GL Transcript Thursday 9/27/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/27/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: Marshal Griggs.

Alias: Greg Marshal. He has run operations in New York and Miami. No contact since. No ransom demanded so far. We'd appreciate your help. Thanks. Cooper. Hey! Thank you for getting back to me. Any spotting of that boat? Nothing? Nothing at any of your docks? (Sighs) Yeah, if you see anything, please-- thanks. I appreciate it.

Daisy: Hi.

Harley: Hey, what are you doing here?

Daisy: Buzz and I figured that you and Uncle Frank probably hadn't stopped to eat, so I bring burgers, fries and pie.

Harley: Well, Frank and Mallet are working, but I can take that stuff and put it in the refrigerator and save it for them.

Daisy: What about you?

Harley: Oh, I'm not hungry.

Daisy: Is that the guy who has Marina?

Harley: Yes, and if you should see him, I want you to run as far and as fast as you possibly can.

Daisy: Okay. Can I help? Can I make phone calls or look something up on the internet?

Harley: Thanks, but I think the police already have it covered. (Laughs) But thank you. Thank you for understanding. I haven't been home a lot.

Daisy: Oh, no, no, no. Find Marina, that's what matters.

Harley: So I've got to go. So could you do me a favor and throw that in Frank's office and leave him a note or something?

Daisy: Sure.

Harley: Okay. I love you.

Daisy: You, too.

Doctor: There is no reason why your son can't participate in everything.

Rafe: You see, I told you.

Natalia: Yup. Sorry. I think that's Gus. Can you please tell him I'll call him back? I'm sorry. Just a couple more questions.

Rafe: Hello.

Daisy: It's me.

Rafe: You're calling me from a police station?

Daisy: Yeah, I came to visit Harley, and I figured your mom wouldn't know who was calling. I'm dying to see you.

Rafe: I'm dying to see you, too.

Daisy: We could sneak behind the Spaulding house.

Rafe: I'll come see you, okay.

Cyrus: I was looking for you.

Alexandra: You're in luck. I can't run.

Cyrus: Can I help you?

Alexandra: No, thank you. It's just a cramp. Whoa, that ankle bracelet actually looks good on you. I thought of putting one on you myself.

Cyrus: It's the only way the police would help me search for Marina. I can't leave the Spaulding grounds without a cop. You're sure I can't--

Alexandra: No! I'm fine.

Cyrus: Alex, what can I say to make things right between us?

Alexandra: Oh, nothing. Nothing. Unless you can think of another charming way to make me look like a fool in front of the entire town.

Cyrus: That wasn't my intent.

Alexandra: No. Your intent was to steal, and you did from my friends, my family...

Cyrus: If it makes you feel any better, I was planning on stealing the least amount of money from you.

Alexandra: (Laughing) You really do know how to charm a woman, don't you?

Cyrus: Well, that fell flat.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Cyrus: You said you'd make available all Spaulding resources?

Alexandra: Yes, and I will. I want to help Marina come home.

Cyrus: That means a lot to me. I owe you big time, Alex.

Alan: I hope you're not going to buy some sappy card to give Jeffrey explaining why you're living with me and not him.

Reva: I wasn't thinking of Jeffrey. I was sending something to the Cooper’s.

Alan: How thoughtful of you.

Reva: And I'll make sure not to say I'm staying in the same house that had Marina kidnapped.

Alan: That would be wise. We don't want to judge Cyrus Foley, do we.

Reva: Are you actually admitting that you might be feeling some guilt about what we did?

Alan: No. The man was about to kill you, Reva, and I killed him. We buried the body. We did what we have to do.

Reva: Yeah.

Alan: I don't like that worried look on your face.

Reva: I told you that I'm not going to say anything. Why else would I have moved in with you?

Alan: Just checking.

Reva: Check away. You don't trust that I won't say anything, and I don't trust you.

Alan: See you at the house.

Gus: Yes, Harley, it's me. Maybe I really shouldn't say it's me anymore. It's not appropriate. Look, here's the deal: We're about to start our very first new shift together, and I'm kind of antsy about that. And so what I started doing was I was contacting some people this morning-- you know my old contacts in Washington, seeing what I could find out about Marina and Griggs, and you know what, I'll just-- call me. Or... you can leave-- I'll just see you at the... at the station. I was leaving you a message.

Harley: I heard the end, yeah.

Gus: Ah, well, I was-- I got some ideas where we could start with the case.

Harley: I didn't come to talk about that.

Gus: You don't want to talk about the case.

Harley: I do want to talk about it, but I don't want to talk about it at the police station.

Gus: Why do you not want to talk about it at the police station?

Harley: I came to tell you you'll be teaming up with Mallet and work with him on his leg of the investigation.

Gus: Listen, I know that things are a little weird right now, okay? But when it comes to work... when it comes to work, we've always been amazing partners. I think we can agree on that. I think we should make sure this is all about Marina, and not about us.

Harley: It is all about Marina, which is why I have to be at my best, I have to be focused, which means I can't think about you, which means we can't work together!

Alexandra: I am not at my best today, Mr. Griggs, can we cut to the chase.

Griggs: I was wondering when I was going to hear from you.

Alexandra: Well, you received your payment, didn't you?

Griggs: Yes. My bank account thanks you, and so do I. Of course, that is just the down payment for the actual snatching of Detective Cooper. Now if I'm supposed to keep her out of sight, I'm gonna need more.

Alexandra: How much more?

Griggs: Much more. Unless, of course, it doesn't matter to you whether or not Marina Cooper lives or dies? You know, it occurred to me we never discussed how this whole transaction would end.

Alexandra: I'm in a secure location, so there's no need to be coy.

Griggs: Fine. You asked me to grab young Detective Cooper. I did. We never discussed what comes next.

Alexandra: Mr. Griggs, I am not a killer.

Griggs: Then I suggest you loosen the purse strings. It cost money to keep her well-hidden.

Alexandra: Yes, I'm well aware of that. But our company bank-- well, they're a little skittish about making these wire transfers. I'm sure you understand.

Griggs: Hey, Cyrus Foley double crossed me, too.

Alexandra: You're not married to him.

Griggs: Look, we've never done business before, so here's a little tip from me: I don't like to wait.

Alexandra: And I don't like demands.

Griggs: Call it what you will. If the money dries up, it'll be impossible to hold onto the girl. And I can't just let her go. Or could it be you just want me to do your dirty work for free.

Alexandra: You'll get another payment.

Griggs: Today, gorgeous.

Alan: You know, I'll never understand why my sister didn't insist upon them keeping you locked up.

Cyrus: I'm helping the police search for Marina.

Alan: Oh, yes, your girlfriend. Your partner in a plot to humiliate my sister and also steal from my family. You don't expect me to really care what happens to Marina, do you?

Cyrus: This is not the time for you to talk about her.

Alan: The P.D. may let you roam the streets, Mr. Foley, but we have another places to lock you up if you cross us.

Cyrus: You don't scare me. I've come up against hundreds of Alan Spaulding’s before.

Alan: Ah, but not the real Alan Spaulding. Because if you did, you would know, I never lose. (Cell phone rings) Yes? Really? No, it wasn't me. But I appreciate you letting me know this. I'll have it checked out. Watch yourself.

Gus: Frank won't pick up the phone. I mean--

Harley: It wouldn't matter if he did. He agrees we shouldn't work together.

Gus: Do you remember the very first time we started working together? You hated my guts. But we were amazing. We were amazing. Do you remember that? I'm asking you a question, do you remember? Because I remember.

Harley: You see, this is exactly why we can't work together. Because I have to focus on Marina. It has to be all about Marina. I can't think about this.

Gus: What, the fact we're in love?

Harley: I can't sit in the car for hours together with you.

Gus: Who better to sit with for hours--

Harley: I promised Frank.

Gus: Promised him what?

Harley: That I would find his daughter. The man is wrecked. I have to cut off my emotions.

Gus: Well, I can't cut off my emotions --

Harley: Would you just do this for me? Would you just team up with Mallet for me and don't push it!

Daisy: Reva! Hi.

Reva: Were you expecting someone else?

Daisy: No, no. It's just-- Marina. I can't really think about anything else.

Reva: I know. That's why I'm here, to check on you. I'm sure Harley’s working around the clock on this case.

Daisy: Yeah.

Reva: Well, are you okay?

Daisy: Yeah, I'm fine.

Reva: That's what Harley would say. Actually, it's more like something I would say.

Daisy: Yeah?

Reva: You know, there's nothing wrong with you saying you need a little help. I'm sure it has to be hard.

Daisy: Actually, I kind of like being there for Buzz and Harley and Frank.

Reva: Is there anyone there for you?

Daisy: Yeah, I've got someone. I mean Ashlee. We got very close when we were in juvie, so...

Reva: Okay. You know you could do your granny a favor and pretend that you need her, too.

Daisy: Oh, okay.

Reva: (Laughs) I'm going to go get us some sodas. What do you say, with ice cream or without?

Daisy: Oh, yeah.

Rafe: You know, I thought she was never going to leave.

Daisy: You know - wait, wait, she's coming back, so...

Reva: Uh-huh. That's what I thought.

Daisy: It's not what it looks like, okay?

Reva: Really? It looks like you were making out. Am I wrong about that?

Daisy: Yeah. That's not what I meant. It's not a bad thing.

Reva: Really? Well, I'm not your mom. And I'm certainly not the hall monitor, but I believe that your parents didn't want you seeing each other. And with everything going on, they don't need this.

Daisy: This? We're not doing anything wrong!

Reva: I don't think Harley or Dylan would agree with that. So why don't you just keep moving on.

Rafe: I thought you were supposed to be the cool one.

Reva: And I thought you were the smarter than you look.

Rafe: You gonna rat us out?

Reva: I think Harley and Gus think to focus on their police work, finding Daisy's cousin. But you're lucky because there is someone else who is not so busy. Daisy's father. Daisy's father is going to be very interested in talking to the young man who his daughter is sleeping with.

Daisy: Reva?

Reva: No. I mean, since Dylan isn't here I should fill you in on what's going through is head right now. Right now he is thinking about his 17-year-old daughter, his only daughter, the daughter that he is just now getting to know again, who has had a really rough year. He is probably thinking about his daughter's feelings and fears. He's thinking about how his little girl is finally getting her life back on track with her family, with school, and he's also thinking how he is not going to let anything or anybody get in the way of that. And, oh, you slept with his little girl. You see where I'm going with this?

Natalia: I do.

Rafe: Mom, what are you doing?

Natalia: You're talking to him like he is the bad one. And Daisy, she had nothing to do with this. She's completely innocent, is that what you think?

Harley: I'm on my way, Frank. I just have to tie up a loose end.

Gus: I hope he doesn't pick up the phone, like I'm a diseased one. And who's the loose end, me?

Harley: Frank doesn't have time for that.

Gus: You're making excuses. You don't want to be together because why, you've got a broken heart. Well, too bad, I have a broken heart, too. It doesn't mean I'm going to sit in a car and melt just because I'm sitting next to you. And if you thinking to yourself, you're going to melt, maybe that should tell you something.

Harley: Are you done? Go to the police station and work with your partner.

Gus: I don't want to work with Mallet! How do you do it? How do you just switch it right off just like that?

Harley: It was not just like that. And you know it.

Gus: Fine. If you want to work alone, work alone. I don't care.

Harley: Did I say I was working alone? I don't think I said I was working alone. Would you come here? Cyrus will be helping me find Marina.

(Knock on the door)

Alexandra: Who is it?

Alan: Surprise.

Alexandra: Alan, how did you unlock the door?

Alexandra: I tipped the housekeeper.

Alexandra: Are you having me followed?

Alan: Of course. By the way, you're supposed to drink that wine.

Alexandra: No, I thought I'd rather bop you over the head with this.

Alan: Why, I'm not the one who stole from you?

Alexandra: Because I can just sense how you're just lapping this up. You know why? Because it's your proof that I'm not capable of handling Spaulding.

Alan: No, no, no. I'm not enjoying this at all, Alexandra. In fact, I was just wondering how you are going to tell the board that the man who stole from them is still living in our house.

Alexandra: Well, Cyrus is only out of jail because he's helping the police find Marina.

Alan: Really? How long is that going to take?

Alexandra: How should I know? Ask the police.

Alan: Why would I do that when you're holding Marina hostage yourself?

Alexandra: Marina Cooper was abducted by Cyrus’s partner, so the police think.

Alan: And who is Mr. Griggs' partner?

Alexandra: Mr. Griggs? I don't know what you're talking about.

Alan: Alexandra, I don't blame you for this. I mean I know you want to punish your husband by hurting his girlfriend. As a matter of fact, it reminds me of what you did to Mindy Lewis when Roger Thorpe cheated on you.

Alexandra: That's not the same situation at all. Cyrus and I did not marry for love and you know that. Besides, I never did anything criminal to Mindy.

Alan: No, you didn't but you publicly humiliated her. And that's what Cyrus Foley did to you.

Alexandra: Interesting theory, dear, I am not involved in any plot to stage a kidnapping.

Alan: You can stop pretending. The caretaker at the dock in Manhattan called me. Yes, I still keep him on the payroll. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before you took over Spaulding.

Alexandra: Why would we still have a caretaker there? We haven't docked a boat there in years.

Alan: Well, we don't want the mold to build up, do we. And we'll never know if we might need a murderous felon to kidnap a young rival, do we? When he called me, he told me that a boat had docked at our slip. I thought it must be a mistake of some kind, but it wasn't a mistake, was it?

Alexandra: Oh, you're that worried about mold.

Alan: Tell me something, Alexandra, what exactly are you planning on Mr. Griggs doing to Marina? Throwing her in the East River?

Alexandra: Oh, Alan, I'm not a killer. (Laughs) Oh, come on. I just needed to teach Cyrus a lesson because he's worth it. And I had to get him away from her, to stay away from her for just a while. Just to give me time to bring him back into the fold. Oh... oh.

Alan: What's wrong?

Alexandra: It's this cramp.

Alan: It could be your conscious teaching you a lesson.

Alexandra: Alan just shut up. Why did you come here, anyway? To announce you're going to take Spaulding back?

Alan: No. As a matter of fact, I think you're doing a terrific job. Keep up the good work. And, Alexandra, if you need my help in anything, just let me know.

Gus: You're really going to pin all of your hopes and dreams on finding Frank's little girl through this guy. The guy that got her in this mess in the first place.

Harley: Frank is the one who let him out.

Gus: Really, why would he do that?

Cyrus: Because I care about Marina. Probably as much as Frank does.

Gus: I wouldn't let Frank hear you say that.

Harley: Because Griggs hasn't contacted anyone. This guy is our only chance of finding Marina.

Gus: This guy? Do you think he's going to turn himself in after you find Marina?

Cyrus: I am.

Gus: No, he's going to run for the hills.

Harley: This guy is not going anywhere we don't know. Love these little devices.

Cyrus: I've been calling the contacts, putting the word out to see if anyone heard anything about Marina.

Gus: This guy married my aunt. What does that tell you? And then he steals money from his wife, and double crosses his partner, Griggs, who shot Dinah in the head, who's partner used to be this guy. This guy has loyalty to nobody. You trust him?

Harley: Other than my father and my brothers, there's not a man on this planet that I trust, especially you. If your federal contacts get back to you, just let me know.

Reva: Dylan, it's your mom. When you get this message, could you call me back. There's something we need to talk about.

Natalia: You can make all of the phone calls that you want, but I'm not going anywhere.

Reva: Natalia, you're new in town and we don't know each other very well. So let's just chalk this up to a big misunderstanding.

Natalia: Why? What did I misunderstand? You were bullying my son.

Reva: No, I was handling a problem.

Natalia: Rafe is none of your business. I'm his mother.

Reva: And Daisy's my granddaughter.

Natalia: Well, from I hear you and Harley don't exactly see eye to eye on this whole situation. So why don't you let the parents handle it.

Reva: Do you have a problem with me? I mean we're living in the same house. Maybe we should clear the air now.

Natalia: From everything I've heard--

Reva: Everything you've heard? Really? Stories? From who, Gus?

Natalia: From Alan.

Reva: Alan's not the most trustworthy source of information.

Natalia: Well, if that's how you feel about him, then why did you move into his house?

Reva: Well, what can I say? Maybe I like being served by butlers. Why did you move in?

Natalia: I moved in because I want my son to go to a better school.

Reva: Are we done?

Natalia: If you are through interfering, then yes.

Reva: Look, not that you asked. But what I interfered on is your son kissing my granddaughter. And their parents have forbidden that. So I was trying to separate them. But, hey, the next time it happens, I'll just walk right on by.

Natalia: You, let's go. I told Buzz we would hang the fliers about Marina in our old neighborhood.

Daisy: That was intense.

Reva: You're welcome.

Daisy: Hanging fliers about Marina, that sounds like a good idea.

Reva: Oh, no. No, no, no. We're going to have a little talk... about sex. Get your bag. Okay, that's it. Sit down. You've been to the bathroom. You called and checked on Zach and Jude twice already. We're not going to put this off anymore.

Daisy: Come on. Did you ever talk to your grandma about sex?

Reva: Uh... no, but I'm not your typical grandmother.

Daisy: No kidding.

Reva: I'm just worried about you. It worries me. You're so young. I don't want to see you get hurt.

Daisy: I'm not that young. How old were you?

Reva: Ah, ah, ah. We are not talking about me.

Daisy: Yeah. Harley never wants to talk about her when she was my age, when she was with my dad. Except for the don't-get-pregnant part.

Reva: That's the important part, the don't-get-pregnant part. There are other things, like disease. You're going up too fast.

Daisy: I'm not trying to grow up. I just want to be with Rafe. That's all I can think about. And I thought-- I thought you of all people, would understand.

Reva: About sex?

Daisy: No. About love.

Reva: Because of Josh.

Daisy: He's your one true love, isn't he? I mean I know you guys aren't together right now, but you will be again, right?

Reva: Ahh! How do you know that what you're feeling for Rafe isn't just a crush?

Daisy: How did you know? You knew because you felt it, right?

Reva: You sound just like I did at your age.

Daisy: That's funny because the other day Buzz said I was just like him.

Reva: No! Oh, dear. One part Buzz Cooper and one part Reva Shayne, God help us all.

Daisy: Well, I must not be all bad because I'm getting straight A's. And one teacher recommended I run for student council.

Reva: Wow, who knows, it may be prom queen next.

Daisy: No. Never! Never!

Reva: (Laughs)

Daisy: Buzz was saying he felt guilty because he encouraged Marina to be with Cyrus, but I said he shouldn't because if two people really love each other, they should be together, right? Isn't that how you feel?

Reva: It's much more complicated than that.

Daisy: You helped Tammy and Jonathan be together, right? Do you regret that now?

Reva: No. I miss them. And the way that whole thing turned around-- it just-- it wasn't because of the love they had for each other. They got to be married and they were happy, even if it was just for a short time. No, I don't regret it one bit.

Daisy: I'm going to go check out. It's my treat.

Reva: Thanks.

Alan: Why do you insist on helping the Cooper’s after all they've done to you?

Natalia: Will you take some of these. I'm going to finish here. Take some of these to the hospital.

Rafe: Okay.

Natalia: They'll put them up there. Thank you.

Alan: Bye, son.

Natalia: Why do you say things like that, especially in front of Rafe?

Alan: He knows the heartache Harley put you through.

Natalia: This is not about Gus. There is a girl missing. I want to do the right thing. Teach him how to do the right thing.

Alan: Has anyone ever told you that you have an unusual view of the world? I meant that as a compliment.

Natalia: Okay. I'm just-- I'm really trying with him, you know?

Alan: Well, you've done a remarkable job with Raphael. He's a great kid.

Natalia: Well, I would really like to keep him away from bad influences. You know, like the thief Alexandra has living in your house.

Alan: Well, my sister has always been a person with grand passion. When she finds something she wants, she won't let it go. It's a trait that seems to run in our family.

Alexandra: Look, I know there was money stolen from that account. I've answered all of your security questions. All right. If you can't make the transaction, and it needs to be made today, then you turn me over to someone who can.

Gus: Sorry, am I interrupting?

Alexandra: No. I just thought you'd be down at the station.

Gus: No. I'm working from here now.

Alexandra: Oh.

Harley: Griggs hasn't contacted you yet. He's waiting for something.

Cyrus: Like what?

Harley: News. He's waiting to find out if you got caught. Because if you escaped, you might have escaped with a lot of money. And I'm laying odds, Griggs wants money.

Cyrus: I'll make the contacts.

Harley: Let them know about it. Let them know you are just rolling in it. All you're waiting for is a passport and a way out of the country. People will start talking, and hoping people it will get back to Griggs. And hopefully he'll contact you.

Cyrus: What if he just wants to punish me by hurting--

Harley: You know what. We can't think about that. We can only think about what we can control, and that's smoking out Griggs.

Cyrus: She was trying to be like you.

Harley: What?

Cyrus: Marina. She was trying to be super cop, all work, no emotions, but she couldn't do it. As good as she was at her job, she just couldn't switch off her emotions like you can. Because you've been doing it longer.

Harley: Yeah. I'm really good at protecting myself.

Gus: I feel like I should say something.

Alexandra: About what?

Gus: About your husband, Cyrus and what he did at the party. I don't even think a person like you deserves that.

Alexandra: Oh, well, thank you-- I think. But I'm fine. I'm fine. I just have a great deal of work I have to finish.

Gus: I just think it's amazing how you're able to forgive him or be so forgiving. It's quite impressive. Actually, my girl-- my ex could learn a thing or two about a thing or two from you.

Alexandra: Oh, yeah, really? Let me tell you, it's not easy to forgive a man who's betrayed you. Especially not a strong woman like Harley to forgive that.

Gus: But you're about the toughest, and to actually forgive him, it's uh... what's the matter?

Alexandra: It's this silly cramp.

Gus: You want me to get you some ice? Here. What, Alex. What is it? Are you all right?

Reva: Hmm.

Daisy: Okay, why did you bring me here?

Reva: I wanted you to see this place. I bought a little piece of the land a while back.

Daisy: Why? Is it valuable?

Reva: To a few people. Jonathan and Tammy used to come here.

Daisy: Did you know Rafe was going to be here?

Rafe: You know, your text message had a lot of typos.

Reva: Sorry, I haven't perfected my skill yet.

Rafe: All right, so what is it? Are we here for another lecture or something?

Reva: No, no. Daisy just reminded me of something, another couple that were being kept apart, that people didn't believe that they were good together. It just took me a while to see it, too.

Daisy: Are you saying it's okay that we're together?

Rafe: You are the cool one, huh?

Reva: Well, no. No, I'm not that cool. And I will remind you that this place isn't for you to come and -- you know. It's to have a special place to talk and to be together. I don't know, talk about your parents, talk to your parents.

Daisy: We'll be careful, I promise.

Reva: Don't just be careful, be smart.

Rafe: Okay, we're not going to let you down.

Reva: Because, you know, if you do anything to hurt Daisy, you think Harley is the nightmare. You don't even want to know what will happen if you pissed both of us off.

Rafe: No. Listen. I just want to make her happy.

Reva: Respect your parents. Do your homework. Don't come home late.

Rafe: We've got it covered.

Reva: I'm sure you do. And, Daisy, call your mom. I'm sure she's overloaded with work right now, but check in with her. Put a smile on her face.

Daisy: I will. Thank you.

Cyrus: Turner, did you get my message about Griggs? (Snaps fingers)

Harley: Call me back.

Cyrus: It's my French connection. I need you to repeat what you just said. I'm going to put you on speaker. Yeah, she's cool. Just your type, too. Tough as nails.

Turner: When do I get to meet the mystery lady?

Harley: Well, if you know something about Griggs, I might see you in New York. Do you know something about Griggs?

Turner: Are you looking for work or running away?

Cyrus: Let's jut say I need to find him before he finds me.

Turner: Then come to New York.

Harley: Really? So you saw Griggs in New York?

Turner: Yesterday, but I don't think he wanted to be seen.

Harley: It could be anybody. You know how many people are in New York.

Cyrus: Mate, how sure are you that the guy you saw was Griggs?

Turner: As sure as I am as the mystery lady is a cop.

Cyrus: All right. Thanks, mate, I owe you one. Nice job with the undercover work.

Harley: Okay, so you've got something. We need a little more than that to catch Griggs.

Cyrus: What about the address of an apartment?

Harley: Oh, you know where Griggs lives?

Cyrus: Not lives. But the place where he operates out of when he's working there.

Harley: Why didn't you tell me this before?!

Cyrus: He's got places like that in a dozen cities. I just didn't realize he would take Marina so far away.

Harley: From now on, why don't you let the detective do the detective work.

Cyrus: Fine. So how soon can we leave? I'm dying to see New York.

Griggs: Yes, I'm still here. Did you find anything out? Has the money been wired into my account?

Banker: No, sir, it hasn’t. Alexandra Spaulding had us do the paperwork, but without her approval, we can't proceed.

Griggs: When is she supposed to come in?

Banker: I don't know, sir. We haven't heard back from Ms. Spaulding.

Griggs: I swear, Alexandra, if you are trying to play me.

Alan: Gus?

Gus: Hey.

Alan: Where is she?

Gus: She's inside with the doctor. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be calling. Should I call this Cyrus character?

Alan: Cyrus is the last person she should see. Did you tell the doctor that she has been under a lot of stress.

Gus: Yes, of course, I did. They seem to think it's an embolism.

Alan: An embolism?

Natalia: Blood clot.

Gus: Yeah, they think it started in her leg.

Alan: Her leg, huh? She said she had some pain in her leg, but it was a cramp.

Natalia: That's treatable. They dissolve a blood clot.

Gus: It started in the leg and it's in the lung. Apparently the first hours are very critical.

(Cell phone rings)

Griggs: Come on, Alexandra, pick up! You do not want to mess with me!

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