Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/23/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Nurse: Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl.
Beth: She's beautiful.
Rick: She's beautiful. It was all worth...
Alan: Hello, beautiful.
Nurse: I see the family resemblance. You must be very proud.
Rick: That baby is mine in every way that counts. She's mine.
Beth: Hello. Well, say something. It's not every day that a father gets to see a picture of his baby daughter. Or maybe this is just old news to you, Dr. Bauer.
Rick: It's never old news. My children are the most important thing in the world to me.
Beth: Well, here's hoping she grows up to be just like her father.
Alan: Anything wrong?
Nurse: Mrs. Bauer is having more tests.
Alan: Well, your loyalty will be rewarded.
Alexandra: Alan, don't rush off, we have a meeting, remember?
Alan: I don't have time for that.
Alexandra: Well, make time for this, please. Come on, I'm trying to prove to Cyrus that I'm not just throwing him a bone, that he has a place at Spaulding--
Alan: He has a place at Spaulding, in a bedroom down the hall from yours.
Alexandra: I mean a job.
Alan: When it comes to trusting your husband, you said "I do," but I don’t.
Cyrus: Sheffield Sterling with all the markings, a portrait of a young boy in oil, signed by Gangsborough.
Griggs: You're wasting time. Back the truck up and get out of there.
Cyrus: If all I wanted was a quick score, I could empty the house. When I took you on as a partner, we agreed to shoot for the moon-- have some patience.
Griggs: That's easy for you to say. If Mallet finds out that the man who almost killed his wife is still in town--
Cyrus: You've got my word. I've got your back.
Griggs: You made similar vows to your wife, remember?
Cyrus: I'd hate to hurt Alexandra, but a chance like this.
Gus: Hello! What time does the kitchen open? Who do you have to kill to get a cup of coffee around here?
Natalia: Gus? What are you doing here?
Gus: I slept here last night.
Natalia: You and Harley--
Gus: Is that my shirt? From high school?
Natalia: Yeah, you want it back?
Gus: This is temporary.
Natalia: Okay. Have some coffee.
Gus: Yeah.
( Knock on the door )
Harley: Oh, Dylan, hi.
Dylan: Wow, nice greeting. Here I came to show off. My cane, please. The crowd roars. He can walk again. He can walk again. Ah, he can walk again.
Harley: That is really good. Daisy will be really proud of you.
Dylan: What about Daisy's mom?
Harley: Jude forgot his lunch-- well, I forgot to make his lunch. I've got to bring his lunch to camp.
Dylan: What's wrong? You want me to take out the garbage? I mean, I can walk, but I'm still a little laid up, so I don't think it would be a good idea.
Harley: It's Gus' clothes. He is coming to pick them up in a little while. Don't be surprised. This is what you wanted all along.
Alexandra: I am not a fool, Alan. I am not naive. I realize that Cyrus has appetites, that he has ambitions. But I also realize he needs me.
Alan: He needs your bank account, you mean.
Alexandra: Yes, but beyond that, he needs my sophistication and worldliness that I can share with him. And you know something else? There is a real mutual affection.
Alan: I don't want to hear about your mutual affection. You're my sister.
Alexandra: What, it makes me uneasy that he makes me feel more alive than I have in years? If I want to show him confidence by giving him a job, I will.
Alan: You want to give him a job? Put him in the dining room. He can only steal food there.
Alexandra: Oh, would you just for once try to be a loving, caring brother to me.
Alan: Alexander, I'm sorry. You know I care about you.
Alexandra: Then help me find a position suited to Cyrus' talents.
Alan: Unfortunately, his talents lie in larceny and thievery. I'm only trying to protect my sister and my company.
Alexandra: Are you afraid that somebody might be better at it than you?
Rick: Where is the nurse? We've got ten fingers, ten toes. Let's get out of here.
Beth: What's the matter?
Rick: Honey, we spent enough time here. Let's just go home.
Beth: No, no. Not until you tell me what is wrong with our daughter growing up to be like her dad.
Rick: You don't understand.
Beth: I think I do. I think that you don't think any daughter of mine has the chops to be a Bauer doctor.
Rick: Is that what you're thinking? Our daughter is going to be brilliant and beautiful, as long as she has your brains and your looks.
Beth: You're just trying to butter me up.
Rick: I don't want our daughter to feel the pressure of having to wear a stethoscope. I want her to be anything she wants. She can be a lion tamer or an astronaut.
Beth: Or president of the United States?
Rick: No pressure.
Beth: Who knows? Maybe she and Lizzie will take on Alan together.
Rick: No. I want our child to spend as much time away from the Spaulding’s as possible.
Harley: You want to make yourself useful. Tear into this.
Dylan: Believe it or not, I never thought that Gus would--
Harley: Walk out? What did you think he would do when he saw me in your bed?
Dylan: I'm not that clever. I didn't have a plan.
Harley: You should have thrown cold water on me, slapped me-- anything when he came in.
Dylan: I'm sorry. You know, he jumped to conclusions. If he really trusted you, if he believed in the two of you--
Harley: We were having a fight. Married people do that. The problem is you took advantage of a situation and you made it worse.
Dylan: Whoa! Stop. I've taken the heat for that already. What about you, huh?
Harley: Would you hand me the pickles, please? For the sandwich.
Dylan: I'm not going to take the blame for whatever is wrong with your marriage.
Harley: Just a hit-and-run. That's all. You use any excuse to spend time with me, even our daughter.
Dylan: Then why don't you say, "Dylan, stay away"?
Harley: And deprive our daughter of her father?
Dylan: Don't use our daughter. You wanted attention. You needed it.
Harley: Excuse me?
Dylan: Because Gus was spending all of his time with his instant family, Natalia and Rafe--
Harley: You stop it now. What did I forget here? The chips. Maybe.
Dylan: Maybe what? Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe I'm not.
Harley: Maybe you're not.
Dylan: So I'm the one, you used me to stick it to Gus?
Harley: You have to understand that I've always been the one in this relationship with the messes. I had the leftover boyfriends and husbands. I should have never dragged you into it.
Dylan: Woulda, shoulda. Let me tell you one thing: If I were Gus, I would stay and fight for you.
Harley: It's just temporary.
Dylan: Yeah.
Harley: We'll work it out. We always work it out. If you'll excuse me, I have to bring my son his lunch.
Gus: I want to, but my stomach is killing me.
Natalia: I know what you need.
Gus: Do you?
Natalia: Yeah. You need a little bit of oatmeal, some cinnamon, some honey, just like you used to like it.
Gus: How do you remember these things?
Natalia: Some things are hard to forget.
Gus: Natalia...
Natalia: Why... why are you staying here? There are plenty other places in Springfield that you could crash.
Gus: It's my family's house.
Natalia: The family that you tried so hard to avoid. The father that you mostly hate.
Gus: I want to spend sometime with Rafe. Is there anything wrong with that?
Natalia: No.
Gus: Good. Because the plan was to go down to the pub over on Main Street and see the Cubs game together.
Natalia: He'll love that. He won't admit it, but he'll love it.
Gus: Stubborn just like his old man.
Natalia: Or conflicted-- same thing.
Gus: Natalia, you were very clear with me, you know...
Natalia: About us being together.
Gus: And I want to be clear with you. Harley and I are going through a tough patch and everything, but I really think that we're going to get back together.
Natalia: You're the expert on marriage. But how are you going to work on things if you're here and she's there?
Gus: Well, time and distance is a good thing.
Natalia: Distance? I had a lot of time and distance, and it didn't change the way I feel about you.
Gus: I hurt her. And I didn't just hurt her with anybody. I hurt her with you.
Cyrus: You could always throw water on your t-shirt. It might work.
Alan: Where are they? Oh, good. I think I see a surgery rotation in your future. Well, Harley, no Dylan? I didn't think you two had been separated ever since the accident.
Harley: Not that you're genuinely interested, but he is recovering nicely on his own.
Alan: That's not what I hear.
Harley: I don't want to hear any gossip. I just came here to give Rick some information about youth camp. Have you seen him?
Alan: No, I haven't, Harley. I'm just here to have some tests run.
Harley: Oh, something terminal, I hope.
Alan: Don't you worry, Harley. I'll be around long enough to see you and Gus splitsville. Oh, that's already happened, hasn't it.
Harley: That's just temporary.
Alan: Ah, just temporary. I'm disappointed in you, Harley. I thought you had more backbone.
Harley: You want to test it?
Alan: I don't have to. You've rolled over. You can’t take the competition.
Harley: I've seen you wear a lot of hats, Alan, but pimping for Natalia is a new one.
Alan: It's a done deal. She wants him more than you, and unlike you, she's not afraid to say it.
Rafe: Oh, man, that sucks.
Gus: Wait a second. It will be like a blessing in disguise. A couple of hotdogs from this guy and we'll listen to the game the old-fashioned way--
Rafe: Like you did with your dad. I know, my mom told me.
Gus: What else did she tell you?
Rafe: Enough. What's the deal? Are you moving in or are you just going to stay a couple of days?
Gus: I don't know. I kind of like being down the hall from you, it's a good feeling. I like your music. I don't like all of the songs, but I got stuff to deal with--
Rafe: They're cool. What about my mom? Forget it. Do me a favor. Let me get that dog naked and forget about the soda.
Gus: I keep forgetting you have a food condition.
Rafe: It's just diabetes. You're the one with the ulcer.
Gus: Yeah. Maybe that's the way to solve all my problems-- death by chili dog. You want me to give it a shot with your mom?
Rafe: Whatever. I've got enough things to worry about.
Gus: It's complicated-- Harley and your mom and me-- it's complicated.
Rafe: Well, maybe...
Gus: What? Say it.
Rafe: Look, Gus, maybe you're just making it complicated.
Gus: Would you like to uncomplicate it for me?
Rafe: Yeah. Do you love your wife or do you love my mom?
Natalia: Were you checking out the merchandise?
Cyrus: I liked you better in the t-shirt.
Natalia: I was talking about the coins. You could fence those for a lot of lettuce.
Cyrus: Fence them for a lot of lettuce?
Natalia: Like you don't speak the language.
Cyrus: Are you always this suspicious or is it the water in the pool?
Natalia: I haven't been in the pool. I've been a little busy raising a kid and finding a job.
Cyrus: Right, waiting tables. Is that how you're going to convince yourself you're not really living here? I enjoy the pool and everything else that comes with the package.
Natalia: Including your bride?
Cyrus: Alex knows who she is and what she wants. How about you?
Natalia: Don't you have a telephone poll you have to wrap your car around?
Cyrus: We're not that different. We're from different streets, same potholes. Look, I'm here for myself, and you're here for your boy. I get that. But from what I've heard between you and Gus, it's not all about the kid.
Natalia: You shouldn't listen through keyholes.
Cyrus: I don't need to. I could see it in your eyes when you looked at him. The trouble is, he saw it, too.
Natalia: I think I said that I didn't need your advice.
Cyrus: Fine. Just keep doing what you're doing. Gus will go back to his wife, and you'll have another 17 years to wait.
Natalia: Alan has very sharp eyes.
Cyrus: A smart girl like you. It would be a shame to waste a golden opportunity. ( Cell phone rings ) I told you I would call you later.
Alexandra: Cyrus?
Cyrus: Alex, sorry. I thought...
Alexandra: Does she have a name?
Cyrus: Yeah, opportunity. A guy wants to sell me some shares in a gold mine.
Alexandra: I'm at Towers restaurant. How fast can you get here? Without breaking the speed limit, of course.
Natalia: Cyrus. Okay, give it back.
Harley: That's my line.
Natalia: Harley.
Harley: Wow, no wonder Rafe ended up in juvie. He learned from his mother to take what's not his.
Natalia: And your daughter also ended up in juvie.
Harley: You came to this town with an agenda, and that agenda was my husband.
Natalia: I came here because of my son. I never tried to take Gus from you.
Harley: But you didn't kick him out of your bed, either.
Natalia: I won't take the blame for what's wrong with your marriage.
Harley: You don't have to take the blame. Just as long as you take the next bus back to Chicago.
Beth: Rick, could you give us a moment alone?
Rick: No, I'm not going to leave you alone with this man.
Alan: I had no idea you were this insecure, Rick.
Rick: I'll be right outside.
Beth: So what is this about? Lizzie?
Alan: Well, I'm concerned about her. She has teamed up with Billy Lewis. She's on this misguided adventure to where she thinks she can tilt at windmills.
Beth: So she beat you in a business deal?
Alan: No, no, that was just beginner's luck.
Beth: What do you want me to say to her, Alan? Do you want me to tell her not to be ambitious, ruthless, competitive? Those are all qualities you instilled in her when she was still teething.
Alan: You want her to turn into me?
Beth: Look, she's been in free fall ever since Sarah died. And now she is at least focused on something besides her loss.
Alan: Yes, I know the feeling. Some things you never get over when you lose them.
Beth: Alan, how did you know that my appointment was today?
Alan: I make it my business to know. Not only about your prenatal tests today, but the ones you have skipped, which concern me.
Beth: So Lizzie was just an excuse, huh? You still think you're entitled to share in Rick’s and my baby.
Alan: Marriage is just a paper, and divorce is just a paper. You ignore one and I'll ignore the other.
Beth: My baby is none of your business.
Rick: Your baby is being neglected. Rick thinks he is all seeing and all knowing--
Beth: Rick is a doctor.
Alan: But he's not a gynecologist. Our baby needs all--
Beth: Our baby? Are you listening to yourself? My baby is one thing that doesn't belong to you.
Rick: Alan, you're on my turf now. Get the hell out of here now.
Alan: Well, I'm glad to see you're not threatened.
Cyrus: Alex, what's wrong?
Alexandra: I feel betrayed.
Cyrus: Whatever you've heard, I swear...
Alexandra: No, it's not you. No, you've proven yourself to me, not only concerning Marina but everything else as well. No. That's what hurts. That's why his betrayal is so painful.
Cyrus: Who?
Alexandra: My brother.
Cyrus: What has he done now?
Alexandra: It's what he won't do for you.
Cyrus: You've lost me. I've never asked Alan for a thing.
Alexandra: Exactly. You're completely honorable. When I asked him to find some position in the company for you...
Cyrus: You did that for me?
Alexandra: You're my husband, aren't you?
Cyrus: Yeah. What did he say?
Alexandra: He says there wasn't a position in the company.
Cyrus: Meaning he doesn't want a thief on his payroll. White collar crime trumps blue collar crime every time, Alex. Look, maybe Alan is right. Maybe I don't belong behind the desk.
Alexandra: Look, I know you can do anything you want to. The company would be very lucky to have you, I know I am.
Lillian: Hi, Alex. Cyrus.
Cyrus: I'm going to make a donation to the children's wing, who do I talk to?
Lillian: Well, Dr. Stinett is ahead of Pediatrics.
Cyrus: If you'll keep my wife company, I'm going to go and spend some of that dirty Spaulding money. Bye.
Gus: I have an idea. Why don't we jump on the train? Ten minutes we could be at Wrigley...
Rafe: You're the cop with a chest full of medals and you're scared.
Gus: I'd rather face anything than have some of these conversations with you.
Rafe: Look, I have one mom, and I'm not going to let you hurt her.
Gus: I don't want to hurt her.
Rafe: You did.
Gus: I know I did.
Rafe: Then what are you going to do about it?
Gus: We were very young, and you don't stay young forever. You grow up and make choices...
Rafe: Choices like Harley.
Gus: Let's go to the game.
Rafe: You know what? The hotdog didn't hit me too well.
Gus: You all right?
Rafe: I'm fine.
Dylan: How's your son?
Gus: How's my wife?
Harley: Pretty cushy. Snap your fingers, get anything you want.
Natalia: That's not me and you know it.
Harley: Maybe I don't know it. This is pretty nice, huh? You came to town with your crappy car, single mom needing a job.
Natalia: A job I walked away from because of your family.
Harley: My family was nice to you until they found out it was really Gus you were after.
Natalia: How many times do I have to say it? No, you know what, you go ahead and you believe what you want to believe. I'm chasing after Gus, I want Spaulding money, I want my cushy lifestyle. It doesn't matter; whatever. I'm not going anywhere.
Harley: If it's Rafe you're worried about, Gus will find a way to see him, but without you.
Natalia: You've got it all figured out?
Harley: Pretty much, yeah.
Natalia: Of course, even if you could find a way to get me out of town, you can't force Gus to choose you.
Harley: I can't force Gus to do anything. But he knows where his heart is.
Natalia: I agree. It's not an accident that he came to stay here. You didn't know? Yeah, after you kicked him out of the house, he came straight over here.
Rick: This is going to stop.
Alan: Wait! Are you threatening me in a hospital that I paid for myself?!
Beth: Alan, please!
Rick: Are you okay?
Alan: Beth, I can't explain it, but I still have this connection...
Rick: Connection, Alan? You don't give a damn about this baby. You just want something you can't have. It's always been that way.
Alan: We shared a baby together. Doesn't that mean something, Beth?
Beth: Of course it does.
Rick: This is Rick Bauer. We need security here right away.
Alan: He is just trying to impress you. You can't throw me out of here.
Rick: Get him out. Get him down to the lounge right away until the police get here.
Beth: Rick, you don't need to do this.
Rick: No one stalks my wife, no one! No one.
Alan: You know, you're going to lose your job over this. Do you know who I am? Cyrus.
Cyrus: No need to thank me. We're family, right? Maybe we'll go for a couple of beers.
Alan: Yeah, my treat.
Gus: What is this, a prop? You're counting on me having a short fuse, ever since I caught you in bed with my wife.
Dylan: No, I'm not counting on anything. But if I was, you'd make it easy.
Gus: You knew I walked into your room that night. You saw me, didn't you?
Dylan: I'm not that proud of that. Then again, I'm not that sorry, either, so...
Gus: Well, Harley, she's on to you. And I guess I should be thankful to that.
Dylan: Okay, I played dirty, but you sucker-punched me.
Gus: And I suppose your car crash was my fault, too.
Dylan: Yeah, it kind of was. Harley is mad, but she'll forgive me. But you, on the other hand...
Gus: That's not going to work with me. I've just been through anger management.
Dylan: Where did you stay last night?
Gus: That's none of your business.
Dylan: That's okay. You want to be with your son and his mother, like I want to be with Daisy and her mother.
Gus: So what are you saying, you did me a favor?
Dylan: Not just you-- me, Harley, Natalia, the kids...
Gus: I'm going to do this without a sucker punch. I'm going to say it to your face. You stay out of my marriage.
Dylan: Marriage? That's the real car wreck here. You couldn't save it with the jaws of life.
Harley: This is how you pay your rent, huh? Giving Alan the family that he is so desperate for?
Natalia: Alan has been great to me and Rafe, but I don't owe him.
Harley: That's what you think. Maybe it's worth it to you, though. You're both after the same thing, which is to pry Gus away from me.
Natalia: There is no need to pry him from you since you push him away with both hands.
Harley: You have to believe that. Otherwise you're just the other woman.
Natalia: I am not the other woman. I am never going to be the other woman!
Rafe: Ma, what's up?
Natalia: Nothing. Harley was just... I thought you were going to be with Gus watching the game.
Rafe: I bailed.
Harley: Are you okay?
Natalia: No, he is not okay. He is my son. He is not okay. When was the last time you tested yourself?
Rafe: Mom, leave it alone...
Natalia: Either you're going to do it or I'm going to do it. I don't even want to ask you what you guys were eating today.
Rick: I gonna get a restraining order against this maniac.
Beth: He is just gonna beat it, you know?
Rick: We just have to ignore him. It's our only choice.
Beth: He still thinks this baby is his.
Rick: Beth, he thinks he's Napoleon. That's who he thinks he is.
Beth: No, Rick. He lost a child, my child, and I think he may never get over it. I know I won’t. Which makes me think he's right.
Rick: Forget about Alan, all right? This is our baby. It's ours. Nothing can take away from the loss of baby, honey, but no one is going to take this away from us-- no one, okay?
Beth: I know that. The DNA test settled all of that. I'm talking about the other prenatal tests. Maybe we should schedule them.
Rick: Sweetheart, wait a minute. Who is the doctor around here? Don't you think I'm doing everything I can about that?
Beth: Of course, of course. But like Alan said...
Rick: Alan just wants to cause trouble.
Beth: Don't you think we should be on the safe side, though? Don't you think...
Rick: Beth, Beth, Beth, the baby is safe and she's healthy, and she's going to stay that way until she's in your arms, okay?
Nurse: Dr. Bauer, you're wanted in ICU.
Rick: Would you just tell them to get somebody else?
Beth: No, it's fine. It's fine. Your family will wait, Dr. Bauer.
Rick: Hey, Lillian, would you please tell your beautiful daughter that she has nothing to worry about?
Lillian: Beth, you have nothing to worry about. So what are you worried about?
Beth: Oh, it's nothing. I'm sure it's just normal mommy pregnancy jitters.
Lillian: Sweetie, what is it?
Beth: Mom, would you call Dr. Sedwick and ask her to schedule some prenatal tests for a friend of yours?
Lillian: Why don't you want to use your name?
Beth: I know it's silly, I know it's silly. It's just I don't want Rick to know about it.
Lillian: Okay, and when would you-- or rather, your friend-- like to see the doctor?
Beth: As soon as possible.
Alan: I've been looking for you. It's about that husband of yours.
Alexandra: Would you layoff, Alan? I know exactly how you feel about Cyrus.
Alan: Well, I know what I said.
Alexandra: You said he had no place in the company. I happen to disagree with you. As a matter of fact, I just transferred a huge chunk of Spaulding stock to him. Therefore he will be able to sit in on the meetings, and he'll have a vote, and he'll be able to prove himself on the inside.
Alan: Well, well, that's your prerogative, Alexandra, if you want that.
Alexandra: I know, I know what you think. You think he's going to be taking advantage of me. He will rob me blind and then leave me broke. Well, I'll tell you something: You are wrong.
Alan: Listen to me. Cyrus is a natural born con artist. He plays by his own rules and makes them up as he goes along.
Alexandra: And you're describing yourself exactly.
Alan: I know.
Alexandra: So you have no reason to go around looking down your nose at someone like Cyrus... what do you mean you know?
Alan: I admire his ingenuity, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Since when. And just how much have you been drinking?
Alan: I only had a couple of brews with Cyrus at the local, but the Aussies make great beer.
Alexandra: You and Cyrus?
Alan: Yes. And I think we can find a place for him after all.
Cyrus: Where was I?
Griggs: You were shooting the moon, Cyrus.
Cyrus: Why settle for a quick hit when I can walk away with a fortunate.
Griggs: I-- did you just say I?
Cyrus: Sorry. I meant we.
Griggs: It's really interesting what they print in the local paper here-- parking violations, speeding tickets, stolen property.
Cyrus: Did they spell my name right?
Griggs: Is that funny to you? You're supposed to be making us rich, not acting like a teenager.
Cyrus: Relax, Griggs. I've got the big kahuna himself, Alan Spaulding, on my side. It will all be easy from now on.
Natalia: Don't scare me like that.
Dylan: That's what you get for making me hang out with my... Gus.
Harley: Where is Gus?
Dylan: I left him on Main Street with Daisy's dad.
Harley: With Dylan, great.
Gus: Can we talk, please? Please.
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