Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/26/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Dinah: Focus. Focus. People take it for granted. You want to do something, you do it. Sometimes a few things at once. You gab on the phone, you balance your checkbook while watching "Survivor," or... or you put on your makeup while you're driving the car and singing along to bad '80s music on the radio. It's not the best idea, but... what was I... that! Now that's what I'm talking about. Focus. I hate when that... I used to juggle, you know, when I was little. I was good. There was a cute juggler in the carnival, Judd. He taught me. Judd the juggler, he was cute. Although he had a tooth missing up front, but he... he was cute. It was all I could see when I looked at him, seeing what wasn't there. I guess now people look at me like that. How I can remember that and blank on my own phone number! But I can do stuff if I take it one thing at a time. Well, it takes practice. Doesn't come right back to you like riding a... riding a... oh, my coordination's still a little off. I guess I'm a little off.
Dr. Belford: Focus.
Dinah: You know, some people say you can't have it all. But, you know, I did. Fabulous career-- finally! (Chuckles) Some great friends, and Mallet. We were good together. I mean, we are good together.
Dr. Belford: Dinah!
Dinah: I am. Oh, I hate this. Like, my mind is always... has to be completely on one thing I'm doing. I mean, follow the light, follow the light, follow the light. Everything okay? Am I getting better?
Dr. Belford: How have the headaches been?
Dinah: When I read?
Dr. Belford: Whenever.
Dinah: Well, they're the same. They get worse when I get closer to the words. That's when they hurt like crazy. Like if my brain was a noise, it would be "ahh!"
Dr. Belford: I believe that you may have reached a plateau, a stage in your recovery where there isn't as much development.
Dinah: Well, I... I know what a plateau is, but how do we get things moving again?
Dr. Belford: You keep working on it. You keep with your exercises. I'll continue monitoring you.
Dinah: What are you talking about? I mean, we don’t... we don't make a change? We don't step it up at all?
Dr. Belford: Well, for now, I prefer to concentrate on ways to make you more comfortable with where you're at today.
Dinah: I don't want to get comfortable with being like this. So I slept with Matt. What's the big deal? I don't know why. I... I'm not even sure why I did it. But I am very mad at Mallet because he kept treating me like I can't do anything. And I don't want him to ruin his life taking care of me.
Widow washer: Okay.
Dinah: I'm very upset that I don't know if this is the right thing to do. And I hate that he's hurting. Sometimes it helps to talk to strangers.
Cassie: Dinah?
Dinah: Hey.
Cassie: Is there any news?
Dinah: What do you... news?
Cassie: Yeah. About Marina.
Dinah: Wait, should I know this? Marina? Think. What about Marina?
Cassie: Oh, I'm sorry. I just figured Mallet would have said something.
Dinah: Mallet? What are you talking... I didn't come home last night. What's going on?
Cassie: Marina was kidnapped. And the guy who took her? The same guy who shot you.
Dinah: What are you... what are you talking about? He's Griggs. He’s... he's not here. He's gone.
Cassie: Right, with Marina.
Dinah: Griggs was here? Cyrus lied! Marina's gone. Mallet, he needs me. Griggs has Marina. I am not seeing things. You need to find Mallet. Find Mallet. You do something.
Mallet: Frank, I should be leading field ops on this.
Frank: Stop wasting my time with this.
Mallet: Listen, Frank, just hear me out on this one!
Frank: I said no.
Dinah: Come on, Dinah, focus. Focus.
Frank: Harley's leading point on this. You're too close, and I'm too close.
Mallet: What? Harley is her aunt!
Frank: This is beyond Marina right now. What about Griggs? Look what he did to your wife. He shot her.
Dinah: Is that how people talk about me?
Frank: Look at all the struggles she's facing right now.
Dinah: Look what Griggs did. Made a big ol' mess of Dinah.
Frank: What if you get a shot at Griggs?
Mallet: I'll do the right thing, Frank. Listen, Frank, I know how... how he thinks, okay? I... I... I have a history with Griggs.
Frank: Yeah, you haven't talked much about that.
Dinah: Mallet, no. Please don't do it.
Mallet: It was a few years ago. It was after Harley and I split. And Griggs was...
Dinah: I... I heard about Marina. She's with Griggs. I am so sorry. Have you heard anything?
Frank: No. Harley's leading the team. She's looking for them. I don't think you should be here.
Dinah: I... was worried about Marina.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Frank, do you...
Frank: Yeah.
Mallet: I don't think you should be here.
Dinah: You were just about to admit your past to Frank. I heard you.
Mallet: Yeah. If it would convince Frank that am the one that can find Marina, yeah.
Dinah: You don't have to ruin your life in order to find Marina.
Mallet: (Chuckles) You're my life, Dinah, or... well, you were until last night, when you decided you didn't want that anymore.
Dinah: I meant your career, ruining that.
Mallet: Oh, I'm sorry. Why do you care? You walked away.
Dinah: Well, it's a wonder I get anything done with all of this junk in my head-- the Mallet stuff, the Matt stuff, the Marina stuff. I'll just get what I came for and I'm going to go. But all I have to do is stay focused.
Cyrus: I know you're getting my calls, you son of a bitch. If you so much as touch her... I'm coming for you, Griggs, and you better hope the police get there before I do.
Dinah: Hey.
Cyrus: Did you hear me just now? "I'm coming for you, Griggs." I can't even leave the bloody house.
Dinah: Why not?
Cyrus: I'm working with Harley trying to find Marina. But technically, I'm under arrest awaiting prosecution.
Dinah: For the stealing?
Cyrus: I can't go anywhere on my own. It's part of the deal, otherwise I'd be locked up. But every minute I’m stuck here is another minute that Marina's out there alone with Griggs.
Dinah: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He has to know why I'm here. Now, I'm sorry about Marina, but... focus, focus. Where's my part?
Cyrus: What?
Dinah: My part, my cut of the money.
Cyrus: Did you hear what I just said?
Dinah: We had a deal.
Cyrus: Marina's been kidnapped by the guy that shot you in the head.
Dinah: Yeah. And I told you I saw Griggs, but you thought I had a messed up brain.
Cyrus: What, are you bringing that up now? Didi, you can't be that damaged!
Dinah: You were going to take off with the money. You were going to disappear on me.
Cyrus: It's not about money!
Dinah: Oh, really? No. It's not. Not as long as you've got it. You've got it here, don't you?
Cyrus: (Scoffs) You want to find it?
Dinah: Yeah.
Cyrus: You want to find it? Fine! Here, Didi. Go ahead, find it. Good luck with that.
Dinah: How am I going to figure this out, Cyrus?
Cyrus: Didi, what the hell? Marina could die, and all you can think about is the money?
Dinah: I'll figure this out on my own. Cyrus called me damaged. Damaged. Where is the money? Where is the money? I deserve it, and I'm going to find it. I am still me. I'm still me, right? I'm still me. What are you looking at?
Mallet: Boys, you kidding me? Joining the force, best thing I ever did. I get inside tips all the time. No one ever suspects a thing. And this job I've been telling you about, it's big. It's really big. And I'm thinking that our man Griggs is the perfect guy for the job. The problem is, I can't get to him. So I'm thinking, if you guys hook us up, then I'll cut you all in.
Wesson: You haven't been one of us in a long time.
Mallet: I never stopped being one of you just because I hide behind the badge. So, anyway, I've been trying to contact Griggs' old safehouses.
Smitty: (Laughs) What, are you... you thinking he keeps the same ones? What are we talking here? Bank heist?
Mallet: Nah, it's a little more complicated than that. But I'm telling you, if we get Griggs on board, this is what I'm thinking...
Wesson: Why don't we just do it?
Mallet: We need him, okay?
Wesson: We can cut it three ways instead of four.
Mallet: Listen, the three of us don't have the reach that Griggs has, okay? So listen to me. I've got it all planned out.
Smitty: Oh, we've got reach.
Mallet: Hey, hey, guys, hold on here, guys! Where are you going? Hold on!
Dinah: I was just getting my stuff.
Mallet: Yeah, why don't you get out of here! Go! Dinah... Dinah, get out now! Go! Go!
Dinah: Ooh, the focus thing? This is when I really miss it. Because if a couple of thugs were about to toss my husband over a balcony six months ago, I would have had a killer plan and five plan B's worked out the minute I walked in. But now, I can't stall forever. Oh, okay, what did Belford say? What did Belford say?
Dr. Belford: Start at the end.
Dinah: The end of what?
Dr. Belford: Whatever your doing. Whenever you're stuck. A lot of patients have told me that it's easier to solve a problem when they start with the solution or the result that they want, and then work their way back from there.
Dinah: I don't need to solve anything. It happens when I'm telling Mallet something. Something... I don't know, I lose the words.
Dr. Belford: Here, let me show you how. Let me see your notebook. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Dinah: With Mallet on a deserted island far, far away from this hospital.
Dr. Belford: Hmm.
Dinah: Okay, now what?
Dr. Belford: You tell me. What happened before that?
Dinah: This is really, really stupid.
Dr. Belford: Do you plan to drive?
Dinah: No. It's a deserted island.
Dr. Belford: Ah, so you'll swim there.
Dinah: No, we would have to take a plane.
Dr. Belford: Ah! What then?
Dinah: Are you kidding me? This is a pain. You... you do this with everything?
Dr. Belford: Do you and Mallet own a plane or...
Dinah: No, Doc. We plan on sprouting wings.
Dr. Belford: (Sighs) Dinah, focus. See, it works.
Dinah: I'm not doing this with every little thing.
Dr. Belford: I'll see you next week.
Dinah: Start at the end. (yells)
Mallet: Dinah!
Smitty: What is she doing?
Mallet: All right, guys, let's just forget this whole thing, okay? I didn't know you worked with Griggs anymore.
Wesson: Nah, let's split this score two ways now.
Mallet: I didn't know! I screwed up! Let's just forget the whole thing! Dinah!
Dinah: It's okay!
Mallet: Dinah!
Dinah: It's okay!
Mallet: Dinah! Dinah, run!
Dinah: I got it!
Mallet: Guys, come on. Guys, guys...
Smitty: Start talking, Mallet.
Mallet: Come on, guys, we can talk this over, okay?
Dinah: Oh! No! (Screaming)
Mallet: You landed on my arm.
Dinah: Oh.
Mallet: Do you remember that we live on the fourth floor? Do you remember that?
Dinah: You live on the fourth floor.
Mallet: That's great. Could have gotten us killed.
Dinah: Oh, but I didn’t.
Mallet: Oh, you remember the laundry bins are always here at this time?
Dinah: Yeah.
Mallet: My God, Dinah!
Dinah: All right, so the hedges, they look sturdy. Let's go. Those guys are up there.
Mallet: All right, let's go. Come on.
Dinah: I really don't want to be here right now.
Mallet: We needed to go some place where we wouldn't be found, okay?
Dinah: People get found here. Leave those there.
Mallet: What?
Dinah: They're fine just the way they are.
Mallet: They were on the ground.
Dinah: It doesn't matter.
Mallet: What's wrong with you? What are you doing? What is wrong...
Dinah: A lot is wrong with me.
Mallet: That's not what I meant.
Dinah: You can't clean up my messes all the time, you've got to stop. You brought me here on purpose.
Mallet: Where did you sleep last night?
Dinah: Matt’s.
Mallet: Where did you really stay?
Dinah: Look, I'm not going to get into it with you, all right? This is... this is the part I'm talking about. You ask your questions.
Mallet: Hey, we almost lost everything here last night.
Dinah: We did.
Mallet: No, we didn’t.
Dinah: Yeah, we did.
Mallet: No, we didn’t. Because you just came to the station before.
Dinah: Yeah, that was because of Marina.
Mallet: Really? You just kind of got me out of a jam a second ago.
Dinah: Just getting my stuff.
Mallet: I don't think that's why.
Dinah: I hurt you.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, you did. You landed on my arm.
Dinah: Mallet.
Mallet: Yes, you hurt me. Yes. But I know you didn't mean to.
Dinah: I had sex with another person.
Mallet: Because you weren't thinking straight.
Dinah: What I did, it changed everything.
Mallet: No. What happened, the shooting, that changed everything and that happened because of me.
Dinah: Well, how many times are you going to do that? Really, how many times are you going to go back?
Mallet: Well, you're the one that wants to start at the end.
Dinah: I said no!
Mallet: Why are you being so stubborn?
Dinah: You know what? Go home!
Mallet: I can't, remember?
Dinah: Then you go away!
Mallet: You want me to go away? You want me gone, huh? Then you tell me why you want me gone. Because I want to hear that. Because Marina's gone. God only knows where she is. She's gone. So in light of all that-- you know what?-- I don't care what you did with Matt because you are here, and you are safe. And I can see in your eyes that you do not want to end this.
Dinah: See, this is easy.
Mallet: This is easy?
Dinah: Yeah. You know why? Because I don't have to think.
Mallet: Good, good, good. So don't think.
Dinah: No. It's not that I don't have to. It's because I can't! Because I have to worry about how I'm supposed to be for you. And still be me. And yet, you have all your jobs, and we have bills!
Mallet: It's my turn to worry, okay? Let me do that! You can stop!
Dinah: But we never took turns doing that. You see, we're supposed to share everything! And we're not! Now we just... now...
Mallet: It's okay. It's okay.
Dinah: No, Mallet. It's not.
Mallet: (Sighs) Okay, fine. Okay, fine. It's not okay. None of it, actually, is okay. You know why? Because it sucks. It all sucks. All the jobs, all the bills, everything you're up against, the shooting, whatever it was with Matt, you're right, it all sucks! But guess what? At the end of the day, I am your husband and I love you. And all I want is for you to be safe and happy. So deal with that. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Answer it.
Mallet: (Sighs) Mallet.
Frank: It's Frank.
Mallet: You got news on Marina?
Frank: No. Do you know where Dinah is?
Mallet: Yeah, she's right here beside me. What's going on, Frank?
Frank: Bring her in.
Mallet: Don't you think Dinah has been through enough, Frank? Come on.
Dinah: Here we go, poor Dinah.
Frank: Cyrus said that Dinah’s involved.
Mallet: What?
Frank: Yeah. I got a tip that she paid Cyrus a little visit today. It didn't go so well.
Dinah: That rat.
Mallet: So what did he say that she did?
Frank: Dinah knew Cyrus' plans to steal the money, and she overheard him laying it out to Marina.
Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Marina knew?
Frank: Mallet, Dinah is blackmailing Cyrus! She said she'd keep her mouth shut if he cut her in.
Mallet: No, I... I don’t... I don't think she said that, Frank.
Dinah: Oh, but I did, honey. My brain chugs right along when it comes to that stuff. When I'm being bad, I am at my best.
Mallet: Were you working with Cyrus? Because you can tell me if you were. I don't care. I just need to know.
Dinah: Yeah, you do.
Mallet: Okay, let me think here. Frank is not after you, okay? So all you've got to do is go in there and play up your condition.
Dinah: Play it up?
Mallet: Yes. Yes. The fact that you don't understand everything all the time.
Dinah: What are you saying?
Mallet: I'm saying, go in there and tell him that... that you didn't fully understand what Cyrus was up to, what he was planning. And he... he confused you, and he took advantage of you, okay? Listen, nobody wants you to take the rap for this. Everybody's well aware of everything you've been through lately, okay? (Knocking on the door)
Frank: Can we do this already, please? Thank you. Dinah, I'd like to ask you some questions, please. Please sit.
Dinah: Mallet and I were in debt. We still are. So when I heard Cyrus tell Marina about stealing all kinds of money from the Spaulding’s, I thought I could get myself cut into the deal. I thought it would help with paying our bills.
Mallet: Obviously, Frank, you can see that she wasn't in her right mind.
Dinah: No. I was. I'm not always, but I was then. And if I knew any information that would help you find Marina, I would tell you.
Frank: I believe you, but I'm not dropping this. And when Marina comes back safe and sound, we'll deal with this.
Dinah: Okay. Call me then.
Mallet: Are you trying to get yourself thrown back in jail?
Dinah: Wouldn't they just take me to a place where people go with broken brains?
Mallet: What?
Dinah: I want you gone because I may still get stuck. But I knew exactly what I was doing when....damn it! Not now. He'll think he is right about you. ...When I heard Cyrus, when I told him that I wanted the money. And I went back to his place, and I went for that money, and I...
Mallet: Come on, babe, let's sit down.
Dinah: No.
Mallet: Dinah, just sit down.
Dinah: No! I wanted something, and I went after it. He thought I was a threat. He treated me like a threat.
Mallet: And you're happy about that?
Dinah: Yeah! I loved it. Because it just started clicking. Everything in my mind started clicking, and I was me again. And suddenly there was focus.
Mallet: But that's not who you were before you were shot.
Dinah: Maybe that's the new person I am now.
Mallet: No. No, the person you're talking about, she's the one who came back to town a few years ago to hurt Cassie. Do you remember her? She's the one that didn't care who she took down with her. She's the one who didn't like herself very much. Is that who you are? Is that who you want to be?
Vanessa: I don't want to talk to you.
Dinah: I didn't set out to hurt you.
Vanessa: Well, I don't think that I was your primary target, but of course you set out to hurt me.
Dinah: You still loved me, even when I was at my worst.
Vanessa: Of course.
Dinah: Why?
Vanessa: Because you're my daughter.
Dinah: Did you feel guilty because you weren't there when I was a kid?
Vanessa: No. Well, maybe a little.
Dinah: Why, Mom? Why?
Vanessa: I just told you. You're my daughter. I love you. You know, back in those days, when you really were a danger to yourself and to other people, you were trying not to be. You didn't want to be. You were trying.
Dinah: I'm trying now.
Vanessa: You slept with my husband.
Dinah: Ex-husband.
Vanessa: Don't you ever, ever talk to me like that again. You show me some respect. Do you hear me? You're not trying, Dinah.
Dinah: You don't know that.
Vanessa: Yes, I do. Look, there are things in life called decisive moments.
Dinah: Stop talking to me like I'm a child.
Vanessa: You're acting like you're a child, and it has nothing to do with your... with your injuries. Grownups fall in love, they meet somebody that they care about. They make a decision to stay with that person and to make a good life. I thought that's what you and Mallet had done.
Dinah: So what, are you just blaming this on my messed up brain?
Vanessa: It has nothing to do with your messed up brain. Don't you understand? You have every capacity to choose who you want to be and the kind of life you want to have. And when you do, you'll know where to find me.
Dinah: You know what's funny is that I remember being that happy. You know what the kicker is in all of this? Make change or open a stupid closest. But being happy like that with Mallet, the memories of that are crystal clear.
Lizzie: Do the words "pink slip" mean anything to you? Billy put me in charge of your departments. Candice from H.R. And Tommy in I.T., right? The two that are always making out in the copy room on company time?
Candice: We were just taking a break, Ms. Lizzie Spaulding.
Lizzie: From work or from the copy room nookie?
Tommy: Don't talk to her like that.
Dinah: Whoa, she's tough!
Lizzie: This coming from the guy who wanted me to approve his vacation time? Guess what?
Candice: He earned that time.
Lizzie: Sorry. Cutbacks. Until your productivity goes up and I stop getting complaints from your department, you're both going to be working so many shifts, you'll be lucky to say hi to each other on your bathroom break.
Dinah: Hey, you busy?
Lizzie: I don't know. Why? I'm always busy. What's up?
Dinah: Well, I saw just now on Main Street with that cute couple.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah, the star-crossed lovers?
Dinah: Yeah. (Chuckles) You really ripped into them.
Lizzie: Billy needs somebody to be the bad guy.
Dinah: You should have seen them after you left. They were crushed.
Lizzie: Yeah? So, are you here to tell me that I was cruel, or I should have handled it...
Dinah: I think you were fantastic.
Lizzie: What?
Dinah: You should have seen yourself, the way you ripped into that guy in front of his girlfriend? I mean, you definitely ruined their vacation. You saw what you wanted, and you went in there and you got it. You did it.
Lizzie: Are you making fun of me?
Dinah: No! Lizzie, I admire... I admired what you did.
Lizzie: Thank you, I guess.
Dinah: Now, I think I can steal a bunch of cash that I'm supposed to have anyway, and I want you to help me. This is Cyrus' computer. Did you hear about Marina?
Lizzie: Yeah. It... it's awful. Have you heard any news?
Dinah: Yeah. I actually was blackmailing Cyrus. I found out that he was wanting to steal a lot of money from the Spaulding’s during the party, before he took off with Marina. And I stopped by his place to get a cut of my money today, but all he could think about was Marina and getting her home safely.
Lizzie: That makes sense.
Dinah: Yeah, well, Frank and Mallet and the cops, they're thinking the same thing, which, I understand, you know? I mean, it's a horrible, horrible thing that Griggs has kidnapped her. But no one is paying attention, and I don't know where my money is, and I think we can get it. Now, I'll split it with you 50/50. What?
Lizzie: You are so clear. I... I saw you on TV, and you were...
Dinah: I know. I'm like that a lot. But while I'm doing this, I'm like this. So, are you going to help me figure this out?
Lizzie: Dinah?
Dinah: What?
Lizzie: What? I'm not a thief, that's what. And I didn't think you were anymore, either.
Dinah: It's a lot of money, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I'm doing okay.
Dinah: You'd be sticking it to your family. Isn't that a good thing?
Lizzie: No. No. You see, I'm a legit businesswoman now. And you, you're married to a detective. Are you...
Dinah: What? Damaged?
Lizzie: I was going to say crazy, actually.
Dinah: Well, it's a fair question. And no, I'm not. What are you doing?
Lizzie: We need to get you back to your room.
Dinah: I feel fine.
Lizzie: Is Mallet there? Dinah?
Dinah: It didn't work.
Lizzie: What didn't work?
Dinah: We were up to our ears in medical bills, and he has been putting in lots of hours. And he was treating me like... well, he wasn't treating me like a wife, and I couldn't take it anymore. So I had to walk away. For him and for me.
Lizzie: I'm sorry.
Dinah: It's not just about the money.
Lizzie: Then what is it about?
Dinah: (On DVD) I am here this evening with Springfield’s police chief Frank... the Chief of Police, Frank. Thank you for joining us.
Frank: (On DVD) Well, thank you for having me.
Dinah: This is my first day back at work after everything. (On DVD) Frank, with the current district... It wasn't supposed to be like this. (On DVD) Doris Wolfe, the District... It was a live interview. I've done a hundred of them. (On DVD) Doris Wolfe, she is running for mayor, and she is obviously the law and order...
Lizzie: Why would you keep this?
Dinah: Because this is how I am now. And sometimes looking in the mirror isn't enough to remind me of that.
Dinah: (On DVD) ...candidacy. The law... she is... if I...
Lizzie: Dinah?
Dinah: (On DVD) I have an obvious question for you... I just have a headache. (On DVD) obvious question for you. I just have a headache... (On DVD) she is leading in the polls. ...And I don't know... (On DVD) She is... she's certainly, you know... What was I saying?
Lizzie: Sometimes looking in the mirror isn't enough.
Dinah: I used to be on my game, you know. I used to be at the top of my game.
Lizzie: I know.
Dinah: I used to be quick and sharp and focused. And now, I'm only like that when I'm after something.
Lizzie: Like a goal?
Dinah: Like money. Like money. When I'm trying to take something away from someone, I always seem to be good. And when I'm focused on...
Lizzie: Being bad?
Dinah: Yeah, well, something like that, yeah.
Lizzie: I'm so sorry.
Dinah: No. It's good, it's good. I... it's good that I'm figuring this out, you know, because... now I understand.
Dinah: I don't need Mallet or Matt or my mom or Lizzie, or really, quite Frankly, anyone. Hey.
Mallet: Hey. So you're... you're packing.
Dinah: Yeah, I just... you know, it's what I came to do before.
Mallet: So you're really moving out?
Dinah: Yeah. It's something that I need to do just so that I can be someone I'm comfortable with.
Mallet: I don't even know what that means.
Dinah: You wouldn't understand.
Mallet: You know, you hate it when I say stuff like that.
Dinah: Are you just going to stand there?
Mallet: What, do you want me to help you move?
Dinah: The one time that I actually really need your help.
Mallet: If you want to throw your life away to prove a point, I'm not going to help you do it.
(Knocking on door)
Dinah: I thought you were Mallet.
Lizzie: Mallet wouldn't knock.
Dinah: You talking down to me?
Lizzie: If you're going to be this sensitive, there is no way I'm helping you.
Dinah: There isn't much stuff.
Lizzie: No. Dinah, I want to help you.
Dinah: Really? You want to help me get the money?
Lizzie: No. But I do work for Lewis, and we're kind of this island of misfit toys, starting with me and Billy, and we like people who go after what they want and people with nothing to lose.
Dinah: That's good. That's definitely me.
Lizzie: I know. So welcome to the club.
Dinah: You mean welcome back to the club. Welcome back. Welcome back, Dinah.
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