at that.

Alan: What are you doing here, Reva?

Reva: I came to visit Dylan.

Natalia: How's Daisy? Is she still trying to see Rafe?

Reva: I'm sure she would love to see Rafe.

Alan: Well, it's a good thing we're keeping him away from her.

Reva: I don't think you're doing either one of them any favors by keeping them apart.

Alan: Daisy is a bad influence on Rafe.

Reva: Are you out of your mind?

Natalia: Yes, I see what you mean. I'm gonna go.

Alan: Um, I think I'm gonna go, too, Reva.

Reva: Oh, no, no, no. I know what you're doing.

Alan: What am I doing?

Reva: Crazy Reva. Dangerous Reva. You know what, you're right.

Alan: Case in point. Now, will you let go of my tie, and tell me what you're babbling about?

Reva: You're trying to set me up for this murder. You're laying the groundwork for it right now. If we go down for that murder, you're going to make sure that I take the fall for it.

Alan: Reva, you don't know what you're talking about.

Reva: Don't lie to me, Alan.

Alan: Let's-- let's go somewhere else to talk, okay? The fact of the matter is, Reva, I can't be sure of you, and you can't be sure of me. So until this thing has passed, we have to work together.

Jeffrey: Well, did you-- did you check the phone records yet? Nothing? You traced all of the calls that Alan’s made on his cell phone? What weird thing? California? What's the name of the town? Tourmaline?

Reva: What's this?

Alan: Itinerary of cities you will be visiting promoting our charity.

Reva: Oh, right! So what, I go out of town and you start spreading rumors about the fact that I'm packing a gun and taking weird little trips to Tourmaline?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, it's probably business. Yeah, he's probably going to buy the whole damn town. No, we got zip. Yeah, alright, it was worth a shot. Tourmaline, California.

Gus: Hey. Ow! Damn. I hate that.

Natalia: You look terrible.

Gus: No, I worked all night, all night.

Natalia: Well, you have to take better care of yourself.

Gus: Yeah.

Natalia: Come here.

Gus: Oh, that burns. That burns, burning man.

Natalia: You're such a baby.

Gus: Okay. Speaking of babies, guess who brought me breakfast?

Natalia: Rafe?

Gus: Yeah. Juevos rancheros. We had a little chat.

Natalia: Oh!

Gus: We had a little chat.

Natalia: A chat about what?

Gus: Yeah. Well, he's been very responsible lately. And he's been talking to kids about diabetes and that sort of thing, and I thought, well, what?

Natalia: You have that look?

Gus: Which one?

Natalia: That look. The same that you gave Mrs. Arubis when she asked you if you returned roses.

Gus: No, no.

Natalia: Yes.

Gus: No, I don't look guilty. No, I don’t. He's just been very dependable lately, and I thought, you know. He asked me a favor, and I said... come on, what?

Natalia: Not Daisy!

Gus: He wants to talk to her, just for an hour.

Natalia: You should have asked me!

Gus: Why? Ask you, he's not going to touch her. He promised.

Natalia: You're going to drive me. Let's go.

Gus: Where to?

Natalia: To the school.

Gus: No. We can't just stand there and stare at... isn't it better that he tells us what he is doing, instead of running around telling us a pack of lies?

Natalia: No. I don't want him seeing her.

Gus: Oh, man!

Natalia: What?

Gus: All right. Do you remember when your grandmother locked you in your room so we wouldn't see each other?

Natalia: Yes.

Gus: And what happened?

Natalia: And you climbed up the fire escape.

Gus: That's right. And your family thought you were sulking, but really we spent the night together.

Natalia: Yeah. I think, actually, that's the first night that you told me you loved me.

Gus: Yes. And that's the night you told me I snore.

Natalia: It wasn't cool to say I love you back.

Gus: No. I understand. Why is that?

Natalia: Because Maria Hernandez told me that I shouldn't say it back to you and you'd want more.

Gus: Oh, big mouth Maria Hernandez.

Natalia: So you would want me more.

Gus: As if that were possible.

Natalia: What?

Gus: To want you any more. And how did that work out? It didn't work out, right? Did it backfire? Yes, it backfired, just a little bit. You know why? Because it was forbidden. It was forbidden. And when it is forbidden, you want it twice as much. Now, do you think that is the way we should handle Rafe and Daisy?

Natalia: Yes.

Gus: No!

Natalia: No...

Gus: Right.

Natalia: So what do you suggest?

Gus: I suggest we give them a little space. We give them a little direction. We watch a little Dr. Phil.

Natalia: That is your solution to everything, Dr. Phil.

Gus: Love, love, love, him. What's on your agenda tonight?

Natalia: Why?

Gus: I don't know. I just thought we could band together as a family a little bit and maybe help Rafe out with his homework. That's, of course, unless you have a date with my father.

Dylan: Enough of that serious stuff. Go to the mall and get yourself something. Hail to the chief. Or, you know, vice chief. I love you.

Rafe: Are you okay?

Daisy: What? What do you mean?

Rafe: Your dad.

Daisy: Oh, no, Rafe. I was elected the vice president of the student council.

Rafe: Are you serious? That's awesome.

Daisy: Thanks. Why aren't you in class?

Rafe: I was walking by, and I found out that you were inside, so I decided to wait. Is there something wrong?

Daisy: Things happen, you know?

Rafe: Yeah, like what?

Daisy: Like Dylan showing up unexpected.

Rafe: I know. I had to hide. No way I wanted to face him after being with his baby.

Daisy: Don’t.

Rafe: Daisy, don't what? Hey-- he didn't get on you about us? Because if that's the case, I'll talk to him if you want me to.

Daisy: It wasn't about us, it is us, but it's not that.

Rafe: Something is wrong. What is it?

Daisy: I, I'm...

Natalia: Your father came to visit me at work today.

Gus: What for?

Natalia: To shower me in diamonds.

Gus: Really?

Natalia: Look at you, you get all red in the face.

Gus: I'm not getting red in the face.

Natalia: We talked about it. And Alan only kissed me because he was very upset about his sister. That's it.

Gus: Stop it. You don't know him like I do.

Natalia: Why do you even care?

Gus: I care. I'll always care.

Natalia: I asked you how you felt about me, and you just ran straight to Harley.

Gus: Alan is dangerous. Trust me on this. Don't get too close.

Natalia: I know who Alan is. I have to go.

Gus: Hey just... Natalia.

Natalia: I'm gonna go. You go home and get some sleep.

Daisy: You know how you think something can never happen, at least to you?

Rafe: Yeah, sure.

Daisy: And then it does.

Rafe: And then you're like, why did this have to happen to me?

Daisy: Right.

Rafe: Daisy, whatever it is, you can tell me.

Daisy: I never thought I would be elected to the student council, and it's great that I'm popular and all, but I don't know if I'm up for it.

Rafe: That's what this is about? I don't even know what they do.

Daisy: I know they give speeches, they're supposed to be role models. I'm not sure I'm right for it, you know?

Rafe: Daisy, you're going to do fine. Okay, look, they are lucky to have you. Come here.

Daisy: No, not... not here.

Rafe: Don't worry. Nobody is going to see you. They're already in class.

Daisy: I said stop, okay?

Alan: Reva, we have to make this charity thing seem real.

Reva: I'm not leaving town.

Alan: You'll be in Chicago tomorrow night. Now, just order a cup of coffee.

Reva: I'm not having any coffee.

Alan: Reva, come over here and sit down.

Reva: Would you stop telling me what to do?! I've had it with you! (Laughs) I have. I don't know how your kids put up with you for as long as they did. Poor fellow. Poor Phillip.

Alan: Do you think I'm enjoying this charade we're playing, huh?

Reva: Yeah. Well, at least we're on the same page!

Alan: Why don't you hold it down. Or would you rather announce to everyone in here that we killed a man, huh?

Reva: We killed a man! (Laughs)

Alan: (Laughs) Reva, come here! Reva!

Reva: (Laughs) They think it's a joke! You play this your way, Alan, and I'll play it mine.

Alan: You are a time bomb.

Reva: That's right. Don't set me off. Tick, tick, tick.

Alan: Will I ever get any peace from this?

Reva: You and me both. Because once this is over, there will be nothing to tie us together, nothing to connect us anymore.

Jeffrey: Uh-huh. Well, I don't care what it costs. I need someone to fly me down there as soon as possible. That's right. It's in California. Tourmaline.

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