GL Transcript Tuesday 8/7/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/7/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Dinah: I need money and you're the man to help me get it.

Cyrus: Oh, that's beautiful. I've been rich for a nanosecond and my ex-partner hits me up for a loan. How much, for old time's sake?

Dinah: Here.

Cyrus: You owe this much in medical bills?

Dinah: Yeah.

Cyrus: What about your TV gig?

Dinah: It's not enough, and I can barely do that anymore.

Cyrus: You seem okay to me.

Dinah: Cyrus, my head is mixed up. It's like I'm playing a game but I don't remember the rules.

Cyrus: Why don't you sit?

Dinah: I don't want to sit. I want to pay my bills. And I don't want to be... what's the word?

Cyrus: I wish I could help...

Dinah: I don't want to be a drain on my husband.

Cyrus: The guy's crazy about you.

Dinah: Mallet is a wonderful man, and that is only making it worse. I feel like I'm on a cliff and I'm falling in slow motion, like when you found me in...

Cyrus: In Europe...

Dinah: ...In Europe. Europe. Europe is a freaking continent-- Europe.

Cyrus: Didi, I'm not sure what you want from me.

Dinah: What I want is to be partners again. And what I want is one more big score, just you and me. With my good looks and your good looks we can do it. We can do this now. You just tell me that you're in.

Mallet: Yeah, I can see that things have changed and I need this job more than ever.

Marina: Well, welcome back.

Mallet: Thank you, thank you. Now you've got to get lost.

Marina: What? Oh... special night.

Mallet: Yeah, sort of. You could say that. Dinah had some problems on set today.

Marina: Oh, and you're going to cheer her up?

Mallet: No. No, I'm going to fire her. I'm actually going to tell her that she's fired.

Marina: Wow, her own mother's giving her the axe, huh?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I think she came back to work too soon, and Vanessa’s not happy and she was going to tell her and I said, "No, no. Don't do that, I'll do it."

Marina: So you're going to fire your wife?

Mallet: Yeah. I'm hoping flowers and champagne help, right?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. They'll help for sure. As long as she gets to hit you over the head with the bottle.

(Knock on the door)

TV voiceover: The capybara is

the world's largest rodent.

Endemic to the tropics of south

America, it can grow to 100

pounds. (Banging on the door)

Lizzie: I'm busy.

Remy: Busy, huh?

TV voiceover: They are also

knows as water hogs.

Lizzie: Hey, hey! I was watching that.

Remy: Not anymore. Get up.

Lizzie: Ow! Who do you think you are?

Remy: Remy Boudreau, the guy you hired to work security at the Spaulding house. Now, we had a deal, Lizzie. I look after Natalia and her kid and I give you the inside scoop on whatever your granddad might be up to.

Lizzie: Okay, great. I don't care about that anymore.

Remy: So, what, you're just going to sleep your life away? Just going to fill it with ice cream and rodents? Are you crying? Hey! Hey, don’t... that wasn't the deal... (Lizzie sobbing) Great.

Alan: You know, I admire your independence, Natalia, but you really don't need to do this.

Natalia: Well, yes, I do. Mr. Spaulding, Alan, I really do appreciate everything that you are doing for me and for Rafe, but I really need to earn my own way.

Alan: By waiting tables?

Natalia: I need to stand on my own two feet. (Music playing) Excuse me, Mr. Wagner?

Ted: Yes?

Natalia: Hi. Did you get a chance to check my references?

Ted: Oh, yes, all excellent. But I'm afraid I'm fully staffed.

Alan: Excuse me, is there a problem here?

Natalia: They're not hiring until Christmas, if then.

Alan: Is that true, Ted?

Ted: Sorry, Mr. Spaulding, it's out of my hands.

Natalia: It's okay. There's always the Chat n' Chew on Highway 44.

Alan: Thank you for your help, Ted.

Ted: You know, we actually could use a waitress.

Alan: Well, she's needed more at home.

Billy: Look, Harley, I can barely hear you. Just... I'll tell you what, when the plane lands in New York, you call me, okay? And you tell Dylan to mind whatever those doctors say, all right? And... what? Gus? Oh, no, I haven't seen him. I think he's still out managing his anger. But, hey, sweetie, just listen, you worry about Dylan and I'll take care of Gus, okay? Okay, good. Whew.

Gus: Harley? Zach? Jude? Anybody?

Alan: It's their loss, Natalia. Besides, your talents would be wasted here.

Natalia: Thank you, but how would you know what my talents are?

Alan: Well, I know that you're a very courageous woman, independent, have a terrific survival instinct, you raised a remarkable young man, Raphael. And now that you can count on Gus...

Natalia: Gus has his own family.

Alan: You are his family. And the more time that Raphael spends with him...

Natalia: You mean the more time I spend with him. I'm not going to make Gus choose between Harley and us.

Gus: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Gus: How's the patient?

Billy: A little headache, that's all. I'll take some aspirin.

Gus: I'm not talking about you.

Billy: Oh, well..

Gus: Is Harley in there with your son?

Billy: Hey, just wait a second, Gus...

Gus: I'm not going to hit anybody, okay? I just spent a couple of days in a room with a bunch of miserable people trying to figure out their anger issues. All right, where is everybody?

Billy: Um, Dylan was discharged. He checked out.

Gus: And Harley?

Billy: Harley took him to a rehab center. She took the boys, too.

Gus: She took them to the rehab center?

Billy: Yeah.

Gus: Where's that?

Billy: I think if she wanted you to know, Gus, she would have told you.

Gus: Oh, damn it, Billy, just tell me where they are.

Billy: Hey, good with the anger. What are you going to do, run after her and bust her upside the head, is that it?

Gus: I don't need this crap from you.

Billy: No, you do. You got a problem. Come on, it takes one to know one. Look, you yell in front of your boys, you fight in front of your boys, you put my boy in a place like this.

Gus: Oh, it's my fault that they had an accident?

Billy: I don't think there's any accidents here. Come on, Gus, you know the language. It's cause and effect. My boy passes out at the wheel while driving and almost kills himself, because you hit him in the head. She takes off with Dylan and takes him to a rehab center, now that's not an accident, either.

Gus: I just want to see my wife, all right?

Billy: I think before you go looking for your wife you should look in the mirror. Hey, come on. Want a couple of aspirin?

Lizzie: This is a low point, so congratulations. You get to see me hit rock bottom.

Remy: This is your rock bottom?

Lizzie: I slept all day in the hotel room where my dead ex-husband lived with his dead wife. And now I'm scooping up poop with a shower cap. Okay, this is rock bottom.

Remy: It sucks for you. It does.

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, well, you're great at the pep talks.

Remy: Oh, no, no. I don't do pep talks. Get out of bed, or not. It's on you.

Lizzie: Thanks a lot.

Remy: If you want to sit or spend the rest of your life feeling sorry for yourself, that's on you, okay? You can do it. You have the money, right?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Remy: All right, then. There you go. Have fun. I have stuff to do.

Mallet: While you're waiting patiently for Cyrus, I would watch Alex and make sure she doesn't get her hooks in.

Marina: No. No, no, see, Cyrus will never go for anything like that. He likes the finer things in life, but he likes to be able to go after them himself.

Mallet: What does that mean?

Marina: It means that he likes excitement. He has to show off his skills.

Mallet: Marina, the Spaulding’s don't sit by a pool all day. They got their money by pushing things to the edge. Cyrus will fit right in.

Cyrus: Look, I'm sorry you're having a tough time, but I can't risk my future b throwing in...

Dinah: What, by... by, by helping me? Because I'm damaged goods? Why, because you think I'm going to screw it up?

Cyrus: Dinah, you said yourself you've been mixed up ever since you came out of the hospital.

Dinah: Come on. I have problems with small things, that's it. I could still get in a tight dress and I could still wear some heels and I could still... charm the pants...

Cyrus: A mark.

Dinah: Yes, I know what I'm saying. I know! Look, I haven't lost my edge. Maybe you have. You know what? Forget it. If you're not going to help me...

Cyrus: I am helping you. You've got a husband who loves you, you've got friends, you've got family. You'll get through this.

Dinah: With what? With what? Some hope? Some faith? Huh, Cyrus, is that what you want me to do? Because I'm all tapped out. I'm all...

Cyrus: Didi.

Dinah: I'm all tapped out.

Cyrus: Hey, hey.

Dinah: Oh, God. Okay, just tell me you don't miss it. I know you do. I know you do.

Alexandra: Well, I guess this explains why you couldn't make it to dinner.

Cyrus: Alex, Dinah was just...

Alexandra: I can see she was crying on your shoulder.

Dinah: I wasn't crying.

Alexandra: That's all right. You two are old friends, ex-business partners. I mean, no need for an explanation, unless of course there is.

Dinah: No.

Cyrus: Dinah came to talk business.

Alexandra: Business? What kind of business would you two have together? With the exception of knocking over a bank.

Cyrus: She's having a few money problems.

Dinah: Look, Cyrus, this is none of her...

Alexandra: A few?

Cyrus: You can tell her.

Dinah: I have medical bills.

Alexandra: Jeez.

Dinah: Nine figures.

Alexandra: Nine figures? What? You owe $100 million?

Dinah: Eight figures.

Cyrus: It's okay.

Dinah: It's eight figures, it's not nine.

Alexandra: Actually, Dinah, I'm really glad you stopped by. This is a good object lesson for Cyrus. I mean, now that he's in the top tax bracket he's going to have a lot of friends, or so-called friends, popping by with good business propositions that are going to need backing, and... or some friends with just a sob story. Either way, it's all about money, isn't it?

Dinah: Excuse me, I wasn't asking for a...

Alexandra: Handout.

Dinah: Yes, I was shot, Alex. I was shot and I almost died. And you'd take a bullet for Cyrus, right? You know what, I thought after everything we've been through...

Cyrus: I'm sorry, Didi.

Billy: What are you going to do, steal Dylan’s records? Is that it?

Gus: I will if I have to. You going to tell me where they are?

Billy: Gus, what are you going to do if I tell you?

Gus: I'm gonna... I just want to see my wife.

Billy: Don't you think that's her call?

Gus: No, I need to see her, Billy.

Billy: Well, maybe she needs some more time.

Gus: So your son can hook up with her?

Billy: So you're going to blame my son for all of this, huh?

Gus: I don't think you realize this, but when your son came to town he's been all over my wife like white on rice.

Billy: I don't think, Gus. Maybe if he has feelings for his ex, he might not be the only one.

Gus: Whatever you think. I need to see my wife so I can put my family back together, Billy. My family.

Billy: Okay, you didn't hear this from me. They're in Chicago.

Gus: Chicago?

Billy: Yeah.

Gus: Any other clues?

Billy: They didn't tell me. They just left.

Gus: Never mind. I'll find them. Chicago. Chicago. Hey. Natalia.

Natalia: Nicky? I thought that you were away.

Gus: Yeah, I was. But I'm back.

Natalia: Did you come here to...

Gus: Well, I'd like to be able to talk to you. You know... yeah. I'm sorry about the way I left the other night. I picked up the phone, like, a bunch of times and I was going to...

Natalia: Yeah, I think that you said it all. I understand that nothing can come between you and Harley.

Gus: That didn't stop me the other night.

Natalia: But I could have said no. I didn't want to.

Gus: I don't know. I don't want to hurt you, you know?

Natalia: I know. You needed some comfort, so did I. You know, there's plenty of people to blame here.

Gus: Yeah, well, I'm the one who cheated on my wife, so it doesn't really matter. I went out of town to manage my anger and came back to talk to Harley about everything. And it seems like she's left town now, or something.

Natalia: She went to Chicago to find you?

Gus: She took Dylan to a rehab center, or something, for his injuries? Do you know anything about that?

Natalia: No, I had no idea.

Gus: Oh, that's a shame because I was hoping maybe she'd talk to you and say where she's  going, like the name of the clinic or something.

Natalia: The thing is, we did talk.

Gus: And she didn't mention it?

Natalia: No, we didn't really... we didn't talk about that.

Gus: What did you talk about?

Natalia: I'm sorry. I don't know where she is, but I know why she left. Harley knows that we slept together.

Gus: So you told her?

Natalia: No, I didn't say anything, but she saw it because I'm not a good liar and she saw it in my eyes.

Gus: And what happened, she just grabbed the boys and left?

Natalia: No, I tried to explain to her it was a mistake, that you didn't plan it, that you didn't even know...

Gus: Well, you try to explain that, but I doubt it would make a difference.

Natalia: Maybe if she gets some distance.

Gus: Distance? What, with Dylan? That's what started this in the first place.

Natalia: She's going to forgive you. If she loves you as much as I think she does, she will forgive you.

Gus: This is not about forgiveness, this is about my marriage. How do you fix something like that? Look, I'm sorry that I pulled you into any of this, okay?

Natalia: We have a son together. I'm in this no matter what.

Gus: Yeah, well, I'm not going to let anything happen to him, or him get hurt, because of whatever happens between me and Harley.

Natalia: What is going to happen?

Gus: I need to find her.

Natalia: Would you believe me if I said that I hope you do find her?

Lizzie: Did you see what the FED did to interest rates?

Alan: Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Spaulding investments are bound to be affected. Larger caps look safe. The smaller ones... there it is. I ran a projection on our holdings in the pacific rim.

Alan: They let you do this on Myspace?

Lizzie: Okay, I have spent a lot of time online, but it could be worse. And I am determined to change your impression, Granddad. I'm a Spaulding, and I intend to take my rightful place at the table. I bet you thought I was going to waste my life lounging around feeling sorry for myself.

Alan: And here you are just brimming with all sorts of new ideas.

Lizzie: Will you take me on, mentor me?

Alan: No.

Lizzie: Excuse me?

Alan: I don't have the time nor the inclination, Elizabeth, to mentor anyone right now, least of all you.

Lizzie: But you just said...

Alan: You wake up in the morning and you decide that you want to be an executive or a ballerina and you expect the entire world to stop and make that happen for you.

Lizzie: But we're family.

Alan: Yes, we're family, and I know your mood swings. One moment you want to be a part of Spaulding, the next moment you're running away from it. You're just like your father.

Lizzie: This is about the new kids on the block, isn't it? Natalia and Rafe, they get your attention, but the granddaughter who's been there...

Alan: No. The granddaughter who sided with her mother and Rick Bauer against me. I can't count on you.

Lizzie: Fine. I will go to Aunt Alex. I'm sure she would be more than happy to help me out.

Alan: Yeah, well, good luck tearing her away from Cyrus.

Lizzie: Okay, you know, it's not fair. Ever since I was a child, you-- you-- wanted to groom me, to prepare me to take over, and now I am ready!

Alan: I'm sorry. Now, I have an important phone call to make.

Lizzie: You can't do this to me.

Alan: You did it to yourself. Now, have a nice day.

Lizzie: Fine. Fine, put that waitress and her son ahead of me. And put that ex-thief/chauffeur ahead of me, too. I am going to show you. And there is only one rightful heir to the Spaulding name, and I am her. She.

Cyrus: Relax. Nobody followed me. Not even Dinah.

Marina: Dinah?

Cyrus: Yeah, she came to see me. She's not exactly herself lately.

Marina: Yeah, Mallet told me.

Cyrus: You and Mallet were on patrol? I thought he quit his job.

Marina: Well, he was supposed to, but it turns out he can't afford it. He was at the Beacon because he has to break some horrible news to Dinah. I caught that. You are hating that I was with another man in his room tonight.

Cyrus: (Laughs) Hardly. He's your partner. I just know that he and Dinah are going through some tough times, and I was just thinking about it.

Marina: Right, right. No, you are. You're jealous. Yeah, you are. You're married to Mrs. Moneybags, and I'm just supposed to sit back and relax. But you...

Cyrus: Stop talking.

Dinah: Mallet? Mallet?

Mallet: Hey. What's going on? What'cha got?

Dinah: Nothing, just something I picked up at the store.

Mallet: Need some help with it?

Dinah: No, no. I'm good. I'm good. What is all this? Flowers and champagne.

Mallet: Mm-hmm. Your favorite.

Dinah: Yeah, it is. It's pink champagne and the flowers.

Mallet: Yeah. What's going on?

Dinah: Well, that's what I'm wondering. I know that money is tight and we really shouldn't be splurging on stuff like this, unless...

Mallet: Well, unless I want to show my wife how much I love her.

Dinah: Look, I have difficulty opening doors still, but I haven't lost my lie detector. What's up?

Mallet: I had a little talk with Vanessa today, and we talked about the taping.

Dinah: Oh, right. Yeah, no. I know all about that. That was not my best show, but, you know, I promised her that next time I'd be on...

Mallet: I don't think there's going to be a next time. Not until we get you back in your groove.

Dinah: What are you saying?

Mallet: I'm saying that I think you're incredibly brave to get back to work so soon and climb that horse again and it's live TV. Right? I mean, it's live TV, it's the most difficult. And I know this all kind of stings to hear. Who wants to be told that they can't do their job, but this is just temporary. It's not forever. You know, until you get your old wing back.

Dinah: So, I'm fired? That's what you're telling me? My mother fired me?

Mallet: Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Listen, honey, to me you are the bravest, savviest, sexiest...

Dinah: Okay, that's what this is all about? That was the bad news?

Mallet: Yeah, you seem to be taking this really well.

Dinah: (Laughs) Well. Well, well, well. I am worried and you are worried that I am losing... let's see, I lost my job and you. You are worried... I m worried that Frank Cooper's going to send the swat team to me and arrest me.

Mallet: Arrest you? For what?

Dinah: (Laughs) Open the shower door. I mean, curtain. To see what you find. Come on. Yeah. I lied. It's not shoes. Well, how much do you think we could get for it?

Mallet: Dinah, what were you thinking?

Dinah: Oh, I wasn’t. I wasn’t. I actually was desperate because I asked an old friend for some help.

Mallet: Alan?

Dinah: Nope, not even close.

Mallet: Alex?

Dinah: Closer.

Mallet: Oh, man. No. Cyrus?

Dinah: Yes. How else are we going to pay off our debts?

Mallet: And your first thought was stealing?

Dinah: Well, what did you want me to do? Did you want me to walk out of there with nothing? I don't have a job anymore, and you keep wanting to quit yours so you can spend every moment with me to take care of me.

Mallet: Yes, yes. That's what a marriage is. One day you're down, I help you up. The next day I'm down, I help you up.

Dinah: You know what, I can't set an alarm clock, but I haven't forgotten how marriage works. It takes two. And if you do all the heavy lift... if you do all the...

Mallet: The lifting.

Dinah: See? You even get to finish my sentences.

Mallet: This is a marriage. You're the woman I love. You are my wife. If anybody should be feeling guilty, it's me. Do you understand? If I had never been tied up with Griggs, none of this would have happened. He never would have pulled the trigger. Everything that's happened since then is my fault. And I'm not going to let you take any heat for any of this.

Dinah: Where are you going?

Mallet: You're coming with me. Because I got you into this mess and I'm going to help you get out of it.

Marina: Oh, my God. Where are they? Where are the cameras?

Cyrus: (Laughs) This is not a reality show. This is all for you. Happy whatever.

Marina: I'm sorry, is this some strange Australian holiday of yours?

Cyrus: It's just my way of sharing the wealth. Got something you want to say to me?

Marina: Mm-hmm. Take it back-- all of it.

Farley: Nice suit.

Lizzie: Yeah, whatever.

Farley: What can I get you?

Lizzie: A new family. Can you make a Cosmopolitan?

Farley: We don't get a lot of those here, but, hey, yeah.

Lizzie: Jonathan? Oh, I'm so sorry.

Jake: No, that's okay. That's okay. It's Jake. And it was close enough, right? And you are?

Lizzie: I'm... I'm in the wrong place.

Farley: One cosmopolitan.

Alan: His name is Gus. That's why you're really upset, isn't it?

Natalia: I don't know how you do it, you just figure everything out.

Alan: I ran into him when I was leaving Towers.

Natalia: Yeah, he was looking for Harley.

Alan: Yes, he was looking for Harley, but he came to you, didn't he?

Natalia: He loves his wife.

Alan: Yes, I know. We've heard all about how much he loves Harley.

Natalia: No, please. I thought that I was clear about his.

Alan: I'm not going to play Cupid, I promise you. But I may be able to help you. I hear that you're looking for a job, huh?

Natalia: Yes.

Alan: (Chuckles)

Natalia: You found me a waitressing job?

Alan: Well, not exactly. But something much better. You see, there's an opening at Spaulding Enterprises in the title of assistant. I happen to be looking for someone that I can pass on all my expertise in this business that I've been in for years.

Natalia: Yes, and wouldn't that be something that you would want to share with your children and your grandchildren?

Alan: Absolutely. And Raphael will get his chance, I promise you.

Natalia: You have other grandchildren.

Alan: Well, yes, but to James, Emma and Zach, they're all too young. And Elizabeth had her chance and she blew it. But you have incredible courage, integrity, grit, independence. I can't think of anyone who would be better.

Remy: Excuse me, sir, we have to evacuate.

Alan: You work here, too?

Natalia: Remy, what are you doing?

Remy: This is not a drill, Ms. Rivera. You come with me. I was hired to protect you, and that's what I'm doing.

Dinah: I'm sorry, Alex.

Alexandra: Oh, well, I'm sure you thought it was your sunglasses or your wallet or something.

Mallet: Alex, she made a mistake, so, you know, you can lighten up.

Dinah: I was angry, upset and broke.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, I suppose if you weren't such a good friend of Cyrus' I could have you arrested.

Mallet: Arrested, wow. That's mighty big of you considering your husband has a rap sheet as thick as a phonebook.

Dinah: Mallet.

Alexandra: You know, my husband wasn't born into privilege. He has to use his wits to survive, whereas... anyway, he's put that behind him now.

Mallet: She was shot and she's recovering, so maybe you can give her a break.

Dinah: You know what, Mallet? Why don't you go to the car and I'll be right out? I took the vase. It's up to me to make things right. It's okay.

Alexandra: Well, I mean, do we have anything more to say?

Dinah: You care about Cyrus, right? He's not just another employee you're helping out, is he?

Alexandra: Well, he is my husband.

Dinah: Yeah, well, Mallet is mine. And you saw the way that he comes to my defense. He feels responsible for me getting shot, and everything after that.

Alexandra: Of course...

Dinah: So if you go to Frank Cooper he will leap to my defense again and it could cost him everything this time-- his badge, his partner, everything that matters to him.

Alexandra: What do you mean his partner...

Dinah: Mallet is an incredible man and an incredible cop. It is his life. Please do not do something that could get in the way of that.

Alexandra: What, so Marina and he are, what, very close, or?

Dinah: Yes. Marina is like his kid sister. They work well together, and that's it. I just don't want you to do anything that will split them up.

Alexandra: Well, when you put it that way, I wouldn't dream of it. And, actually, you know, I really do... well, I really do commend your courage for coming forward on this.

Dinah: So we're cool on the vase?

Alexandra: Very cool, yes. As a matter of fact, I think you and I should have a nice conversation about how I can help you to our mutual satisfaction.

Cyrus: Wait. At least smell that stuff. It's great. And it's already paid for.

Marina: The bath oils might be, but I'm not.

Cyrus: You think that I'm trying to buy you?

Marina: Well, what would you call it?

Cyrus: I don't know. Sharing my good fortune, how about wanting you to be every bit as comfortable as I am.

Marina: I'm sorry, did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want what you have?

Cyrus: Yeah, I know. You're a working-class girl. You can eat off the floor, sleep in the car, I get it. But what if I can make your life a little easier?

Marina: I like my life the way that it is. I like being able to pay my own bills. So what if I'm next to a noisy boiler. If I want to upgrade, I can do it myself without the help of Alexandra Spaulding.

Cyrus: Alex didn't pay for this.

Marina: (Scoffs) Really? Didn't she? Money changes everything.

Cyrus: It doesn't change me. What, you don't believe me? All right, I'll call things off with Alex right now. She can keep her money and her marriage and all that goes with it.

Marina: Gee, I wonder who that is.

Cyrus: Good. I'll end it right now.

Marina: No, you can’t. I want you to stay in this country, even if it means I see you across the street instead of in my room.

Cyrus: It won't be forever, I swear.

Marina: Go.

Cyrus: I can’t.

Marina: Go, go, go. Go.

Lizzie: Okay, yes. Thank you very much. Pay up, Jon.

Jake: Jake.

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, right, right. That's an awesome name.

Jake: What are you doing later?

Lizzie: Stick to the pool, dude.

Farley: Another Cosmo?

Lizzie: No, but I would like something else.

Farley: You name it.

Lizzie: Your bar.

Farley: Ha-ha. Not for sale.

Lizzie: Everything's for sale. And I counted the cars outside. There weren't very many of them. It didn't look promising. And this menu hasn't been updated since, like, Nixon was president.

Farley: Yeah, like you could do better, huh?

Lizzie: I could turn this bar into the trendiest place in town. A place that Alan Spaulding would just have to show his face and we would, like, charge him top dollar. Or I could leave it a dump just because I want to. Name your price.

You know I've been up and down

and there's only one thing that I've found...

Lizzie: Say yes to this and we have a deal.

Alan: Well, hello, son.

Gus: Dad, I'm really in a hurry.

Alan: To find Harley, no doubt.

Gus: Do you know where she is?

Alan: No, but I could track her down, assuming she wants to be found.

Gus: If you know where my wife is just tell me, please.

Alan: Look, I was hoping to spare you.

Gus: Now when you start to pretend you care, that's when I really get nervous.

Alan: I'm not the villain here and I'm not the reason she disappeared.

Gus: All right. Let's go. Get out, please?

Alan: When are you going to wake up, Gus, and let her go?

Gus: Well, that would be... that would be never.

Alan: So you're going to continue to chase after her while Natalia and your son are waiting for you? Enough of this melodrama with Harley. Admit it's not working.

Gus: I hate to spoil your little fantasy, Dad, but I love my wife. I'm going to find her, I'm going to bring her home. So could you please... please, let's just go.

Alan: All right, I'll go. But before you throw away your possible last chance at happiness with Natalia, think about this. Harley may have her own fantasy going, too. A life with Dylan and Daisy.

It can never happen it feels unfinished to me...

Next on "Guiding Light..."

Billy: Give me my usual, will you?

Reva: Billy, you are the best.

Billy: You know something, Reva, I've loved you for just about forever. And I figured if it wasn't going to be Joshua, it was going to be me. I'm going to do right by this family. I've made some mistakes, but it's over. I'm good now. I promise.

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