Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/17/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: Why does hospital food always make me feel sick?
Josh: Are you saying that you don't like our wedding meal?
Cassie: Not exactly what I had in mind.
Josh: Hey. Reva's going to be okay, you know that.
Cassie: Yeah. She always manages, doesn't she?
Josh: I'll take that back to the cafeteria, unless, of course, you want more.
Cassie: No, thanks.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: I'll wait here for Mel. Hey, um, hi, can I talk to you for a minute?
Frank: Sure. I'll give you ladies just a few minutes.
Cassie: Actually, Frank, I meant you. I have some questions about Reva’s accident.
Reva: I'll bet people are mad at you, huh? It's not nice to hit Reva Shayne with your car.
Olivia: You did this?
Reva: Yep.
Olivia: You threw yourself in front of my car?
Reva: Yeah.
Olivia: But your injuries-- your have cracked ribs.
Reva: Yeah, well, those are real. Hazard of the job.
Olivia: You're crazy. You're crazy. You belong in Ravenwood, not the hospital.
Reva: You didn't really think that I was going to let you blackmail me forever, did you?
Ava: I need more details.
Jeffrey: Well, I... she's going to be okay.
Ava: Then why aren't you still with her?
Jeffrey: Well, you know there is nothing more I can do tonight. Her family is with her, and they think she is going to wake up soon.
Ava: Wait, wait, wait. Are you talking about Reva?
Jeffrey: Well, who'd you think I was talking about?
Ava: Olivia. I asked you to look out for her.
Jeffrey: I did. I kept her out of jail for now.
Ava: For now?
Jeffrey: Look, she tried to hit Reva with her car.
Ava: It was an accident.
Jeffrey: Ava, I appreciate your loyalty. But think about it for one second. She tried to do the same thing to you--
Ava: Jeffrey, Jeffrey!
Jeffrey: I'm done! I know she's your mother, but I need to walk away.
Ava: She needs you, and so do I.
Doris: Ashlee, you are supposed to be helping me with the youth folk. Here. Here's your button.
Ashlee: I'm right here.
Doris: Oh. There's Coop. Hey, Coop. Here's your button.
Buzz: Oh, no, no. Whoa, whoa-- whoa! No, no solicitation in my place of business. Especially not by my opponent.
Doris: Opponent?
Buzz: May the best man win.
Cassie: So you haven't come up with any witnesses, all the people at the wedding...
Frank: Cassie, we were all looking at you and Josh.
Cassie: So no one saw if she was already in the street, or if she saw the car coming, or if she tried to avoid it.
Josh: Cassie... Frank, could you excuse us for just a minute.
Frank: Sure.
Josh: Thank you. What are you doing?
Cassie: Nothing. I'm just asking some questions.
Josh: Okay. I think we should let the police handle this, don't you?
Cassie: I know.
Josh: I mean I know you're thinking about Tammy’s accident right now.
Cassie: It's not about Tammy. It's about Reva.
Josh: I think Frank will be able to figure out if Olivia meant to hit Reva.
Cassie: Yeah.
Josh: What?
Cassie: It's just Reva-- you know, when she wants something, there isn't much she wouldn't do.
Josh: I know that.
Cassie: And she hated that we were getting married, Josh so I'm just trying to figure out how far she would go to get you back.
Olivia: You know this is insane. Frank is accusing me of trying to run you down.
Reva: Good. I was hoping that was going to happen.
Olivia: Why are you doing this?
Reva: Because you blackmailed me with Jonathan and Sarah, and it was going to go on forever.
Olivia: Reva, I'm trying to save my own life, not take yours. Why did you jump in front of my car?
Reva: I saw your car coming at me when I was walking down the street. And I thought, what the hell? What better way to get Olivia off my back than to threaten her with something really bad? How does attempted vehicular homicide strike you?
Coop: Uh... uh, Dad?
Buzz: What? Hey, look, I am not ripping them up. I'm just taking them down. Because our establishment doesn't happen to support her. It supports another candidate.
Doris: This is ridiculous. You are a burger flipper.
Buzz: No, I am a populist. Come on, Doris, you practically dared me to do it. All this talk about tearing up Main Street and shoving the little businesses out.
Doris: You know what? It's called progress, Buzz.
Buzz: Not if I win.
Doris: Come on Ashlee. Let's go.
Ashlee: What? Look, I was--
Coop: Dad?
Buzz: What?
Coop: Is this really what you want to be doing?
Buzz: I already paid for the buttons, so, yeah.
Coop: It's politics, Dad.
Buzz: Look, if not me, then who? Is Doris going to do anything? Doris doesn't care about the city. She doesn't care about the people that live in the city.
Coop: Doris barely cares about her own daughter. The point is, Doris is very tough.
Buzz: So you don't think I can win?
Coop: No, I didn't say that at all. I think you can do anything.
Buzz: Then what's the problem?
Coop: Dad, you went up against Phillip, and then you went up against Alan and it nearly killed you.
Buzz: My heart is strong, and so is my will.
Coop: That sounds good.
Buzz: You think?
Coop: Yeah, kind of.
Buzz: Maybe I should put it on a poster, huh?
Coop: Maybe a button.
Buzz: (Laughs)
Ashlee: Mom, what's your problem? This is America. Anyone can run.
Doris: You know what? This city has been in limbo ever since Blake Marler got elected and then poisoned. You know what? We are in need of a good mayor who knows what she's doing. And what does Buzz Cooper know? He can't even make a decent burger.
Ashlee: Well, actually, a lot of people think they're good.
Doris: You know what? That's not the point.
Ashlee: Okay. Okay, then the point is that people can vote for who they want. That they'll see that you're smarter and that they'll like your issues. And then they'll vote for you.
Doris: You know what, Ashlee, this is a popularity contest, okay. And you and I, we don't win those.
Ashlee: Well, I won the talent competition in juvie.
Doris: That may be. But, look, I want this job, Ashlee. I lost Alan. I was a big joke to everybody. But I would make a damn good mayor. You believe that, don't you?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Doris: All right. You know what, you're friends with Buzz. He trusts you. He would listen to you.
Reva: You can call whoever you want. Nobody's going to believe you.
Olivia: Frank will believe me. He's not going to let you get away with this.
Reva: Really? Yes, Frank, I was on Main Street early, because as you can understand, I just couldn't take sitting there listening to them. I walked out because I was upset and I was sad. Suddenly I heard this engine rev up, and I turned and it all just happened so fast, but I saw the driver. It was Olivia. We actually looked into each other's eyes, and the strangest look came across her face. She almost smiled at me. And then she revved the engine, pointed that car right at me and I thought I was going to die! I thought I was never going to see my family again. Oh, my God, it was just... (sobs) Pretty good, huh? What do you think?
Olivia: I don't know. I think the cops are going to see through you. They'll find a witness. Frank would never believe I would do something like this.
Reva: Really? I mean didn't you just confess to him that you had your own daughter mugged?
Olivia: Oh, God.
Reva: Yeah. Jeffrey told me all about it. What did you think, that if you confessed your sins to the cops that you'd win points with Jeffrey? I bet you never thought it would come back and bite you in the butt.
Olivia: Okay, so what do you want? You want me behind bars?
Reva: I want you to keep your mouth shut. I want you to keep the secret of Jonathan and Sarah. I want you to take that secret to your grave.
Olivia: And if I do?
Reva: Then my memory will become very foggy. When the cops ask me what happened that night, I'll say I don't remember the events of the evening. I was distracted. It must have been an accident. But if you tell anyone that Jonathan and Sarah are alive, then that foggy memory will become very clear to me, and you'll be sent to jail. That's the new deal.
Olivia: And I suppose you want Jeffrey, too?
Reva: I want Jeffrey to make his own choice.
Olivia: I won't back down. Jeffrey ruined my wedding. We have things between us, things we need to work out one way or the other. You wouldn't understand.
Reva: No. You think you know me, but you don’t. If Jeffrey wants to choose you, that's fine. But I don't think he will. He's been tortured by his past long enough.
Olivia: Oh, poor Jeffrey, right? Yeah, you understand. You know what I don't get is this: Why are you fighting so hard for him because you want Josh? You said yourself you couldn't stand to see he and Cassie get married. That's why you ran out.
Reva: How many people do you know watch to see their exes get married?
Olivia: Oh, Reva, you say what you want, but it's always been Josh and it always will be.
Josh: I had them page Mel.
Cassie: So that's it? That's all you're going to say?
Josh: What do you want me to say, Cassie? You think that Reva deliberately threw herself in front of Olivia’s car, that she wanted to hurt herself.
Cassie: No, but maybe that was the price she had to pay...
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: ...For stopping our wedding. Josh...
Josh: She could've been killed.
Cassie: Come on, this had to cross your mind. I'm not saying that she planned it. We both know how impulsive she can be. She did show up at the wedding and then leave half way through.
Josh: Yeah, that's because she didn't feel comfortable being there.
Cassie: I know that. And I hate thinking these things, but I am. And you can't tell me that you're not thinking them, too.
Josh: She's awake. Reva.
Reva: I thought you might be here.
Josh: Everybody's been worried about you.
Reva: You didn't tell the kids, did you?
Josh: Of course I did. We made them a promise, remember, no more secrets.
Reva: Yeah, I know. I... I just didn't want them to worry.
Josh: Well, I did tell them not to come here until we knew more. So you might want to call them and tell them you're okay. Are you okay?
Reva: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a cracked rib. Nose is kind of flat. (Laughs)
Josh: So does it hurt?
Reva: Less now.
Cassie: We're both here. We'd never let you go through this alone.
Reva: Thank you. But I'll be okay.
Cassie: So how did this happen? I mean, did you see Olivia coming for you? Do you think she tried to...
Josh: Um... maybe this isn't the time for that.
Cassie: You're right. I'm sorry, I'll go get you some water and give you two a chance to talk.
Ashlee: Hi.
Buzz: Hi. Is your mother gone?
Ashlee: Um, actually, she sent me here to talk to you as her emissary.
Buzz: Her emissary. That sounds important. I guess I'm going to have to get used to that if I hope to be mayor.
Ashlee: Right. She asked me to warn you and she thinks that maybe because we're friends you'll listen to me.
Buzz: We are and I am listening.
Ashlee: Okay, thanks. She really wants to be mayor like really badly, like more than anything I've ever seen her want ever. And um... she'll do just about everything to get what she wants. She can be mean, really mean, like pit bull mean, like (roars).
Buzz: Okay. Consider me warned.
Ashlee: Wait. That's it?
Buzz: What did you expect? Do you think I'm going to drop out of the race?
Ashlee: Well, maybe.
Buzz: Do you want me to?
Ashlee: No. What I want is for her to say "May the best man win," and treat you with respect and realize what a great guy you are. But I don't think that that's going to happen, even for me. I just don't want to see you hurt.
Buzz: (Laughing) So she sent me over here to ask me nicely. And she thinks that maybe I'll consider dropping out of the race?
Coop: Ashlee, your mom is manipulating you again.
Ashlee: I'm sorry, but I don't think you have a say in what I do.
Coop: What's that supposed to mean?
Ashlee: It means that you're the one being manipulated by Ava, so I don't have to answer to you.
Jeffrey: This isn't going to change anything.
Ava: Just five minutes. Maybe you owe it to her. I mean, come on. Maybe you're the reason why she makes some of these crazy choices.
Olivia: Hi! Oh, thank you. What's up?
Emma: Are you sick?
Olivia: Am I sick? No. Why would you ask me that?
Emma: Because of the hospital.
Olivia: Oh, you heard me talking to Jane about the hospital. I'm not sick. I was just visiting a friend, okay? Let's go.
Jeffrey: What? I already know she's a good mother. It doesn't change anything.
Ava: She would never risk losing Emma to hurt Reva. Just five minutes. Five minutes.
Jeffrey: All right, five minutes.
Ava: Thanks, Dad. (Laughs)
Olivia: It's really not a good time. I need to be with Emma.
Jeffrey: I know, I saw.
Olivia: What?
Jeffrey: So which one are you, the loving mother or the one who will take out her enemy with the blink of an eye?
Josh: Thanks. Thank you.
Reva: Oh, they're from Marah and Shayne. That was fast.
Josh: She's good with things like that.
Reva: So what was that just now between you and Cassie?
Josh: She's tired, that's all. It's been a long day.
Reva: Yes, I know. Why aren't you on your honeymoon? I mean, you should be spending your first night together as husband and wife on some tropical island somewhere.
Josh: We didn't quite make it through the ceremony.
Reva: Oh.
Josh: Your accident kind of interrupted things.
Reva: So you and Cassie aren't married?
Josh: No, not officially.
Reva: Good. I'm glad.
Mel: Hey, I got your page. I heard Reva’s awake.
Cassie: Mel, wait. Josh is in with Reva right now. Could you may be just give them a minute?
Mel: Really?
Cassie: Yeah, I have some questions I want to ask you.
Josh: I really don't want to get into this with you.
Reva: Of course you don’t.
Josh: When you showed up at the wedding, I thought...
Reva: You thought what? That I approved? That I was happy that the love of my life was marrying my sister? That watching you exchange vows, promising to love someone else always, wasn't killing me?
Josh: Is that what happened? With the accident, I mean? You rushed out of the wedding and...
Reva: Threw myself in front of the first car I saw? No, Bud. I wasn't trying to kill myself.
Josh: I know that. But earlier, when I said that your accident interrupted the wedding, you looked like you'd succeeded at something. So, did you deliberately try to stop the wedding?
Mel: It must be hard for you to be here again.
Cassie: Because of Tammy? Yeah, well, pretty much everywhere I go still makes me think of her, so...
Mel: Well, it's not going to be the same this time, okay? Reva's going to be okay.
Cassie: Right, it's not the same. Tammy never asked to be hurt.
Mel: What?
Cassie: Oh, nothing. I'm just frazzled. You know, a wedding and a car accident. It's just really been a big day.
Reva: You think that I jumped in front of a car, risking my life, just to stop you from marrying my sister?
Josh: I really don't know, Reva. You were upset. It was in the moment. Maybe you had an impulsive thought. Maybe it wasn't an accident.
Reva: There are no accidents. Maybe that car was meant to hit me.
Josh: You expect me to believe it was fate? That somehow you being in this hospital right now, that's a good thing?
Reva: Maybe it has nothing to do with me being in this hospital bed. Maybe it's about you and stopping you from making a very big mistake. Maybe you were never meant to marry Cassie.
Olivia: Emma's young, but she picks up on things.
Jeffrey: I didn't say anything.
Olivia: There's nothing to say.
Jeffrey: Do you think Reva would agree with that?
Olivia: You don't know what you're talking about. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I'm innocent?
Jeffrey: So Reva wanted to get hit by a car?
Olivia: No, that's not what I'm saying.
Jeffrey: Then how are you the innocent one?
Olivia: Because it was an accident. But, you, you can only see the worst in me. Let me ask you something. If the situation were reversed, if she hit me, would you even for a second think that she tried to hurt me no, I didn't think so. (Telephone rings) I have to get that. It's about Emma.
Emma: Is mommy okay?
Ashlee: I really should be getting back to my mom.
Coop: Ashlee, wait. I asked you to wait a second.
Ashlee: What?
Coop: Come here. Why do you feel Ava is manipulating me? Have you heard something from her?
Ashlee: She was mugged, yes? Yes. But it was a fake. You don't think she's milking it just a little?
Coop: Olivia's just--
Ashlee: Olivia-- oh, Olivia, no she's not the best mom in the world, but do you think mine is?
Coop: Ashlee, I'm just trying to be there for her right now.
Ashlee: You know, that's fine. Really, Coop, that's fine! It's not about Ava; it's about you-- once again, about you.
Coop: Okay. Well, what did I do, huh?
Ashlee: I told you I loved you. Do you know how hard that was for me to say? And you've said nothing.
Coop: You... you caught me off-guard with that, okay. You dropped this on me, and it's kind of a big deal, don't you think? I mean, I'm trying to take this in. I need some time.
Ashlee: I didn't ask you about the meaning of life. I told you I loved you. The fact that you haven't said anything to me says it all.
Coop: What do you want me to say, Ashlee? What do you want me to say?
Ashlee: Nothing. (Laughs) Nothing. I think for once my mom was right. She said that, uh... you could never see yourself with someone like me. That you could see yourself with an Ava or a Lizzie, but not me.
Coop: Uh-huh. Do you really think that I'm that shallow?
Ashlee: Well, aren't you? You know, I need to go, and you need to get back to your supermodel. That's obviously what you wanted. By the way, I wasn't trying to manipulate Buzz. I was just trying to tell him the truth.
Buzz: You really shouldn't have sent your daughter along to do the dirty work. She's a good kid.
Doris: I know that. That's why you should take her advice.
Buzz: You know nothing about me. Don't you think I've tangled with tougher people than you in my life?
Doris: I guess we'll find out. Thank you all for coming on such short notice.
Frank: Hey, what's going on?
Buzz: I think I'm about to taste the spotlight for the first time, and I don't think it's going to be pretty.
Doris: As you all know, I have been running for mayor, and thus far unopposed until now. Now there appears to be a second candidate, Buzz Cooper. Now, he will tell you he is just an owner of a small diner, an ordinary citizen trying to make a difference, and while that is true, so is the fact that he has no political experience. So I would like to take a few moments to tell you a few things you won't find on his resume.
Buzz: Oh, this is going to be good.
Doris: I think that the best way to learn about a person's character is to examine their role as a parent.
Frank: You okay?
Buzz: I can take it. Let's just get this over with.
Doris: So let's take a look at Buzz Cooper, the dad. How did his kids turn out? How did you like my speech? Did I leave anybody out?
Buzz: I wouldn't have done that to your daughter.
Doris: What, tell everyone that Ashlee spent time in juvenile hall? I do.
Buzz: This is supposed to be about you and me, no one else.
Doris: If you drop out of the race, it will just be about me.
Ashlee: Stuart, hi. What are you doing here?
Stuart: I heard about your mom's press conference, and I was kind of hoping you might be here.
Ashlee: What, you came here to find me?
Stuart: Well, um, yeah.
(Knock on the door)
Ava: Coop.
Coop: Hey.
Ava: Hi. Look, I know it's late. I'm sorry. I should have called first.
Ava: No, please. Come on, you're always welcome here. Come on in
Coop: Thanks.
Ava: Yeah. Did you have a bad day?
Coop: (Sighs) Yeah-- yes.
Ava: Perfect timing. I just opened a bottle of wine. I can pour you a glass. We can talk, or whatever.
Mel: Reva's stuff is here at the front desk if you want to give this to her.
Cassie: I'm sure Reva hoped she would never see a hospital bed ever again.
Mel: Yeah, I'm pretty sure she would do anything possible not to be here.
Cassie: And after Jonathan and Sarah and Tammy in here, she never left my side. She always stood by me.
Mel: It's nice to have family, isn't it? I don't know what I would have done these past few months without mine.
Cassie: Yeah. So... yeah, maybe it's time that I took my turn and stood by her.
Reva: Ow, Pop, don't make me laugh. It hurts. I'm fine, I'm fine. I just cracked a rib and flattened out my nose, but I'm fine. Of course Joshua is here. I will. I will call you first thing in the morning. I love you, too, Pop. Bye-bye. (Laughs)
Josh: Why do you do that?
Reva: Do what?
Josh: Why do you say things like, "Of course Joshua is here"?
Reva: Because you are.
Josh: But not that way, and you know it. So why do you make Hawk believe something else?
Reva: Because I don't know. And just for the record, I did not throw myself in front of Olivia’s car. I am a grandmother. I'm not a stunt woman.
Josh: So it was nothing more than an accident?
Reva: No. Like I said, it was a sign. What, you don't believe we have signs, Joshua? What about that day we were supposed to be divorced?
Josh: Which time, Reva?
Reva: The time that we both wound up at the lighthouse. I didn't know you were going to be there. You didn't know I was going to be there. But still, there we were. That was a sign that we were meant to be together.
Josh: What about Jeffrey?
Reva: I like Jeffrey a lot. And I know you love Cassie, but neither one of them is us. Something will always happen that will bring us back together again. Maybe this time it was Olivia’s car.
Josh: Sometimes an accident is just an accident. You said it yourself. You were upset. You ran out of the wedding. You didn't see Olivia’s car. Now, I'm sorry that my marrying... that my marrying Cassie is so upsetting to you. I really am. But I'm not going to lie to you, I am going to marry Cassie. And there is nothing that you can say to me that is going to stop it.
Ava: What a perfect way to end the day.
Coop: Yeah.
Ava: Yeah.
Coop: The wine is good.
Ava: No. I mean you and I together, relaxing. Like the good old days.
Coop: Well, it seems like it has been a long time.
Ava: It doesn't feel like that to me. I actually think about it every day. You and I in that boarding house with that wall between our rooms.
Coop: I know. The stupid wall.
Ava: There's no wall between us now. I love you, Coop. I love you, Coop. I always have. I never stopped.
Coop: Wait, wait. Um... look, it would be so easy to get back together with you...
Ava: Well, then, don't stop.
Coop: Ava, please, wait. Um, you said "I love you." I can't say that.
Ava: It's okay. I know that I hurt you. And I know it's just going to take a little time, but you'll come around.
Coop: I can't make any promises, though.
Ava: Why? Because I hurt you, or because you would rather say it to someone else?
Stuart: Look, in this district here, the polling shows just the opposite. The women there care much more about Doris being a working mom than her track record as a D.A., but...
Ashlee: Okay, okay, okay. You know, it's great; it's so great you want to help my mom out with her campaign, but maybe we can do something else.
Stuart: Sure. Like what? Okay. That's good.
Ashlee: Do you, um, want to go back to my place?
Buzz: When I first decided to join this race, it was a spontaneous decision. I heard about the development plans that were going to benefit the rich, Alan Spaulding, and squeeze out the little guys like me. And I knew it wasn't going to be an easy campaign. I mean, how can I possibly compete with a beautiful, achieved District Attorney over here, you know? But I think maybe with the help of the little guys, you know the men and the wom that struggle to support their families, that maybe they'll join the fight and we could elect one of our own.
Reporter: Doris Wolfe said a lot about your family. Any comment about hers?
Buzz: Oh, her family. That would be her daughter, Ashlee. No, I like Ashlee. Ashlee's just fine. Of course, I think Ashlee’s made a few mistakes of her own. My kids have made mistakes. Which of us comes from a perfect family? My family is imperfect. But they're also great and supportive, which is why I have decided to keep going with this crazy idea. Now, back to your original question. You can ask me any question you want about her policies and her ideas. But her daughter, no. It's off-limits.
Cassie: Frank.
Frank: Oh, hi, Cassie. I'm sorry, you should have called. Unfortunately I don't have anything new on Reva’s accident. I want you to know I have all of my men working on it. Unless Reva has something to say, I--
Cassie: Reva may not remember what happened, but Olivia could be a danger to her.
Frank: Why are you saying this?
Cassie: Because I owe my sister and I want to protect her.
Mel: How does that feel right here? Any trouble breathing?
Reva: Is breathing really important? (Laughs)
Mel: Good, sense of humor intact.
Josh: Excuse me, Mel, have you seen Cassie? She's not in the hallway.
Mel: Yeah, I was just talking to her, but she took off. She didn't say where, but it seemed kind of important.
Olivia: You can say a lot of bad things about me, but I'm not stupid.
Jeffrey: Oh, I would never say that about you.
Olivia: Jeffrey, it wasn't that long ago that you wanted the whole town to see you for more than your past. Why won't you do the same thing about me?
Jeffrey: Because one of us is making an effort to change and the other is making an effort to not get caught. (Knock on the door)
Olivia: Yes.
Officer: Are you Olivia Spencer?
Olivia: Yes.
Officer: I have orders to bring you down to the station.
Olivia: No, it's a mistake. I gave a statement. It was an accident.
Officer: I'm sorry, ma'am, but they want to officially question you about the attempted murder of Reva Shayne.
Olivia: You can't let them do this. You can't let them take me away from Emma, please.
Josh: I'd better go. You don't need me here anymore.
Reva: Go. Yes, do whatever.
Josh: Reva, don't start.
Reva: Don't start what? It's just, you know, where are you going to go? You don't even know where Cassie is.
Josh: I'm sure it won't be that difficult tracking her down.
Reva: And then what? Are you going to go to an all-night chapel, finish your vows?
Josh: We're basically married.
Reva: Basically, right.
Josh: If you think doing this, arguing with me, is going to keep me from marrying Cassie, you're wrong.
Reva: I don't want to do anything to sabotage you and Cassie.
Josh: Really? Because that's not what it sounds like.
Reva: This isn't about me doing anything, Joshua. It's fate. And it's on our side.
Josh: There is no more "our side."
Reva: You can fight it as much as you want, Joshua Lewis, but I just don't think you're ever going to marry Cassie
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: This is what I want. I made a commitment to Cassie. We're going to sign those papers tonight. We're going to go down to the clerk's office; we're going to get it done.
Ava: You don't love me?
Coop: Not like before.
Ava: Ashlee is the reason we're not together. If I can't have you in my bed, what's the point?
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