Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/27/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Come on babe, you want to join me?
Dinah: In a minute. That wasn't Griggs. He wasn't there. Matt -- he saw that he wasn't there. It's just my stupid brain. You were drinking and the doctor told you not to drink. No, he can't be there. It doesn't make sense.
Mallet: Come on. I'm sorry, babe, I can't wait any longer. I cannot believe you turned down my invitation for some watery fun. Hey, you still thinking about Griggs?
Dinah: A little.
Mallet: Well, remember, it was a nightmare, okay? Griggs is in prison in Amsterdam. We've already confirmed that, okay?
Dinah: Thank you for making that phone call.
Mallet: Yeah. You know, you're not the only one that has nightmares about Griggs, about what could have happened to you. I have them, too. But he's not here, he's gone. And he won't hurt us again, okay? The only thing he can do is mess up our sleep.
Dinah: Right. Don't you have to be back at the station?
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, I've got to go. What about you? What are you going to do tonight?
Dinah: I don't know. Just have a quiet night.
Alan: It's great to be with your granddad again, isn't it? I bet you don't remember when you and your mommy used to live with us. Yeah, we had a lot of fun. Bet you don't remember your dad either. Your dad was a... Philip was a good man. But, you know, things are looking up. Your mom says you can visit me more often, the house is filling up with all kind of new faces, lots of Spaulding’s. Why, you even have a new cousin there. His name is Rafe. And your Uncle Gus is there. Boy, the house is just filled with Spaulding’s. (Laughs) You just eat your ice cream and I'll be right back, okay? Do I need to call the police?
Reva: I don't know. What crime have you committed?
Alan: None. But you seem to be obsessed with my granddaughters-- first Elizabeth, the wild weekend, and now I hear that you kidnapped Emma from school.
Reva: No, no, no, no, Alan, I did not kidnap Emma. I just picked her up from her teachers and we had a playdate. Does that look a little girl who's scared to death of me?
Alan: No, she's too young to know better, but I do. You should be behind bars, Reva.
Reva: But I'm not, so go figure.
Alan: Olivia is a tough opponent. She was very smart to enlist me. Good news for Emma, bad news for you.
Harley: Someone slipped me a sedative.
Cassie: And you're sure it was that night?
Harley: Oh, the night that I had, what, two, three drinks and I passed out? The night that I ended up in Dylan's bed? Yes! It makes sense.
Cassie: Okay, so where were you that night before Dylan?
Harley: I was at Alan's. Gus had organized this whole big family thing.
Cassie: Well, then that's your answer right there, Harley. It was Alan.
Harley: I don't know, maybe.
Cassie: Maybe? The man hates you. And we both know he is capable of much worse.
Harley: That's true. And he does hate me. But he's not the only suspect here.
Cassie: Okay, well, then who else?
Harley: Someone slips me something right before they see me walk out the door with Dylan. Gus happened to show up at Dylan's place and sees me in his bed. Now, who would benefit from this?
Cassie: Alan. Alan would love it if you two would split from this.
Harley: Yes, but Gus didn't turn to Alan. No, it wasn't Alan. Natalia.
Gus: We can't go there.
Natalia: You didn't go there, I went there.
Gus: Yeah, but Harley asked me to move out, but I don't really think that means that we're done, you know?
Natalia: Oh, really? What do you think that means?
Gus: It means that we got some major problems, but this isn't going to help anything.
Natalia: Why are you taking all the blame on yourself?
Gus: I'm not, I'm not. Things are just really complicated with Dylan and Daisy and Rafe; my father is sticking his nose in everybody's business all the time. I mean, it's just... it's just very complicated and this is not.. not... not helping.
Natalia: So what about Harley? Harley is innocent in all of this?
Gus: No, but she didn't do what I did, what we did.
Cassie: I don't really know Natalia. You really think she's capable of something like this?
Harley: She certainly was capable of sleeping with my husband. And she told me flat out she wants him back.
Cassie: Okay, all right. And you saw her that night?
Harley: Oh, of course. It was a family get together. How could we have a get together without Natalia?
Cassie: All right, fine. If you have to consider Natalia, then I really think you should consider Dylan, too, because it was his bed you ended up in, after all.
Gus: Oh, God.
Natalia: What happened between us happened because of Harley and Dylan.
Gus: That's the point-- nothing happened between them.
Natalia: I am not trying to Harley bash.
Gus: Fine, she's to blame, too. All right, does that make you feel better?
Natalia: Can I ask you why it took you so long to stop kissing me?
Gus: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, all right? It's not fair to you and it's not fair to... it's not fair to Harley. It's not fair to anybody.
Natalia: It's not fair to you, either, or your stomach. Do you need more Pepto? I'll go get it.
Gus: I got stuff stashed, little Pepto pills in every little... every drawer.
Harley: You realize how big this is, right?
Cassie: Oh, yeah.
Harley: No, no, no. All along, I've been blaming Gus, thinking it was Gus who did this. But no, somebody did this to us.
Gus: These aren't mine.
Natalia: I didn't say they were.
Gus: They're made out to Alan. They're a prescription for valium. I'm sure he's got one in every drawer in the house.
Natalia: That wouldn't surprise me.
Gus: I was just thinking I was such a mess when I was on this kind of stuff.
Natalia: I can't even imagine you like that.
Gus: It wasn't pretty.
Natalia: But you're okay now?
Gus: Yeah, but I'm, you know, certainly am tempted sometimes. You know, this wild ride of a life.
Natalia: Can we maybe take... take Rafe somewhere? Maybe take him to a game at Wrigley or something, because I know... I know he must be nervous. He's in a new school in a new city and...
Gus: Sure. New everything. A new life. Yeah, yeah, I'll... I'll definitely take him to a game. I just can't do it today. I've got to take care of a little piece of business.
Natalia: Harley?
Gus: No, actually Alan.
Reva: Wow, five whole minutes with your granddaughter before you shuttle her off to the nanny. That's very impressive.
Alan: As soon as you stop spouting all this nonsense, we can get on with our outing.
Reva: I'm surprised you get to spend any time with any child.
Alan: Here we go again.
Reva: No, no, we never stopped because Jonathan and Sarah are still gone, and you keep adding new members to what you call a family over there at that house.
Alan: Raphael is my grandchild as well as Emma.
Reva: You know what, I'm surprised that Olivia let you spend any time alone with Emma.
Reva: And I can't figure out what's going on between you and Olivia. Must be pretty serious if she came to me.
Reva: She's crazy.
Alan: Or desperate. Desperate enough to run you down.
Reva: Oh, well that was an accident. At least I think it was an accident. I really can't remember all the particulars of it just yet.
Alan: Oh, so you have something to hold over her head, a threat. You can threaten her that if your memory comes back, you may think of something that will put her behind bars. Is that it?
Reva: (Laughs)
Alan: She doesn't do what you want, is that it?
Reva: You don't know anything. You don't.
Alan: Well, if you don't want her in jail, then what do you want from Olivia?
Reva: Alan, if I had any power over Olivia, I'd see to it that she cut you out of Emma's life before you destroy it, like you did Sarah's.
Alan: Reva, I think it's time for you to move on. You have no purpose here anymore. I have a new family of Spaulding’s to take care of. Your husband left you for your sister, your children are all gone; you are no longer useful.
Reva: How long, Alan? How long before you ruin this family, too?
Doctor: Dinah?
Dinah: Dr. Belford.
Doctor: Are you looking for me?
Dinah: Yeah. I... I'm sorry, I don't have an...
Doctor: Appointment?
Dinah: Yeah. Thank you. I promise I won't take much time, though. I think that I'm having a new sy... symptom and I'm not sure.
Doctor: Describe it for me.
Dinah: I think I saw someone that apparently wasn't there.
Doctor: How do you know?
Dinah: My friend that was with me, he swears that he didn't see him.
Doctor: This person, is he someone important to you?
Dinah: He was the man who shot me.
Doctor: Oh. I thought that he was in prison.
Dinah: Yeah, in Europe. But I saw him here in the restaurant.
Doctor: And no one else can confirm that he was actually there?
Dinah: No. Am I going crazy?
Doctor: Well, of course, it could be emotional or psychological, a result of post-traumatic stress. But it could also be physiological.
Dinah: What does that mean?
Doctor: Meaning that hallucinations are not uncommon after brain trauma. It's another breakdown in how your brain communicates-- you hear something or smell something that reminds you of this man, but instead of it triggering a memory, your brain tells you that he's right before you.
Dinah: This is all in my head?
Doctor: If it happens again, take a deep breath and try to remember things, details-- his clothes, cologne he might be wearing. We can try to see if there's a pattern, if there's something that's triggering it.
Dinah: Okay, I can do that. I'll do that.
Doctor: I'll see you at your next checkup.
Griggs: Hello, Dinah.
Dinah: You're not here.
Griggs: Well, then, where am I?
Dinah: You're in my mind. You're a memory, but you're in the wrong place. Brown suit. No!
Griggs: I'm right here, Dinah. Right here with you.
Dinah: No. (Gunshot) (police sirens wail) Griggs? (Police sirens wail) Oh, my God.
Mallet: They didn't get much, Frank. Maybe $1,000 worth of merchandise, but we can follow up on some... hey, here's my notes, Frank. Review those. Just give us a minute, will you?
Frank: Yeah, sure.
Mallet: Baby, what's wrong?
Dinah: I shot someone.
Mallet: What?
Dinah: Griggs. I think I killed him.
Mallet: No, no, he's in Amsterdam, remember? I called that prison yesterday to confirm that.
Dinah: Well, I don't know, I think they're lying. We need to hide the body.
Reva: Hi.
Cassie: Is this a bad time?
Reva: No, I just didn't expect you.
Cassie: Well, there's something I need to talk to you about.
Reva: Let me guess-- you and Josh have made it official; you're married?
Cassie: No, but we will be soon.
Reva: I'm sure.
Cassie: Things just happened-- you know, the clerk's office was closed and the elevator was out and...
Reva: Things happen, huh? I guess that's what they do.
Cassie: It's not a sign, Reva, it's just incomplete paperwork. As soon as he gets back from the retreat, we will make it legal.
Reva: So, why are you here then? And please don't tell me it's about going after Olivia, because I already told you I can fight my own battles.
Cassie: It's not about Olivia. It's about Dylan. I told Harley I would come talk to you for her.
Reva: What about Dylan?
Cassie: Harley says he has feelings for her.
Reva: Yeah, he told me that.
Cassie: Does he know that she's in love with Gus and that she already has a husband?
Reva: I'm sure he understands that Harley is committed to someone else. It's just that when you have a child with someone, it makes for a special kind of history.
Cassie: Which means what? He has dibs?
Reva: No, no, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying... what... you know, why are you asking me this?
Cassie: I'm just trying to figure out how far Dylan would go to win Harley.
Reva: How far?
Cassie: Someone put a sedative in her drink, and because of it her marriage may be over.
Reva: I don't think Dylan would do something like that. But I might.
Harley: I thought the kids were supposed to read those.
Natalia: Harley.
Harley: The summer reading list, right? Daisy has it, too.
Natalia: Yeah, I didn't get to read a whole lot of these when I was in high school.
Harley: Too focused on Gus?
Natalia: Maybe.
Harley: Well, good thing you grew out of that, right?
Natalia: What do you want?
Harley: I just thought that maybe we could talk, maybe have a drink or two.
Natalia: I don't really feel like having a drink.
Harley: Well, could you make one for me? You're good at that, right?
Natalia: I am a waitress.
Harley: So you probably make a great cocktail, a perfect blend of alcohol and mixers with just a little bit of valium.
Natalia: I don't even know what you're talking about.
Harley: The night of... the night of Gus' dinner party, when I became so embarrassingly drunk and passed out in Dylan's bed, it turns out I wasn't drunk, I was drugged. Someone put a drug in my drink. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Natalia: No, of course not. That's crazy.
Harley: And yet the evening ended with Gus in your bed. Would that be a coincidence?
Natalia: Or maybe it's just that you're looking for a reason why he was with me, besides the fact that he wanted to be.
Cassie: Hang up the phone.
Reva: Why? You want to know if Dylan drugged Harley, let's go ahead and ask him.
Cassie: Would he tell you if he did?
Reva: Dylan did not drug Harley.
Cassie: Are you sure? Because she ended up in his bed that night, and if he knew that she was never going to leave Gus, he'd have to do something to get her there.
Reva: You know what, he told me about that night. He said Harley was drunk, he was trying to sober her up.
Cassie: In his bedroom? That's the only place he could get her a cup of coffee?
Reva: Not everything has a secret agenda behind it.
Cassie: No, no, not everything does, Reva, but some people do.
Reva: Yeah, tell me about it. So you want to know how much Dylan is like me, is that it?
Cassie: You said you knew he had feelings for her, so did you encourage him?
Reva: To drug Harley? No.
Cassie: Did you say anything?
Reva: Like what?
Cassie: Oh, I don't know, like, "If you love someone, do whatever it takes to be with them"? Or "Your first love is yours, always"?
Reva: Let me tell you something, I am sorry that someone drugged Harley, and I am really sorry that Harley and Gus are having marital problems, but my son is not the reason, Cassie.
Harley: I spent the morning as Cedars. You see this? Tick bite. That's why I had to get a blood test, for Lyme Disease. While I was there, I asked them to do a tox screen. It turned up a sedative, Natalia. Those things-- wow-- they stay in your system for weeks after you put them in your body. The only problem is I didn't take anything.
Natalia: So you really were drugged.
Harley: I was drugged. And I think it happened the night that you and Gus were together.
Natalia: It wasn't me.
Harley: Really? You just benefited from it, right?
Natalia: That night, after that whole dinner party fell apart, I went back to my old apartment to pack up a few things. I did not tell anyone where I was going, not even Rafe.
Harley: And Gus just found you there somehow?
Natalia: Gus went there because he wanted to be alone. He was upset. And he didn't tell me why at the time, but it's because he had just seen you with Dylan.
Harley: I know that you would love to believe that I was with Dylan, but I wasn't. It was the drugs.
Natalia: Are you okay?
Harley: What?
Natalia: I mean, you were drugged. Are you okay? Did you... were you hurt?
Harley: It wasn't you, was it?
Natalia: Harley, when I came to this town, I didn't go chasing after Gus. I didn't even tell him about Rafe. You did that. And then as soon as that truth came out, I have been nothing but straight with you, even as far as telling you about my feelings for Gus.
Harley: That doesn't mean you're innocent.
Natalia: Do you really, really think that I would drug you to be with him? It wasn't me, Harley.
Harley: I know. (Cell phone ringing) Hi, Cassíe. Did you talk to Reva? Yeah. Thanks. I didn't think it was Dylan.
Natalia: Did you say that it was... it was valium that they found?
Harley: Yeah, valium. Why?
Gus: Harley? What's going on?
Alan: Did you come over here to harass Natalia? Because if you did, I'm calling security right now.
Natalia: She's not going anywhere, not yet.
Gus: Harley, what is it?
Harley: We're giving him what he wants.
Alan: The only thing I want it to see Gus happy.
Harley: He's doing it again. I have proof.
Gus: Of what?
Harley: Alan slipped drugs in my drink to destroy my life and to take over yours. Go ahead, Alan, deny it.
Waitress: Large coffee, milk, no sugar, $1.75.
Rafe: You have an account for Alan Spaulding, right?
Waitress: Yes, of course.
Rafe: Can you put it on his tab, please? I'm his grandson. Thanks.
Cassie: Nice perk.
Rafe: Do I know you?
Cassie: Oh, I'm Cassíe. I'm a friend of Harley's.
Rafe: Okay.
Cassie: So how are you getting along with your grandfather?
Rafe: Alan's okay.
Cassie: He ever mention the name Tammy Winslow?
Mallet: Where is he?
Dinah: He was right there. He was right there. He was dead. There was no pulse. he was dead.
Mallet: Okay, I did some asking around. I made it look like police work. Nobody saw anything, nobody heard anything. Apparently nobody has been brought to this hospital with a gunshot wound, dead or alive.
Dinah: So, what, I imagined this? How could I have imagined this? He said my name. He... he threatened me. I shot him. I saw the pain in his face when he fell to the ground. I felt his pulse. There was nothing. There was no pulse. I got the blood all over... there's no blood. This is all in my head.
Mallet: Shhh. This has got to be scary. This has got to be really scary. I understand, it's got to be really scary for you, but it's good. I'm glad that it wasn't real because you're safe. You're not in trouble.
Dinah: I had a gun. I fired the gun. Is there a gun in here?
Mallet: Yes.
Dinah: Griggs could be in my imagination, but that is not imagination. There's a gun in there. Oh, God, what if I would've killed somebody?
Mallet: You didn't hurt anyone. Listen to me, you did not hurt anyone, okay? All right? You're going to be okay. We're going to go see your doctors, figure this out, okay? It's all okay. Let's just take you home. Come on.
Olivia: So where are the cops? Are you going back on our deal?
Reva: No, are you?
Olivia: No, I haven't said anything to anyone.
Reva: Then why was Alan at Towers with Emma earlier today? And don't tell me he's her new babysitter.
Olivia: All right, I went to Alan for help, but that was before our new agreement.
Reva: So you, what, offered up Emma as bait? That's nice.
Olivia: No. He's her grandfather. And I didn't say anything about Jonathan and Sarah.
Reva: No, you just said enough to raise his suspicions, and now he's asking all kinds of questions.
Olivia: Let him ask, Reva.
Reva: Get Alan off my back or I will send you to jail.
Rafe: Look, I'm really sorry about what happened to your daughter, but there's no way Alan could have did what you said.
Cassie: Nobody said anything to you about this?
Rafe: Yeah, that Remy dude, but he's after my mom. I don't believe him.
Cassie: No, he was Tammy's friend. He's telling you the truth.
Rafe: Okay, then why isn't Alan in jail?
Cassie: That's a good question.
Rafe: What do you want from me?
Cassie: Look, Harley's a friend of mine and she tells me you're a good kid.
Rafe: Harley?
Cassie: Yes. And I just don't want to see Alan do anything like what he did to Tammy to you.
Rafe: He's not going to do that, okay? Look, he's let my mom and me stay in his house. He bought me a computer for school.
Cassie: I'm sure he did.
Rafe: You're wrong about this.
Cassie: Okay, would you ask Lizzie? Or your dad? Or any of the Spaulding’s? The pictures are all over the house, right?
Rafe: Yeah, they're everywhere. Especially one guy, I think he's my uncle.
Cassie: Philip?
Rafe: Yeah.
Cassie: Alan's favorite. His world revolved around him.
Rafe: What happened to him?
Cassie: That's a good story. You're going to want to ask Alan yourself. Look, I know you don't know me, but just... I'd get out of there while you still can.
Alan: Thank you. My lawyer's on his way.
Gus: Are you actually admitting that you drugged Harley?
Alan: Of course not, Gus.
Harley: Then why would you need your lawyer?
Alan: To press slander charges against you, Harley. Your wife sleeps with her ex-boyfriend and she tries to blame me, Gus.
Harley: I didn't sleep with Dylan. I was drugged and I passed out in his bed. I have proof from the hospital.
Alan: Proof that I drugged you?
Harley: Proof that someone did. But I know it was you. Just admit it.
Alan: Why would I do something so ridiculous?
Harley: Because you are a miserable human being, Alan, who can't stand the fact that Gus loves me.
Alan: It's always about you, isn't it, Harley?
Gus: Harley, did the hospital say what kind of drug it was?
Harley: Yeah, a sedative, most likely valium.
Gus: Really? Excuse me. Valium prescribed to Alan Spaulding.
Alan: That doesn't mean anything. Most houses in America have those in them.
Harley: Yeah, well, I wasn't drugged in most houses in America, I was drugged here, where you were pouring the drinks.
Alan: I'm the only one that could have done that? I only had access to your glass? What about your ex-boyfriend, who shows up late and wants you to leave, the one you snuggled up with a little later on, huh?
Gus: Is it possible, Harley? Could it have been Dylan?
Harley: It wasn’t Dylan.
Alan: He could've slipped something in your glass here or at Towers. Although he didn't need to; you were all over him at Towers. I'm sure it wasn't difficult at all to get you to his room.
Gus: How do you know that they were at Towers?
Harley: Because he was there. I remember that.
Gus: Maybe you followed them to Towers to make sure that your little trick was working.
Alan: Oh, that's ridiculous.
Gus: Wait a second, there was a phone call. There was a very weird phone call. That was you, right?
Harley: What call?
Gus: I was here and... and my phone rang and the caller I.D. said that it was your phone calling me, but you didn't say anything when I picked up the phone, but I heard Dylan's voice in the background. It's like you called me but you didn't know that you were calling me.
Harley: Because I didn't call you. That was him. That is how you ended up at Dylan’s, because you heard something on the phone. You're just heartless. You make my husband think that I cheated on him? You're cruel.
Alan: I'm not cruel. I'm courageous. Because you have slowly been killing my son for years. I did nothing but save him from you.
Gus: So you admit it? You drugged her.
Alan: The ball was about to roll down the hill, and all I did was give it a nudge. You know, I don't regret one moment of what I did.
Natalia: I can't believe that you actually drugged her.
Alan: Oh, it was just a mild sedative. It didn't hurt her at all. You see, Gus finally had a son. But Harley couldn't accept it, could you? You were trying to tear him away from his own flesh and blood.
Gus: Dad, this... this was your chance. We were working things out. You get it, that dinner that we were supposed to have, almost had, that was your chance to make everything better, to help me, actually help me instead of ruin this family.
Alan: Don't you understand? I was helping you. You were living in a home with your son and the mother of your child, Gus. (Phone ringing) It's Olivia. Hello, Olivia. I was just talking about you, telling everyone about how much I enjoyed my time with Emma today. I'm glad you finally realize how important family is. What can I do for you?
Olivia: Well, I thought that, too, Alan, but I was wrong.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Olivia: I came to you for help. And, yeah, I actually felt bad about keeping your granddaughter away from you.
Alan: Emma and I had a wonderful time.
Olivia: But it wasn't enough for you, Alan. You push it. You go too far.
Alan: I don't understand.
Olivia: Stay out of my life, Alan. And Emma's, too. You satisfied?
Reva: For now.
Alan: I have no idea what she's talking about.
Gus: Seemed pretty clear to me.
Rafe: What's going on?
Alan: This is between us, Rafe. It doesn't concern you.
Harley: He's a smart kid. Let him make up his own mind.
Rafe: Mom?
Natalia: Alan did something terrible to Harley to mess up their marriage.
Rafe: Okay, so what did he do?
Alan: It was nothing, Rafe.
Gus: Actually, Dad, it was pretty unforgivable.
Alan: Phillip, wait, don't go. Wait! I didn't mean to ca...
Gus: And to think I was actually entertaining the thought of you being part of our lives.
Alan: Don't you understand, Gus? Everything I do I've been doing for you and Rafe and Natalia. Don't you understand that?
Gus: Bye, Dad.
Alan: Natalia, I think you should talk with Rafe and explain to him our problem with Harley...
Natalia: Explain? Explain what? How you try to play God with everybody's lives, including mine? This little plan that you had to break up their marriage, it hurt me, too, because it gave me hope I shouldn't have had.
Alan: I can fix it, Natalia.
Natalia: No, you stay out of my life and my son's.
Dinah: Honey, it's early. I don't even want to go to bed.
Mallet: You're going to take it easy.
Dinah: Why, because if I'm more rested I'm less crazy?
Mallet: You're not crazy. Don't ever say that again, okay? Your brain is misfiring. It's creating hallucinations.
Dinah: I mostly feel just stupid.
Mallet: Hey, you have a medical problem, okay? It's no reason to be embarrassed. This stuff is scary. It's scary because it seems so real. It's seems so real that I'm going to take my extra gun and lock it up, okay?
Dinah: Yeah, fine. I get it. Who knows what I'll do next time I see Griggs, right?
Mallet: You're not going to see Griggs again. You haven't seen him and you're not going to see him, okay? Griggs is 5,000 miles away. Are you going to be okay if I go to work for a while?
Dinah: Yeah, I'll be sleeping. What could happen?
Mallet: Okay. I love you.
Dinah: Honey? You forgot your keys. No. This isn't happening.
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