Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/16/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Rutledge: The time has come for Cassie and Josh to exchange rings. May I have them, please? A wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. You, Joshua, may now place the ring on the finger of your bride.
Josh: Cassie, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.
Rutledge: Cassie?
Cassie: Josh, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.
Olivia: Alan, I'm on my way.
Rutledge: I just have to say that I've been looking forward to this part all day. (Laughter) Josh, Cassie, would you please face me? Josh and Cassie have consented together in holy wedlock, and by the authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel and by the laws of our state, I do pronounce... (brakes screech)
Lizzie: What was that?
Jeffrey: Frank, maybe we should...?
Frank: Let's go.
Cassie: Check it out. It sounded... it sounded kind of bad.
Josh: Are you sure?
Cassie: Yeah. I'll wait here and we'll finish what we started.
Josh: I'll be as quick as I can.
Blake: Honey, don't look like that. He'll be back.
Cassie: Yeah, I know. Everything will be okay.
Blake: Yeah. No doubts. You are seconds away from being Mrs. Josh Lewis.
Mel: I need an ambulance on Main Street now. I don't want to move her.
Frank: Olivia?
Mel: Her pulse is racing. She's unconscious, but she's still breathing.
Josh: Thank God.
Mel: Why don't you go check on Olivia?
Josh: Reva, can you hear me? Reva, darlin'? You hang in there, okay? Hang on.
Frank: Olivia, are you hurt? Olivia, are you hurt? Did you hit your head? Jeffrey. This is Chief Cooper. Where the hell is the ambulance? We're on Main Street. I got two trauma victims here.
Jeffrey: What did you do?
Josh: Reva, listen to me now. You're going to make it through this, you're going to be okay. You just have to hang in there, okay? Reva?
Cassie: Oh, my God.
Josh: Can you hear me?
Cassie: Oh, my God! Reva! Oh, my God!
Lizzie: Hey. Why are you still here? Everyone's left for the hospital already.
Billy: Yeah. I don't have a car, remember?
Lizzie: Oh. I'll drive you. Come on. Oh, I get it. You don't want to go...
Billy: No.
Lizzie: ...See Reva like that. I totally understand that.
Billy: I know you do.
Lizzie: Once you go to the hospital or the police station, it becomes real.
Billy: Yeah, it does.
Lizzie: She's going to be fine, she is. Did you see the way she fought that cancer and totally kicked its butt? (Laughter)
Billy: Yeah. Look, okay. I'll tell you what. You... you get me to the hospital in one piece, I'll give you a raise. How's that?
Lizzie: Okay. That sounds good.
Alan: I, uh... I heard something about a wedding. Now, what happened? Did Reva break it up before Josh and her sister said "I do," is that it?
Billy: Back off!
Alan: Whoa. Oh, Billy. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were drunk.
Mel: We need some help here. Let's go. Her pulse is strong. We need a full body scan and a head CT, please. Okay? Someone's going to need to go in with her, sit with her, answer questions, fill out forms.
Josh: I'll do that. Well, we'll both do that.
Mel: Okay.
Cassie: Just tell us what we need to do.
Mel: Just hang tight for now. They're going to run some tests and... just to find out the best way we can help her, okay? The good news is she doesn't appear to be in shock. Her BP is strong, blood pressure is not dropping, okay?
Cassie: Okay.
Mel: All right. Let's go.
Nurse: Ma'am, you need to give us some space.
Josh: Mel. Mel.
Mel: Yeah.
Josh: How bad is it, really? Well, it's too soon to tell right now, okay? But, you know what? She kept breathing through the whole thing and that's a positive sign, right? Let's just hope the car wasn't going that fast, okay?
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: We should go in there. We should... we should be with her in case she wakes up. I don't want her to be alone.
Josh: Yeah. Cassie, it's not Tammy.
Cassie: I know. I know it's not, I know. I just... the sound and the crash and... it's just too much like I imagined. But it's not Tammy, and Tammy didn't make it-- Reva will. Reva's going to be fine. So, let's just go in there and just be with her. She needs us.
Josh: Okay.
Olivia: Thanks for bringing me home, Frank.
Frank: You're welcome. I... I thought it would be easier if I questioned... questioned you here instead of being at the station, so...
Olivia: You offer to give me a ride home so that you could question me, Frank? I mean, don't you think I've had a bad enough day?
Frank: You hit Reva with your car, she's lying in a hospital bed unconscious right now. Who knows what kind of shape she's in.
Olivia: But I thought... she's breathing, right?
Frank: God only knows the extent of her injuries. Olivia, barely a month ago, you sent a guy to attack your own daughter. Now, what is going on with you?
Olivia: Frank, I owned up to that, okay? I apologized for it. Why are...? What is this? You don't believe this was an accident?
Frank: Look, I don't know what to believe right now. But I think it would be in your best interest to tell me the truth. Now, what exactly happened tonight? Did you intentionally run your car into Reva Shayne?
Jeffrey: Don't answer that.
Cassie: Remember that time we got so drunk on margaritas that you actually convinced me to do karaoke with you? "The Wind Beneath My Wings?" And we were so drunk, I sounded horrible. We were so drunk those guys were booing us off the stage, only we didn't know they were... we thought they were actually cheering us on. One thing I know is, next time, I'm picking the song.
Josh: You heard your sister. She needs you for the duet. Can you tell us anything at all about when she might come out of this?
Dr. Gunning: I'm sorry. I need you to fill those out when you can.
Josh: Okay. This is not at all how I wanted our wedding night to end.
Cassie: Really? Not like this?
Josh: Yeah, really.
Cassie: (Sighs) Remember all those times I've told you you've saved me and given me my life back and given me my faith back? Lend a little of that to Reva now.
Olivia: You know, I told you you could go. Frank and I were just chatting.
Jeffrey: Oh, really? Well, it sounded like you were doing a little more than that.
Frank: You know, O’Neill, this is official police business.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm Olivia’s lawyer.
Olivia: You know, it's funny, I don't remember hiring Reva’s boyfriend as my attorney. Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Will you give us a minute, Frank, please?
Frank: Take a minute.
Olivia: Get your hands off of me. I swear I will scream.
Jeffrey: Well, go. Go ahead. Because Frank's just waiting to make an arrest of a hit-and-run driver.
Olivia: I may have hit her, but I did not run. Although you would have liked that, wouldn't you? Then, you could just drag me to jail without questioning me. If you're here to help Frank read me my rights and handcuff me, just do it. Get it over with.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. Not until I hear the truth. The real truth, okay? Not some twisted version of it, either. Did you do it? Did you try to hit Reva with your car on purpose?
Olivia: I thought lawyers weren't supposed to ask whether you did it or not.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'm asking. Did you do it? Did you or did you not try to run Reva down?
Olivia: No. It was an awful, awful accident, but it's nice to know what you really think of me.
Jeffrey: So, this is just one big mistake.
Olivia: It was an awful mistake, accident, whatever you want to call it. I did not see Reva until it was too late.
Billy: You're lucky I'm not drunk, Alan. Let's go to the hospital.
Alan: What, you're going to an AA meeting, Billy? They're not going to let you in if you're drunk.
Lizzie: Reva was hit, Granddad, by a car. I'm driving Billy to Cedars.
Alan: So she did crash the wedding, literally. Well, kudos to Reva.
Lizzie: She was hurt. She could have been killed.
Billy: Hey, sweetie, just ignore him, okay? Ignore him.
Alan: You're not going to go over there just yet, are you? I mean, you don't want your brother, the minister, to see you like this, do you?
Lizzie: Leave him alone.
Alan: You're not protecting this drunk, are you?
Lizzie: He's not a drunk.
Billy: No, it's okay. I am a drunk. I'm a big, bad drunk and I'm a mean drunk. Hey, you best remember what I did to Roger Thorpe.
Alan: Elizabeth, it's time to go home. Jeremy's waiting for you in the limo.
Lizzie: I am not going with you. Like I said, I am driving Billy to Cedars and then I'm going to make sure that he gets home safely, just like he did for me.
Alan: So, this is what you've chosen for your life? To tend to a degenerate like Billy Lewis?
Lizzie: You think Billy’s a degenerate? What, a loser, a failure, a nobody? He could be passed out in a gutter unable to remember his own name and he would still be a better man than you.
Mel: Hey. Good news, guys.
Josh: What do you got?
Mel: Well, CT scan showed no signs of internal bleeding or damage to her organs, just a few cracked ribs. Now, she's bruised on her abdomen and her legs, but her breathing is strong and clear.
Cassie: So, she's going to be okay.
Josh: Is she awake?
Mel: No. No, not yet. And though we didn't detect any hemorrhaging in her brain, we won't know the full extent of damage, if any, until she's fully conscious, so it's sort of a wait-and-see situation.
Josh: What... what exactly does that mean?
Mel: Well, I can't tell you anything for sure, Josh. We didn't find any abnormalities or signs of swelling in her brain scan, so since the rest of her body took the brunt of the hit, we're hopeful. Okay, I've got to go. I've got to take this. Oh, congratulations, you guys. You're married, right?
Cassie: Um... are we?
Josh: I... I... we didn't finish the ceremony. I never kissed the bride.
Cassie: There was that small detail of the marriage certificate. We didn't get to that.
Rutledge: Josh, Cassie, how's Reva?
Cassie: It sounds like she's going to be okay.
Rutledge: I am so happy to hear that. I'm thrilled.
Josh: Thank you. So are we.
Cassie: We actually have a question for you. The ceremony was kind of interrupted.
Rutledge: Yeah, I think I remember that.
Cassie: And you never pronounced us man and wife.
Rutledge: Is that right?
Cassie: Also, we... we never quite got to the marriage certificate. We thought we would do that, of course, right after cutting the cake.
Rutledge: Yeah, I see. And... and your problem is... ?
Josh: We're not actually officially married then, right?
Rutledge: Officially, no, I'm a afraid not. But the good news is now you'll have an excuse to throw a second wedding. Listen, we could go ahead and make it official, but that would involve all of us going down to the courthouse.
Josh: No, we can't leave the hospital, though.
Rutledge: No, I... I understand completely.
Cassie: We don't want to leave, in case she wakes up. We want to be here.
Rutledge: Right, right. Well, listen. Just take your time and give me a call when you're ready.
Josh: Okay. I'll... I'll let you know about the retreat.
Rutledge: Okay, good. And in the meantime, I'll be praying for Reva. And let me just say, if I haven't said it enough times, the two of you make a beautiful couple. It was a pleasure almost marrying you.
Josh: Okay. Okay, it wasn't officially done and no one heard us pronounced husband and wife, but as far as I'm concerned, it's done. However, if you want to do this again, if you want to, you know, throw another big party, find yourself another dress, maybe a different caterer... I'm game.
Cassie: You would do that?
Josh: Of course.
Cassie: It's okay. It's really okay that you are so worried about Reva right now. It's okay that you care about her. It's even okay that, on our wedding day, you ended up with her instead of me. Really. It's okay because it's where you belong. It's where we both belong. That's just the kind of man you are. You're so full of love, you have to up and become a minister, you have so much to give. I know there's more than enough to go around. So, don't you go making a fool of yourself trying to make it up to me somehow, because there is nothing to make up. And I love you more than I ever have right now.
Dr. Gunning: Mr. Lewis.
Josh: Yeah.
Dr. Gunning: I have Reva’s latest test results.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: I'm just going to call Blake and R.J., and I will come right in.
Josh: Okay. Let's go.
Jeffrey: Thank you, Frank.
Frank: Yep. So, is your client planning on making a statement tonight?
Olivia: No!
Jeffrey: Yes. Her official statement is that she was involved in a terrible accident. She did not see Reva until it was too late. She was traveling at the speed limit and obeying all traffic laws. May I remind you, Frank, that she remained in her vehicle and did not try to flee the scene of the accident.
Frank: Is he accurately representing you? Okay, then. Then, I will check in with both of you tomorrow. And, Olivia, if you know what's good for you, and that is questionable now, be here.
Olivia: Thank you. For defending me.
Billy: No, no, wait, wait. Look, ma'am, could you just find someone who could give me the correct info? I'm looking for info... aw, damn.
Alan: Oh, yes, that's a great idea. Sober him up. But be careful, he may take his anger out on you.
Lizzie: You just don't like to hear me defend him.
Alan: I have seen Billy Lewis fall off the wagon so many times, ruin all of his marriages, and alienate his children.
Lizzie: Unlike you, who has a great relationship with all your kids and grandkids.
Alan: Elizabeth, you're still my granddaughter.
Lizzie: The one who isn't good enough to work at your company.
Alan: So that's what all this is about, the job. Is that it?
Lizzie: You threw me out of your office. You treated me like... like the ash on the end of your cigar. I mean, do you want me to come crawling back to you? Is that it? Because it's never going to happen. See, Spaulding’s don't get stepped on and then come back for more. Wait, who taught that to me? You did.
Alan: Look, I am sorry if I was too harsh on you the other day. I was just trying to teach you how to be tough and resilient. I taught your uncles that, your father that.
Lizzie: You had so many chances to believe in me, Granddad. You... you just... you hurt me over and over, and I just kept coming back for more, but that wasn't enough. Billy, he has every reason to think that I would fail and he gave me a chance.
Alan: You want a chance, Elizabeth? I'll give you a chance. As a matter of fact, I'll have a contract drawn up immediately. I will call my lawyer right...
Lizzie: It's too late.
Alan: Look, I know that you're in pain, but a good way for us to heal is working side by side the way we were meant to be.
Lizzie: Nice try, okay? I know that you offered that job to Natalia. She didn't take it, did she? Smart girl. Just a tip: Next time you want to try to win me over, don't offer me a job that somebody else already rejected.
Alan: Natalia, it's Alan. Listen, I hope that you and Raphael will be able to have dinner with me tonight.
Josh: Some good news from the doctor. Your organs are okay. You've got some cracked ribs and some bad bruises, but nothing that Reva Shayne can't handle. When I saw you lying there on the street, I... well, I guess you just never get used to that. Or this. Reva, I know you're really angry at me right now. I know you hate that I married Cassie, but we're going to have to deal with that another day. Right now you've got to get on your horse and you've got to come back to us, okay? You know, you could have just objected when the reverend got to the part about "speak now or forever hold your peace." I mean, that would have been a lot easier and probably less painful then throwing yourself in front of a car. But then again, that's not you, is it? Okay, all right. If you could blink or open your eyes, that would be good. Something. Just give me a sign that you're getting some of this because, if not, the bad jokes, they're just going to keep on coming.
Cassie: She's not talking back?
Josh: No, she's not. Tough crowd.
Cassie: I'll sit with her. Why don't you go see what you can find in the commissary? We should try to eat something.
Josh: Okay. Any requests?
Cassie: Um... just one. Don't be gone long.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: You heard the man, Reva. Hurry up and open those eyes, because I want to talk to you. About Josh.
Jeffrey: Yes, that's right, Reva Lewis' hospital room. Roses would be fine. And do you have some sort of a "Get Well Soon" bouquet or something like hat? Great. No, the card should read, "From Jeffrey," that's all. That's right. Thank you. Hi.
Ava: Hi. Is she okay?
Jeffrey: Olivia or Reva?
Ava: Both.
Jeffrey: Well, let's see. Olivia is in her room, safe and sound. I wish I could say the same for Reva.
Ava: Is she...
Jeffrey: She's alive and breathing, but nobody knows when she's going to regain consciousness.
Ava: Olivia probably really needs us right now.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? You do what you need to do. I've done my part, okay?
Ava: Wait. Thank you. Thank you for defending her and making sure she wasn't thrown into jail. Thank you.
Jeffrey: I did it for you.
Ava: You don't think she did it on purpose, ran Reva over in front of all of those wedding guests?
Jeffrey: She did it to you, didn't she?
Olivia: Alan?
Alan: Oh, Olivia. How was your trip? Did you run into traffic or run over any people?
Olivia: Is that supposed to be funny?
Alan: (Laughs) Well, I heard about the excitement. It sounds like you almost made roadkill out of Reva.
Olivia: Don’t. Alan, she’s... she's in the hospital. She hasn't woken up yet.
Alan: Well, then, why don't you look more pleased with yourself?
Olivia: You think I did this on purpose? You think I tried to gun her town?
Alan: Didn't you?
Olivia: No!
Alan: Well, then, why did you do it?
Olivia: I didn't do it, okay? It was an accident. She... she kidnapped Emma.
Alan: She kidnapped Emma?
Olivia: Emma, your granddaughter.
Alan: She kidnapped Elizabeth, too. Well, I can understand your sense of protection for your daughter, my granddaughter. I wish I could have protected my granddaughter Sarah more.
Olivia: I'm sorry for your loss. I wanted to gun her down, though. I have to be honest with you. I wanted to make her pay for every crappy thing that she has done to me, but, ironically, nobody believes me. Okay, I didn't do it. Nobody believes me-- not Jeffrey, not the police, no one.
Alan: Well, I believe you and you've come to the right place. If you need a strong defense lawyer or safe haven, I will support you any way I can.
Olivia: Thanks. I appreciate that, against my better judgment.
Alan: But before I help you there, I do have one question for you.
Olivia: Why am I not surprised?
Alan: Why? What restarted this heated battle between you and Reva? I don’t...
Olivia: She has a thing for Jeffrey O’Neill. Jeffrey and I have unfinished business, and I... I need her out of the way, that's all.
Alan: Well, I can understand that.
Olivia: All right, Alan. I have to go. Emma's waiting. I don't need a lawyer or a safe haven, but if I do I'd like to come back to you. Let me think about it.
Alan: Olivia, before you go, listen, why don't you and Emma come over next Thursday night for dinner? I want Emma to meet her new cousin, Raphael.
Olivia: We can do that.
Billy: Hey.
Josh: Oh, hey.
Billy: How is she?
Josh: Still unconscious. She has cracked ribs, some bruises. Mel says she's going to be okay, though.
Billy: Oh, good. Gee, I was really worried there for a few minutes.
Josh: Yeah. What... what happened to you? I kind of lost you when the ambulance showed up.
Billy: Well, you know, I saw Alan over by the car and I thought, "Well, you know, what's he doing there?" And I just wanted to me sure he wasn't tampering with the evidence.
Josh: Okay. Well, she's not awake but she'll want to know that you're here.
Billy: You know, it was funny. When I looked over there and I saw it was Reva and that she'd been hit by a car, suddenly I was right back in Oklahoma and it was just like I was in the accident where I caused it by drinking.
Josh: Well, that was a lifetime ago, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, I know, I know.
Josh: Did you take a drink?
Billy: Yeah, actually. I had a little sip of champagne, but I threw it right away.
Cassie: You know what I keep thinking about? What I was thinking about when you were lying there in the street was the fight we had just before the wedding and how you told me you couldn't be happy, you couldn't even pretend to be happy for me and Josh. I need you there for me as my sister. And you know what? I know you need me, too, because we both lost children this year and we can't afford to lose each other. So maybe this makes me a really awful person, but I can't help thinking, did you do this on purpose? Did you do this intentionally? Were you... were you trying to stop Josh from marrying me? I know it's awful of me even to say. I mean, considering the way Tammy died, there’s... how could you... you couldn’t... you couldn't put me through that again. Not on purpose. Or would you?
Josh: Cassie? Everything okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm just a mess. One minute, we're getting married and the next this.
Josh: I'm sorry.
Cassie: Don't be. I have you, I have my sister. As long as both of those things are true, I have everything I need. Let's go find Mel.
Josh: I think we need to get some food into you first. Come on.
Lizzie: Okay, so this is the new drink menu. And I don't want to serve all that fried food. It's totally fattening. Hold that thought, okay? Any word on Reva?
Billy: She's going to be okay.
Lizzie: See, I knew it. Told you-- she's a fighter. And, you know, she promised to go shopping with me and she's not going to bail on that.
Billy: Ha-ha.
Lizzie: You want to order one?
Billy: Yes, I do.
Lizzie: Go ahead.
Billy: Allie, can I have one of my usual, please?
Lizzie: I'm sorry about what my granddad said.
Billy: Well, he kind of hit the nail on the head, you know?
Frank: Hey, Jeffrey. You're not authorized to be around here, buddy.
Jeffrey: I'm just going to have a quick look, Frank. I'm not going to tamper with any evidence, scout's honor.
Frank: I was wondering when you were going to notice.
Jeffrey: There are no skid marks. Olivia didn't even try to stop the car.
Singer: You're never where you want to be your demons keep you restlessly searching for a silent place it's only that you need some space and don't look back you are running from something with a stronger pull than my love for you drifting farther it's getting harder for me to reach you still, I'm hopeful that you'll come through I'm hopeful that you'll come to your senses before your dead end you hardly look me in the eyes you wait for me to criticize you're guilty but you won't confess you back up all that you posses and you don't look back you are running from something with a stronger pull than my love for you drifting farther it's getting harder for me to reach you...
Olivia: Reva, it's me, Olivia. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I... I didn't do this on purpose. I didn’t... I didn't even see you.
Reva: I know you didn't, Olivia. But no one else knows that, do they? Convenient, huh? That's why I took that little leap onto your windshield. Guess who's the boss now?
Next on "Guiding Light."
Reva: You didn't really think that I was going to let you blackmail me forever, did you?
Jeffrey: I know she's your mother, but I need to walk away. I'm sorry.
Buzz: May the best man win.
Ashlee: You're the one being manipulated. By Ava?
Jeffrey: Which one are you, the loving mother or the one who will take out her enemy with the blink of an eye?
Reva: So, you and Cassie aren't married?
Josh: No, not officially.
Reva: Good.
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