GL Transcript Friday 9/14/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/14/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Frank: What's that?

Josh: That's my statement on the building collapse. I would have been here earlier, but I was at the hospital helping out with some of the accident victims.

Frank: Well, unfortunately, Josh, the press doesn't consider this an accident. We're lucky everyone made it out.

Josh: Yeah, I understand that. I'm taking full responsibility. It was a mistake on my part.

Frank: Well, um, as far as I'm concerned, this case is closed. Cassie came in and she admitted that she was at fault.

Josh: Cassie? Cassie had nothing to do with this.

Frank: Josh, here we go. You took the blame for her once. We're not doing this again.

Josh: Ah.

Coop: That would look good on you.

Ashlee: Ah, I was... ahh --

Coop: Do you want to try it on?

Ashlee: No, I don't. I was just looking. Because, I mean, I have nowhere to wear it. I'd wear it to clean the coffee pots at Co2.

Coop: Or you could wear it to the Spaulding charity hoo-ha next week.

Ashlee: Ah, you see I didn't get an invitation to any hoo-ha.

Coop: Uh-huh. Well, my dad actually got us a couple of tickets. So he wants us to recruit some donors for his campaign.

Ashlee: Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah. Absolutely. I'll meet you there.

Coop: Ashlee, I don't want to meet you there. I would like you to go with me as my date.

Ashlee: Really?

Coop: Yeah-- yes. Is there ever going to be a time when you're not going to be surprised that I want to go out with you?

Ashlee: I don't know, maybe like after we're married for like four years...and, that was a joke.

Coop: It's okay, I got it. Look, I just want to have a great time with you. So are we on, Ash?

Ashlee: Ah, it sounds really good, Coop Cooper-- it really does. I want to say yes. It's just that I don't want to rush into things.

Coop: Rush? Ashlee, we've been on one date in six months.

Ashlee: Yeah, I know. It's just when things get real, I just get-- you know, I'm going to call you, okay?

Doris: Ava?

Ava: Doris, hi. I was just leaving you some campaign flyers. I designed three of them, actually. Not that you'll like any of them, but...

Doris: You created flyers for my campaign?

Ava: I did. I did. Alan has been inspiring everybody to get involved. But I have to say, I truly believe in your cause.

Doris: Yeah, like what?

Ava: Well, you're tough on crime, right? I hate crime. And I was thinking about how you've embraced Ashlee since she's gotten out, and I find that very admirable.

Doris: Oh, yes, well, come on in. Ashlee-- well, I'm assuming you know she is supporting my opponent?

Ava: Why is she campaigning for Buzz? Hasn't she read any of your program initiatives?

Doris: I doubt it. She is spending way too much time with your ex.

Ava: Oh, yeah, Coop. Well, he's gonna leave her just like he left me, but, anyways-- and the Cooper’s, well, the Cooper’s are not you.

Doris: (Laughs)

Ava: So, Doris, what do you need?

Doris: Are you offering to work on my campaign?

Ava: I would love that. I'd like to learn everything I can from you.

Alan: Cassie?

Cassie: You have five seconds, Alan. Where is Reva. What the hell did you do to my sister?

Jeffrey: Give me the gun, Cassie.

Cassie: No! Where is she? What did you do to her?

Alan: Don't worry about your sister.

Cassie: Where is she? She's gone, isn't she. Just like Tammy, just like Jonathan and Sarah.

Alan: Cassie, listen.

Cassie: And you are not going to get away with it this time, Alan. You have taken the lives of four people that I love. And I should shoot you right now. I should just finish the job Ashlee started.

Jeffrey: Cassie, don't!

Cassie: Why the hell not?

Reva: Hey! What's going on? Cassie, what are you doing with a gun? Put it down! Are you all right?

Alan: I'm okay. But you got here just in time.

Cassie: What the hell?

Alan: I think, Reva, your sister thought that I may have a...

Reva: Really? You thought Alan had killed me?

Jeffrey: Well, you just disappeared, Reva, no call, no message. We knew you got into a fight. Ava told us.

Reva: I am so sorry I had you so worried. I really am. But, look, look, feel my pulse. Here, let me hug you.

Alan: She is better than ever. Feisty as ever, too, I might add.

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: So what the hell is going on? Ava told me you threatened to throw Reva out of a plane.

Reva: Oh, well, he was joking. (Laughs) I mean, things are good with us, right, Alan?

Alan: Things are better than ever.

Ava: This photograph doesn't do you any justice. And the bio, I mean, I can do the bio for you. I just need some personal information. So, you started out as the Assistant DA, and then you became the DA, and then what was before that?

Doris: An attorney.

Ava: Okay. What town was that?

Doris: That's not important.

Ava: I saw you doing an interview with Ashlee the other day, when the reporter was asking you about Ashlee dropping out school, you were giving some very vague answers.

Doris: I have to get that. Excuse me.

Ava: Uh-huh.

Doris: Doris Wolfe. Oh, never too busy for you. It's the attorney-general. I'll be right back.

Ava: Okay.

Doris: Yes.

Ava: Ashlee, what did you do?

Doris: Is everything okay here?

Ava: Oh, yeah. I was just going over some perspective voters' letters.

Doris: Okay, well, great. I have to make one more phone call, and then we'll get right to work.

Ava: Great.

Alan: I'm going to get your bags out there, off the boat. I'll be right back.

Reva: Okay. Thanks.

Cassie: Okay. Where am I? Did I just land on another planet?

Jeffrey: You're safe now. Look at me.

Reva: Oh, please. No, no, no. I haven't been drugged. I haven't been blackmailed. I'm feeling a little seasick, but other than that, I'm okay.

Cassie: None of this makes sense.

Jeffrey: You just disappeared, your house was a mess, the door was wide open. We knew that Alan was there.

Reva: I know.

Jeffrey: A chair was turned over...

Reva: Okay. I left in a hurry.

Jeffrey: To take a boat ride with Alan Spaulding?

Reva: Oh! You know what? We did, we had an argument, okay? We had an argument.

Cassie: And then what?

Reva: And then, you know, I had to go after him. I was angry. I went after him. I found out where he was going.

Alan: You want me to finish the story?

Reva: Just don't be long-winded about it.

Alan: Well, Reva followed me to my island house. And I saw her outside, through my window. And I grabbed her.

Reva: Yeah, and it scared the hell out of me.

Alan: And then she berated me about trying to put Daisy back in juvenile detention.

Reva: Yeah, and then he yelled at me because I went out partying with Lizzie, and let her get the butterfly tattoo you hate so much.

Alan: Yes. And then she grabbed a 50-year-old bottle of wine and...

Reva: Oh, come on. 50 years old, I poured it all over him.

Alan: Yeah, and here we are, arguing like a couple of teenagers. And we realized that the things that we were arguing about basically was our families.

Reva: Right. Right. And we talked a lot about that. And then I realized that we're a lot alike, and so we finished talking. All night long. We just stayed up and talked.

Cassie: And you expect us to believe that you just kissed and made up.

Reva: Well, actually, we didn't do that. But we did laugh a lot, and we hashed over a lot of things.

Alan: We came to terms with our past. Reva and I realize that we have a lot of things in common and a lot of the same priorities.

Jeffrey: You do?

Reva: Uh-huh. Actually, we declared a truce.

Alan: Yes.

Jeffrey: That's quite a story. It's very touching.

Reva: Thank you.

Jeffrey: Do you believe any of it?

Cassie: Not a word.

Josh: Golf balls, really? You're buying golf balls?

Billy: You know, I may be buried in work, but I deserve something. What's your problem?

Josh: You're letting Cassie take the blame for your mistake?

Billy: What are you talking about?

Josh: I just came from the police station, Billy. You know, I was trying to give Frank my statement on the accident, but he informed me that Cassie has already come forward and taken the blame.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: And you knew about it.

Billy: Hey, I know she wanted to.

Josh: And you didn't say a word to me!

Billy: She told me in confidence.

Josh: I think you're both crazy.

Billy: Well, aren't we lucky that you're here now to straighten us all out.

Josh: Hey, I don't need the attitude from you right now, Billy.

Billy: Josh, I tried to talk her out...

Josh: You tried.

Billy: Yeah, I did. I reminded her about R.J. and Cassie has a mind of her own. She is stubborn. She wants to pay you back for going to jail for her. And, you know what, I'll tell you something, she actually made a pretty good argument.

Josh: Really?

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: Why don't you tell me exactly what's good about any of this?

Billy: She said she's an amateur, and she doesn't know her way around carpentry. Now, she said people will forgive her for hiring the wrong contractor the way they would not forgive us.

Josh: You mean you.

Billy: Yeah, right, me. Okay, look. I'll go down and talk to Frank.

Josh: No, you can't do that, Billy. You know why? Because he already-- he already thinks that I'm trying to cover for her, the same way I did when Alan was shot. So you can't do that. I don't get you. I really don't get you! What the hell is wrong with you?

Billy: Whoa, just calm down here. What's the worse that can happen. She has to go and give a press conference.

Josh: Yeah, but that might send her over the edge again, Billy! I don't understand you! I really-- I have a good mind right now to...

Billy: Oh, hey, you have a good mind to hit me?

Josh: Yeah.

Billy: Go ahead, hit me!

Josh: Oh, really?

Billy: Go ahead, hit me.

Josh: Okay!

Billy: My turn!

Josh: No, I don't think so.

Billy: I want to knock the religion right out of you.

Josh: You told me to hit you.

Billy: Yeah, but you didn't have to hit me.

Josh: Yeah, well, then don't make the offer next time!

Billy: Oh, okay, my fault. Everything is my fault.

Josh: Yeah, that's the way it looks right now.

Billy: Hey, look, Josh, nobody feels worse about this whole thing than I do. Nobody! I made a mistake, and I don't need anybody rubbing it in, least of all you.

Josh: Least of all, Billy? The woman that I'm 99% married to is going to take the fall for this because my brother, the man in charge can't handle it.

Billy: Yeah, well, you put me in charge. That's right, you did. You left me in charge. You went off somewhere-- hey, you didn't give me that much room now, did you?

Josh: Cassie has not returned the messages I have left for her. Do you know where she is?

Billy: No. That's all you're going to say, huh?

Josh: I thought I could trust you. I'm not going to make that mistake again.

Reva: So is this your government training?

Jeffrey: Oh, you don't need a lot of training to know when a story stinks.

Cassie: Yeah, it stinks. Reva, we sent you a message. We sent you a message from Shayne, using your secret code. I remembered it. I used it, and you didn't answer.

Reva: A message? I-- I don't remember.

Alan: Well, you know, there isn't reception out there on the island. It's non-existent, it's like you're cut off from everyone.

Jeffrey: You've got an answer for everything, don't you?

Reva: You know, actually, yeah, he tried to call Lizzie, too, and he couldn't get through.

Jeffrey: And did you try to call me?

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: Why not?

Reva: Because, you know how I get when I'm obsessed with something!

Jeffrey: So obsessed, you didn't have the time to make a call?

Reva: I had to hurry so I could follow Alan.

Cassie: That's your excuse?

Reva: Oh, come on. What do you want me to say? That he tied me to the anchor of his yacht?

Cassie: That I'd believe.

Reva: I told you they'd think we lost our minds.

Alan: Time will take care of that.

Reva: It was a good fight.

Alan: More like an exorcism. Now, we'll talk later. I have to go to the house and pick up some things. You're okay?

Reva: Yes, actually. It's nice to know you're on my side for once.

Alan: (Laughs) Well, nice to see you two.

Jeffrey: I think I'll...

Reva: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, Reva, I'm late for a meeting. I'll see you later.

Cassie: How about you and Alan come over to the house later, and we'll sit down and sing songs and make s'mores. Does that sound good?

Ava: Computer, dentists, doctors.

Doris: May I have that file?

Ava: Sure. I was just looking for some voter registration packets. Do you have any of those around here?

Doris: Yeah, they would be right here.

Ava: Oh, thank you. Okay, well, I'll get these out right away. And your bio, I'll start on that as well. I guess the only thing I'm going to need is a copy of your entire campaign...

Doris: You know what, I will get you a press packet. I'll be right back.

Ava: Great. Perfect.

Doris: Here you go.

Ava: Oh, great.

Doris: All set?

Ava: I have everything I need.

Doris: Oh, great.

Reva: I'm exhausted. Can we talk about all of this in the car?

Cassie: No. Because you'll just grab the wheel and drive it off the road.

Reva: What?

Cassie: I know you think I'm your dumb little sister, Reva, but I know you. I know you did all this just so we would drop everything and come looking for you.

Reva: Cassie, I explained all of this to you.

Cassie: Yeah, try again.

Reva: This is about me and Alan. We had it out.

Cassie: And look at the timing. The moment Josh finds out he's not legally divorced, you're gone.

Reva: You think I left because...

Cassie: Because you don't want to sign the papers.

Reva: Ugh! (Cell phone rings)

Cassie: What?

Josh: Um, I got your text. I've been trying to get to you.

Cassie: Sorry. Josh, um, is something wrong?

Josh: Frank told me that you were the one that hired the subcontractor that was in charge of the building collapse, and that's news to me.

Cassie: I was going to talk to you about that.

Josh: Well, we'll have to talk about it later, okay? Is Reva with you there? I need to talk to her.

Cassie: Why not?

Reva: Hello, Joshua.

Josh: I need to talk to you about the divorce, the one that did not go through. Now, I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me, too, but, Reva, if we're going to fight about this.

Reva: No, I'm not going to fight you on it. Where do you want to send the papers?I doubt whether this particular vacation home has a fax machine, so if you want to send them over to Cross Creek. Oh, you did send them there. Well, I'm not there.

Josh: Well, I don't have them with me, so...

Cassie: Go. Get the papers.

Josh: Okay. But then we're gonna-- we're gonna talk about what you said to Frank, okay?

Cassie: I know what I did was right, and I'm not sorry.

Josh: Yeah, I kind of knew you were going to say that. Just tell Reva that I'll meet her at the house.

Cassie: He says he'll meet you at the house.

Reva: Well, then, that's where I'm going to go.

Cassie: See 'ya.

Reva: See 'ya.

(Cell phone rings)

Cassie: Hello? What kind of trouble? I'm not going to say anything. Don't worry, I'm on my way.

Jeffrey: I'll have whatever you're having.

Alan: I'm having scotch.

Jeffrey: Scotch is fine. I didn't want to cause a scene earlier, but I thought we should have a little chat alone.

Alan: Let me guess... about Reva?

Jeffrey: I don't think Reva is defending you out of her own free will.

Alan: Funny, she seemed pretty free to me.

Jeffrey: And I'm going to find out what it is your hiding.

Alan: Well, you will find nothing, except a couple of people who are very tired of fighting each other.

Jeffrey: If you hurt her in any way, you won't see me coming.

Alan: Why are you so determined to find a problem where there isn't one? Are you jealous?

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Alan, you're not Reva's type.

Alan: Well, if you're not jealous of Reva and me. Ava? You know, I've become a father figure to her. She shows great potential.

Ava: Hey, Ashlee, how are you? What did you buy?

Ashlee: Just a dress.

Ava: Can I see? Oh, wow, this is beautiful. Coop's going to love you in that.

Ashlee: Coop's not really into clothes.

Ava: Ah, all guys say that. But they always love it when you look good. Think back to your prom. What did your boyfriend say about your dress?

Ashlee: Jonathan Randall took me. He just came to get information out of me.

Ava: Oh, well, then how about another dance? You must have gone to another dance? Oh, is Coop your first boyfriend?

Ashlee: Why are you talking to me like we're girlfriends.

Ava: I'm just trying to make conversation with you. I don't like being at odds. I like you.

Ashlee: Thanks, that's nice.

Ava: If you ever want to come and talk to me about anything.

Ashlee: Ava, I have to go. I have...

Ava: Okay, sure. All right. Just tell Coop I said hi.

Cassie: Billy, what's going on? You said you were in trouble.

Billy: Yeah. Um... I let him down again.

Cassie: Josh?

Billy: Yeah. He knows you're going to take the hit for this construction mess.

Cassie: Yeah, I know. I talked to him, and he is not too happy about it, but he'll get over it.

Billy: I don't know about that. He's completely lost faith in me. I should have never let you do it. I just-- I just needed to cover.

Cassie: Hey, you were just trying to protect Lewis Construction. We both were, okay?

Billy: No. No, I was protecting myself. Here, take a sip.

Cassie: I don't want any coffee.

Billy: No. Take a sip.

Cassie: Is that whiskey?

Billy: Yeah. It-- it just all kind of got away from me.

Reva: So, you're really going to go through with this whole marriage thing, huh?

Josh: Reva, I'd be married to Cassie right now if our original divorce papers had gone through.

Reva: Could be a sign.

Josh: I agree. A sign that we had a really, really, really bad attorney.

Reva: Well, if that's the way you want to think about it. I guess congratulations are in order.

Josh: Somehow I don't think you mean that.

Reva: Not for a second. But it's okay, really, because my life is pretty damn okay without you in it right now. And one day you'll figure out what a mistake you made, and then... we'll see. But for now.

Josh: Well, I figured you would get in a few shots.

Reva: Hmm, I'm entitled.

Josh: I guess you are. So, you and Jeffrey.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: That's good. I guess.

Reva: It is.

Josh: Shall we sign?

Reva: Let me find a pen, just the right pen. (Laughs)

Josh: I miss this old guy.

Reva: Waldo?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Jeffrey talks to him all the time.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: What does he say?

Reva: Okay. This one works. I'll just sign the papers, and that will be it.

Josh: I don't think it's ever actually "it" for us.

Reva: You're probably right about that. Because you are the love of my life and always will be, even if you are married to someone else. You know something? I have lived my life on the edge, never looking back. But this time... regrets, huh?

Josh: Regrets, yes.

Reva: Things were good between us, weren't they? We were good together.

Josh: Yes, we were.

Josh: It seems like we're always saying good-bye to each other.

Reva: That's true. How many times have we tried to get divorced?

Josh: I've lost count. But somehow I think today is the day.

Reva: Yeah, well, that's good. Because, you know what, I'm exhausted.

Josh: When you look back, I think there was more good than bad. Two beautiful children. A lot to be grateful for.

Reva: I can't argue with that.

Josh: Um... you get the house, of course, and both cars and your stake that H.B. left you in Lewis. Pretty much everything we talked about before-- I've already signed. If you want to look at it, that's fine.

Reva: I trust you... most of the time. Okay. I'll sign. Okay. Done.

Josh: Thank you.

Reva: Bud... I love you.

Josh: You, too. Be happy.

Cassie: I'm not saying it's okay, what you did. I'm just saying I've been there. Maybe I didn't reach for a drink, but I did things that most people, especially Josh, didn't approve of.

Billy: Like what?

Cassie: I am going to go meet with the press, and I am going to tell them that I hired Marlin. I'm taking the blame for this.

Billy: Josh is never going to let you do it.

Cassie: I don't care. I'm not giving you away. There is no reason to. As long as you promise me that you will get help.

Billy: I'll go find a meeting right now.

Alan: You know, Jeffrey, I can understand you being envious of my relationship with your daughter.

Jeffrey: You know what, Alan, I might not be the best father in the world, but you-- you're a disaster. So no worries there. As far as Reva is concerned.

Alan: It's this simple: The war between Reva and me is over.

Jeffrey: So she just forgave you, right, for Jonathan and Tammy and Sarah?

Alan: I didn't drive Jonathan's car over the cliff. Now, Reva and I have been caught in this vicious cycle. She strikes out at me, I strike out at her. And we both realized if we kept this up, someone else was going to get hurt.

Jeffrey: Why do I find it so hard to believe you.

Alan: I don't know, but if you don't believe me, go and ask Reva.

Jeffrey: I'm going to do that.

Alan: He's on his way over.

Ashlee: Oh, Coop, you scared me!

Coop: Oh, wow. I know I forgot to shave today, but I didn't think I looked that bad. Hey, come on!

Ashlee: What?

Coop: We've only got 12 minutes.

Ashlee: Until what?

Coop: Until the interview with your mom airs on TV. I thought we could watch it.

Ashlee: Oh, I wasn't going to watch it.

Coop: Oh, come on. It's going to be fun.

Ashlee: No, I, I, I-- I really wasn't thinking about having a date tonight.

Coop: What date? Ashlee, we're just watching the TV. We're not going away to the Caribbean or anything. Look, if you want me to back off, I will. All right? I just thought we had something. Or maybe you don't feel that way. Maybe this is just about you getting back at me for wasting time with Ava, I don't know.

Ashlee: I would never do that! Okay. I really want you to be here.

Ava: Same town Ashlee's from. Operator? Hi, I think I lost my friend's address. If I give you a name and number, can you help me out? I'm afraid it's worse than you thought.

Frank: Hey, Billy. You going to a meeting? Good for you, man. Come on, I'll walk you over.

Billy: Well, actually, um, I think I'm going to go to one closer to the office. I've got a lot more work to do. Thanks anyway, Frank.

Frank: Yeah, you got it.

Cassie: So, I’m going to make your favorite tonight.

Josh: Cassie, I'm not going to let you take the wrap for that building collapse, okay?

Cassie: Look, if we're going to be married.

Josh: If? If? Reva signed the papers; the divorce is final. We're going to make it legal as soon as we can find a judge.

Cassie: Yes, I know. So when, when we are married, we're going to have to share everything, right?

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, we'll share everything. But we're not going to share the blame for this catastrophe.

Cassie: Would you please let me do something, give something back for a change. I am going to be a minister's wife, yes? So I want to help. I want to do onto others, and lend a helping hand.

Josh: Okay. Fine. You can cook dinner and you can do the dishes.

Cassie: I'm serious. I'm serious. You have a reputation to protect. If I take responsibility for this, then that frees you up to do what you do, to help people who need you. You've got to see the big picture.

Josh: Cassie. Cassie, families were hurt. There might be lawsuits, criminal charges.

Cassie: So we will have our lawyers take care of it. I'm sure I will get off with just a slap on the wrist. Would you please let me do this for you.

Josh: We'll talk to the lawyers tomorrow. Until then, I think we need to table this. I'm still finding it hard to believe that Reva signed those papers so easily.

Cassie: You? I thought she and Alan ran off just to make a mess for us. Now it's even more of a mystery.

Josh: Um...

Cassie: Oh, right. Yeah. Alan and Reva are best friends. She was on his island with him drinking and making nice, having a good time together.

Josh: Alan and Reva?

Cassie: Uh-huh. It's wrong in so many ways I can't even count.

Reva: It's just so weird. I mean, Alan and I haven't always hated each other.

Jeffrey: Reva, I didn't even know if you were alive or not. You left this place, the door was wide open, the lights were on, the furniture was turned over.

Reva: Oh, the furniture.

Jeffrey: I launched a full-scale investigation. Are you okay?

Reva: Yes, I am. I'm just embarrassed that I put you through all that. I'm sorry.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm just -- I'm glad you're okay. You are, right?

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Okay!

Reva: Oh.

Jeffrey: You seem a little distracted.

Reva: I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry and tired, and there is no food in the house.

Jeffrey: Okay, let's go out and get something.

Reva: No. I'm glad you said that. Because I have a better idea. Why don't I go out and get us that western barbecue that you love so much.

Jeffrey: I do love it, but you're not going anywhere.

Reva: Oh, come on.

Jeffrey: You sit down and relax. And when I get back, you can show me how grateful you are, okay?

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Don't go anywhere.

Reva: (Laughs)

Coop: Look, maybe I'm dense about this whole situation, okay? But I don't understand what you're doing.

Ashlee: Doing?

Coop: Yeah. I mean, you tell me that you don't want me to leave. All right, but then you keep leaving yourself. So what am I supposed to think?

Ashlee: I'm complicated.

Coop: Yeah, I noticed.

Reporter: Still, in doing a little research, here it is, Ashlee dropped out of school several years ago, before you came to town. What happened there, Ashlee?

Doris: You know what? Ashlee was just going through a rough patch at school. All kids do. And, you know what? We were actually both quite unhappy there. And Ross Marler called me and offered me a job, and I came to Springfield.

Ashlee: You know what.

Coop: Hey, what's wrong?

Ashlee: Um, nothing. I-- I don't want anything to be wrong.

(Knock on the door)

Ava: Are you Jack Summers?

Jack: Yes.

Ava: I'm here to talk to you about a friend of mine, Ashlee Wolfe.

Jack: Sure. I know Ashlee very well.

Alan: Well?

Reva: I think I made Jeffrey a believer.

Alan: Well, I hope so. Because I don't want another meeting like I had with him earlier. What about Cassie?

Reva: Cassie thinks that I went away to avoid signing the divorce papers. So I had to sign them just to get her off our trail.

Alan: I'm sorry.

Reva: So am I. And not just because of those papers.

Alan: I cannot believe we got caught coming off of the yacht. We cannot afford to make a mistake like that again.

Reva: We can't do anything to draw attention to ourselves, not now. Not until this whole thing dies down. Because if we do...

Alan: Reva, we won't. This secret between us will stay buried forever.

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