GL Transcript Friday 7/27/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/27/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Cyrus: You think now is the time to tell me this?

Alexandra: Well, I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but here we are. Look, I know what this marriage is all about, okay? And I promise you, when it comes to other women, I will look the other way. As long as that other woman isn't Marina Cooper.

Cyrus: Why?

Alexandra: Because I can tell you care for her, maybe even love her, and that is just too much for me right now.

Cyrus: We had a deal, Alex. You think you can just change it now? It doesn't work that way.

(Knock on the door)

Marina: It's about time you showed up.

Frank: Well, that looks refreshing. Too bad I'm on duty.

Alan: Her chauffeur at Towers? Who performed the ceremony, the mechanic? Oh, no, no, just get back to me. Well, well, well. What is this?

Natalia: Well, if you're going to have a dinner for Rafe’s father and his family, I want to make a contribution.

Alan: Natalia, I want you to get one thing straight, you and Raphael are my guests here.

Natalia: Guests who pull our own weight.

Alan: Well, you can make that argument when you replace the job that Harley’s daughter cost you.

Natalia: That's not how it happened.

Alan: Well, I'll have Harley explain that to me the next time I see her.

Natalia: Well, you'll see her tonight... tonight at dinner.

Alan: Funny, I don't remember inviting her.

Natalia: I wonder why?

Alan: The reasons are legion.

Natalia: Do you think I don't see what you're doing?

Alan: What am I doing?

Natalia: I'm not supposed to notice you suddenly trying to push me and Gus together? Thank you for everything you are doing for me and Rafe. It's wonderful, but now you are stepping over the line.

Alan: I like your attitude. It gives you a certainly plausible deniability.

Natalia: Don't push. I mean it.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: I was just about to call you. Don't forget we have dinner tonight at my father’s.

Harley: That's tonight?

Gus: Yeah, it's tonight. Remember I told you I need to have my presence felt there for Rafe so that it balances out my father's influence on his life? Remember that whole conversation?

Harley: Of course.

Gus: I know that you're probably having a long day here, but babe, you need to change your clothes. I took the boys, they're at Rick’s. So I need you by my side. I need to make a statement. And don't worry, it's just you, me, dad, Rafe and Natalia.

Harley: Honey, you count me in.

Gus: Good.

Daisy: Does that fight have anything to do with why we are having a family dinner all of a sudden?

Dylan: You’re good. Look, this is just something that's long overdue.

Daisy: You wouldn't mind that, would you, us being more of a family?

Dylan: I don't know, would you?

Daisy: I'm not sure.

Dylan: Okay. Well, Harley said she would call when she's ready-- (telephone ringing)-- hah-hah, I'm good. Hello.

Harley: There's a problem.

Dylan: You're not canceling. We had an agreement. I wouldn't testify against Gus.

Harley: I'm not canceling!

Dylan: Okay, then what are you doing?

Harley: I'm suggesting a compromise. You're Mr. Family guy, right?

Dylan: Yeah.

Harley: How about one big complicated possibility of a disaster family?

Gus: Thank you. Thank you a million times for coming tonight. It means a lot to me.

Harley: I can tell.

Gus: And I realize after going off on Dylan, I just want to put everything back on track, you know. You, me, Daisy and Rafe, of course.

Harley: Thank you. How long do you think tonight will be?

Gus: Why, is there some place you'd rather go?

Harley: Honey, there is something that I’ve been trying to tell you.

Gus: Tell me.

Alan: Well, I thought I heard voices out here. Gus, Harley, welcome.

Gus: You can tell me.

Harley: It can wait.

Gus: Right, it can wait. It can wait. Hey! Hi, how are you?

Natalia: Fine.

Gus: How you doing? Good to see you.

Rafe: Uh-huh.

Alexandra: Oh, the stars really are beautiful tonight. Perfect night for a wedding, huh?

Cyrus: I didn't get you out here away from all of the guests to talk about the stars, Alex.

Alexandra: I'm not changing our deal. I believe in our deal.

Cyrus: Really? It doesn't sound that way.

Alexandra: Look, you're emotional right now, and I understand that. Marina is an emotional subject. But what I'm trying to say is if I can see how much you care for her, don't you think it's going to be obvious to other people?

Cyrus: Who cares?

Alexandra: Well, you should. You should because one of those people just might be Immigration.

Cyrus: Oh, come on.

Alexandra: No. You don't think they're going to be watching us? This marriage is a lot of things-- high-profile. I mean... and I think I have made it perfectly clear that I'm marrying you because I want companionship. And I think you've made it very clear that what you want is to stay in this country.

Cyrus: That sounds like a threat.

Alexandra: Well, it's not. I like you. I trust you. And you know that.

Cyrus: So this is all about not being caught?

Alexandra: Yes. Well, that, and a little protectiveness towards my ego for now.

Cyrus: And if I don't want to see anyone except Marina?

Alexandra: Well, then you proved my point exactly. Because then you're talking about a relationship, and that would be risky business.

Cyrus: Well, I can make it work.

Alexandra: Well, if you can think of a way I haven’t, believe me, I've given it a great deal of thought. Look, if you want, go and talk to her. I booked a hotel suite. We can meet there after.

Cyrus: First, you tell me I have to keep up appearances, and now you suggest we have to leave our own wedding separately.

Alexandra: It's only because I know how important it is to you.

Frank: This is Cyrus' room. It's his honeymoon night and you're here with champagne.

Marina: Yup to hit him over the head with it.

Frank: You're the woman scorned.

Marina: That's what they tell me, or something like that.

Frank: Well, are you waiting to exact a little revenge, perhaps?

Marina: Look, I really don't want to have this conversation.

Frank: Marina. Please listen to me. You are my little girl. You are all that I have in this world, and I've watched you get hurt time and time again by these guys. Now, this new guy comes into your life, and you know what? I can't just stand by anymore. It ends here. I just can't stand by and watch my little girl get hurt one more time. Everybody tells me that I'm crazy, that I should leave you alone, I should just give you your own life.

Marina: Well, everyone is right.

Frank: Well, you know what my wish is? My wish is that I would have done all of this sooner. I wish I would have done all of this sooner and better. I wish it would have had some kind of effect.

Marina: You do.

Frank: I know all of these other guys, they broke your heart. Not that that's any little thing, but this guy... this guy’s changed you.

Marina: How?

Frank: He's turned you into a liar. (Knock on the door)

Marina: What now, Dad?

Cyrus: I'm sorry, Marina.

Alan: So we were just talking and I learned to my surprise that Raphael had never seen the Grand Canyon.

Gus: The Grand Canyon. I thought Spaulding Enterprises bought the Grand Canyon and turned it into a shopping mall.

Alan: Never. You know how I respect the glory of nature.

Harley: Since when?

Natalia: No, no, I don't think so.

Gus: No, no, no, definitely not that. Soda! Soda or...

Natalia: Diet soda.

Alan: Raphael, have you ever been on a plane?

Gus: Dad, planes are expensive-- tickets and stuff. In fact, I never even flew on a plane until I graduated law school.

Alan: Then I'm going to do the right thing and educate this boy to this incredible world with live in. As a matter of fact, I think the trip to the Grand Canyon should be a family affair with Raphael, his mother, me and you, Gus.

Natalia: Alan...

Harley: Nah, that's okay. I've already seen the Grand Canyon... in books.

Gus: No, no, no. We're making plans here, right? We're just talking making plans.

Alan: Well I think it's important to make plans. A lot of people have conflicts.

Harley: Why don't you just fly the Grand Canyon here? Then you don't even have to fuel up the jet.

Alan: I'm sorry, Harley. I just assumed you were working, that's all.

Harley: You didn't assume Gus was working. You didn't assume that Natalia was working.

Alan: No, not since she was fired from Company because your daughter complained.

Gus: Wait, wait...

Natalia: That's not what happened.

Gus: What happened?

Harley: It's a long, long, long story.

Gus: Well, I've got time. Where are we going? We have a whole dinner. I'm all ears.

Natalia: It was my decision to quit.

Gus: Don't let my father get to you.

Harley: At least waited until after the drinks were served.

Gus: Can you tell me, why you're checking your watch every two minutes? Is it really that excruciating to be here, or is it what you had to tell me before?

Harley: Both.

Gus: Well, then tell me what you had to tell me before, then you can tell me what's going on at Company with Natalia.

Dylan: I know we were supposed to meet you at the restaurant.

Gus: Restaurant, what restaurant?

Dylan: We're having dinner with Harley tonight.

Gus: No, she's having dinner with me here tonight, aren't you?

Harley: This is what I was trying to explain. You were not supposed to show up.

Dylan: Daisy thought you would need a ride.

Gus: Can you explain to me what is going on?

Harley: Okay. Dylan and I decided that it would be a great idea for the tree of us to have dinner once a week as a family or something. And tonight was the first night.

Gus: Tonight?

Harley: Yes, and I didn't realize there was a conflict. And I didn't want to disappoint you. So now here we are, as usual.

Gus: So when was this formulated, this little plan to have dinner once a week?

Dylan: I think she just told you. We hashed it out the other day.

Harley: I went to Dylan after the "incident" because I didn't want things to keep escalating.

Gus: So you cut a deal with him so he wouldn't go to the police?

Harley: It wasn't a any deal, hon?

Gus: Did you force her into this?

Dylan: Do you really think she would be forced into anything? Especially spending time with her own daughter? Do you think that?

Harley: Nobody is forcing anybody. I thought it was a good idea.

Gus: No. A good idea would be for you to ask me if I want you in between my business with him.

Harley: I am in between! (Whispers) I don't we should talk about this here.

Alan: Why don't we all go into the study and I can ask Jeremy to prepare us all another round of drinks.

Marina: How do you know she is not just trying to keep us apart?

Cyrus: Because if she was, she knows I wouldn't go for it.

Marina: But you are going for it! I mean, that's why you're here, right, to tell me that?

Cyrus: This is complicated. And maybe I didn't think it all the way through...

Marina: Oh no, my father is going to love this.

Cyrus: Your father?

Marina: Yeah, he was here... never mind. You know a whole bunch of people are waiting for this to just blow up in my face, and now they're going to get what they were waiting for.

Cyrus: Your father just doesn't want you to get hurt. I'm not president of his fan club, but he loves you, I know that.

Marina: So the problem is that you like me too much.

Cyrus: It's one hell of a problem.

Marina: But if we were just some random hookup?

Cyrus: Well, we could just hookup randomly.

Marina: Okay, okay. Let's see. I'm really getting tired of that accent. And the cologne you wear is completely, completely under-whelming. Can we have brunch?

Cyrus: No, no, you're thinking way too small. We should go for full-on hatred then we'd be inseparable.

Marina: Or we could go in the opposite direction.

Cyrus: What direction is that?

Marina: What if you weren't married to Alexandra?

Cyrus: A divorce on my wedding day. That's novel. But then I'd be deported.

Marina: Not if you turned around and married me.

Rafe: This is your idea, getting everybody together like this?

Daisy: Went over well, right?

Rafe: Nobody has thrown a punch yet, so I guess.

Daisy: The real reason I had Dylan bring me here because I wanted to see you.

Rafe: You did?

Daisy: I know you're mad at me. I really didn't mean to hurt your mom. I missed you. I hope you don't mind.

Rafe: I don't mind.

Natalia: You okay?

Gus: I'm fine, thank you.

Alan: Rafting down the Colorado, I think Raphael would enjoy that. Dylan, have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?

Harley: Nobody cares about the Grand Canyon, Alan.

Gus: Some of us might care about the Grand Canyon.

Dylan: Actually, I spent a week there once, I loved it.

Gus: Personally I can't stand the Grand Canyon.

Harley: Would you please stop?

Gus: Stop?

Alan: Maybe I should have cook prepare a couple of extra places for dinner.

Dylan: Thank you. That's very nice, but we have reservations.

Alan: Oh.

Gus: I've got a couple of reservations of my own.

Dylan: I'm sorry, I didn't get that.

Gus: You heard exactly what I said. Maybe you should start the rescheduling process of your reservations. Maybe that will be good.

Harley: Please, please, don't pick a fight.

Gus: Pick a fight? Are you kidding me? He tries to blackmail you and I'm the one picking a fight.

Harley: Come here, come here. It wasn't blackmail. I went to see Dylan for you because I love you. So if you want to be mad at somebody, be mad at me.

Gus: No problem. No problem.

Harley: You're really mad at me?

Gus: Well, when were you going to tell me about this? Tomorrow?

Harley: I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you before. And then I tried to tell you again, but Dylan and Daisy walked in. And I'm not hiding anything. It's just awkward. There's so many people here.

Gus: Awkward as in you are trying to please everybody, or awkward in you want to spend quality time with your ex?

Harley: Well, you would know. I came here because this is important to you. But my dinner with my daughter is important to me. Why can't you understand that?

Gus: Was it important for you to go behind my back and make nice-nice with what's-his-face?

Harley: I went to Dylan to help you.

Gus: I didn't ask you to do that. Did I ask you to do that?

Harley: No, you just asked to get arrested for assault. You asked to lose your job. I stepped in because I love you.

Gus: Uh-huh. And you don't think that I would mind you putting yourself in debt with somebody who loves you? He is in love with you.

Harley: Honey, the man just left his wife. He doesn't even know what's going on. Would you give me a little credit, please.

Natalia: Do you want us to go somewhere else?

Harley: You need to stay out of this.

Natalia: I was just asking because we can reschedule. He can see Rafe another night.

Harley: That's why she came over here because she's the reasonable one. I'm the crazy wife.

Gus: Hey, hey, hey.

Natalia: No, no, no. Maybe she would prefer I came over here and told her she is being ridiculous and she owes you an apology. I could have said that very easily.

Daisy: I'm sorry that I talked to Buzz about your mom. If I could do it over, I would have never gone over to Company that day.

Rafe: She said she was going to quit anyway. She said that working for your family was a bit too weird.

Daisy: Does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?

Rafe: Before, I didn't know everything wasn't so black and white.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Oh, taking Gus' side.

Natalia: I'm not taking anyone's side, but you seem to have a problem with me.

Harley: I wonder why, Natalia. Why would I have a problem with you?

Gus: What are we talking about here?

Harley: Wait a minute. Dylan, are you all right?

Gus: He gave himself a migraine.

Dylan: I'm okay.

Harley: No, you're not okay. Nobody's okay in this house. Gus, I want to go. This is your wife, okay? I want to go. We had a lovely time with your family, but I think it's time to leave this house and go to Towers, where we can talk all of this through.

Gus: This house is not the problem.

Harley: Well, your lovely Natalia said it was okay for you to leave. So can we please go?

Gus: I came here tonight to have dinner with my son and his mother, and I'm staying. I'm staying.

Alexandra: Ridley, come in.

Ridley: I brought the papers you asked me to bring. I was a little surprised you called and asked me to draw them up.

Alexandra: Well, it was my wedding day today. I got married, you know.

Ridley: Yes, I know. I was there. I notice your little husband isn't here.

Alexandra: He'll be back. He had a little something to take care of. He'll be back.

Ridley: He'll have a nice surprise waiting for him when he gets back.

Alexandra: Okay, a money market account set up in his name with the amount we discussed. Regular increases for a six month period, yes. That's all good. And... Spaulding class "A" voting stock, transferred to a brokerage account and the six month anniversary and increases to be determined on each further anniversary. So I think it's all there.

Ridley: Yes. Your new husband will have a meaningful incentive to stay with the marriage.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Ridley, you can come out and say it in plain English. If he wants the big paycheck, he'll stick it out.

Ridley: We've been friends far too long. I would never talk to you like that.

Alexandra: It's going to last.

Ridley: I'm happy to hear it.

Alexandra: Oh, there is one more thing you can do for me, a little research. You see my husband, before we met, he had an unusual hobby. He was in high-end trading in jewelry. He was very good at it. So hypothetically speaking, if you were that good at something, what would be your Everest?

Ridley: No, this conversation is taking a turn I'm not entirely comfortable with.

Alexandra: Well, speaking hypothetically, if this happened to be your profession, what would be your big get? Something everybody would envy you for. Just find out for me, will you? Well, thank you. Now I have to get ready for my honeymoon.

Marina: It might be hard to explain to Immigration, but we can do it.

Cyrus: How?

Marina: Well, you can tell them that you thought you wanted to marry Alexandra, but then you realized you truly wanted to be with the girl...

Cyrus: The girl who what, Marina? The girl who I kidnapped? The girl who would tell the world over and over again that she could never be with somebody like me.

Marina: Well, it could work?

Cyrus: No.

Marina: Why not? Because I'm not good enough. I'm not rich enough?

Cyrus: You deserve better than that. You're the one who arrested me, turned me in and testified against me on the stand.

Marina: You think that's a good thing?

Cyrus: Yes. You don't do this. You're honest and real.

Marina: And you're not?

Cyrus: No, I'm not. But I could be. I'm not going to stop seeing you.

Marina: But Alex said...

Cyrus: I know what you said, but I know what I want. So we're just going to have to be careful, for her sake and for ours. It's going to work, Marina.

Marina: That's funny, we were joking about how I would have to get used to being the other woman.

Cyrus: I remember.

Marina: It's not so funny anymore.

Cyrus: This is... I never expected anything quite like this.

Alexandra: You are going to be a Spaulding.

Cyrus: Actually, you're going to be a Foley.

Alexandra: Oh, touché. (Laughter) But you're going to need some pocket cash.

Cyrus: I'm going to need some bigger pants.

Alexandra: So did you speak...

Cyrus: I saw Marina, yes.

Alexandra: And she thought I was up to something, naturally, right?

Cyrus: No.

Alexandra: Oh, come on.

Cyrus: Okay, she thought a lot of things. We both thought a lot of things.

Alexandra: And?

Cyrus: I like you, Alex, you know that, but even I was a little thrown when this didn't come up until after we said our I do's.

Alexandra: I know. I'm sorry about that. But when I saw the look on her face, I just I had to say something.

Cyrus: Let's make another deal, just us, okay? No more surprises.

Alexandra: Okay. So we're all okay?

Cyrus: We both realized that you were right.

Alexandra: Well, it can't have been easy, huh?

Cyrus: I don't want to have to leave. I've got a lot invested in being here.

Alexandra: Well, we have champagne on ice, we have caviar, and we have some fantastic pâté, and there is only one thing missing.

Cyrus: And that is?

Alexandra: A deck of cards. (Laughs) Feel like a game?

Cyrus: Cards?

Alexandra: I like blackjack, but of course I'm open to anything.

Cyrus: Well, blackjack it is. What are the stakes?

Alexandra: How about history?

Cyrus: Oh, my worst subject, except for all of the others. (Laughter)

Alexandra: Well, I'm talking about personal history. I mean, after all, we're married now. I wouldn't mind learning a little more about you.

Cyrus: I warn you, I'm bringing a lot of chips to the table.

Alexandra: You weren't the only one who has had it rough. You bet one compulsion from grammar school, and I raise you with one sociopathic father.

Cyrus: Okay, I see your raise, and call with a week in prison before I ever learned to drive. Deal those cards, I’m loving this.

Alexandra: Me, too. (Knock at the door)

Marina: Springfield finest at your service.

Alexandra: I didn't call the police.

Marina: Oh, no, but the Beacon did. It seems that they're concerned about the amount of jewelry that your packing. So their insurance company went ahead and okayed the cost of an overnight security guard. And lucky me, I drew the assignment. Cards? Cool. Deal me in.

Harley: You're really not going to come with us?

Gus: You said you were going to dinner with me tonight, here.

Harley: I did. I came to dinner. And now I am asking you to leave with me.

Rafe: I can't believe the way Harley just went off on my mom.

Daisy: She asked for it.

Rafe: What?

Daisy: Well, that's the way I saw it.

Rafe: Well, then you have to check your eyes. I don't think so.

Daisy: Do you know how hard it was for her to come here?

Rafe: Screw it. I don't care how hard it is for her. She barked at my mom.

Daisy: How come you're the only one who gets to stick up for her mom? Just because you had it hard growing up, you think you're better than everyone else? Is that what this is?

Harley: Fine. Dylan, we should go. We don't want to miss our reservation.

Gus: Harley.

Harley: What?

Alan: Harley, there's no need to rush off. Why you haven't even finished your drink.

Harley: That should do it. It certainly hit the spot. Let's go.

Daisy: You go. I lost my appetite.

Dylan: Daisy...

Harley: Please, don’t. I cannot take another scene. She knows the way home. She'll come. Okay? Just get me out of here.

Alan: I'm sorry, Gus. I tried to be a good host.

Gus: Dad, this is actually one time that I can say it's not your fault. (Knock on the door)

Frank: Natalia, Alan. Gus, what's up with my sister?

Gus: She doesn't want to be late.

Frank: Rick said you were here, so I need to talk to you privately.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Alan: Gus, do you...

Gus: Whatever it is, say it.

Frank: Listen, I'm sorry. I know nothing was filed officially, but I talked to the officer who responded to your house. Well, Gus, I have a responsibility.

Gus: What is it?

Frank: I did everything I possibly could to make sure you weren't suspended, and you will not be prosecuted, but you need to report to this address tonight in Chicago. It's mandatory.

Gus: Chicago? Why Chicago? Anger management? You want me to go to anger management?

Frank: You don't have a choice.

Gus: No choice.

Marina: You know what game I absolutely love? Go fish.

Alexandra: Then why don't you go fishing? Because this really isn't necessary, you know.

Marina: Well, call downstairs, they'll confirm it.

Alexandra: I wonder why they thought I was carrying so much jewelry with me tonight?

Marina: Who knows, but we might as well make the best of it. That's something we have to deal with at some time or another.

Cyrus: It's a lot more fun playing cards with three anyway.

Alexandra: Not the way I play.

Marina: Excuse me?

Alexandra: I have to make a phone call. I have to increase our order. Because, silly me, just ordered for two. It's me, forget about that jewelry assignment, would you please. There is something much more important I need you to do.

Daisy: Ugh! You are such an idiot.

Rafe: So, Mom, you okay?

Natalia: Yeah. You scared me. Sorry. I'm fine. I'm great. You know, I'm not the one who was stepped all over tonight.

Rafe: Oh, you mean Gus?

Natalia: Uh-huh. And you. What happened with Daisy?

Rafe: Nothing.

Natalia: Nothing? You know, just because I don't think you should see each other, doesn't mean I like to see you hurting.

Rafe: Mom, I'm not hurt, okay. Besides, you can go back to worrying about Gus.

Natalia: You know, I'm sorry, but where does she get off?

Rafe: You're not trying to...

Natalia: I don't make plays for married men, and you should know me better than that.

Rafe: I'm sorry, but...

Natalia: But, you know, sometimes, marriages fall apart when the wife doesn't appreciate what she has.

Alan: Gus, you want me to make a few phone calls and get you out of this?

Gus: I don't want you to make any calls.

Alan: This is crazy. If anything, you showed restraint tonight with Harley.

Gus: And Harley is always wrong. Why don't you just say what you mean?

Alan: If that's what I'd meant, that's what I would have said.

Gus: You've got a way of making it about my marriage all the time.

Alan: Even a broken watch is right twice a day. Hmm, I wonder what time it is, Gus. Good evening. (Whispers) Gus is a little down, Natalia. Why don't you go in there and see if you can help him.

Natalia: Alan...

Alan: Do you think I'm wrong? I didn't think so.

Dylan: Whoa, whoa, steady.

Harley: I'm fine. (Laughing) I'm fine. Thank you.

Dylan: I tripped on that thing like a hundred times.

Harley: You have not. Thank you for saying that.

Dylan: You think I'm just trying to make you feel better?

Harley: After the night that I have had, you should make me feel better. I mean, it's the least you could do, don't you think?

Dylan: I didn't know I was on duty. I wouldn't have had a drink. Maybe you shouldn't do that.

Harley: Shh. It's my last one. It's just, you know, I'm glad you're here.

Dylan: I'm sorry. I didn't catch that.

Harley: I said, I'm glad you're here.

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