GL Transcript Tuesday 9/25/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/25/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Alexandra: Katherine, it's a wonderful night, isn't it? I think it's Spaulding's best year ever.

Catherine: I have a problem.

Alexandra: Oh, don't worry, darling. Did you drink too much? I'll manage a car to take you home.

Catherine: I did drink too much when I wrote the donation check. I got carried away.

Alexandra: I'm sure your husband is not going to mind.

Catherine: No, I didn't know if there was enough money in our accounts, so I called the bank. Our accounts have been wiped out.

Alexandra: Oh, come on. I'm sure it's just a computer glitch. There's no reason to alarm anybody.

Man: I'm calling our bank.

Catherine: Maybe your husband could help. He was so good to me before. He's answered all my questions.

Alexandra: Right, my husband, my husband. Cyrus.

Marina: Cyrus?

Griggs: I think your watch is broken, sweetheart. Whoa, whoa. Hold up.

Marina: No! No, please! Help!

Griggs: Quiet, sweetheart. Just a quiet little ride on a lake.

Marina: Help me!

Griggs: Shh, shh. I don't want to ask you again, okay?

Marina: No. Stop!

Cyrus: That's my boat.

Marina: Why are you doing this?

Griggs: Listen to me. All I wanted was the money. Cyrus decided to double cross me. Now I'm going to take what he wants.

Marina: No. No!

Cyrus: Marina! No! Marina!

Josh: Are they still out there?

Cassie: At least five of them. They're all camped out. Is there nothing else going on in the world that's more newsworthy than us?

Josh: "Soon to be minister responsible for building collapse, film at 11:00." That's good, sensational stuff right there.

Cassie: Except it wasn't you.

Josh: Yeah, well, it wasn't you, either.

Cassie: They don't know that.

Josh: They don't care. Great way for us to start our life as a married couple, don't you think?

Cassie: We are signing those papers today. An army of reporters ain't gonna stop us.

Josh: Okay. I like your attitude.

Cassie: I like yours.

Josh: Thank you. Do you have a plan of how we're just going to bust through that door there and plow through them? Is that how it's going to work?

Cassie: That's one option. Or, we are only on the 2nd floor.

Josh: Um...

Cassie: Are you up for a little adventure? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Josh: Cassie...

Rick: Huh. Well, at least they're raising money for charity this time.

Beth: "Guests at the event will stroll from the beach at the Beacon basking in late summer breezes on the waterfront. The chef, André De Pevaughan..."

Rick: Oh, his real name is Andy Smith and he wanted to change his name because he wanted to sound foreign because he'd make more money.

Beth: "The chef will present a tantalizing array of cutting edge euro-Asian cuisine."

Rick: The waiters are going to pass around these tiny little things with... they're neither tasty nor warm. They're going to be coagulated. You owe me, okay? And you know what? You could be there, except you're having this apple pie. What?

Beth: You want to go?

Rick: No, I don't.

Beth: Come on. Come on. It's not that late. I'm sure the fireworks haven't even started.

Man: Our account's been wiped out.

Frank: Is there a problem here?

Alexandra: No, nothing I can't handle. It doesn't require the police, Frank.

Man: We wrote her a check for diabetes research, and now our bank account's been emptied.

Katherine: Mine, too. My money is all gone.

Frank: And so is Cyrus Foley. Alex, exactly where is your husband?

Cyrus: Marina! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Harley: Cyrus. Get in. Get in. Come on, get in unless you want to drown. Come on, calm down. Calm down. Take a breath. Take a breath. I can't understand you.

Cyrus: We've got to get her. We've got to get her back.

Harley: Who? Who? Who are you talking about?

Cyrus: Marina.

Harley: Marina? Breathe, just breathe for a second. Marina is on duty working the party...

Cyrus: No, she's not. He's got her.

Harley: He who? What are we talking about?

Cyrus: Griggs.

Harley: Griggs?

Cyrus: Griggs.

Harley: The guy who shot Dinah, who's in prison in Europe?

Cyrus: No, he's not. He never was.

Harley: So he has Marina? Why would he come back here?

Cyrus: Because I asked him to.

Harley: You did? How do you know him?

Cyrus: We were... we were doing a job together.

Harley: A job?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: Oh, you mean stealing money from the Spaulding party?

Cyrus: We were trying to get bank account information off the donations.

Harley: So wait a minute, wait a minute. He has Marina? Why? Did she catch him in the act?

Cyrus: No. He didn't get any money. I double crossed him.

Harley: So Griggs has Marina to get back at you?

Cyrus: Yes, he has Marina on a boat out there! We need to get her back. We just...

Alexandra: Well, my husband is a gentleman. There's a man who was a little drunk and he offered to drive him home.

Frank: Cyrus stole money from these people's accounts, didn't he, Alex?

Alexandra: Frank, Cyrus is my husband. He has access to all the money he's ever going to need. Why would he steal?

Frank: Because he's a thief. That's what he does.

Alexandra: Frank, there's no crime here. I'm sure it's just a computer glitch and we'll get it all straightened out.

Frank: Alex, if you're covering for him, that makes you an accessory.

Alexandra: Cyrus is on his way back here right now Frank, and I'll send him your way as soon as he gets here.

Frank: You do that. And Alex, while you're at it, I'd call your bank too because I've got the feeling you're missing some money, too. Come with me please.

Buzz: Oh, Alex.

Alexandra: Oh, Buzz, Buzz, you are a born politician. I was watching you with the country club set and the bus boys, never skipping a beat, honestly. You are going to be a great mayor.

Buzz: And you're a good liar, but not good enough.

Alexandra: What am I lying about?

Buzz: Cyrus.

Alexandra: Well, Cyrus is on his way right... look, whatever you've been hearing it's just gossip.

Buzz: Alex, it's okay that you trusted him. And I know you care for him.

Alexandra: I know all about his past. There's no need for him to do this. No.

Buzz: Why are you covering for him?

Alexandra: I'm not.

Buzz: Come on. He left the party. He wasn't taking a drunk guest home, he was alone.

Alexandra: Well, that doesn't mean anything.

Buzz: Honey, you call me if you need anything, okay?

Cyrus: Come on. Why are we wasting time? I told you Griggs has Marina in a boat.

Harley: Yes, which is why I didn't let you drown because I need your help to find her.

Cyrus: Why haven't you called it in? We should have the entire police force looking for her.

Harley: Can I get some details first?

Cyrus: I told you everything. Griggs has Marina in my boat. I saw him with her.

Harley: How did he get her? Why would she see him in the first place?

Cyrus: She didn't. She was coming to meet me.

Harley: You?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: So you were going to steal the money and then you were going to run off with Marina?

Cyrus: I can't let Griggs hurt her.

Harley: Has he contacted you yet?

Cyrus: No. Okay, it's still working. Now Griggs is going to want something. He'll want money or me, and whatever happens we have to give it to him.

Harley: You're right about that.

Cyrus: Great.

Rick: I hate these things. I hate them.

Beth: I know, and that's what makes you such a sport.

Rick: So you really want to do this? Right back in the... belly of the beast?

Beth: It's just a party, you know? And... there, that's perfect. Let's go.

Rick: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let me ask you something. Be honest with me. Do you miss being a Spaulding?

Beth: I love our life together, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Rick: Oh, I hear such a "but" there...

Beth: Okay. But, but there are certain things that I miss. It's not the parties or the money, although that was nice, too.

Rick: Don't tell me you miss Alan.

Beth: No, no... I mean, not really. It's...

Rick: This isn't comforting to me.

Beth: Okay, okay, this is what it is. You know what I miss? I miss the energy that Alan creates. The buzz being at that center of power. And, you know, I don't... I don't want to go back to being someone who stands on the sidelines waiting for other people to decide her future. I don't want that.

Rick: So you just don't want to do my laundry? Beth Bauer, power broker. I like that. I like the sounds of that.

Beth: Yes. Yes. Now that, that I like.

Rick: Beth Bauer.

Beth: You can do your own laundry.

Josh: Thank you very much. You know, what I don't get is why they didn't get a picture of you going over the balcony in those jeans because that would have been something.

Cassie: Did you like my shoulder roll when I hit the ground?

Josh: You actually didn't need to do that because I was there to break your fall.

Cassie: Yeah, well, I didn't need it.

Josh: Let me make sure I understand this now. You can take the fall for me when it comes to this construction disaster, but I can't break your fall when you're going over a balcony?

Cassie: You already went to prison for me. I think you're still ahead.

Josh: Oh, well, okay I can think of a way that you can pay me back.

Cassie: Really?

Josh: Yes. Marry me.

Cassie: You drive a hard bargain.

Josh: I see. You going to back out now? Is that it? Huh, huh, huh?

Cassie: I wouldn't even if I could.

Josh: You sure about that? Because I'm about to become a man of the cloth and you would be my wife...

Cassie: Yes, I know and that makes me a part of it, too. Believe me, I have spent a lot of time thinking about that.

Josh: How much time?

Cassie: Enough to know there is nothing in the world that I want more.

Josh: That's a really good answer. (Laughs)

Cassie: Yeah. I got another one for you, too.

Josh: What's that?

Cassie: I do, Josh Lewis. I do.

Josh: Hey, hey. Should we say the vows again to make it more like a real wedding?

Cassie: We're in the middle of the police station. I think all that matters is that we make it a real marriage.

Josh: Well, that's a given.

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Okay. With our luck, it wouldn't surprise me if this thing runs out of ink.

Cassie: If it does we'll get another one.

Josh: And another one, and another one, and another one.

Cassie: I love you.

Josh: I love you.

Cassie: Now, get signing.

Josh: Okay. Let's see. With this ballpoint pen, I thee wed.

Cassie: (Screams)

Josh: There you go. (Laughs) So now we're to the part where I get to start calling you Mrs. Lewis, right?

Cassie: And I get to call you Mr. Lewis.

Josh: I know it's cliché, but what do you think?

Cassie: I think I like it.

Josh: Okay. You ready? Here it comes. Here it comes. How you doin', Mrs. Lewis?

Cassie: Yeah, it's corny. It's corny, but I'm doing very well, Mr. Lewis.

Josh: What a coincidence. So am I.

Cassie: Easy now, we are in public.

Josh: So?

Cassie: So you have a reputation to up hold.

Josh: Hey, I'm a married man. If I want to hop on my wife, I'm going to do that.

Cassie: Hop on? Did you say hop on?

Josh: And the marriage has to be consummated, does it not?

Cassie: Right here?

Josh: No, not right here, but somewhere between here and home would be fine. How far away is the car?

Cassie: That's not very romantic. Do the seats go all the way back?

Josh: There's one way to find out.

Beth: It's just another block. I don't mind walking, really.

Josh: Shh, shh, maybe they won't see us.

Rick: It doesn't make any sense. I mean, if Alan's going to have a party, he should have enough room for parking, don't you think?

Beth: Yeah, I just... you know, Rick, I want you to promise me you're not going to pick a fight with Alan. You know, it's really not...

Rick: Are you okay?

Beth: I don't know. Ooh, it's the baby. Rick, this is too soon.

Josh: Hey, is she okay? Do you need a ride to the hospital?

Rick: We definitely do. Come on, let's go. Take it's easy. It's going to be okay.

Alexandra: (Crying)

Frank: Where's Alexandra?

Buzz: I don't know, Frank. She's probably someplace trying to figure this whole thing out.

Frank: Is she protecting Foley?

Buzz: No, she's not.

Frank: She say something to you, Pop?

Buzz: Frank, she didn't know anything about this. Come on.

Harley: Frank.

Frank: Sis, great work. What'd you try to do, swim away?

Harley: Frank...

Frank: I knew you'd slip up and I knew you'd be here to see the day. How long have you been planning this, setting up Alex like that, making yourself look respectable?

Harley: Hey, Frank...

Frank: Where's Marina?

Harley: Frank, focus for one second. Foley was not working alone. He has a partner. Well, he had until he stabbed him in the back. Frank, he has Marina.

Frank: What partner?

Cyrus: Marshall Griggs.

Frank: Griggs?

Cyrus: Marina was meeting me at my boat.

Frank: That's a lie.

Cyrus: We had a plan...

Frank: What plan? You didn't have a plan. You did not have a plan! Where's my daughter? What did you do with her?

Harley: He doesn't know anything.

Cyrus: I don't care what you do to me, we just have to find Marina.

Frank: Get used to it.

Cyrus: Frank, just let me help find her. Let me do something.

Frank: You've already done enough. Call the coast guard. I want an APB put out on that boat immediately. I want a picture of Marshall Griggs sent to every single officer. I want every single hotel, car rental, and boat shop notified immediately. Do you got that? I want to find out everything we can about this guy.

Buzz: Frank, Frank, come on.

Frank: Sis, I need you to go in there and I need you to question Foley because if I go in there, I'm going to kill him. Do you understand that? Oh...

Harley: I know it's your little girl.

Frank: It is my little girl.

Harley: We're going to find her.

Frank: All right. Pop, I want you go, I want you call Coop and I want you to call Daisy, and tell them everything that's going on because this is going to be all over the news and I don't want them to find out about this any other way. Do you understand me?

Buzz: Whatever you need, Frank.

Frank: Eleni. I have to call Eleni. Was she really going to leave with him?

Harley: Frank, don't think about that.

Frank: Tobias, I want to put a trace on a cell phone now.

Cyrus: You need to let me out of here. Frank, I can find her. Frank! (Screams)

Cop: Sorry, no visitors.

Alexandra: I'm not a visitor. I'm Alexandra Spaulding, his wife.

Cop: I'll be back in five minutes.

Cyrus: Shouldn't you still be at the party?

Alexandra: Yes, I should.

Cyrus: I know you must have a million questions, and I want to explain.

Alexandra: Why would I possibly need an explanation? You're a thief. You stole from me and my friends.

Cyrus: Yes, I did. Alex...

Alexandra: No, people tried to warn me. They did. Not to trust you. Oh, boy, Alan, Lillian, but I wouldn't listen to them because I knew best. So I gave you a place to live, I married you. I even... I even told you you could sleep with other women. My lord! Who wouldn't do what you did? Who wouldn't steal from such a fool?

Cyrus: You're not a fool.

Alexandra: Oh, yes. I thought there was something real there.

Cyrus: I like you, I respect you.

Alexandra: Shut up. Don't you do that.

Cyrus: It's the truth, Alex. I never wanted to hurt you.

Alexandra: And you did.

Harley: Mallet, it's Harley. I'm sorry to leave this on your voice mail, but it's Marina. She's gone. She was... abducted, taken, whatever. The guy's name is Marshall Griggs, he was in town running a scam with Cyrus Foley. And we don't think that he'll come after you and Dinah, but obviously you should know everything and I'm... I'm sorry, again, to leave this like... just call me when you get this message, okay? Bye.

Daisy: Mom, what are you doing here?

Harley: I told the sitter I'd meet her here for the boys. Are they inside?

Daisy: No, no, I took care of it.

Harley: What?

Daisy: Well, Grandpa Buzz called me and told me about Marina.

Harley: Oh.

Daisy: So I found Coop and he's going to take the boys for the night, and I'll stay with Grandpa Buzz.

Harley: You did all that for me?

Daisy: Well, I mean you're working the case, right? I knew you'd want to be with Frank. How's he doing?

Harley: Your uncle is very strong.

Daisy: How about you?

Harley: I actually have this image of Marina that keeps popping into my head. She was a very little girl. It was her third or fourth birthday party and Frank was in full-dress uniform, and she took his cap off and put it on her little head and she saluted him. She was so little. I keep seeing her. Now she's all grown up and so are you and the boys are getting bigger and Gus is gone. It's just all going so fast. Everything's happening so fast.

Daisy: I could call Gus for you.

Harley: No. No.

Daisy: But you know he would drop everything in a second just to be with you.

Harley: No. I mean, I... I would like that, but I can't. And besides, I have you. I have you after all the mistakes that I've made. God, I have my own daughter.

Daisy: But you know, you're going to find Marina. You will. You're the best detective there is, right? You will find her, though. I believe in you.

Dr. Sedwick: So these pains, do they feel like labor pains?

Beth: Yes, yes, they're very sharp.

Rick: Margaret, don't you think you should give her something, like a sedative or something?

Dr. Sedwick: Did you feel these pains before?

Beth: No, not with this baby.

Rick: Don't you think you should hook up the monitor to make sure the baby's not in distress?

Dr. Sedwick: Rick...

Rick: What?

Dr. Sedwick: It would be best if you wait outside.

Rick: Come on, Margaret, I'm doctor.

Josh: Rick, let's wait in the hall.

Rick: That's ridiculous. I should be in there.

Cassie: You're not the doctor now, you're the dad.

Rick: Well, that's right. But if... if she goes into labor right now, I mean, that would be very bad for the baby. It would be really bad.

Cassie: Rick, all Beth needs is for you to be her husband. She just needs your support right now, okay?

Rick: Yeah, you're right.

Josh: Except...

Rick: Except what? What are you talking about?

Josh: What if the baby needs... I don't know, a blood transfusion, something like that? Something from the biological father?

Rick: She could. I mean, it's definitely a possibility. If Beth were to go in labor, every second would be critical. It's his voice mail. Alan, listen, it's Rick. When you get this message, I need to talk to you as soon as possible.

Beth: Rick? Rick?

Rick: Hey.

Beth: Hi.

Rick: Are you okay? What's going on?

Dr. Sedwick: I was able to stop the contractions.

Rick: Contractions?

Dr. Sedwick: Yes, it was early labor, but we're ahead of it now.

Rick: Good. Well, that's good. Sweetheart, are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, I'm okay and the baby's fine.

Dr. Sedwick: Why don't you two look for yourselves?

Beth: That's our little girl. She's going to be fine.

Dr. Sedwick: We're going to keep very close track of her for the next few months. But I think everything's going to be fine.

Daisy: Hey. I was helping Lynn close up.

Buzz: Thanks.

Daisy: Is there any word on Marina?

Buzz: No.

Daisy: Can I get you some pie, coffee?

Buzz: No thanks.

Daisy: I really don't mind. There's got to be something I can do.

Buzz: No, I... actually, there is. Never ask me for advice.

Daisy: What?

Buzz: And if I offer it, don't take it.

Daisy: Okay, I don't understand.

Buzz: Earlier, Marina asked me what to do about Cyrus.

Daisy: He's the hot Australian guy, right?

Buzz: Frank told her to stay away from him, Harley told her to stay away from him. Me, what did I say? I said, well, if you love him...

Daisy: That's why she was taken? Because she loves him?

Buzz: Cold comfort, huh?

Harley: Anything?

Cop: Put a trace on Foley's phone. So far no calls from Griggs.

Frank: He's got to want something, right? Why else would we take Marina? What is it about money, revenge, what?

Harley: Maybe.

Frank: Cyrus stabbed Griggs in the back, maybe he wants to get him back now, I don't know.

Alexandra: You were going to run away?

Cyrus: Yes.

Alexandra: You stood by my side at the party, let me swat around like I owned the entire world.

Cyrus: Well, you still can.

Alexandra: Oh, please don't.

Cyrus: I'm a blip, Alex. I'm a small speed bump along your path. A few bucks lost, a few months squandered.

Alexandra: You don't really believe that, do you?

Cyrus: I need to get out of here.

Alexandra: With Marina. You were going to run away with the money and Marina.

Cyrus: Yup. Now she's gone.

Alexandra: Gone?

Cyrus: Kidnapped.

Alexandra: Is that why everyone out there's in such a frenzy? Frank especially?

Cyrus: My partner.

Alexandra: He kidnapped her?

Cyrus: When I turned on him. And now I... I don't have any idea where she is or if she's even...

Alexandra: You hurt me like I have not allowed myself to be hurt in a very long time.

Cyrus: And I'm sorry for that.

Alexandra: I'm going to give Frank access to everything Spaulding has, from its boats to the jet to the PI’s. Whatever it takes.

Cyrus: You want to help?

Alexandra: We'll work all of this out later. Right now it's more important to get that girl back home safe.

Frank: I can't take it any longer. I'm going to go to the police boat and start searching myself.

Harley: why don't you let me do that, okay? You're too close for this.

Frank: Because I want to be there when we get this guy, that's why.

Harley: I know, but we have to be smarter than Griggs. And we need you here to run operations. I'm the one who's trained for the field. Let me handle it. Let me run point on the search.

Frank: All right, sis. I'll radio the police boat and tell them you'll be there in five minutes.

Harley: Make it ten. I want to talk to Cyrus.

Josh: So how are you doing?

Cassie: I'm okay. Yeah. I'm just thinking about Rick and Beth and I'm glad that it all worked out okay for them.

Josh: So you're not thinking about Alan at all?

Cassie: Alan, why would I be thinking ant Alan?

Cassie: Well, he's the biological father of the baby.

Cassie: Wait a minute. I am never going to believe that that baby would be better off with Alan. I mean, you saw Rick. He called Alan. He was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of that baby. Now that is being a father.

Josh: I agree. He was... it was an amazing thing.

Cassie: And do you think for a second if the situation were reversed that Alan would do the same?

Josh: Probably not.

Cassie: No.

Josh: It's okay. The sonogram was something, wasn't it? I mean, the detail. Things have come a long way since my kids were born.

Cassie: Yeah. It's really amazing seeing that little life.

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: You ever think about having a baby with me?

Rick: Hi.

Beth: Hey.

Rick: You ready to go?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. I'm just... what if this happens again?

Rick: But it's not. It's not, okay? We're going to monitor this pregnancy very, very closely, all right? And I'm going to make sure that nothing, absolutely nothing happens to you and this little girl, okay? Okay. Let's go.

Beth: Rick, before, when Dr. Sedwick asked you to leave, I... I heard you. You called Alan. Why would you do that?

Rick: His helicopter, sweetheart.

Beth: What?

Rick: Listen, don't get me wrong. This was a fine hospital, but if the baby was coming, Chicago has some of the best neonatal ICU’s in the country. And I just wanted to make sure, you know, Alan's helicopter was available, that's all.

Beth: Do you think that's wise? Asking Alan for a favor?

Rick: We clearly don't care for each other, honey, but it doesn't matter. I mean, when it comes to this little girl, there isn't anything that I wouldn't do. Okay?

Daisy: You know, what happened to Marina, it's not your fault.

Buzz: Thanks. I'm the one that gave Marina the bad advice. I'm the one that didn't tell her to stay away from Cyrus.

Daisy: But he's not the one who has her, right?

Buzz: Well, that's not going to make Frank feel a whole lot better.

Daisy: But if Marina really loves Cyrus, isn't that all that matters? I mean, everyone's trying to keep Rafe and me apart, but it doesn't matter what anyone says.

Buzz: Well, maybe they know something you don't.

Daisy: What? What? They don't know what I feel for Rafe or what Rafe feels for me, and it's probably the same thing with Marina. She would have been with Cyrus no matter what anybody else said.

Buzz: So what's your point?

Daisy: It probably meant a lot to her to have one person who wasn't against her.

Buzz: Dear God. You take after me.

Daisy: Thank you.

Buzz: It's so nice to have you back in our lives.

Daisy: I'm glad to be here.

Buzz: Hey, you want to light a and candle with me?

Daisy: You believe in that stuff?

Buzz: Well, you know, times like this, you've got to believe in something. You've got to pull this back, silly.

Cyrus: Have you found Marina?

Harley: No.

Cyrus: What's going on? Why are you in here?

Harley: I want to get one thing straight with you. This is all your fault. So if anything happens to my niece, you're a dead man, you understand?

Cyrus: If anything happens to Marina, I'll want to be dead.

Harley: Yeah, I was hoping you'd say that.

Cyrus: Harley, what's going on?

Frank: I don't like this, Harley.

Harley: Well Griggs hasn't called him. We've got to do something.

Frank: There's got to be another way.

Harley: What is it? I'm open. What is it? You know I'm right. If we have any chance of catching Griggs, we've got to let Cyrus go. He's our best chance. I will not take my eyes off of him, but we have to do this. You want Marina? You've got to let this guy out.

Marina: (Screams)

Griggs: Shh, shh. Well, actually, you can scream all you want. Nobody can hear you. Not even the little fishies. We are just a few miles north of nowhere. What? You think you're innocent in all this? You know, you're the reason I lost a huge, huge payday. You're also the reason Cyrus decided to stab me in the back. It's me. Yeah, I've got her with me all nice and cozy, just like you wanted. So what do you want me to do with her now?

Alexandra: I'll let you know. For now, just hang on to her.

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