GL Transcript Wednesday 9/5/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/5/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

(Sound of gunfire from the television)

Alexandra: What on earth are you watching? Sounds like an old Spaulding boardroom battle.

Cyrus: It's "Bonnie and Clyde."

Alexandra: Wasn't there anything else on?

Cyrus: It was in the cabinet. I haven't seen it in years.

Alexandra: Gee, that's a little grim, isn't it?

Cyrus: Well, reality can be grim sometimes.

Alexandra: Well, don't tell anybody, but I really prefer the old Hollywood endings myself.

Cyrus: You want to ride off into the sunset, a couple of notorious thieves?

Alexandra: Why not.

Cyrus: Well, this is the only way it can end, then. Do you really think Bonnie and Clyde can go live in a charming old farmhouse away from it all?

Alexandra: Well, who said anything about an old farmhouse. Could be a magnificent mansion on a hill overlooking the whole town.

Cyrus: Are we still talking about Bonnie and Clyde?

Alexandra: You tell me. Anyway, don't forget about that meeting we have with the membership board. Go ahead, watch your movie.

Dinah: That was chilly.

Cyrus: That was close.

Dinah: Where's the Beamer. I told you the clutch wasn’t going to work on this thing. Good thing you taught me how to hotwire a car. Well?

Cyrus: Madam Bovary is going to get a little surprise when she gets out of the shower and finds this baby missing.

Dinah: Look at that thing.

Cyrus: She'll thank me one day.

Dinah: How do you figure?

Cyrus: Look how heavy this thing is. It will save her a trip to the hospital, maybe even surgery.

Cyrus: Took me a while to find a spot.

Alexandra: Oh, perfect timing. I want you to meet Jim Otto and Brad Thompson. This is Cyrus Foley, my husband. Jim and Brad are on the membership committee at the club.

Cyrus: Oh, very smart.

Alexandra: Cyrus is from Sydney, of course and I remember, Brad, you always said you wanted to dive the Great Barrier Reef.

Brad: Have you ever been, Cyrus? It's a dream of mine.

Cyrus: It is practically my second home.

Jim: Alexandra said you might want join our club.

Brad: We have a second member of the club, and here she comes now.

Jim: Hi.

Leona: I don't believe this, George Fallon.

Jim: No, this is Cyrus Foley.

Leona: I don't care what name he is using. When I knew him on the Cote D'azur, he was George Fallon and he was a shameless thief. He cleaned out my bank account, and I had to have a copy made because that lowlife stole the original.

Alexandra: What's the problem, Leona? We all know you were heavily insured, and you had the necklace replaced. Maybe it is time to move on.

Leona: You don't think I would actually let him join our club. Somebody should call the police.

Alexandra: We all know how you were robbed in France. You trot out every piece of jewelry you own. Maybe you should admit that most of it, almost all of it, is your fault.

Leona: How dare you.

Alexandra: If you would stop trolling for men when your husband is recovering from the heart attack, you might have the original.

Leona: That doesn't change the fact that your husband is a criminal.

Alexandra: Well this is not the same man who robbed you. That's a life he left behind. No, he's got a promising future. He happens to be rather trustworthy. As a matter of fact, he's too good for your club. And, Leona, there is one more important thing I want to tell you, dear: The necklace makes your head look way too small.

Cyrus: I'd love to explain this one to her hubby back home.

Alexandra: Is she married?

Cyrus: I can always tell, ring or not.

Dinah: So she got what she deserves. You are cold, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Well, you've got to be cold in this profession, Didi. And I'm feeling smooth. No feelings, no distractions.

Alexandra: To you.

Cyrus: To us.

Buzz: I am very honored to accept this very generous donation to my campaign from my dear friend, Alexandra Spaulding, and her new husband, Cyrus Foley. I think with donations like this, we'll be able to make Springfield a better town without screwing up the things we like about it.

Cyrus: Buzz, who writes your stuff?

Buzz: I used campaigning for dummies.

Reporter: How is your fund raising going, Mr. Cooper.

Buzz: Well, it is tough when you're going up against a opponent who is so well- financed. That's a reference to how hard it is to running a campaign without hitting up the average Joe, the little guy, when he can hardly put his dinner on the table. With people like this, I don't have to.

Cyrus: You could say our mate here is the Robin Hood of politics. Just steal from the rich. It works.

Reporter: Your brother supports Doris Wolfe. What do you think he'd thinks about what you're doing today?

Cyrus: She doesn't need to be listening to her brother. Alan Spaulding could use some of her judgment. She knows Buzz would make a great mayor of Springfield, and if you ask me, she would make a better C.E.O. than Alan would. She is smart and great at decision-making.

Alexandra: And I have great taste.

Cyrus: It's not everything we need, but it's a start.

Griggs: So what's the lady of the house going to do when she finds out you've been scamming her?

Cyrus: You let me worry about that. You just keep the access codes and passwords with the others I gave you. I'll let you know when it is time for us to make our move.

Griggs: Why not today?

Cyrus: Because the timing has to be perfect. This score has to be big.

Griggs: Big enough to last you a lifetime. As you keep saying. But here is what I don't get. All you have to do is stay put and you're set for life.

Cyrus: It depends on the life.

Griggs: I saw you in there cheezing it up for the cameras.

Cyrus: So?

Griggs: It is funny, Cyrus, the virus pretending to be a pillar of the community.

Cyrus: You don't know anything about me.

Griggs: I've heard the stories, the legendary stone cold Cyrus stories.

Cyrus: And what are you, cozy and warm.

Griggs: I was worried about how long this was taking you to set up, worried you would become involved with the people and maybe have second thoughts.

Cyrus: And?

Griggs: I'm not so worried anymore.

Dinah: No feelings, no distractions.

Cyrus: You making fun of me?

Dinah: No, I'm committing it to memory, the gospel according to Cyrus.

Cyrus: Focuses on the locks, forget about the guy and the car.

Dinah: Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what you're teaching me...

Cyrus: But?

Dinah: But this isn't my first time at the rodeo. I've been manipulating people for most of my life. I grew up with the carnies, you know, small-time drifters.

Cyrus: There’s nothing small about what I’m after. I'm doing more than surviving. You were barely surviving when I met you. It would have been a matter of time before you got sent back to the U.S. or worse.

Dinah: I'm grateful, but your rules are...

Cyrus: Are what?

Dinah: Don't get me wrong. I love the paydays, but we go from one town to the next, and they're...

Cyrus: They're what?

Dinah: They're nothing. That's it, they're nothing. Don't you miss having a real life?

Cyrus: It doesn't get anymore real than this.

Dinah: I'm talking about things that money can't buy.

Cyrus: Give me that.

Dinah: Have you ever been in love?

Cyrus: Take a look in there. Every stamp in there, every stamp represents something. Not just another country, but another land party, another beautiful, trusting woman. Now, if that's not love, I don't know what is.

Griggs: I'm starting to get to you.

Cyrus: Yeah?

Griggs: Yeah, you don't raise the stakes just because you're looking for another payday. You like to push things to the edge because that's what gets your mojo going.

Cyrus: Are we done, Dr. Griggs?

Griggs: It's not just money with you, is it? It's the high.

Marina: I don't need to go to the hospital.

Mallet: It's too late, we're already here.

Marina: And I can walk by myself.

Mallet: Are you kidding me. Your knee is boiling up like a bad ham. At the least, you have a sprain.

Marina: Ouch. I'm fine.

Mallet: No, you're not. Sit tight. I'm going to get a doctor.

Marina: Mallet, I have things to do.

Cyrus: Did you trip on your way to the doughnut shop or line of duty?

Marina: Go.

Cyrus: Bagel or jelly?

Marina: What are you doing here?

Cyrus: You want me to make something up? How bad is it?

Marina: Not bad. It's fine. It's just a twist or something.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, it really seems fine. Let's have a look.

Marina: Cyrus, please, leave it alone.

Cyrus: Wow, that is some bruise. Does it hurt when I do that?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: Do not let the doctor discharge you without an x-ray. You know these HMO's, they'll send you home with just an aspirin.

Marina: Were you at my father's fund raiser?

Cyrus: Yup.

Marina: Please don't screw this up for him.

Cyrus: I think Buzz will make a great mayor. Your family is something to aspire to.

Mallet: Can I help you?

Cyrus: Just keeping the patient company while her partner gets back.

Mallet: Is that right?

Cyrus: X-ray, don't forget. Insist.

Marina: I will. Don't ask me.

Cyrus: Didi!

Dinah: What are you doing?

Cyrus: You tell me.

Dinah: Okay, when did you figure it out?

Cyrus: Right when you started following me back at the hospital. I taught you how to shadow people. Remember.

Dinah: Maybe you should have taught me better.

Cyrus: So tell me what this is about. You're not seeing things again, are you?

Dinah: No. Just naturally curious. It is awfully nice, you taking care of Marina. How is her knee?

Cyrus: Were you thinking about Marina? Why would you even care? Oh, looking to make a quick buck. Maybe find something you can sell to my wife.

Dinah: You know what, we go a ways back, Cyrus. So why don't you just tell me. Do you love her? Scratch that. You do love her. It's so obvious. So if you never stopped loving her, why did you walk away?

Cyrus: You seem to know all of the answers. You tell me why I walked away from Marina.

Dinah: I don't know. No feelings, no distractions.

Cyrus: Excuse me?

Dinah: It's what you drummed into me, isn't it?

Cyrus: Yeah, I remember.

Dinah: You said they were words to live by, Dinah.

Cyrus: When I'm working, yes. But I'm not working anymore, Didi.

Dinah: Well, then, what are you doing?

Cyrus: I'm loving my life, but I'm not liking you poking around in it so much. Especially when you're motives are so obvious.

Dinah: Really.

Cyrus: Wouldn't it be great if I was still ga-ga over Marina. Then you can relax and not worry about her taking your husband.

Dinah: No.

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah. I thought so. Listen, don't follow me around anymore, Didi... not until you get better. Because that was pretty pathetic.

Cyrus: Madam?

Alexandra: This is crazy.

Cyrus: This? No, I can show you crazy.

Alexandra: Walking out of the auction like that...

Cyrus: Well, if you want to leave, that's the only way to do it.

Alexandra: Well, I admit this is one I don't mind leaving. The Antiquarian Book Fair is one of the most boring.

Cyrus: You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're Alexandra Spaulding.

Alexandra: Yes, right.

Cyrus: You hungry?

Alexandra: Yes.

Cyrus: Voila. ( Laughter )

Alexandra: What is this? This is...

Cyrus: Ramondo's.

Alexandra: How in the world would you know?

Cyrus: I make it my business to know. Cheers.

Alexandra: Cheers. You don't know what this does to me. This is...

Cyrus: Simpler times?

Alexandra: Ah, yes, where did they go? Never mind. I know.

Cyrus: I've made you sad.

Alexandra: No, no. It's just that there is a whole history. This house has quite a history, you know, my father, Alan.

Cyrus: Yes, I picked up pieces along the way.

Alexandra: It's been so liberating since you've been here. I don't know how this is going to sound, but with you, I seem to be learning how to have fun again.

Cyrus: You are giving me way too much credit.

Alexandra: Oh, I don't think so.

Cyrus: Remember what I said before with Buzz? You are your own person. You don't need anybody.

Alexandra: Well, I think you're walking in here did change that. You showed me everything that I was missing. And you know, it doesn't have to end like Bonnie and Clyde. It doesn't have to end that way for you. Not anymore.

Cyrus: What are you looking for?

Dinah: Where the hell have you been? That money was transferred over a half hour ago. She was in the shower, you walk out the front door.

Cyrus: I had to find something.

Dinah: What are you talking about you had to find something? You knew her husband was coming back.

Cyrus: Yeah, I know, but I got out, didn't I?

Dinah: Yeah, I hope it was worth it. We've got to get out. Okay, they're here, and they're not happy. Now that we're going to die, why don't you tell me why did you stay behind. What were you looking for?

Cyrus: To see what kind of insurance I had.

Dinah: Cyrus, what are you talking about. What about no emotions. Two minutes, tops. What are we going to do? Machine guns, Cyrus, machine guns. We're dying.

Cyrus: I had to get something.

Cyrus: Well, hey, how's the knee?

Marina: I could have shot you. What the hell are you doing here?

Cyrus: I know I'm not invited and all, but I needed to come clean.

Marina: I'm not laughing.

Cyrus: Yeah. I want to come clean. About what I'm doing at the Spaulding house, and, more importantly, why I'm doing it. I'm decent.

Marina: The jury's still out on that.

Cyrus: Wow, I set that one up nicely for you, didn't I.

Marina: Let's just get this over with.

Cyrus: I appreciate you being willing to listen to me. It's kind of a long story, but you're a big part of it.

Marina: Why didn't I just shoot.

Cyrus: You can say you're central to the entire enterprise.

Marina: Self-defense. You did break into my room. I think Mallet would back me up.

Cyrus: Maybe the best way is to show you. What are you doing?

Marina: What is it?

Cyrus: Just take it out of my pocket, and you'll see.

Dinah: Did we lose them?

Cyrus: Let's hope so.

Dinah: Let's hope so?

Cyrus: Relax. We're safe.

Dinah: All because you had to stay behind to see if she was insured?

Cyrus: She was, by the way.

Dinah: What happened to no feelings, no distractions. You remember that?

Cyrus: Yeah, I remember. What do you think?

Dinah: Where the hell are we?

Cyrus: I know the bloke who used to own this place. Everything is for sale.

Dinah: I still don't know where we are.

Cyrus: Every time I see this place, it reminds me of the story my mum used to read to my brother and me. At least for a while when we lived in this farm house. It would always just take my mind away from... anyway.

Dinah: Cyrus, you're really starting to worry me, you know that?

Cyrus: Starting to?

Dinah: Yeah because there are men with guns chasing us around the countryside, and you pick a place to hide that reminds you of a storybook story. Is this what happens when you get teary-eyed, you start thinking about koalas.

Marina: What is this?

Cyrus: It's in France. I've been waiting to get back there since forever.

Marina: Then go.

Cyrus: We could do all right there.

Marina: We?

Cyrus: Come with me.

Marina: I really should have just pulled the trigger.

Cyrus: I walked away because I had a job to do. But the real job was about getting you back once I had us set for life.

Marina: A job? Oh, my God.

Cyrus: Not a job. The job.

Marina: You married Alex so you could get into the house?

Cyrus: Yes.

Marina: To rob them?

Cyrus: They'll be plenty left when I'm done.

Marina: And you want to take the money that you steel and buy that?

Cyrus: Yes. Think about it. This picture doesn't fully do it justice. You can see the trees and how far the property extends. And there is even a river out back. Once you get there, you'll never want to leave.

Marina: Once I get there?

Cyrus: I have to pull off this score, first, which is going to be a little difficult with these handcuffs.

Marina: Handcuffs? You walked away from me.

Cyrus: I had to focus, and you were distracting me. Look, if you're not going to take these handcuffs off, I'm going to have to get you to scratch my back. Just listen.

Marina: I should have arrested you.

Cyrus: I haven't broken any laws.

Marina: There should be a law against being this much of an idiot.

Cyrus: I thought about not telling you...

Marina: Go with your first instincts.

Cyrus: How else would I have gotten you to France?

Marina: You're delusional. Leave my career and my family?

Cyrus: Take a chance for once in your life.

Marina: I'm a cop.

Cyrus: Yeah, you said that. It may be your duty, but it's not who you are.

Marina: Yes, it is. If you go after the Spaulding’s, I swear I'll haul you in.

Cyrus: And when you do, you'll be missing out on something great.

Marina: Oh, you think so. You were wrong, I have broken a rule. One of my own, in fact.

Cyrus: When?

Marina: When I let myself fall for you. Look how far it got me.

Cyrus: It could get you a whole lot farther.

Marina: I can't do this anymore. Can't you understand? Okay, so stop!

Griggs: I'm more of a city boy myself.

Cyrus: What are you doing here?

Griggs: You've been lying to your partner.

Cyrus: You watching me?

Griggs: You and the girl. I should have known. It's always a girl.

Cyrus: You didn't think I would run off with you, did you?

Griggs: Not just any girl. Cop girl.

Cyrus: She wants me to leave her alone, so what are you worried about.

Griggs: I'm worried you won't leave her alone.

Cyrus: Why don't you just leave this to me?

Griggs: Because the way this is going, I'm going to end up in jail.

Cyrus: You're not going to end up in jail.

Griggs: Is there anything behind that promise?

Cyrus: Yeah, millions of dollars. That should be all you care about.

Griggs: Ah, yeah, you, too.

Dinah: I thought you said nobody lived here. It looks pretty lived in to me.

Cyrus: There is no pleasing you sometimes.

Dinah: I just want to know what this whole thing is about.

Cyrus: You wanted to go some place safe until you knew the guys with the guns weren't chasing us anymore. So here we are, some place safe.

Dinah: Unbelievable. All right, why don't you tell me about that story your mum read you?

Cyrus: I already did. You're trying to make more of this than there is. It's a safe house.

Dinah: It's not them.

Cyrus: Who is it?

Dinah: It looks like a papa bear, a mama bar and two little bears that will be coming here any moment.

Cyrus: So I was wrong about it being deserted.

Dinah: Sure I can tear you away from it. This is what you want, a simple life?

Cyrus: Of course not.

Mallet: What are you doing here? I thought you were taking the day off?

Marina: I got bored.

Mallet: And your knee is better?

Marina: No. I am so tired of these things already.

Mallet: You're funny. You know why you're funny? Because you hate to be dependent on anything or anybody.

Marina: What is that supposed to mean?

Mallet: I don't know. It's an observation.

Marina: Really, what is that supposed to mean?

Mallet: I don't know. Nothing, I guess.

Marina: Well, it seems like it meant something.

Mallet: I guess what it meant is you're very self-reliant, and that's a good thing. I used to be like that.

Marina: Used to?

Mallet: Yeah, well, you know, marriage changes things.

Marina: Dinah changed you?

Mallet: Yeah, she changed me in a good way.

Marina: And you wouldn't trade that for anything?

Mallet: No, not for anything.

Marina: It means that much to you. I mean, more than your reputation or your integrity?

Mallet: Marina ...

Marina: Just answer the question?

Mallet: Um, yes. She is my number one priority. Where is all of this coming from?

Marina: You're the one who started it.

Mallet: I'm sorry I brought it up.

Marina: Me, too.

Cyrus: Perfect. I was kind of hoping you would take me to the airport.

Marina: I would love to take you to the airport, Cyrus, but something tells me you would just turn around and come right back here.

Cyrus: Not if you were with me, I wouldn’t.

Marina: How do you expect to get away with this?

Cyrus: I've gotten away with this any number of times in the past. It is not as hard as it looks.

Marina: Well, you've never told the police before.

Cyrus: I'm hoping I didn't this time.

Marina: That's not the way it works. Cyrus, I'm an officer of the law.

Cyrus: Fine! If that's all you are, then this whole thing was a huge miscalculation! So you warn Alex that I'm up to no good. Or you just wait until I actually do it and then just bust me. But if I get a vote, it's not for either of those.

Marina: It doesn't work that way. You don't get a vote.

Cyrus: No, but you do. If you just think about what we were, what we had. All I can say is, I did, and that's why I thought I had a shot.

Marina: You are asking me to do one hell of a thing.

Cyrus: You haven't turned me in yet. That's a good sign.

Marina: So you just rob Alexandra, the woman who protected you from immigration.

Cyrus: I'm not looking to hurt her. Sure, she'll be shocked at first. But Alex is smart. She knows who I am, who I was. After, I think she'll realize that part of her will realize she knew this was going to happen all along.

Marina: You can't be serious?

Cyrus: If it makes you feel comfortable, think of it as a divorce settlement.

Marina: Comfortable?

Cyrus: There's a million reasons for you to turn me down. There is one exciting, thrilling, fantastic reason for you to say yes. Don't go!

Marina: Go? You are pushing me away. This is even worse than the last time.

Cyrus: I didn't think this was going to be easy for you.

Marina: And people say that you're not considerate. I'm sorry, let me get this straight: You want to rob the Spaulding’s, you want me to go along with it, and then you want me to move with you to the south of France to start a life?

Cyrus: You know my secret now. All right? You know my secret. And if my life... both of our lives, really, are in your hands. Marina!

Frank: Hey, how's my little girl?

Marina: Good.

Frank: I didn't mean to startle you, but I came back because I just heard the news.

Marina: The news?

Frank: About your knee.

Marina: It's good. It's getting better.

Frank: What did you think I was talking about?

Marina: Nothing, really. Nothing.

Frank: I came by because I thought I would treat you to some dinner?

Marina: Oh, as father and daughter or chief and detective?

Frank: Well, I hadn't really thought about that, but whichever one you want.

Marina: Actually, I have to drop something off and then I have to head back to the station. So, rain check?

Frank: I'll hold you to it. Take care of that knee. I love you. Feel better.

Marina: Thank you.

Cyrus: Bonsoir. It's me, Cyrus Foley. I'm good. I wanted to just get an update on the farmhouse. Well, trés bon, my friend. Yes, absolutely. I'll be able to wire through the entire purchase price very soon. Pardon, monsieur, I have another call coming through. Could you just hold for a second. Thank you. Hello?

Dinah: Hi, Cyrus, is Alex there?

Cyrus: You want to talk to Alex?

Dinah: Yeah, I just want to run something by her. But it is probably a good thing I got you first. I wanted to tell you something.

Cyrus: What is that?

Dinah: I got much, much better at following people since this afternoon.

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