GL Transcript Tuesday 10/2/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/2/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Jeffrey? It's me again. I just thought maybe I'd call and, um, remind you of that... well, or to tell you that I... can you maybe water my plants in the kitchen and give me a call sometime? (Sighs)

Alan: I'm sure that your plants will be in good hands, Reva.

Reva: Have you ever heard of knocking, Alan?

Alan: It's my house. Why should I?

Reva:: Common courtesy.

Alan: Look, I've got enough problems with Alexandra in the hospital without you bringing Jeffrey O’Neill back into our lives.

Reva: Our lives?

Alan: Yes, we're connected, whether you want it to be that way or not.

Reva: You mean until we're sure no one digs up our dirty little secret.

Alan: Do I need to start monitoring your calls, Reva?

(Grandfather clock ringing)

Reva: Do you ever turn that thing off?

Alan: No.

Reva: I can't take this any more.

Alan: What, my company?

Reva: Everything. The chiming, the butlers in the halls sneaking up on me, the big brother intercom system all of it. Just... I have to get out. I do. I have to get out. I have to get back to my life, back to house and Jeffrey because he deserves better than this. And you know something? You can't do anything to stop me.

Alan: I'm sorry, Reva, were you saying something?

Coop: No word yet? Nothing? Yeah, okay. Look, we're going to find her. Look, I know we're going to find her because I just... I just know, okay? Call me back the minute you find something out, all right? Thank you.

Ava: Was that Frank on the phone?

Coop: Yeah, yeah. Marina is still missing and Harley’s in New York. She's following some sort of lead.

Ava: Well, what can I do? I mean, to help you.

Coop: Look, Ava, she is the chief of police's daughter. Don't you think they're doing everything that they can...

Ava: I know that. Maybe my contacts at Spaulding can help. I just want to do something.

Natalia: Was it 235 or 253 Main Street?

Rafe: Mom, relax, please. It's Tony’s, right?

Natalia: Tommy’s.

Rafe: All right, so it's like right down the block. Plus you're 20 minutes early, so chill.

Natalia: I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I get... I'm nervous. I've never had this much trouble trying to find a job before.

Rafe: Mom, you've also never had a butler before. You've never lived in a mansion before. I don't know, you think maybe this waitressing job is dumb?

Natalia: Please tell me you did not just say that to me.

Rafe: It's true.

Natalia: You know what? First of all, we are not going to start relying on Alan Spaulding’s money. We are guests in his home and we are going to pay our own way.

Rafe: Okay.

Natalia: Okay?

Rafe: Whatever, fine.

Natalia: And speaking of jobs, I heard that Long's Grocery is hiring.

Rafe: Oh, come on.

Natalia: So I want you to go down there and fill out and application like a big boy. Okay?

Rafe: All right, but what about school?

Natalia: What about school? You do your homework during the week and then on the weekend you bag groceries.

Rafe: (Sighs)

Natalia: Yeah. But just because Alan is now offering you country club memberships and big screen TVs and all that...

Rafe: Mom, fine. But while I'm bagging groceries on the weekend, I'll just never be able to see Daisy, right?

Nurse: You can look now. All done.

Daisy: Oh, wow, that didn't hurt.

Nurse: Good.

Daisy: So, how long do these test results take?

Nurse: An hour or two. You can go home when we're done and I'll call you.

Daisy: No, I think I'll wait.

Nurse: Is there anyone you want me to call? Your parents?

Daisy: No. I mean, you don't have to, do you?

Nurse: Legally I'm not allowed to. I would like to talk to you, though, about safe sex practices.

Daisy: I know it all, okay?

Nurse: I believe you, but I have to ask. Why are you worried that you're pregnant?

Daisy: Well, I was supposed to get my period a couple of weeks ago.

Nurse: You know that at your age, cycles can be irregular, right?

Daisy: Yeah. But mine never is.

Nurse: Daisy, did you practice unsafe sex? I'm not going to judge you, sweetie. I just need to know the facts. Did you and your boyfriend use a condom?

Daisy: I'm not sure. It just happened. I mean, we bought them and there was a box and everything, but it was dark and...

Nurse: Let me get these to the lab. I'll be back.

Daisy: We only did it once. It's crazy that I could...

Nurse: I'll let you know when the test comes back.

Reva: Where's Hilda? She stole my shirts.

Alan: Will you stop being so paranoid?

Reva: I'm not kidding about this, Alan. This isn't a joke. She took my shirts to be ironed and she never brought them back. I want you to find Hilda and then I want you to have her give me shirts back. I want you to call Jeremy, tell him to unlock the garage so I can get my car and be on my way.

Alan: Why don't you make yourself a bloody Mary and calm down, Reva? We both know you're not going anywhere except perhaps jail, and I will not be joining you because I will never go there again.

Reva: How can you be so nonchalant about this, about the fact that you killed a man and we buried him in the woods, Alan? What are you looking at? What is it?

Alan: It's a report from Tourmaline, California. They found the body.

Reva: (Sighs)

Reporter: The status of Detective Marina Cooper is still unknown at this time. Police have launched a full-scale investigation into her kidnapping.

Mel: Here.

Remy: Anything stronger?

Mel: I know. I could use a vodka chaser myself.

Remy: I just keep thinking about Tammy.

Mel: They're going to find her.

Remy: You don't know that.

Mel: Yes, I do. Remy, look at me. Look at me. Honey, they're going to find Marina.

Remy: Alive?

Mel: Yes, alive. They're going to bring her home. She's a cop; she's smart. She's probably figuring out a way to free herself right now. There's someone who might be able to cheer you up.

Remy: You think she saw me? Maybe I can sneak out...

Mel: I thought you liked Lola.

Remy: Yeah, I thought Lola was hot until she started stalking me and sending me her underwear.

Mel: She does not send people underwear.

Remy: Not people; me. And did I mention she's psycho?

Mel: Okay, Lola is a very good clerk.

Remy: She is a grade "A" freakity-freak.

Mel: What are you talking about?

Lola: Hey, guys.

Mel: Hey. (Laughs) Hi.

Lola: Mel, I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to your little brother. He's so cute and sweet. And he gets along with all of my friends from church so well.

Mel: Oh.

Lola: What do you guys want for lunch?

Mel: You're the freak.

Natalia: And that was Tommy from Tommy’s Pizzeria. The position has been filled. I don't even need a resume because I'm never going to get a job.

Rafe: Did you let him know that you're the mother of Alan Spaulding’s grandson.

Natalia: No, and I don't plan on it.

Rafe: Look, whatever. Back to me, bagging groceries isn't going to keep me from seeing Daisy.

Natalia: When was the last time you checked your sugar?

Rafe: Mom, come on.

Natalia: Check it.

Rafe: All right, fine. Whatever, I'm on it. (Mechanical whirring)

Natalia: That's good. That's very good.

Rafe: See, look, I'm... I'm not a kid. Daisy and I are responsible. We can handle stuff.

Natalia: Can I help you?

Woman: Well, actually, yes. I'm with the Juvenile Diabetes Awareness Association here in Springfield. Naomi Evans.

Natalia: Natalia Rivera. Hi. This is my son Raphael.

Rafe: Rafe, actually.

Woman: Greta to meet you, Rafe. How old are you?

Rafe: I'm 17.

Woman: This may sound crazy, but how would you feel about coming to work with me? Going around to schools, talking to the kids, telling your story. We really need kids like you who have been diagnosed to be role models for other kids who have been.

Natalia: He would love that.

Rafe: Mom.

Natalia: Well, you heard her. You could actually help people.

Rafe: Yeah, I know. Why me?

Woman: Well, for starters, you're cute. (Laughter) Kids are going to listen to you. And plus...

Rafe: I'm Puerto Rican?

Woman: Smart kid. Sure, it helps. Listen, wouldn't you have liked somebody your own age to talk to when you were first diagnosed?

Natalia: Rafe?

Rafe: Yeah. Okay, um, I'll give it a shot. But could I ask you a question?

Woman: Sure.

Rafe: Does this thing pay because my mom wants me to bag groceries on the weekend. That's not cool.

Natalia: We just got a better offer.

Woman: Listen, here's my card. It's got all my numbers and my email. Actually, if you're not busy right now, I could give you your first assignment.

Rafe: Yeah?

Woman: Sure. I met this kid last night at Cedars. He's just been diagnosed. He's really freaked. You want to come talk to him?

Rafe: Uh, Ma?

Natalia: Go.

Rafe: Okay.

Natalia: Make me proud.

Ashlee: Dais! (Laughs) I'm sorry. What's the matter? Are you okay?

Daisy: You scared me.

Ashlee: Sorry, honey?

Daisy: What are you doing here?

Ashlee: Oh, I was just dropping off some soup for Mrs. Atkinson.

Daisy: Oh.

Ashlee: You know her. You know, the one with all the crazy hats who loves Buzz's chili. Well, she had a massive heart attack, probably from all of the chili. Daisy, what's wrong? Is it Marina?

Daisy: No. It's nothing. Yeah.

Ashlee: You know, I'm your partner in crime. You can tell me anything, okay?

Daisy: Yeah. You're the best.

Ashlee: Oh, honey, ditto. Is this about that night that you spent with vent boy?

Daisy: No, it’s... when I was a candy striper there was this patient, and he got really sick and I just found out from the nurse that he's not going to make it.

Ashlee: I'm so sorry.

Daisy: Yeah, me too. Especially because he was so young and healthy. He was only 18, you know, and everything was going really good, you know? Things were just getting started and then, you know, bam, out of nowhere, this just changes everything.

Ashlee: I know. I know, it's hard. Hey, why don't we... why don't we get out of here? Why don't we go to Co2 and have Coop make you his famous hot chocolate.

Daisy: Thanks, but I think I'm just going to stay here for a while. Tell Coop to call me if he hears anything about Marina. Okay, I'll catch you later.

Ashlee: Bye.

Daisy: Damn it. Okay, chill out because this is probably just a false alarm, okay? It's got to be. Oh, please, God, let this be a false alarm. That was fast.

Nurse: I have the results from your blood test. Daisy, the test came back positive. You're pregnant.

Mel: What am I going to tell Lola?

Remy: Tell her I died. Tell her I'm gay. Whatever.

Mel: You know what, what is wrong with you?

Remy: Do you want me to say it? I'm afraid. I am very afraid and... and I'm... see ya.

Lola: Where are you going?

Remy: I'm... I'm really tired.

Lola: I don't want you to go.

Remy: That's really nice.

Lola: And so are you. I love when you get like this. Let's go back to my place. Do you think you can drive with me on top of you?

Remy: That’s... that's really unsafe. You know, I used to be a cop.

Lola: So? We'll share a seatbelt. (Laughter)

Remy: Um...

Lola: Come on.

Natalia: Remy? What are you doing with her?

Remy: I was just...

Natalia: You were just what? Get your hands off of him.

Lola: You can't talk to me like that.

Natalia: Oh yeah? Do you know that we're together? Do you know he took me ring shopping? Get out, you bitch.

Ava: Are you trying to drum up votes in Buzz's own restaurant?

Doris: Well, you know what, I figured I would hit them up while their heartburn was still fresh. Plus, Buzz is busy with his missing granddaughter.

Ava: Nice sympathy. So, have you seen Ashlee?

Doris: No, but we do have plans for later.

Ava: Sure you do.

Doris: What does that mean?

Ava: You know she's going to cancel on you to go be with Coop.

Doris: (Laughs) No, she won’t.

Ava: Yeah, you’re probably right.

Ashlee: Hi.

Coop: Hey, how are you?

Ashlee: I'm good.

Coop: How's miss A.?

Ashlee: Oh, she was sleeping, so I left her soup with an orderly.

Coop: That pretty much means that she's not going to get it.

Ashlee: That's what I figured. So, is there any word about Marina?

Coop: No. Why don't you have a seat.

Ashlee: Okay.

Coop: Um, if I tell you something, do you promise not to think I'm crazy or...

Ashlee: Did you see Elvis in a potato chip again?

Coop: No, but that was pretty amazing.

Ashlee: Yeah.

Coop: I have to go on a trip.

Ashlee: You're leaving?

Coop: No. No, it's not that kind of a trip. This is going to sound really weird.

Ashlee: Well, it already does, so keep it coming.

Coop: Yeah, um, when I was living overseas, Marina and I were, like, pen pals. We'd write to each other, we'd email each other all the time.

Ashlee: Okay.

Ashlee: And we... we had this... I don't even know what you would call it. It was kind of like a plan "B", just in case.

Ashlee: In case of what?

Coop: Well, that's the thing, it wasn't for anything. It's just we picked a place, a place that we would meet if one of us were o get in trouble or if something were to happen to one of us, we could just go there. You know, it sounds stupid. We were kids, you know, but we called it our fortress of solitude.

Ashlee: Where is this fortress?

Coop: It's the Bauer cabin. It's up in the mountains, and I was hoping that you could come with me.

Reva: So they found a body? So what? They have any suspects?

Alan: Not so far.

Reva: Well, see, then they know that we didn't do it and they also know that there was absolutely no way we would have been in their town. What does the article say?

Alan: (Sighs)

Reva: How can you be so calm about all of this?

Alan: Why shouldn't I be?

Reva: For the reason that they know how long the body's been there. They also know that the man was shot with his own gun. I'm calling Jeffrey.

Alan: You're to do no such thing.

Reva: We need a lawyer, Alan.

Alan: All we need is to be quiet until this blows over, Reva.

Reva: And if it doesn't?

Alan: It will.

Reva: I'm calling him.

Alan: You do that and you will live to regret it.

Reva: I guess there's no chance that I could convince you that I won't rat you out.

Alan: No, there isn’t.

Reva: You saved my life, okay? And as much as I'd like to drive you out to some bad neighborhood and leave you there, that has to count for something.

Alan: It should, but it doesn’t. I've got to go make some phone calls. You stay very close and don't try to call Jeffrey because I've disconnected your phones. And I'm going to disconnect this one as well. Good day.

Reva: I'm going to be in my room. (Opera music playing)

Nurse: You'll need to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. He or she will give you information on pre-natal care, changes you should expect to your body as well as options regarding... why don't I leave these with you. You get washed up and I'll call a taxi for you, if you want.

Daisy: No, no. I'll walk.

Nurse: Are you sure you don't want me to call someone? You parents, the father?

Daisy: Father.

Nurse: Your boyfriend?

Daisy: No, no, please don't do that.

Nurse: You're going to need to talk to someone eventually.

Daisy: Teen pregnancy. Don't become a statistic. This can't be happening. Okay, there are false positives all the time, right? Rafe.

Rafe: Hey.

Daisy: What are you doing here?

Rafe: What are you doing here?

Daisy: I asked you first.

Rafe: Okay, um, actually I was visiting a kid here who has diabetes.

Daisy: Oh, really?

Rafe: Yeah. I was... I was.. I was walking down Main Street with my mom and this lady comes up to us and she offers me a job, like, working with her juvenile diabetes center or whatever. She wants me to go around schools and talk to kids. I mean, it's not that big a deal, actually.

Daisy: No, it is a big deal. I'm so proud of you.

Rafe: Daisy, you okay?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, I'm just really emotional. I guess after we... I don't know, I just really love you.

Rafe: Oh, yeah.

Daisy: Is that such a girl thing to say?

Rafe: No, me, too. This is probably the best week I've ever had. It can't get any better than this. Come on, I want you to meet Bobby.

Daisy: Who's Bobby?

Rafe: Bobby's the kid. He's, like, eight years old, like, the time... the age I was when I first found out.

Daisy: Oh, yeah?

Rafe: Yeah, he's a good kid. You know, it must be cool, you know, having a little brother or sister. I mean, you have Zach and Jude. You have people you can, like, teach stuff to.

Daisy: That's great. But I can't go with you right now. I have to go see this patient from when I was a candy striper. So I'll call you later.

Rafe: Okay. Okay, okay, later.

Daisy: Rafe? Pick up when I call, okay?

Rafe: Of course, yeah.

Doris: So mommy will see you in a little bit, okay? Okay, bye-bye.

Ava: Very sweet.

Doris: Aw, what are you, jealous because your mother didn't want you?

Ava: I have to admit, I find it quite endearing what you are willing to do for your daughter.

Doris: Anything.

Ava: I know. Like set up that poor counselor and have him sent to jail.

Doris: Oh, come on, please. Ashlee was so nice to him and he was paid to be nice to her.

Ava: You planted drugs on her first boyfriend.

Doris: Oh, please. That cretin was probably using drugs anyway.

Ava: I'm not judging you, okay? I'm just saying maybe you're lost your edge.

Doris: (Laughs) Is that right?

Ava: Have you seen the way that Ashlee looks at Coop? She is hopelessly in love with him.

Doris: Oh, it's just a crush.

Ava: It's just a crush? Well, she's going to be crushed when he gets tired of her. That's what he does. That's his M.O. Ask Lizzie Spaulding, ask me. He's a player. It's a challenge. I admit it, I like it. But she's going to be devastated when he gets tired of her, Doris, and now that they're so close to actually being a real couple...

Doris: Oh, a real couple? Please. I just don't see it. Sorry.

Ashlee: The ladies at table two want forks.

Coop: Ashlee, you still haven't answered me.

Ashlee: Uh... wait, about what?

Coop: About what? About... about magical thinking, the fortress.

Ashlee: Oh, yeah. I... I don't think I can go.

Coop: Is this because you think it's crazy to believe that Marina might have escaped, that she might have headed up there, that... that, you know, she's waiting for her Uncle Coop to come rescue her? I mean, you think that's crazy?

Ashlee: I don't think it's crazy. I think it's you, Coop Cooper.

Coop: Look, I just... I just want you to come with me. Please.

Ashlee: It's a long drive. We're going to have to spend the night.

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: And then they could find her here and then we'd be up there and it would look really bad.

Coop: So we'll just... we'll drive back, all right? We'll turn around, we'll come right back, okay? Did you ever think that maybe this is my excuse to try and get you alone maybe?

Ashlee: You don't need an excuse.

Coop: Well, I don't know. Every time we seem to get close these days, you seem to just kind of...

Ashlee: No, I'll do it. I'd love to go with you.

Coop: Good.

Natalia: I have my resume right here. Do you think you could give it to your boss.

Waiter: Well, I mean, we are kind of short staffed right now.

Natalia: Oh, good, because I can do whatever. I can work in the kitchen, I can wait tables. I'm your woman.

Waiter: Okay. Do you work nights?

Remy: Nope. Sorry, but she has a kid and she needs to be home after school.

Natalia: Wait. Wait, well... I, you know... flexible.

Waiter: You know what... look, I'll pass this along, okay?

Natalia: Thank you. So you want me to be free at night.

Remy: Hell, yeah.

Natalia: Uh-huh. Did you follow me here.

Remy: Yeah. To say thank you for saving me from getting ice picked back there.

Natalia: Yeah, that girl seems a little aggressive.

Remy: No, Brian Urlacher is aggressive. Lola, she's a menace. And you got rid of her.

Natalia: Well, it was the least I could do since I came very close to breaking my promise to you.

Remy: What promise?

Natalia: The one I made about staying away from Gus.

Remy: What does that mean?

Natalia: I will tell you all about it another time. I have to go find the manager, actually, so...

Remy: I'll let you go, but first you have to dance with me.

Reva: Hey.

Jeffrey: Hey yourself.

Reva: You look really good.

Jeffrey: Alan know you're here?

Reva: I don't have to check in with him.

Jeffrey: Right. Well, it is nice to see you.

Reva: You, too. Thanks for coming.

Jeffrey: So, have you finally decided to tell me why you're living with Alan Spaulding?

Reva: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Okay. (Laughs) What? That sounds like an invasion... forget it, I'm out of here.

Reva: No, no, wait, wait, wait. Just walk with me. There... there is a reason I moved out.

Jeffrey: No kidding.

Reva: And it has nothing to do with what I told you before about being worried that I was going to screw things up with you the way I did with Josh.

Jeffrey: No kidding.

Reva: I want to tell you things. Need to tell you things.

Jeffrey: As a lawyer or as whatever it is that we were.

Reva: We were good.

Jeffrey: Yes, we were.

Reva: And I know you can keep a secret because I have, after all, trusted you with the greatest one I have.

Jeffrey: Reva...

Reva: Alan and I didn't take that trip just to knock back a bunch of margaritas and play Texas Hold 'em. There was something else.

Waitress: Hey, Daisy.

Daisy: Oh, hey.

Waitress: The usual? Milkshake and cheese fries?

Daisy: No, actually, could I just have like a ginger ale, maybe a couple packs of crackers.

Waitress: You okay?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, just a stomach bug.

Reva: I have to go.

Jeffrey: What are you talking about.

Reva: It's Daisy. I'm sorry, my granddaughter... I'll call you. Or I'll stop by and see you, I promise. I miss you.

Jeffrey: Right.

Ashlee: I better go pack some things.

Coop: Mmhmm, yes.

Ashlee: I'll see you later.

Coop: You better. All right, go. Doris. Hi. (Laughs) So, did you just get an eyeful or what?

Jeffrey: Changed her number. Of course. Well, there he is, Reva’s partner in crime.

Alan: What do you want now, O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Don't you think it's time we stopped the charade now that Reva has come clean?

Alan: What did she say?

Jeffrey: You mean what didn't she say. She hired me. She told me anything.

Alan: Really?

Jeffrey: Maybe it's not so bad. Tell me your side of the story, let me be the judge. Maybe I can help.

Alan: Nice bluff. Reva didn't tell you anything. But you have a nice poker face, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I'm going to find out sooner or later.

Alan: If you say so. Waitress, put his drink and whatever else he had on my bill. Have a nice day. If you can.

Reva: Daisy? Daisy. Hey.

Daisy: (Cries)

Reva: Oh. Honey.

Daisy: (Cries)

Coop: Doris, you watching us was pretty creepy. But I'm also glad it happened.

Doris: You're glad?

Coop: Yeah, because now you can understand how happy your daughter makes me.

Doris: Is that right?

Coop: Hmm. Marina's still missing, okay? My family, it's not very easy for them right now. Having Ashlee in my life makes a huge difference, at least to me.

Doris: I'm happy for you. Do you know where she went? We had plans.

Coop: She didn't mention to me that she had any plans with you. You might actually have to cancel them.

Ava: Hey, Ash.

Ashlee: Hey, Ava.

Ava: Your mom wanted to talk to you about something.

Ashlee: Oh yeah, I forgot I... I don't have time now, though.

Ava: Going somewhere?

Ashlee: Actually, yes. Coop and I are going away.

Ava: Marina's still missing.

Ashlee: It's a little hard to explain.

Ava: I remember back in the day when Coop and I went away together. It was great. Yeah, and then we got back home and we broke up soon after that. It was... I don't know, it was like all of a sudden he just lost interest and then it was done. Have fun.

Mel: What's this?

Jeffrey: It's a case I need your help with. You can put your clerk on it, if you want.

Mel: Okay.

Jeffrey: Alan Spaulding’s jet. I want you to find out where it landed on 9/14/07. And then I might be making a little trip.

Remy: You ready to go?

Natalia: Yep. Actually, just going to go straight home.

Remy: To Gus?

Natalia: I shouldn't have said anything. It was so stupid. It was... Gus got the wrong impression. He thought that Alan was trying to...

Remy: Trying to what?

Natalia: Well, I mean, that's what it looked like. It made sense because he saw that Alan kissed me.

Remy: Alan what?

Natalia: Calm down. It wasn't like that. It was...

Remy: So it was like a... it was like a peck. A peck on the cheek?

Natalia: Well, no. But it...

Remy: Well, no wonder Gus freaked. Did he smack him?

Natalia: No. Because he knows that it was nothing. Absolutely nothing. So we're all just going to forget about it, okay?

Remy: Yeah.

Rafe: What's up, Mr. S.?

Alan: Oh, more than you will ever know, Rafe.

Rafe: What's wrong, you worried about something?

Alan: You could tell?

Rafe: I guess. What's going on.

Alan: Oh, just a typical day in the life of a Spaulding-- people trying to bring you down; people jealous of your power, your success. Just another day being a Spaulding.

Rafe: You talking about Daisy.

Alan: Not just Daisy; Harley, the Cooper’s, the Lewis'. Let me ask you something: Have you ever listened to opera?

Rafe: (Laughs) It's not exactly my thing.

Rafe: Ah, now, come on, come on. You listen to this. You were meant for better things, son.

(Opera playing)

Reva: Okay, you want to tell me what's wrong, sweetie? Whatever it is, you can tell me. I mean, you've been so quiet, and that's not like you.

Daisy: Have you ever had something that you just... happened to you and you wanted to take back or just go back and change it?

Reva: Oh, who do you think you're talking to? My whole life has been filled with woulda, shoulda, couldas. What's wrong? Is it Rafe? Natalia?

Daisy: No.

Reva: Okay. Look, you don't have to tell me, but I'll tell you a little secret. I think that it's something that you want to tell me, but I think you're scared. And it's okay. It's okay. And whatever it is, I promise you we will figure out a way to fix it. Because I love you.

Daisy: I'm pregnant.

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