GL Transcript Tuesday 8/21/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/21/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Mallet: Hey.

Dinah: Hi. Lots of numbers, huh?

Mallet: Yeah. Just bills, and, you know, it's all wrapped up now.

Dinah: Yeah, I was thinking about how maybe I could think of some ideas to foot the bills.

Mallet: No. No, it's fine. It's all taken care of. (Knocking on the door) Yeah?

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: Are you headed to the station?

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: Hey.

Marina: Hey, Dinah.

Dinah: I haven't seen you in a while.

Marina: I saw you yesterday.

Dinah: Yeah, you're right. Sorry. Do you have to rush off so soon?

Mallet: Yeah, I do. I'll check in with you later.

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: All right.

Marina: Is she okay?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, she's actually getting better every day.

Alexandra: Woo. You should always wear an Italian cut. It looks wonderful.

Cyrus: Well, I've got to look the part for my first meeting with the Spaulding brass.

Alexandra: Well, you'll do fine. You always do.

Cyrus: I want to be good at this. I want to be successful.

Alexandra: Well, I think you will be, now that you've... well, conceded to this arrangement.

Cyrus: You mean, walked away from Marina?

Alexandra: Cyrus...

Cyrus: No. It was the right thing to do. You know, I feel like taking out the Aston Martin for a spin, seeing what she's got under the hood. Want to join me?

Alexandra: No, thank you. But you go ahead and enjoy.

Cyrus: I plan to.

Daisy: All right. I'm going to go get some coffee.

Rafe: Make mine a double shot, please?

Lizzie: You're wasting your time with this stuff.

Rafe: Okay. Maybe, but if I want to pass, then I have to read it.

Lizzie: Real Spaulding’s buy their grades. Besides, I have a proposition for you.

Natalia: Gus, it's Natalia. I hope everything... anyway, I hope you're okay. I'm at the restaurant in Towers, so if you get a chance, give me a call. It's about Rafe.

Gus: You wanted to talk? Hey.

Natalia: Hey.

Gus: How are you?

Natalia: Good.

Gus: So what's going on with Rafe?

Natalia: Alan is pushing for him to go to private school. I know. I know you have a lot going on with Harley.

Gus: No, no, no. I'm here now, so...

Natalia: So I thought I would out check out the school. I didn't want to reject it just because it was Alan’s idea.

Gus: Right, well, that's usually enough reason for me, so.

Natalia: Well, I want what's best for Rafe. I got a good look at the kids that would be Rafe’s classmates.

Gus: Oh, wait, let me guess. A bunch of snotty little kids whose parents are so rich they think they're better than everybody else.

Natalia: And then when I got there, they thought that I was interviewing for a job in the cafeteria.

Gus: Oh, that's nice. I should have gone along with you and interviewed to be the janitor.

Natalia: So we are agreed then? No private school.

Gus: Yeah, sure. Sure.

Ted: Excuse me. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Natalia: No. Gus, this is Ted Wagner. He's the manager here.

Gus: Hi, how are you?

Ted: Not anymore. I'm taking a new position in Chicago. But Ms. Rivera, before I leave, there's something you should know about why I didn't hire you for a job here at Towers.

Alan: You're still working for me?

Remy: That's the rumor.

Alan: It's funny, but I don't remember hiring you.

Remy: You run a billion-dollar company, Alan. You don't do all your own hiring, now, do you?

Alan: No, but I do the firing. Keep that in mind.

Natalia: How could you?

Alan: How could I what?

Gus: Natalia wanted a job here, and she would have gotten it, but you made sure that she didn't?

Alan: I really am impressed about how you're standing up for her. I mean that must mean a lot to you, Natalia.

Remy: Okay, what's the point spread? All right, cool. Put me down for a dime. I'm good for it! Yes. Thank you.

Mel: Hey, get him back on the line. I want to find out what the odds are of you making it to dinner with mom and dad this Sunday.

Remy: About as good as they were last Sunday.

Mel: Okay. Okay, fine. Look, let's have a meal right now, you know? Catch up. I promise no lectures.

Remy: I've got to go.

Mel: No. Remy, what do you mean? We haven't had any time together.

Remy: I've got to go.

Mel: Where are you going? Come on.

Lola: Mel, I have those depositions for you. You wanted to see them right when they came in. I'm sorry.

Mel: Oh, yes. Thanks, Lola. You remember Lola. This is Dr. Howard's daughter.

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, it's been a lot of years.

Lola: A lot of years.

Mel: Yeah, she's working as my clerk for a little while, so you know what? If you have to go, just go, because I really have to do this.

Remy: No, no, no. It's okay. I can stick around.

Lizzie: I saw you with Susan-- Daisy. And I'm guessing you need a little extra money to take her out.

Rafe: I guess so. But why? What would I have to do?

Lizzie: Hmm. Okay, you are a little Spaulding-Y. I am looking for someone to keep tabs on my granddad.

Rafe: On Alan?

Lizzie if you're going to be a Spaulding, at least do it right.

Rafe: I don't think that's the way I want to do it at all.

Lizzie: It's not like Alan’s one of the good guys.

Rafe: And you are? No. Okay. See you, cuz.

Billy: Hey, there. Have you see Gus around?

Daisy: Yeah. He's a mess.

Billy: Oh.

Daisy: He's doing everything he can to find Harley and Dylan.

Billy: I tried to keep them apart for longer.

Daisy: What do you mean by that? You told Gus where Harley was, but she wasn't there?

Billy: Yeah.

Daisy: Okay, why did you do that?

Billy: Well, I thought it would make you happy.

Daisy: Happy?

Billy: Yeah, well, don't you want your mom and dad to be together?

Daisy: I can't believe you did that!

Dinah: Thanks for seeing me, Alex.

Alexandra: No, actually, I was going to call you. I'm glad you came by.

Dinah: Marina just clocked in at the station, and I'm sure she will find... she will probably be leaving very soon so she can find Cyrus. And I will keep my eye on both of them for the same amount of money that we agreed upon.

Alexandra: Okay, okay, okay. Look, things have changed a little bit since we talked.

Dinah: Changed?

Alexandra: I don't want to say this so bluntly, but, well, bluntly speaking, you're fired.

Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on with you?

Marina: Well, I just learned an eternal truth. It may have taken me longer than anyone else on the face of the earth to ever get it right, but I finally figured that sucker out.

Mallet: Okay, what did he do? You want me to play big brother?

Marina: No. No, it's time for me to let that jerk go. Okay. I am just going to say it and put it out there. I guessed wrong, okay? I thought that the marriage to Alex was Cyrus' way of staying close. I was sort of right. He's staying close-- close to lots and lots of money.

Mallet: I'm sorry.

Marina: No, it's good. Now I'm moving on.

Police officer: Hey Detectives, guess what? I caught this guy doing 120.

Marina: I got it. Thank you. Come on. Wow. Four times the speed limit in a residential zone. You know, I think that might be a record. I'm going to have to check.

Cyrus: This is a little tight.

Marina: An Aston Martin. Classy.

Mallet: Hey, Marina?

Cyrus: Your partner is trying to get your attention.

Marina: Did you think about how much reaction time you'd have if someone tried to cross the street without looking? Did you think of what would happen if someone backed out of their driveway? Did you think of the damage that you would do...

Cyrus: What?

Marina: Of course you did. Of course you did. Of course you thought about it.

Cyrus: What's she going on about?

Marina: You thought about all of it, because you thought that if you went just fast enough, they'd haul you in here, where I was.

Alexandra: Marina and Cyrus aren't involved now, so I really can't justify, you know, hiring you and paying you to follow them around.

Dinah: Not involved?

Alexandra: I laid out Cyrus' options for him-- some quite valuable stock options. And he's no fool.

Dinah: Who's the fool, Alex? Do you know I know that man better than you ever will? And he's a better liar than you've ever met. What did you do? Did you give him an ultimatum? Is that what you did? Well, hallelujah! You're a believer, aren't you, Alex? What did you think he was going to do? Oh, I'll tell you what he did. Want me to tell you what he did? He smiled at you, and he said, "You are right. You are right." Why don't you tell me what you're going to do down the road when you find out that I was right? How are you going to deal with that humiliation? Why don't you tell me that?

Billy: Wait a minute. You don't want your dad to be happy?

Daisy: Of course I do. I just... I don't think it has to be either/or.

Billy: Look, Harley and Gus have been hurting each other lately, so, you know, I think it's time that Harley had somebody to treat her good.

Daisy: Gus does.

Billy: Not now.

Daisy: Okay, but this is all for them to figure out. They don't need you butting in, making things worse.

Billy: Darling, I'm sorry that we disagree on this point, but, you know, I'm not going to apologize for taking the opportunity to help things along when I see a big ol' opportunity.

Daisy: I think you've done enough. Can you just leave them alone now, please? You won't believe what he did.

Rafe: Yeah, I heard a little.

Daisy: It's so wrong.

Lizzie: Whoa. What happened? Daisy looked a little freaked.

Billy: Well, you know, sometimes you just don't know who is and who isn't on your team. That doesn't hold for you and me, right?

Lizzie: That's true. At least we know where we stand with each other.

Billy: We do. Oh, hey. We have a very important meeting tomorrow.

Lizzie: Okay.

Billy: And if I can pull this off, it should mean a lot of money. And I'd like you to be there with me.

Lizzie: Me?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I want you to attend.

Lizzie: Okay. This is what I'm talking about. I would love to. What's the company?

Billy: It's Nelson Industries.

Lizzie: Whoa. Wow. You have a meeting with Tom Nelson.

Billy: Yeah. How do you know Tom Nelson?

Lizzie: Okay, the maid that I'm paying off at Spaulding heard the name Tom Nelson. My granddad is meeting with him today. If my granddad gets to him first, we're going to lose the account before we even get it.

Billy: You are fabulous.

Lizzie: I know.

Billy: He must have found out that I'm trying to court Tom.

Lizzie: We have to sabotage his meeting. We have no other choice.

Billy: Darling, I'm not really at my best game right now.

Lizzie: Sit.

Billy: Okay.

Mel: Look, if you have to take off, I understand. You know, I wasn't expecting to deal with this...

Remy: You're buying, right? So you did the whole law school thing, huh?

Lola: Georgetown.

Remy: You're such a brain.

Lola: My parents are disappointed I didn't become a doctor.

Remy: My parents are disappointed I'm not a lot of things.

Lola: You seem like you're just fine to me.

Mel: Lola, I can't seem to find the appendix for Reynolds. Do you know where that is?

Lola: Oh.

Remy: Yeah, hey, you got to work, you got to work.

Gus: You still haven't explained why you ruined her chances of getting this job.

Alan: You know, Gus, I love the way you're so protective of Natalia.

Natalia: Alan.

Gus: Don't make this about us.

Alan: Well, it's hard not to when you're teaming up on me like this. By the way, Gus, where is your wife? Natalia, I'm sorry that I went behind your back.

Natalia: I needed this job.

Alan: But I want something more for you and Rafe.

Gus: Well, you see, there's the problem. It's really not up to you to make their decisions for them.

Alan: No. It's up to you. I just wish one of my wives had been as supportive of me as you are to Natalia.

Gus: I'm a married man, okay? And when Harley gets back, we are going to try to work things out.

Alan: Good. I will be waiting for the decisions you come to, when and whatever they are. Natalia, again, I'm sorry. Well, nice work, Ted. I hope this check is sufficient.

Ted: It's going to be a little more than we talked about. I had to tell her I was moving to Chicago to make it believable.

Alan: Oh, really? Well, it’s worth it.

Natalia: Every day, something new with him.

Gus: Nat, um... thank you.

Natalia: For what?

Gus: Just not going along with him, you know, constantly trying to antagonize me when it comes to Harley. I just want to thank you for not joining in with him.

Natalia: I think that you misunderstood. I'm not going to join in with Alan, but it doesn't mean that I don't agree with him. It's just that if I'm going to get you back, I'm going to do it on my own.

Gus: Nat...

Natalia: This is not about Alan and you know it.

Gus: Right.

Natalia: Yeah, and you want to fix your marriage and I get that. But what if it's not fixable?

Remy: You like torturing her? Hm?

Natalia: Remy, don’t.

Gus: Go away, Remy.

Remy: You know, I saw you the other night. What happened? You got into a big fight with Harley, and you go straight to Natalia? Is that how it works?

Natalia: Okay, Remy, I’m fine. Please.

Remy: Don't you think she's had a tough enough life without you messing with her mind all the time?

Natalia: Okay, I said enough.

Gus: You know something, Remy? You don't give her any credit. She's not helpless. She's tough and she's strong, and if she wants me to be gone, she'll tell me herself. She doesn't need a weasel like you to do it for her.

Natalia: Remy. What?

Gus: I did it again. I did it again.

Billy: Okay, I think it's very fortuitous that they're having their meeting here. Can you make some phone calls, see maybe if you can find out when Alan’s coming?

Lizzie: That I can do.

Billy: Good. Good. Daisy send you over here?

Rafe: No.

Billy: I'm just going to go right on the record. I don't think that Gus and Harley should be together, okay?

Rafe: Look, did you really lie to Gus about where Harley and Dylan went?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: And it worked?

Billy: You don't seem so upset about it.

Rafe: Maybe I'm not.

Billy: And Daisy?

Rafe: Look, Daisy and I don't always agree on everything.

Billy: Mm-hmm. So why did you come over here? Would you be interested in helping me if I found some way to keep Dylan and Harley together for a little bit?

Rafe: Maybe. For my mom, then...

Billy: Oh, your mom and Gus. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rafe: I just think maybe they deserve a shot.

Billy: Yeah. Well, maybe I'll give you a call.

Daisy: Rafe!

Rafe: No, look. Daisy, come on. Daisy!

Rafe: Hey, wait. Hey, hey, whoa, whoa. You're a Spaulding. We don't chase after anyone. They come to us.

Marina: You know, it's probably not very smart for a guy like you to get arrested.

Cyrus: You think I did this on purpose?

Marina: 120? You know, if you think that you're going to get out of this because you know a couple cops, Cyrus...

Mallet: Marina, put a lid on it.

Marina: I'm sorry. I'm talking to a suspect.

Mallet: This isn't even your collar. Now, listen, I've seen you lose it at work before. That's cool, all right? That's cool. But this, this has got to stop.

Marina: No. You handle things the way you need to handle them, and I will handle my business the way I need to handle mine. That's the best I can do. So if you'll excuse me, I need to book someone.

Dinah: Come on. 552. Come on. Mallet. Mobile.

Woman: Oh, sorry!

Dinah: Hey! Forgot your...

Mike: Can I get you a drink?

Dinah: Yeah. Wine.

Mike: Red or white?

Dinah: Doesn't matter.

Mike: I'm Mike.

Dinah: Hi. I'm Georgia. Georgia Tucci.

Alexandra: I think this should cover it.

Marina: See you around?

Cyrus: I don't think so.

Alexandra: Well, is he free to go, or do you just want him to hang around so you can harass him some more?

Marina: He's all yours.

Cyrus: Thanks for coming to my rescue again. You wait here, and I'll get them to bring the car around.

Dinah: Have you ever been to Italy? Let me tell you something. You go to Italy, your life changes instantly. There is history there. I actually found the exact town that my great-grandmother Emily was from. Yeah. Stood up all night with the girls, laughed, cried, talked. Amazing.

Matt: You know, I love that story. I could just listen to it over and over again. How you doing?

Dinah: Hi.

Matt: Hi.

Dinah: Matt, listen.

Matt: You don't have to explain.

Dinah: No, I was just getting a little caught up with Georgia, and it doesn’t... I know, I know.

Matt: Please. Do you think I would judge anybody right now? I've been judged so much myself lately that no way I'd put that off on anybody else. But you know what I found very interesting?

Dinah: What?

Matt: You did not hesitate once. You did not search for one single word when you were making that stuff up. You were completely...

Dinah: Smooth.

Matt: Yeah.

Dinah: I was smooth and I was like that earlier too, with Alex. I can't believe it. I mean, I was... I was smooth.

Matt: Yeah.

Rafe: Look, I've got to go, okay?

Alan: Wait, wait, wait. Rafe, I was serious. I mean, you don't chase after anybody. It'll give your power away.

Rafe: Power?

Alan: Yes. I mean, relationships are all about power-- who has it, who doesn’t. If you go after her now...

Rafe: No offense-- I don't give a damn about that, okay? I just have to go out there.

Alan: Well, hello, Elizabeth. I'm surprised to see you here.

Lizzie: I'm kind of surprised to see you, too.

Alan: You look like you're on your way somewhere, so I won't hold you.

Lizzie: Oh, no, you're not. That is Mr. Tom Nelson over there with Billy-- I mean, you know, just in case you don't know him by sight.

Alan: Well, Tom, there you are. Good to see you.

Tom: Alan.

Alan: Listen, why don't we...

Billy: Hey, Alan, I was just telling Tom that maybe you and I could pitch him at the same time, and that way it would save him a little shoe leather.

Alan: Well...

Tom: I hope you don't mind, Alan, but it would be so much easier for me this way.

Lizzie: We could just sit down right here.

Alan: You're going to be a part of this, Elizabeth?

Billy: Oh, yeah. I wouldn't have it any other way. She's invaluable.

Lizzie: Well, I try.

Tom: Shall we start?

Alan: Well, Tom, listen, I don't want to bore you with the normal stuff. You've heard all that before. But I do want to ask Billy Lewis a question. Billy, when you do projects for the private sector, tell me, what is your normal percentage that you pay as rebate to your clients?

Billy: Well, I'll look that up for you right now.

Alan: And while you're looking that up, Billy, why don't you let me ask you another question?

Lizzie: I have a question for Mr. Spaulding. How many hostile takeovers did you personally initiate against firms that hired your company? It's this neat little trick. Spaulding gets access to the books and uses that information to make a grab for the client's company, and then fires the C.E.O. Oh, you don't have to bother answering. The answer is four in the last year alone.

Lola: Nice night.

Remy: What are you doing out here? I thought my sister had you up to your neck in depo's.

Lola: She had to take a call. I still have it, you know? Note.

Remy: You lost me.

Lola: The note you wrote me in fourth grade.

Remy: Oh, wow. You still have the note I wrote you in fourth grade?

Lola: I was kind of crushing on you back then.

Remy: It was fourth grade. You probably had a crush a week.

Lola: Nope.

Remy: You were such a tomboy. Things change.

Lola: Not everything has.

Mel: Lola, I'm off my call, and I still can't find appendix A.

Lola: I know where it is.

Mel: Okay. Thanks.

Remy: She's cute.

Mel: Sure is. Stay away from her.

Gus: That's enough for me.

Natalia: I guess I should apologize for Remy.

Gus: Oh, please. He's harmless.

Natalia: Then I should apologize for me.

Gus: Why? You were saying what you felt.

Natalia: I have you second-guessing everything that you say. And that was really nice, what you said about me to Remy, and you shouldn't have to feel guilty for saying it.

Gus: No, I don't feel guilty. "Guilt" is not the right word. It's more like...

Mallet: Hey, Gus. You know where Harley is?

Gus: I can hardly finish a conversation around here.

Mallet: Is she around?

Gus: Why?

Mallet: Marina. I want Harley to have a talk with Marina.

Gus: The Cyrus thing?

Mallet: Yeah. Well, you know Harley. She cuts right to the chase, has a clear way of seeing things.

Gus: Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Mallet: So, you and Harley all right? You know, working on things, patching things up? Well, I hope you do. Anyway, have Harley call me, all right? I need to talk to her.

Gus: Anybody else? Anybody? Anybody like to interrupt us?

Natalia: You were going to say something?

Gus: You know, we agreed that Rafe, school... we agreed that Alan’s a waste of space. I think maybe that's enough for today.

Natalia: Maybe.

Gus: I've got to get my car out of the garage, so I'll see you.

Natalia: Oh, me, too. Want to share an elevator?

Gus: Sure, sure.

Natalia: We could take the stairs.

Gus: Why?

Natalia: People waiting.

Gus: You want to take the freight elevator? Come on. (Speed decelerating) Alan.

Natalia: Alan.

Mallet: Hey. I didn't expect to see you here. How are you?

Dinah: Hi.

Mallet: Matt.

Matt: Mallet.

Mallet: Everything good?

Matt: Yeah. You?

Dinah: Just going to get ready to go home. Do you want to take me there? You want to take me home?

Mallet: Me? Yeah, sure, I'll take you home. No problem.

Dinah: Okay. Are you okay?

Mallet: Yeah, I just came by for...

Bartender: Want to settle up, Georgia?

Matt: I'll take care of that.

Mallet: He's calling you Georgia?

Matt: I think he's hitting the bottle.

Mallet: Right. How was your day?

Dinah: It was good. It was a very good day. Come on.

Matt: All right.

Cyrus: Bailed out by my wife on my first day in the car.

Alexandra: Oh, it's fine. Although it must have been a little uncomfortable for you with Marina there and all.

Cyrus: Oh, not really. Do we have any champagne? I'd like to drink to us.

Alexandra: Well, I'm sure cook can find something in that kitchen. (Cell phone ringing)

Cyrus: I told you not to call me.

Man: Would it be too much for a partner to ask for an update?

Cyrus: The update is, I'm in the house, she's showering me with gifts, and soon I'll have the keys to the kingdom.

Alan: So this is the way you teach my granddaughter to do business, huh, Billy?

Billy: You know, I remember a quote of yours one time. I think it was "Business is winning."

Billy/Lizzie: "There is no room for losing."

Billy: I think she's just trying to live up to your words.

Alan: There will be other contracts, other deals.

Lizzie: And we'll be ready. Will you? Okay, okay. So I know I was supposed to be quiet.

Billy: You don't think I'm mad at you, do you? You saved the day. You absolutely did.

Lizzie: No, I didn’t.

Billy: Yes, you did.

Lizzie: Okay, yes I did. Okay. (Laughs)

Billy: I'm so proud of you.

Lizzie: Really?

Billy: What, nobody's ever told you they're proud of you?

Lizzie: Not in a really long time, yeah.

Billy: Oh, my gosh.

Lizzie: Okay, we have to celebrate.

Billy: What? I kind of already started, didn't I? I have nothing on my schedule, so I'm going to continue where I left off. No judgments.

Lizzie: Okay.

Billy: Okay, good. I'm going to go to your place. Do you want to join me?

Lizzie: You know, I think I'm going to get started on some of that paperwork for Mr. Nelson. That's all the celebrating I need.

Billy: You do whatever you want. I just want you to know, anytime you want to jump in a meeting and say anything you want, go right ahead. And thank you.

Rafe: Daisy, I'm sorry, okay?

Daisy: I mean, I tell you how upset I am with Billy for what he did, and then what do you do? Two minutes later, you're asking him how you can help.

Rafe: Look, I didn't go up to him to do that, okay? It just happened.

Daisy: Sure it did.

Rafe: Look, I was just trying to help my mom.

Daisy: What, by hurting mine?

Rafe: My mom's alone, all right? She's been alone, and she's had nothing almost her whole life, and she loves Gus.

Daisy: Guess what? It's the same with Harley.

Rafe: Daisy, we're not going to agree on this. Okay, maybe what we should just agree on is staying out of it, okay? Both of us.

Daisy: How is that going to work?

Rafe: I don't know. But, look, we should just let the adults deal with it themselves, okay? Let whatever happens happen, because we have to think about us, right? Right?

Mel: That girl has got a bright future, okay? There are a million other girls out there.

Remy: I'll take their numbers, too, if you have them.

Mel: Remy.

Remy: Fine, okay. Okay, she's not my type anyway.

Mel: What exactly is your type?

Remy: The type that doesn't hang with you.

Mel: Nice. (Cell phone ringing) Look, I've got to take this. Can I trust you on this?

Remy: I don't remember her name.

Mel: Yes, your Honor, thank you so much for calling me back. Right.

Remy: You know what else has changed since the fourth grade?

Lola: What's that?

Remy: I started liking girls. So you want to go out sometime?

Lola: I don't know.

Remy: Yes, you do. Come on. It's just strings. It doesn't have to be anything big.

Lola: Well... here is my number.

Remy: Cool. You can tell me what you thought was so fascinating about me back then. Okay, so let's just keep this between us, okay?

Lola: Okay.

Mel: So?

Lola: So he asked me out, just like you and my parents said he would.

Mel: And you said yes?

Lola: That's what you wanted right?

Mel: Oh, yeah.

Lola: You sure I'm his type?

Mel: I think you're exactly what he needs.

Gus: Hello. I don't know if they heard me. I don't know...

Natalia: You think we're going to be in here for a while?

Gus: And as much as I'd love to pin this on Alan, he wasn't that obvious about it.

Natalia: Oh, come on. Of course he was.

Gus: You think I should just dust this control panel for fingerprints?

Natalia: God, you think he would give it up by now. He just... just obvious. A waste of time, the whole thing with you and me, and you being clear about it and me... I'm going to shut up now.

Gus: You know, Nat, what I was trying to say before is that this is very complicated. It's a complicated situation.

Natalia: What's complicated?

Gus: The whole thing. I mean, you, me, Rafe. I mean, we could really be the perfect little family, you know? And it feels right.

Natalia: Right.

Gus: Yeah. I'm just saying, before you ever came back into my life, I was thinking that there was only going to be me and Harley. I could never be with anybody else. But now... hey!

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Buzz: A good, sound family is the most important thing?

Harley: I will ask you calmly why you slept with Natalia.

Gus: I'll ask you calmly why you slept with Dylan.

Harley: I don't think I should have to remind you that Gus is still a married man, and I am still his wife.

Natalia: Okay, if you want to start pulling rank, I was here first, and I have his son.

Harley: You're going after him.

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