Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/21/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Alexandra: Why didn’t you tell me you were trying out a new driver? Oh don’t worry about it, we have more important things to worry about.
Cyrus: What’s that look for?
Alexandra: You called me head of the family.
Cyrus: Well, it’s true isn’t it?
Alexandra: I want you to know, I don't plan to head it alone. Whoa!
[Background music]
Alexandra: It is magic.
Cyrus: Yes, it is. It's going to be some night.
Alexandra: Ah, I think you really do mean that. So... because you know when I first mentioned this, you didn't seem very enthused at all.
Cyrus: Well, it grew on me.
Alexandra: I think it just took some time to realize the possibilities.
Cyrus: Yeah, I think that's true.
Alexandra: People are going to start arriving. And that's Kelly, she is in charge of the donation table. So I think we should go say hello.
Cyrus: I'll catch up. I just have a quick call to make.
Alexandra: To?
Cyrus: There is a lot of money coming through here tonight. It wouldn't hurt to double check security.
Alexandra: I can't tell you what this means to me.
Cyrus: I could have killed you before.
Griggs: You had to make me the chauffeur. That's borderline racist.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. Next time I'll do better.
Griggs: Next time? No. I count on retiring after tonight.
Cyrus: Let's see if we can make your wish come true. You ready to test the receiver?
Griggs: Go.
Cyrus: Testing, testing, one million, two million, three million.
Griggs: Perfect.
Cyrus: I'll read the routing and account numbers straight off the checks when they come in. Don't transfer the money one by one. We'll wait until the end of the night and transfer them all together. It's safer that way.
Marina: Dad, it's not safe for Harley to go to the Spaulding event all alone.
Frank: Marina.
Marina: Gus is going to be there, he is a Spaulding, she shouldn’t go by herself.
Harley: I'm okay.
Marina: She's just trying to be brave.
Frank: Do you have any idea why I don't want you there?
Marina: I can handle myself around Cyrus Foley.
Frank: I guess I'm being overprotective.
Marina: Make it up to me by letting me go with Harley.
Frank: Well, I guess I'll be logging evidence tonight.
Marina: That's okay. Mallet said he'll take care of it.
Alan: Has Raphael ever seen his mom this gorgeous?
Natalia: Rafe doesn't care.
Alan: Are you ready to go to the limo?
Natalia: I'm just going to freshen up, and I will meet you in the driveway.
Gus: You're actually going to this thing with him?
Natalia: You scared me.
Gus: You're actually starting to scare me.
Natalia: Please.
Gus: Please what? He's acting like he's going to the prom.
Natalia: This is not a date. I'm seeing Remy, and Alan knows that.
Gus: I remember.
Natalia: Why would you even say that?
Cyrus: You look swamped already. Anything I can do to help?
Kelly: No. There is not much to it. People just give me the checks and I log them in on this form.
Cyrus: I bet it would go quicker if somebody was reading off the numbers for you. Allow me. Are you ready?
Kelly: Yeah.
Cyrus: Constance Harcourt, 9, 3, 1, 7, 6, 1, 9, 6, 4, 1.
Dinah: I haven't forgotten to do one thing.
Mallet: Oh, oh, no, you remembered that. You remember a few things.
Dinah: (Laughs) Hey, be honest with me. You're not digging yourself into a deeper hole by bringing me here?
Mallet: No, no. We're not doing this tonight. We're here to have fun.
Vanessa: Well, hello. Don't you look beautiful.
Dinah: I didn't know you were going to be here, Mom.
Vanessa: Well, it's just...
Billy: Hey, everybody.
Mallet: Hey, Billy.
Dinah: Are you guys here together?
Vanessa: Yeah.
Billy: It's all for a good cause.
Mallet: Billy, let's get these ladies some drinks. What do you say?
Billy: I think that's a fine idea.
Dinah: Are you dating Billy?
Vanessa: No. We just came to the party together. That's all.
Dinah: Mom, your divorce isn't even final.
Vanessa: Oh, good grief, Dinah. You're making way, way too much of this.
Dinah: Didn't he, like, ruin your life?
Vanessa: Well, if I was honest, I would say I was partly to blame.
Dinah: So you guys had a bad time, but he is better than Matt.
Vanessa: Wait, wait. Are you upset because I came to a party with Billy, or Matt and I are getting divorced?
Dinah: You know what this will do to Matt if he finds out.
Vanessa: Wait a minute. Has Matt been talking to you about personal matters?
Dinah: We're friends, Mom.
Vanessa: Oh? Well, Billy and I are friends.
Alan: Doctor, I would like for you to meet the mother of my grandson, Natalia Rivera, and this is his wife, Zoë.
Natalia: Nice to meet you.
Cyrus: This isn't right.
Marina: That's my line. How do you expect to rob the Spaulding’s if you're here all night?
Cyrus: Maybe I already did it.
Marina: Is that a confession?
Cyrus: Just think what our lives will be like.
Marina: I can’t. Did I mention I'm on detail.
Cyrus: Ignorance is your best friend tonight.
Marina: Okay.
Cyrus: If you don't know how I did it, then there is no crime.
Marina: And interesting legal theory.
Cyrus: It's not legal. It's personal. Stop trying to figure this out. Just go with what you feel. Go with what you feel.
Marina: Sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all.
Cyrus: I believe we've gotten to know each other about as well as two people ever could.
Marina: This is a dare. It's like you're challenging me to figure out how you're going to take Alex’s money.
Alexandra: Oh, there you are! Marina, I didn't realize you were going to be joining us tonight.
Marina: I'm on police detail from S.P.D.
Cyrus: Criminals beware.
Alexandra: You might check the loading dock because the caterers like to run off with the extra food, and we always donate that.
Marina: I'll check that out.
Alexandra: Come with me, some wonderful people I want you to meet.
Dinah: Matt, where are you?
Matt: Getting ready to go out. I decided to go to the fundraiser.
Dinah: That's where I am now.
Matt: Great, I'll see you there.
Dinah: Matt, my mom is here with Billy.
Matt: I can handle that.
Dinah: Okay. I just wanted you to know.
Matt: Are you telling me to stay away?
Dinah: You know what, that's your call.
Mallet: Here you go. Here you are.
Dinah: Always taking care of me.
Mallet: How's Matt? I mean, did you call him?
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. He's, um, disappointed.
Mallet: So you're not going to let your mom showing up with Billy ruin your night, are you?
Dinah: Absolutely not.
Billy: Oh, hey!
Vanessa: Oh, oh, oh.
Billy: Hey, don't mention it.
Vanessa: He just never changes. I'm so sorry.
Billy: No, he doesn’t. It's a good thing that was yours. And it's a good thing I quit drinking. Because if that had been mine, I would’ve been seeing red -- see, I knew there was a reason I quit.
Vanessa: You don't have to say that.
Billy: You sure?
Vanessa: Yeah. I mean, I think you're trying to be funny, but I think you're also trying to reassure me.
Billy: Yeah, maybe.
Vanessa: You don't have to.
Billy: Hey, I really don't?
Vanessa: No. You're not the same person that I knew.
Billy: Well, I don't know that I'd go that far.
Vanessa: I like the person you've become. And that other guy, I don't think about him. Come on.
Alan: Well, congratulations, sis. This is quite a big turn out tonight.
Alexandra: I'm just trying to live up to your reputation of the event last year.
Alan: Oh, stop blowing smoke. I can read you like a book.
Alexandra: What was I thinking?
Alan: Go ahead and admit it. You want to outshine me tonight just like you want to show these people you can run the business better than I can.
Alexandra: I will, and I do.
Alan: Go for it.
Alexandra: Are you sure it won't damage your fragile ego?
Alan: You get the stock price up, and I'll get over it. I've come to learn there are more important things in life than just business.
Alexandra: Maybe there are.
Gus: Truce?
Natalia: You think I'm mad at you?
Gus: You're not?
Natalia: Maybe I'll be mad tomorrow.
Gus: It's just that I have known Alan for a long time.
Natalia: Okay, we're not going to talk about this.
Gus: Oh.
Natalia: I think we should stick together as a team, especially these days.
Gus: Our little Romeo?
Natalia: (Laughs) No Romeo. Forget it.
Gus: Tell me.
Natalia: It's not about Daisy and Rafe. That's not funny.
Gus: No.
Natalia: But that's what we used to call you.
Gus: Who?
Natalia: Me and my girlfriends used to call you little Romeo.
Gus: Who, was it you?
Natalia: Uh-huh.
Gus: Oh, my! That's embarrassing.
Natalia: It's not embarrassing. But you came to my window and you were throwing pebbles at my window. And it's weird because it was the city and you could get shot. Did you have any name for me?
Gus: Oh, yeah. It was Natalia.
Natalia: That's stupid.
Gus: We're stupid.
Natalia: I didn't know that she was going to be here tonight.
Gus: That makes two of us.
Cyrus: That's very generous.
Mrs. Shuet : There is more where that came from.
Cyrus: I'm sure there is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll make sure this gets to the right person. I've got another one for you, Griggs. Mrs. Shuet. With a name like that, she deserves to have her account cleaned out. Here we go, 9, 3, 1... (static noises)
Mallet: Marina.
Marina: Mallet, just a second.
Mallet: Are you pulling duty right now? What’s wrong with your radio?
Marina: It's nothing. I got signal interference.
Mallet: No kidding. I get that all the time. Maybe one day we'll get new radios. I feel kind of bad that you're working and I took the night off.
Marina: Don’t. It's pretty quiet.
Mallet: I guess it beats being at the station alone, right?
Gus: I... I guess... I should go over there.
Natalia: Yeah, go.
Gus: I just want you to know that it's a nice feeling to laugh about something for a change. I just... I got to...
Natalia: Go. Go say hello.
Gus: Hey. You off duty, on duty?
Harley: On duty.
Gus: Right. I thought you would have cancelled or...
Harley: Well, frank was short.
Gus: Probably because I took off. Right?
Harley: Yes. But I guess you're on duty yourself because you have to take care of your family. I didn't mean that to come out as obnoxious as it was.
Gus: How is your daughter?
Harley: Daisy is depressed she can't be with the boy she loves, but I'm handling it.
Gus: Well, if you would like some support from me...
Harley: Well, I would like that, but I don't think that's appropriate. I don't think I should ask.
Gus: Well, I'm here.
Harley: You're not here anymore.
Gus: No. I'm... I'm right here.
Harley: Yeah.
Cyrus: Excuse me, coming through.
Marina: You thirsty?
Cyrus: Sh-sh-sh. I'm stealing these. Are you going to arrest me?
Marina: That’s not a serious question?
Cyrus: Change never hurt anybody-- change of style, change of locale.
Marina: I thought you liked me just the way I was.
Cyrus: (Laughs) I should stow these on the boat.
Marina: Optimist.
Cyrus: You're not going to leave me to drink by myself, are you?
Marina: How much did you rake in?
Cyrus: What?
Marina: Well, this is a fundraiser, right? How did the donations go?
Cyrus: Well, you'll have to ask Kelly. I think we did pretty well, though.
Billy: You enjoying yourself?
Vanessa: Yeah, I am.
Billy: I kind of am, too. And I'm surprised because I never thought I would enjoy a shindig put together by these people. But for some reason, this is different. Hey, let me get you a refill.
Vanessa: No, it's okay.
Billy: No, please. I'll be back in a jiff.
Matt: Where's your better half?
Vanessa: Don't do that.
Matt: I'm not here to cause trouble.
Vanessa: Are you sure?
Matt: How about a dance for old time's sake.
Vanessa: Matt, I really don't think I want to do that.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, the lady is not interested, okay?
Natalia: I will be right back.
Alan: And I will be waiting.
Gus: This is a no smoking zone. It's also a watch who you hit on zone.
Alan: Have you got a problem, Gus?
Gus: Only if you're doing what I think you're doing.
Alan: Well, I guess there is a problem.
Harley: Cyrus Foley? Nervous? What are you up to?
Cyrus: I was just... nothing.
Harley: It's not nothing. It's my niece you're messing with.
Cyrus: Oh, that's what this is about?
Harley: What did you think?
Cyrus: That's an excellent question.
Harley: You are a married man, and not to Marina. Do you think this is fair to her? Do you think it is fair to Alexandra?
Cyrus: Fair?
Harley: Yes, fair, fair! Is that a tough concept for you.
Cyrus: No, but...
Harley: You are a married man. Three in a marriage is one too many. Trust me, I know. It's wrong.
Cyrus: Personal experience? At least I know where this is coming from.
Alan: You know, these things shouldn't be illegal. They're too good.
Gus: We were talking about Natalia.
Alan: I'm just trying to understand why you're jealous, Gus.
Gus: I'm not jealous, Dad. I just think you should stay away from her.
Alan: You're jealous.
Gus: Is this why you've been backing off from the company? You just want to concentrate on her now.
Alan: Well, you weren't interested in her. God knows I tried to push you there.
Gus: No. You just wanted Harley out of my life.
Alan: Well, you're free now, Gus, but you're not going after Natalia. So what is a beautiful, special woman supposed to do when you won't pull the trigger?
Gus: Hey.
Natalia: Hey.
Gus: Would you care to dance?
Natalia: Well, I was...
Gus: I'm sure that my father won't mind. Will you, Dad?
Harley: It still stands, what I said about you and Marina. You don't have some great in sight to me.
Cyrus: It's cool...
Harley: Don't be patronizing. You never took her feelings seriously.
Cyrus: You don't know that.
Harley: You broke her heart marrying Alexandra like that.
Cyrus: Well, I'm trying to make it up to her.
Harley: Like that's possible. You don't know what it's like for her going through this, thinking that you know somebody, or hoping that you do, anyway.
Cyrus: Know someone well enough to rely on them when it really counts?
Harley: Yes, exactly.
Cyrus: You hope they'll do the right thing, but you can't be sure.
Harley: Yes. You think you know somebody and still you can't be sure. How is that possible?
Cyrus: Well, if you find out, let me know.
Harley: Yeah. I'll check shipping.
Cyrus: There is plenty more where that came from.
Gus: Hmm.
Natalia: I like this song.
Gus: You do?
Natalia: Uh-huh.
Gus: I like it, too. I just wish it was a little faster.
Natalia: Nicky...
Gus: Hmm?
Natalia: When I walked over before, you and Alan were arguing about something.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Natalia: Was it about me?
Gus: You? No, no. No.
Dinah: Tonight's pretty special.
Mallet: Yes, and I owed you this.
Dinah: No.
Mallet: Yes. Things have been pretty tense. After everything you've gone through. Maybe I haven't made it easier on you. Maybe I made it harder...
Dinah: That's not true.
Mallet: Well, either way, tonight feels like a fresh start, one we both deserve.
Dinah: Amen.
Frank: Mallet, I need to talk to you.
Mallet: Can it wait, Frank?
Frank: No, it can’t.
Matt: This is the guy you picked? You spent years trying to get over what he did to you.
Vanessa: I am not picking anybody.
Matt: I don't want him spending one minute with my daughter.
Vanessa: Matt, go sober up.
Billy: Yeah, go sober up, okay.
Waiter: Can I take that for you, sir.
Frank: In and an unmarked envelope in your desk.
Mallet: It's not what you think. It's all still there, Frank. I have not spent a single penny.
Frank: That's your excuse!
Mallet: No, it's not an excuse, Frank. I know that it's not an excuse. It's just, buddy, I'm up against it. I'm backed into a corner. I'm working three jobs to keep up with the medical bills. You know what the problem is? They just keep coming and coming.
Frank: I know you have it rough now.
Mallet: I wasn't going to spend it. I already decided to put it back. I promise, man. You know me. You know me. I can't let Dinah down on this one. She's the reason I took the money. I've been in a hole, and I don't know how to get out of it. It's all I got, man. I'm asking for a second chance, Frank, please.
Frank: You know I can't do that.
Mallet: Frank, I need this job.
Frank: Mallet, I told you a long time ago you were way over your head trying to take care of Dinah all by yourself. I don't want to make this worse for you. I just don't know what I'm going to do right now.
Mallet: Frank! Frank!
Matt: Sorry, Dinah, I've got to...
Dinah: No, Matt, wait. Don't go.
Alexandra: Oh.
Cyrus: Why don't I put these somewhere safe.
Woman: He is everything you said he was.
Alexandra: I know.
Cyrus: I've got a couple more for you, Kelly. You ready for some more numbers? Okay, 3, 2, 7, 6, 1, 9, 6, 4, 1, 2, 7, 1, 7.
Dinah: Matt, I'm glad you're here.
Matt: Dinah, this is really not a great time for me.
Dinah: Not a great time for me, either. But I think we need to talk.
Man: Sorry to interrupt.
Dinah: That's all right. We're just talking. Do you think maybe you could go inside and find Detective Mallet for me? Appreciate it.
Matt: What was that all about?
Dinah: I just thought maybe we should have some privacy.
Matt: Yeah, look, Dinah, whatever it is, just tell me what it is. If I can help you out, I will...
Dinah: I decided you were right.
Matt: What are you talking about?
Dinah: I think I've been just stupid fighting my feelings for you. I think after the kiss, I think I don't want to miss out on something this great. I love Mallet, but I don’t... I don't want to miss out on this. Do you?
Frank: Get over here. We are not finished.
Mallet: Frank, I know you're angry. You have every right to be angry. But right now I need to find Dinah.
Harley: Well, I guess you got what you wanted.
Alan: Not exactly.
Alexandra: Well...
Vanessa: Hello.
Alexandra: Hello, darling. Having a good time?
Vanessa: I was.
Alexandra: I'm sorry.
Vanessa: That's silly of me to say. It's perfectly wonderful, but...
Alexandra: But what?
Vanessa: Billy brought me here and then left me.
Alexandra: There seems to be a lot of that going around tonight.
Vanessa: Not so nice. Thank you.
[Background music]
Mallet: Dinah? Dinah!
Cyrus: Hey, Griggs, it's me. We'll get a few more and then it's time to stop, wrap this puppy up.
Marina: 3, 7, 9...
Cyrus: You came out of nowhere.
Marina: I came from right there.
Cyrus: What were you saying?
Marina: Those were the numbers to my bank account. I thought you might want to double check them with whoever you are feeding them to.
Cyrus: You've got it wrong.
Marina: No, Cyrus. I had it wrong before when I thought you were just going to rob the Spaulding’s. But now I see you are going to rob everybody at this party. And you know I can't let you do that.
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