GL Transcript Friday 8/31/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/31/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: "Gas prices at record high"? "Tourmaline, California." Jonathan. I hope Sarah likes the water there... even if you won't go in with her.

Jeffrey: You miss him?

Reva: Yeah. I do. You know what we should do right now?

Jeffrey: (Laughs) No, should I?

Reva: You look dumber than you are. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Didn't we just do that, like a few minutes ago?

Reva: Well, you know, that's the way things roll over at Reva’s place.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah?

Reva: Unless of course, you're having second thoughts about shacking up together.

Jeffrey: Hmmm. (Knock on the door) Go away!

Reva: Go away!

Dylan: I did not need to see that.

Rafe: So we're really not going?

Natalia: Back to Chicago? No. Your grandfather needs us here.

Rafe: I thought you were mad at Alan. What happened?

Natalia: What he did was terrible, to say the least. But he's been really good to us, Rafe, and you don't just turn your back on family when they really need you.

Daisy: Rafe, you're still here.

Rafe: Yeah.

Daisy: I thought you had taken off already, and I... just left like that and...

Rafe: Um, I'm not. My mom changed her mind, so I guess we're staying.

Natalia: For now, anyway.

Daisy: That's such great news. I'm so happy.

Rafe: Look, Daisy, my mom and I are kind of busy here.

Gus: See, this is what I miss.

Harley: Uh-huh. Making sandwiches?

Gus: No. Being married to you.

Harley: We weren't apart that long.

Gus: Well, it feels like a decade. You know, it just burns me. I stand there and I think about Alan getting in between us, trying to ruin our lives, you know, trying to break us up as a couple. Who does this? Who thinks this way?

Harley: I'm going to check on the kids. Set the table.

Alan: Natalia, I want to invite you and Rafe to a special dinner with me. You know, you've shown me you're the kind of person who values family as much as I do. And -- just a second, there is someone on the other line. Oh, it's Gus. Perhaps he has some good news. Gus.

Gus: Hello, Dad.

Alan: Well, it's good to hear your voice, son.

Gus: Yeah, well, I just wanted to call you and tell you that Harley and I are stronger than ever.

Alan: What are you talking about?

Gus: And actually, we're going to renew our vows in front of a bunch of people who love us and who we love, you see. And you're not one of them, so you're not on the list. Bye, Dad.

Harley: Renew our vows?

Gus: Yeah. Um, I was actually going to buy you a ring and everything. But I figured, hey, she's got a ring, and it's not about a ring, anyway. Because this ring right here is, this ring is beautiful. It's tried and it's true and it's tested and it's been through everything. I just want you to know that I'm here, and I'm present and accounted for. And I'm not going to give up on us. So. I'm asking you. If you'll marry me... again.

Harley: I'm sorry. I can’t.

Dylan: I think I'm going blind again.

Reva: Oh, hey, get over yourself. It's not like we were naked or anything.

Dylan: Thank God.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what, I do have a couple of things I've got to take care of, so.

Reva: No, not just yet. Dylan, um, Jeffrey and I are in a relationship. In fact, we're living together. I'm sorry that I have to break the news to you like this, but it's better that you find out from me than on the street, right?

Dylan: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: So what are you going to do? Act out, run away from home?

Dylan: Yeah, right. I'm the idiot who went after a married woman. Who am I to judge?

Reva: Went after?

Dylan: Yeah, went after. Like, past tense.

Reva: Oh, so Harley and Gus are...

Dylan: They're back together, and it will probably stick this time. You know, whatever.

Reva: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. (Knock on the door)

Dylan: It happens, right?

Reva: Oh, goody, more people. I was starting to feel a little lonely.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Olivia: Hi. I brought you a house-warming gift.

Rafe: Um, I told some kids I was going to go skateboarding, so.

Daisy: Oh, wait, wait. Rafe, I'm sorry about what I said.

Natalia: What did you say?

Daisy: Just that if you were going to make him move to Chicago, that he should stay here without you.

Rafe: I'm out of here.

Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. But I realized how wrong it was for me to say that. I mean, you need to be with him. You're his mother, just like Harley’s mine, and I never should have tried to come between you guys. I really am sorry for that.

Natalia: Rafe, are you going to accept her apology?

Daisy: You're not going to freak out and throw me out of the house?

Natalia: We'll see.

Rafe: Then why did you even say it?

Daisy: I don't know. I wanted you to stay, and I guess I was jealous.

Rafe: Of my mom, Daisy?

Daisy: Well, no-- of how close you guys are. I never had that with Harley, and you're very loyal, that's who you are. That's why I like you.

Rafe: Okay.

Daisy: Okay?

Natalia: Okay. I'm going to go call your father and let him know we're staying.

Ava: Alan, here's that spreadsheet you asked for on the McArthur project. Gotham has caved, so if you want me to put in a bid, just let me know.

Alan: You, you know the Cooper’s, don't you?

Ava: I guess so.

Alan: You understand the workings of their minds. So if I were to ask you some advice about how to dislodge Harley Cooper from...

Ava: I'd say that you need to give me a raise. And what does that have to do with the Gotham project?

Alan: The only thing I want you to help me with is to find a way to get Gus back home, where he belongs, with the mother of his child.

Ava: You want him to leave Harley?

Alan: Yes.

Ava: I don't think he'll ever leave Harley for another woman. His son, maybe, I mean...

Alan: Why don't we talk about that raise?

Gus: I know you don't trust me.

Harley: Our wedding day was the most wonderful, most special day of our lives. After everything we've been through? I went to prison, Alan’s chasing after us-- to finally stand up there in front of all of those people and say our vows. I mean, there were no doubts, there were no hesitations. I want that again. I want to be able to say with utter certainty, in front of the people that we love, that we can make this marriage work.

Gus: But you can't, right?

Harley: No, not yet.

Gus: I told you a million times what happened between me and Natalia...

Harley: It was a mistake.

Gus: It was nothing, it meant nothing to me.

Harley: Uh-huh. (Cell phone rings) It's the mistake. (Cell phone rings)

Gus: I keep telling you, you have nothing to worry about, you're...

Harley: If you tell me again that you have no feelings for her, if you tell me again it all happened because Alan drugged you, if you tell me again that it was all some big, big mistake, I swear that I'll scream.

Gus: It wasn't, it wasn't a mistake, all right?

Harley: It wasn't?

Gus: You're right. You've got amazing instincts. You're right. All right? Alan or no Alan, it might have happened sooner or later. Because the minute I knew that I had a son and the minute I knew that she was the mother of my son, I... I felt connected again. I felt connected and tempted.

Olivia: So, what's it like living in the Josh and Reva museum?

Jeffrey: Ava told you?

Olivia: It's big news.

Dylan: Okay. I gotta go. Olivia, it was good to see you.

Olivia: You, too.

Dylan: Give me a call if everyone gets out of here alive.

Reva: Are you going to be okay?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah. I'll live. Jeffrey, good job.

Reva: (Laughs) So what's on your mind?

Olivia: Well, really, I came to see if the rumors were true, and to tell you that you don't have to deal with me anymore. You're free of me. So enjoy-- at least until Josh comes back through that door and she kicks you out.

Alan: Good, good. You two are both here. I'm talking about these two.

Daisy: Whatever. I was just leaving anyway.

Alan: Yeah, I'm surprised that you're not over at your mother's, watching her renew her wedding vows with Gus.

Daisy: They're renewing their... wait, what are you talking about?

Alan: Well, I suppose I was the first to know since they could properly rub it in.

Daisy: This is so great. I mean, I want my mom to be happy.

Rafe: Well, yeah, you should probably go over there then and see what's going on.

Daisy: You don't want to come with me, right?

Rafe: No. I think I should stay here.

Natalia: Rafe, we gotta go get you some more books for...

Rafe: Yeah.

Alan: Rafe, before you go, I want to talk to both of you.

Natalia: Don't, because I'm not going to go running over there and try to stop them from renewing their vows.

Alan: Oh, of course not. But you shouldn't stay here and suffer, either. Now, I want to offer you a chance to get away from this for a while.

Rafe: You mean like a vacation?

Natalia: No, no. No vacation. We can't afford that. And he's got school starting.

Alan: Yes, but not for another week. Now, I have a doctor friend who set me up with a specialist at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. He specializes in juvenile diabetes. And I think that he would be excellent for Rafe.

Natalia: But you want us to leave right away?

Alan: Yes, I think before he gets involved in his studies.

Rafe: Mom, this might be a good thing. Okay, look, I can talk to the doctor about why my sugar has been acting up, and you can get away from everything.

Natalia: Get away from everything? Okay, but you have to bring all of your books with you, and you have to read them I don't care if you're reading from the top of the empire state building. You're not going to get behind.

Rafe: Okay.

Natalia: Okay. Go pack.

Rafe: Look, we never unpacked, remember?

Natalia: I don't want you messing with Harley and Gus.

Gus: The boys are watching videos. Can I speak?

Harley: You've been doing that a lot lately.

Gus: Well, I'm going to keep doing it.

Harley: Go ahead.

Gus: You know I love the boys, right?

Harley: Of course.

Gus: And Daisy.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Well, imagine how I felt when I found out I had a son out there who is 16 years old who didn't have a father.

Harley: I know. I know. I was there with you.

Gus: No. I'm saying that I didn't get to be there for him the way that you got to be there for your kids.

Harley: So you being there for Rafe and Natalia, that's a package deal?

Gus: Well, she's his mother. What can I say?

Harley: Is it a package deal?

Gus: They're part of my past. They're together. A past that I didn't even know that I had. And I felt like I, I don't know, they needed me.

Harley: Well, I feel like they've done all right the last decade-and-a-half without you.

Gus: Well, that's funny because I feel like I failed my son. And I feel like I failed her, too, as a matter of fact.

Harley: So being with her would make up for that?

Gus: That's the part, maybe-- it’s... that's on me, okay? I thought that she needed to be rescued, or that I could protect her somehow.

Harley: Love her? Love her? God, just tell me the truth. Just tell me the truth. This is crunch time. You've got to tell me because there is no going back from here. Okay, so either we just say it...

Gus: I don’t... love her.

Harley: Did you think that you could? Gus?

Gus: Yeah. For a minute maybe, when I found you with Dylan. I thought maybe-- I wondered, I wondered if I could, if...

Harley: If you could be a family, the three of you. Do you love her now?

Gus: No.

Harley: How can you be so sure?

Gus: I'm sure because I have somebody that I'm in love with. This blonde little thing. That's got really soft hair. I don't even know how she does that. Because she's not soft. She's tough, strong, stubborn. She's got really big opinions. She's just a person that you don't want to cross. But she's got this massive capacity for love. She loves very deeply and passionately. In fact, sometimes if that love is coming at you, you don't even know if you deserve it. And she loves her kids, boy. And they adore her.

Harley: Not Daisy.

Gus: Yes, Daisy. And my girl is a quite a little hot tamale at work, too. Sometimes I think she thinks of herself as, like, 250 pounds or something. She can take down a criminal, take him down kicking and fighting. But she has to remember what she's fighting for. She's fighting for us. She's got to remember why she married me in the first place, how we built this house together, how we turned it into a home. Somehow she managed to get me to kick drugs. And she stood by my side when everybody else just went running and she has the ability to make me feel like the luckiest man in the world if she just stands next to me.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Yes, what?

Harley: That question you asked before, if it's still on the table, yes, I will marry you again.

Gus: You will?

Harley: I will. How long were you working on that speech?

Gus: Oh, um, pretty much since the day I met you.

Harley: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: You both still here?

Reva: Um, I was just going to leave. If Olivia wants to sit, you can offer her the cactus. Good luck with that whole sainthood thing.

Jeffrey: So, eviction?

Olivia: I think it's for the best. And it's really just the first step for me, Jeffrey, because I'm here to get you out of my life.

Harley: Look, why don't you guys go with Gus over to Company so mommy can get ready for the big day?

Gus: All right, you want to come with me?

Harley: Go, go, go.

Gus: All right, let's go. Go to the car.

Harley: This feels right.

Gus: Yeah, of course it feels right because it's, us.

Harley: And we fit.

Gus: Right.

Harley: Okay, go get ready. I have to get ready.

Gus: I just feel really good about this. I just -- I know we're going to make it.

Harley: Me, too. Get out.

Gus: Right. (Knock on the door)

Marina: How's it going?

Harley: That was fast.

Marina: Why do you think they put a siren on the top of the car for?

Frank: Hello.

Marina: Where's the perp?

Harley: Gus, he actually took the kids to Company already, so I'm just going to jump into my beautiful dress and... shoot.

Marina: What?

Harley: I have to write vows. I haven't written any vows. Can you guys help me with my vows?

Frank: Yeah, sure. But, actually, why don't I help you change your mind while you still have a chance?

Alan: They're on their way, and they'll be in your New York office by early evening.

Jeremy: Miss, you can't go in there.

Daisy: Oh, no, I left my cell phone. I just need to grab it.

Alan: Don't you worry about Rafe’s father. I'll be calling him shortly and telling him his son is very ill. And, doctor, I want to thank you for your cooperation. I will give you a very generous gift.

Daisy: I don't believe you.

Alan: What did you come back here for?

Daisy: You're trying to stop my mom and Gus from saying their vows?

Alan: You don't know what you're talking about.

Daisy: You're going to say that Rafe is sick. He's not. I just saw him. He's fine. How could you do that to your own son?

Alan: I think you are overreacting a bit, Daisy.

Daisy: No. I need to go warn Gus and Harley.

Alan: Jeremy, stop her!

Daisy: Get out of my way!

Alan: Yes, this is Alan Spaulding. And I would like to report an assault and battery.

Olivia: You know, I have hated you for most of my life.

Jeffrey: I know. I know. But, you know, with reason, right?

Olivia: I've hated you, but I've needed you.

Jeffrey: I can't do this.

Olivia: I blackmailed Reva.

Jeffrey: You blackmailed her? How?

Olivia: I found out something, a secret that was important to her, and I realized how useful that information could be for me.

Jeffrey: What are you talking about?

Olivia: Jonathan. Jonathan, Jeffrey, and Sarah, and the fact that they are alive. I've known about it for quite some time, ever since Dylan was in the hospital.

Jeffrey: You didn't tell anybody?

Olivia: No. And I wouldn't, but Reva wasn't so sure of that. So I decided that I was going to use that information to get from her something that I thought I wanted. You.

Daisy: Come on Harley, where are you? Pick up.

Cop: Daisy Lemay, you're under arrest for assault.

Daisy: Let me go!

Cop: You have the right to remain silent.

Daisy: No, no. You can't do this. I have to get to my mom. I have to tell her that Alan-- I have to tell her that Alan is trying to screw everything up. No, you can't do that. I can't go back to juvie, no.

Cop: This isn't your first offense?

Reva: Daisy? Hey!

Daisy: Thank God, Reva. Okay, you have to tell Gus and Harley that Alan doesn't want them to renew their vows, and that Rafe isn't actually sick. He's faking that.

Reva: Let her go!

Cop: I can't do that, ma'am.

Daisy: God, please help me!

Reva: I will. I will. I will fix it, sweetie. I will. As soon as I get my hands on Alan Spaulding, I will get you out of there. You believe me, don't you?

Daisy: Please, just come back for me.

Frank: Okay, pop's food in the oven, and he has his entire jazz collection cued up, so...

Harley: Didn't you leave?

Frank: Sis, listen, I didn't mean to...

Harley: Yes, you did.

Frank: Yes, I did. Because I feel you're rushing into this. I think that's what you're having so much trouble writing your vows.

Harley: Because... um, my writing sucks.

Marina: Hold still.

Harley: Could you just...

Frank: This has nothing to do with your spelling, okay?

Harley: Frank, I know what I'm doing, okay?

Gus: I promise to be there for you, not just in good times and in bad health, but in all the times in between, and more important than that, I promise to trust you and put you first, you and Daisy and the boys. (Cell phone rings) What's up, Dad? I'm going to have to turn off my phone because of the ceremony.

Alan: Well, I didn't expect you to pick up. It's good to hear your voice, son.

Gus: What's up?

Alan: It's Rafe. I'm taking him to New York to see a specialist. I just wanted to keep you abreast of the situation.

Gus: What situation?

Alan: His diabetes is not doing well, Gus.

Gus: And Natalia tried to call me, and I didn't, I didn't pick up the phone.

Alan: Well, we didn't want to interrupt you. I know this is a special day for you.

Gus: Well, where is Rafe now? Is he all right?

Alan: Rafe, Natalia, and I will be leaving on the jet in about 20 minutes. But I don't want you to worry about this, Gus. Don't worry, your son will be safe. I promise you that.

Gus: Come on, Harley, pick it up. No, of course not. "Babe, had to run. Rafe is sick. I won't be late for our wedding. Love, me."

Olivia: It really doesn't make any sense.

Jeffrey: No, it doesn’t.

Olivia: I mean, I was a teenager, a kid, when it happened. I was a completely different person. Why couldn't I just let it go?

Jeffrey: I don't know.

Olivia: I mean, I ran successful businesses, and I raised my daughter, and you come back into my life, and it just freezes me up again.

Jeffrey: I didn't mean for that to happen.

Olivia: I know. And the truth is, I didn't really want to live with you or fall in love with you. I just needed you. I just needed to yell at you and slap you and hang on to you and cry with you. I just, I thought that I needed you to heal. And then Reva, when she took you.

Jeffrey: Reva didn't take me, Olivia.

Olivia: All right. All right. When you went off with her, it felt like you were hurting me all over again. Telling me that you just didn't really care how I suffered. You just seemed like you didn't care.

Jeffrey: There was nothing more I could do.

Olivia: I know. And I realized that, you know, hurting you or forgiving you or loving you, none of that would make any difference because you were that thing that happened so long ago. And the bottom line, Jeffrey, is that you're just a flawed, selfish man who is as screwed up as the rest of us.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I am.

Olivia: But we'll always have Ava. But from now on, I heal myself. I forgive you because I have to.

Reva: Do you really think that you can lock up my granddaughter and get away with it?

Alan: Reva, I wish I could say it's a pleasure to see you.

Reva: You had Daisy arrested?

Alan: Yes, because she assaulted my butler and could have caused major injury.

Reva: Your beef isn't with her.

Alan: You know, Reva, I don't have time for this. Ava and I are having a meeting and I...

Reva: You're going to go down to the police station, and you're going to have the charges dropped. And you're going to have her released.

Alan: I'm not the District Attorney, you know.

Reva: Well, we all know she's in your back pocket.

Alan: Well, perhaps a night in jail would be good for Daisy. It certainly wouldn't have hurt your son Jonathan.

Reva: I would stop talking right now, before I do something I'm really going to regret.

Alan: Oh, is this a threat?

Reva: Leave my family the hell alone.

Buzz: All right, you've got to look sharp.

Zach: Where's Gus?

Buzz: Good question.

Frank: What are you talking about? You said he was just here.

Buzz: He was.

Harley: Yeah, he was here. And now he's gone.

Buzz: And he'll be back.

Harley: Of course he will. Of course he will. This was his idea. He's probably just off booking the honeymoon.

Marina: Well, here you go. It's old, because I got it at the flea market, but it's new to me because I just got it yesterday, and it's blue, and you're borrowing it, so you're all set.

Harley: Thank you. It's perfect. And I love my hair. (Telephone ringing) Gus? Uh, that's okay. We'll be here waiting. We can't have the ceremony without you. Oh, that was the judge. She's running a little bit late.

Frank: So, um, you okay?

Harley: I'm good. It's all good.

Frank: Good. Because if you've changed your mind...

Harley: Stop. I haven’t. I have to do this. Yes, he hurt me, but I need to give us a chance, Frank. He'll be here. You didn't see him earlier. Nothing would keep him from marrying me.

Gus: Natalia? Rafe? Jeremy, have you seen them?

Jeremy: No, you just missed them. They just took off a few minutes ago.

Gus: You're kidding me.

Jeremy: Would you like to leave a message for Mr. Spaulding?

Gus: No, no, no. I just... I need to talk to my son.

Alan: Alan Spaulding. Who is this? Well, there must be some mistake. Jonathan Randall drove a car off a cliff with my infant great granddaughter, and neither one of them survived. What do you mean they're alive?

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