Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/6/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Dinah: This week we're visiting the hottest restrooms... this week we're investing the hottest restaurants, and today we're at... today we're at Towers, famous for their lobster... today we're here at Towers, famous for their steaks and lobsters. Come with me and take a tour... who put this there, come on! Did you?
Vanessa: Cut. Okay let's take a little break.
Dinah: No, no. You know what, I can do this everybody. I can do this. I'm just going to do it one more time, all right?
Marina: So the rumors are true, huh? You're leaving me?
Mallet: Yeah, Dinah needs me. Dinah needs a partner more than you do right now.
Marina: Do you have money saved? Okay, Mallet. Just be straight with me. What is this about?
Mallet: WSPR has a self-paid insurance plan, right? And Dinah forgot to pay. And so now I've got these insurance guys hounding me over these big medical bills. And I didn't know that being shot was not covered.
Marina: Well, come on, let's go talk to them. We'll make sure it get covered.
Mallet: No, that's okay. You don't have to do anything. They've got a rep from the company that's coming over now. So I don't need you.
Marina: No, no, no, no, no. Partners to the end, right?
Cyrus: To my beautiful wife, and to her beautiful, beautiful money, long live you both.
Alexandra: And to my best investment so far.
Cyrus: Oh, I'll drink to that. Let's steal something.
Alexandra: You aren't serious?
Cyrus: I'm too rich to go to prison, and the establishment sort of expects it. Look around, anything else you fancy.
Alexandra: Actually, I didn't fancy those.
Cyrus: And you feel the rush and the excitement, your pulse is quickening, and your heart is pounding.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Cyrus: It never fails. And it's fun imagining how they'll kiss up if we're caught.
Alexandra: Oh, boy. You like being rich, don't you?
Cyrus: What's not to like.
Alexandra: Actually, not very much. (Laughs)
Daisy: Hi, Rafe, it's me, again. Where are you?
Rafe: I'm right behind you.
Daisy: Oh, hi. You escaped?
Rafe: It's not like it was hard.
Daisy: Alan give you a big speech about shoplifting?
Rafe: No. More like the ten do’s and dont’s of being a Spaulding. But it was cool. It was interesting.
Daisy: Alan is interesting?
Rafe: Yeah. I mean, he kind of made me feel like I was his grandson.
Daisy: You so don't want to be that. Alan is not like some sweet old grandpa. He's bad. He's like Doctor Evil bad.
Rafe: So they say, yeah.
Daisy: Okay. But I'm serious. Tell the old freak to take a hike or he'll turn you into mini-me.
Rafe: Daisy, he's cool.
Daisy: No. He's not cool. He's gonna... he'll change you, Rafe. I don't want to lose you.
Billy: Can you move your leg at all?
Dylan: Serious?
Billy: Ahh! Whoa! Better wait until rehab, huh? (Laughs)
Dylan: Oh, I'm okay.
Billy: Yeah. You know, Dylan, I told you if you went after Harley bad things are gonna happen.
Harley: Did you sleep with my husband? Yes or no?
Natalia: I'm sorry. It just happened. We didn't plan it.
Harley: Gus would never do that to me.
Natalia: He was angry. I don't know all of the reasons why. He didn't know I would be there.
Harley: But he's my husband, and we should have worked that out, whatever that was. And you should have turned him away, Natalia.
Natalia: I know. I know, you're right. But I couldn’t.
Harley: What now? What are you going to do now? Are you going to fight for him now, with everything you've got?
Natalia: I would never go after a married man. It is against everything I believe in.
Harley: Only Gus was yours first, right, in high school? So you made an exception just this one time. You guys have a son, and he can’t have children with me.
Natalia: No, no, no. He was just there. All of a sudden. And he's so familiar to me. I made a mistake.
Harley: A mistake? Natalia, you drove all the way here from Chicago, you found a job in my father's restaurant. You practically showed up with a bow around your neck.
Natalia: I came because of Daisy. I wanted to make sure that Gus was all right.
Harley: So why didn't you just come to our home and introduce yourself and say, is Gus all right? You had a plan. You've been lying about that plan from the moment you arrived in town.
Natalia: No, I didn't have a plan. Daisy made it sound like Gus was in trouble.
Harley: That Gus was in trouble, with a wife who didn't understand him. Of course.
Natalia: She did, she told me you were having problems. But I swear I did not come here to break up your marriage.
Harley: But you were hoping, just a little bit, right, just a little, Gus would be free, and then he could finally be a father to Rafe, right?
Natalia: Of course! Yes! I had those thoughts. But after I met you, I pushed those thoughts aside. I wasn't even going to tell Gus that he had a son. You're the one who did that.
Harley: Pretty convenient for you.
Natalia: Harley, I know you are hurt and angry, and if I were you, I would be, too. But you have got to believe me.
Harley: I don't have to believe a word that you say!
Natalia: I was not chasing after your husband. What happened, it happened, but I made a mistake, and I feel terrible about it. And it was not... it was not my place to try to comfort Gus. And I should have just sent him home, like you said. But this is not all my fault.
Harley: You're right about that. You're right about that.
Natalia: Part of it is your fault.
Billy: You and Harley had a beautiful daughter, and you let her go. But somehow, miracle of miracles, she's come back. Daisy is the only one that has come back. Harley is involved, and I think you've got to respect that.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, I know. You're right. Wait a second. If Harley is so involved, then whatever I do won't make a difference, will it?
Billy: Well, maybe to her husband.
Dylan: What do you mean, her husband who's still pining away after his high school sweetheart? Is that the one you're talking about? Come on.
Billy: Okay. Gus is a little screwed up, right.
Dylan: Oh, really? You think? He's the reason I'm in here. He's the reason that I passed out in the car. I could have died, Dad. I could have killed Harley.
Billy: I understand all that. But you were kissing his wife.
Dylan: Oh, a kiss, death. Kiss, death. I don't know. I mean it was a kiss. I slipped. It was innocent. I'm talking kindergarten innocent. And I don't know what your deal is. I thought out of everybody, you'd be the one to understand. I mean, you wanted Reva, and you never thought she'd leave Josh, but she did, right?
Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm alone.
Dylan: Right. We've got to do something about that. You know what, I'm not expecting miracles here. I'm just saying, if I have my chance to plead my case with Harley, well, I'm going to take it.
Rafe: Why do you get so down on Alan?
Daisy: Um, dead relatives.
Rafe: Come on, the guy is like, what, 93 years old. If he steps out of line, I'll roll over him with my bike.
Daisy: Why do you have to be with him at all?
Rafe: All my life it's been just me and my mom, right? Okay. Okay, so it feels kind of good having someone look out for us.
Daisy: No, no. Alan is not looking out for you. If he is being nice to you, it's because he wants something.
Rafe: So what. The guy is like a king. He's a Godfather. Okay? He snaps his fingers and things happen, people do stuff. I can learn a lot from that, Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah, great stuff.
Rafe: Look, I'll take what I want and I'll leave the rest. I mean, do think I'm that easy of a mark?
Daisy: No.
Rafe: Are you sure?
Daisy: Yeah, I'm sure. Are we going to the beach or what, huh?
Rafe: I can’t. I told Alan that I'd hang out with him. He's taking me around town, like visiting offices and stuff.
Daisy: Rafe, no.
Rafe: Well, look, come on, if it wasn't for him, I'd be in detention again, okay? And so would you. You know that. So how could I tell him no? Look, would you just stop worrying about me?
Daisy: No. Only when you get a bodyguard. Harley, Harley takes on Alan all the time. I'll get some tips from her on how to save your...
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: You know what I'm talking about.
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: All right, I'm out of here. Be careful.
Alexandra: Well, you're going to have to remind me to set up a meeting with my shopper because August is a very big month for charity events.
Cyrus: Oh. Food, clothes, my immigration problem solved. What more could anybody ask for?
Alexandra: Anything you want.
Cyrus: Good answer. (Laughs)
Alexandra: So, we could actually-- well, I could ask them to keep the store open, and we could go down there after this, if you felt like it.
Cyrus: I'm going to have to take a rain check on that. I've got something planned.
Alexandra: Oh, for me?
Cyrus: No, on my own.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, of course. You're free to do what you want. You're not on call.
Cyrus: No, I'm not. After all, I'm not Mr. Alex Spaulding. You’re Mrs. Cyrus Foley (laughs)
Alexandra: Yeah.
Vanessa: Well, rough day, I guess this is really a hard time for you.
Dinah: You’re just keep blowing it out of proportion. Look, Ma, I don't like it. All right? It's the show. I don't know who is writing this stuff anymore, but, who is it? Who is it?
Vanessa: The same people as before.
Dinah: Well, you know what, you should fire them.
Vanessa: Dinah, I just think you're trying to do too much too soon.
Dinah: No. Look, I shouldn't have taken that pill for my headache. And tomorrow I'm going to be much better.
Vanessa: Honey, I have cancelled tomorrow.
Dinah: No!
Vanessa: Yes. I think you should stay home, take it easy, rest.
Dinah: Mom, stop! I can do this. You've just got to give me another chance, okay? I will not take my medication tomorrow before I tape, and I will be much...
Vanessa: Honey, you're just having trouble finding the words right now. So I say why do this to yourself?
Dinah: No. Okay? I would like to work, please. I would like to work.
Vanessa: Dinah, no. If you're not going to take care of yourself, I will take care of you.
Dinah: No, no, no! I need you, and what you're doing is you're abandoning me. Some things never change.
Daisy: Hey there. Does anyone know where Harley is?
Dylan: I haven't seen her in a while.
Billy: Me either.
Daisy: Okay. I'll find her.
Dylan: She's okay.
Billy: Oh, it's your leg.
Dylan: I guess the painkillers are wearing off.
Billy: I can see that. I'll go get the doctor.
Buzz: How many times do I have to say it? Keep your son away from my daughter.
Natalia: I didn't invite Gus over or call him. He was driven to my doorstep because of you.
Harley: Really?
Natalia: Yes.
Harley: Did he say that to you?
Natalia: Oh, he didn't have to say it. He was there. That says it all.
Harley: So that makes it okay? If we are having problems in our marriage...
Natalia: No, no!
Harley: ...That makes it okay for you.
Natalia: No, no, it's not okay. But neither is whatever is going on with you and Dylan!
Harley: My God, you do not have any right, you have no right to say that to me! None!
Natalia: Well, somebody better say it, or husband may never come back to you.
Billy: No, no, you're not going after him.
Buzz: Look, he's got some answers about Gus, and I want to know.
Billy: Well, maybe Gus is off with Natalia.
Buzz: I know my daughter, and I know Gus. And if there is a problem, his last name is Lewis.
Billy: Oh, come on, Buzz. He didn't chain her down in the car. I think force her to come here. No I think there might be a problem, but I don’t think it’s my son.
Buzz: Every marriage has problems.
Billy: Yes, Gus is the problem.
Buzz: I know one thing in this world, and it is that that man is devoted to my daughter. He loves her.
Billy: Well, Olivia was devoted to you, and she went off with Jeffrey. Come on. I'm just saying people don't always do the right thing. That's all.
Buzz: You don’t...
Billy: No, I don't think that Gus is with Natalia, but Dylan does.
Buzz: Gus and Natalia?
Billy: Yeah.
Buzz: That would break my daughter's heart.
Billy: Yeah, well suppose it already has broken her heart.
Buzz: If you find out, you call me, okay?
Billy: Yeah.
Buzz: Hey Frank, it's me. Have you heard from Harley?
Natalia: You want to hit me, go ahead, because I probably deserve it, but I will hit you back.
Harley: No. Shut up, shut up, Natalia! Because you have no idea what you have just done! That man is everything to me! He is my heart and my soul! And what we have is special, and I always knew that no matter what happened, he would always be faithful to me.
Natalia: Be faithful to you. He's sorry.
Harley: How do you know what he is? How can you say that to me?
Natalia: Because he told me, after. He said it was a huge mistake. He regretted completely what we did.
Harley: He said that to you?
Natalia: It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, Harley. But the only thing he could think of is you, and how hurt you would be.
Harley: No, don’t. I don't want you saying something to me, like I'm supposed to feel sorry for you. I am the one who has lost something here that I can never get back.
Natalia: But that's not true, that's not true, you do not know that.
Harley: It's called trust, Natalia. And if Gus thought something, he should have come to me. Why didn't he come to me and just talk to me, if he thought something.
Natalia: Because I think, I think he was afraid of what he might do.
Harley: I can’t... do this with you. I can't deal with this.
Natalia: Yes you can Harley, you go to him, because it's not too late, and you talk to him, and you give him a chance to explain to you. Because he loves you. I know he loves you.
Harley: Stop! Don't do that. Don't be nice to me. I need to hate you.
Natalia: I'm sorry!
Marina: Yeah, night work as a security guard? It's actually for one of our police officers who is taking care of his wife.
Cyrus: Already took care of mine.
Marina: What are you doing here? I'm sorry, I'm going to have to call you back. My father is up the hall.
Cyrus: Up the hall. You sure?
Marina: Of course I'm sure.
Cyrus: Well, that works for me.
Frank: Hey, honey, I'm on my way out of here, so um...
Marina: Okay.
Frank: I'm gonna go see your grandfather.
Marina: Oh, good. Well, tell him I said hello.
Frank: I will. He has this silly little notion that Harley needs to see us, so...
Marina: Call me if you need anything.
Frank: See you later.
Marina: Okay. See you later. (Laughs) You freak. Spread ‘em.
Officer: What's this?
Cyrus: I don't know, but it feels good. I'm here to report a crime. Suspicious activity at the Spaulding establishment.
Officer: Suspicious activity, huh?
Marina: Yeah. Don't worry about it. I-- I'll take care of it. Want to describe what's going on?
Cyrus: Yeah. Well, this strange character has been hanging around.
Marina: Okay, can you describe him?
Cyrus: Yup. Brownish hair, bits of grey. Um, beard, beady eyes, strong jaw. He had a cigar in his mouth and a big booming voice.
Marina: Does this look anything like him?
Cyrus: Yeah, remarkably.
Marina: Yeah.
Cyrus: Yeah, remarkably. Okay, how about this one? Small young blonde woman with blue eyes and a white dog.
Marina: Cooper. Robbery at Towers. I'm there. I've got to go.
Cyrus: What, alone?
Marina: Yeah, well, Mallet's not my partner anymore. So I've got to do it on my own.
Cyrus: Don't you need a partner?
Marina: No. That's what I carry the big guns for.
Cyrus: I'll drive. You work the sirens.
Marina: No, you are not driving!
Mallet: Hey, Dinah.
Dinah: Hi.
Mallet: Hey, how did your shoot go?
Dinah: Oh, it's great. Perfect, perfect day. My, um... I think the idea of the restaurant for a hit was good. Everybody was...
Mallet: Everybody was applauding?
Dinah: Yes.
Mallet: Oh, that's great. I'm proud of you. I knew you could do it.
Dinah: Yeah. How are you? How was your day?
Mallet: My day was good. It was really good. You know, there just doesn't seem to be enough crime nowadays to keep everybody busy. So I'm going to have some easy, really light shifts coming up.
Dinah: Oh, you will?
Mallet: Yeah. No, that's good. Lots of time to spend with my gorgeous wife. You know what? I've got to run to the bank right now.
Dinah: Why?
Mallet: I'm going to go to the A.T.M., deposit a check, get some cash, okay?
Dinah: Okay. Hi. I need your help.
Buzz: So Harley’s fine, nothing to worry about?
Frank: Nope. Nope. Nothing at all. Actually, Gus is away learning to control his anger, so it's all good.
Buzz: Well, I hope he learns to take care of my daughter, you know what I mean?
Frank: Yeah.
Buzz: There you are. Hey, Harley, Harley, hey!
Frank: Sis, come on, open up!
Buzz: Harley!
Frank: Sis! Come on, open the door! Come on, sis, open the door! Come on!
Buzz: Break it in.
Frank: I'm not going to break the door.
Buzz: Well, break the lock, then.
Frank: Sis, come on, let us in!
Buzz: Harley, is this about Gus?
Harley: Please go away.
Buzz: It's about Gus.
Frank: Look, don't worry, he'll be back soon, okay, from that seminar.
Harley: He's not there!
Buzz: What seminar? Is this about Dylan and Natalia? You got a crowbar in the car?
Harley: If you try to come in, so help me, I will call the police.
Buzz: I have the chief of police here.
Harley: The national guard then.
Buzz: Honey, look -- what, did Gus do something to hurt you? You can patch things up.
Harley: Really? What you and Olivia did, Dad?
Frank: Okay. All right. Come on, sis, open up! This is ridiculous. Come on, open the door.
Daisy: I see you found Harley?
Buzz: Yeah. It's a standoff. I would take cover if I were you.
Daisy: Hey, Mom, it's me. I really want to talk to you. Open up. Hey, just give me a leg up to the second floor. You know, just do it.
Buzz: All right. Be careful.
Daisy: Okay.
Buzz: There you go.
Marina: Hey, hey you, you're under arrest.
Cyrus: Taking out the trash? Me too.
Matt: Just, um... just a few medical bills, Dinah.
Dinah: You haven't been paid? That's why he can't sleep. I should be faster, I should be well.
Matt: You're working on it.
Dinah: I'm not. I should.... this is getting expensive. This is getting expensive. I need a raise. Can you ask my mom to give me a raise, please?
Matt: Honey, I would if I knew for sure that...
Dinah: What?
Matt: That I was going to see her. Dinah, she served me with divorce papers.
Dinah: What are you talking about? I just saw her. She didn't say a thing.
Matt: She probably didn't want you to worry.
Dinah: What are you talking about? Why are people talking to me like I can't function? I'm sick of that. I don't, I don't, I don't want to be sick. I used to know answers. I used to know this. And now I'm the one that needs to be fixed.
Matt: Dinah, you're not broken. Honey, you're recovering.
Dinah: I need a second job. I need a second job. Can you get me one at Lewis?
Matt: Doing what?
Dinah: Public relations.
Matt: Answering rapid-fire questions from the press.
Dinah: I can do receptionist.
Matt: Dinah, you'd have to man like 12 phone lines, and the pay is lousy.
Dinah: What, are you saying I can't do it? That's what you're saying! You're saying that I can't do it! You're saying that I'm helpless! That's what you're saying.
Mallet: How about we get some coffee?
Vanessa: No, no thanks. Look, is she, um, is she overmedicated or, what the hell is going on?
Mallet: Well, Vanessa, she is recovering from a gunshot wound. I think you're going to have to be just a little bit more patient. How about if you give her an easier assignment?
Vanessa: There is no easier assignment. I put her on camera. Hundreds of thousands of people watch her come unglued. I can't do that to her. That would ruin her career.
Mallet: Editors, you've got editors?
Vanessa: No. I don't think you understand. That wouldn't help. Look, do you... do you both need some money so that she can see a specialist?
Mallet: No, no. We're good. We're good. Thank you, though. We've got that handled. We've seen every expert there is. You know, it's just going to take some time.
Vanessa: Okay. I guess I... I guess I should let her go then.
Mallet: What?
Vanessa: Mallet, I can't let her go on camera the way she is. I can’t. I have to protect her.
Mallet: No, Vanessa. No, Vanessa, you can't do that right now. That would absolutely kill her. Do you understand? She needs to feel like she's back. She needs to feel like she's contributing.
Vanessa: If I don't drop her contract, the network will, and, believe me, they will not be nice about it. So I guess I should maybe go and tell her.
Mallet: No, no, no, no, no. I'll do that.
Cyrus: Champagne, it's on the house.
Marina: You done signing autographs?
Cyrus: What can I say, the people love me. It's not every day they have a hero in their midst. How's your head?
Theif: I'm going to sue.
Cyrus: Aren't you forgetting something?
Marina: Oh, yeah, you should kiss him.
Theif: Would you drop the charges?
Marina: No.
Theif: I'll pass.
Marina: Sorry. You're out of luck.
Cyrus: Marina, this is fun. Let's do it again sometime.
Rafe: Ma? Hey, are you okay?
Natalia: Yeah.
Rafe: What's wrong?
Natalia: Nothing. Harley was just here.
Rafe: Did she mess with you again?
Natalia: Sometimes you look so much like your father.
Rafe: No. Ma, was she messing with you?
Natalia: Let's go take a walk.
Harley: Boy, are you good.
Daisy: You should really lock those windows, people could just climb in.
Harley: Honey, you do not have to take care of me.
Daisy: Yes, I do. Let me get you water or something.
Harley: Sweetie, no. Okay? And I'm not talking to you about this.
Daisy: Okay, okay. Then we won't talk. That's fine. But if this is about Dylan, the doctors say he is going to be fine.
Harley: It's not about your father.
Daisy: It's Gus. Okay, I lied. I want you to talk to me. Isn't that what you're always asking me to do? Wow, this is really bad, isn't it? Did Gus walk out on you or something?
Harley: Or something.
Daisy: It's going to be okay. Really-- no, really, I've been where you are right now.
Harley: Not quite.
Daisy: Well, I have. I know what it's like to really, really want to be with someone and you can’t. It hurts. Worse than anything. You and Gus, you have years and years ahead of you, right? A ton of time to fight and to make up, and then fight again. Really. You'll see I'm right when you're older.
Harley: Wow, listen to you, you sound just like me.
Daisy: See, I was listening.
Harley: See, you are a big kid.
Daisy: I am?
Harley: I love you so much. Do I tell you that enough?
Daisy: Too much, but I forgive you.
Harley: It's very hard.
Daisy: To forgive? What, what did Gus do? Look, you have to stop acting like this is the end of the world, okay? Gus did something, I get that much. But you've still got me, right?
Harley: Yes, I still have you.
Cyrus: Hey, Didi, I didn't see you.
Dinah: I, um, need some money. And I'm going to need your help in getting it.
Alexandra: I'm here to report a missing husband.
Marina: Well, he was here about some immigration things earlier. I don't know where he is now.
Alexandra: Well, I'm sure you don’t.
Marina: You know, it's interesting. I got this job offer over in Washington, D.C. A friend of a friend of yours recommended me, I think? The Governor.
Alexandra: And are you going to take it?
Marina: No, no, I'm not. But thanks for thinking of me, though. It was you, right?
Alexandra: Well, it seemed like such a perfect opportunity for you. I just couldn't resist.
Marina: Well, why don't I take this opportunity in case Cyrus can't be trusted, right? I know you just told him that he can't see me anymore.
Alexandra: Marina, it is for the best.
Marina: Whatever. It's a small town. We're bound to bump into each other. Because I'm not going anywhere. If you'll excuse me, my shift is over.
Alexandra: But, dear, please listen to me. I have played this game years longer than you have.
Marina: Gee, Alex, then you must be worn out.
Alexandra: No, just better at it.
Rafe: Ma, can I see this picture you're hiding?
Natalia: H'mmm?
Rafe: The one of Gus. I want to see what he looked like when he was my age.
Natalia: This one?
Rafe: Yeah. This was your first love?
Natalia: Yeah. And that's why I've been so strict about Daisy. You know, when you're young, your feelings are so intense and so uncontrollable. And they say that they're supposed to fade with time, but they haven't for me. I'm going to stop talking now.
Rafe: Ma, look, it's okay. If you and Gus like hooked up or whatever, I wouldn't totally hate it.
Natalia: You wouldn't?
Rafe: No. I mean, look, you deserve to have more than just me. And if Gus is what you want, then...
Dylan: Hey, what are you guys doing here?
Daisy: We came to say good-bye to you before they ship you off to rehab.
Daisy: I'm gonna miss you.
Dylan: I'm gonna miss you, too.
Harley: Well, I won’t. Because I'm going with you.
Dylan: What?
Harley: Yeah. Obviously, you're a lousy driver. And you can't even shift gears in this chair, so...
Dylan: Be honest with me, are you drinking again? Because of what I did. That's what you're doing, right? Drinking.
Harley: You are honest with me, that means a lot to me right now. Hey, Daisy, you'll be okay hanging out with grandpa one or grandpa two until I get back, right?
Daisy: Oh, yeah.
Buzz: Back from where?
Daisy: She's taking my dad to rehab. Isn't that great?
Buzz: I don't think you're in the right frame of mind to make this kind of decision. Don't run away from whatever is bugging you and talk to Gus.
Harley: I can’t. I can't be in the same room with him. I'm not ready to... I just need sometime alone for a while, okay?
Billy: I'm not so sure this is a great idea, but I can see you're real happy about it.
Dylan: I just hope she doesn't change her mind.
Harley: She will not change her mind. Are you ready to roll?
Dylan: Yeah. Let's floor it.
Billy: Here you go.
Harley: I've got it. I've got to pack.
Buzz: I don't know what happened or didn't happen, but I don't want it to cost you your marriage.
Harley: My marriage may already be over.
Gus: Harley?
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: I used to believe in happily ever after.
Marina: Do I have to sit back, relax, and wait for him to kiss her good-bye.
Natalia: I don't know where she is. But I know why she left.
Billy: You didn't hear this from me. They are in Chicago.
Lizzie: You can't do this to me.
Alan: You did it to yourself.
Marina: Money changes everything.
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