GL Transcript Tuesday 8/14/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/14/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Alexandra: So, you were able to clear your schedule?

Cyrus: I'm all yours.

Alexandra: Good. Then I will call the yacht club and tell them to expect us.

Cyrus: Okay. What was that about?

Alexandra: I wanted to do it. And I'm not sorry.

Cyrus: That wasn't part of our deal, Alex.

Alexandra: Relax, relax. I know, but actually, you know something? I never go into a deal that didn't allow for amendments. (Chuckles)

Marina: Hey, Grandpa.

Buzz: You again? Hey, a watched phone never rings.

Marina: I'm not waiting for... have you seen him around?

Buzz: Sorry.

Marina: Have you seen Alex?

Buzz: No.

Marina: Go ahead, just say it.

Buzz: Come on! The guy's married to Alexandra.

Marina: You know why.

Buzz: I don't care. You know what? Green card, blue card, purple card... anything that makes you mope around this promenade, I don't like it.

Marina: I'm not moping. And what's the promenade?

Buzz: You're sitting on it.

Marina: What? Main Street?

Buzz: After Alan buys it. Yes.

Marina: He's buying a street?

Buzz: Yes, he's going to cover the whole block. And it's going to be one of those, you know, cookie cutter super malls luxury things.

Marina: What's going to happen to this place?

Buzz: What do you think is going to happen to this place?

Marina: No. No, they can't do that again. Explain this to me.

Buzz: What?

Marina: The only time you ever sweat when you're cleaning is when you're really worked up about something.

Buzz: I'm sweaty?

Marina: Yeah, a little.

Buzz: Do I stink?

Marina: I don't know.

Buzz: You've got to know.

Marina: Okay, okay. No, no. What is with you?

Buzz: I got a date tonight.

Marina: At least someone's getting something.

Ashlee: You are brilliant! (Laughs) It's no wonder I love you.

Coop: Yeah. Well. We have been on a roll here. We've got lots of signatures already.

Ashlee: Yeah, we have lots of support.

Coop: Well, you know, the more signatures we get, the easier it's going to be to get in safe, seriously.

Ashlee: You know what? Come on, outside.

Coop: What?

Ashlee: Coop, we don't have to be all weird with each other. Look, I happened to say the right thing at the wrong time.

Coop: No, Ashlee, you said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Ashlee: Well, it felt right to me. Okay, I'm sorry, but it's true and it came out and we need to deal with it.

Rutledge: Now, normally I wouldn't be suggesting this, but you've come along so much quicker in your studies that I could have hoped. I want to recommend you for my retreat.

Josh: Really? Already?

Rutledge: Yeah. It's a huge milestone on the path to becoming a minister.

Josh: I'm honored, I really am, but I can’t... I can't do that. I'm sorry. There's too much going on at home.

Cassie: Well, at least you're getting around now and you're ready for a crazy-fun night out with me.

Blake: This is crazy-fun?

Cassie: Are you all right?

Blake: It looks like Doris Wolfe’s campaign threw up in here.

Cassie: So she had a fund raiser here or something.

Blake: Funding for what? These ugly posters? I mean, the woman is running unopposed. Meanwhile, I can't even run at all.

Cassie: What do your doctors say about that?

Blake: Run for mayor.

Cassie: Blake.

Blake: I know, I know. I made mistakes, very big ones. But still, the people liked me. They did vote for me.

Cassie: Yeah, that was before they found out you were the Springfield blogger.

Blake: All right, fine. Hand me the wine... where's the wine list?

Cassie: You know, I think that maybe some people just aren't meant for certain places in life.

Blake: Harsh.

Cassie: I didn't mean you. I'm sorry, I... I... forget it. Forget it.

Blake: What's wrong?

Cassie: It's a letter that Rob wrote me just before he died.

Blake: Rob died?

Cassie: Yeah. In prison. Drug related, I guess. We weren't even talking. I don't know why he wrote that.

Blake: Because he's Tammy’s father. It's a very nice letter. It's reminiscent.

Cassie: Of who I used to be. Of fun Cassie.

Blake: Is that why we're having the crazy-fun night here?

Cassie: Well, it might be my last chance.

Blake: Because you're getting married?

Cassie: Because I'm getting married to a minister. I know, I know it's crazy to think that it's going to restrict me or change me.

Blake: Oh, but it will.

Blake: I'll have a glass of this and she'll have a bottle of that.

Cassie: Blake!

Waiter: Very good.

Cassie: I said crazy-fun, not crazy-drunk.

Blake: Nobody understands what you're going through better than I do. I loved being married to Ross. I mean, he was such a wonderful man and I miss it so much, but yet, sometimes it was like wearing a corset. Yes, it makes your waist look smaller and your boobs look bigger, but at what cost?

Cassie: What?

Blake: And then the hooks, they're digging into your skin...

Cassie: I'm pretty sure marrying Josh is not going to make my boobs look bigger.

Blake: There are perks to being married to a man like that. People look at you differently, they think about you differently. They think better of you because you're with someone like that.

Cassie: I don't care what people think. That's not what this is about.

Blake: Everybody cares just a little bit.

Cassie: Well, I don't feel like I'm wearing a girdle.

Blake: Corset.

Cassie: Whatever. Okay, what I worry about sometimes is that I'm just not cut out for this. Especially since Tammy. If people ask me "do I think the world is a fair and decent place?" I can't say that it is. Or if I do, I don't believe it. So once you start compromising on things like that...

Blake: You're not you anymore. You know, you can't keep your feelings stuffed down.

Cassie: So what do you suggest I do?

Blake: You have to find ways to blow off steam. Let yourself be something other than a minister's wife, and that I can help you with.

Josh: Look, Stephen, I'm not taking this lightly, okay? I understand that it's a big step, I get that.

Rutledge: And one that you're going to have to take if you want to become a minister.

Josh: I just can't do it right now, that's all. I can't leave Cassie and R.J. now. I feel like I just got back. I feel like I just got out of prison. Besides, you know, Cassie’s in the middle of planning our wedding and R.J., he’s... the new school year is about to start. I have to put it off. I'm sorry.

Rutledge: Josh, just give it some serious consideration. Now, I don't know. I can't tell you when your family is going to be ready for this, but you are.

Cassie: Are you sure I should do this?

Blake: We can do girls' night out anytime. This is a man's job. Besides, I won't be far.

Cassie: Hey. What are you doing right now? Well, I was thinking that if you're not doing anything, we could just... hang out.

Marina: So where are you taking her?

Buzz: Me? I don't know.

Marina: What time is she going to be here?

Buzz: What... about a half an hour, I guess. What? I'll take her to Towers.

Marina: No, you cannot take her to Towers.

Buzz: Why can't I take her to Towers?

Marina: Because you've already taken her to Towers. You've not taken her out enough times to take her on the same date twice.

Buzz: It's the same place, a different date, you know?

Marina: No, come on. You have to take advantage of the fact that you can take her anywhere.

Buzz: Oh?

Marina: No, don't do that.

Buzz: No, look, I'm just saying...

Marina: Why can't I vicariously date through you?

Buzz: You're going to vicariously date through your grandfather who's taking Lillian to Towers because, A, it's not Company and, B, they have great chicken lasalle?

Marina: Sounds nice and normal.

Buzz: What, you expect, like, daring and exciting?

Marina: Well, I don't want daring, exciting. I want normal. I want Cyrus to take me out for chicken marsala.

Buzz: You don't like chicken.

Marina: I mean, hypothetically.

Buzz: Honey, listen. When has any of your relationships every fallen into the category of "nice and normal"?

Marina: Doesn't mean I'm not a fan of it.

Buzz: Well, you said I didn't stink.

Marina: You didn’t. What did you put on?

Buzz: It's supposed to be rugged and woodsy.

Marina: Nice. Like you just went hiking in a swamp.

Buzz: Hey!

Marina: Have a good time. Tell Lillian I said hello.

Buzz: Where are you going?

Marina: I'm going to go make a nice and normal phone call. There's a first time for everything.

Doris: Hello again, Buzz. Do you have a minute? Okay, look. I know that Alan could have used a little more tact when he broke the news to you about our plans for Main Street. And I feel badly about that, so I have come up with a way that I think we can work together on this. I know that you are well-respected by the people in your establishments.

Buzz: The people in my establishment?

Doris: You know, the people that frequent this place.

Buzz: You frequent this place.

Doris: Okay, you know what I mean, the regulars. And well, I think that they would really listen to you if you were to endorse me in my plan.

Buzz: That's what you think, is it, Doris? Really?

Doris: Mm-hmm.

Buzz: Why do you think that, Doris?

Doris: Well, I think if you did, then I could help you to save Co2, and prevent anything from happening to Company should it come to that. So I have actually brought with me some posters and some buttons. What... what are you doing? What are you doing, Buzz? What are you doing?! This is crazy! Stop that right now! You can't do that, that's public property. I will call the police.

Buzz: Oh, please. Call the Chief!

Coop: Why don't we just go back inside?

Ashlee: We're not going back inside until you stop talking about signatures.

Coop: Uh-huh. Well, I thought you were going out with Stuart.

Ashlee: I told you that's not serious. Coop, you were right. We were doing great in there, we were our old selves, but then I happened to say how I feel and it's like you could hear the breaks screeching.

Coop: Because we had already talked about this, that's why.

Ashlee: No, I had talked about this. You, on the other hand, failed to admit that you have any feelings for me.

Coop: There's no admitting that's involved with this, okay? There's nothing to admit.

Ashlee: Well, then why didn't we go back inside and get those busboys' signatures like ten minutes ago? Why am I even here anyway? You should be here with Ava because, guess what? You're with Ava. With Ava. What are you doing here with me? Explain that. Explain.

Coop: We're working on something right now, okay? We're getting signatures. We're friends. Come on! Don't make me choose here, Ashlee.

Ashlee: Don't say that we are just pals saving some street.

Coop: Ashlee... (cell phone ringing) Hello?

Lynn: Coop? Hey, it's Lynn.

Coop: Yeah, what's going on?

Lynn: Listen, I'm at Co2 and there's some trouble with your dad and Doris Wolfe. You may want to get down here fast.

Coop: Yeah, I'll be right there.

Ashlee: Ava?

Coop: No. Your mom and my dad.

Alexandra: I don't think I ever told you about what happened the day I met you that I hired you as my driver.

Cyrus: Yeah?

Alexandra: Well, I was just a bit burned out. Thank you. I was tired of my brother pushing me aside, tired of feeling all alone in this damn town.

Cyrus: Well, you weren't alone. What about your friends, Buzz and Lillian?

Alexandra: My two friends dating each other now, yes. No, I was ready to get out. I really was. I was ready to go back to Europe and get out of this gore. I mean, stay away.

Cyrus: And hiring me stopped you?

Alexandra: Well, I don't know. There's something about you that made me feel like... you know, I'm just going to stay here and fight for what's mine.

Cyrus: I'm glad I could help, but we had a deal that was clear about certain things.

Alexandra: I know, I know. I know, and actually I'm a little ashamed to admit I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.

Cyrus: Then why change anything?

Alexandra: Because I've asked too much. Let's be honest, you haven't exactly kept your commitment as far as Marina Cooper is concerned.

Cyrus: Well, go back to the part where you asked too much.

Alexandra: Yeah. Well, I realized I've asked you to do something that's very difficult for you. I mean, I have asked you to make a kind of sacrifice, and I give nothing.

Cyrus: Oh. So now you're going to make a sacrifice?

Alexandra: I'm going to make an offer. Because I realize you're not... well, it's not in your nature to be a kept man, so I've got a job for you.

Cyrus: Ah, you're putting me to work.

Alexandra: Well, it is a position that's well-suited to your unique talents.

Cyrus: That isn't my driving?

Alexandra: (Laughs) You're my husband. I can't have you working for me, but I can have you working with me, okay? At Spaulding?

Cyrus: In what capacity?

Alexandra: Oh, suckering and outsmarting these financial moguls. You know, also lining the pockets of the company with some cash. Our pockets, too, as well. You've already admitted to me that your former line of business was... well, it isn't all about cash. It was about the thrill. I mean, the feeling. You were smarter and better than these fools that you were swindling. So, anyhow. Welcome to the corporate world. (Cell phone ringing) Oh, go ahead, answer it. I trust you.

Doris: Frank is not going to turn a blind eye to this. This is ridiculous.

Buzz: You know what, Doris? You're not the only one who can pull strings in the town.

Doris: Oh, what? Now you're threatening to use the SPD to undermine my campaign? That's insane. No, you don’t. No, you don’t. No, you don't!

Coop: Dad, what is going on?

Ashlee: Stop it!

Buzz: She has been insulting my people.

Doris: What?

Coop: People?

Doris: You know what? I don't even want your endorsement.

Buzz: Good!

Coop: You know what? There's another way to fight this, okay?

Ashlee: We don't have to fight this. Mom, I need you to stop. Leave them alone.

Lillian: This is something old. Borrowed, borrowed, because you're going to give it back to me. It is old, but it's also borrowed, okay?

Alexandra: Okay. (Laughs)

Lillian: This is something new and something blue.

Alexandra: Oh, beautiful, honey. Beautiful.

Lillian: And this is something...

Alexandra: Don't say it.

Lillian: Something fabulous.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Okay. Okay, gorgeous, gorgeous. I love it, I love it.

Lillian: So how are things going with you and the... Aussie?

Alexandra: Well, of course, we have an arrangement, you know? But I kissed him. I mean, I really kissed him.

Lillian: Alex.

Cyrus: Hmm. Cold fish.

Marina: It's okay. I grabbed a slice with my dad.

Cyrus: It's getting more complicated by the minute, isn't it?

Marina: Not when you're here.

Cyrus: I think we need to take a break.

Cassie: I mean, it's not that I want to be a party girl again or anything like that, I just... I want to be able to recognize myself, you know? I want to know who I am and what I believe in. And I need to know that before I jump into anything.

Josh: I wish you'd said something to me as soon as you started feeling this way.

Cassie: I just wasn't sure how I was feeling.

Josh: Well, it sounds like I'm somehow keeping you from who you are or who you want to be.

Cassie: No, absolutely not. All I'm saying... okay, what I'm saying is I feel like I've been trying on the minister's wife thing like you might try on a pair of jeans. I mean, you try, you do a good deed or I try to give a little bit of advice, but at the end of the day...

Josh: You want to take off your jeans?

Cassie: No. I love you, but I can't let myself be defined by being your wife. I need a lot of different pair of jeans.

Josh: Doesn't everyone?

Cassie: So it doesn't bother you?

Josh: Of course it doesn't bother me. Cassie, I'd never want to force a life on you that you don't want.

Cassie: I want a life with you. I do. I love that you are making choices that work for you and I think it's just taking me a little time to figure out that I can make choices for myself.

Josh: I don't know what made you tell me about this today, but I'm really glad that you did.

Cassie: Why?

Josh: Because Stephen Rutledge was just talking to me about the retreat.

Cassie: The retreat?

Josh: Yes.

Cassie: I thought you said that wasn't going to come up for a while. What did you tell him?

Josh: I know. I told him that I can't go and I'm glad that I did.

Cassie: Why? You should go.

Josh: No. Don't you need me to be here, though. Especially because you're going through this right now?

Cassie: I am always going to need you, but this doesn't change anything. This does not change anything between us. But maybe it should.

Doris: Ashlee, what are you doing?

Ashlee: I'm doing what feels right to me.

Coop: Ashlee, you don't have to do this.

Ashlee: You do nothing but come down on my friends.

Doris: Okay, these people are not your friends. You're their hired help.

Ashlee: It's better than being some campaign prop. At least here I get paid.

Doris: Ashlee!

Ashlee: Okay, here we go. Courtney Donohue. I was nine years old.

Doris: Who?

Ashlee: Okay, she was a friend from school. It was my first slumber party ever, okay? But you had to go and do a background check of her family.

Doris: What are you talking about?

Ashlee: Her father was pulled over for drunk driving when he was, like, a teenager but you... you had to march into their home and embarrass him in front of his family and drag me out of there. Look, Courtney never talked to me again. None of the girls did.

Doris: Well, I don't remember that.

Ashlee: Of course you don’t. Because it was one of the million times you did something like that. You think that I was left out and picked on because of who I am. Me, because of me, but it was actually because of you. You still do this. You drive people away from me who I like more than you. Anyone who I like more than you, and believe me, Mom, that is growing everyday.

Doris: I am your only family.

Ashlee: You're not my only choice, maybe just the most obvious one.

Doris: You know what? You made a big mistake today.

Lillian: So what happened? What did he do?

Alexandra: (Laughs) He was taken aback a bit.

Lillian: I'll bet he was.

Alexandra: Well, Cyrus is Cyrus, you know. I mean, he's very cool. He's a tough one to read.

Lillian: He's certainly very attractive. I can't believe you kissed him.

Alexandra: He is my husband.

Lillian: And where is your husband now?

Alexandra: Marina, I'm sure he's with Marina. But that's over with now, I'm sure, by tonight.

Lillian: How can you be so sure of that? Oh, come on, Alex.

Alexandra: Oh, all right, all right.

Lillian: Alex.

Alexandra: Look, I know I'm shooting the moon, but you know, you just have to take things step by step.

Lillian: And what sort of steps are you taking?

Alexandra: Steps.

Lillian: I hope you're not using the Spaulding rules of engagement.

Alexandra: Rules of engagement. For heavens sake, we're married.

Lillian: Oh, you know just what I'm talking about. I'm talking about when you destroy and you conquer the other person, and then you make him stay with you no matter how much he wants to go.

Alexandra: Well, he won’t. Oh, come on Lillian. You have been through everything with me from my best times to my worst times. You're still here. Come on, if you have a question, a real question, ask it.

Lillian: Okay. You're obviously falling for this man and I think, even under normal circumstances, he would be a very difficult man to get. So I'm wondering what sort of things you are doing to keep him?

Marina: I'm sorry. Where is this coming from all of a sudden.

Cyrus: It's not all that sudden. We just got caught up in the fun of sneaking around. And I could keep it up. You know, live the Spaulding life and then slip off to be with the woman that I... have on the side.

Marina: So what's the problem?

Cyrus: No problem, not yet. I mean, lying and cheating people? Those are my strong suits.

Marina: You have stronger suits than that.

Cyrus: But it's probably going to get harder. So then I'll have to slip a little something into Alex’s drink to make her sleep more soundly, get away for days at a time without her figuring out where I am. But you know, she's a sharp one.

Marina: Yeah, so am I. And I'm not buying this whole "let's take a break thing," so I don't even know what that means.

Cyrus: You can't change me.

Marina: I don't want to.

Cyrus: Find yourself a nice, normal guy, Marina, that's what you want.

Marina: No, I want you. I want you and we will make this work, okay? Once we get you out of this marriage and into the country for good, we can be normal. Sort of.

Cyrus: You're wrong. You're wrong. And I can't ask you to wait around for me.

Marina: No, no. I get to make that decision, Cyrus, and I will tell you when I am done waiting.

Cyrus: No, you won’t. Because I'm ending it now.

Marina: Wait a minute. First, you're talking about taking a break, and now you're talking about ending it. No, no. See, we'll get the agent lady off your back. We'll pay her off, whatever we have to do.

Cyrus: You know I can never make you any promises. This is going to get old for you really fast and if we ever made it to nice and normal, that'd get old fast for me.

Marina: No, Cyrus...

Cyrus: Wait, wait, wait. You asked me what took me so long to get here. Did you go about your business today or where you here waiting around for me?

Marina: I wasn't waiting.

Cyrus: Then you went looking for me.

Marina: No.

Cyrus: You deserve better. It's time for me to walk away.

Marina: You don't get to do this. This is one for the road.

Cyrus: You know you're more than that to me.

Marina: No. No, obviously not if you can just sleep with me and then walk away. You know what? Go! Go, if that's what you want, okay? Go! Go be Mr. Alexandra Spaulding. Just get out of here. Because the Spaulding’s, they're really just that great, right? No, wait. Is that really what you want?

Cyrus: Maybe it's all I've ever wanted.

Buzz: Well, that's awfully brave of you, standing up to your mom like that.

Ashlee: I've been a lot braver lately.

Buzz: Nothing wrong with that.

Ashlee: Depends on who you ask.

Coop: She is still your mom.

Buzz: Sorry about that.

Ashlee: That's okay. I'm actually kind of glad it happened. I've been angry for so long, it's been building up. You know, she's no worse than any bully I had to deal with growing up.

Coop: Yeah, but I don't want you ruining your relationship with her fighting for us.

Ashlee: I'm not doing you any favors, Coop. Come on, I'm standing up for you guys because it's what's right. Co2 and Company and all of these little shops, they matter. I'm not going to let Alan and Doris drop a big mole on this place.

Buzz: That's okay. We're still in this. People root for the underdog, you know.

Ashlee: The only problem is, Doris thinks she's the underdog. Guys, thanks, but I'll catch you later.

Coop: Wait, where are you...? What, what are you...?

Buzz: I've got a date.

Ashlee: Mom. Mom, are you okay? Mom!

Josh: This doesn't change anything between us, but maybe it should? What does that mean exactly? I'm sorry.

Cassie: I want us to get married.

Josh: We are getting married.

Cassie: I mean, I want us to get married now, before you leave for the retreat.

Josh: I just said I'm not going on the retreat.

Cassie: Well, I think you should go and I want to be your wife before you leave. I don't want to wait.

Josh: You're serious? You really want to do this?

Cassie: Yeah. You're making choices for you and now I'm making choices for me, and the only thing that leaves is for us to make this choice together.

Josh: Well, all right then. Let's do it. Let's get married right away! (Laughter)

Doris: Buzz ripped up all my posters.

Ashlee: Will you just stop for a second?

Doris: You know what? I know that you think that all I want to do is be mayor, but it's not true. It means nothing to me-- nothing-- if you're not a part of it. I mean, I put myself through law school, all those long hours. God, I even married Alan Spaulding just to try to give you a better life. And now it turns out that I've actually ruined it.

Ashlee: Mom, it's not too late. I love you so much, but I can't see you hurt people.

Doris: And I can't see people hurt you. Look, I love you, too, Ashlee. But they appreciate you but they are never going to love you like one of their own, okay? Especially not Coop.

Ashlee: Mom, don't talk trash about him.

Doris: I'm not, but Ashlee, you have got to know deep down inside that you deserve better, and he's never going to love you the way you want. He's never going to love you the way you should be loved.

(Knock on the door)

Coop: Hey.

Marina: Hi.

Coop: Have you seen Ashlee? She wasn't in her room right now.

Marina: Nope, why? Is something wrong?

Coop: Well, she kind of got into it with her mother. You okay?

Marina: Cyrus.

Coop: Oh. Wow. What did he do?

Marina: He ended it.

Coop: But won't that get him deported?

Marina: He ended it with me.

Coop: I'm sorry.

Marina: Me, too.

Coop: Well, not for anything, but maybe the right thing to do is to just back off a little bit.

Marina: I'm sorry, why are you here?

Coop: Well, because Ashlee went after her mom.

Marina: Oh, and you're going after Ashlee.

Coop: No. It's not the same thing at all.

Marina: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't see anyone going after you.

Coop: Well, I'm not backing off.

Marina: Oh, boy. Uncle Coop, everyone's hero.

Coop: No, it's more than that. It's because I, you know, I actually care about her. I like her.

Marina: In that way?

Coop: Maybe.

Marina: Does she know?

Coop: No. No, I haven't really said anything about it. What are you going to do about Cyrus, though?

Marina: Nothing.

Alexandra: Cyrus, you home? Look, a gift from Lillian. Beautiful, huh?

Cyrus: Nice.

Alexandra: You all right?

Cyrus: I'm tired. Signed, sealed and delivered.

Lillian: Where are we going, to the recycling center?

Buzz: (Laughs) No, we're going to go... what do you call it when you go from, like... how do they... when you go from bar to bar to bar to bar.

Lillian: You're doing a pub crawl.

Buzz: That's it. How did you realize? How did you think of that? Yes, we're going to go to every ball, every pub, every restaurant, every gas station, every hotel.

Lillian: Gas station?

Buzz: Yeah, a lot of people at gas stations.

Lillian: Do I get a vote on this?

Buzz: You can vote for me.

Lillian: I always vote for you. What, what, what? You're a fool for romance, Buzz.

Buzz: I'll make up for it, scout's honor. We've got to get 200 signatures by midnight.

Lillian: Why 200 signatures?

Buzz: I'm running for mayor, baby.

Lillian: You are?

Buzz: Yeah.

Josh: Well, wait a minute.

Cassie: It doesn't even have to be anything fancy...

Josh: You got the permit the same day as the barbecue, right? Well, then there's plenty of time.

Cassie: Roses?

Josh: Yeah, tomorrow.

Cassie: We're not stopping to smell them, we are moving full steam ahead.

Josh: Another wedding on Main Street, that's basically the idea. Yeah.

Cassie: No hot dogs or hamburgers, though.

Josh: Okay. Then, I'll see you there?

Cassie: Oh, that'll work.

Josh: Great, thanks. Spread the word.

Cassie: That sounds good. Thank you. I cannot wait to be your wife.

Josh: Good news. You won't have to.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Emma: Mommy.

Olivia: Oh, baby. Are you all right? Where are you?

Cassie: I am the last person who needs a reminder that life is short. If I know what I want, and what I want is Josh, then everything else is secondary.

Rutledge: If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together...

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