GL Transcript Thursday 8/30/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/30/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Frank: Hey, honey. I thought this was your day off.

Marina: It is. I just thought I'd get ahead on some of this stuff.

Frank: Listen, do you need any extra cash or...

Marina: No, no. Dad, I'm fine.

Frank: Well, I've noticed you've put in a lot of overtime lately.

Marina: I thought you were supposed to be at Aunt Harley’s today.

Frank: I was, but accidentally a shipment came to Towers that was supposed to go to Company and your grandfather asked me to come here and... wait a minute, hold on a second, what are you doing hanging out here?

Marina: I don't know, a change of scenery, I guess.

Frank: Ah, no wonder you need the overtime. A cup of coffee here is twice as much. Oh, I know what's going on.

Marina: What?

Frank: Listen, I'm sorry about you and Cyrus Foley, okay? I know he married Alexandra Spaulding, and spending time where the Spaulding’s spend time, you know...

Marina: That's not what I'm doing.

Frank: ...Is not going to help you get over him any faster. Do you know what I mean? Nor is working on your day off.

Marina: I need you to... sign off on both of these, please. Thank you.

Frank: You know, that little spark and gleam in your eye seems to be gone. I'm telling you, honey, Cyrus Foley is not worth all of the aggravation.

Marina: I don't know, Dad, maybe you're right about him.

Frank: Is that a way of shutting up your father?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: Ah, could I get a cup of coffee?

Coop: Can you get that coffee somewhere else?

Cyrus: As a matter of fact, I can get a better cup of coffee somewhere else.

Ashlee: Hi.

Coop: Hey, you okay?

Ashlee: Yeah, I'm fine.

Coop: So why did you disappear the other day?

Ashlee: Um, wait, is that why you asked me here?

Coop: No, but since you're here...

Ashlee: I just needed a little break from the campaigning.

Coop: Okay. I just thought something was wrong, that's all.

Ashlee: So did you want to see me about the campaigning stuff?

Coop: No, I just wanted to see you, period. But this is not about us, it's about Marina. I need your help.

Ashlee: Okay, yeah.

Coop: She has been wrecked about Cyrus marrying Alexandra; she's been working non-stop, and she keeps seeing the guy with the Spaulding’s, and he's not making it any easier on her because he was just here.

Ashlee: Here? Slumming it on Main Street? Oh, God, the horror.

Coop: Ashlee, I'm being serious, okay?

Ashlee: Okay. Well, why don't I call her up, see if she wants to have a girls' night out or something?

Coop: Actually, you know, I was going to try to set her up with a guy that I play basketball with.

Ashlee: Okay, good.

Coop: I just figured it would be easier to do a double date, for Marina, with us. Like maybe lunch, today.

Ashlee: Well, you have it all figured out, Coop Cooper, don't you?

Coop: Look, I know that you don't believe me when I say I want to be with you, but I do. Okay? Argh, just go out with me, please? I'm asking-- if you're not going to do it for me, fine. Think about Marina. Do it for one of Springfield’s finest, then.

Ashlee: Okay, fine, I'm sold.

Alan: Natalia, good, come in. I want to apologize to you and Rafe for all of that drama with Harley the other day. I think now you understand what I have to put up with.

Rafe: Mom, should I put these in the car?

Alan: Where are you going?

Natalia: Chicago.

Alan: To visit?

Natalia: No, to stay. We're moving out.

Harley: Did you pack the bug spray?

Gus: No. What's in here?

Harley: That has my extra sneakers and I brought an umbrella, I brought a raincoat. Because, you know, it's supposed to be cold up there. So I thought if we were going to go for a walk or something...

Gus: Should I pack rain stuff?

Harley: You should pack bug spray.

Daisy: I have it here.

Harley: Or, truly, we could just stay home.

Daisy: No, no, no. You guys are going.

Harley: So you can throw a wild party?

Daisy: That is very hard to do when the Chief of Police is babysitting. All right? You guys, you should have fun, okay?

Gus: Yeah, it's fun.

Daisy: I think it's really cool that you guys are doing a formal anniversary do-over thing, okay?

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: At least she thinks it's cool.

Harley: I want to go. I just think, you know, the weather, and it's cold, is it even worth it?

Gus: We're worth it. We're worth it. If we don't do it, it's like we're letting Alan win. You know, I mean, he drugs you, you go off with Dylan, and then sets me up so I see the whole thing. Trust me, if my father wasn't so determined to ruin our marriage, I wouldn't have ended up with Natalia that night.

Harley: Is that even true? I mean, I know that Alan is responsible for putting all the wheels in motion, but...

Gus: Trust me, that's true. I wouldn't have. But at least we found out the truth before I lost you forever.

Alan: You were going to leave without saying goodbye?

Natalia: I am going to make sure that Rafe gets to visit Gus as much as possible, but us living in this house is not working for anyone.

Alan: You cannot take my grandson away from me. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for my family.

Rafe: Yeah, I think we all get that, Alan.

Alan: Rafe, sometimes I have to make very hard decisions. And every once in awhile, they are the wrong ones. But my intention is always to do the best for my family.

Rafe: You mean what's best for you. Okay, everyone's told me, they were like, "Stay away from Alan," okay, "He's bad news." But I didn't listen. I found out for myself, and they were all right.

Alan: They turned you against me.

Rafe: They didn't turn me against you, man. You don't even know my name, because it sure as hell isn't Phillip.

Natalia: Okay, just put the bags in the car, please.

Alan: Of course I know your name. Rafe, Rafe, listen to me. Of course I know your name, son. You're very important to me. I didn't mean to call you Phillip!

Coop: Hey, what you up to?

Marina: Grocery list. I got your phone call earlier, what's up?

Coop: Yeah. I need some help with Ashlee again.

Marina: Okay. What did you do now?

Coop: You know I've been hounding her to go out with me, and she's agreed to go to lunch.

Marina: Okay, so what's the problem?

Coop: Yeah. Well, she thinks it is going to be lunch with the both of us here, now.

Marina: Coop!

Coop: Look, Marina, I'm sorry, but it was your idea.

Marina: I've got to go chaperone? I don't remember that part of the conversation.

Coop: This isn't chaperoning, it’s... she would just feel a little more comfortable if it was with the two of us. That way next time, I can just take her out myself.

Marina: Coop, no. I have a lot of work to do.

Coop: I understand that, but you need to eat, too.

Marina: Oh, fine.

Coop: Thank you.

Marina: But you're paying, and Ashlee and I are both having lobster.

Coop: Ashlee doesn't like lobster.

Ashlee: Oh, hey, I'm so glad you're up for it. I was telling Coop I didn't think you'd be in.

Marina: Up for what? Okay, I smell a setup.

Ashlee: I thought you were telling her.

Coop: No.

Marina: Okay, I'm out of here.

Coop: No, look, Marina, he’s a basketball player and he’s really nice, don't shoot me.

Marina: Why are you always trying to set me up with nice guys?

Coop: You always seem to pick the...

Ashlee: Okay, okay, okay, okay, Marina, look, I don't know what it's like to have a dad or brothers, but I know what it's like to not have them, and it seems like you're the lucky one because they care about you and they worry about you. So I think you should just sit down and shut up and have lunch with Coop and I and...

Coop: Joe. His name is Joe Brunell and he has got an amazing three-point shot, hands down.

Marina: Okay. What else do you know about him?

Coop: Um... well, he can dunk. That's good.

Marina: Coop, you know nothing else about him!

Coop: I'm... it's not like he's an axe murderer.

Marina: Oh, right. No, because I've never dated one of those before.

Ashlee: Okay, come on. You should stay.

Marina: I... I can’t. Guys, look, it's not even that I can’t. I don't want to.

Ashlee: Yeah, she seems afraid like she might like him or something.

Coop: She might actually have some fun.

Ashlee: Uh-oh, fun. Who'd want that?

Marina: It's not going to work, but you have fun.

Coop: Thank you.

Marina: All right, you win. Where's my date?

Waiter: Is Ms. Spaulding joining you?

Cyrus: No, I'm afraid my wife's busy today. I'm just here for a coffee, actually. To go. Like, in a to-go cup. Do you do that here?

Waiter: Um, yeah, of course, for you. Sure.

Ashlee: Hey, is that him?

Coop: Joe, hey. I'm glad you could make it.

Joe: Thanks. I'm looking forward to meeting her.

Coop: This is Ashlee.

Ashlee: Hi.

Joe: Hi. So you're Coop's niece?

Coop: No, no. She is my date.

Joe: Oh. Oh.

Coop: Right behind you, this is Marina.

Joe: Marina, hi.

Marina: Hi.

Joe: It's nice to meet you.

Marina: You, too. It's Joe, right?

Joe: Yeah.

Marina: It's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you.

Waiter: Mr. Foley, I'm sorry, this is all we have.

Cyrus: Actually, I've changed my mind. I'm going to stay.

Alan: Well, tell her it's her brother. Yeah, the family is going to go out on the yacht today, and I want her to leave a little early from work. What do you mean she's too busy? What's more important than me and sailing. Beth, I know you remarried, but you will always be family to me. You know that. If you don't want to come alone, I understand that. Bring your mother, Lillian. I just don't want you to miss out on this, okay? What do you mean Detective Aitoro took the day off? Who's protecting and serving this town? Bruno, bring the car around! We're going to the yacht club. Hilda? Jeremy? Thomas? Where the hell is everybody?

Harley: So what do we do now? Just sit and talk?

Gus: I'm willing to do whatever we need to do to make things right.

Harley: Me, too. We've got to make some changes so this never happens again.

Gus: Right. And one of the major things we can start with is making sure that Alan never comes back into our lives.

Harley: Forget about Alan. Not Alan. What about Natalia? This is hard for me, okay? There's something there. Maybe you're not in love with her, but there's something there. And I want to be the only person you have something with. I want to be the person who knows you the best and loves you the best.

Gus: It's not a contest, though. It's not a contest. If it is a contest, or was a contest, you won. She is not an issue. That is so clear in my mind. I wish you could crawl inside my body and I could make you see it the way that I see it, the way that I feel about it.

Harley: Well, I can't do that and I don't know that.

Gus: I promise I'll never see her again, okay? Unless it is absolutely necessary, something to do with Rafe, that's it, all right? All right? So what about Dylan?

Harley: Well, that's different.

Gus: See, this is the thing-- maybe that's clear in your mind, but that's not... that's not clear in mine.

Harley: There's nothing there. Nothing happened. I will make myself scarce when he comes to pick up Daisy. And just like you and Rafe, I won't be around him unless absolutely necessary. But we have to stick to this, okay? No exceptions, and we have to keep each other in the loop. We've got to communicate.

Gus: Of course we will. Right.

Harley: That's the only way we're going to find our way back to each other, back to being us again.

Gus: You're right. Well, for whatever it's worth, I think we're on our way. I do.

Natalia: Alan, I have your keys.

Alan: You know I was wrong about you, Natalia. I thought you had character, integrity, backbone. I thought you didn't want to deny Gus an opportunity to be a father to Rafe. Of a life filled with struggle.

Natalia: Okay, Alan, the keys.

Alan: Instead, you let Harley drive you and Rafe out of town.

Natalia: She didn't do it, you did.

Alan: How could you be such a fool? All of my sons were a fool. You were so blind. How could you let her win?

Natalia: Okay, you've been drinking.

Alan: She's not going to win this time, do you hear me?

Natalia: Okay, Alan, just stop.

Alan: No. No, I am going... I am going to bring Gus back here where he belongs.

Natalia: Now just wait...

Alan: And if you are not going to help me do that, get out of my way.

Daisy: So get this- Frank is held up at work, my brothers are with Buzz, and Harley and Gus are at the Spaulding lake house, so we have all day. there's no one here to catch us all day, Rafe. When have we had a whole day?

Rafe: This is our last day.

Daisy: What?

Rafe: My mom and I are going back to Chicago. We already packed up the car.

Joe: 200 pounds doesn't sound like a lot to me, but when I tell people, they're impressed. Not that I go around telling everyone.

Marina: (Laughs, unimpressed)

Joe: Personally, I don't think it matters how much a guy can bench press. Coop, how much can you bench?

Coop: Me? Well, I haven’t... I don't know, really.

Joe: Lifting's really helped me under the boards. It's hard to push me out of the lane now.

Coop: That’s true.

Marina: Well, that's very interesting. Why don't I go check on Ashlee in the bathroom?

Coop: You know what, actually, that's okay. I think I saw her go outside. I'll go check on her. You guys just keep talking, okay?

Marina: No, Coop. That's okay.

Joe: Do you work out, Marina?

Marina: I'm sorry. No, I don't have time to with my day job and all.

Joe: You work long hours, too? Everybody talks about banker's hours like it's nothing, but...

Marina: You're a banker? Coop didn't tell me that you were a banker. That’s... that's very interesting.

Joe: Really?

Marina: Yeah. I have a lot of questions about your field.

Coop: Hey, you okay?

Ashlee: Did Joe leave?

Coop: No, not yet.

Ashlee: Then I think I'm going to stay out here for a while.

Coop: What's going on?

Ashlee: You saw the way he looked at me, Coop. He was thinking, "What is Coop doing with this girl?"

Coop: Okay... did I miss something here? Did Joe say something to you?

Ashlee: Did you see how relieved he was to find out that Marina was his date?

Coop: Okay.

Ashlee: Don't pretend you don't get it.

Coop: Why do you even care what he thinks?

Ashlee: Well, don't you?

Coop: No, I don't care at all.

Ashlee: He's your friend.

Coop: I know the guy from playing basketball.

Ashlee: So you don't care?

Coop: No! Look, he... I don't know what Joe’s thinking, all right? And I know Marina seems like she is pretty bored in there, but I am too busy right now having a good time with you. I'm happy to be here with you. Considering the last time we hung out, I almost blew my chance. Now, please, Ashlee, can we just... can we just go back inside?

Ashlee: Yeah. Just give me one second, okay?

Coop: Sure.

Ashlee: Okay.

Marina: So these codes that the banks use, how often do they change them for security reasons?

Joe: Hey... the girl Coop's dating, what's with her?

Marina: What do you mean?

Joe: She seems nice, but he can't really be into her. I mean, look at them. Can you really see them together?

Marina: I'm not quite sure why you're so surprised. Coop and Ashlee make a really great couple.

Cyrus: Excuse me, can you take that lovely young woman a very strong drink? I think her head's about to explode.

Waiter: Sure.

Coop: Joe, she is incredible. I would not let anyone else read my writings.

Joe: Hey, that's great.

Coop: Look, Ashlee, we have the best time together. All right, she is the coolest girl that I have ever known.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt your sales pitch, but I'm going home.

Coop: What? Ashlee, wait.

Marina: Well, this has been fun, Joe. We should probably go, too.

Waiter: Compliments of Mr. Foley.

Marina: Excuse me just a second.

Cyrus: You forgot your drink.

Marina: No, I didn’t.

Cyrus: Well, it's the thought that counts.

Marina: How long have you been here?

Cyrus: Long enough to know that you knew I was here all along.

Gus: I missed you.

Harley: I missed you, too. And this is how you celebrate an anniversary.

Gus: Yeah. I just can't wait until we get back into our routine. You know, the kids in school and us at work and our biggest decision of the night is should we order pizza or should we order Chinese food? And, of course, we've got to figure out a contractor to finish the house.

Harley: Well, that's actually a very big problem we need to resolve. Soon.

Gus: What's soon?

Harley: Soon we'll be back in our routine.

Gus: Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah, when we get home.

Harley: As soon as we get home.

Gus: Right.

Harley: But you know it'll never be the same. You know that, right? Because there are new people in play.

Gus: Yeah. Minus Alan, of course. Can you believe it, a person would really actually go to all those measures to try to split a couple up, ruin people's lives? It's just unfathomable.

Harley: When we picked up the key from the caretaker before, he said something interesting. He said they almost lost this place because of all that rain last spring. He said, you know, the lake rose and the house shifted and the foundation cracked.

Gus: Well, then they did a pretty good job of patching it up.

Harley: Yeah, the foundation cracked because of that rain. He said it was actually good because he got to see where the house's flaws were. It would be very easy to blame everything on Alan. But maybe he was just the rain.

Cyrus: I just don't think that Jim...

Marina: Joe.

Cyrus: Joe.

Marina: Joe.

Cyrus: ...Is good enough for you. Because he left.

Marina: Excuse me.

Waiter: I'll take this whenever you're ready, Miss.

Marina: Okay. Sorry, it's not quite ready yet. It's pretty expensive for four people for lunch, right? Crazy. I wasn't expecting to come out to lunch today, so I... my friends left me with the bill. I'm sure I have a credit card, so just give me one minute.

Cyrus: Why don't you let me take care of that?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: Marina, it's no big deal.

Marina: It is to me.

Cyrus: They shouldn't have stuck you with it.

Marina: Just go!

Cyrus: Look, if it's about the money...

Marina: No, Cyrus, it's not about the money, okay? Not everything is about money.

Coop: Ashlee, look, wait, I'm sorry, okay? The guy turned out to be a complete jerk. But why are you getting mad at me about it?

Ashlee: You know what, if your friends don't like me, that's tough.

Coop: It's one person.

Ashlee: There'll be more people.

Coop: Ashlee, how do you...

Ashlee: It really doesn't matter to you how people will react?

Coop: No, it doesn’t.

Ashlee: Well, it does to me. Because... because I want to belong.

Coop: Ashlee, this was not just a date for Marina. This was our date, too. You're not the only one with feelings here. Ash...

Ashlee: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I disappeared again.

Coop: No, no, no. I am sorry that this all went downhill as it did. Okay, next time... next time it'll just be the two of us. Okay? Ashlee, do you not want there to be a next time?

Rafe: We have phones, all right? We have email. We were in juvie and we still found ways to see each other.

Daisy: We shared a vent in juvie.

Rafe: It's not like Chicago is that far away. My mom has to bring me back to visit Gus, right, so I'll see you.

Daisy: Oh, great, what, during family time?

Rafe: Fine. Look, we'll get after-school jobs and we'll save up so we maybe we can see each other on our own time.

Daisy: Yeah, our parents will just love that.

Rafe: Look, I'm talking about work, actually getting jobs. I'm not exactly the type who says, "Hey, work, come here, I want to be with you because of your work." No, all right? Look, it's going to be okay.

Daisy: It's just I see you all the time now, and it's not enough.

Rafe: It's not enough for me either. I'm not backing off.

Daisy: Our parents are never going to let us see each other.

Rafe: Look at me. I'm not backing off.

Harley: I know what Alan did. We're both holding onto that theory for dear life, God knows.

Gus: It's not a theory.

Harley: How am I supposed to know that what happened wouldn't have happened anyway?

Gus: Because I'm telling you, I'm telling you from my heart.

Harley: You don't know that. Our marriage was headed for something big and bad anyway. I never thought it would be this. But, come on, Daisy and Rafe and Dylan and Natalia-- I mean, it's too much, cracks popping up all over the place.

Gus: The point is... the point is that our house is still standing, right? You know what, screw all these metaphors with the house and the cracks and the rain and the foundation. I get what you're saying, okay? The point is Dylan and Natalia will eventually go off into their own life and will meet people, and that's it. They'll leave us alone and they won't be an issue anymore.

Harley: Are you listening to yourself? Our marriage only works if Alan’s not around? Our marriage only works if Natalia finds someone or Dylan finds someone? So what, our love is unconditional, but our marriage has all these conditions? No. That's not the way it's supposed to be.

Gus: Look, we...

Harley: Our marriage should be strong enough to survive anything, even this, and I don't think...

Gus: We know that nothing is going to be the same anymore, okay? But that's why we're starting over. And we're going to start over. That's what we're doing. We'll figure it out as we go along. Together.

Natalia: Whatever you're thinking about doing to Harley, don’t.

Alan: You followed me here to protect her? Boy, she really got to you, didn't she? I don't even understand why you care.

Natalia: I care because Gus loves her, and I'm... I don't want him to be hurt. Because whatever happens to him affects Rafe, and that affects me.

Alan: Look, you haven't been in this family long enough to know the damage that woman has done. Behind that badge she wears are ex-husbands and children running all over the place. Every son that I've lost, I've lost to her.

Natalia: Yeah, and if you keep this up, you're about to lose your grandson, too. Who are you going to blame for that? Rafe hates you right now. And I don't want that. You're his grandfather, and he needs to see that there is some good in you. You have to prove that. Look at what you're doing.

Alan: It wasn't supposed to end up this way, Natalia. First I lost Phillip and Alan-Michael, Beth, Elizabeth, baby Sarah and now Gus.

Natalia: I lost Gus, too. But, Alan, you are stalking his wife. You can choose not to be this way. You have been so good to me and Rafe. I know you have it in you.

Alan: You think I can change?

Natalia: Yes, yes. I'm staying.

Alan: What?

Natalia: I will stay in the house a little longer if that's what it's going to take to make sure that you stop going after them.

Alan: Are you doing this for Gus and Harley?

Natalia: Believe it or not, Alan, I'm... I'm doing it for you.

Coop: Are you blowing me off to get back at me for doing it to you? Is that what this is about?

Ashlee: Coop, this date has crashed and burned already, okay? It's not like we're going to start having a good time. So maybe you should just know when to throw in the towel and call it a day.

Coop: Uh-huh. Okay. Okay.

Ashlee: Okay.

Coop: Ashlee, I don’t... I don't get it. Ava is gone. I am right here. I have told you that I wanted you, and I thought that you wanted me.

Ashlee: I do.

Coop: Do you? Then stop coming up with excuses why we shouldn't be together. There aren't any.

Cyrus: Forget what I said. I'm going to pick up the pace at Spaulding. I'm offering to make us richer faster, Griggs. That should make you happy, right?

Marina: He was over at Towers the last I saw him. Please do not lose him again. I have some important information that might help me find out what he's up to.

Daisy: You could just move across town.

Rafe: My mom is set on Chicago.

Daisy: So let her go. She can go and you can stay and we can be together. It's good because then things with Gus and Harley, they'll be less tense because she'll be gone.

Rafe: Ditch my mom, Daisy? You want me to ditch my mom? That's your big solution? No. It's always been just me and her.

Daisy: Okay, but it's not like you guys can live together forever.

Rafe: No, I'm not going to leave her now, okay. And alone? You know that. And if you don't know that, then you don't know me.

Daisy: Look, I'm just asking you to think about it, okay?

Rafe: No. No, you're asking me to choose.

Daisy: Well, maybe that's the only way.

Rafe: Look, you and me are... but my mom, my mom is my mom. I'm not going to choose you over her.

Daisy: Okay, okay. Well, then I take it back. Don't choose.

Rafe: I can't believe you.

Daisy: Rafe...

Natalia: Here you go. Drink this.

Alan: Thank you. You know, I have a staff that does this.

Natalia: Food is my thing. Do you feel any better?

Alan: Yes, thanks to you. You know, it takes a special person, Natalia, to see the good in me. Most people around me can't see it.

Natalia: Yeah. Well, it's very well-hidden. I'm very tired, so we'll talk tomorrow.

Alan: Yeah. Good night.

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: Getting ready to go back.

Gus: Doesn't it feel like we just got here?

Harley: I feel like we've been here forever.

Gus: You know, right in the middle of when we were making love...

Harley: But, see, that’s... that's never been a problem for us. It's not the solution here, though.

Gus: I just want you. That's all I want in this whole life.

Harley: Oh, sweetie, you want Rafe, too. And you should. He's your son. You can't push him away. My problem is, you can't push Natalia away either.

Gus: She is the mother of my son. That's just the way it is.

Harley: Yeah, but that's not all she is.

Gus: How do I get you to believe me? What do I have to say?

Harley: You can’t. You can’t. It's not your fault, but you can’t. And that's just the way it is.

Gus: Great. So what do we do?

Harley: We try. We go back and we try.

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