GL Transcript Tuesday 8/28/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/28/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Buzz: Okay now, election day is coming up soon. I want you to vote early, I want you to vote often, but most importantly, I want you to vote for me. Now, you know, I was going to make, I think, the standard stump speech, but... I think I'd rather ask you. I want to know what concerns you want addressed during the campaign.

Lizzie: I've got a huge one.

Buzz: Lizzie. How can I help you?

Lizzie: I want your take on relationships between the sexes. Men and women, how they treat each other, what's fair and what's not?

Buzz: Oh, I could write a book about that. You know, but what does that have to do with being mayor?

Lillian: It has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Lizzie: It's a legitimate question. It's speaks on his character.

Lillian: His character... he has more character than anyone you've ever met.

Buzz: Would you care to be more specific?

Lizzie: Specific? Absolutely. What are your intentions with my nana?

Doris: Are you trying to make me look bad?

Ashlee: What, by volunteering in a hospital?

Doris: By doing it here instead of at campaign headquarters. It looks like you don't support me.

Ashlee: I don't support you.

Doris: Keep your voice down.

Ashlee: Why should I support you after what you did to the Cooper’s? I mean, it was such a horror show. I think if you get elected, I'm going to need to change my name.

Doris: The Cooper’s, always with the Cooper’s. Why do you keep putting these people on a pedestal?

Ashlee: I put everyone on a pedestal compared to you.

Doris: Oh. You know what? Make jokes, but they are not perfect. Not Buzz, not Coop, not any one of them.

Ashlee: Mom!

Doris: No one is perfect.

Ashlee: I know what you're going with this, and you can just stop.

Doris: You can't trust anyone, Ashlee. Remember what happened last time?

Ashlee: Mom, just don't go there.

Doris: Well, I'm sorry to be the one to bring up bad memories, but...

Ashlee: Mom, just stop then. Just don’t. Stop.

Marina: Hey.

Coop: I'm sorry. What are you doing, hiding?

Marina: Watching.

Coop: What's dad doing talking to Lizzie over there?

Marina: I think that she's giving him a hard time.

Coop: What about?

Marina: I don't know. Lillian, I guess.

Coop: Oh, maybe we should go over there.

Marina: We should.

Coop: Yeah, stick up for the old dog.

Marina: You know, she's really lucky to be with a guy like grandpa.

Coop: Well, she-- you better believe it.

Marina: Absolutely. You know that romantic thing, it runs in our genes.

Coop: Well... let's go.

Marina: Unless...

Coop: Maybe...

Marina: The romantic gene thing?

Coop: Could have skipped a generation.

Marina: Maybe a couple.

Cyrus: Let's keep this brief. You shouldn't be out in public.

Griggs: Is that any way to talk to your friend?

Cyrus: We're partners, remember that. You can buy all of the friends you want when we're done with this money.

Griggs: Crime's become such a cold business.

Cyrus: Can we get on with this?

Griggs: I'm just saying.

Cyrus: Well, save it until we're done. In the meantime, let's try to avoid popular restaurants for our meetings, all right? I need you to lay low.

Griggs: Yeah, about that...

Cyrus: What?

Griggs: I was spotted. Mallet's wife.

Cyrus: Dinah?

Griggs: I was hungry. It happened.

Cyrus: So what are you going to say when we kiss this money good-bye? This is the Spaulding fortune we're talking about. I'm finally in that house, and it's a bottomless pit. There is no one in this town who can mess this up for us more than her.

Alexandra: Have Mr. Foley's Astin Martin brought around, will you? We're going to Spaulding, the offices. When? Did he say where he was going?

Griggs: You need to reel it in, junior.

Cyrus: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Griggs: I can take care of this problem for us very easily. I just have to finish what I started.

Cyrus: Forget it, no way.

Griggs: You're always talking about how important this is, all that money.

Cyrus: Everything needs to fall into place. No complications.

Griggs: You need someone on the outside if you're going to pull this off.

Cyrus: Yeah, I need you, but you're not indispensable. Just remember that.

Dinah: Come on you got to work. You got to work. ( Cell phone rings ) What?

Alexandra: Hello. Alexandra Spaulding here.

Dinah: I'm busy right now.

Alexandra: You know, you offered to follow Cyrus and Marina around, and Cyrus isn't here.

Dinah: He is not with Marina.

Alexandra: And how would you know that, unless you go out and find him?

Dinah: You know what? You're going to need to trust me on this one.

Cyrus: We understand each other now? This is my gig, and we'll run it my way.

Ashlee: Mom, why do you always do this?

Doris: I am a mother. I have responsibilities.

Ashlee: What, to live in the past?

Doris: To make sure that you don't forget it.

Ashlee: What's the point to drudge up all these memories? What good will it do? You need to stop.

Doris: You know what? Just come with me and we will go stuff envelopes.

Ashlee: No, no. I'm not going this time, not after yesterday. This isn't about Coop. Coop and I are going nowhere. I just can't be on your side anymore.

Doris: I am your mother.

Ashlee: So you keep telling me.

Coop: Okay, I'm sorry, but I've got to head back to Company.

Marina: Oh, no problem.

Coop: Oh, by the way, make sure you pass these words on to Mayor McCheese over there.

Marina: Oh, I don't know about that. There is only so much a girl can do.

Coop: Good luck.

Marina: Later.

Coop: Bye.

Marina: Bye. ( Cell phone rings ) Cooper. Hey, Rollins. I was just about to head back to the station. What's that? Okay, I'm on my way.

Lizzie: Am I wrong here, people? I mean, tell me. Doesn't the way a man treats the woman in his life say a little something about the way he's going to treat his constituents?

Buzz: Where is this coming from?

Lillian: Mars or Venus, perhaps. Come on, Lizzie.

Woman: I'd like to hear what he has to say.

Man: Me, too.

Lizzie: Buzz, the floor is yours.

Buzz: Are we not having a good time?

Lillian: We are having a great time.

Lizzie: Well, doesn't that just spell commitment with a capital "C."

Woman: I hear that.

Buzz: Listen, folks--

Lillian: No. Wait, wait. Listen to me for once, and you listen most of all. Okay? I'm pinning this on big time. I don't want a commitment with a capital "C." I want just exactly what I have: Something ecstatic and easy, a man who makes me feel wonderful, and that is all.

Lizzie: I was just trying to look out for you.

Lillian: Sweetheart, that would be so wonderful if I needed being looked out for, and I suppose some people get desperate after age... 30, but not me. I found out what makes me happy.

Billy: Okay. Show time.

Vanessa: Well I don’t really care if you don't want to hear because I have got to say it.

Matt: Do we really have to do this right now?

Vanessa: Yeah, we do. We do. You know what? I am looking out for my daughter, and I'm going to keep on doing it.

Matt: By telling your louse of a husband to keep his distance?

Vanessa: It was one thing when we were still together. But now that we're not... it's just not...

Matt: What?

Vanessa: It is not appropriate.

Billy: You okay? Why don't you come on in for a second, okay?

Cyrus: Aw, I blinked. Come on, take another one. This time get my good side.

Billy: Here. I'm sorry I don't have anything stronger. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was about Dinah, wasn't it?

Vanessa: Yeah, this round. We fight about everything, everything!

Billy: That's too bad.

Vanessa: I don't really blame Matt, you know. I just... I just go right after him. I'll pick a fight about anything, just so that I can... I don't know, I guess just express my disappointment, something like that.

Billy: Well, you've been there before, haven't you?

Vanessa: Billy, I wasn't talking about us or you.

Billy: You know, all I ever wanted for you was not to have to go through this again.

Vanessa: Thanks. Me, too. But really, I meant it. You know, I don't dwell on us like that, because you've totally changed. You've turned your life around.

Billy: I don't know

Vanessa: You have. You know, there was a time when I just couldn't stand to hear anything about you because it was too painful. So look at you now.

Billy: Hey, how did we get to be talking about me?

Vanessa: ( Laughs ) Well, I guess it's just better than that other topic. Okay... but seriously, I mean, you do know that I think you're great, right? And I'm proud of you, and Bill is very proud of you. I sound like I'm making a speech, but you're a good man.

Billy: ( Laughs )

Vanessa: You are. Okay, I've got to go. I've got to pick up Maureen. So thanks, you know.

Billy: But I didn't do anything.

Vanessa: Sure you did.

Billy: Hi, Lizzie, it's me. Look, I'd like you to get over here as soon as you can. Thanks. No, I have something I want to do, and I'm going to need some help. Thanks.

Coop: Pop, this just came for you over at Company.

Buzz: Oh, great. The pamphlets.

Coop: Yes. There is another one in the car, but if you want, I can help you unpack these and then pass them out.

Buzz: You're trying to make up for sitting on the sidelines, aren't you?

Coop: You saw that?

Buzz: You and Marina. Such loyalty I should not soon forget.

Coop: She had to help me out with a little something.

Buzz: A little something what?

Coop: A little something like you've got too much on your mind already. I'll get the other box, okay?

Buzz: I think I know what it is.

Lillian: By the way, I'm so sorry about Lizzie before.

Buzz: No. I mean the timing was... you know, but she has a right to ask. I'm sorry I was so slow to answer.

Lillian: Oh, please.

Buzz: Oh, come on. I should have been singing your praises on top of this table, from rooftops.

Lillian: I would have been so embarrassed, I would have died-- although I like the idea a lot.

Buzz: Hey, you. It's good, isn't it? You and me? Yeah?

Lillian: Yeah.

Buzz: I think we should spread the wealth.

Lillian: Meaning?

Buzz: Meaning this. Ashlee.

Ashlee: Hi. How are you?

Buzz: I'm fine. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to thank you for, like, giving me the warning about your mom's press conference.

Ashlee: Oh, I actually thought you would be mad. I should have asked her to stop, and not bash your family like that.

Buzz: Well, you can make up for it.

Ashlee: Yeah, I will. Name it. Whatever.

Buzz: Well, you can hand out pamphlets, you know? Start at the Beacon.

Marina: What's this all about?

Alexandra: You made excellent time. Does your boss know how efficient you are?

Marina: Alexandra, the call from dispatch said that this was an emergency.

Alexandra: I think I said important, not an emergency. But then you know how things get lost in translation.

Marina: Alexandra!

Alexandra: I just wanted to talk.

Marina: Then talk.

Alexandra: How much of my husband have you been seeing lately?

Marina: Please, don't tell me that this is what you called me here for?

Alexandra: Well, go ahead and tell me. I mean, I'm not going to get mad.

Marina: I'm not afraid of you getting mad, Alexandra, I'm not afraid of you, period.

Alexandra: Oh, I think we're getting off on the wrong foot here.

Marina: Well, that probably started when you summoned me by contacting my station.

Alexandra: I did not summon you, and that's such a negative connotation. Look, you two have a connection. I understand that. I just think that, Marina, it really is beneath you to have to go sneaking around.

Marina: So he's been disappearing on you, huh?

Alexandra: Well...

Marina: You call him, and sometimes the phone just rings and rings, and you think he can't possibly be out of range that often.

Alexandra: Well...

Marina: You make plans to go to dinner. You might even double check with him and when the time comes, he's a no-show. Later, he'll say he forgot. But no one's memory is that bad, is it?

Alexandra: Why can't you just admit it?

Marina: That's the thing, Alex, there is nothing to admit. Whatever Cyrus is doing, and whoever he's doing it with, it's not with me. Why do you looked so freaked out? You're the one who made the deal.

Dinah: Where is he?

Cyrus: Where is who, Dinah? You've got to calm down.

Dinah: Griggs. Where is he? He was just here talking to you.

Griggs: Marshall Griggs, you sure?

Dinah: Yes. This is not an hallucination I'm having.

Cyrus: Hallucination?

Dinah: We went to the hospital-- we went there. He was at Cedars, and Mallet and I went back and there was no blood, and there was nothing.

Cyrus: I'm not following you. Why don't you sit down and take a breath?

Dinah: I don't want to...

Cyrus: Dinah, I'm worried--

Dinah: Sit! I know, I know, I know. No, you two were talking, right here, the two of you were talking right here.

Cyrus: Why would I be talking to Griggs, and what about?

Dinah: Don't you mess with me.

Cyrus: Look, listen to me. I haven't even the man since I ran him out of town. He shot you, for God's sake. If I did see him, it would be all I could do from pounding him.

Dinah: If I had a picture, it would be proof.

Cyrus: Well, you'd need to go to Amsterdam to the prison for that.

Dinah: No, no, no, no, no. This is real!

Cyrus: Look, look, look, let's call Mallet. We'll get him down here and you can tell him what you saw.

Dinah: No, I don't, I don’t... no, no, no. And then he's going to think I'm losing it? No, I don't think so.

Cyrus: Then tell me what I can do for you. Just name it. I hate seeing you like this, imagining things. It must be really hard, this recovery. If you need someone to talk to...

Dinah: I don't want to talk.

Ashlee: Wow, these came out great.

Buzz: Oh, yeah, a great likeness, huh?

Ashlee: ( Laughs )

Buzz: Thanks for your help, but I... you know, I'm putting you on the spot with your mom.

Ashlee: You know, she lost my vote the minute that she started saying weird things about you and your family.

Buzz: Oh, come on, still, you know...

Ashlee: Well, still nothing. I want to do this, you know. Just because I'm related to one of the candidates, doesn't mean I can't support the other one. And I think you'd be really great at the job.

Buzz: You're embarrassing me.

Ashlee: Well, you've got to deal with it, okay? So you want me to go to the Beacon, right?

Buzz: Yeah, the Beacon.

Ashlee: Okay, great. ( Laughs )

Coop: All right, Dad, I'm ready to help pass out pamphlets at the Beacon. Ashlee.

Ashlee: The Beacon?

Buzz: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. But, you know, you two -- you can go together, and then you can cover more ground, right?

Coop: Pop, this might--

Ashlee: I don't think that's a good idea.

Buzz: I'm sorry, I've got to run. I've got a donor that I've got to meet and everything like that. Honey, come on. Let's blow this pop stand.

Ashlee: Real smooth.

Coop: Yeah, he's probably a better politician than we give him credit for.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) I'm sure you can cover the Beacon.

Coop: You know what, Ashlee. You wouldn't want to disappoint my dad, would you?

Ashlee: I think he'll get over it.

Coop: Well, what about me? I mean, you wouldn't want to disappoint me? Look, you were saying that you don't believe how I feel for you. How am I supposed to convince you that it is real if you don't let me spend any time with you?

Ashlee: This is about business only.

Coop: Okay. Absolutely, fine. You look great by the way.

Ashlee: Hey, what did I just say?

Coop: I'm just saying, you know, you are appropriately dressed, you know, for a gig like this, to be a representative of my dad because you're supposed to give off the right image.

Ashlee: Right image, got you.

Coop: Ashlee, just take the compliment, please? Thank you. Is that so difficult?

Ashlee: ( Laughs )

Lizzie: Look at what I just found outside your door.

Billy: Yeah. This is definitely flushable material.

Lizzie: You know a lot of people think just because you have money, you must be smart. And smart people make smart choices.

Billy: Yeah. I'm about to make a smart choice.

Lizzie: You sounded pretty urgent.

Billy: That's because I'm highly motivated.

Lizzie: Okay, what's on your mind?

Billy: Well, I think it's great that we beat out Alan, and that we'll make a lot of money, but I want to do more than just make money with this. I want to...

Lizzie: What?

Billy: I want to do some good. And I think doing good starts right here.

Lillian: Well, I don't think every mayoral candidate has time for playing in the elevator.

Buzz: Just a gentle nudge.

Lillian: I'll be right back.

Doris: Boo!

Buzz: Geez! What are you, trying to give me a heart attack?

Doris: I didn't scream loud enough.

Buzz: My heart is fine.

Doris: That's not what I heard.

Buzz: You can startle me, but you can't scare me, Doris.

Doris: You know what? It's not going to get any easier.

Buzz: Look, you trashed my family. That didn't work. You want to deal with the issues here? Do you know how to do that?

Doris: You know what? I do. But I don't think I'm going to have to worry about that, actually. I think people are going to be very interested in the curious choices you've made.

Buzz: The curious... oh, Doris.

Doris: What was that line you used? "I'm in it to win it."

Lillian: Ooh, was that as much fun as it looked?

Buzz: Do I look like a three car pile-up on I-55?

Lillian: You sort of do.

Buzz: Look, can I have the itinerary?

Lillian: Well, I thought we were going to go over it together.

Buzz: I'll do this myself.

Lillian: Buzz?

Buzz: I think we ought to cool it for a while.

Woman: So then I said, you call those muscles? Hey.

Cyrus: My fault, I wasn't watching where I was going. I beg your pardon.

Woman: Hey, no problem. What's your hurry?

Cyrus: Well, I've got to go. Sorry again.

Alexandra: Well, I guess I owe you an apology.

Marina: Well, the next time you want to know how your husband is spending his time, why don't you ask him?

Alexandra: Well, is this what you were trying to say before? Is this your point? That I made the deal when I said I will not cramp your style in this marriage, so if he's out with some sexy blonde or some leggy brunette, someone who knows how to please him, then maybe I should say go for it. Yes?

Marina: Cyrus could be up to anything, you know? He's not necessarily with some woman. He did have a bad history before he came to work for you.

Alexandra: Yes, but I think that's all behind him, you know. After all, he is a rich man now.

Matt: Dinah.

Dinah: I'm glad you're here.

Matt: Yeah. You okay? You didn't sound too good on the phone. I'm sorry. Come on in.

Dinah: You wouldn't believe... did I catch you at a bad time, Matt?

Matt: No. No, it's good. Tell me... tell me what happened.

Dinah: Well, it was... like I told you, I went to the restaurant, I looked across, and I saw him, and then I didn't see him.

Matt: And this is what, the third time that you've seen this guy?

Dinah: It's the fourth.

Matt: Did... did you have anything to drink? Did you have anything to drink?

Dinah: Nope, no. Stone sober.

Matt: Did you call the doctor?

Dinah: Look, why are you acting like... like you did something?

Matt: I want to help you, Dinah. I don't want to hurt you

Dinah: Why would you want to hurt me?

Matt: Some people could get that idea.

Dinah: Who? My mom?

Matt: She has it in her head that I am some kind of a bad influence on you.

Dinah: What are you talking about? You're my friend.

Matt: Yeah, well you don't want to alienate your mother, not if you want your job back. She needs to feel like you're progressing.

Dinah: Well, I'm not going to progress without your help. You are the only one who gets me right now. It's hard to talk to Mallet sometimes, you know. Even though...

Matt: Even though?

Dinah: Look, you're going to be the only one that gets hurt if we spend time together. I mean, my mom won't punish me, but she'll surely take it out on you. Sorry.

Matt: Wait.

Dinah: Well, am I wrong?

Matt: I don't care.

Dinah: I do.

Matt: Dinah, so being here bugs Vanessa. I'm not going to kick you out, not when you need me. Not when I...

Dinah: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Not when you what?

Matt: Not when I need you. I'm sorry, Dinah.

Dinah: Matt...

Matt: I'm sorry. I... that was wrong of me to do that. I... I guess I just... wanted you, needed you to know how important you are to me right now.

Dinah: What do you want me to say?

Matt: Say you don't hate me, please?

Dinah: I don't hate you, but...

Matt: Dinah, I'm just... I'm just a mess these days. I don’t... I'm usually pretty good at hiding it, but... I'm just missing my wife, I miss my daughter. I would never do anything to mess this up.

Dinah: Okay, I should go.

Matt: You believe me, right?

Dinah: Yes, I believe you. I do.

Matt: Dinah, you came here because you needed to talk to someone. You don't have to go. I... you don't have to go.

Dinah: We talked. And you helped. I should go.

Buzz: Hey!

Lillian: You know what? You're not going to make any campaign stops until you tell me what you're doing.

Buzz: I'm the one that's involved in the campaign. I mean, maybe it's casual to you--

Lillian: Buzz, Buzz, do you think I'm stupid?

Buzz: I think--

Lillian: You and I are fine. You talked to Doris for two minutes. What did she say?

Buzz: Forget about Doris.

Lillian: How can I? She's going drag me through the mud.

Buzz: It's okay if my name is dragged through the mud, but not anybody else’s.

Lillian: Oh, right. She's going to come out about the prostitution ring that I run down at the hospital with all of my nurses.

Buzz: Lillian?

Lillian: And then she is going to talk about how Khrushchev and I had a wonderful affair when he was head of the communist party. Probably that would be a good one, wouldn't it?

Buzz: Are you finished?

Lillian: Not with you, I'm not. I'm not scared of what she would say. I mean, you know I've done things I'm not proud of. And if she wants to drag them through all of Springfield, fine. Half the town already knows; the other half doesn't care. You know, I didn't want to go out with you because I needed a protector. That would have been too boring for words, right?

Buzz: What are you in it for? Lillian!

Lillian: ( Laughs )

Coop: See? This isn't so bad, is it?

Ashlee: The last guy I gave a pamphlet to spit his gum out in it.

Coop: I saw the way he was listening to you when you were talking. I'm sure that you have him sold.

Ashlee: Let's not talk about me or us or anybody--

Coop: Oh, you said "us." Was that an "us"? I think she said an "us."

Ashlee: No names.

Coop: Hey.

Ava: Well, look who it is.

Coop: Ava, hi. We're kind of busy at the moment right now, so--

Ava: Oh, campaigning against your mother?

Ashlee: Oh, no. Campaigning for Buzz.

Ava: Oh, that's so nice of you.

Coop: Yeah, so does Buzz have your vote?

Ava: Well, you know how much I love your dad.

Ashlee: Oh, but you work for Alan’s evil empire, so--

Ava: Well, that doesn't mean you're going to shoot me, does it?

Ashlee: Oh, no, not unless you deserve it.

Coop: Ladies, please, that's enough.

Ava: Coop, I didn't come here to fight.

Coop: Okay, so why did you come here, then?

Ava: Oh, I came here to say hi. So hi.

Ashlee: Oh, it's really cool of you to stop by because I feel like even after Coop dumping you, you should still maybe vote for his dad. Here.

Ava: Ouch!

Ashlee: What?

Ava: You pricked me with that thing.

Ashlee: Oh, I did. I'm... I'm sorry. Oops.

Cyrus: There she is.

Alexandra: Oh, look what the Astin Martin dragged in.

Cyrus: And what have you been up to today?

Alexandra: Well, mostly waiting for you. We're supposed to go to Spaulding today, remember.

Cyrus: That is today?

Alexandra: It was on your PDA.

Cyrus: That's weird. Oh, no, I don't believe it. The batteries are out.

Alexandra: No.

Cyrus: It chimes to remind me of things otherwise I'd never remember anything. I guess today's proof of that.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) Well, one can hardly get angry at dead batteries.

Cyrus: But you are angry with me.

Alexandra: Well, I really don't have the right to be. After all, we have an agreement.

Cyrus: Alex, look, as far as today goes, you're absolutely justified in being a little upset. And not just because I missed that meeting. I'm... not proud of how I spent my day.

Alexandra: What... you don't owe me any story, of course, you know.

Cyrus: This time I think I should tell you. I've slipped back into my old ways.

Alexandra: You're thieving?

Cyrus: Of course not. I'm rich now, remember? No, as a big spender. I saw this, and I decided that you had to have it.

Alexandra: Well, it's beautiful.

Cyrus: I was hoping you were going to think that.

Buzz: Hey, oh, oh...

Billy: Don't you two go anywhere, all right?

Buzz: This better not be another thing about your grandmother.

Lizzie: This you want to hear.

Lillian: Honey, what is it?

Billy: Wait, wait. Just follow me.

Buzz: What's that?

Lizzie: This is a map.

Buzz: It's Springfield.

Billy: No, it's more than that. This is a map of the plans that Phillip had when he was going to turn Springfield into his own private vision.

Buzz: Oh, don't remind me. I almost threw myself in front of the wrecking ball.

Billy: Well, you might want to get your flak vest again.

Lillian: What is it?

Lizzie: Billy got a hunch, and we did a little snooping. This was with granddad's things, along with a bunch of Doris' campaign materials.

Billy: Alan has resurrected Phillip’s vision. And along with Mayor Doris, he plans on turning this town into "Spauldingfield."

Coop: Ava, maybe you should let us get back to what we were doing, okay?

Ava: You mean before she draws blood again?

Ashlee: Oh, well, I have a rusty one in here for you, if you'd like.

Ava: You know what? Call me when you wake up from the nightmare.

Coop: That's what I'm talking about.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: What? I'm saying the way that you stand up to her. I mean, I hate that it's got to be like that, but I mean, if that's how it has to be, I'm glad that at least you can put her in her place, you know? Geez, I bet you probably wanted to deck Buzz when he put us together doing all of this pamphlet posting and buttons and stuff like that. But I have to tell you, I'm... I'm really happy that we got a chance to work together. You know, his kind of reminds me why I liked you in the first place. Ashlee.

Alexandra: It's beautiful. I love it. I do. What, there's engraving on it?

Cyrus: Um...

Alexandra: "To my rose."

Cyrus: You like it?

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) You do know my name is Alexandra.

Cyrus: Yeah, but anyone can engrave a name on something. To me, you're like a flower. The most noble and beautiful in the garden. My rose.

Alexandra: And you are such a big phony.

Cyrus: ( Laughs )

Alexandra: But actually, rose is my favorite flower. I bet you didn't know that about me, did you?

Cyrus: I know more about you than you might think.

Alexandra: Well, just so today isn't a total waste, I had some Spaulding papers sent over, some various trusts and accounts. We could go over them, if you'd like.

Cyrus: I'd love to.

Alexandra: Good. I've got to run to Cook. I've got a message to give her that I forgot. I'll be right back.

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