GL Transcript Thursday 8/2/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/2/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cyrus: Filet mignon? Fancy dinner for a cop.

Marina: That one's not mine. This one is-- cheeseburger and fries. You know what? Go ahead and charge it to Alexandra Spaulding, his wife.

Cyrus: I can afford it.

Marina: In that case, I'll take the lobster. Make it two.

Cyrus: Nice performance. I think we had the barkeep fooled.

Marina: Hey, Alexandra is going to kill us if she finds out...

Cyrus: She won’t. She is in bed asleep, where we could be. Unless you're saying you're afraid of a little undercover work.

Marina: You take the elevator, I'll take the stairs.

Cyrus: Then what?

Marina: I said stand back, Foley, okay, or I swear I'll shoot!

Ashlee: You misspelled recommendation. It's one "C" and two "M"s.

Coop: Hey. How... how long have you been standing there?

Ashlee: Long enough to know that you need me. As an editor, that is.

Coop: This? No. You don't have to read this one, really. You...

Ashlee: "A Springfielder's Guy's Guide To Dating?"

Coop: Yeah. Look, it's for the magazine "Springfield On The Go."

Ashlee: (Laughs) I'm sorry.

Coop: Thank you.

Ashlee: I'm sorry. That is a great publication.

Coop: Look, it was their idea, not mine, Ashlee.

Ashlee: Okay, well, Carrie Bradshaw. (Laughs) I guess today is your lucky day. I'm going into the trenches.

Coop: You're what?

Ashlee: I have a date, genius. Want me to take notes?

Ava: Hey, Coop, is that you? Oh!

Jeffrey: No. It's the other disarmingly handsome man in your life.

Ava: Ooh, what is that? What did you bring me?

Jeffrey: The chick flicks, just like you asked.

Ava: Thank you. Are you going to stay and watch them with me?

Jeffrey: I don't think so. I'm not really into that stuff. I never really bought into these sappy, happy ending stuff.

Ava: Well, maybe you should.

Tammy: Hey, what took you so long?

(Knock on the door)

Reva: Jon...

Olivia: Careful, Reva, somebody might discover your secret.

Reva: You mean someone else? What do you want?

Olivia: Well, I just came to see if you'd given any more thought to my offer.

Reva: I've been a little busy with my son.

Olivia: Is Dylan all right?

Reva: Dylan is stabilized, thanks to the blood you donated. You could save my other son, too.

Olivia: See, you... I told you, you can protect Jonathan.

Reva: By playing matchmaker?

Olivia: In so many words.

Reva: And if I do agree to this, to pushing Jeffrey into your arms...

Olivia: I hope you mean when.

Reva: And if I decide that I'm not willing to hurt Jeffrey that way, then what?

Olivia: Well, then I sit back and I collect. Because, you know, I'm sure that Alan, or maybe even Lizzie, would reward me for bringing back the one person that they value most in this life, little Sarah.

Tammy: Guess what?

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: We've been married exactly 12 hours.

Jonathan: You're counting?

Tammy: Hell, yeah. And I'm going to keep counting for years and decades and centuries. You're going to be so sick of me counting the time.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Uh-uh, never. I'll never get sick of hearing you. Mmm, Sarah, I should check on her.

Tammy: She's with your mom, remember. We just need to practice being husband and wife. And I think we need a lot of practice.

Jonathan: How did I get so lucky?

Tammy: What, you mean, Sarah?

Jonathan: No, you. Both of you, my girls. What would I do without you?

Tammy: Well, good news-- you don't have to find out.

Reva: You weren't there, Olivia, when Tammy died that night at the hospital. You weren't there standing outside that room, looking through the window with your heart at your feet, watching that beautiful angel hold on, trying to catch her last breath. Because if you had been there, if you had seen that...

Olivia: I know. I know this was terrible for Cassie.

Reva: And for Jonathan! If you had seen Jonathan, you'd never do this. I know not even you.

Olivia: I know. It was a nightmare for your whole family. I know. I would never say otherwise.

Reva: My family? Jonathan is your nephew!

Olivia: And what happened to Tammy was tragic. It happens every day, unfortunately.

Reva: You mean, like things happen, like, what, Ava’s mugging?

Olivia: You're going to throw that in my face? You didn't get enough of that when you ratted me out to Jeffrey?

Reva: You know what? The night that Tammy died, Alan Spaulding sat in his living room and smoked a cigar and listened to his favorite opera while my sister fell apart.

Olivia: Do you think that I want to turn Jonathan and Sarah in? Do you think that I'm enjoying this?

Reva: Honestly? I don't, because I can only pray that you're bluffing.

Olivia: I don't want to do this.

Reva: So, if I agree to this, how do you think that I can force Jeffrey to fall in love with you?

Olivia: I don't want that. I'm not asking that, okay? I just need time with him.

Reva: Right. You're asking me to betray a man who's been good to me, who's been a friend to me when I needed one.

Olivia: Oh! Oh! It's not all about you...

Reva: No, it's about my son and my granddaughter!

Olivia: ...And Jeffrey! Let's look at this guy right here! Isn't he the one that you love, huh, whether he is with you or someone else? Whether he's married to you or married to your sister, it doesn't really matter because it's "always," Reva, "always"? Isn't that your sacred motto? Doesn't it go along with the monument of a mantle you've got in your living room?

Reva: Jeffrey O’Neill is not your Josh.

Olivia: No, he is not my Josh. We don't have happy memories. I've got one lousy, stinking memory that I'm trying to get out of my head! I don't want my whole life to be based on one day and one mistake. I need him.

Reva: And I need more time to think this thing through.

Olivia: Oh, well, then you do that. You do that. But you have until the end of the day. (Cell phone rings)

Ashlee: You know you want it. (Laughs) I'm too nervous for my date. I can't eat.

Coop: Whoa, whoa... you're nervous around that guy?

Ashlee: What do you mean by that?

Coop: I mean, what about the other night, at the fundraiser, right? All you wanted to do was get away from the guy. Remember?

Ashlee: Yeah, but I changed my mind.

Coop: Just like that? Really. How come?

Ashlee: Well, he sent me, like, really expensive flowers, and then called me a lot and left a lot of nice messages. I mean, come on, Coop Cooper, let's face it, I'm a convicted felon. I've done time. I'm not exactly a catch.

Coop: Yeah, but Stewart? He's the best you can do?

Ashlee: Look, he's an assistant D.A. and he graduated from the top of his class at Harvard Law, and... I don't know, he doesn't seem to mind that I have a criminal record.

Coop: Ashlee, he's a setup from your mom.

Ashlee: So?

Coop: What do you mean so? So he's not the right kind of guy for you. He's the wrong kind of guy.

Ashlee: Well, then who's the right kind of guy, Coop?

Lillian: Whew, I'm going to go get us a table.

Buzz: Would you?

Lillian: Yes, and maybe a big glass of something to drink.

Buzz: Oh, big, big...

Marina: You're probably not even Australian. Where did you get that phony accent, huh? Crocodile Dundee? What are you doing?

Buzz: Busted. Nobody's leaving until an explanation, until I get, like, you know... until I get a confession.

Marina: Okay. He's married to a Spaulding. He hurt me and I'm through with him. End of the freakin' story.

Cyrus: Well put. Now, if you'll excuse me, my bride is waiting for me.

Buzz: Now hold it. You know, you can fool immigration, you can fool the Chief of Police-- God help him-- but you can't fool Grandpa because, you know, he's a sappy romantic, you know?

Marina: Are you going to tell dad?

Buzz: That you're seeing the ex-con that married the woman that almost cost your father his job?

Cyrus: Listen, mate...

Buzz: Look, I just want... there is only one thing that I want to know-- does Alexandra know what you're up to?

Cyrus: Alex doesn't want to know. She's sophisticated, she's elegant, she can have any man she wants.

Buzz: But she married you.

Cyrus: Yeah, as a favor for a friend.

Marina: Please, please, please promise me that you're not going to give us up. If dad finds out, he will have immigration on Cyrus so quickly and he'll get deported.

Buzz: Promise me-- if you promise me-- that Alexandra won't get hurt.

Cyrus: You have my word.

Buzz: Word of a jewel thief?

Marina: Grandpa.

Buzz: Just a little joke. Okay, it's settled. But there's one little problem.

Cyrus: What's that?

Buzz: Lillian and Alexandra are close to each other. She's going to report to her.

Marina: You should go.

Cyrus: Now?

Marina: Yeah. I'll stay and have dinner with Grandpa.

Buzz: I'm on a date!

Marina: I'll leave early.

Buzz: I'll make it up to Lillian. I'll just have to turn on the old Cooper charm.

Marina: So, I'll see you around.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Ashlee: You have a misplaced modifier here. And this part... this part here, it's very interesting. So, all guys have a type? What's yours? (Cell phone ringing)

Coop: Um... it's Ava. Apparently she is not doing very well. Oh, by the way, did you hear that her mom who was in charge of setting up that whole mugging incident?

Ashlee: What? Wait, Olivia? You're not serious.

Coop: Yeah, I'm pretty serious about that. What kind of a mother sets up for her own daughter to get attacked?

Ashlee: Why would she do something like that?

Coop: She wanted to get close to Jeffrey, so...

Ashlee: Oh, I thought Doris was bad.

Coop: Oh, she is. She is.

Ashlee: Why don't you go to her. I can read this later. Ava needs you. And, you know, Stewart will be here any minute.

Coop: Oh, yay.

Ashlee: Oh, but will you tell her... tell her that I hope she's feeling better, and, you know... and you know, everything is fine with her mom and all of that.

Coop: Thank you, I will.

Stewart: Have we met?

Ashlee: Oh, yeah, actually, you d, at the fundraiser. This is Coop. Coop... Bradshaw. He's my teacher. Well... well, he's not... he's formerly my teacher. Kind of like prince. (Laughs) Okay, I'm going to close up the register. I'll be back in a few.

Stewart: Okay.

Coop: So, you work for Doris Wolfe, huh?

Stewart: That's right. Assistant D.A.

Coop: Uh-huh. Well, I know Ashlee introduced me as her teacher-- formerly her teacher, whatever-- but I am more than just that. I'm her friend-- her very good friend.

Stewart: Okay.

Coop: And naturally, she's not just any girl. She's a very...

Stewart: Special...

Coop: Yeah, special.

Stewart: Yeah, sure. Ashlee is nice, but, I mean, she kind of has to be, right?

Coop: What is that supposed to mean?

Stewart: Come on, man, you've got eyes. Ones like Ashlee, well, they make the best girlfriends. They're grateful. You know what I mean. Later.

Jeffrey: Okay, now I really do feel like a father. I'm sitting here trying to repair your electronics.

Ava: Good. Keep focusing on that. It keeps your mind off your sad love life.

Jeffrey: Okay, I'll pretend you didn't say that. I'll pretend, instead, that you asked me for some fatherly advice about, you know, real estate or insurance or something.

Ava: Okay. You know what, somebody has to look out for you considering you don't look out for yourself.

Jeffrey: Ava...

Ava: What? Listen, okay? I'm not doped up on painkillers, so you can't use that excuse. I think that you and Olivia had something special, something really special. I mean, I know she's crazy sometimes, but that's just because she's been hurt in her life. You can change all that. I'm telling you, you can change all that. You just have to admit to yourself that you care about her.

Jeffrey: I think you've been watching too many of these chick flicks. I think it's a medical condition. (Knock on the door)

Ava: Oh.

Olivia: Hi.

Ava: Hi.

Jeffrey: I was just leaving.

Ava: No, no, no. Wait, wait. Stay here. I need the both of you here.

Olivia: Yeah, and I need to... I'm glad you're here, too, because I have something I want to say to both of you.

Jeffrey: Well, I don't have anything to say. Unless, that is, that I hope that you're going to try make this up to your daughter.

Olivia: Yeah, yeah. That's the idea. That's the plan, okay? I'm going to apologize and apologize again until I can make it right. Because I know that what I did was wrong.

Jeffrey: Do you?

Olivia: Yeah, I do. So, if you need to call the police...

Ava: No, no, no. Don't call the police. That's not necessary.

Olivia: You know what? You keep telling me over and over again that I need to learn to forgive you for what happened between us. Maybe, Jeffrey, maybe now it's your turn.

Jeffrey: I've got to go.

Olivia: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: What? What do you want from me, Olivia? You want forgiveness from me after condemning me for all of my mistakes?

Olivia: You really can't compare.

Jeffrey: You want forgiveness from me?

Olivia: Yeah, I do.

Reva: Look at you.  

Jonathan: I couldn't leave without saying good-bye.

Reva: To Tammy?

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah. I almost forgot, you know? I forgot what her smile looked like. I just keep picturing her on the hospital table. That was the last time I saw her, you know? But this is where we were happy. This is how I want to remember her.

Reva: You can't be here, sweetie. You can't stay here. You can't be here. This is Lizzie’s place now. Lizzie's living here.

Jonathan: Liz... in my old place? Are you kidding me? This... this place reminds me of Tammy, you know? What? What's wrong with you? Is it Dylan?

Reva: No, no.

Jonathan: Olivia.

Reva: Yeah, I'm sorry. Jonathan, I tried to take care of her, I did. I thought I could handle her, but she's not caving. I guess I crossed her one too many times.

Jonathan: Damn it. Damn it! Not now. Not now! After everything's going good, Sarah’s finally feeling better...

Reva: I know. I'm going to fix this. This is my fault. I mean, I couldn't let go of that DVD you sent me. But I'll take care of this. I'll get Olivia off our backs. I'll do it.

Jonathan: How?

Reva: I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet. But I'll think of a way. Jeffrey can help me.

Jonathan: Jeffrey? You know, this thing with Jeffrey is kind of weird.

Reva: Can we just not go there?

Jonathan: Okay, okay.

Reva: I'm going to make this right for you, Jonathan. I am. I'm going to do it for Sarah. Alan Spaulding is not going to come after you, and he's not going to hurt you. I swore that to you yesterday, I'm swearing that to you now.

Jonathan: No, no, no. I promised Tammy that I would protect her and I failed. I promised Sarah I would protect her and I will do it.

Reva: I knew I shouldn't have told you this. I knew this was a huge mistake.

Jonathan: This is not a mistake. It was the right thing to do. I am her father. It is my job. Yes, it is my job to protect her. It is my job. That's why you're going to get out of here. I don't need you anywhere near you when I do it.

Reva: Do what?

Jonathan: Do whatever I have to do.

Reva: No, no, no. You're not going to take care of Olivia. What are you going to do? Throw her in the back of a car and drive her out to the middle of some road in Idaho?

Jonathan: Idaho? I can do better than that.

Reva: If you think I'm going to let you get even with her like this and risk losing Sarah all over again...

Jonathan: It's not about getting even, it's about my daughter. Ever since Tammy, ever since... you know, I know it would never go away-- the anger, the rage, the desire to kill Alan Spaulding for what he took from me. But now, with Sarah, I don't know, I'm watching her. I'm watching her grow. I'm watching her crawl around. She's making noises. I don't know what the hell they mean, but I see Tammy.

Reva: In Sarah?

Jonathan: Yeah. I see Tammy in Sarah. I know that Tammy is not her mother, but she might as well be the person who gave her life. So this is what is going to happen, all right-- you're going to get out of here. You're going to get a facial, get a haircut, get plastered. I don't care what the hell you do, as long as you have an alibi that can hold up in court.

Reva: What, and let you go to jail for 25 years? No!

Jonathan: No. No jail. I'm dead, remember?

Reva: Dead to who? Dead to Sarah? Dead to me? Jonathan, no. I can't and I won’t. I will think of another way.

Jonathan: No. You can’t. You can't! I'm not going to let that happen again. I've already seen it happen once. I saw the worst. I saw her, they took her away from me. I watched her dying on that table. That is not going to happen again!

Reva: Look me right in the eyes. Look me in the eyes! I see that boy-- that little boy I left all those years ago. It's those eyes. They're Sarah’s eyes. Do you trust me? Do you trust me? Do you trust that I can do this, that I can fix this? That I won't fail you again? That I can make Tammy’s life worth it? That it all won't have been wasted? Do you trust that? Okay, good. Then you need to go. You need to get Sarah. You need to get Sarah, and you need to go far away. California. The sun is so beautiful there this time of year. You’ll want to take sunscreen, though. You don't want Sarah’s little ears to get burnt, okay? Okay, Jonathan, okay?

Jonathan: All right.

Reva: Okay.

Jonathan: All right. All right. You know I suck at good-byes.

Reva: This ain't no good-bye, kiddo. Promise me one thing. Promise me that you'll tell Sarah about her grandma-- just the good stuff, though. Okay? Just make sure she knows.

Jonathan: Of course. And you promise me something, too. You know, you visit Tammy and, you know, keep the flowers up.

Reva: Daisies?

Jonathan: Daisies, right.

Waiter: Excuse me, if you're ready, we'll start with the courses.

Buzz: All right. Well, we haven't ordered yet.

Waiter: Compliments of the chef, along with this.

Lillian: Oh, my lord, that bottle is worth $500.

Cyrus: $750, actually. It's the best they have.

Marina: What are you doing?

Cyrus: You're Alexandra’s friends. I want to thank you for being part of our wedding.

Buzz: You don't have to.

Cyrus: That's not a problem. Alex won't forgive me if I didn’t.

Marina: Wow. That's very nice of you, Cyrus.

Ava: Hey.

Coop: Hey.

Ava: Thanks for coming. There's been a lot of drama around here.

Coop: Yeah. Has Olivia been messing with you again? I knew she was going to do this.

Ava: Yeah, I know.

Coop: This is totally up here alley.

Ava: You're right. I should have listened to you, but I didn’t. And I regret it. And this whole thing is my fault.

Coop: No, no. Ava, this is not your fault. You can't blame yourself for any of this.

Ava: The one thing that I don't want to happen is that I do not want to turn into my mother. But what if I can't get back to that person that I was before her, before Alan-Michael? Hello?

Coop: Yeah... no, you were saying? Sorry.

Ava: I was saying that I don't want to turn into my mother.

Coop: Well, I understand.

Ava: Okay... are you waiting for a phone call or something?

Coop: No.

Ava: I'm trying to talk to you.

Coop: No. Okay, I understand. I'm sorry. It's just... I thought Ashlee might call me. That's it.

Ava: Ashlee?

Coop: Yes, Ashlee. Look, she went out on a date with this guy, and he just said something earlier that kind of pissed me off. That's it.

Ava: That pissed you off?

Coop: Yeah.

Ava: Well, Ashlee’s not your student anymore, Coop. You don't have to take care of her. She can take care of herself.

Coop: You know what? I don't think she can. All right, so maybe... maybe I should go, all right?

Ava: Wait. What are you going to do? Baby-sit her on her date?

Coop: Ava, she may need my help. Okay, so why don't you just get some rest, okay?

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Olivia: So, do you love her?

Jeffrey: Reva? Well, it's not that simple.

Olivia: You want simple?

Jeffrey: Maybe I do. And you and I, we are not even close to simple, are we? You know what we are?

Olivia: What are we?

Jeffrey: We are an accident waiting to happen. And when we're together, God help us.

Buzz: Shall we?

Lillian: Perfect.

Cyrus: I won't bite.

Lillian: Oh, I know that.

Cyrus: Unless you want me to.

Lillian: (Laughs)

Buzz: Promise me something?

Marina: What?

Buzz: You won't let yourself get hurt again.

Marina: Oh, come on, Grandpa. You know I can't promise you that.

Cyrus: You're light on your feet.

Lillian: Oh, and so is my friend Alex.

Cyrus: Do you think she'd be jealous?

Lillian: Oh, not of me. But I think she might be jealous if she saw the looks between you and Marina.

Cyrus: Well, maybe you need glasses.

Lillian: (Laughs) Oh, oh.

Buzz: I'm sorry, do you mind?

Cyrus: Not at all.

Buzz: Okay.

Lillian: (Laughs)

Marina: Do you think anyone is watching?

Cyrus: You? They'd be crazy not to. And I didn't forget, in case you were worried.

Marina: Forget what?

Cyrus: The simple things.

Ashlee: Are you only dating me because of my mother? Wait, no, no, no, don't even answer that. This has been real educational, Stewart. Real great, but I think I'm going to call it a night. Coop, what are you doing here?

Coop: Oh, I've just got a couple of legal questions for your friend, here.

Ashlee: Oh, yeah, ask away.

Coop: You know, I was... I was thinking about what you said earlier, and it really started to piss me off big time.

Stewart: What did I say?

Coop: You don't even know, do you?

Stewart: Why do you care, man?

Coop: I care because, you know, maybe I wanted to ask her out.

Stewart: Sure. Give it a shot. But I don't think she's your type.

Coop: You might yell at me.

Ashlee: Why?

Coop: I think I scared off your date. We got into this discussion about the D.A.'s office and how they have a tendency of railroading innocent people...

Ashlee: What? What, you...

Coop: It came out and he...

Ashlee: I can't believe you did that!

Coop: Ashlee, I'm sorry.

Ashlee: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I couldn't get rid of him. Thank God you came. I don't even care what you said, no. (Laughs)

Coop: You're serious?

Ashlee: (Laughs) So are you going to stay for some dessert, or did Ava get mugged again?

Coop: It's cute. It's very cute. Very funny.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Coop: No, I think I'll stick around for a little bit.

Jonathan: Hey, hey.

Jeffrey: Get out of here. Are you out of your mind? This place is crawling with security.

Jonathan: I know. You're my last stop on the way out of dodge.

Jeffrey: You came to see Reva?

Jonathan: Yeah. I heard about Dylan.

Jeffrey: She's tough, though. She can get through this. She can get through anything.

Jonathan: She told me what you did for her-- for us, me and Sarah, and I owe you one.

Jeffrey: Tammy was very important to me, Jonathan. And I know that you were very important to her, so...

Jonathan: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you did was... I think your dad would be very proud.

Jonathan: Okay. This is weirding me out.

Jeffrey: Sorry. Get out of here. Get your daughter out of here and keep her safe from Alan Spaulding, okay?

Jonathan: You really care about her, don't you?

Jeffrey: Reva?

Jonathan: Uh-huh.

Jeffrey: She's a friend.

Jonathan: Okay. You just take care of her for me, all right? Because I'm not going to be around to keep her out of trouble.

Jeffrey: I think we both know that she can take care of herself.

Jonathan: Ah, are you sure about that?

Reva: Jeffrey's not here.

Olivia: Well, good. I have your full attention then.

Reva: If you say so.

Olivia: Listen, I... there's been a change of plans.

Reva: What, did Jeffrey file a restraining order against you?

Olivia: No, no, not yet. I need you to break up with him. You know, just tell him that the relationship isn't working out.

Reva: Break up with him, just like that?

Olivia: Yeah. Don't call him. And just hurt him, if you have to.

Reva: So you're there to pick up the pieces.

Olivia: I don't want to explain anymore. I just know that you want to keep Jonathan and Sarah safe, don't you?

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Marina: I thought we'd never get out of there.

Cyrus: Is something wrong?

Marina: No. No, it's just that the whole Spaulding thing, you seem so into it with the Foie Gras and Dom Perignon.

Cyrus: Oh, come on. That was all for show. This is the real thing.

Potter: Cyrus Foley, I thought that was you. John Potter, V.P. of Sales, Spaulding Enterprises.

Cyrus: Of course, Mr. Potter. Do you care for a nightcap?

Potter: What, on Alexandra's tab? I'd care for two.

Cyrus: All right.

Lillian: As usual, oh, dear.

Buzz: You know, you're a real sport.

Lillian: Oh, Buzz, I don't want to be called a sport on a date.

Buzz: You don't?

Lillian: No.

Buzz: No? You're a beautiful... you're... you're... well, you know... okay, what do you want? You want me to... hormones are going all over me, you know...

Lillian: (Laughs)

Buzz: And it's starting.. you want me all over you, is that what you want? As opposed to...

Lillian: Yeah. Yeah.

Ashlee: Picking up women is easier with a dog.

Coop: Okay, stop.

Ashlee: What, you want to borrow Moxie and then go...

Coop: That's not what I was implying.

Ashlee: Wait, wait, wait. We didn't even get to the best one. Here we go: "Call me old- fashioned, but the best part of the date is the last part, one that ends with a good old- fashioned kiss."

Coop: Please! Um, sorry. Excuse me. Let me get this. Just one second. Hello.

Ava: Coop? Are you busy?

Coop: Ava, what's wrong? Is this about Olivia?

Ava: No... everything's fine. I tried to sleep and I couldn’t. I woke up and I couldn't breathe and I know this is really stupid, and I know that the mugger wasn't even real, but...

Coop: No... look, I'll be by in ten minutes, okay? Bye. Hey, I have to...

Ashlee: You know what, you should go. She needs you. And I need to go make muffins for the morning rush. I'll see you tomorrow.

Coop: Right. Hey, you know what? Let's test out that last sentence.

Olivia: So, is he coming?

Ava: Yeah.

Olivia: I told you it would work.

Ava: I learned from the best.

(Knock on the door)

Jeffrey: Hey.

Reva: Hey.

Jeffrey: Well, look at you. You didn't tell me something-- Jonathan is still in town?

Reva: You saw him?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And he seems to think that you need some looking after.

Reva: I hope you straightened him out.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: He looked good, didn't he? He did. I mean, he's a dad now, and...

Jeffrey: Hey...

Reva: ...He's not that same kid when he first came to town.

Jeffrey: You're going to see him again, okay? Once Alan Spaulding is no longer a threat.

Reva: Yeah, well, I don't think I can wait that long.

Jeffrey: You know, let's the two of us get out of here. What do you say?

Reva: I say great. I'll go get dressed and we can go out for a drink.

Jeffrey: I was thinking about something a little bit, you know, more adventurous, maybe exotic. And I can't believe I'm having to say this to you, but no strings attached, all right? Unless it's attached to a ukulele or something.

Reva: You want to take me to Hawaii?

Jeffrey: You deserve it. I mean, you fought off cancer and Alan Spaulding combined. Come on, we need a break.

Reva: Yeah, we do need a break. Yeah, a break. I need a break. I need a break from you. I'm sorry, Jeffrey. I'm sorry. I can't see you anymore.

Jonathan: Tammy? You there?

Next on "Guiding Light."

Jeffrey: Reva, we are having a relationship.

Frank: You have new information?

Olivia: I came here to confess.

Dylan: I have to tell you something.

Alan: Natalia, you're very involved. You're the other woman.

Jeffrey: Consider that a kiss good-bye.

Natalia: Well, if he's thinking of ending his marriage, it's not because of me. It's because of Harley.

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