Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/13/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Mallet: Okay, the hot...
Dinah: Is to the left.
Mallet: And the cold?
Dinah: I said I was sorry.
Mallet: That's okay. I'm just teasing. I don't worry about third degree burns. That part of my body will eventually heal. (Laughs) I just want you to work on...
Dinah: My mental acuity. I know.
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: You know what I want to work on?
Mallet: Mm. I've got a job, remember?
Dinah: Yes. I know, and I don’t.
Mallet: No, no, no, no, no. That's not what I meant.
Dinah: No, no, that's fine. That's fine. I just-- you know what I mean? We do need a paycheck more than ever and my lifestyle of crime will not pay for all of my medical bills.
Mallet: Can you imagine me not supporting that? That I don't want to see my wife in prisons or hospitals? Can you imagine that? You let me worry about the finances, okay? You just work on what you've got to work on.
Dinah: I have to do something...
Alexandra: What's wrong? You don't like fish?
Cyrus: No. It's nice American fish.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Are you nostalgic? I mean, do you want to go back? I mean, you're my husband, you're not my prisoner.
Cyrus: I'm the husband of a woman who broke her ankle. I can't stray far.
Alexandra: Forget the ankle, would you please? Besides, you're no Vera.
Cyrus: Vera?
Alexandra: Never mind. Come on, you are my companion. You're not my nursemaid. You can come and go as you please.
Cyrus: I'm sorry, Alex. You've been great to me. It's just...
Alexandra: What is it? Do you miss the excitement? I mean, that rush of breaking and entering?
Cyrus: Maybe I just don't like fish.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Okay. You want to take the boat out on the lake? You can teach me how to fish for, what, toothfish or sharks, something like that?
Cyrus: There are sharks on the lake?
Alexandra: You never know where sharks are.
Cyrus: Alex.
Alexandra: Okay, no fishing.
Cyrus: How about we take a sunset sail after I clear my schedule?
Alexandra: Someone I know?
Cyrus: I thought we had an agreement? No strings, no suspicions, no questions.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Good heavens, I'm talking like a wife. (Laughter) You go clear your schedule, okay.
Cyrus: Okay.
Alexandra: And, Cyrus, I do trust you, you know. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Hello?
Alexandra: Remember I said we needed to talk.
Dinah: Alexandra?
Alexandra: Yes. Well, I think the time is now.
Doris: Alexandra. You look fabulous. I must say, marriage does agree with you.
Alexandra: Doris, Doris, Doris, how I've missed your shabby wit.
Doris: Oh, I'm sure you do. Do you need some help? Do you want a shoulder to cry on?
Alexandra: No. Down, girl. You already have my brother's vote and his money. But you, it may surprise you to hear that I really miss your happy face around the house.
Ashlee: Oh, thanks. It's nice to be missed. (Laughter)
Doris: Well, that cow. Would it kill her to say that she missed me, too?
Ashlee: Mom, you blackmailed her brother into marriage.
Doris: Yeah, well, you shot her brother. She still had a smile for you. Look, not that I'm bitter. Anyway, after today, Alex and this whole town will be on their knees to me.
Ashlee: (Laughs) Mom, you're running for mayor, not Queen of the Nile.
Doris: That may be, but I'm still running unopposed. The deadline to file is in a few hours, and then it will be official.
Ashlee: And then I'll be first daughter?
Doris: Mm-hmm. And I can begin to reward my supporters.
Ashlee: You mean Alan. What... what do you owe him?
Doris: Oh, stop it. You make it sound so sleazy. It's just good old-fashioned American politics.
Ashlee: Mom, I mean, come on. What did you promise him?
Doris: Just a little real estate. Something called the Main Street promenade.
Ashlee: You're going to fix it so that Alan can buy... what about Co2?
Doris: Oh, you mean that lousy place where you work? It's history. Besides, it's just what Coop and his family deserve.
Buzz: Whoa!
Coop: I got it, I got it.
Buzz: You're a scholar. What are you doing?
Coop: Scholars need to earn their keep, too. Besides, you want me on this tuna melt. You need me on this tuna melt.
Buzz: (Laughs) Like old times.
Marina: See? The cappuccino-maker just needs more milk.
Buzz: Aren't you supposed to be catching bad guys or something?
Frank: Yeah, well, she's already caught one: Cyrus Foley.
Coop: Ah, well, the way I heard it, she threw him back.
Marina: Yeah, he's a married man.
Frank: Well, that certainly hasn't stopped some guys that we know.
Buzz: Frank, are you going to help or are you just going to cause trouble?
Frank: Hey Pop, I'm not the one who made trouble for Harley, okay? That would be her husband.
Gus: Thank you, Nat.
Natalia: For what? For reminding you how immature you were?
Gus: Just for helping make a bad day a little... a little bit better. ( Cell phone rings) Is that my phone?
Dinah: I'll have what she's having.
Alexandra: Ah, wise choice. You're looking well, Dinah.
Dinah: Thank you. What can I do to help you?
Alexandra: I think more the point is what I can do to help you.
Dinah: Well, you could pay all of my medical bills.
Alexandra: Yes, I could, and I will. I can also make certain that you get all of the top specialists in the world, and I can do it all very discretely and no one ever has to know who your benefactress is.
Dinah: Who do I have to kill?
Alexandra: (Chuckles) Well, I don't think it's anything quite that drastic. Your husband and Marina. Marina Cooper.
Dinah: Cooper, what about her?
Alexandra: Yeah, well, they seem to be very, very close. She trusts him, she values his opinion.
Dinah: They're partners. It's life and death.
Alexandra: Kind of like a marriage, huh?
Dinah: I'm trying to piece this together. It's you, Marina, and Cyrus.
Alexandra: Marina has this fixation on him. She just won't let go.
Dinah: So you want me to tell Mallet to tell her... I can't do that. Mallet doesn't like anything under the table. He doesn't like anything underhanded.
Alexandra: That's okay. I understand that. I do understand. If you can't elicit Mallet, that's fine. Look, I'm sure you can handle this on your own.
Dinah: You want me to keep Marina away from Cyrus?
Alexandra: Well, how you do it, I mean, is completely up to you.
Dinah: A few months ago, I would have probably had this figured out in a second. All the options, all the angles. I need time to think about this, okay?
Alexandra: Absolutely.
Dinah: You put your name and number in my phone-- I have to dial it with my voice-- and I'll get back to you.
Alexandra: All right. I want you to take your time. I want you to take your time, and I want you to think about it. Just keep in mind that if you help me save my marriage, maybe I can help you preserve yours.
(Knock on door)
Cyrus: Marina?
Mallet: You never fetch me coffee.
Marina: Yeah, that's because I don't fetch, hotshot. But every now and then I do help my family.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Well, I'll take a large coffee, maybe a couple doughnuts.
Marina: Get it yourself. Hey, I know you.
Roc: And you know what, I know you. It's Marina, right?
Marina: Good memory. This is my partner in crime, Detective A.C. Mallet. This is Roc Hoover. He's a friend of Jeffrey’s, and a writer.
Mallet: Oh, yeah, really? What kind of writing do you do?
Roc: I do crime novels. Big surprise.
Mallet: Crime novels, wow, my wife loves that stuff. So we'll look for you in the bookstore. Roc Hoover?
Roc: Yeah.
Mallet: Cool.
Marina: Can I get you some coffee?
Roc: I would love a cup. And you know what, why don't you slide me one of those doughnuts as well.
Marina: Oh, once a cop, always a cop. Huh?
Roc: You bet.
Marina: You going to be around for a while? My Uncle Henry’s a writer, and I would love for him to meet you. He's working the grill, but I can grab him.
Roc: Yeah. You know what, I'm going to read the paper, eat my doughnut, drink my coffee, so that'll be great.
Marina: All right. Here you go.
Roc: Thank you so much. I'll be right over here.
Marina: Thank you.
Mallet: Hmm. So anyway, let's start over. All right? So there's a string of bank robberies, right, that have been going on lately. Are you up for looking into it?
Marina: We're off duty today.
Mallet: I know, but I could really use the overtime.
Marina: Okay. Well, I'm sorry, but I have plans.
Mallet: Him again?
Marina: The cappuccino-maker is done!
Mallet: Look, look, look, I'm not trying to tell you how to run your life.
Marina: Thanks.
Mallet: But this does affect your job, and it affects my job and my take-home, and then I kind of end up making it my business. Ah, Buzz, what's going on? How's Harley doing?
Buzz: Oh, well, as far as I know, she is still at the rehab center with Dylan. Why?
Mallet: Oh. No, I was just hoping she and Gus were patching things up now that he's back in town.
Buzz: He is?
Frank: Hold on a second here. What's that about Gus?
Buzz: Mallet says he's back in town.
Mallet: Yeah, I saw him pull into the driveway at the Spaulding house.
Frank: The Spaulding house?
Buzz: Frank. Frank.
Frank: Hey, Coop! You got to fill in for me, man. I'm out of here. I've going to give Gus a proper homecoming.
Mallet: What? What?
Buzz: Frank, wait!
Mallet: Did I start something there?
Coop: What did you say?
Mallet: The magic word: Gus.
Alan: You were hoping it was Harley who called?
Gus: Let's not go for the fake sincerity, okay? I'll see you later.
Alan: Wait, wait. You're staying for dinner, aren't you? Natalia fixed you a very special meal for your stomach. You don't want to leave and disappoint her?
Gus: Well, I...
Alan: Look, I'll tell cook to put a rush order on it, okay? (Loud reggaeton music playing) And while I'm at it, I'm going to tell your son to turn down the volume.
Gus: Don't do that. This house needs music.
Alan: You call that music?
Natalia: Was that Harley?
Gus: You know what's going to be fun? Watching my father go insane with Rafe’s music. (Laughs)
Natalia: And you know, there's an added bonus because now we know that he hasn't slipped out to be with Daisy again.
Gus: I know. Wowl it's kind of poetic justice, isn't it? We have to be guards dogs over a couple of hormonal teenagers.
Natalia: Yeah, my mother said it was going to happen.
Gus: Well, your mama's usually right about most things.
Natalia: Yes. Not about everything though. She was sure you would end up in prison.
Gus: Well, I could have gone one of two ways. She probably wanted you to stick with your own kind.
Natalia: Yeah. Oh, that's my favorite movie. Except in our story, nobody dies.
Gus: No. Just really, really old.
Natalia: Hey, we are not old. No, we can still shake it.
Gus: Oh, yeah? Well, I could shake it with you, but I'm liable to sprain something.
Natalia: No, no, no. It's easy. You've just got to get back into it. You remember, I know you remember. You've just got to shake it.
Gus: Shake it.
Natalia: Remember.
Gus: It's coming back to me.
Natalia: That's it, there you go. Oh, you can still do it. (Loud reggaeton music playing) You didn't forget.
Gus: I was hoping the security guard isn't catching us. I... I don't feel that good. I'm sorry about dinner. I'm going to... I've got to find...
Dinah: Excuse me, sir, does this say Roxy cooler?
Bartender: This place used to be dangerous.
Dinah: Lizzie Spaulding, huh?
Bartender: Uh-huh.
Remy: So you calling me a cheater?
Man: No, I'm calling you a cheater and a liar.
Remy: That's more like it.
Bartender: Okay, take it outside!
Dinah: You know what? I know that guy. He's an ex-cop. He's a friend of my husband's partner.
Man: That's right, you and me, outside now. Let's go.
Remy: You heard the guy. Let's take it outside.
Dinah: Call Marina.
Marina: Hello?
Dinah: Hi, it's me.
Marina: Hey, is everything okay? Is something wrong with Mallet?
Dinah: No. It’s Remy. He's in trouble. How fast can you get here?
Cyrus: Hey, I thought you'd never get here.
Mallet: I didn't know you cared.
Cyrus: Were you tailing me? What, is this about Griggs?
Mallet: Okay, slow down. Let's see, you're the guy who broke into Marina's room; I'm the cop who arrests guys who jimmy locks. So how about you and I just start over and I ask the questions?
Cyrus: Well, I didn't break in.
Mallet: Did Marina give you a key? No, no, I didn't think so.
Cyrus: I wanted to surprise her. Is that okay with you, Detective Mallet?
Mallet: Ah, I don't know. We'll see.
Cyrus: Oh, did Chief Frank send you here?
Mallet: No, no. Now, listen, Cyrus, seriously. I came into this whole thing with an open mind, okay? Your affair with my partner is your business. Unless, of course, it starts to impact her work.
Cyrus: Do you think I'm corrupting her?
Mallet: No, I think you're distracting her.
Cyrus: Is she getting herself in any danger?
Mallet: No, not yet, but I can't let it get to that point. I mean, what Dinah’s going through right now...
Cyrus: Well, Marina is very capable.
Mallet: Yeah, and so is Dinah.
Cyrus: You want me to walk away from Marina for her sake?
Mallet: Well, I could never tell you to do that.
Doris: Hello, Henry. Do I have your vote?
Coop: No.
Doris: Oh, you're too good for me, is that it? Just like you're too good for my daughter, but not good enough to let her go so she can get over you.
Coop: Is this your new strategy to get votes? To pretend like you're this caring mother for your daughter?
Doris: How dare you accuse me of pretending to care about my daughter! I love her very much. I accept her for exactly who she is. You, on the other hand, are prancing about with a female version of yourself-- plastic and shallow.
Coop: Right. (Tray crashing)
Ashlee: Well, good, I have your attention.
Alan: Are you afraid somebody else might pick up? What the hell happened to your foot?
Alexandra: I fell over Roxy in the kitchen.
Alan: Roxy? Why the hell do we have to take care of that dog? She should be over at the Beacon with Elizabeth.
Alexandra: Please, you don't have to worry, darling. Roxy's been relegated to the lake house for the rest of the summer.
Alan: Well, that's good to hear, but you still haven't answered my question.
Alexandra: Cyrus has my total confidence.
Alan: Which means you are afraid.
Alexandra: You know, for Pete sake, I thought maybe once in our tortured lives you would be maybe just happy for me.
Alan: I am happy for you. I want you to be happy. I want us all to be happy, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Us all?
Alan: Yes, the entire family.
Alexandra: Including the new blood?
Alan: Well, you're one to talk. Must be very nice these days not having to sleep alone in your bed, huh?
Alexandra: Oh, you're so sweet. You know, Cyrus and I share everything else. And who knows, maybe in time--
Alan: I do want you to be happy, I really do. But I don't want you to begrudge me my happiness.
Alexandra: (Laughs) But mine is so much easier to achieve, dear. I just want a husband. You want to realign the moon and the stars.
Alan: Well, you know something, the stars may be realigning themselves.
Alexandra: Yeah.
Gus: Hey, Harley, it's me again. Listen, we have a lot to hash out, you know, what you did, and what I did. And I just would like to hear your voice again. So... all right? You want to call me? Thanks. (Knock on the door)
Natalia: Hey.
Gus: Hey.
Natalia: Your father was worried.
Gus: My father, huh?
Natalia: Yeah. Okay? And Rafe needs his father. So I would never forgive myself if I let you die of hunger or an ulcer.
Gus: Have you gone soft on me? (Knock on the door)
Frank: Gus, I know you're in there. Listen, I can either talk to you as your brother-in-law or as your chief, but either way, man, you are opening this door.
Marina: Come on, you're coming back to my place and I'm going to beat some sense into you. Thank you for the tip. Thank you for the rag.
Dinah: Any time.
Remy: Hulk Hogan doesn't even wrestle anymore, you know that?
Marina: Okay.
Dinah: Call Alex.
Alexandra: Hello?
Dinah: Hi, it's me.
Alexandra: Does this mean we have a deal?
Dinah: You can get me whatever I need to get better?
Alexandra: You have my word.
Dinah: And nobody will know, especially Mallet?
Alexandra: Well, I'm nothing, if I'm not discrete.
Dinah: Then I'm in.
Alexandra: When do we start?
Dinah: I already have.
Alexandra: Somehow I knew I could count on you. But you make sure you follow up.
Dinah: You just call in the specialist, all right? You know what, sir? Lizzie Spaulding can pay for this. I'm working for her family now.
Alexandra: Alan, come here a minute.
Alan: Okay.
Alexandra: Sit down, sit down. Lean over.
Alan: Well, what was that all about?
Alexandra: Well, we did it. We're doing it. We damn near destroyed this family, and now we're reversing it.
Alan: Yes, we are.
Alexandra: More people, more family.
Alan: Yes. Who knows? There may be more to come.
Alexandra: Gus?
Alan: Maybe.
Alexandra: Good for you.
Alan: Tell me, do you think this marriage of yours is really going to work?
Alexandra: It will if I have anything at all to say about it.
Doris: Hi, Doris Wolfe, your next mayor. Good to see you here. Look, I am trying to defend you.
Ashlee: And why the hell would I want that? Coop, you have to hear this. Look, she's not already mayor, she's not even mayor yet and yet she is already helping Alan Spaulding.
Doris: Ashlee, don't do this.
Ashlee: Okay, look, Alan is going to try to turn Main Street into this, like, high-class mall, with these upscale chains.
Doris: Look, it's called progress, okay?
Coop: Progress? Did you learn nothing from being married to Alan? Once he paves over this Main Street area, he's going to turn around and he's going to pave right over you, too.
Doris: Look, I left Alan Spaulding to stand on my own.
Coop: Okay.
Doris: And that doesn't mean that I can't recognize a good deal. And this is a good deal for Springfield. Ashlee, can't you see that he is just a sanctimonious, self- serving phony? I mean, you are well over him, Ashlee. Come on, let's go hand out more buttons. Come on, help me. Ashlee?
Gus: What did Harley say to you?
Frank: Well, she's not actually here. So we came here to see what you had to say about all of this.
Buzz: All right. Can we do this inside? Right thanks. Actually, she didn't tell us much because, you know, we went there, but she wouldn't let us inside.
Frank: Yeah, yeah, well, you seel her own father and her own brother. Does that tell you how upset she was?
Gus: Well, she's upset, Frank. I'm upset, everybody is upset. That's what happens between husbands and wives.
Frank: No, no, no, husbands and wives, they kiss and they make up. They don't go in different directions with different exes.
Gus: No, your sister took off with her ex, took him to some rehab center after I gave him a beating. That's what she did.
Buzz: Hey, wait, wait, hold it, wait. We're not here to accuse anybody of anything. You and Harley are rock solid. We know that. I mean, you've had your troubles, but then who hasn’t. But you've always come through them.
Gus: Okay. It's going to be okay.
Frank: Is it okay? Is it okay?
Gus: It's going to be okay.
Frank: My sister comes and she locks herself in her own house, and then she runs off with Dylan Lewis and her two kids. Right, is that okay?
Gus: We can fix this, you know, if I knew what rehab center she was at, if anybody would tell me.
Buzz: She didn't tell us.
Gus: Exactly. And Billy told me that she's off in Chicago, and I went there and it's a wild goose chase. And so she wants it that way. And if she wants it that way, guys, maybe I want it that way, too.
Frank: You know something, Gus, I wasn't always on your side. But I came around, didn't I? I defended you like a million times because I saw how much my sister loved you, and how much I thought you loved her.
Gus: I do love her, Frank, you know that.
Frank: Really? Well, you know you used to. When you chose the Spaulding’s over Harley before your first wedding. Remember that, Gus, how much you hurt her? You broke her heart. And you promised me and her that you would never hurt her again. Man, was I stupid, wasn't I?
Natalia: Stop. Stop putting it all on him.
Gus: Natalia...
Natalia: No, no, no. I was trying to stay out of it, but I won't anymore. How do you know that Harley didn't hurt him?
Frank: Why didn't you tell us you had some company?
Marina: Get in here! Do you think this is how I wanted to spend my evening?
Remy: So forget about me and go have fun.
Marina: No. You sit down and stay and I will get you a sandwich and some coffee.
Remy: Someone hit your hold button, girl. You're stuck. You're just stalled.
Marina: You're smashed.
Remy: Okay, okay. This might be the beer talking, or the bump on my head, but I do know one thing, Detective Cooper: While you're waiting for Cyrus to get his freedom, you're the one locked up.
Dinah: It's not a good idea.
Cyrus: Dinah, what are you doing here?
Dinah: Well, I live here, remember? And I just saw Marina go inside. She's not alone.
Cyrus: You're telling me she's got a man in there?
Dinah: As a matter of fact, she does. Remy Boudreau.
Cyrus: Well, he's a friend.
Dinah: Well, I'm not saying he isn’t. Don’t you want to be a little more careful, though? Or do you want Alex to know you're bringing your lover wine and flowers?
Cyrus: What's it to you, Didi?
Dinah: We used to be partners; I'd hate to see you blow the whole thing.
Cyrus: Even though I bailed on you when you asked me for help?
Dinah: You did me a favor.
Marina: No, no. I have my police work, I have my family. Heck, I even have idiot friends like you.
Remy: And where does Cyrus come in?
Marina: Do you think he likes being stuck with Alexandra?
Remy: I think he likes the money.
Marina: Please. Who wouldn't? It's not permanent, and he knows that. As soon as we're together, we're going to have a normal life.
Remy: (Laughs) Normal? You ask him about this?
Marina: I don't have to. He already knows.
Ashlee: We have to find Buzz. He knows all of the vendors on Main Street.
Doris: Ashlee...
Coop: We get a petition started and we can kill this thing before it even leaves the ground.
Ashlee: Well, I'm in.
Coop: Okay.
Doris: After everything I have done for you?
Ashlee: Mom, I love you, but I don't like it when you hurt my friends.
Doris: These people are not your friends, Ashlee. They don't care about you. I am your mother. Alan, we have a problem.
Coop: Well, that was fun. That couldn't have been easy. I'm sorry.
Ashlee: Well, it's getting easier, but it was good to have you here.
Coop: Good. Good. Well, shall we get started then?
Ashlee: You really want me to help you?
Coop: Well, Ashlee, you were the one who shot Alan, so...
Ashlee: Yeah, I hope it won't come to that. (Laughter)
Gus: Well, Natalia, we might as well tell them because they caught us red-handed. See, what's going on here is we're having one of those plastic thing parties, and you're just in time because, Buzz, if I sell you a set, I get to give Frank a free potato salad and cole slaw container. And those normally cost extra, Frank. Those are normally very expensive.
Frank: Do you really think that this is funny?
Gus: No, I think it's funny that you're coming into my house and telling me what you think. I am not on the clock, Frank, okay? I'm on my own time.
Frank: Is that the excuse you give me sister, huh? No wonder she left you.
Natalia: Look, I'm out of here.
Gus: No, you don't have to go anywhere. Stay here.
Buzz: Hold it! We're not trying to bust your chops here, you know?
Frank: Oh, yeah, we are, actually.
Buzz: Shut up! Shut up! You've got to know how this looks, how it's looked ever since you...
Natalia: Ever since I came to work for you, Buzz, yes. And I quit-- remember?-- In the name of family peace. Isn't that enough?
Frank: Yeah you know what, it was a lovely gesture. I'm sure my sister saw right through it.
Natalia: Okay, well, I can't speak for Harley, but Gus and I have a son together, and we're going to be spending some time together dealing with that, whether you like it or not. And I also know this: Gus loves his wife and he loves her kids and he has been to Chicago and back trying to find her.
Gus: Okay, you don't have to defend me.
Natalia: No, no, no, somebody has to. You think he broke Harley’s heart? Well, he has a heart, too. And where is she? She's not by herself. She's with Dylan. So why don't you go track her down and bring her home if you're so concerned?
Buzz: You finished?
Natalia: Yeah.
Buzz: She has a point, Frank. She has a point. Come here. Can we... please? You can't blame him.
Gus: I'm not blaming anybody. I'm way past blame. The whole thing is so...
Buzz: Is so complicated? Come on. You know, Harley... you know, Harley’s daughter by Dylan comes back to town and you find out you have a son by her and... come on.
Gus: All right, so you get it. What about Bigfoot over there? What's his problem?
Buzz: He raised Harley. I wasn't there, you know? And he's not going to let anybody hurt her. It's him.
Frank: Do you need some help?
Natalia: You've already been a big help.
Frank: Natalia...
Natalia: I'm sorry. I know you are Harley’s big brother, and I know you want her back where she belongs with Gus.
Frank: Well, I'm not quite too sure where she belongs right now, actually.
Mallet: Dinah?
Dinah: You know, if you just twist the bottle, you can get the cork out.
Mallet: Well, how are you feeling?
Dinah: Fantastic. I'm feeling really good. And I also think that I've exercised a muscle recently that I forgot I had.
Mallet: No kidding. What kind of muscle would that be?
Dinah: Ask me where it's hot?
Mallet: Where is it hot?
Alexandra: Oh, for me
Cyrus: Who else? I'll stick them in water, and then we can take this wine with us on the sunset sail.
Alexandra: Oh, so you did clear your schedule?
Cyrus: I'm all yours.
Alexandra: Oh, thank you. Well, I'll call the yacht club and tell them to expect us.
Marina: Dad?
Frank: Oh, not who you were hoping for, huh?
Marina: Look, if you are here to fight with me again, I'm...
Frank: You know what, honey, let's call a timeout, a truce. I just had a major throw down with Gus and I really cannot take another one right now.
Marina: Gus and Harley?
Frank: (Sighs) Who knows? You and Cyrus?
Marina: Who knows? Can I get you a drink?
Frank: I'm sorry. No, that's all right. Listen, how about I treat my beautiful little girl to some pizza at Angelo’s? What do you think?
Marina: No speeches? No lectures?
Frank: No anchovies.
Marina: You've got a deal.
Frank: Good.
Ashlee: So, you know, like George Bailey. He has to help everyone all of the time so he doesn't have a life.
Coop: Oh, the movie. Well, it's Frank's favorite. We listen to it and watch it every Christmas, actually.
Ashlee: Yeah. Bedford Falls turns into Pottersville, which is what's going to happen to Springfield if Alan Spaulding gets his way.
Coop: Spauldingville. I mean, that just sounds creepy, right?
Man: Where do I sign?
Ashlee: Here. Thanks. And it would be great if we could have the rest of the staff sign, too.
Coop: And make sure you pass it on because tomorrow there's going to be a big rally down at the courthouse.
Man: Okay.
Coop: All right. Thanks.
Ashlee: Thanks. Well, I mean the waiters and the bus staff, I mean, they understand. But if we really want to save Main Street, then we're going to have to get some heavy hitters.
Coop: Stuart? What about Stuart?
Ashlee: Coop, I told you that we're not serious.
Coop: Ashlee?
Ashlee: Oh, you mean to help us because he works in the D.A.'s office? Okay.
Coop: Yeah. If he likes you, maybe he can defy your mom and pull some legal loops, and that way Alan can't grab, you know, Main Street, and we can also save Co2.
Ashlee: You're brilliant! (Laughs) It's no wonder I love you.
Buzz: This again?
Alan: Buzz, don't take this personally. As a matter of fact, I'm very fond of the coffee you serve here.
Doris: And I'm quite partial to the cream pie.
Buzz: I wish I had one right now.
Alan: Look, you've been around the block, and you know that progress is inevitable.
Buzz: (Laughs) You're beautiful. Those are the exact words your son Phillip said to me when he was about to bring the wrecking ball to break down Company.
Doris: Listen, Buzz, I assure you as the next mayor of Springfield, I have no plans to level Company.
Alan: Of course, nothing in life is certain, Buzz, except death and taxes, huh?
Buzz: There's a third one: Karma.
Natalia: You keep eating. I am going to go online and order you some groceries. And you need any socks that need darning... forget it, because I don't even know what darning is.
Gus: I wouldn't ask you to pick up after me. I don't deserve it. That wouldn't be fair.
Natalia: None of it's fair. It's not fair that you left me in Chicago. It's not fair that Rafe grew up not knowing who you were. Life isn't fair. But I'm not going to let that stop me. Not any more.
Gus: What are you talking about?
Natalia: I tried. I tried backing off and letting you go back to Harley. But it's not me. She may be your wife, but I believe that you belong with me. And you don't know it yet, but you will. You wrap up the leftovers in aluminum foil, and you heat it on 350 for 15 minutes.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Coop: We're friends. Come on, don't make me choose here, Ashlee.
There is some trouble with your dad and Doris Wolfe. You may want to get down here fast.
Alexandra: Welcome to the corporate world.
Cyrus: I think we need to take a break.
Reverend Rutledge: I want to recommend you for my retreat.
Blake: Let yourself be something other than a minister's wife.
Cassie: Hey, what are you doing right now?
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