Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/24/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Dinah? Dinah?
Dinah: Mallet...
Matt: Don't-- don't Dinah. I'll take care of it.
Mallet: Don't what? Don't what?
Dinah: I can explain this.
Mallet: I don't want to hear an explanation from you, because I can hear it from Matt.
Dinah: (Gasps)
Ava: Hey, Frank.
Doris: Good, I'm glad you're here. Now we can get right over to the um... Chief Cooper, I certainly hope you are not on duty.
Frank: Not now, Doris.
Doris: Let's see if he speaks to me that way once I'm mayor. Speaking of which, as soon as the camera crew gets here, I would like to get over to that diabetes fund raiser.
Ava: Okay. So, do you think Ashlee is going to be there?
Doris: Why?
Ava: I don't know. I have a date-- sort of. He's uh... actually, he knows her. Kind of a coincidence.
Doris: Someone who knows my Ashlee?
Ava: And old counselor. I think Jack Summers is his name. You might actually even know him.
Doris: You listen to me. I will not let you hurt her.
Coop: Dad, what are you doing here? What are you doing here? You should be shaking hands and kissing babies right now.
Buzz: This is a party. It's for a charity.
Coop: Yes, of course it's a party. this the time to show that you care.
Buzz: I care. I care so much.
Coop: Ashlee, can you help me with him, please?
Ashlee: Well, maybe he thinks it isn't tasteful.
Buzz: Yes, thank you. It is in bad taste.
Coop: For God sakes. This is an election, okay? This is a bad taste soufflé.
Buzz: Not that I--
Coop: Dad, I'm just-- would you listen. Are you sure that Doris is your mother?
Ashlee: Believe me, I checked.
Buzz: Have I told you what a fantastic party this is?
Alexandra: Only about ten times, but keep it coming.
Buzz: Cyrus can takes donations, right? Because I have a check all written out.
Alexandra: Well he's around here somewhere.
Marina: You're out to rob everyone at this party. You know I can't let you do that.
Cyrus: You're really going to arrest me?
Marina: I told you I'd figure out how you were doing all of this. You have a microphone in your cuff. Your accomplice hearing all of this?
Cyrus: I turned it off.
Marina: You're stealing the routing numbers from donation checks that people are writing. What do got have planned after, Cyrus? Direct transfer to one of your private accounts?
Cyrus: It's better if you don't know.
Marina: It's easy for me to find out.
Cyrus: Nothing has changed, Marina. This is for our future.
Marina: Not mine.
Cyrus: The boat's ready. I'm not going to let you arrest me.
Marina: You think I'm arresting you?
Cyrus: You're not.
Marina: That's up to you. Which do you want more, Cyrus, me or your money?
Alexandra: Well, far too many people here to go searching for him. I'll just call him.
Buzz: Good idea.
Alexandra: It's ringing. (Cell phone ringing)
Marina: Is that your partner?
Cyrus: The whole point was you being my partner.
Cyrus: You know the drill, leave a
Cyrus: I could kiss you, you know that.
Marina: Uh-uh.
Cyrus: Stop thinking like a cop. Pull your head out of the crime and think of the big picture.
Marina: Not until you answer my question.
Cyrus: The question doesn't make sense.
Marina: Okay, let me make it more clear for you. I will go with you tonight. I will get on that boat and I will go wherever you want to head. But you have got to give the money back first.
Cyrus: But we'll be broke.
Marina: So we'll be broke.
Cyrus: I've scraped along my whole life waiting for a score like this.
Marina: What about a score like me?
Cyrus: There must be a way that--
Marina: No, there isn't.
Cyrus: I don't want to give you up.
Marina: And I don't want to arrest you.
Cyrus: We're going to be set for life.
Marina: I'd like to think that we still are. Okay. (Handcuffs clicking)
Cyrus: I'll do it.
Griggs: Damn it, Foley, where the hell are you?! I've got these transfers here ready to go. What is happening?
Coop: Hey, it's great to meet you. My name is Henry Cooper Bradshaw and this is my girlfriend, Ashlee Wolfe.
Reporter: Doris' daughter?
Coop: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. It's a long story.
Reporter: Sounds like a good one.
Coop: It's the best. It's nice to meet you. Take care.
Ashlee: (Laughs) You know he's a reporter, right? This is going to be all over the papers tomorrow.
Coop: Yeah, I know. That was kind of the point, you know. What? It's free advertising.
Ashlee: What, for Buzz's campaign?
Coop: No, not for Buzz's campaign. For you and me.
Ava: There's nothing to be ashamed of, going to therapy. Plenty of people go. It just depends on the reason why you're going.
Doris: You are making a big mistake.
Ava: Okay. So maybe it wasn't a coincidence that I met Jack Summers. But if I'm going to be working for your campaign, it's probably idea if I know a little bit about your past. And Ashlee's, too. In case something comes up.
Doris: Look, don't pretend this has anything to do with my campaign. This is all about Coop. And I will not let you hurt Ashlee.
Ava: You do.
Doris: I do not. I protect her. Now get out your phone and make that call. Call Jack and cancel.
Ava: He's expecting me to meet him there.
Doris: Yeah, well, life is full of disappointments. That's the camera crew. Make the call.
Ava: I'm dialing!
Doris: I'll be right there!
Ava: It's ringing.
(Vanessa grunts)
Dinah: No! Stop!
Vanessa: What's going on? (Grunts) Oh, my God. Stop it!
Dinah: Mallet!
Vanessa: Both of you stop! Separate--
Dinah: I'm your wife! You blame me!
Vanessa: Dinah, what in the world is going?
Dinah: It just happened.
Mallet: Stuff like this doesn't just happen!
Dinah: Yeah, you're right.
Mallet: And you, man, what is your problem? Huh? Taking advantage of her? You know she's confused! You know she's vulnerable! And you snuck right in!
Matt: Back the hell off, man!
Dinah: Stop it!
Matt: Back off!
Dinah: That's exactly why I did this!
Mallet: What are you talking about? We had a perfectly good evening.
Dinah: No. You know what, you treat me like I can’t think for myself!
Mallet: Baby, so you need a little help. Big deal.
Dinah: You know what? That's why I went to Matt for help. Because he doesn't treat me like a child!
Mallet: A child? A child? It makes no sense.
Dinah: No.
Mallet: We were having a good time. You just told me so!
Dinah: Yeah, it was better. A little! But you know what, in a thousand ways, every single day, you make me feel worthless. So I went to somebody who doesn't treat me like damaged goods!
Vanessa: Dinah, don't you talk to your husband that way.
Dinah: This is between the three of us.
Vanessa: The three of you? You have nothing to do with Matt. Nothing.
Dinah: Mom, you gave him up. You're here tonight with Billy. And what he does with his life is none of your business anymore.
Matt: Dinah, you don't have to explain anything--
Mallet: Shut up! Man, you shut up!
Matt: You shut up!
Mallet: Dinah, why are you saying these things?
Dinah: Because it's the truth. I hurt you and I am sorry, but you hurt me.
Mallet: You don't know what you're saying.
Dinah: Now, see, that's exactly the problem. I do know what I'm saying! I do what I'm thinking! I know what I feel! Now, both of you go! You leave us alone!
Vanessa: I'll go... happily.
Dinah: Did you not hear me?
Mallet: Whatever this is, we can fix this.
Dinah: Trust me, you wouldn't know how.
Doris: All right, stay with me, boys. It's just going to be some basic greet the public stuff. And, Ava, stay with me.
Ava: No problem.
Got to find some answers know if this is real
some simple explanation to tell me what I feel...
Ashlee: So do you think it's wrong to hit the dance floor at a party like this?
Coop: Well, it depends on the song.
Ashlee: (Laughing) Oh, no.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: My mom, she brought a camera crew.
Coop: Oh, yeah.
Ashlee: I better get over there.
Coop: You want me to come with you?
Ashlee: No, I like you too much.
Ava: You came.
Jack: You invited me.
Ava: You could have turned me down.
Jack: Not easily.
Ava: (Laughs)
Jack: So, what's your connection here?
Ava: Oh, I work for Spaulding Enterprises, and they're chairing this fund raiser.
Jack: I thought I saw you talking to Doris Wolfe earlier?
Ava: Ashlee's mom. Yes, I unofficially work for her as well-- for the campaign.
Jack: I wonder how she'd feel about me being invited here tonight?
Ava: Why would she care?
Jack: Yeah, why?
Ava: Because you were Ashlee's counselor.
Jack: I don't think I should have come here tonight.
Ava: Hey, look.
Jack: What?
Ava: That's Ashlee's boyfriend, Henry Cooper Bradshaw. Coop, they call him.
Jack: So?
Ava: So, maybe you should meet him. The two of you guys might have a lot to talk about.
Ashlee: You can not be serious.
Doris: Honey, I am busy.
Ashlee: Mom, bringing a camera crew here, you might think it's a good idea, but this is a Spaulding party. This is-- not some whistle stop on your campaign.
Doris: And I have all of the Spaulding support.
Ashlee: But you get the weirdest looks from people when I tell them that.
Doris: You know what, Ashlee. Alan and I have put all this behind us, okay? And don't even try to pretend that you care at all about how this looks for me. I know that you are backing Buzz Cooper.
Ashlee: That doesn't mean I don't love you.
Doris: Aww. Next time you say that, make sure the cameras are rolling. I have to get back.
Ava: Ashlee, Ashlee, Ashlee. You having a good time?
Ashlee: Well, suddenly that's up for debate.
Ava: I hope you don't mind, but I brought a date.
Ashlee: Oh, why would I...
Cyrus: The kiss that cost me millions.
Marina: Now say it was worth it or I'm going to pull out my handcuffs again.
Cyrus: You already know the answer to that.
Marina: How about Alex?
Cyrus: Let me handle that.
Marina: She's going to be so hurt.
Cyrus: She's strong and she's smart and she knew what she was getting into.
Marina: But I'm not so sure I do.
Cyrus: Isn't that the fun of it?
Marina: I guess. Okay, so when does the boat leave?
Cyrus: You want to leave now?
Marina: Yes, I uh... I can't think about this anymore. And I can't let my family... I want to go-- now.
Cyrus: Those are the sweetest words I've ever heard.
Marina: Okay, you're not going to turn around and say I made you the happiest man alive or something now, are you?
Cyrus: Do I have to?
Marina: No, please don't.
Cyrus: Okay, good.
Marina: Okay. I wasn't figuring on actually doing this. I have to pack.
Cyrus: So pack. How long can that take?
Marina: And you have to return the money.
Cyrus: Oh, yeah, that.
Marina: I can count on you to do this, right? You can do this while I...
Cyrus: You can count on it.
What if it's real what if it's you ooh-ooh
what if it's you ooh-ooh what if it's now
Alexandra: Ah, there you are. Cyrus, everyone's been wondering where you are. You are supposed to give your speech soon.
Cyrus: Marina was just filling me in on how security's looking tonight.
Alexandra: Well, good. This has been a wonderful evening, hasn't it?
Cyrus: Yes, it has. You should be very proud.
Buzz: Listen, I've always thought of myself has a reasonable man, but she's pushing all of my buttons.
Alexandra: Buzz, Buzz, what? Who?
Buzz: Doris. Doris, she's slinging mud in there. Me and my family-- you won't believe it. You've got to come in here and see this thing.
Alexandra: Let's put a stop to it right now.
Buzz: It is your party. I don't want to make a scene, but honest to God, you will not believe this woman. I mean it's like--
Alexandra: Don't you worry about a thing.
Marina: Okay. Only another reason why we need to get out of dodge as soon as possible.
Cyrus: Yeah, I'll meet you at the boat?
Marina: Do you still have the champagne stowed aboard?
Cyrus: Your Aunt Harley startled me and I dropped the bottles.
Marina: Oh, that is what you get for stealing.
Cyrus: Are you always going to think like a cop?
Marina: Maybe. Thank you for doing this my way.
Cyrus: Well, you were pretty persuasive.
Alexandra: Turn that thing off. Turn it off!
Doris: Alexandra, you can't do that.
Alexandra: You get out of here! Now!
Doris: Alexandra, you can't do that.
Alexandra: Yes, I can do that. This is not a political event.
Doris: Oh, really, then what is he doing here?
Alexandra: He is my honored guest and you weren't even invited.
Doris: Where is Alan?
Alexandra: Well, I'm the boss now. You're going to have to take orders from me and my husband. So you get your crew out of here within seconds, or I'll have them all thrown in the water.
Buzz: My hero.
Alexandra: Yes, well, it is good to be queen. (Laughter)
Ashlee: Jack.
Jack: Ashlee, I didn't know you'd be here.
Ashlee: I didn't know that you were...
Jack: Free?
Ashlee: Look, Jack, I'm--
Coop: Ashlee, this is Jack? This is the guy.
Ashlee: Coop.
Coop: Did I see you on "To Catch A Predator"?
Jack: You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Coop: No, I know what I'm talking about. I know that you completely humiliated her, and she has been absolutely hurt by all of this--
Doris: You know what? It is time for you to get the hell out of here.
Jack: Here we go. Ashlee, look...
Doris: Get out, or you will be thrown out!
Matt: Enough, enough.
Dinah: I should just dive in.
Matt: Then I'd have to dive in after you. I'm still a little drunk, so uh... you'd have two, grisly, horrible deaths on your hands. How would that make you feel? What, no smile, no laugh, no nothing? It's the least you can do after setting me up like that.
Dinah: I'm sorry.
Matt: You're pretty good. I bought it.
Dinah: When did you figure it out?
Matt: When you started laying into Mallet about how he was treating you like an invalid. There was no hesitation in your voice. No loss for words.
Dinah: No, that only kicks in when I’m playing someone. I didn't think far ahead enough to know that he'd attack you. I just thought he would--
Matt: What?
Dinah: Just walk away.
Matt: Why, because you've been sick?
Dinah: If he sticks with me, he ruins his whole life. Not just financially. He was getting ready to steal money used for evidence to pay our bills, and he got caught.
Matt: Really?
Dinah: Yeah. And he's not going to give up. He's gonna work harder to try to fix it for me. Unless I make him stop.
Mallet: Hey.
Vanessa: Sorry.
Mallet: Oh, that's okay. It's not your fault.
Vanessa: No, but still...
Mallet: Wow. I remember a few weeks ago when you told me I shouldn't let Matt and Dinah get too close-- wow.
Vanessa: This is not what I had in mind. I wasn't trying to predict...
Mallet: Well, maybe you found yourself a new profession.
Vanessa: This is going to sound really lame, but, um, it's going to take a long time, you know.
Mallet: It's okay, I don't uh.. I don't blame her.
Vanessa: What? What did you say?
Mallet: I don't blame her. I don't blame her. She's sick, Vanessa. She has a head injury. She's not thinking clearly. It's hard. It's hard, but I don't blame her for what she did. I tell you what, though, I put this on Matt. He took advantage of her whether she knows it or not. And when she's better, then she'll know it.
Buzz: What was up with Ashlee and that guy?
Coop: Some creep from her past. Doris took care of it, thankfully though.
Marina: Hey, guys.
Coop: Hey.
Buzz: Hey, what's the word?
Marina: Do you mind if I borrow him for just a second?
Coop: No. No, absolutely. I've got to go find Ash anyways.
Buzz: Well, what's up? You seem so-- something, so peppy or something.
Marina: Oh, please. Not... not peppy.
Buzz: What have you done?
Marina: Do you remember the other week when we were talking and I asked you about Jenna?
Buzz: Yeah.
Marina: And you said that you would do it all over again, no hesitations-- despite... you know.
Buzz: Her sometimes fluid relationship with the right side of the law, yeah.
Marina: Yeah, that.
Buzz: What about it? Ooh! Wow!
Marina: Thank you. Thank you.
Cyrus: Ah.
Alexandra: Ah, there you are.
Cyrus: I've been looking for you myself.
Alexandra: Where's uh... where's Marina going?
Cyrus: That's a good question.
Alexandra: Look, I don't mean to be nasty at all, but does she seek you out everywhere?
Cyrus: At least she's got an excuse tonight. Security for the party.
Alexandra: Oh, right. Sure.
Cyrus: And speaking of the party, it was amazing, Alex. I think I can safely say I will never forget tonight, ever.
Alexandra: Okay, don't push all of the credit on me. Remember this was our event.
Cyrus: But you made it happen, just like you're going to do great things for the company.
Alexandra: You think so?
Cyrus: I don't doubt it. Alex, you are one-of-a-kind. There is nothing you can't do. I couldn't be happier that you are back on top where you belong. Now everybody can see what I see.
Alexandra: You don't know what that means to me.
Kelly: Ms. Spaulding...
Alexandra: Oh, yes, hi.
Kelly: You wanted me to keep you informed on how well the donations are going?
Alexandra: Yes, yes. I better look. Thank you.
Cyrus: No. Thank you.
Marina: Parlez-vous. Mercí beaucoup. I cannot believe that is the only French I know. Most definitely. We are going to be on a boat.
Frank: Oh, hey. I thought I might find you here.
Marina: Dad.
Frank: Did you clock out at the party?
Marina: Harley seemed to have it handled.
Frank: No worries. You know I didn't want you there anyway, so.
Marina: Is something wrong?
Frank: No. Something with Mallet. I'll take care of it.
Marina: Mallet? Is Dinah okay?
Frank: Honey, I'll deal with it. What's with the bag?
Marina: Actually, I was hoping to find you. I have some days off, and...
Frank: You want to take them now?
Marina: I was hoping. I have a girlfriend back in California, and she just broke up with her boyfriend and it's really messy.
Frank: Let me get this straight: You want to take your days off to help your girlfriend out? You're unbelievable.
Marina: No, no...
Frank: Excuse me. Can I take like 30 seconds here to tell my beautiful daughter how impressed I am with her. You're amazing. You know? I love you. It's... good for you.
Marina: Thank you. That means a lot.
Frank: So when are you going to leave?
Marina: As soon as possible. But I'll call you when I get settled.
Frank: Hold on a second. Settled? Not like moving back to California and moving back with your mother settled?
Marina: No, no. I'm not moving to California.
Frank: Thank God. You can't do that to your old man, all right?
Marina: Not moving back here was the greatest thing I ever did. We may not have always agreed, but I wouldn't change a minute of it.
Frank: Well, maybe one minute.
Marina: I love you, Dad. I always will.
Frank: I love you, too, honey.
Cyrus: Did any of the transfers go through.
Griggs: No. You told me not to.
Cyrus: Thank God for that.
Griggs: What the hell are you doing? This is everything you called into me, Foley?
Cyrus: The cops are on to us. Don't ask me how, but make this transfer, and we get 20 years.
Griggs: How did this happen?
Cyrus: We're going to have to lay low, wait for another opportunity.
Griggs: This was the perfect opportunity.
Cyrus: What, were you not listening to the 20 years part.
Griggs: How's your girlfriend?
Cyrus: She was the one who tipped me off.
Coop: Are you okay?
Ashlee: Yeah. Fine.
Coop: It couldn't have been easy seeing that guy.
Ashlee: No, it's fine. It's just really weird that Ava just ran into him.
Coop: Maybe I should warn her to keep an eye out for him next time.
Ashlee: Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Even being with him right now, it feels weird. He doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Coop: Ashlee, they raided the guy's house. The guy is sick.
Ashlee: Yeah, I know.
Coop: You want to get out of here?
Ashlee: Yeah, please.
Coop: All right, come on.
Doris: I don't want you within 20 miles of my daughter.
Jack: Why, because you don't want her to find out the truth.
Doris: What truth?
Jack: That I'm not some pedophile. The stuff in my house was planted there.
Doris: That's what they all say.
Jack: You set me up because your daughter trusted me more than you. In our sessions, Ashlee told me about the best friend's family that suddenly moved away. The little boyfriend who was found with drugs suddenly found in his locker.
Doris: Just a string of bad luck.
Jack: No. You don't like anybody getting close to Ashlee. And when she does, you send them a way, send them to jail.
Doris: You want to go back?
Jack: I know better. I just wonder if Ashlee's boyfriend knows what he is getting himself into.
Doris: You and me both.
Dinah: I wonder what he is doing?
Matt: I think you can probably guess.
Dinah: Well, he'll be better off without me eventually.
Matt: That's a hell of a thing to say. What about you?
Dinah: What about me?
Matt: You look like you could use a drink.
Dinah: You're allowed to be mad at me. In fact, furious, if you want to be.
Matt: Where would that get me?
Alexandra: Everyone, everyone, may I have your attention for just a moment? I have just been informed we have made more money at this Spaulding event than ever before in its history. (Cheers and applause) No. And it's all because of you! Yes! (Cheers and applause) Now, listen, I want you all to stay and I want you to drink and eat, and drink more and dance and maybe feel like giving a little bit more money later on. Oh, and before... I also want to take a moment to thank my partner. Because without him, who literally changed my life, this couldn't have happened. So, to my dear husband, Cyrus Foley. (Laughs)
Cyrus: Sorry, Marina. I can't be caught again.
Marina: Cyrus? This is it. It's finally time for us.
Griggs: I think your watch is broken, sweetheart. No, no, come on.
Marina: What are you doing?
Griggs: Get back. Get back.
Marina: No, no.
Alexandra: Catherine, a wonderful event. A wonderful evening. I think it is one of Spaulding's best years ever.
Catherine: I have a problem.
Alexandra: Darling, did you drink too much again? Don't worry. I'll arrange for the car to take you.
Catherine: I did have too much to drink. When I wrote the donation check, I got carried away.
Alexandra: Don't worry. Your husband is not going to mind.
Catherine: I didn't know if we had enough money in the account to cover it, and so I called the bank. Our account is wiped out.
Alexandra: Look, darling, I'm sure that's a computer error. Let's not make a fuss about it right now.
Man: I'm calling our bank.
Catherine: Maybe your husband could help. He was so good to me before.
Alexandra: Yes, my husband.
Catherine: He answered all of my questions.
Alexandra: Yes, Cyrus.
Ava: Doris, wow, you really did a number on him.
Doris: On who?
Ava: Jack Summers.
Doris: He's a troubled man. His past may shock you.
Ava: Ashlee just ran into him. He said you set him up?
Doris: He was convicted fair and square. Look, she was way too attached to him. He would have hurt her. And if you dare say a word to Ashlee...
Ava: Oh, I won't. Now that I know what you are willing to do to protect her. We have the same goals.
Ashlee: For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me. I thought I was like this human bug repellent.
Coop: Ashlee, there is nothing wrong with you. All right? The ones who left -- they are the ones who are missing out on you.
Ashlee: You know, you always say the right things.
Coop: Do you believe that I want to be with you?
Ashlee: I don't know.
Coop: Why not?
Ashlee: It's not that I don't trust you. It's just my judgment has been really wrong in the past. And maybe I just have bad luck.
Coop: Not anymore.
Mallet: Dinah, it's me. I'm at Company. If you want to call me. Or, you know what, better yet? Why don't you just show up. I'll be waiting.
Alexandra: Cyrus, where are you? I don't want to believe... get back here as soon as you can so we can straighten this whole thing out.
Marina: No! Stop, please! Help!
Griggs: Quiet, sweetheart. It's a quiet little ride on...
Marina: Don't...
Griggs: Sh-sh-sh. I don't want to ask you again, all right?
Marina: No! Stop!
Cyrus: That's my boat.
Marina: Why are you doing this?
Griggs: All I wanted was the money. Cyrus decided to double cross me, and now I'm going to take what he wants.
Marina: No, no!
Griggs: Sh-sh-sh.
Cyrus: Marina! Marina! Marina!
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