Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/31/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Reva: You doing okay there?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, you know... I'm not used to-- thank you-- hanging out in your home. It's very-- well, let's just say I've never seen so much wood.
Reva: Well, hey, there, Woody, why don't you put on a big ol' cowboy hat? Would that make you feel better? You know, a nice big, ol' 10- gallon?
Jeffrey: That sounds exciting. Can we do that tonight?
Reva: Ooh, pull out the boots and spurs.
Jeffrey: Now, there's an image-- you with boots and spurs and nothing but a Texas twang.
Reva: It's Oklahoma.
Jeffrey: Oklahoma.
Reva: Mm. Oklahoma! (Knock on the door) Just a minute. Billy, hi!
Billy: Oh, Jeffrey’s... I'll come back.
Reva: No, don't be silly. Please, come in. What's up?
Billy: Well, I... they set a date. Josh and Cassie are getting married Thanksgiving, and I just thought you should know.
Reva: Well, good for them. I was starting to think it was never going to happen.
(Indecipherable, digitally manipulated voice)
Olivia: Sarah... is he saying Sarah? She's too big. Eight months? I mean, Sarah was... it was Thanksgiving. Is Sarah alive? Does that mean Jonathan is alive? Lizzie, hi. I was just thinking about you.
Lizzie: I was just thinking about you, too. I was thinking about how you promised to have someone come look at my air conditioner yesterday. My room is like a billion degrees.
Olivia: Sorry about that. Let's get some air.
Bar guy #1: Yeah, I can't believe she asked for our numbers.
Bar guy #2: I just can't wait until she calls and...
Bar guy #1 and #2: ...Gets the dog pound.
Bar guy #1: Dude, what was up with that chick? Hot, but so stupid. "Wall state?"
Bar guy #2: I didn't know the short bus came here. (Laughter)
Cassie: Don't listen to them.
Dinah: They're right there.
Cassie: Well, I'm going to go say something.
Dinah: No. No, that makes it worse.
Cassie: You know what, guys like that are just overcompensating because they know you're too good for them. Besides, the Dinah I know would never let this upset her.
Dinah: Okay, well, what would she do?
Cassie: She'd get even.
Harley: He's still not picking up. It's a stupid fight. I should have just stayed with him at Alan’s.
Dylan: I told you, Harley, you have your own life.
Harley: No, it's our life, mine and Gus'. I'd like to find my husband now.
Dylan: Okay. I'll call you in a few days.
Harley: I told you I need a while.
Dylan: Well, that's what I said, a few days.
Harley: No. I just need you to stay away, Dylan. Away. I just need to be with me and Gus and the kids right now. That's it.
Dylan: (Laughs)
Harley: What?
Dylan: It's just I really thought it was all in my head, this thing between you and me.
Harley: There is nothing between you and me. Then why can't I see you or talk to you? I mean, we have a kid together, so that's kind of what we should be doing. At least I'm up front about it?
Harley: Excuse me?
Dylan: You wouldn't need to push me away unless you were tempted.
Wyatt: Hey, going to see a movie?
Daisy: Um, I'm in line, so, yeah.
Wyatt: Wyatt, from school. We were in the same Chem class.
Daisy: Oh, yeah. You were the guy that sat in the back but never got into trouble. You know, you really shouldn't take up those seats if you're not going to put them to good use.
Wyatt: What were you going to see? Because we could go together.
Daisy: I... yeah, yeah, let's do that. Maybe I'll teach you how to put the seats in the back to good use.
Harley: I don't have those feelings for you, Dylan-- not for a long time.
Dylan: Fine, it might have been a long time ago, but we weren't just messing around when we were kids. That was real. That was real.
Harley: ...Just telling Daisy about her feelings for Rafe, that she's too young, that she doesn't know what love is. That what she's feeling is exciting and it's overwhelming, but then you grow up! When Daisy came back to town, I screwed up, big time. So when you came back to town, I overcompensated and I screwed up.
Dylan: So you were just being nice?
Harley: Because you got confused and you thought that I... when I was trying to be a good parent, I wanted you. And that’s... I don’t. I don’t. And I won't, not ever. I am deeply, deeply in love with my husband, Dylan. Even though we fight, the man is my whole world. I don’t... I don't know how to make that any more clear to you. So, please, just drop it. And I don't even know when you got this idea that you even had a chance with me in the first place!
Dylan: For the past 17 years, that's how! I mean, how many Gus' have there been, huh? How many times have you promised to death do you part? What, was there Alan-Michael? Phillip? Mallet? And then there was this thing-- whatever that was-- with Rick. So you want to know why maybe I had a chance? Because you've given everybody else one!
Harley: Dylan?
Dylan: I'm fine.
Harley: Are you okay?
Dylan: It's just my head still kind of hurts from that thing with your husband.
Harley: I'll get you some ice.
Dylan: No, I'll just drive you home.
Harley: Dylan...
Dylan: Shh. Let's go.
Harley: Fine.
Natalia: I hate to admit it, I really hoped for this. I knew you and Harley were having problems, but for you to come to me... you know, I wasn’t... I wasn't sure if it was still there, you know, until you kissed me. It makes me feel like we're young again, and we're back in the summers, and we would sit on your mom's stoop. And we would have five-dollar pizza nights. And poor Jonesie, he would chase us out of there, and say, "Nick, get that girl home. It's after ten." I think he knew we never went home. You remember? I hate that those days ended and I hate how we ended. But now I know that we never really did.
Gus: Listen, this can't happen again.
Dinah: Do you think we should be doing this? You're about ready to marry a priest.
Cassie: Minister, thank you. Those guys were jerks to you, okay? Teaching them a lesson is like doing public service.
Dinah: Oh, come on.
Cassie: Gentlemen, hi. It's my job to inform you that you've been part of the hidden camera experiment.
Bar guy #1: What?
Cassie: Yeah. Dinah Marler is our top reporter at WSPR. She's doing a piece on how gentlemen behave towards women when are socially awkward. It's kind of like, you know, when skinny talk show hosts dress up in fat suits and walk around for a day.
Bar guy #2: So the way you were acting all weird before, that was fake?
Cassie: Indeed. So, you guys have been great sports. Let's buy you a couple more drinks.
Reva: Come on, it's not like it's a surprise. We knew it was going to happen.
Billy: Well, you could still talk to Josh.
Reva: Do you even like salsa? I don't even know.
Jeffrey: I love salsa.
Reva: Oh, good.
Billy: Darlin', there's still time.
Reva: No. No. I mean why? That ship has sailed, and it sunk. (Laughs) What do you want me to do, spoil it for them? I mean, come on! My sister's getting married! Whoo!
Billy: I'm not going.
Reva: Oh, come on, Billy.
Billy: Nope, nope. I think I'm going to do something fun that day.
Reva: No. Josh is going to want his big brother there.
Billy: Well, you're Cassie’s big sister.
Reva: No, I'm not. I'm the other woman, Billy. But it's okay, you know? I'm okay with the whole thing. But I thank you. I thank you for telling me before I had to read it in the paper or see it on a big old billboard or whatever. Thank you. I love you. I do. Now you can go.
Billy: Okay. Take care.
Bar guy #1: And then the goat ate the golf ball! Holy goat! (Laughter)
Cassie: Well, guys, it's been a long day for us. We're going to freshen up, and then we'll come back and have you sign those releases from the station.
Bar guy #2: We'll settle up here.
Dinah: No, no. The station has money.
Cassie: Right, your drinks are on WSPR. So, we'll take care of it in a sec.
Dinah: I can't believe us.
Cassie: You've still got it, babe. You've still got it. We'll send them back tomorrow. But tonight, they can't drive, they can't pay, and they're too drunk to talk their way out of it.
Dinah: Maybe they'll feel what it's like to be stuck. Thank you for helping me.
Bar guy #1: We can't let them pay, dude. They've got cameras on. We don't know what they'll use.
Bar guy #2: Yeah, we can't trust women.
Mallet: Are these them?
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: Uh-uh.
Jeffrey: Here.
Reva: Uh-uh.
Jeffrey: Throw it.
Reva: No!
Jeffrey: I'll buy you a new one. Go ahead, throw it! It will make you feel better.
Reva: No, no, no. The salsa would ruin my rug.
Jeffrey: And I love salsa.
Reva: You know, besides the fact that I'm really, oddly, strangely very calm about this whole thing, and I think, largely because of you.
Jeffrey: Well, I have been told I am that good.
Reva: You're good. You are good. You are good. And I know that this thing with us is just a passing thing until we move on to our next disastrous relationship, but...
Jeffrey: Hm.
Reva: ...I can say that I do like being with you.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I don't hear a lot of that in this town, so that's nice.
Reva: I bet you never do, do you?
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: No, huh?
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I think that you're very good for me, too. And when I heard that Cassie was getting married, that was a bit of a punch in the gut for me. And Olivia, well, I can't figure her out, and I don't know how to act around her half the time. But you I get. And I will tell you that I will miss you if you go looking for another disastrous relationship.
Reva: Hm, honesty. Go figure.
Jeffrey: Actually, Reva, I haven't been completely honest with you. There is something I have to tell you. I hate salsa.
Reva: I ought to give you a bath in salsa.
Olivia: Okay. All right, Jeffrey, let's see what else your client is hiding.
Gus: I had a fight with Harley. And then things just got worse.
Natalia: What got worse?
Gus: Forget it.
Natalia: Does this have something to do with Dylan?
Gus: I got angry. You know how I get when I'm angry. I just wanted to come here and just forget about the whole thing. .
Natalia: You came here to forget? I thought you came here because you remembered.
Gus: I shouldn't have done this.
Natalia: But you wanted to. I'm hurt, I'm upset that you're hurt, and I'm even upset that this will hurt Harley. But I am not sorry about what we did and I don't think you are, either.
Gus: I cheated on my wife.
Natalia: There was something there between us just now, Nick. You know that. You felt it.
Gus: Yeah, but I am not that guy. You understand? I'm not that guy that does this. You live your whole life... you live it one way and you don't just ruin it all with one night. I'm going to hurt you again. And I'm going to hurt Harley. And now because of this nothing can go back to the way that it was. And I hate that I did this. I hate... .
Natalia: You hate her even more for making you.
Gus: She can't make me do anything that I don't want to do myself.
Natalia: Right.
Gus: So...
Natalia: You wanted this.
Gus: I don't know. Maybe she.. maybe it was too much for her to find out that I have a son. Maybe I didn't bring her in. Maybe I...
Natalia: I can hear you... I can hear you trying so hard to forgive her. And I know you and I don't think you can.
Gus: I don't want to lose my marriage, though. Do you understand? I can’t... worked too hard...
Natalia: The one you had this morning?
Gus: I've got to go. Excuse me. I've got to find her. I've got to go out. I've got to tell her. I've got to tell her everything.
Daisy: You know, I do like hanging out here with you. Why don't you actually go inside, save me a seat. I'll be in in a minute. I'm going to go get some candy from the newsstand, okay? Oh, hey, what's up? I didn't see you.
Rafe: Right. Look, you're movie's about to start, okay? Just go get...
Daisy: Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, stop. Stop!
Rafe: Look, you're just like any other girl playing mind games, okay? You're trying to make me jealous, and I'm not.
Daisy: Oh, yeah, then why did you stick around to watch?
Rafe: Look, I was reading some magazines. And I thought you said you didn't see me, huh?
Daisy: You're so frickin' uptight.
Rafe: No. You're just like any other girl, all right? (Cell phone rings)
Daisy: What?
Harley: Hey, sweetie, I'm just making sure you get home okay.
Daisy: Yeah. I'm just watching some TV. Where are you guys?
Dylan: Hey, it's me. I'm driving your mom home.
Daisy: Home from where?
Dylan: Tell her, Harley.
Harley: Dylan.
Dylan: Your mom got tanked after our fun family dinner.
Harley: Hold on a second. Leave her out of this.
Dylan: She's the only reason we have to talk to each other, right?
Harley: As soon as I get off this phone...
Dylan: What are you going to do, hit me again?
Daisy: Mom, are you there? (Car tires screeching)
Harley: Just a sec. Dylan? Dylan? Dylan! (Glass breaking)
Daisy: Mom, what's wrong? Hello?
Doctor: What have we got?
EMT #1: Driver passed out. Car went off the road, hit the railing.
Harley: Okay. He's complaining that his head hurt and we were fighting and...
Doctor: All right, get him into exam three.
Harley: I'm coming with you!
EMT #2: You need to get checked out, ma'am.
Harley: You know what, I... I actually am fine, but I think I should be with him.
EMT #2: Are you his wife?
Harley: I am his, um...
EMT #2: Then you need to stay out here.
Reva: You are coming back?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Actually, you know what? This rustic thing is kind of growing on me. I'm just going to run and grab a file so we can work on your case. You know what they say about all play and no work.
Reva: I happen to like all play.
Jeffrey: I noticed. (Laughter)
Reva: Hm, don't get any salsa on your lips. (Laughter) Bye.
Jeffrey: Bye. (Cell phone rings)
Reva: Harley, what's up? Wait a minute, slow down. What... he what? Well, is he... no, no, no, no, no. I'm on my way. I'll be right there.
Cassie: It was for a good cause. That's what I'm going to tell Josh.
Dinah: Yeah, when he bails you out.
Cassie: Oh, come on. Mallet is not going to think his wife is a good cause?
Dinah: Well, I really don't want him thinking about me as a cause, so...
Mallet: Yeah, right. Well, thanks guys. There you go. You know how these media types are with their hidden cameras, you know? I always thought they used to just punk celebrities, but I guess anyone is game nowadays.
Bar guy #1: We thought it was over when they told us why one of them was acting all slow.
Mallet: Thanks, fellas. Why don't you call it a night, yeah?
Dinah: Oh, good. Hi, hon, how did it go?
Mallet: Well, they're not pressing any charges. That would be a good thing. But, unfortunately, they didn't sign any of those releases, so you can't get air of that footage. (Laughter) (cell phone rings)
Cassie: Can I take this?
Mallet: Yeah, sure.
Dinah: I'm sorry.
Mallet: You ready to go?
Dinah: No. I'm gonna go home, and you go back to work.
Mallet: I'm not going back to work.
Dinah: Ever?
Jeffrey: So the owner is doing the turn-down herself? Now that's service.
Reva: Excuse me. I'm looking for my son, Dylan Lewis. He was brought in here not too long ago. It was a traffic accident. Harley, what happened? Is he okay? Where is he?
Harley: The doctor is with him right now. I don't know anything yet.
Daisy: Mom! This is all my fault.
Harley: It's okay. It's okay.
Daisy: I'm so sorry. If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened.
Rafe: Look, I told you, it's not your fault.
Harley: Why would you even think such a thing?
Daisy: You guys were having a fight about me. We heard you through the phone. Dad said you guys are only stuck together because of me.
Harley: It was not about you. I don't know what you heard, but it was about your father and me, sweetie.
Rafe: Look, you're the best thing that they have going for them.
Harley: He's right, you are.
Rafe: And they fight over who wants to be with you the most because... people actually like being around you.
Harley: Rafe, there's the doctor.
Rafe: I'm not going to leave her alone.
Harley: I was actually going to ask you to stay.
Reva: How did you know to come here?
Cassie: Billy called me. I guess he didn't know and he took the same road the accident was on and it was all blocked off and he went around. And he knew it was going to be a long time, and he wanted someone here with you, so... anyway, that's how.
Reva: Thank you.
Cassie: Did I put enough sugar in there?
Reva: Yeah, it's fine. Thank you so much for being here.
Cassie: Sure, of course.
Reva: I know about you and Josh setting the date.
Cassie: Yeah, I thought you might. Josh told Billy. I'm sorry about you finding out now with Dylan in here.
Reva: He's going to be fine, and so will I. Hi, Billy. We're still waiting to hear.
Olivia: We're having a little trouble with the air conditioner, so we're checking the building room by room.
Jeffrey: You are, not one of your maintenance people?
Olivia: Well, it's a big building. We're all working together.
Jeffrey: Ah. You're in the dark.
Olivia: I know.
Jeffrey: You're working on my air conditioning in the dark?
Olivia: Um, yeah. See, there was a power surge, and that's why we think some of the units aren't working, and I didn't want to cause another one, so...
Jeffrey: So... have you lost your mind?
Olivia: Maybe. Look, I was waiting for you, okay? I wasn't fixing the air conditioning.
Jeffrey: No kidding.
Olivia: I just wanted to see if there was something still there. And that kiss... Jeffrey, it's still there.
Jeffrey: No. Stop. We cannot do this. You know, this is not okay for so many reasons, not the least of which I still can't believe that you hired someone to mug our daughter just to get my attention.
Olivia: You're hanging out with Reva to get back to me.
Jeffrey: It's got nothing to do with you!
Olivia: Then what is this about? What is it about?
Jeffrey: It's time for you to go.
Olivia: Oh, so you two are in on something? This isn't your typical lawyer/client privilege, right?
Jeffrey: Good night.
Mallet: What did those guys say to you, Dinah?
Dinah: Just let it go.
Mallet: I know they said something. What did they say?
Dinah: Just let it go. I went to go and hi... hi... hi... flirt.
Mallet: You were there to flirt with them?
Dinah: I tried to. I tried to prove I could do it but I couldn’t. And they made fun of me, and I heard them make fun of me.
Mallet: Come here. I'm sorry...
Dinah: Stop it! Stop it with the pity.
Mallet: You think I'm pitying you? You think I'm pitying you after everything we've been through? Are you kidding me? Don't you think I'm impressed with you? Do you understand that? You impressed me. If this had happened to me-- and I wish every day that it had happened to me-- I don't think I have the drive in me... I don't think I have the drive in me that you have in you. So this is going to take a little time, but, guess what? You are making progress. And you know what impresses me? You don't quit. You just don't quit. And I'm sorry that a couple of jerks ruined your night.
Dinah: No, I ruined it because I went after it and I liked it. I liked it. You know who that was? It's the old Dinah.
Mallet: No.
Dinah: Yeah.
Mallet: No.
Dinah: Yeah. Do you know how many years... do you know how many years of rehab it took to get rid of her? You loved her. You were there. I loved her, the girl who was shot, before she was shot. I loved the girl who I was before I was shot and you loved her. And now I've got to start all over again. I have to start all over again and this is it. This is all that is left. So I wish that the bullet would have just finished me off.
Remy: I saw your light on. You feel like going for a beer?
Natalia: Not tonight. Actually, Gus was just here, so maybe not any night. You're a good friend, Remy, but I think he needs me now, and I want to be there.
Remy: He'll never leave her.
Natalia: They had trouble tonight and he came to me. And I don't think it was just tonight. I think it's just starting. And you and I weren't serious. You said so.
Remy: I wish I hadn’t. I really care about you, Natalia. You're going to get hurt. Trouble is just starting for you.
Gus: Harley?
Harley: I'm so glad you're here. Where were you?
Gus: I was stuck in traffic. There was a terrible accident.
Harley: Yeah, that happened to Billy, too.
Gus: Poor Billy.
Harley: They were pulling the car out.
Gus: Wait a second, you made it sound like it wasn't a very big deal on the phone.
Harley: I didn't want you to worry. Dylan is hurt. They had to do exploratory surgery looking for any internal injuries. Then, I guess, we'll know more. Gus?
Gus: Yeah.
Doctor: I'm afraid it's still too early to answer any of your questions.
Gus: Hey, how you guys holding up?
Daisy: I just want my dad to be okay. I feel so bad.
Rafe: I keep telling her it's not her fault.
Daisy: Harley and Dylan were fighting when the car crashed.
Gus: Right, well, you know, it was an accident and accidents happen. Can I talk to you for a second?
Rafe: Yeah, sure.
Daisy: I'll be all right.
Rafe: Look it, man, if you're going to get on me about being here, Harley already said it's okay, sort of. All right?
Gus: No, no. Rules are meant to be broken, and this would definitely be one of those times, so...
Rafe: Were you with my mom?
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. Um... yeah. So you're okay? You're good? You're okay?
Rafe: Yeah, I'm fine.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: I don't know how you're doing, but Cassie’s got some snacks.
Rafe: Oh, yeah, had some.
Harley: He's been really good for her tonight, around Daisy.
Gus: Yeah. Good.
Harley: What if he doesn't make it? Again, you know, what if we weren't driving so fast? And the fighting at the same time that we were trying to talk to Daisy on the cell phone. I just keep going over all the mistakes that we made.
Gus: I can't stay here. I've got to go to Chicago.
Harley: What?
Gus: I've got to go to Chicago. Frank signed me up for this anger management thing because of what I did to Dylan, and I guess what I started to do tonight at the house. So, I've got to go to Chicago.
Harley: For how long?
Gus: A couple of days.
Harley: I don't want you to go.
Gus: Well, I don't want to go either. But I went too far, as usual. Look, I'm really sorry, you know, for everything. And I just don't understand how we can love each other so much and hurt each other so bad.
Harley: Fighting... I hate it when we fight like this.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I feel like we've just been fighting so much lately
Gus: Yeah, yeah. And there's a little more...
Doctor: Mrs. Lewis, I'd like to speak with you for a minute if I can.
Harley: This is the doctor... hold on.
Reva: I'm... I'm Mrs. Lewis.
Doctor: Well, it's going to be a long night. I can call you as soon as we have further information.
Harley: Well, we'll be here. We're all going to be here for him.
Natalia: I am not trying to steal Gus away from Harley. You know, but if he is going to start showing up here on his own, I won't say no.
Remy: Gus is going to hurt you.
Natalia: They are already unhappy together. I can be patient. I mean, we are talking about the love of my life.
Remy: When you were a kid.
Natalia: No, still. Always. I'm sorry, Remy, but if there is even a tiny chance that I can get him back, I'm going to take it.
Mallet: Don't you ever say that again. I never want to hear that again, that you wish you hadn't made it. I love you. And your friends and family love you.
Dinah: They loved who I was before.
Mallet: You are still you, okay? So you're running on a little different speed right now, but you are still who you are. That has not changed. Do you understand that? You're still a smart, beautiful, spontaneous woman that I married.
Dinah: Speeches are really nice.
Mallet: All right. Where's your list?
Dinah: Mallet...
Mallet: No. You want less talk and more action? Okay, this is what we're going to do. We're going to look at your list here, okay, your schedule for tomorrow. This is what we're going to do starting tonight, every night-- we're going to look at your day tomorrow, find out what you've got going on tomorrow, make some notes to make sure you get through it. And every night we're going to do that. And you know what, then we won't have to anymore. And then one day, we won't have to do it at all, ever again.
Dinah: My days are as blank as I am.
Mallet: See, we're going to get you through this. Because I'm not going to lose you.
Dinah: I'm already losing parts of me.
Olivia: Why would you white out your dead son's number? Why would you? Oh, Reva, it may be my word against yours, but you are going to slip up one day, and I'm going to be there.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: I didn't know whether to call you...
Jeffrey: I'm glad you did. Any news?
Reva: I can’t... they don't know anything. Jeffrey, I can't lose another son. I just can’t.
Jonathan: Okay, okay. You're going to spend some time with your nanny, baby. Daddy's going to go make sure Grandma Reva is okay. We didn't want that one anyway. I'm going home.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Billy: Oh, DVD. Let me see. You got something that's going to make Reva look real bad in Jeffrey’s eyes?
Olivia: Why do you always assume I'm up to something bad?
Doctor: During the surgery, an artery was nicked.
Reva: I'll be right there. I need you to open those beautiful eyes of yours and come back.
Jonathan: Hi, Mom.
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