GL Transcript Friday 8/24/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/24/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

I can't just get you out of my head...

it's all too much...

Dinah: Club soda, please.

Bartender: I know you. Aren't you on TV?

Dinah: Nope. I'm Georgia Tucci. I'm in sales. In fact, I made a big commission today so I'm looking to celebrate.

Matt: Waiting long?

Dinah: I don't think so. So?

Matt: So. My divorce is just about final. So that happened.

Dinah: Matt.

Matt: Gin and tonic. And the lady will have...

Dinah: Club soda.

Matt: That's it? It's past noon. Where's your sense of adventure?

Dinah: Well, I'm fuzzy enough without the booze, you know? You know what? Dinah Marler gets fuzzy, but Georgia Tucci...

Matt: She's a lush.

Dinah: Yep. Sir, I'll have some champagne to celebrate.

Matt: There you go. Thank you.

(Hip hop music playing)

Natalia: I'm sorry. He listens to that music so loud.

Alan: Oh, I'm aware of that, but you know something? I don't mind that much.

Natalia: Oh, I don't believe you for a second.

Alan: It's worth it to have him here and you and Gus. I was under the impression that you...

Natalia: Yeah, I know. He was here but he's with Harley. They're trying to work things out.

Alan: And you?

Natalia: Me? Harley wants me out.

Alan: Out... out where?

Natalia: Anywhere. Anywhere away from Gus, you know? Just take Rafe and go back to Chicago. Stay out of his life. I said no.

Alan: Of course, you did.

Rafe: Ma, when's Gus getting home?

Alan: That would be entirely up to your mother.

Harley: I said I don't want to talk to you. Get your hands off me.

Gus: We're taking about it whether you like it or not. Look, things are about as bad as they can get, but it doesn't mean that we can't fix it.

Harley: Really? Okay, then you answer one question for me.

Gus: Anything, go ahead.

Harley: One question.

Gus: What?

Harley: You want to fix things so badly between us, you tell me this. How come you walked out of here and you went and spent the night with her?

Mallet: Oh, and Keegan, would you tell Forensics that we did send over that file?

Keegan: I'm on it.

Mallet: Thanks, man.

Vanessa: Hey, Mallet.

Mallet: Oh, hey.

Vanessa: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Mallet: Yeah, sure. Oh, I forgot to call the lab back. Will you do that?

Keegan: Yes, sir.

Mallet: Thanks, man. Yeah, sure. What's up?

Vanessa: I just want to talk to you about Dinah.

Mallet: Dinah? What happened?

Vanessa: Nothing. I just came from the Towers bar where my ex-husband and your wife were drinking.

Mallet: Right. Well, Dinah knows she shouldn't be drinking while she's recovering, but what can you do? She's a big girl. She can handle herself.

Vanessa: That's not what I'm worried about.

Mallet: Then what is it?

Vanessa: Matt... ...and Dinah.

Dinah: Georgia would like to make a toast to her very good friend.

Matt: Rocco. Rocco Silverberg.

Dinah: Okay, Rocco and Georgia. To the best of buds.

Matt: I'd like to make a toast to two people who have no idea who the hell they are.

Dinah: Oh, I know who we are. You are a divorced guy and I am a shooting victim.

Matt: When you put it that way...

Dinah: Who wouldn't want to be with us, right?

Matt: Right.

Dinah: Yeah.

Matt: Did you... did you tell Mallet about the stolen credit card?

Dinah: No. No, can't do that.

Matt: Are you charging anything besides drinks?

Dinah: I don't know.

Matt: I saw all of those bills, getting pretty hefty.

Dinah: I wasn't even thinking about that-- you know, about the bills. I just... it's more than just the bills.

Matt: I think I know that.

Dinah: Georgia, you know, she's carefree, she's fun, she's sharp.

Matt: You're fine, Dinah.

Dinah: Well, I got lost on the way up here. And I got off the elevator and I walked out on the wrong floor.

Matt: Happens all the time.

Dinah: Well, I like being Georgia because she's fun and she’s... well, it's easy. It's easy. Can I have another, please?

Matt: You sure?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah. If I have a couple more drinks, I'll be able to booze my stupidity on the blame. I mean...

Matt: I know what you mean.

Dinah: Right. Right. Oh, it's him.

Rafe: Ma, this letter came.

Natalia: Summer reading?

Rafe: Are they crazy? I can't read all that in a week.

Natalia: It's because we waited too long to register.

Alan: You can always send him to private school. There's also a wonderful catholic school here in Springfield.

Natalia: No, no. Springfield High is fine. And this is going to be okay. We can do this. You know, even if you have to read a book a day, I don't want you behind before you even start.

Rafe: Come on, Ma.

Natalia: We'll go to the library today. We'll pick some of these up.

Rafe: Look, Gus went to college, right? He probably read a bunch of these books.

Natalia: Yeah, and you're going to read them, too, without his help.

Alan: Because you don't believe in shortcuts, or you don't believe that Gus is coming back?

Natalia: I want Raphael to have every opportunity possible. That's why he's here, right? To go to a good school, to be a good student for once, somewhere where they don't know his track record.

Rafe: Ma, thanks.

Natalia: No, I'm serious, Raphael. What kind of person do you want to be?

Rafe: Can we talk about this another time, please?

Natalia: No, no. Because I know you have so much potential.

Rafe: Okay, I'm going to have the driver take me to the library, okay?

Alan: No, no, no, no. Come here, come here. Come here.

Natalia: Alan.

Alan: Go directly to the bookstore and get the books. We want him to have every opportunity, right, Natalia?

Natalia: Go. But if you spend that money on anything but books...

Rafe: Later, Ma.

Natalia: Did you check your blood sugar?

Rafe: Yes, you know that. I'll be fine. Bye!

Alan: You are a wonderful mother.

Natalia: And you are shameless.

Alan: Well...

Natalia: Well, what?

Alan: Are you going to seize this critical moment and get Gus back where he belongs, or are you going to let Harley win?

Natalia: I didn't realize this was a battle.

Alan: Of course it's a battle. I mean, you stood up to Harley. You said you were not going to leave. And why did you do that? Because you know that you are more right for Gus than she will ever be.

Natalia: Okay. So what do you suggest I do, Alan? Do you think I should get stuck in another elevator with Gus?

Alan: No, no, no. All you have to do, Natalia, is sit tight, hold Gus and Raphael close to you. Harley will shove him out the way she always does.

Natalia: We'll see. You know, if Gus and Harley can't make it work... but if they can, if they can make it work and be a family again, I am not going to ruin that for them. That's not the kind of mother I want to be.

Alan: You're not the kind of mother who wants to put their family back together?

Natalia: I'm not the kind of woman who steals another woman's husband.

Gus: So you talked to Natalia?

Harley: Yep. She said the first thing that you did after packing your bags and walking out of this house was go straight to Alan’s. You didn't even pass "go."

Gus: Well, I can explain that.

Harley: Really? Where have I heard that before?

Gus: I was crushed when I left here.

Harley: Really? You were so crushed that the only thing you could think to do was go straight to that house with her?

Gus: I wanted to spend a little time with my son. Is that all right?

Harley: There are a lot of things you could have done. You could have gone to the Beacon. You could have gone anywhere!

Gus: I understand. I understand why you're mad...

Harley: God, Gus! Do you not want this to work? Do you want us to fail so you can go live with your first love?

Gus: How can you ask me that?

Harley: Are you in love with her?

Gus: How can you ask me that?

Harley: Well, it seems reasonable given the circumstances. Look, I thought that the reason you were moving out was so that we could get our thoughts together, you know, sort this thing out. I was planning to curl up on the couch, you know, with some photo albums of us and remind myself of this wonderful thing so I don't just throw it away.

Gus: I was doing the same exact thing. I was going to go spend some time with my son and do the same exact thing and for the record, I don't need anybody telling me what we have. I know what we have.

Harley: Did you know what we have when you slept with her?

Gus: That... that was just a really bad, terrible mistake.

Harley: I want to believe that. I want to believe that so badly, you have no idea. But this was not just some one night stand, Gus. This is your first love. This is the mother of your only child.

Gus: You're my soul mate.

Harley: I have a feeling you said that to her once before, too.

Gus: Look, babe, let's just... let's just get in the car, okay? Can we get in the car? We'll just drive. Let's just drive to the coast or something.

Harley: Which one?

Gus: I don't know. Either one. Pick one. Or we can be alone. We won't have any interruptions, not from Alan or Natalia or Dylan.

Harley: I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can.

Gus: Come on, of course we can.

Harley: I don't know if I can.

Gus: We can, we can.

Harley: What if there's no "we" anymore?

Gus: There is a "we." What are you talking about?

Harley: It's different this time.

Gus: It's not different.

Harley: Uh-uh. I can't, I can't, I can’t. I can't, I can’t.

Gus: Of course you can.

Harley: I can’t.

Gus: What do you mean?

Harley: Because every time I see her with you. I can't do it.

Gus: Don't think about that. Think about our house. Look at our house. Come here. Look. This is our house, right? The house that I spent all that time building for you, building and scraping and nailing every single floorboard. You look around this house, think about the pictures on the wall from Zach and Jude, and think about the lamp in the bedroom with the broken lampshade that you won't let me throw out that you love so much. Think about that. Look at this place and realize that every single floorboard, and every brick and every plank, that it's our house.

Harley: There are cracks in the foundation.

Gus: So we pour cement and we make it stronger.

Harley: What if somebody comes along and makes more cracks?

Gus: Listen, what happened with Natalia was a mistake, all right, just like what happened with you and Mallet was a mistake.

Harley: It's not the same thing.

Gus: It is the same thing.

Harley: I thought you were dead.

Gus: Well, I thought you were dead. When you were lying in bed with Dylan, to me you were dead. You were dead. (Sighs)

Harley: What about Rafe and Natalia?

Gus: Rafe is my... my son. Natalia is family now, you know? But you're my heart. What is that? What is this?

Harley: What is that? Is that a tick?

Gus: Are you kidding me? Since when do we have ticks? How do you get this thing out?

Mallet: Yeah, okay. Later. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Vanessa, I had to check in with a buddy at the station.

Vanessa: No, it's no problem. So having a little bit of coffee? Are you a little tired or maybe exhausted or what?

Mallet: Yeah, well, I'm exhausted. I'm putting in a lot of overtime to pay Dinah’s medical bills.

Vanessa: I know. Look, I'm sorry.

Mallet: You're sorry for... ?

Vanessa: I didn't mean to imply that I...

Mallet: To imply that my wife and your ex are having some sort of illicit affair?

Vanessa: No, of course not. In..

Mallet: I wasn't worried. I'm not worried. I think they're probably becoming-- what? I don't know, good friends. You know what? That's good. Because I'm here all the time. I'm never home. I'm working all the time. And she's home, alone, nothing to do, no job, nothing to do but dwell on her problems and her struggles and... listen, if Matt is a distraction...

Vanessa: What? I mean, you know, distract her with alcohol? God knows what else.

Mallet: They're not going to join a drug ring.

Vanessa: I wasn't trying to say that.

Mallet: Were you saying that you still love your husband or where you not saying it, but you do?

Vanessa: That's enough. I was trying to say that I'm worried about my daughter. You know, I really am. She's very, very vulnerable right now.

Mallet: Vanessa, she's going to be fine. She is, she's going to be fine.

Vanessa: Look, let me put it this way. Matt is in a very bad place right now, okay? He could be a bad influence.

Mallet: You know what I think? I think Dinah is just letting off some steam. And maybe Matt... I don't know, maybe he just needs a breather. Lord knows we've all been there, right I'm sorry, I've got to run. But I promise you, I promise you there's nothing to worry about here, okay? But thanks.

Matt: Dinah. Dinah. Who'd you see?

Dinah: Griggs. Griggs. He was here. He was after me.

Matt: Griggs? Dinah...

Dinah: Yeah, I know they put him away, but, Matt, I swear I just saw him. I just saw him.

Matt: Here, sit down. Dinah, why would Griggs come back here? This is the one place where he could be identified as your shooter.

Dinah: I don't know. I don't know, just to finish me off? I don't know.

Matt: Honey, that doesn't make any sense.

Dinah: I don't know. Nothing I'm saying these days is making sense. I don't know, but I saw him, Matt.

Matt: All right, Dinah. Did you think that maybe you saw somebody who looked like Griggs? Griggs is overseas somewhere locked up. Have Mallet check it out if you're worried about it. If it'll make you feel better, have him check it out.

Dinah: Do you think that maybe this is what the doctor was talking about, that something like this was going to happen, that I could start seeing things?

Matt: You mean like a hallucination?

Dinah: Yeah. I mean, what if...

Matt: Okay, all right, look, I'm going to get you home. We're going to call the doctor, you're going to check in with him. It could be that the alcohol messed with your meds. I never should have let you drink.

Dinah: Come on, Matt, I'm not a baby. Now stop.

Matt: All right, I didn't mean it like that. That's not what I meant.

Dinah: It's okay. It's okay if you did. It's okay if you did. Oh, Matt.

Gus: Oh, I got it. Okay, where's the lighter? Yep, I don't think anybody could live through this.

Harley: You know, I just read a warning about Lyme Disease in Jude’s camp booklet, so...

Gus: I'll take you to the... I'll take you to the hospital. I'll take you to Cedars.

Harley: He didn't chew off half my arm. I can drive myself. I'll call you with the test results. Don't worry.

Gus: Sure. Well, babe. Babe. I... I know that I screwed up here, you know? But I think we can fix this. I don't think we're going to end like this, you know?

Harley: I just have to do this alone.

Natalia: "Mill On The Floss." I never read any of these.

Alan: You know something? I still admire you.

Natalia: You admire me for getting knocked up and almost having to drop out of high school and not studying and making something of myself?

Alan: I admire your character, your survival skills, your industriousness. I mean, you made something from nothing, Natalia.

Natalia: I know, I know what you're saying, industrious. I'm not going to be industrious about breaking up Harley and Gus' marriage

Alan: Tell me something. Do you know what it's like to lose a son?

Natalia: No, and I hope to God I never find out. But I know what it's like to almost lose him. I mean, you were there. You saw Rafe in the hospital.

Alan: But you know what it's like to lose Gus, don't you?

Natalia: Yes.

Alan: A terrible, terrible feeling, losing someone that means so much to you. And when you get an opportunity to get that person back and you don't seize that opportunity...

Gus: I got it, I got it!

Natalia: Gus, what happened?

Gus: Where's Rafe?

Natalia: He's out. What's going on?

Gus: Nothing, nothing.

Alan: You don't want to talk about it, Gus?

Gus: Talk? Yeah, sure, I'll talk. Let me see, let me see. Well, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I feel like I've got a knife in my stomach, and my marriage is pretty much done. What can I say? Look, where is Rafe? I'd just really like to see Rafe.

Alan: Look, why don't I leave you two alone to talk? Gus, I want you to know that I'm really sorry about all this. I just wish I had been wrong about Harley, that's all.

Gus: I'm going to need, like, six of those.

Natalia: Yeah. You want to talk about it? You used to like to talk to me about things, remember?

Gus: All right. I told Harley that... well, that I would do anything, you know, to make up for what I... what I did. Are you sure you want to hear this? I told her that what happened with me and you was a really big mistake.

Natalia: And what did she say?

Gus: She said that she can't get past it, and that she's given me so many second chances already. And in some stage of the game, second chances are a second chance, not a third.

Natalia: She won't forgive you?

Gus: She wants to, I think, but she doesn't know how. See, you don't know her. If she's hurt, she can't get past it. She doesn't let herself get past it, and I hurt her and I know that I did.

Natalia: What else are you supposed to do?

Gus: I'm going to fight, you know? Fight for my relationship.

Natalia: Maybe you shouldn't have to fight.

Jeremy: Mr. Aitoro, where would you like your bags? In the car or the room upstairs?

Alan: What happened to the bookstore?

Rafe: Kids need exercise, too, right?

Alan: I won't tell. So, why don't you show me how one of these things work, huh?

Rafe: You're kidding me, right?

Alan: No, no, no. Can’t... can't be that difficult.

Rafe: Okay, well, then you... you got to put it on the floor...

Alan: Wait, wait, wait. On second thought, I don't want to end up in the hospital today, of all days.

Rafe: Why, what's so special about today?

Alan: Well, it's an anniversary of sorts.

Cassie: Excuse me, is Lillian Raines around?

Nurse Kimberly: She's on rounds.

Cassie: Thanks. Wrong room. Sorry.

Harley: Cassie? No, stay.

Cassie: Harley? Honey, are you okay?

Harley: I don’t... no, I don't think I am.

Mallet: Oh, who loves you, who loves you, who loves you?

Dinah: Don't do that.

Mallet: What?

Dinah: Don't do that. You freaked me out.

Mallet: What's going on? I freaked you out?

Dinah: I thought...

Mallet: You thought what?

Dinah: I've been having nightmares about the shootings, about him.

Mallet: About Griggs? Come here. Come here. Why didn't you tell me?

Dinah: I am right now.

Mallet: Oh, baby. He can't hurt you, he can't get to us. He's locked up.

Dinah: Are you sure?

Mallet: Well, I could call the facility in Europe, if you like, and confirm that. Would you like that?

Dinah: Yeah, I think that'd be good.

Mallet: Okay. So, how was your day?

Dinah: It was okay, I guess.

Mallet: Yeah? Did you do anything fun?

Dinah: Not really.

Mallet: Yeah, I ran into your mom earlier today and she said you and Matt were hanging.

Dinah: Yeah. Where's my... where is it?

Mallet: What? What do you need?

Dinah: Where is it?

Mallet: What do you need?

Dinah: I just want you to... can you call that place now that you just talked about? Can you call them?

Mallet: Griggs' prison? Yeah. Let me go find the file.

Alan: Where did you learn how to do that?

Rafe: Some kids.

Alan: Not the same kind of kids that landed you in juvie?

Rafe: Come on, are you going-to give me a lecture, too, man?

Alan: No, no, no, I'm not going to give you a lecture. I just want you to know, Rafe, that you're a part of something much bigger now, a family that won't desert you. That's what being a Spaulding means.

Rafe: Okay, so it's not just spending a whole bunch of money?

Alan: Oh, no. That's part of it. But, you see, I believe when your mother and father get back together...

Rafe: All right, you mean "if."

Alan: First rule of being a Spaulding: Be confident in what you want and you'll always get it.

Natalia: Why did you tell Jeremy to leave your bags out in the hall? You going to get a futon and camp out out here?

Gus: No. I just can't stay here tonight is all.

Natalia: This is your son's house. You can stay here.

Gus: I know, but it's also your house. I really feel that way in my heart and if I have any kind of a chance with Harley, I can't be letting her think that I was in this house overnight and you were here, too.

Natalia: I understand.

Gus: Do you? Because I know that I didn't just hurt Harley, I also hurt you.

Natalia: Gus, stop.

Gus: No, please, just let me finish. Please. I know that I hurt you and I'm knowing that's not easy for you and I apologize. I'm sorry.

Natalia: What does this mean for us?

Gus: I have to try, you know... I have to give it a shot with Harley.

Natalia: I told your father today that I wouldn't try to manipulate, that I wouldn't break up the marriage. You know, because if you and Harley have a chance to make it work, then you should. You both deserve that.

Gus: If you're trying to say...

Natalia: Let me finish. And I know that you weren't fair to her, but I can't help but wonder, is she being fair to you?

Gus: I should go.

Natalia: I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm here, Nick. I'm here and I'm willing to wait for you, however long it takes.

Cassie: I knew something was going on with you two, but I had no idea. I mean, I cannot believe that he would have an affair.

Harley: No, he didn’t. I mean, it wasn't an affair, it was just a one-night thing, but it wasn't with some woman in a bar. It was Natalia, Rafe’s mother.

Cassie: And his high school sweetheart.

Harley: Yes.

Cassie: But you don't think he would do it again?

Harley: No. No, he would never do that to me. I didn't think he would do it the first time.

Cassie: You are going to get through this. I know you are. I know that because I did.

Harley: Cassie, this is a tiny bit different because at least Josh thought he was going to prison for like 20 years.

Cassie: Okay, so why did Gus? Why did he do it?

Harley: You mean, what did I do to make him stray?

Cassie: No, that's not what I meant.

Harley: No, no, no. I'm just saying that because I'm freaking out because I feel so guilty for ending up in Dylan’s bed.

Cassie: What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?

Harley: Nothing happened. Nothing happened. I drank too much, I passed out, but Gus came in and saw us, but I swear I never touched him. Never.

Cassie: How much did you drink?

Harley: I don't know. I don't know. I don't remember. I mean, I had one at Spaulding. Maybe two. And then I had, like, a drink at Towers. You don't understand, it was a very stressful night. Between Rafe and Natalia and Alan budding in on everything, it was a nightmare.

Cassie: Okay, wait a second, wait a second. You had, what is that? Like, three drinks and then you passed out in Dylan’s bed? That does not sound like you.

Harley: Well, it doesn't sound like Gus to cheat on me, but that happened. I don't know, maybe the drinks were strong. I didn't eat anything.

Cassie: I guess they'd have to be strong.

Harley: Except that it was wine.

Nurse Kimberly: This might hurt a little bit.

Harley: Wait a minute. Before you do anything, are you thinking what I'm thinking? While you're testing me for Lyme Disease, would you do another test-- for drugs?

Mallet: Okay. I talked to the facility in Europe, got the warden on the phone, okay, and Griggs isn't going anywhere anytime soon, or ever.

Dinah: Good.

Mallet: You going to be okay?

Dinah: Yeah. I already feel much better before... I mean, already. Aren't you supposed to be back on duty?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I should jump in the shower.

Dinah: The hot is on the left and the cold is on the right, right?

Mallet: Right. And if I scream, you know I got it wrong.

Dinah: (Laughs)

Natalia: You know, I meant what I said. I'm here, Nicky. I'm in this all the way. And if I lose you again, I'll be okay. I will survive just like I did the first time, but I'm not going to move on. I can’t. Not until I know. Not until I know for sure that there is no chance for us.

Alan: What did I tell you? If you want something bad enough, Rafe...

Harley: You think I'm crazy, don't you?

Cassie: No, I thought of it before you did.

Harley: Do you really think that somebody would drug me?

Cassie: Stranger things have happened, especially when Alan Spaulding is involved.

Harley: Maybe I was just drunk. Yeah.

Cassie: Doubtful. Very doubtful.

Nurse Kimberly: We won't know your Lyme Disease test results for a little while.

Harley: Well, that's fine, but what about the drug test?

Nurse Kimberly: Test came back positive for valium.

Cassie: Did you take valium to relax or sleep or something?

Harley: No.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Harley: I'm sure. I did not take any pills. I would know. How long does something like valium stay in your system?

Nurse Kimberly: Up to 60 days.

Harley: Thank you. Somebody drugged me.

Cassie: Mmm-hmm. But who? Alan? Dylan?

Harley: How about Natalia?

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