GL Transcript Wednesday 8/15/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/15/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Cassie: Beautiful.

(Knock on the door)

Blake: Hello, it's me.

Cassie: Hello. Hi.

Blake: Hi, honey. Listen, here, take this. I'm going to get more. I'll be right back.

Cassie: More. Like, Blake, I'm getting married. I'm not going off on a Kiss reunion tour.

Blake: Honey, it's all about choices. It's choices.

Cassie: I have already made the most important choice and I am going to tell him that just as soon as I say "I do" in a couple hours.

Blake: Okay, fine. You be sentimental, you be corny, you're entitled. Me, I have a job to do and that is to make you look gorgeous. Or gorgeous-er. Okay. I'll be back.

Cassie: (Laughs) Okay, okay.

I try to be your lover I try to be your guy...

Olivia: I'll sue you. I'll sue the whole damn nursery school. I trust you to keep my daughter safe and you're telling me you lost her? I didn't pick her up, no one I know picked her up, which means you gave her to a total stranger! Okay, I'm going to call the police and then after I call the police, I'm going to call my lawyer because I will own you by the time this is over. (Phone rings) Hello?

Emma: Mommy.

Olivia: Oh, baby. Are you all right? Where are you?

Emma: Aunt Reva’s.

Josh: Ah! Oh! Ah!

Cassie: Oh, gosh. I am so sorry.

Josh: Ah! What was that?

Cassie: It's perfume. It's Blake’s perfume.

Josh: I didn't know you were packing this. You're armed and dangerous.

Cassie: I heard someone, I didn't know what it...

Josh: Oh, man.

Cassie: What are you doing here anyway?

Josh: I came here to see you!

Cassie: Do you not know that it’s our wedding day?

Josh: So? What, you're not telling me that you actually believe that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony?

Cassie: That's the rumor.

Josh: Oh, no, no, no, I don't buy that stuff. I mean, in spite of the searing pain that I'm experiencing right now. See, I see it this way. That every single moment... sorry... I get to spend in your arms, is the definition of good luck.

Cassie: Luck has nothing to do with it.

Josh: Yeah. Come here. Where are you? There you are.

Lizzie: Do you have your speech all written out?

Billy: I'm going to wing it.

Lizzie: Okay, that I want to hear. I have a couple things to do here, but I could stop by the wedding. I could be your date.

Billy: My date?

Lizzie: Yes. I mean, I thought if I said chaperone, you might freak out, so, yeah, date.

Billy: All right. Sounds like fun.

Lizzie: This ought to be good.

Billy: Well, good, I don't know if it'll be good, but it will definitely be interesting. All right, I'll see you there.

Cassie: I think we better slow down or we're going to skip this wedding and go right to the honeymoon, which I don't think we want to do.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Not after all the invites I sent out and all the replies we got. We got a really good response considering how last minute all this was. Still nothing from Reva. What?

Josh: I heard from Marah and Shayne.

Cassie: And? They're not coming.

Josh: No. No, I don't know why I got my hopes up. I really don’t. Stupid.

Cassie: We can delay this. We don't have to do this today. We don't have to do it this week, even.

Josh: No, Cassie. That...

Cassie: We can hold off until you come back from the retreat.

Josh: That's not going to fix anything, okay? It's not a question of timing. The fact is, they... they're just not on board yet.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I wish there was some way I could fix this.

Josh: It's not your job to fix anything. It's their job, in a way, to understand that this is what I want, this is what's important to me. And at the very least they have to get used to it.

Cassie: They're being loyal to their mother.

Josh: Well, they could be a little bit loyal to me, too. I mean, I think I deserve a little bit of that.

Cassie: I just wish this wasn't going to hang over your day.

Josh: It's not. Because this is not my day. This is our day. And I know in my heart what we have is good and it's right. And I just have to hope that my kids are smart enough that they'll figure that out themselves.

Cassie: They're smart enough. They're related to you, aren't they?

Josh: (Laughs) Hey, you know what? I asked Matt to videotape the wedding. Do you think it would be mean for me to send each one of them a copy for Christmas.

Cassie: Maybe.

Josh: I think I'll do it anyway.

Cassie: There’s not going to be a wedding for him to tape if you don't get out of here.

Josh: Hey, hey, hey.

Cassie: Let me finish getting dressed, okay?

Josh: Could we go back for a minute to that thing you said about... what was it? Starting the honeymoon early or skipping straight to it?

Cassie: No, no, not an option. Go. Next stop for you is Main Street. I'm sure your brother's already there. And just don't forget to save me a spot.

Josh: You already have a spot. Right here.

Cassie: Oh. Go. Bye!

Josh: Bye.

Reva: Can I talk to your mommy a second? Thank you, Emma. Give teddy another cup of tea. And he likes it with lots and lots of sugar, really sweet. I'll be right out in the hallway. We are having the most marvelous time. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about it beforehand, Olivia.

Olivia: How dare you? How dare you?

Reva: You sound upset.

Olivia: What were you doing with my daughter?

Reva: Well, right now we're having a tea party and last night we watched a movie... oh, actually, we watched it over and over and over again. That Anne Hathaway, she makes the cutest little princess.

Olivia: I've been worried sick. I don't care how you feel about me, you can't drag my daughter into this.

Reva: You didn't hesitate to drag my son into it, did you?

Olivia: She's a child. She can't even grasp the fact that you kidnapped her.

Reva: Just as long as you do, that's all I need.

Olivia: What I get is that you've gone completely crazy.

Reva: Well, at least now you know that I'll stop at nothing to protect Sarah and Jonathan. No one you love is safe, Olivia.

Olivia: Reva, listen to me.

Jeffrey: Olivia.

Reva: Who ate all the cookies? Did teddy... ?

Josh: Hello? Anybody home? Hello?

Reva: Josh? Hey.

Josh: Hi.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: Hi. I'm sorry. I just used my key and let myself in. I didn’t...

Reva: Oh. I should probably have the locks changed.

Josh: Yeah. I'm looking for H.B.'s cuff links, the little gold, brown ones. I thought I might use them today. And I thought they might be here, probably in the dresser, or...

Reva: No, actually. They're not. They're in this drawer. You know, it's the strangest thing. I've been in this drawer a million times and never thought that they might be there and all of a sudden I was looking for something else and, viola, there they were.

Josh: Great.

Reva: Made me think about you.

Josh: Not H.B.?

Reva: Nope.

Josh: Okay. Well, I guess I'll get going, then.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: I'm getting married in a little while. Thought I'd like to have these with me so I could be thinking about H.B. while I, you know, say my vows, that kind of thing.

Reva: It probably would have been easier if I hadn't been here, huh

Josh: Why are we doing this?

Reva: Well, what would you prefer, Joshua, really? A big hug goodbye? Tell you how happy I am for you, that I'm hoping you'll live happily ever after with my sister?

Josh: Reva, come on, please.

Reva: So you're really going to do it?

Josh: In less than an hour, yes. I hope you can come to the wedding.

Reva: So. What do you think we should do next? I haven't really given a thought to it just yet. How about you?

Blake: Well, I've got to tell you, you really floored me when you upped this date. I didn't expect that after our conversation.

Cassie: Well, if it hadn't been for that conversation, I might not be standing here getting ready to get married right now.

Blake: You're kidding me, aren't you?

Cassie: Look, I know I am not central casting's version of the minister's wife. And I know there are some things that I see differently than Josh does, but after talking to you...

Blake: Yes?

Cassie: Well, I told him how I feel about some of these things and it just hit me that I am the last person who needs a reminder that life is short. I don't want to waste anymore time, you know? Forget the what-ifs. If I know what I want, and what I want is Josh, then everything else is secondary.

Blake: You just went for it, huh?

Cassie: Yeah. You know, we'll solve whatever problems come up when they come up.

Blake: You should meet my editor, you know. You've got a little self-help book in there.

Cassie: (Laughs) I just want to marry the man I'm in love with.

Blake: All right. Well, then, let's just finish this make-up, okay? Let me see you. Uh-oh.

Cassie: Uh-oh, what?

Blake: I am superfluous. You are perfection.

Billy: Hey. You know, here's what I don't get. They call you a groom. Sound like you should we working with the horses or something.

Josh: (Laughs) Billy. All I know is they call you the best man and there's a damn good reason for that.

Billy: Well, you know something? Back in the day, I would have thrown you such a party and I would have known just the right girls to invite.

Josh: Maybe next time.

Billy: Next time? Wait a minute. What do you mean, next time. This is the last time you go up the isle.

Josh: No, that's what I meant, okay?

Billy: Okay, well, you should have said it.

Josh: Well, let's change the subject, all right? Any other subject will do.

Billy: All right. Is Reva coming?

Josh: Okay, it's her call. I let her know that I would like to have her here. I let her know that, too. Now, let's change the subject again. Do you have the rings?

Billy: Would I screw up on the one duty that you count on me for? Of course I have the rings. Yeah, I have them... oh, yeah. Got them, right here. Yeah, there they are.

Olivia: Emma, sweetie, I'll be right out. Jane, don't take your eyes off of her. I am going to kill you.

Reva: You better hope you don't get caught. It would be a shame to leave that adorable little girl without her mommy.

Olivia: Would you leave Emma out of this?

Reva: Then leave me and my family alone. Stop the threats.

Olivia: You go near my daughter again and you're going to end up in jail missing your children and Alan? He will have Sarah back, I promise you.

Reva: This ends today.

Olivia: How? How? I'm walking out of here with my daughter. This has been a gigantic waste of time.

Reva: Damn it, Olivia.

Jeffrey: Ladies.

Billy: I owe you big time.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, you know, you got my back, I got yours.

Billy: Yeah.

Lizzie: Gosh, look at that.

Billy: Oh, yeah.

Lizzie: It's really something.

Billy: It sure is.

Lizzie: It just makes me think...

Billy: What?

Lizzie: Nothing.

Billy: You thinking about Sarah?

Lizzie: I just think, you know, maybe we would have gone shopping and got some great outfit for the wedding today. I could have fixed her hair and made it all perfect and...

Billy: Hey, no. You don't have to do this to yourself.

Lizzie: No. You're not getting me. I don't mind imagining stuff like that. I mean, I miss her. I miss her like crazy, but it helps me to see her. Okay, all right. Enough of that. Go to Josh. Yeah.

Billy: Okay.

Josh: I'm very proud to have you here with me today. Come here. Hey. Just filling him in on the routine.

Billy: Yeah? Are you excited?

R.J.: Very.

Billy: Well, you should be, because today, you get to call this big lug dad.

Josh: Don't oversell it, okay?

Billy: Oh, no, I couldn't oversell it. I just want R.J. to know how lucky he is. I mean, life hasn't always been so kind to him and even the rest of us and so when you get a second chance, you make the most of it. You never take the good things for granted, ever.

Blake: That dress. You look beautiful.

Cassie: Yeah.

Blake: Oh, I am so happy for you.

Cassie: Thanks. Harley.

Blake: Harley.

Cassie: She's going to hate that she missed this.

Blake: I know, I know, but she's so crazed these days. I think we take turns.

Cassie: (Laughs) Well, as long as they resolve it, and soon, so that we can all get together and celebrate.

Blake: I don't mean to sound mean, but I rather like having you all to myself today. I miss it. It's like old days, you know?

Cassie: Maybe one of these days I will get to do the same for you.

Blake: Maybe. Oh, honey, I know that you've gone through a lot to get here. I know it's not perfect. I am so happy for you.

Cassie: Thank you.

Blake: I love you.

Cassie: I love you.

Blake: Oh. Okay. Oh!

Cassie: What?

Blake: I smudged you.

Cassie: You know what? It'll come out. It'll come out.

Blake: No, no, no. Don't touch it. Don't smudge it. Don’t.

Cassie: Blake, it'll come out.

Blake: I'm going to go to my room. I have a stain stick in my room. Freeze. Don't move, don't move.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Tammy: Mom, you do look beautiful. You look so beautiful.

Cassie: I keep thinking about your wedding day.

Tammy: This is your day.

Cassie: I know, but I really wish you could be here.

Tammy: You know I'm never very far.

Cassie: I'm just...

Tammy: What?

Cassie: I'm still trying to figure out if it's really okay for me to be this happy.

Tammy: Oh, come on. Come on, of course it is.

Cassie: You know what I mean.

Tammy: This is the greatest guy in the world you're marrying.

Cassie: I know, I know. And you should be here, honey. You should be this happy. I see you in your dress and I think...

Tammy: Oh, stop it.

Cassie: You are a vision and... and all you could think about was your future.

Tammy: I mean it. Stop it, stop it. You do not always have to remember, okay? You don't always have to check yourself and make sure that you're not enjoying everything just because I'm gone.

Cassie: It's just hard.

Tammy: It's getting easier, right? It's not betrayal. That's life. It's how it works. It does get easier.

Cassie: Yeah, I mean, there was a time there...

Tammy: Yeah, I know. I know, I know. But look at you now. Look how you've come through it. No one deserves this like you do.

Cassie: I'm so glad to see you.

Tammy: It's going to be a good day. I'll be watching.

Blake: Man, you need a magnifying glass to see these instructions. Cassie, have you been crying?

Cassie: I've just been thinking about today.

Blake: It's a good day. So let's just get to the stain, okay? Because you have a date on Main Street.

Jeffery: So what are you two fighting about?

Olivia: Well, what don't we fight about, really? I mean, everything. The weather, rocks, right? Sometimes it's better just to save it for another day, though, and that's exactly what I'm going to do, so if you'll excuse me...

Jeffrey: Was that Emma in your car?

Olivia: Yeah, why?

Jeffrey: Well, you didn't have her before.

Olivia: Why are you here? Did you follow me?

Jeffrey: Actually I came to talk with her.

Olivia: Yes. Yes, you did.

Reva: Me? What about?

Jeffrey: Well, I got an invitation to Josh and Cassie’s wedding. I know you got yours, too, and I figured you didn't want to go alone, so...

Reva: Sweet. Thank you. I appreciate that and I think I'll take you up on it. We're done here, right?

Olivia: Excuse me?

Reva: I need to get ready. Get out of my house.

Rutledge: And after you come down the center isle, R.J., you'll just take your place right next to your Uncle Billy.

Billy: We got this covered.

Josh: Stephen, can I steal you for just a minute, please. Excuse us. So, I'm guessing that there are some papers for me and Cassie to sign.

Rutledge: There would be if I'd been able to get to them in time. But, don't worry, we can always go down afterwards to the clerks office and handle it and then everything will be official.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Wow. This is really happening.

Blake: Are you okay?

Cassie: I am so okay.

Blake: You were thinking about Tammy back in that room, weren't you? I'm a mom, remember. All right, I'm going to make sure things are on track.

Cassie: Okay.

Blake: You okay?

Cassie: I am, I am.

Blake: Okay.

Cassie: Go.

Blake: All right.

Jeffrey: Well, I thought you were going to give me more of a fight about letting me take you here today.

Reva: Well, I'm a woman of mystery. I like to keep everyone guessing.

Jeffrey: Either that or you saw a chance to stick it to Olivia? Well, you know, just in case you do need a shoulder to lean on given the circumstances...

Reva: I'm fine. Honest.

Jeffrey: I think maybe I should ah... excuse me.

Reva: You look beautiful.

Cassie: I'm glad you came. I wasn't sure. I never got your RSVP so I didn't know.

Reva: Well, it's been a little hectic.

Cassie: You're here. I don't care about RSVPs. I think it's absolutely great that you came to wish Josh and me well. Or not.

Reva: Cassie, you're my sister and I love you, but...

Cassie: But?

Reva: You know, I already talked to Josh today. You want me to spell it out for you?

Cassie: I like how you think putting it that way somehow spares my feelings?

Reva: Have you spared my feelings by doing this here today?

Cassie: My marrying Josh is not an attempt to hurt you.

Reva: And yet.

Cassie: So you're not going to say that you're happy for us even if you don't mean it?

Reva: You want me to pretend?

Cassie: Is that really too much to ask.

Reva: Yeah, well, you know I'm not very good at pretending. You know me better than that.

Cassie: But this once when you know it would mean something to me, you're not even willing to try? I mean, Reva, people do it all the time. They say they're fine when you ask them how they are, even if they're not. Colleagues wish each other good luck even when they're up for the same position. It just makes the world go round.

Reva: Well, let me just say that it hasn't been a good day, okay?

Cassie: All right. Josh and I invited you because we both love you, but if you can't be happy for us or even pretend to be. If this is all just too much for you, then maybe you shouldn't have come.

Olivia: Nothing's changed.

Reva: You really don't want to start with me right now.

Olivia: Nothing has changed, because I know you would never hurt Emma and you know it, too.

Jeffrey: Josh.

Josh: Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: So, you want to tell me now what happened back there at Reva’s?

Olivia: Where's your date?

Jeffrey: You're avoiding the question.

Olivia: Want to know something interesting about Reva? Almost everyone who knows her winds up in some kind of fight with her. She just brings it out in you. I'm sure you'll be next.

Jeffrey: So the woman has some passion. It's not a bad thing.

Olivia: A lot of us have passion. But the thing about her is that she feels entitled, you know, to everything and everyone. It's like the world is her pumpkin patch.

Jeffrey: You two have been going at it since forever.

Olivia: I like to keep it fresh. It's always something new to fight about, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I would think you would, you know, get tired of it.

Olivia: Are you kidding? I'm just getting warmed up. Alan, it's Olivia. I need to talk to you about something regarding Emma. Now would be good.

Reva: Hey, there's my 8-pack man. Looks like things are getting started. We should probably go find seats.

Jeffrey: How'd it go with Cassie.

Reva: Oh, look, more champagne. Cheers.

Josh: Hey, hey, hey. Been looking for you.

Billy: Oh.

Josh: I think it's time to start the show.

Billy: Okay, lead the way.

Josh: All right. (Soothing violin music playing)

Rutledge: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted by God. It is, therefore, not to be entered into unadvisedly, but reverently. Friends, into this holy estate, these two persons have consented to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. (Glass breaking)

Reva: Oops. Really, I'm so sorry. Please, go on.

Rutledge: Yes. Um... we can continue.

Josh: Please.

Rutledge: Our bride and groom have taken the opportunity to write their own vows and they would like to share them with us now. Cassie, would you begin?

Cassie: Some people think it's really bad luck to talk about how lucky you are. Like it'll jinx it or something. And I used to be one of those people, but when the topic is you, I have no choice. I'm not just lucky. I have been saved. And I'm not exaggerating. You saved me in just getting here today, we have had such exhilarating, overwhelmingly wonderful times. And we have had times that challenge you to the core. I lost a daughter. No one here needs a history lesson, but who takes on someone else's burdens so completely and heals them with his love? You do. You are the man of my dreams. You are the man I am fortunate enough to spend my life with. You are the man I love. And so I tell you now, here in front of God and people we love, that I take you to be my husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse. To love and to cherish for as long as we both shall live. That is my solid vow to you, Joshua. And I say it with all the love in my heart.

Josh: I am the luckiest man alive. I love you, Cassie. I love you for your spirit and for your generosity and for this beautiful family that you're allowing me to join. I feel like I have twin destinies. The first is with you and the second is one I would not have found if I didn't have you in my life. And now we're on this crazy path together and I don't know where it's going to take us, I really don’t. What I do know is that I never anticipated tomorrow as much as I do right now today. We have that bright future in front of us and I will spend the rest of my days figuring out ways to say thank you for giving that to me. And so I tell you now, in front of God, in front of people that we love, that I take you to be my wife, to have and to hold, to love, to cherish, for better or for worse, for as long as we both shall live. That is my solemn vow to you, Cassandra, and like you, I say it with all the love in my heart.

Rutledge: The time has come for Cassie and Josh to exchange rings. May I have them, please? The ring is a symbol of eternity. You, Joshua, may now place the ring on the finger of your bride.

Josh: Cassie, I give you this ring as a symbol of love and faithfulness to you.

Rutledge: Cassie.

Cassie: Josh, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.

Olivia: Alan, I'm on my way.

Rutledge: Josh and Cassie have consented in holy wedlock. And by the authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel and by the laws of our state... (car screeching)

Next, on "Guiding Light..."

Alan: So she did crash the wedding. Literally. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were drunk.

Billy: I'm a big, bad drunk and I'm a mean drunk. Best remember what I did to Roger Thorpe.

Frank: Did you intentionally run your car into Reva Shayne?

Nurse: We need a full body scan and a head CT.

Josh: We're not actually officially married, then, right?

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