GL Transcript Monday 9/17/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/17/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Alan: I don't like being summoned.

Doris: Shh, the camera.

Reporter: We're here with Doris Wolfe, D.A. and candidate for mayor.

Doris: Thank you, Mark. First, I would like to welcome one of Springfield's leading citizens, as well as my number-one ally in this campaign.

Alan: I thought we agreed that I would stay behind the scenes.

Doris: Yeah. We also agreed that you would be there when I needed you. Where were you?

Jeffrey: Where were you? I was about to send out the Marines.

Reva: I'm sorry. Oh, look at this! You got all my favorite food! Mmm. Here's...

Jeffrey: You know what? That can wait. Sit down. I came back, you're not here again.

Reva: Well, I guess I just... I've been living alone for too long.

Jeffrey: Reva, Reva, I'm not just your roommate, okay? I'm the guy who lives with you. I'm the guy who shares your bed.

Reva: I know.

Jeffrey: Yeah and you leave without any notice and then you come back and you're best buddies with Alan Spaulding. I think it's time to start talking.

Doris: I won't let Alan be so modest. Frankly, his plan to revitalize Main Street is sheer genius.

Alan: Well, actually, it was my son Phillip's vision and when Doris is elected mayor, it will become a reality.

Coop: A nightmare, you mean.

Ashlee: I have to go.

Coop: What, now?

Ashlee: Well, I told her that I'd be there so people wouldn't think I was against her.

Coop: Ashlee, you are against her.

Ashlee: I know, but she's my mom and sometimes she was the only one that was... you know?

Coop: What?

Ashlee: Look.

Coop: Ashlee, you can tell me whatever it is.

Ashlee: I'll meet you later.

Coop: That's not telling...

Ashlee: (Giggles)

Coop: Okay. That's...

Ava: (Laughs) Oh, forgive me. It's just hard to find privacy in a town like Springfield.

Jack: I wish I could say it's my boyish good looks, but something tells me you want something.

Ava: Yeah. I told you I'm friends with Ashlee Wolfe.

Jack: I'm glad to hear she has a good friend.

Ava: Yeah, she's the best. But she's a little closed about her past. That's why I was thinking about throwing her a party and inviting some of her friends from her old town.

Jack: You don't know Ashlee at all, do you?

Ava: Sure, we're really close.

Jack: Then you'd know I'm the last person she'd want to see.

Alan: Doris is absolutely right.

Beth: Oh, my God.

Alan: We're going to take this great city...

Beth: There's Alan. What has she got on poor Alan?

Alan: Doris is unafraid...

Dinah: I don't know, but...

Alan: ...And has the courage to take this great city into the future.

Dinah: ...There's Mallet.

Doris: See why I married him?

Beth: I didn't know Mallet was working security for Doris.

Dinah: Yeah, neither did I.

Beth: Well, does he believe in her campaign?

Dinah: What he believes in is working overtime to pay my medical bills.

Beth: Oh, right. He's one of the good guys.

Dinah: Yeah, he's the best.

Alan: Well, if that's all.

Reporter: I have more questions for you, Mr. Spaulding. You're such a man of mystery.

Reva: I told you that Alan and I went away to have some quality time together.

Jeffrey: Yeah. And now you're amigos. What does he have on you, hmm? Is this about Jonathan and Sarah?

Reva: If it were about Jonathan and Sarah, do you think he'd be hanging out with me?

Jeffrey: Then what the hell

Reva: What makes you think that...?

Alan: Every man or woman has a mystery or two. Even someone you'd least expect.

Reva: You know what? Um, I'm sorry, but I'm just... I'm going to have to leave.

Jeffrey: Reva, you just got here.

Reva: I'll be back! I will be back. Keep it warm!

Doris: I am not afraid of hard work.

Dinah: I'm not helpless, you know?

Beth: Nobody said you were.

Doris: And serving as your D.A. has allowed me to know Springfield and to see Springfield at its worst and its best. I plan to celebrate its best and fix the worst. Bring it on. And with a man like Alan Spaulding, a visionary like Alan...

Beth: Oh, please, please. I'm sorry, just... visionary, Alan; that's a word I can't abide.

Dinah: Don't tell me you miss him.

Beth: No. No. It's... I... I love Rick and I love our life together. It's just that...

Dinah: Well, happiness has its own set of problems, right? (Laughs) When you feel like a burden and you feel like you're a financial drain.

Beth: And like you're 100 pounds overweight.

Dinah: Yeah. Stop. You're beautiful.

Beth: Oh, look how who's talking. I hope Mallet knows how lucky he is. How lucky you both are.

Doris: As D.A., I strongly support the police as evidenced by the presence of Detective A.C. Mallet.

Alan: I second that. Now, if you will excuse me.

Reporter: Detective, does this mean you support Ms. Wolfe?

Mallet: Well, just because I...

Doris: You know, policy actually prevents any official endorsement, but I am proud to have heroes like Detective Mallet on our team.

Alan: Reva, I thought we agreed to give each other some space.

Reva: And I thought we agreed to keep our secret.

Alan: I haven't breathed a word.

Reporter: One more question.

Alan: I've said all I intend on saying.

Reporter: It's for you, Ms. Shayne.

Reva: For me?

Reporter: As an icon of Springfield TV, voters listen to you.

Reva: "Icon"? Isn't that the word they use when they're writing your obituary?

Alan: As someone who's known Reva Shayne for quite some while, I'll tell you that she has a lot more living to do.

Reporter: So you're here to join Mr. Spaulding in supporting Doris Wolfe?

Reva: I'm actually here to learn more about my friend Alan's plans.

Alan: Ah, my harshest critic, and yet I wouldn't want anyone else in my foxhole.

Reva: Spoken like a true fox.

Jeffrey: If they air kiss, I'll puke. That's it.

Ashlee: Sorry I'm late. Um, what's... Mom, what's going on? Well, I thought you needed me for that photo-op thing.

Doris: Yeah, well if a certain someone would stop hogging the camera.

Ashlee: You're jealous of Reva?

Doris: Jealous? Me?

Ashlee: Mom, Alan was never the right guy for you. When the right guy comes along, you'll know it.

Doris: Okay, since when have you become an expert on Mr. Right?

Ashlee: When I found him. Oh, wait, he followed me! Let's go!

Doris: Oh, Ashlee, do not pursue this, okay? He will stomp on your heart. I'm just trying to warn you.

Ashlee: Mom, stop, stop!

Coop: Ashlee, hey, you left without saying good-bye. Hi.

Ava: You could make a girl feel unwanted.

Jack: I can't see you going wanting for very long.

Ava: Oh. Well, you either. But that doesn't mean that we don't hurt.

Jack: Somebody hurt you?

Ava: No. I was thinking about you and Ashlee.

Jack: Me and Ashlee?

Ava: Yeah, you might be a little old for her but...

Jack: First you lie about being her friend, and then you lie about wanting to throw a party for her...

Ava: Okay, you know what? She is involved with a very good friend of mine.

Jack: How good?

Ava: I just don't want to see him get hurt.

Jack: Ashlee and I used to see each other all the time. We had a good relationship.

Ava: Really?

Jack: I was her counselor, strictly professional.

Ava: Like a therapist?

Jack: I've said all I'm going to say.

Ava: Okay. Wait. No! Why was Ashlee seeing a counselor?

Jack: I can't talk about this.

Ava: Someone's happiness is at stake here.

Jack: Yours?

Ava: I'm sorry. I'm sorry we started out on the wrong foot.

Jack: That's the first honest thing you've said to me. So I'll repay the favor. Leave this alone.

Coop: Doris, it's... wow. That's a great suit you've got there. It's very pelosian.

Doris: Why my daughter?

Ashlee: Mom!

Doris: No, really. It's a simple question. I know what's in it for her. Henry, why don't you tell me what's in it for you?

Jeffrey: How are you doing?

Ava: Good. So, Alan and Reva are back. I guess he didn't drop her out of that plane after all.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well I don't know what he did, but... you didn't come over here to talk about that, did you?

Ava: No. I came to ask you for some advice.

Jeffrey: Advice?

Ava: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay, let's see. Father advice, doubtful. Lawyer advice, you can't afford me.

Ava: Special-op advice.

Jeffrey: Uh-oh, what's going on?

Ava: Well, you know that I'm on the fast track at Spaulding, right? I'm on Alan's radar.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I heard. Alan's got his iron in a lot of fires these days, doesn't he?

Ava: What?

Jeffrey: Nothing. Sorry, go on.

Ava: Well, he's backing Doris Wolfe for mayor. I just don't want it to backfire.

Jeffrey: So you're backing up the boss, huh?

Ava: Well, you know, since you used to work for Doris or against Doris, I thought maybe there was some stuff you knew or could find out.

Jeffrey: Well, Doris leads a pretty open life.

Ava: I mean before she came to town, when she was living in Clayton, when she was a single mom. She and Ashlee, maybe they had some problems they didn't want anybody to know about.

Jeffrey: Uh-huh.

Ava: Do you think you could do a little digging?

Jeffrey: For Alan's sake?

Ava: What's good for the boss is good for the career. What do you say?

Jeffrey: Um, I would say that you're still an amateur liar. I would say that you're trying to get some dirt on Ashlee because you want to hurt her and you want to pry Coop away from her. That's what I would say.

Ava: Okay, well, what if that's true. What am I supposed to do? Just stand back and let her win the fight.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, a fair fight is one thing, but what you're suggesting is pure Olivia.

Ava: At least my mother would be on my side.

Jeffrey: Hey, I am on your side, okay? In case you haven't noticed, Olivia's way always ends up making you more miserable.

Ava: I cannot believe that you want me to walk away from something in my heart that I know is supposed to...

Jeffrey: Ava, it's not up to you, okay? If Coop is drawn to Ashlee, there's nothing you can do...

Ava: What if Reva was drawn to someone? What if Reva was drawn to someone that you knew was bad? Would you just throw your arms up and walk the other way? I don't think so. Thanks for nothing.

Jeffrey: Ava... (sighs)

Ashlee: I came here to support you. Not because I'm voting for you but because you are my mother. I can see that family loyalty only goes one way, so let's go, Coop Cooper. Let's go.

Coop: You know what? She asked a question and the least I can do is answer it.

Doris: And none of this "aw shucks, I'm sweet on your daughter" stuff.

Coop: Well, don't worry, Doris. I'm not sweet on Ashlee. What I feel for her is real, and it's hot.

Doris: Oh, you expect me to believe...

Coop: You can believe whatever you want, but I chased her and I caught her.

Doris: You chased her?

Coop: Doris, Ashlee is not like you at all. She's not desperate for approval. All right, she wants to be won over, and I'm the lucky guy who did it.

Ashlee: I'm sorry, do you have any more questions?

Coop: Oh, you know what? Before I forget, you're going to be at the Spaulding diabetes fund-raiser, right?

Doris: Naturally.

Coop: Okay. Well, so will we. I certainly hope you don't use the occasion to start trouble. It's an evening to think about others. Perhaps you should try it. Ashlee?

Doris: You know, Ashlee, if you don't mind..

Ashlee: You know, Coop, it's fine. Hold on one second. I'll be right there.

Doris: All right, so he seems to care about you.

Ashlee: Seems? Why do you have to qualify anything?

Doris: What does it matter? Sooner or later...

Ashlee: Mom, don't hex this. Don't ruin this for me.

Doris: I am only telling you things you already know. I mean, every time this happens...

Ashlee: This is different. Coop is different.

Doris: I'm sure he is. Excuse me, Detective, I thought you needed the extra work.

Mallet: Yeah. The interview was over.

Doris: Oh, no, no, no. I tell you when it's over. You're on my time.

Mallet: Okay. Look, Doris...

Doris: No, no, it's Miss Wolfe to you, or District Attorney, or maybe you can afford to lose this job.

Mallet: No, Miss Wolfe.

Doris: Good. Then you'll be coming with me. I have more babies to kiss and you're going to make sure that they don't spit up on me.

Dinah: Miss Wolfe, on behalf of my husband, I have something to say.

Doris: And what's that?

Dinah: He quits.

Reporter: That's a wrap. Mr. Spaulding, if I can give you my card.

Alan: Get lost!

Reva: Boy, one thing hasn't changed. You're still as charming as ever.

Alan: Nothing has changed. You get on with your life, and I get on with mine.

Reva: You know what? That's easy to say.

Alan: We have a deal, remember? We're nice in public, keep up the appearance...

Reva: Yeah, well, those appearances make us look like we're on drugs. It's only making people more suspicious, Alan.

Alan: Do you suggest that we go back being enemies?

Reva: We are enemies. It's just that we...

Alan: For richer or for poorer.

Reva: Yeah, you know, it is kind of like a...

Alan: Unholy alliance.

Reva: We're not going to have to exchange blood rings or anything, I hope.

Alan: No, something harder. We'll have to learn to trust each other, Reva.

Reva: Heaven help us.

Alan: This has nothing to do with heaven.

Jeffrey: Well I've heard of dogs and cats getting along, red states and blue states, but Reva and Alan? No way.

Alan: Believe it or not, Jeffrey, I'm a changed man.

Jeffrey: I don't believe it.

Alan: Doris and I made peace with one another. That's why I'm backing her.

Jeffrey: For a reason, I'm sure.

Alan: Well, I won't deny that-- to complete Phillip's dream. And that's where Reva comes in.

Jeffrey: You hated Phillip.

Reva: No, never.

Jeffrey: And everything he stood for.

Alan: Only the way it ended.

Jeffrey: So, what, he speaks for you now, too?

Reva: Alan and I just decided that whatever divides us, we both still love Springfield.

Alan: And by making peace it frees us up to do the big battles.

Reva: Right, like make sure Buzz is elected mayor over Doris.

Alan: (Laughs) You see, we agree to disagree. Reva, I do hope I see you at the Spaulding gala.

Reva: Satisfied?

Jeffrey: Not really.

Mallet: Sorry. Ms. Wolfe? Um, yeah, yeah, I want this job.

Doris: Well, good. Then I will expect you at the Spaulding gala prepared to protect me.

Dinah: Well, I hope you told her where to stick her campaign pin.

Mallet: Yes, I told her exactly how I feel.

Dinah: Good.

Mallet: Now it's your turn.

Coop: Hey, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop. You are not working today, all right? I am taking care of you.

Ashlee: Well, even Cinderella kept cleaning in case the glass slipper didn't fit.

Coop: Yeah, complain. This is not a fairy tale, though. Although your mom could probably be one heck of a wicked witch.

Ashlee: (Laughs) Yeah, well, she think she knows everything just because of the way things used to be.

Coop: You mean when you were little?

Ashlee: Well, when I was the girl who...

Coop: What? Ashlee, you can tell me.

Ashlee: Who thought that she'd never get her prince.

Coop: (Laughs) Okay. I, first off, am not...

Ashlee: No, no, you are. You really... you know what, you're better than that, actually. You're a real, live boyfriend. I'm sorry, I must sound so lame.

Coop: No, no, it's... honestly, I prefer the "B" word than the "P" word, so I guess by that principle, that would make you my... my "G"...

Ava: Talk about timing.

Ashlee: As in bad.

Coop: Ava, you know what, we're right in the middle of something right now.

Ava: I was just actually talking about you, Ashlee, to an old friend of yours.

Ashlee: I have no friends.

Coop: Excuse me?

Ashlee: I mean old ones.

Ava: It's going to be hard to forget this one. He's a really hot guy.

Coop: Really?

Ava: Yeah.

Coop: So, who is he?

Ashlee: I don't know.

Ava: He says he knows you from the old neighborhood, Clayton.

Coop: I think you're holding out on me.

Ashlee: Who's this guy?

Ava: Jack-- I don't know-- something. He said to say hi.

Ashlee: Jack?

Ava: Yeah. Jack Summers. Is that right?

Coop: Ashlee, you okay?

Ashlee: What? Oh, yeah.

Coop: So, who is this guy?

Ashlee: It doesn't matter. I... I... I want to go.

Ava: Did I say something to upset you?

Coop: Ava, you know what, maybe you should go.

Ava: You know what? Why don't you save a dance for me at the Spaulding gala, if you can spare it.

Coop: All right, please. Okay, Ashlee, who is this Jack?

Ashlee: Never mind.

Coop: No, no, no. Ava dropped this little bombshell on purpose, okay? Now, you don't have to answer this question.

Ashlee: Thank you.

Coop: Now. Look, if you... if you want this to work-- if you really want this to work-- you're going to have to go ahead and tell me about the bad stuff, not just the good.

Ashlee: Fine, okay, fine. He was... a guy at my school. He worked there, he was a guidance counselor. He was a real pain. He was not very nice to me and I just want to go now.

Coop: Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, you want to leave?

Ashlee: Yeah, I want to get home before I turn into a pumpkin.

Coop: There's not a chance of that, okay? Come on.

Alan: May I?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.

Alan: Good.

Beth: I saw you on TV.

Alan: I know what you're going to say. Politics makes the strangest bedfellows.

Beth: Actually, I was not going to say that. I was going to ask if you really were going to use Phillip's plan.

Alan: Yes, a modified version.

Beth: He would like that.

Alan: I'd like to think so. Especially since I won't be having another heir with my name.

Beth: This is where I go, I guess.

Alan: Beth, I'm sorry. No, please, please. I'm sorry. I... you know, I was... I was wrong to insinuate myself between you and Rick and the baby.

Beth: (Laughs) What did you just say?

Alan: I'm... I'm very sorry. It was wrong of me. I... I don't know, I've had some kind of mid-life conversion or something. Nothing like Josh experienced, but I did sort of see the light on a few things in my life.

Beth: Alan, I don't... I don't know what to say.

Alan: I know that I have claimed this has happened to me before, Beth, but this time it's really true. I want to move on with my life. I want to let people live and let live.

Beth: No more checking up on my checkups?

Alan: No, no, that's a thing of the past. That is unless Rick doesn't take care of you.

Beth: Rick is a wonderful doctor and he'll make a terrific father.

Alan: I meant, Beth, does he make you happy?

Beth: I have the life with Rick that I always wanted even if I didn't know that I wanted it.

Alan: Okay. Well, if you're happy then I'm happy. Well, I need to get back to the house. James is going to be in the pool all day. We're closing it tomorrow for the fall and I want to make sure I'm there. Now, you know that you're invited if you'd like to come over.

Beth: Oh, well, I don't know that I...

Alan: I'm sure that Rick is expecting you, I understand.

Beth: No, I can do whatever I want.

Alan: Well, great.

Reva: Do you have any idea what I have been through in the last 24 hours?

Jeffrey: No, I don't. But, you know, whatever it is, if you can smoke the peace pipe with Alan Spaulding...

Reva: I am trying to explain to you... I signed my divorce papers, okay? It's officially over with me and Josh.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I...

Reva: It's okay.

Jeffrey: How are you feeling?

Reva: I feel like a big chunk of my life has ended, you know? But I also feel like a... like a whole new chapter of my life can begin.

Jeffrey: Well, speaking selfishly, I'm glad. As a matter of fact, I am thrilled.

Reva: Good. Forget about Alan; kiss me again.

Jeffrey: Are you sure that this has nothing to do with Jonathan and Sarah?

Reva: Well, you know, in a way, it does. It... I mean, I think that if I'm nice to him he'll start to think that maybe I've gotten over the loss of Jonathan and Sarah. It's like lulling the tiger to sleep.

Jeffrey: Got it all figured out, don't you?

Reva: Yeah, kind of. Except for this ache that needs rubbing.

Jeffrey: Ache?

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: This one?

Reva: Yeah. Ah! It's a little lower than that.

Jeffrey: Oh yeah? Well, let me see what I can do about that.

Dinah: I'm not an invalid. I can walk myself.

Mallet: I agree.

Dinah: A.C., now come on. Listen to me-- you are not going to work four jobs. You're not going to give up everything that you love just so we can pay our medical bills, okay? Now, there's got to be another way. Okay, stop. Stop making me feel wonderful one minute and a burden the next!

Mallet: Hey, listen to me, you need to get something through your head, okay? And you know what that is? You're not a burden.

Dinah: Come on. No, you know what? If I'm making you...

Mallet: You're not making me do anything. I'm your husband, okay? Which means I'm a jack of all trades. I do a little of this... then I do a little of this...

Dinah: (Laughs) Come on, Mallet. Mallet...

Mallet: I'm the guy who never wants to stop trying to keep you safe. And I'm the guy who never wants to stop spending every waking hour trying to make you happy. And I'm the guy who never wants to stop showing you how many ways that I love you. So, how's that sound? Does that sound like your guy?

I confess there's something tragic in her eyes

she's blessed, depressed. Her inner beauty remains

confined will she stay locked up

with all her dreams inside wonder why

broken glass squeezes in her

she stands there lets it bleed

perfectly mistaken, she don't need no help outside herself

believes there is nobody else I wonder why

she's breaking all the things that she knows

forsaking everything that she does

mistaken that she can't rise above

she cries if only she opened her eyes

the world won't stop spinning she flies

stands up all right and she's light again

I obsess there's something magic in her

eyes blessed, I guess,

where her inner beauty shines I wonder why

she's breaking all the things that she knows

forsaking everything that she does

mistaken that she can't rise

Dinah: Hey, there. Now are you going to play the very good cop and I'm the very bad girl?

Mallet: I wish, because you've been bad. Oh, so bad. But you know what, I've got to go back to the station and punch in.

Dinah: What are you talking about? You've been covering Doris all day. Let somebody else do it.

Mallet: Tom Miller asked me to take his shift and I said yeah. We need the money.

Dinah: You can barely keep your eyes open.

Mallet: That's okay, I'll... I don't know, I'll grab some coffee.

Dinah: No, I want you to grab me. Grab me and hold me and don't ever let go.

Mallet: Dinah...

Dinah: Oh, I get it. I get it. You've got to work. You've got to pay the bills.

Mallet: Well, you know what? It's not going to last forever.

Dinah: It just feels that way, eh?

Mallet: Who knows, maybe I'll come up with an idea to pay off all our medical bills and, plus, set us up for years to come.

Dinah: What are you talking about? Another job?

Mallet: No, something else.

Coop: Hey, hey, it's just me. It's okay. What are you doing out here?

Ashlee: Thinking.

Coop: About what?

Ashlee: I keep waiting for you to disappear.

Coop: Why? Hey.

Ashlee: Because everyone else has. Every... every friend I've ever had, every boy that I thought I...

Coop: What? Ashlee, you can tell me. Is this about that Jack guy or something? Come on, let's go inside.

Ashlee: No, look, look, I was having a hard time at school, my best friend had to move away with her family suddenly. I had a boyfriend for, like, two minutes and he got kicked out. He had to go away.

Coop: So the counselor, he helped you through it?

Ashlee: He was a good listener and he was there for me. He was a good friend. He was more than a friend; he was like an uncle or a dad and I really cared about him.

Coop: So what happened?

Ashlee: Turns out that Jack liked young girls. The cops raided his house and he was gone.

Coop: Ashlee, I'm not leaving, okay? I'm not moving off and I'm not dropping out. I am only into you, okay? Come here.

(Cell phone ringing)

Jeffrey: Reva?

Ava: Have you lost her again?

Jeffrey: No, I haven't lost her, damn it.

Ava: Don't bite my head off.

Jeffrey: Sorry.

Ava: I've been thinking about what you said, how I shouldn't go digging into things that don't concern me. But what if it does concern me? What if it just does and I... I can't do anything about that. Then what? Jeffrey? Are you there?

Jeffrey: Sometimes it's okay to dig.

(Cell phone ringing)

Jack: Ms. Peralta, I told you...

Ava: Easy, Jack, I'm not calling to steal Ashlee's secrets.

Jack: So, now I'm Jack?

Ava: You're a counselor, can't you read people?

Jack: You found me irresistible.

Ava: Interesting. You can call me Ava.

Jack: What do you want Ms. Peralta?

Ava: I wanted to invite you to be my guest at the Spaulding gala. It'll be fun.

Dinah: Hey, Matt. Hi. Yeah, I, um... I... you know, I don't feel like dealing with rehab today. Just don't feel like it. Want to hang out?

Reva: Does it help?

Alan: Does it help that you have Jeffrey to go home to? It's getting late, Reva. People are going to start talking.

Reva: People are already talking, Alan. We're right up there with Tomkat and Brangelina.

Alan: Who?

Reva: Never mind. How do you do it?

Alan: Years of practice, I guess.

Reva: Nobody that's tough, that...

Alan: Impervious? I'm not, Reva. I feel, I care. But I just let it slide off.

Reva: I'm not like you, Alan. I can't. It eats away at me.

Alan: Only if you let it.

Reva: How can I not let it? For God's sake, we killed someone.

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