GL Transcript Wednesday 8/1/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/1/07


Provided by GLPositiveChat
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: You'd do anything for your kids, right? Sacrifice for them. Fight for them.

Olivia: You'd kill for them if you had to. But you can't baby them, either. God knows, you can't lie to them because they're yours, and they see right through you. So you have to teach by example, and lesson number one: Nobody gives you anything in this life. You want it? Take it.

Reva: It's not all Mother's Day cards and chocolate samplers. If it's your kid's life at stake, you may have to do things you don't want to do. Things you never thought you would.

Olivia: It's for a good cause, you tell yourself. The ends justify the means. Which they do, damn it, as long as you get what your after. But sometimes, the cost is just too great. How do you know? What's the limit?

Reva: There has to be a limit, though, right? A line you won't cross, even for your kids.

Olivia: Is there a line? Or is that how they keep you from getting what's yours? Sometimes, I think when you tow the line, that's their cue to kick you to the curb and steal your lunch money.

Reva: Then, again, you have to stay open to possibility. The moment you let down your defenses is the moment when something totally unexpected happens.

Jonathan: Hi Mom.

Reva: It's you. It's you. Really, it's you, Jonathan.

Jonathan: I missed you, too, Mom.

Reva: I never thought I was going to see you again. I mean, when Lizzie showed up at the apartment, and then you left...

Jonathan: I know, I know. I'm sorry I ran out on you, but I couldn't have her seeing me.

Reva: I know. Sarah? How's Sarah? Is she okay?

Jonathan: Oh, she's great. She's great. The bone marrow, it worked. I mean, she's putting on weight, she's crawling all over the place, driving her old man crazy.

Reva: (Laughs) You love it.

Jonathan: Hell, yeah.

Reva: You look good. Your hair is a little...

Jonathan: (Laughs)

Reva: But you look good. You're skinny. I guess that's what happens when you're on... what are you doing here? No, really, what are you doing here? Do you know what Alan will do if he finds out that you're alive?

Jonathan: What? If you don't kill me first? I saw about Dylan being in the hospital and...

Reva: How? How did you know that?

Jonathan: The internet. How you think I keep up with you and the rest of this crazy town? I mean, I was reading about his condition. He's my brother, and I know we don't see each other very often, but when you move around as much as I do, you take flesh and blood wherever you can get it.

Reva: (Laughs) You should be doing something a little more-- I don't know-- constructive, like burning down buildings or something.

Jonathan: Wow. I have this mom who always taught me that family comes first. I just kept picturing you in that ER holding Dylan’s hand with no one to hold you, so here I am.

Reva: I should tell you to go. I should send you away, but I can’t. Oh!

(Knocking at door)

Olivia: Reva? Billy! I didn't know you were handy.

Billy: Around here, I'm the only one that's handy.

Olivia: Huh. What is it about Reva? How does she get an army of men to do her dirty work?

Billy: Maybe it's because she just doesn't ask.

Olivia: Hmm.

Billy: What are you doing here?

Olivia: Me?

Billy: Yeah... oh, a DVD. Let me see. You've got something that's going to make Reva look real bad in Jeffrey’s eyes, eh?

Olivia: No, I don't need to do that for her. You know what? Never mind. This can wait.

Billy: Okay.

Olivia: Billy?

Billy: Uh-oh.

Olivia: Why do you always assume I'm up to something bad?

Billy: Experience.

Olivia: Okay. Well, I'm not here to hurt Reva.

Billy: Okay.

Olivia: Yesterday was Jonathan’s birthday.

Billy: I know.

Olivia: And he's my nephew, and I just kind of feel like we never fully acknowledged losing him. It's just too hard for Reva, I guess.

Billy: You think?

Olivia: I'm just saying, you know, that she seemed to move on rather quickly. She... she didn't really grieve for him like Cassie did for Tammy. Why is that?

Billy: Let's just cut the crap here. What are you doing? What do you want?

Olivia: You know, stick to your handyman work. I will remember Jonathan and Sarah my own way, okay?

Reva: You can't be here. Alan practically owns this hospital.

Jonathan: But he doesn't own me...

Reva: That's not the point.

Jonathan: ...Or you.

Reva: That's not the point.

Jonathan: Look, when Sarah needed you, were you worried about Alan? Hell, no. You grabbed Lizzie, you knocked her out, you brought her to the clinic. That's risk.

Reva: I didn't have a choice. She's my grandkid.

Jonathan: And she needed you, like you need me. Or is Josh in the waiting room holding your hand?

Reva: Josh is holding someone else's hand.

Jonathan: He's still with Cassie?

Reva: Yeah. She's going to be Mrs. Josh Lewis in a few months.

Jonathan: Oh!

Reva: I'm okay were with it.

Jonathan: Liar.

Reva: I've got other stuff going on.

Jonathan: Stuff? The love of your life and your sister? I ought to smack them both upside the head, and I'd get away with it, too, because I'm dead.

Reva: No. Stop that. Thank you. I appreciate that offer. I really do. But I am okay. Besides, I sort of have a friend that...

Jonathan: Oh! (Laughs) Now, when you said "friend," does that mean...

Reva: You don't ask your mother those kinds of questions.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah, I do. So spill it.

Reva: (Sighs) Jeffrey and I have...

Jonathan: Hah! O’Neill?

Reva: Yes.

Jonathan: Ooh, yay! Why don't you write about that on the Springfield blog?

Reva: Because we're trying to stay under the radar, okay. It's just a casual thing. But I have to say that I really kind of learned to lean on him, especially through this whole Lizzie "lost weekend" fiasco.

Jonathan: What, he knows?

Reva: Well, he figured it out, but he's not going to say anything.

Jonathan: Are you sure?

Reva: I trust him, totally, especially since this whole Dylan thing happened.

Jonathan: Right, right. Dylan. That's why I'm here. What can I do to help?

Reva: I don't know. The doctors won't say anything to me. I don't know if they're trying to protect me or if they... they really don't know what's going on. But I just have to say that seeing you gives me hope. I mean, if I haven't lost you, then...

Jonathan: Hey, Dylan’s got your genes and Billy’s. I mean, there's no way he doesn't make it. That was Lizzie. How is she?

Reva: How do you think?

Jonathan: I mean, there's times I want to tell her, but, you know, I remember how she sided with Alan and how she's the one who made me go to that place by the mill and...

Reva: Right. Hey, whatever Lizzie did or didn't do, she's paying for it now. But listen to me: No more near misses. You've got to go. Alan lost another kid to Rick and Beth, and now he's even more dangerous.

Jonathan: I'm not scared of him. But, you know, for Sarah’s sake, I'll go.

Reva: This isn't forever. One day Alan won't be a threat. One day...

Jonathan: Yeah. Mother Teresa, listen, while you're taking care of my brother and half of the population of this place, do me a favor and take care of yourself, too, okay?

Reva: I'll try. Give Sarah a big hug and kiss for me.

Jonathan: Deal. You better get out of here first, just in case.

Reva: Okay.

Olivia: I don't believe this. How are you going to talk your way out of this one, Reva?

Jonathan: What's the matter? Never seen a dead man before? After everything I've gone through to make sure it stays that way, I will not hesitate to make sure my daughter is safe. Do you understand what I'm saying? Nod yes.

Olivia: Jonathan! I'm so glad you're here.

Jonathan: Shh! Keep it down! Keep it down!

Olivia: I don't understand.

Jonathan: So far, nobody's had to die to keep it a secret. That can change.

Reva: You know who these flowers are from? They're from your brother, which is kind of odd because he's not really a "hearts and flower" kind of guy. In fact, most people, they think he's dead. (Sighs) I had to say goodbye to him once, to him and your niece, little Sarah. To save them, I had to let them go. It was almost as hard this time as it was then. But it's what you do-- right?-- To keep your kids safe. You'd do it for Daisy, whatever it takes. Okay, now, about you... one son is all I'm giving up. One. One son and one granddaughter. That's it. So now you have to do your bit, Dylan Lewis, because I need you. Don't just lie here trying to annoy me and trying to give the doctors something to stroke their chins about. I need you to open those beautiful eyes of yours and come back, come back to me. (Sobbing)

Olivia: I don't want to hurt you. We have been hurt enough in this life, haven't we? But we're the same kind of people, Jonathan. We're going to look out for the people that we love. And that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make something right in myself so I can raise my own kid. Do you understand that at least? Do you understand that? You have had everything that I want, just a real, unconditional love with Tammy. People might say that they love me, but they just want to fix me. They leave me, okay? I... I have to fix myself.

Jonathan: Well, I wish I could help you, but I've got my own problems.

Olivia: Because you're somebody's daddy?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Olivia: And it's just the two of you?

Jonathan: Just us. I'm the only one who keeps her from...

Olivia: Ending up like Tammy.

Jonathan: Right.

Olivia: I am sorry.

Jonathan: Yeah. That's why if I thought that you would blow this secret, if there's a chance that I...

Olivia: You would do exactly what I would do if anybody tried to hurt my kids, okay? You would cross any line. I've already crossed the line.

Jonathan: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah. Letting the whole world believe I'm some terrible mother so my kid knows her happiness means everything to me.

Jonathan: I believe you.

Olivia: Hey, I never saw you. I never saw you. You're dead, okay? We never had this conversation. Never. And I'm proud of you.

Jonathan: And I'm proud of you, too. Um, I guess this is where I crawl back into my grave. You take care.

Olivia: You take care.

OliviaNobody can understand, can they, what it means to be a mother, unless you're a member of the club. I'm sorry about Dylan.

Reva: Thanks. He's a fighter.

Olivia: Like mother, like son. I know how hard you fight when you want something. I've got the scars to prove it.

Reva: So, what, are you here to give me hell about Jeffrey?

Olivia: Would I kick you when you're down?

Reva: Hah!

Olivia: Okay. All right. No, I would. But as one mother to another, I know how powerless it feels. Like me, you would beg, borrow, steal, even fake a mugging, if it could help your kid.

Reva: Yeah, well, leave off the mugging, and I am a lot like you. Excuse me.

Olivia: Would you fake a death, Reva? Would you go that far? Because, see, I always wondered why they never found the bodies, you know. I mean, I know fire can do really horrible things, but I thought, no, they had to find a tooth or a bone.

Reva: Is this your idea of comfort? Rubbing my nose in my son's death? What kind of woman are you?

Olivia: I'm bad. I am so bad, but I am amazed to discover I am nowhere in your league. You're Reva Shayne, a woman of extremes, and yet you shed very few tears when we all said goodbye to Jonathan and Sarah.

Reva: What the hell are you talking about?

Olivia: You didn't go crazy as usual, Reva. I mean, you were upset, but you were in control. You didn't drive off a bridge or start fires in Jonathan’s memory. Cassie was put in a straightjacket, practically, when she heard that Tammy died. But you...

Reva: I don't have to listen to this.

Olivia: No, no. You can watch. You can watch. Jonathan is a little camera shy, but Sarah... even I have to admit she's growing up to look just like her grandma. You must be proud. I've got copies. It's not going to help you. Besides, I've always heard that home movies bring families closer together.

Reva: That is mine. You stole it!

Olivia: You are complicit in a phony death, with possible insurance fraud implications, not to mention the emotional torture you are putting Lizzie Spaulding through, and you're worried about me being a thief?

Reva: Let me guess: Because I told Jeffrey that you arranged for Ava to be attacked, you broke into my house and you found something. You found anything you could use against me.

Olivia: And I hit the jackpot.

Reva: Well, I don't know what you think you have there.

Olivia: (Scoffs) See the "J" on the label, it confused me at first. I thought it might be some kinky sex tape with you and Jeffrey. But it was much more interesting than that. And, of course, he's in on the secret, and that's why he warned me to back off and leave you alone. And I don't know how he can judge me and justify this. But, anyway, what is it? Is it an attorney-client privilege thing? Or is it a sex for silence thing?

Reva: It doesn't prove anything.

Olivia: I have Sarah on videotape five months after she died in a fiery accident.

Reva: Tapes can be doctored. Tapes can be doctored! You can't prove that it's Jonathan.

Olivia: Jonathan said that he was going to choke me if I told anyone his secret.

Reva: He should have done it.

Olivia: Maybe, but he doesn't have his hands on my throat right now. In fact, it's more like I have my hands on yours. And how does that feel, Reva? How does that feel? Kind of like I felt when, for lack of a better word, you took Jeffrey away from me, or you tried to turn my daughter Ava against me. See, payback can be a beautiful thing.

Lizzie: Reva, hi. I've been looking for you.

Reva: I'm sorry, Lizzie, but I...

Lizzie: I know. I heard what happened to Dylan. I went over to the hospital to see if there's anything I could do.

Reva: That was sweet, but I really...

Lizzie: But the weirdest thing happened, okay? I... I got this feeling, this feeling that I was, like, this close to Jonathan and Sarah. And I know that it's happened before, but it was stronger this time. I... I don't even know how to explain it.

Olivia: I can explain it, Lizzie.

Reva: Yeah, well, it’s... it's about being a mother, you know. I mean, it's like the other day, I was sitting here and I saw Olivia with Emma.

Olivia: No. What she's trying to say...

Reva: And she was just coming out of the movie with Emma, that... that mermaid movie, you know, and it... it made me sad because it reminded me that we weren't going to be able to see Sarah grow up, you know. And she's kind of like that... the mermaid in the movie, kind of lost out there in the deep blue sea.

Lizzie: Yeah, but the mermaid gets to come back. My daughter doesn’t.

Reva: But that's just it. I mean, when you're a mother, they're... they're never really gone. They're not. They're... they're always there, deep down, someplace sacred where no one can touch them.

Lizzie: Maybe it'd be better if this feeling would have just died with her.

Reva: No, Lizzie, don't say that. Don't ever say that. You have to hold onto every tear, hold onto every photo, every sound, every smell, so that you can keep those children in your heart. And no one, no one should ever try to take that away from you.

Lizzie: Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm sorry if I upset you. I know that you've got a lot going on, and if there's anything that I can do...

Reva: No, no. I just... I really want you to take care of yourself.

Olivia: Lizzie... have a good day. That was shameless, even for you. Sarah, a mermaid?

Reva: Better she believe that than have her lead her grandfather to Jonathan and Sarah.

Olivia: (Sighs) Alan would be so mad.

Reva: Do you think this is a joke?

Olivia: Believe me, I don't!

Reva: Hey, look, I meant what I said before about what happens with mothers, something they share no matter how many times we've pulled each other's hair or how many times we fight over the same man.

Olivia: If you think you can play the mommy card with me...

Reva: When you were pregnant with Emma, you ran away from the Spaulding’s. You let Phillip and Alan believe that she was lost to them forever.

Olivia: So?

Reva: You know what that family and that man is capable of doing to a child.

Olivia: I guess I do.

Reva: So how can you blame me for wanting to protect Sarah? You know what Alan would do if he was able to track Jonathan down.

Olivia: I guess I do.

Reva: So whatever you think about me, think about this, too: Think about Ava being threatened by Alan. Think about Emma having the rest of her life ruined. And if you still want to blow my secret, then be my guest. Go ahead. In fact, use my phone. I don't care. Just get it over with.

Olivia: Okay. Who do I call first? Do I call Alan? Do I call the D.A.? Or maybe I should call Springfield’s newest moral compass, the right Reverend Joshua Lewis. Maybe I can get them on a conference line. (Cell phone rings)

Reva: Hello? Yes, this is she. What do you mean? I mean... he came out of surgery. His vitals were... I'll be right there.

Olivia: What's wrong, Reva?

Reva: Oh, like you care! What happened? You said he got through the surgery and he was getting better. What went wrong?

Dr. Thompkins: Sometimes, there are unforeseen complications.

Reva: Look, you're talking to a woman who went 15 rounds with cancer and won. What does my son need?

Dr. Thompkins: He needs a transfusion. During the surgery, an artery was nicked.

Reva: You're telling me that the surgery created another problem?

Dr. Thompkins: I warned you there was a risk.

Reva: Well, then, give him some more blood. I mean, pick a vein. I have thousands of them!

Dr. Thompkins: It's not that simple. I've already checked your medical records. You're not a match, and neither is his father. Dylan has a very rare blood type.

Reva: How rare?

Doctor: Well, it's in very short supply at the blood bank.

Reva: You mean they don't have any?

Dr. Thompkins: Not enough. Unless we can find another donor with type "O" negative.

Olivia: You found her.

Olivia: Ouch! Was that necessary?

Nurse Kimberly: I got what I came for.

Olivia: That woman is sneaky- mean.

Reva: And what exactly are you, sneaky-nice? Is that why you're giving Dylan the blood?

Olivia: I know that if this was Ava or Emma, you would be first in line with your sleeve rolled up and your vein popped out there. I couldn't let you have the moral high ground, could I?

Reva: Thank God. There, for a minute, I thought you had a conscience.

Olivia: By the way, I... I don't like needles. I kind of faint at the sight of them.

Reva: Well, you could just think of peas and carrots.

Olivia: What?

Reva: Peas and carrots. It's just this thing that... I went to a high school dance, and it was the junior prom, and I... I thought I was going to go with Josh, but he went with Maggie Martindale. But no, that was okay. She's one of those girls who had those big, old juicy lips and flaming red hair, and...

Olivia: I know the type.

Reva: ...And the jiggle. Yeah, well, you are the type, you know. She was rich, too.

Olivia: Oil?

Reva: Natural gas.

Olivia: Ugh.

Reva: Yeah.

Olivia: Well, I hope you didn't stay at home.

Reva: No. No, no, no, no. I went to the prom. I went with Bobby Wiggins. Bobby Wiggins had one of those flat-top haircuts, and his pants were about two inches too short and...

Olivia: Oh, oh, oh! And his father drove you in the family station wagon?

Reva: You knew Bobby!

Olivia: I know millions of Bobby’s. Yes, yes. So while he's stepping on your toes and sliding his hand a little too far down your back and whispering in your ear with breath that smells like antiseptic mouthwash...

Reva: Eww!

Olivia: ...You're thinking peas and carrots.

Reva: Peas and carrots, of course. It got me through that night.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughs) Thank you.

Olivia: Well, don't get all warm and fuzzy on me because this doesn't change anything.

Reva: Olivia. You can't tell anyone that Jonathan and Sarah are alive, no matter how much you hate me.

Olivia: Reva, I have to do what I have to do. And if that means spilling your secret, that's exactly what will happen.

Jeffrey: (Southern drawl) Excuse me, ma'am. I've been trying to deliver these all day.

Reva: (Southern drawl) Well, I'm sorry I was so hard to find. I've been...

Jeffrey: (Normal voice) At the hospital, I know. I didn't want to intrude.

Reva: (Normal voice) You couldn't intrude because you're my friend, remember?

Jeffrey: Friend, yes. A friend. So, how is Dylan? And more importantly, how is Dylan’s mom?

Reva: Well, we're both serious, but not critical.

Jeffrey: Well, that's a good thing, right? So why the sad face?

Reva: Because I have another son. The crazy guy came to see me.

Jeffrey: Jonathan and Sarah?

Reva: Yeah. They're great, you know, but I don’t... they'll stay that way as long as, you know...

Jeffrey: Hey, hey, you know what? You don't have to carry the weight of the world all the time, you know? You can share the load.

Reva: I'm sorry. I know how much you hate women crying on your shoulders. It's right up there with babies drooling and puppies doing what puppies do.

Jeffrey: Well, I like the idea of your head on my shoulders.

Reva: I could get used to this.

Jeffrey: Well, that, my dear, is the whole idea.

Reva: Yeah, well, if Doris Wolfe has her way, though, I could end up in the slammer.

Jeffrey: Not going to happen, especially since you have a brilliant and dedicated attorney.

Reva: Well, that's what I like most about you, your modesty.

Jeffrey: Oh, really? I thought it was that double-jointed thing that I do.

Reva: (Laughs) I like that, too!

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, good. Ms. Shayne, since we've come to a new level of understanding...

Reva: Uh-huh.

Jeffrey: ...I think you should agree to join me on a real, live, honest to goodness romantic rendezvous.

Reva: Hmm, I think I'd like that. But not until I'm sure that Dylan’s out of the woods. And then, you have my permission to sweep me off my feet.

Jeffrey: Will do. Tell Dylan to hurry up and get better.

Reva: (Laughs) I will. Thank you.

Olivia: Busy day?

Reva: Oh, Olivia, how are you feeling? I mean, if you're feeling woozy, please sit.

Olivia: No, no. Thanks. I'm actually feeling stronger by the minute. Nice flowers.

Reva: You saw Jeffrey?

Olivia: Yeah, I saw him, heard him, smelled the love.

Reva: I'm so grateful to you for what you did for Dylan today, and for keeping Jonathan’s secret.

Olivia: See, I just... I... don't be so grateful. Everything I do, I do for me. I told you that. I mean, soon, the whole town's going to know that Olivia Spencer gave her rare blood to help the son of the woman she despises the most. And as far as Jonathan is concerned, um, it's not quite resolved.

Reva: I stopped Jonathan from going after you.

Olivia: And I will happily send you a box of chocolates to go with those lovely flowers.

Reva: So what is your price, Olivia, for your silence?

Olivia: Jeffrey.

Reva: I think that transfusion made you a little loopy because what would make you think I could get Jeffrey to do something he doesn't want to do?

Olivia: Well, "want to do"? See, I have to assume, since he broke up my wedding to Buzz, that he might have even a little bit of interest in me. Or at least he did until you came along and screwed everything up.

Reva: Oh, wait a minute. He did, maybe, until I told him the truth.

Olivia: Your version of the truth. And now, Jeffrey thinks I'm a horrible mother and a twisted, desperate woman. And, unfortunately, I think you're the only person who can change his mind.

Reva: How, after what you did to his daughter?

Olivia: Look, Ava doesn't blame me for that. If anything, we've become closer. And I think Jeffrey and I could have the same thing.

Reva: Forget it. And since you were spying, you must have seen that Jeffrey’s become more than just a friend to me.

Olivia: Are you honestly going to tell me that you have room in your heart for someone besides Josh? Because I have a hard time buying that. I think Jeffrey is just another bus stop that leads down the highway to Josh.

Reva: And what is he to you, Olivia? Didn't you hate him, like, five minutes ago?

Olivia: Well, you know, it's just... it's complicated. It's just complicated, and I have to believe that Jeffrey and I could be good for each other.

Reva: Or a disaster.

Olivia: Well, I don't know. Maybe. But who knows how love starts. I mean, maybe it isn't always so innocent and sweet and gentle. You know, maybe for some people like me and Jeffrey-- and maybe even you, Reva-- maybe it comes from a darker place, you know, and it just spends a lifetime just struggling to find the light. And that's how I... that's who I am. That's who I am. I just feel like I can reach out and grab the light, but, unfortunately, I need Jeffrey to give me a chance.

Reva: Sorry. It's not happening.

Olivia: Well, then I'm sorry because I'm not bluffing. One phone call to Alan, and Jonathan’s secret will be out.

Reva: Look, I don't care if you go after me, but for God's sake, Olivia...

Olivia: And then I'm going to call Doris Wolfe. I'm going to call Doris Wolfe. What is it, accessory to two fake deaths? And, I don't know, but I'm sure Lizzie’s disappearance had something to do with that. The D.A. will be on you faster than you can say "penitentiary."

Reva: Have you ever heard of something called karma?

Olivia: Yeah, and yours has come due. I need an answer by tomorrow. Be smart for once and give me what I want because, you know something? We can both actually win.

Olivia: At the end of the day, what does it all come down to? Not so much what you want, but what you need. And you know you'll do anything to get it. You just have to find someone to help. Someone who is more like you than either one of you cares to admit.

Reva: Where your kids are concerned, there is no line you won't cross, no limit to what you'll do. You'll love them and protect them. You'll keep them from harm no matter what it costs you.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Tammy: Hey, what took you so long?

Ashlee: All guys have a type. What's yours?

Olivia: Alan or maybe even Lizzie would reward me for bringing back the one person that they value most in this life. Little Sarah.

Ashlee: You know you want it!

Jonathan: I don't need you anywhere near me when I do it. Do what?

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