GL Transcript Friday 8/3/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/3/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jeffrey: I thought that you said that we can't see each other anymore.

Reva: I didn't say can’t. I said I don't want to see you anymore.

Jeffrey: Why? Reva? What, you don't have an answer?

Reva: What difference does it make? This is a breakup, the end of the story.

Jeffrey: What? That's not good enough, I'm sorry. This... okay, whatever it is that we have-- and I won't call it a relationship because I know that neither of us wants that, even though that's exactly why it's so perfect for both of us.

Reva: Look, you're great, Jeffrey, really, you are. It's not that.

Jeffrey: It's not you; it's me? You're kidding me, right?

Reva: It's just, I know that we're trying to pretend this isn't a relationship, but it is.

Jeffrey: Okay, okay. That's it. Right? That's it, because I can't say the word? You think I don't take us seriously? Here we go, Reva, get ready. Here it comes! Reva, we are having a relationship. How's that?

Reva: I think that... no. No, I'm just not ready.

Jeffrey: Reva, you're not making sense. The last few days, all you've been saying is how great you think it is that we're together. There has to be something else.

Olivia: Hi.

Frank: Good evening, ladies. Listen, if you're here about Ava’s mugging, I'm sorry, we don't have any new leads.

Ava: Okay, great. We'll call us if there...

Olivia: No, Ava. Actually, I am here about the mugging.

Frank: You have new information?

Olivia: Yeah. I came here to confess.

Frank: You mugged your own daughter?

Olivia: No. I paid someone to do it.

Frank: We're going to need some sodas, about a dozen of them.

Rafe: What's wrong? Is this about Daisy's dad or something?

Natalia: No, no, no. Dylan is okay as far as I know. I'm waiting to hear about that job at Towers.

Rafe: Ma, is Gus going to come here today?

Natalia: I don't think so.

Rafe: Well, it's just that, you know, I got to a new level on the game he got me. And I wanted to see if he wanted to see, you know?

Natalia: You can show me. I don't think your dad is going to be around for a few days.

Rafe: Why not?

Natalia: He and I had a disagreement.

Rafe: What, about me, right?

Natalia: No.

Rafe: Then why? He just doesn't want to see me or something?

Natalia: No. No, no, it is nothing like that. You know... he has a wife, and she has kids, you know, Daisy and the boys.

Rafe: Well, so what? They all have dads, like, each.

Natalia: Yeah, I know. They all live in the same house, though, and they're a family. So Gus can't be spending all of his time over here with us. You know, I think from now on, he's going to spend a little bit more time at his home with his family.

Alan: If that's true, why did Gus leave town?

Natalia: He did? With Harley?

Alan: No, no. Harley's too busy. She's glued to Dylan’s bedside. Gus left town alone.

Harley: You're awake. You're awake. I was only out for like two seconds, and you woke up.

Dylan: You've been here the whole time?

Harley: Pretty much. I just went to change my clothes when Reva came, but that's it. Hey. We had an accident, a car accident. Do you even remember it?

Dylan: Yeah. I was bringing you home to Gus. Have you talked to him?

Harley: Gus? Yeah, he was here at the hospital, of course.

Dylan: Did he say anything?

Harley: About the argument? No, no. I mean, I was so focused on you.

Dylan: Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. You've got to go home. You've got to talk to him, okay?

Harley: You need to slow down. You just woke up, so I'm not going anywhere. Besides, Gus isn't even here.

Dylan: Where is he?

Harley: He just went away for a little while.

Dylan: Because of me?

Harley: Dylan, I don't want you to worry about this, okay? It's not your issue. Calm down.

Dylan: Yes, it is. You don't understand. Listen, I have to tell you something.

Daisy: Don't stop because of me. Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom. How's that?

Dylan: Very good. Very professional.

Daisy: What else can I do? I've got magazines, junk food.

Dylan: Hey, listen, the only thing I need, I got right here: You and your mom.

Daisy: Oh, wait, no. I know. I'll be back.

Dylan: Okay. All right.

Harley: She may not be perfect, but she really has been very good through all of this. Okay, don't move. I feel terrible, Dylan.

Dylan: Why? You weren't driving.

Harley: Yeah, but you blacked out. That's why we wrecked.

Dylan: Well, that wasn't your fault.

Harley: The doctor said you have a post-concussive syndrome.

Dylan: Yeah, well that's from Gus' fists.

Harley: Yes.

Dylan: That explains the dizziness and the headaches.

Harley: Yes, which is why I should have forced you to go to the hospital. Even if it meant Gus was going to get in trouble. I wasn't thinking about your needs.

Dylan: Would you stop. All right, just stop. You're not the one who should feel guilty. I am.

Rafe: Ma, Gus isn't picking up.

Alan: Gus didn't say anything to you about leaving town or...

Natalia: No.

Alan: Really?

Natalia: I mean I saw him later, you know, after the dinner party blew up. But I thought he was going home with Harley.

Alan: I guess that dinner party meant more to him than we realized. Of course, Harley ruining everything didn't help the matter.

Natalia: That's not why he was upset.

Alan: Why was he upset? Natalia, I'm his father. I'm worried about him. If you have any information about where Gus might be--

Rafe: Back off, okay? If she knew something, she would tell us, right? Okay. Mom, can I go visit Daisy in the hospital?

Natalia: Okay. Not too late.

Rafe: Cool.

Alan: Wait a minute. You're letting him go and visit Daisy, Harley’s daughter?

Natalia: Rafe and Daisy are friends. He promised me. I have to trust my son.

Alan: Yes, but can you trust Daisy? Don't forget, she's a Cooper. They do whatever they want and they blame it on us.

Natalia: Daisy's father is in the hospital, and Rafe is trying to be a good friend to her. That's how I raised him.

Alan: Yes, but that's not the way Harley raised Daisy, which is why--

Natalia: You know, I don't want to talk about Harley and Gus anymore. Please, I don't want to be involved.

Alan: Oh, Natalia, you're very involved. Don't you understand? You're the other woman.

Frank: All right, Olivia, I just need you to sign these forms here, and I'll have somebody come in and you can file a full statement.

Ava: You don't seem surprised.

Frank: Well, you know what? It makes kind of sense in a twisted sort of way.

Olivia: Frank, I'm sorry about what I did to Buzz.

Frank: Well, you know what? I hope so. Anyway, back to this particular incident. Why did you do this? I mean, did you do this to get Jeffrey O’Neill’s attention? Is that what's going on?

Olivia: Well, does it really matter? I'm telling you that I did, okay? You should put me behind bars. I deserve that.

Frank: Why now, though, after all this time?

Olivia: Because Ava may have forgiven me, but when I saw her lying in the hospital, I realized...

Ava: Frank, I wasn't supposed to get hurt. He was just supposed to scare me. But when I fought back, he hit me.

Frank: Are you defending her?

Ava: I didn't start out defending her, but, I mean, she has a good reason.

Frank: A good reason?

Olivia: Look, the thing is Jeffrey and I, we've just been trying to figure out how to... be a parent to her, and things just got a little nuts. And I just wanted to do something to pull the family together.

Frank: Well, how about something a little less violent, like maybe dinner?

Olivia: Well, you know what? You're right. But something bad could have happened to Ava, and I need to do this.

Ava: I'm fine, okay? I'm fine. It sounds a little strange, but I forgive Olivia. She's my mother.

Frank: Fine. Then the state doesn't have a case.

Olivia: No, I deserve to be punished.

Frank: You know what? Yeah, you do, but not by the courts. Olivia, what the hell were you thinking?

Olivia: Dinner.

Reva: Your travel agency?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm going to cancel our trip.

Reva: Oh, Jeffrey, that has nothing to do with this!

Jeffrey: Yes, it does. A trip is a big step. Okay, I understand that. It's like... offering someone closet space or exchanging keys or something. Okay, I rushed things, and I'm sorry I scared you. I apologize. We're going to cancel the trip. Take a deep breath... and just relax, okay?

Reva: It's not that simple.

Jeffrey: Okay. Then you know what, explain it to me because I don't see you trying to leave here.

Reva: I just... it's not me, actually. It's you. I think that you want to be with Olivia.

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: I know that when we started this thing, that we said it wasn't going to be serious. That we were just going to be place-holders for each other. And you filled in for that, for me... with me when Josh... when I was missing him the most, when he was moving on with Cassie.

Jeffrey: What does that have to do with Olivia?

Reva: I just am starting to feel like you're more than just a place-holder.

Jeffrey: I know. I'm okay with that.

Reva: No, I'm not. Because I saw Buzz. I saw Buzz after their engagement split up, he and Olivia, and he was crushed. And I don't want that to happen--

Jeffrey: Then why are you pushing me towards Olivia?

Reva: I-- I think you guys have unfinished business. And I don't want to get caught in the middle of that. I just... I don’t. So this... it's good-bye.

Jeffrey: Okay. So consider that a kiss good- bye.

Olivia: Shall we toast?

Ava: Are you kidding me? No way. That was way too close. I thought Frank was going to lock you up, and he would have had a good reason.

Olivia: Well, I spoke with my attorney, and she says that... you know, if the victim isn't going to press charges, it is unlikely that the state will take the case.

Ava: I should have known.

Olivia: I can't believe you'd think I'd go to jail for any man.

Ava: Oh, right. That’s... that's an area that you even draw the line on, right? Except for having your daughter mugged. That's okay.

Olivia: I never meant to hurt you.

Ava: I know. And in a crazy way, I sort of understand. I didn't know how much you cared for Jeffrey.

Olivia: I don’t. Look, it's complicated and I know he's probably not the same guy that he was and... and on occasion he can actually be kind, but this is a life-or-death situation for me, okay? I just need him in my life right now.

Ava: And how do you know that he needs you or wants you? I mean, he seemed pretty happy with Reva at the hospital.

Olivia: I'm not that concerned about Reva right now. Speaking of which, do we have something we need to talk about?

Reva: Yes.

Olivia: Could we do this some other time? I'm afraid this might take a while.

Ava: Yeah. I'll go track down Coop.

Olivia: I'm glad you're well, Ava.

Reva: You didn't have to ask your daughter to leave because I have no intention of staying that long.

Olivia: Okay. Did you do it?

Reva: Yes, I broke up with Jeffrey. And I hate you almost as much as I hate myself.

Daisy: My mom and Gus have been fighting a lot lately. I just never thought they'd break up. But who knows? Maybe the wrong people wound up together? Oh, my God, this is perfect because then he can wear this every day, it'll remind him of me. Let's see. That's the sale price. I don't have that kind of money.

Rafe: So get your mom to buy it for you, or one of your grandfathers, right?

Daisy: No, they're releasing Dylan soon. There's not enough time. Besides I want it to be from me.

Rafe: Daisy.

Daisy: Just follow me.

Man: Excuse me, Miss? Do you have the time?

Harley: Hey, if you're feeling guilty because I was in the car, don’t. I'm totally fine.

Dylan: No, you're not, which... just let me say this, all right? I feel guilty as hell.

Harley: You can say whatever you want, but just be calm, okay?

Dylan: Okay. The other night you had a few too many drinks, and I brought you back to my place to sober up.

Harley: I know. Thank you. I'm sorry about that. I'm so embarrassed. I never get like that. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't do anything stupid, did I?

Dylan: I was bringing you some coffee, and you got up real quick, and the coffee just kind of went all over the place. So I gave you one of my t-shirts to put on, and I took your dress and put it in the sink.

Harley: Mm-hmm. And then I was dizzy, and so I went to lay down.

Dylan: And you passed out, and I laid down next to you because I was tired.

Harley: Yeah, so? We already talked about all of this. Why are we talking about this again?

Dylan: Because, because there's something that you don't know. I was half asleep, and I heard something. I opened my eyes, and I saw Gus standing there in the door.

Harley: What?

Dylan: Gus was there. I'm not sure how he got there and how he opened the door. It almost seemed like it was a dream, but it wasn’t. He was there, and I don't know... he was there.

Harley: What did you do?

Dylan: Nothing. I was shocked, I was surprised. He was just standing there, and the next thing I know, he was gone. And then you were lying there in your t-shirt, so I can only assume that--

Harley: He assumed that we had slept together.

Dylan: Yeah.

Harley: He thinks we slept together, Dylan!

Dylan: Yeah, I'm sorry.

Harley: Why didn't you tell me this before? Because then I could explain things to him. Do you know what this would do to him?

Dylan: I just... I didn't mean it to happen that way. I mean, I would have said something to him, but he was gone, and then I was going to tell you, and I was bringing you home to Gus, by the way, that's what I was doing, and then we got into an accident, and then... I'm sorry.

Harley: This explains everything. This is why he was so strange when he came to the hospital. This is why... why he didn't even say good-bye to me when he left. This is why he didn't answer any of my calls. He thinks I cheated on him. Dylan, I've got to go.

Olivia: Why don't you just sit and have a drink? It'll be my treat.

Reva: I don't see any reason to celebrate.

Olivia: Your secret is safe. I'm not going to say anything about Jonathan or Sarah being alive.

Reva: Well, that's because I gave you what you wanted. God forbid you would keep your mouth shut because it was the right thing to do.

Olivia: The right thing to do? Is it right that you're keeping a baby away from her mother? Lizzie Spaulding is walking around thinking her child is dead.

Reva: It's the only way to keep Sarah safe. And I would pray that you won't say anything to anyone.

Olivia: As long as you back off and let me finish what I started.

Reva: With Jeffrey? Well, just because I'm not with him, it doesn't mean he's going to come running to you.

Olivia: This isn't a high school rivalry, Reva, okay? I'm trying to save a couple of lives of my own. I just need you to stay away from Jeffrey, okay? For a while. Although I may need your help again. I'll let you know.

Reva: That wasn't part of the deal.

Man: I'm on hold. But this won't take long, and then you two can spend the night where you deserve: In jail.

Daisy: Let's make a break for it.

Rafe: No, look, we already gave him our names, okay? And did you forget half your family are cops, all right? They would find us in like two minutes.

Daisy: He can't talk to the cops. I have a record. They'll just send me back to juvie.

Rafe: Yeah, no kidding, okay? What do you think they're going to do to me?

Daisy: Well, you didn't do anything.

Rafe: Do you think they're going to believe that? No. I was with you when it happened.

Daisy: I didn’t... I didn't mean to get you in trouble.

Rafe: Look, Daisy, you should have thought about that before you lifted the watch.

Daisy: But I didn’t... I mean, I didn't think about us getting in trouble. I was just thinking about my dad. I wanted to do something nice for him. I just... I saw the watch, and that's all I was thinking about, I just had to have it. That's just how I am. It's like when I first saw you. I just knew I wanted to be with you.

Rafe: Listen, you don't have to involve the cops, all right? I'll pay for the watch.

Man: With what, your gold card?

Rafe: No, I'll call my grandfather.

Man: Yeah.

Rafe: Look, Alan Spaulding.

Harley: Hey, Frank, it's me. They keep telling me that you're in a meeting, but I need to talk to you now. I don't have the address of the anger management seminar place that Gus went to, and I need to see him. It's urgent. You have to call me back, okay?

Alan: You know, Harley, you should keep your door closed and locked. You never know who might wander in.

Harley: Alan, I don't have time for this, okay? Not now. Please leave. Unless you know where Gus is. Did Gus come home? Did he come to your house?

Alan: My, my. Gus' own wife doesn't know where her husband is?

Harley: Do you know something, Alan?

Alan: I know that he is very upset with you, and he turned to someone else for comfort. Natalia.

Harley: You used to be a lot more subtle when you tried to manipulate me, Alan.

Alan: Well, I'm older now. I don't like to waste time. You're not worried, are you?

Harley: About what?

Alan: About Gus and Natalia.

Harley: About Gus and Natalia? No.

Alan: Look, I don't blame you for having doubts. She is a beautiful ex, the first love of his life, the woman he turned to because his wife keeps starting fights-- the wife that kicks his own son out of the house in favor for her daughter, the wife who practically abandoned him for her first love, Dylan.

Harley: I didn't abandon him. We're fine.

Alan: Says you.

Harley: I mean, we fight, of course, but we would never intentionally hurt each other.

Alan: Like you never intentionally hurt him when you had your affair with A.C. Mallet?

Harley: I thought that he was dead, and Gus knows that and everybody knows that. And, of course, it's so helpful that you keep bringing it up all the time, Alan!

Alan: My, I think I hit a nerve. Now, you're not cheating on him again with Dylan, are you?

Harley: See? This is what you do. You just come and you try to mess everything up. You're always playing with everybody. We are committed to each other. Gus and I are committed to each other, Alan.

Alan: All right, all right, all right. Keep your head in the sand, Harley, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Reva: You're awake.

Dylan: How long have I been out? Is Reagan still president?

Reva: I don't like amnesia jokes.

Dylan: Sorry.

Reva: Mmm, you look so good, and I've got you all to myself, which is surprising, seeing as how Harley’s barely left your side.

Dylan: Yeah. She had to go. You know, for a second there, I actually thought that the two of us might have a chance.

Reva: You and Harley?

Dylan: Yeah. (Laughs) Billy didn't tell you?

Reva: No, he didn’t. What else hasn't Billy told me?

Dylan: Oh, nothing. Harley loves Gus.

Reva: Well, if I had known, I would have tried to talk you out of it. But sometimes you just have to walk away for all of the right reasons.

Dylan: Oh, yeah? Who are you? Where's my mom? When have you ever walked away from anything?

Reva: Well, that's a long story.

Dylan: What, you and Josh?

Reva: We're going to keep this focused on you. I understand we are going to a rehab center.

Dylan: I am. I don't want you going anywhere.

Reva: Of course I'm going. You need help. Where else would I be?

Dylan: Here, enjoying your life with Jeffrey. Yeah.

Reva: No.

Dylan: Yes. I don't want to hear it, okay? Listen to me, I'm going to tell you something. I never thought I would get used to seeing you with anybody but Josh, but I like Jeffrey, and I know you do, too.

Reva: Yes, I do. But my children come first. You and Marah and Shayne and Jonathan... you know, his memory. There is nothing I wouldn't give up for you kids.

Dylan: I know.

Reva: I almost lost you. And when I... never mind. I'm okay.

Dylan: You are very okay.

Reva: I'm okay.

Dylan: I'm okay, too.

Reva: I'm so glad.

Dylan: Good. (Laughter)

(knock on door)

Jeffrey: Come in.

Olivia: Hi.

Jeffrey: What are you doing here?

Olivia: I have something to tell you. You going to invite me in?

Jeffrey: Olivia...

Olivia: Okay. I went to the police station today. I gave Frank a full confession.

Jeffrey: You did?

Olivia: Ava has forgiven me, but you haven’t. And I get that if you were the one who had gone down and told them what I had done, then it would have put her in the middle.

Jeffrey: So what, am I supposed to be your lawyer now?

Olivia: I have a lawyer, thanks. I'm sorry for all of the bad things between us.

Jeffrey: So am I. But you hired someone to mug our daughter.

Olivia: I know. I get it, I get it. And even though I never meant to hurt Ava, I did. And I hurt you, too. She's lying in a hospital bed and you're worried about her. That's why I went to Frank because even though she seems okay about everything, I want her to understand that I get that it was wrong. I want to make things right with her and with you.

Jeffrey: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. Okay, don't make things right for me. Make things right for Ava, okay?

Olivia: Dinner? Can we have, like, a family dinner, just the three of us? Or if you want to, bring Reva.

Jeffrey: You don't have to worry about Reva anymore.

Olivia: What does that mean?

Jeffrey: Olivia, I can't have dinner with you. I'm sorry. If you want to have dinner with Ava, I think that's great. If she wants to have dinner with you, wonderful. But I can’t. I'm sorry.

Rafe: Is it all good?

Man: Well, I just told Mr. Spaulding that when you said you were his grandson, I thought it was a joke. I've never met him before, and your last names are different.

Alan: Of course. But I think now that you know who my grandson is, you won't have anymore problems in your store.

Man: Of course not, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: Oh, and it goes without saying, I regret this little incident, and I will pay for the watch in question. And while you're at it, I'll have these three right here-- one for myself, my son, and one for Raphael.

Man: Anything for you, Mr. Spaulding.

Rafe: Nice, man. Nice.

Daisy: Yeah, thanks. But, you know, I'm going to pay you back for all of it.

Alan: Don't worry about that, Daisy. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I need some private time with Raphael to talk about a family matter. I'm sure you understand.

Rafe: I'll meet you at the hospital.

Daisy: Okay.

Rafe: Look, when I called you, I didn't think you'd show up. And then you came in person? That guy just totally rolled over. Thank you, okay?

Alan: I'm not interested in your thanks. I'm interested in you learning what it means to be a Spaulding.

Harley: Hey, Natalia.

Natalia: Harley.

Harley: I'm sorry it's so late, but I had to come.

Natalia: Gus is not here. Alan isn't here either.

Harley: Oh, Alan didn't come back here?

Natalia: I don't know where he is. I don't know when he's coming back.

Harley: That's good. I don't want to talk to Alan. I came to talk to you.

(Knock on door)

Jeffrey: Go away.

Reva: I can understand why you'd say that.

Jeffrey: Reva.

Reva: I'm sorry. I'm sure I'm the last person you expected to see. It's just that I can't find my cell phone, and I thought maybe I might have left it here.

Jeffrey: Come in. Come in, please. Have a look for it. You didn’t... you didn't really lose your cell phone, did you?

Reva: No. I was at the hospital and I was visiting Dylan, and it made me start thinking about Jonathan. And, you know, what if he got hurt or something and ended up in the hospital? And then I wanted to talk to you about it, and then I remembered that I told you that I didn't want to see you anymore. It's not fair. Me coming here to see you, it's not fair to you. But I just... I can't talk to anybody else.

Jeffrey: Well, why don't you let me worry about what's fair for me, okay?

Reva: That's too sweet. I'm going to have to stay now.

Rafe: It seems like you're a little mad at me.

Alan: Well, I'm very happy that you called me when you needed help. I'm a little disappointed in the reason why you called me, that you were drawn into a bad situation by another thoughtless Cooper.

Rafe: You really don't like them, huh?

Alan: Where would you be right now if I hadn't come to help you? In jail. Why? Because of Harley Cooper's daughter.

Rafe: She wasn't trying to get me in trouble, though. I mean, she just wanted to get something nice for her dad.

Alan: Oh, she just flashed those pretty eyes at you, and you would do anything she says. I thought you were smarter than that.

Rafe: I am, okay?

Alan: No need to get defensive. I realize your life experience is limited, and it's only been you and your mother. But I intend to change all of that.

Rafe: Why? Because we live in your house now?

Alan: Because you're a Spaulding, and Spaulding’s take care of each other. Now, did you see the way that store owner treated me a while ago?

Rafe: Yeah, he treated you like you were somebody.

Alan: Yeah. Well, you stick with me, Raphael. When I'm finished teaching you the ropes, you'll be somebody, too.

Dylan: Thanks. This is way too expensive.

Daisy: Would you just take it? I didn’t shoplift it or anything.

Dylan: I'm not saying you did. I just don't know where you got the money from.

Daisy: Oh, let's see, Buzz, Billy, Reva. It's nice being the new grandkid in town.

Dylan: Okay. Well, I'm going to have to talk to them about that.

Daisy: Is my mom still here?

Dylan: No, she had to go.

Daisy: Well, it's about time. She was practically sleeping here. You should have seen how worried she was every time the doctors gave her news about you. It was kind of cool. I mean, seeing how much she cared about you.

Dylan: Yeah. Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Are you kind of hoping that me and your mom get back together?

Daisy: It's not that I don't like Gus. It's just... you're my parents. I've never seen you guys together, but I've seen the way you look at her.

Dylan: Yeah, I'm sure you have. But I'm going to tell you something about that. That's exactly the same way Harley looks at Gus, all right? I'm not saying you're wrong, because I was kind of hoping that something would change between your mom and me. But, I don't know, that seems like that's gone now. So I don't want you to get your hopes up for something that's just not going to happen.

Daisy: You don't know that.

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, I do. Harley and Gus are solid as a rock. It would take something real huge to break them up. I just don't see that happening.

Natalia: Okay. So everything that is crossed off he is not allowed to eat.

Butler: Understood. And, again, I apologize that Master Raphael received the wrong food. There's someone new in the kitchen.

Natalia: Oh, it's not a problem. Actually, I can go with you and I can explain it to all of them.

Butler: That won't be necessary.

Harley: Wow, you're really fitting in here.

Natalia: Usually I make all of Rafe’s food myself, you know, but if I'm not here or he sneaks into the kitchen, then they need to know about his diet and the diabetes.

Harley: Of course. Of course. Natalia, I didn't come here to fight with you.

Natalia: You didn't?

Harley: No, I came to get your help.

Natalia: Okay.

Harley: I know that we're not the best of friends. I don't know if we ever will be. But you do care about Gus, and I know you want what's best for him.

Natalia: Of course.

Harley: So about the other night, the dinner, the fight. There was a lot of misunderstandings there, and Alan is trying to use that to turn us against each other. He's even dragging you into this now.

Natalia: Me?

Harley: Yes, because that's what he does. He plays people against each other, and his favorite target is me. He hates me. He has always hated me, and he would do anything to break up my marriage.

Natalia: What... what are you asking me?

Harley: I'm asking you not to let him. I'm asking you to be strong. We all have to be strong. When Alan is trying to manipulate us, we cannot give in. Trying to goad me about you.

Natalia: What did he say?

Harley: Well, he implied... I mean, he's making it sound like that he knows something about you and Gus, that you... that you slept together. Which is, of course, ridiculous, because I know the two of you would never do something like that. Natalia? Natalia? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's true? You slept with Gus, didn't you?

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: So the rumors are true. You're leaving me?

Billy: I told you, if you go after Harley, bad things are going to happen.

Harley: What are you going to do now? Are you going to fight for him now? With everything you've got?

Buzz: Gus and Natalia? That would break my daughter's heart. Keep your son away from my daughter. You deserve to have more than just me, and if Gus is what you want...

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