Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/3/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Buzz: Marina's missing.
Coop: I know.
Buzz: We don't know where she is or if she's safe.
Coop: Pop, I know. It's pretty much all I can think about.
Buzz: So why are we doing this?
Coop: Because we are not cops. Because Frank and Harley are doing everything that they can possibly do right now.
Buzz: There's nothing we can do about it except just hope and pray and keep a light lit for her.
Coop: Well, we can win this damn election for her.
Buzz: Where'd you find him?
Ashlee: You know, I almost hate to say it, but I don't think Coop is entirely wrong.
Coop: Well, thank you. Way to have my back. Dad, Doris Wolfe’s new campaign commercial is in full swing, in heavy rotation on just about every local station. All right, you can even log onto the internet to see this commercial on her web site.
Buzz: Oh, come on, who logs onto the internet to watch commercials?
Coop: Really? Why don't you come take a look at this? All right, Dad, there have been 14,000 hits since last Friday alone.
Doris: Springfieldians, today I call upon you to say yes. Say yes to those who want to take this great city of ours into a prosperous future. Buzz Cooper wants you to believe that he's a man of the people. It's a lie. He's the establishment; just ask his son, the police chief. And worse, he's a hypocrite. Ask his granddaughter, a cop, and her notorious thief of a boyfriend.
Coop: Um... she made this before Marina...
Buzz: I don't care.
Coop: Me either.
Buzz: How do we get her?
Coop: That's a good question. I want to show you something that I've been working on. Okay, here we go. Just tell me what you think, okay?
Commercial narrator: When you go into the booth on election day and pull that lever, who will you really be voting for? Stop and ask yourself why the richest man in town is backing this candidate, and what he expects to get for his money.
Buzz: Got anything else?
Coop: What? Okay, all right. Yes, there is something else that I've just been kind of working on and... you'll see.
Billy: He came from humble beginnings. The son of Greek immigrants, he found himself in a land that really only asked one thing for success: That you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you do it on your own. And that's just what he did.
Buzz: Was that the voice of Billy Lewis?
Coop: He's got a good voice.
Buzz: Morgan Freeman wasn't available?
Coop: Okay, I'm feeling like you're not feeling any of this right now.
Buzz: Call up Ashlee. Tell her to bring her equipment.
Buzz: And I want you to know, Springfield, that I will always put you -- you-- first. Together... (laughs) ...we can build a community we're all proud to call home... oh, cut.
Coop: Just keep going. We can always do another take, Dad.
Buzz: Oh, come on, there's not going to be another take!
Coop: Well, you can't quit now. We barely got started.
Buzz: It's just going to get worse. Take my word for it. I mean, this... this? It's not me.
Coop: Dad, we're just trying to help you win.
Buzz: I don't want to lose. I know this town. I know it as well as I know anything. That's got to count for something.
Ashlee: Well, what do you have in mind?
Buzz: A love letter.
[TV background]
Buzz: There's a customer that once suggested that we call this place Crossroads, which I think is pretty much right because when you haul yourself up to the counter here, you're just as likely to be seated next to a CEO as a truck driver. So, I think Company is a good name. I mean, company as in keeping company. Because when you're here, in this town, in a place we call home, and you're likely to be in very good company, indeed.
Coop: Perfect. I'm liking this.
Buzz: Yeah?
Coop: So, what's next?
Buzz: I don't know. You know, I'm just winging it. Let's get out and talk to people and see what they have to say.
Ashlee: About what?
Buzz: About this place; what makes this place this place. I mean, if I have any platform, that's what it is. I mean, not messing up this thing we love, you know?
Coop: All right. Well, I'd stay away from controversy. That's my advice. I'd want to make this a feel- good piece.
Buzz: Uh-huh. Well, let's see what happens.
Coop: Why does that make me nervous? Uh-huh.
Rick: Mmm, best coffee in town. Especially if you like a mixture of dirt and motor oil. Thank you, Buzz, courtesy of Co2 on Main Street.
Buzz: Well, thanks for the plug, Rick. But we're talking about Springfield here.
Rick: We're not talking about the bad coffee?
Buzz: No, we're not.
Rick: What can I say? It's a... it's a... Springfield’s a great town. I grew up here. Love it.
Buzz: Lots of barbecue!
Rick: Lots of barbecues! Yeah, lots of time cooking burgers, but, you know what, I have to say Springfield’s a lot like the town I grew up in, Buzz. And I just hope that my little girl loves it as much as I do. I mean, we're like family. I love... I can sincerely say I love everybody in this town.
Buzz: Rick, wait... come on, come on...
Rick: What the hell do you think you're trying to pull?
Alan: What's the problem, Rick?
Rick: What's the problem? You think I wasn't going to find out about you snooping around, asking Beth’s doctor questions? What do you think, I'm an idiot?
Alan: I was just checking to make sure she was getting good care. You know that she means a lot to me, as well as the baby.
Rick: My... my baby, Alan. You stay away from Beth and my baby or I will make you pay. Do you understand that?
Alan: Tell me something, Rick, why are you so threatened by me?
Rick: Because you are a sick man. You are a sick man who's obsessed with my baby!
Buzz: So...
Jeffrey: You sure you want me to talk? I mean, because, you know, you and I, we...
Buzz: Well...
Jeffrey: Okay. Okay. Let's see. I originally came here for a job. I thought I was just going to be in and out, but I ended up staying. I suppose there's a lot of reasons why people stay; I just never thought that, you know, I wanted this, a community.
Buzz: And yet, you're here. You ran for mayor.
Jeffrey: Yes, I did. I did. (Laughter) I did. I think it's something about, you know, being accepted in a place like this.
Buzz: So...
Olivia: Hi. Hi, Buzz. You got a minute?
Jeffrey: Well, I'm actually kind of, you know...
Olivia: Excuse us. Be right back.
Jeffrey: Sorry.
Olivia: Why are you here?
Jeffrey: Well, I had a meeting.
Olivia: Look, I kicked you out of the hotel.
Jeffrey: You kicked me out of my room. I didn't know I was banned.
Olivia: Okay, all right. In the future, I would prefer it if you would just... are you... are you recording this?
Buzz: Well, you know, this is supposed to be about the town.
Olivia: Well, it's not big enough for the two of us, if you ask me.
Buzz: I'll come get you guys later.
Blake: All right, not right now, Mom. Okay, later. There's something I have to do. Okay, bye. Okay. I'm ready. Are we rolling?
Buzz: Yeah.
Blake: Yeah?
Buzz: So, you know, take your time.
Blake: I'm good to go. So, what exactly do you want to hear?
Buzz: Well, I just wanted to talk about Springfield.
Blake: Right.
Buzz: You wanted to be mayor. I know it's tough for you, okay?
Blake: Yeah, I really did. But, if I can't be mayor, I think you're going to be good.
Buzz: It's not about me. It's not. It's just about, you know, the town. It's about Springfield. It's about giving your thoughts, your memories. Really.
Blake: I love it here. I love it here. I've had the happiest times of my life, and I've had the saddest. It's funny...
Buzz: It's funny? Good, let's go with that. Go ahead, it's funny. Funny's good.
Blake: No, no, no, no, no. It's not "ha ha" funny, really. It’s... for such a normal looking town, this place has a very intense effect on people. It's like an electricity. It definitely brings out the best in people, and the worst. I'm sorry. This is probably not the stuff you want to hear, the bad stuff, huh?
Buzz: No, go ahead. Just say what's on your mind, good or bad.
Blake: Really?
Buzz: Absolutely.
Blake: I was born here in Springfield. I'm from Springfield. Of course, I did... well, my mom took me away when I was a little girl, to get away from my dad. But I came back here. I came back here as an adult and I got married. A couple of times. Then I found Ross here, the love of my life. Well, it didn't actually start out as love; it started out as revenge against my mother. But we did get married and we really did fall in love. And we had all of our children here. Of course, we weren't quite positive Ross was the father of all of them because there was issue with Rick, sort of, that happened. But...
Coop: Hello? Um, I'm not sure that's what we're going for here.
Blake: Well, listen, what do you want from me? Because I can help. I was in PR for a long time. No, I really... let me help, please. If Doris wins, I may have to move to Oakdale, okay?
Coop: (Laughs) Right. We'll get back to you.
Blake: I really want to help.
Coop: Thanks, Blake.
Buzz: This isn't going so well.
Coop: No, Dad, you know what, it's fine. It's fine.
Buzz: You think so?
Coop: I do think so. If we can just make sure you have one of these on you, that would certainly help.
Buzz: Oh, that will help, yeah. Yeah.
Ashlee: (Laughs) You know, I could get on camera and talk about Springfield.
Buzz: (Laughs) I'll bet you'd have an interesting take on it, wouldn't you?
Coop: As long as it's a positive take.
Ashlee: Yeah, I can do that.
Coop: Good.
Frank: Okay, you know what? You tell the State Police that's just not good enough. Take it to the top, if you have to. We're talking about my daughter here.
Ashlee: Frank, hi...
Frank: Not now, Ashlee.
Ashlee: No, I just wanted you...
Frank: Right now is not a good time. Do you understand? Do you have any idea what we're dealing with?
Buzz: Frank...
Frank: Pop, how much more, huh? How much more can happen to this family?
Buzz: I better catch up to Frank.
Coop: Dad, and say what?
Buzz: I don't know. I don't know. You again.
Olivia: Me again.
Buzz: Yeah.
Olivia: So, what is this?
Buzz: This is nothing important.
Coop: This is, um, a campaign video. Pop is going around asking people what makes Springfield so special.
Olivia: Special? Now there's a word for it.
Buzz: Okay, it's a bad idea. With Marina missing...
Olivia: So, when do I get my turn?
Buzz: You want to?
Olivia: Half of the town lives in my hotel. Who knows this place better than I do?
Buzz: Ah, well, we can sit right over there.
Olivia: Can I say one thing and one thing only? This town needs you, Buzz Cooper.
Buzz: Oh, well, thank you...
Olivia: Because it is a wreck on wheels, and there's no fixing it. Although you... you could do more than anyone possibly could. As a matter of fact, I think you should be elected by unanimous vote.
Buzz: Well, you know, thank you...
Olivia: And the fact that you won't is just further proof of how messed up the town really is.
Buzz: Well, you know, that’s...
Olivia: I mean, really, let's be honest here. Mayors are great for fixing potholes and cutting ribbons. I mean, we really sit down and talk about that expansion that I'm working on. It's really your constituents that have me worried. It's kind of like running for mayor of the looney bin.
Buzz: Well, that's a great slogan for my campaign.
Olivia: No, come on. Name me one other town where everyone you know has been married five or six times. And they're still looking for a mate. I mean, it's insane, right? And then... then there are the secrets. And you know the ones I'm talking about, the ones that come out at the most inopportune times and usually in front of a crowd. What's that about?
Coop: We're running out of tape here.
Olivia: Well, then you need to reload because I haven't gotten to the rivalries and the grudges and the people that hatch plots...
Buzz: No, honestly, we have to do another take...
Olivia: I really, truly believe that the surgeon general should just put one of those warnings on all of the signs heading into the city and be done with it. I got to go.
Coop: Well, you wanted interesting. Well, there's a whole seven seconds that we have about Olivia talking about what a great mayor you're going to make. So, I'm sure we can salvage something.
Buzz: This is lunch time at Company. Let's check out the crowd.
Dinah: Look, I don't know why you insist on doing this.
Mallet: I'm just trying to help you.
Dinah: You know what, your help has been smothering me and that is what created all of this to begin with. I don't want to do this, all right?
Mallet: What's all this, Buzz?
Buzz: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stop you...
Mallet: No, it's fine, it's fine. It's fine. What's with the camera?
Buzz: Well, it's a video we're making. It's about, you know, the town. It's for the campaign, you know? What people think about the town, you know? Why they came here, why they stay. You know, stuff like that.
Mallet: Why they stay? Wow. When you find out, let me know.
Buzz: Well, obviously, this is not a very good time for you, so...
Mallet: No, you know what, Buzz, what the heck? It's a perfect time. Because I'm sure you've been getting a lot of rave reviews, right, about Springfield? Maybe I can add some balance.
Buzz: Balance?
Mallet: Yeah. I know when I came back to Springfield, I came back to fix very specific wrongs, make things right, you know? I'm sure other people have tried to do the same thing. But what I've found out is that it doesn't really work out that way.
Buzz: Mallet...
Mallet: Because when you get back here, what you don't realize is there are fresh mistakes to be made. I mean, so you can forget about fixing the mistakes of the past, you've got the present. You've got the present to screw-up! I mean, you can screw that up really nice and good. So, that's what I've learned, Buzz, about Springfield. And I know other people think it's some kind of, I don't know, Ellis Island of redemption. Who knows? I don't know much. I guess, actually, what I do know is I think the milk went bad, Buzz.
Buzz: Sorry about that, Mallet.
Mallet: Me, too.
Alan: Well, Mr. Spielberg, how is your little documentary coming along?
Buzz: I was just trying to do a little piece on the town, you know, to show why it's different.
Alan: Are the natives cooperating?
Buzz: Oh, forget about it.
Alan: You know what your problem is, Buzz?
Buzz: Oh, please, tell me what my problem is, Alan.
Alan: You're a dreamer.
Buzz: You say it like it's a bad thing.
Alan: Your dreams are the reason you are where you are today.
Buzz: Here with you?
Alan: You know, it's one thing to dream about flipping hamburgers, but there's another thing to have that same dream to try to govern this city.
Buzz: Oh, come on. This town began with a dream.
Alan: This town began with people who were smart, who saw an opportunity for commerce and enterprise. Now, if they had a dream about anything, Buzz, it was about how to make a buck.
Buzz: You would think that.
Alan: And you think a fairy came along and sprinkled pixie dust everywhere? No. It was smart people, smart families like the Spaulding’s, like me, who weren't afraid to crush the little people for progress and make this city the great city it is.
Buzz: You actually mean that?
Alan: You think this is Oz? It's ancient Rome. This is the coliseum. And there are a few lions and the buffet is endless.
Frank: Hey, Pop.
Buzz: Hi. I came to see how you're doing and to apologize.
Frank: For what?
Buzz: Well, you know, Ashlee, and that bit with the camera. I'm sorry.
Frank: Don't worry about it.
Buzz: Any leads on Marina?
Frank: No. Absolutely nothing and it's killing me. I wish I could do more, Pop.
Buzz: I know.
Frank: Harley's in New York with that Foley scum, you know? And I know she's tearing that town apart, but nothing, absolutely nothing. I've got a cell phone out there that's completely turned off so I can't trace it, and that is my one link to my daughter.
Buzz: Frank, they'll find her. She'll be back with us.
Frank: God, I hope so. What the hell was Ashlee doing with that camera?
Buzz: It's nothing. It's just stupid.
Frank: Well, what was it?
Buzz: It was a campaign video I was making. It was an idea I had, something about Springfield. It's not working out very well.
Frank: What's your idea?
Buzz: It's just a notion I have about this town, and how the people feel about it, and, you know, how things work here.
Frank: Exactly how do things work here, Pop?
Buzz: Not as well as I thought, Frank.
Doris: Let me guess, you were back there in the kitchen telling the working man how he can count on you.
Buzz: Doris.
Doris: Not that any of them are registered to vote.
Buzz: Oh, lighten up, big D.
Doris: You know what I was while you were back there doing a Woody Guthrie sing-a-long? I was in a main ballroom hosting a $200-a-plate luncheon for my campaign. And you know what I got when I finished my speech?
Buzz: Dessert?
Doris: Mmm, a standing "O". In fact, I couldn't get them to stop.
Buzz: Maybe it was just because you stopped talking.
Doris: Hmm. It was because I connected with those people, Buzz, the real citizens of Springfield. The people that make the wheels go round in this town, they heard my message and they said yes.
Buzz: I bet they did.
Doris: That's it? No snappy comeback?
Buzz: You know, maybe they just deserve you, Doris. Maybe we all do.
Blake: I'm from Springfield.
Of course, I did... well, my
mom took me away when I was a
little girl.
Coop: Okay. That's some place that we can mark as an edit.
Ashlee: Yes. I'll mark the time code. (Knock on the door) Wait, I'll get it. Hey.
Buzz: Hey.
Coop: Hey, Dad, where'd you disappear to?
Buzz: I stopped by the station to see Frank.
Coop: Uh-huh. Is there any word about Marina? How's Frank doing?
Buzz: I don't know. I wish I could help. I wanted to say something more than, "It will work out," but, you know, it just...
Coop: Well, Ashlee and I, we're putting some of the interview clips together if you want to take a look at it.
Buzz: No, no, no. I don't need to do that.
Coop: Okay. All right, I'll tell you what, I'll just burn the whole interview on a DVD, and I'll just give it to you. You can watch...
Buzz: No, I never need to see it. I never, never have to see it.
Jeffrey: Hey, you finish the video?
Buzz: Oh, yeah.
Jeffrey: I hope I didn't end up on the cutting room floor, as they say.
Buzz: We all ended up on the cutting room floor. The project is D.O.A.
Jeffrey: Oh, what killed it?
Buzz: A severe lack of will.
Jeffrey: Marina?
Buzz: Yeah. No. Mostly no. It's just a question of faith, really.
Jeffrey: Okay. Wow. Well, you know, I never really had much faith in anything to begin with, so...
Buzz: So...
Jeffrey: So maybe if you keep the climb short, you have less far to fall, you know what I mean?
Buzz: Did you get that out of a fortune cookie?
Jeffrey: Well, if I did, I'd probably ask for my money back.
Buzz: You know, when I was young, I drifted a long time. I wasted a lot of time, a lot of life and I came here and I thought things would change. You know, I mean a change of lifestyle, a change of perspective, a change that would be profound.
Jeffrey: Well, it seems like you found it.
Buzz: No, what I found is pixie dust.
Jeffrey: Excuse me?
Buzz: Something an acquaintance told me today. The change didn't come from this place, it didn't come from the air around here. It doesn't work that way. Bad things happen to good people all the time, and there's nothing inherently here, the reality here, that can keep that at bay.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Buzz: What is the point? That's what I want to know.
Jeffrey: The point?
Buzz: Of trying to make it better.
Jeffrey: Well, when you figure that one out, let me know, okay? Thanks for the coffee. Hey! (Laughter) How you doing?
Buzz: Ava? Mind if I borrow your daughter for a minute?
Ava: I'm not quite clear on exactly what you want.
Buzz: That's okay. I'm not exactly clear myself.
Ava: You just want me to talk about Springfield?
Buzz: Let's talk about you. When exactly did you come here?
Ava: Well, gosh, I guess it's been over two years now. Wow!
Buzz: Glad you stuck around?
Ava: Well, there was a time where I... let's not talk about that. Yes, I’m glad I stuck around.
Buzz: Things have changed for you a lot.
Ava: Yeah. Things were complicated when I first came here. There was a guy-- I guess I was a little naive-- and I guess I let him use me a little bit, too. But I'm not that person anymore. I'm not. I know exactly what I want and who I want to be.
Buzz: Something else changed for you, too, though.
Ava: Yeah. I didn't know my biological parents. In fact, I actually didn't even know that they existed.
Buzz: But then?
Ava: But then they were here. I mean, they weren't together together, but they were both here. Here they were. And it was just kind of like we found each other.
Buzz: That's unusual.
Ava: Yeah. Yeah, it was really unusual. And, man, it was hard. It was really hard at the beginning. And... and it was incredibly hard. It still is, but we're... we're finding our way, and we're... we're making it happen. And it's worth it. It's worth it to all of us. Yeah, man, it was a coincidence completely, moving here to this new town and finding out that my mom and dad both lived here, too. What are the chances of that?
Dinah: No, it wasn't easy for me, not in this town.
Buzz: If it's hard, you don't have to go into it. You've got a lot of other things on your mind, too, so maybe...
Dinah: Oh, no. No, it's okay. In a way, I don't mind the distraction. Where were we?
Buzz: Beginnings.
Dinah: Right. Springfield. I was on the road a lot as a kid. I grew up in traveling shows, in carnivals. And I was gone for a while, and I actually made it back a few times. But the first time, before I had to leave, that's when I met my parents. I know it sounds strange.
Buzz: No, maybe not as much as you think.
Dinah: Well, I met them. And they met me. And, well, it was complicated. It wasn't that easy because sometimes I wasn't the easiest person to be around.
Buzz: Well, Ross didn't even know that you were his daughter, right?
Dinah: No. I made a connection to my mom, Vanessa, at first. And that's when it all came out- - how she got pregnant, by who. And, well, I miss my dad.
Buzz: We all miss your father.
Dinah: I can honestly say, though, that when I had to come back, and when I met them, when I got to know my mom and dad, it changed my life. They changed my life. And then I needed to go again. And then I came back. And that's when I met Mallet. And he changed my life again. Can we stop?
Buzz: Of course. I didn't mean to you know...
Dinah: No, I... I don't think anyone sees something that good coming, ever.
Buzz: Rick, some people think there must be something really wrong about this place based on the divorce rate alone.
Rick: Oh! Okay, now I see why you wanted to interview me a second time. What's wrong, Buzz, wasn't Josh and Reva around to be interviewed?
Buzz: Oh, I'll get to them next.
Rick: Yeah, there's no question about it. If you have a family law practice in this town, you're going to make a lot of money.
Buzz: So there's something about love that we just don't get here.
Rick: No, I don't know about that. I would dispute that, actually.
Buzz: Well, okay, what is it, then?
Rick: I don't know, I think it's kind of inspirational, if you ask me.
Buzz: (Laughs) All the divorce?
Rick: Hey, listen, you can't have a high divorce rate without a high marriage rate, right? I mean, I think guys like us, who have been married and divorced a few times, and had their lives absolutely decimated...
Buzz: Yeah?
Rick: Yeah, I mean, we understand something. I think men... we still keep on trying. We believe in love and marriage and having a warm meal occasionally.
Billy: Buzz, you know, when I got your call and I thought, a little more voiceover work, right?
Buzz: No. We decided to go in a different direction?
Billy: Oh, come on. I thought this was going to be my second career. I always wanted to do those movie trailers where the guy says, "In a world where nothing is quite the same."
Buzz: (Laughs) I love it. Another stop on the Billy Lewis reinvention tour. You know, some people call you the comeback kid.
Billy: Oh, come on, hey. Tell them not to, seriously.
Buzz: You've been up and down and back again a couple of times, at least. I mean, the booze, prison...
Billy: Buzz, you driving at something here?
Buzz: Oh, I'm sorry. Tell me if I'm getting too personal. I'm just interested in your take on something, though.
Billy: For you, anything.
Buzz: You left town once in shackles. You served your time, and then, you know, you could have gone anywhere. You could have gone back to Oklahoma. You could have gone to a new place for a fresh start. But you didn’t. You came here. I guess I'm just curious as to why.
Billy: Sometimes I'm curious myself. (Laughs)
Buzz: Seriously?
Billy: Yeah. Well, I think maybe it's because, you know, I thought maybe here I'd catch a break.
Buzz: How so?
Billy: Well, you know, this town isn't exactly full of ex-cons, but some days you really think it is.
Buzz: How is that?
Billy: You know, maybe it's because I felt maybe I wouldn't be the only person who was looking for a second start, you know? You see, everybody here has failed one time or another. And, you know, when they do, they... you pull yourself up. You try again. You say, I'll do it better the next time, or a third time. I mean, hey, when you see somebody else doing the same thing, really trying, you stick out your hand, you help them because you've been there.
Buzz: I think I know what you mean.
Frank: Damn it, that's just not good enough! This is my daughter we're talking about!
(Loud crash)
Buzz: (Laughs) Well, it looks like I'm in the hot seat myself now. I can tell you I don't know how this is going to come out in the end. My son's a whiz at this, but it may be a mess. Maybe not. But I think with any luck at all, I'm going to get my point across. I'd have to have my head rapped around all day long, and that is this town, and the people that make up this town... I wasted a whole lot of time this afternoon thinking that I had it all wrong, but I didn’t. I didn't have it wrong. Because this town is special. I don't know, maybe it's because we're buried on some ancient burial grounds, you know? (Laughs) No, that would be bad luck, wouldn't it? Maybe because there's a big, old hole in the ozone layer and you can look straight up to the sky from here. Or maybe it's that beacon on the old lighthouse that guided lost sailors. But it is Springfield. It draws people in. Why? There are a lot of reasons, I guess. Redemption, second chances, people find their long lost kids, kids they didn't even know they had. People find love who have no business even looking again. People just find each other. Are we drawn here for a reason? I think so. There are no guarantees. Bad things happen; that's just life. But if you're here and you can somehow keep the faith that we're all in this together, well, then you might find exactly what you're looking for.
(Music) The pressure's on so fast I lost track, did I really say that? Really say that boiling point so low like a fever grows like a fever grows on a slow boat home, because when I stand back and catch my breath, I see it's all right all right all right all right, so let's prevent you chasing me see my failings facing me again again burning me and branding me when I could be reaching outer space like a child's first day...
Buzz: Like I said earlier, there's a reason this place is called Company.
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