GL Transcript Thursday 7/26/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/26/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jonathan: Look at Daddy.

(Knocks on the door)

Reva: Just a second.

Jeffrey: Reva? Stand down, Reva. Open this door, I know you're in there.

Reva: That is not funny.

Jeffrey: I know you're up to something in here.

Reva: Like what?

Jeffrey: I don't know. Something.

Reva: How did you know?

Jeffrey: You told me that it was Jonathan’s birthday, so I figured you would be here thinking about him and his little girl. So I was thinking about you, wondering if you were okay.

Reva: This thing with us is supposed to be, you know, casual, no strings attached. So don't you go getting all gooey on me.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't dream of it.

Reva: Promise?

Jeffrey: Promise. Scout's honor.

Doris: So, you wanted to talk to me about Reva?

Olivia: Yeah, and this little case you're building against her.

Doris: I'd rather it wasn't so little.

Olivia: I think I can help you.

Josh: So, everybody still up for a bite to eat?

Rick: I've been waiting for this all day.

Cassie: Great, let's hit it. I'm starving.

Beth: And I actually have some ideas for the shower.

Josh: Well, that's just fantastic. It sounds like it's going to be a fun night.

Rick: Oh, you have no idea what you got yourself into.

Beth: Hey, show them the picture.

Rick: No.

Beth: Oh, no, come on. They're the Godparents, they have a right. Get it!

Cassie: Oh, my gosh.

Beth: She looks just like Rick, don't you think? Doesn't she?

Rick: Got my eyes.

Josh: And the stomach.

Rick: And the stomach, right there. Oh, stop it.

Josh: There you go.

Rick: Hey, listen. Actually, do you have a second? I just wanted to talk to you about something?

Josh: Sure.

Rick: Sure. Excuse us.

Beth: So, I know we're joking, but I'm serious. I think she has Rick’s nose.

Rick: So I assume that you probably put it together that I haven't told Beth this is Alan’s child.

Josh: Yeah. Is that it?

Rick: I can't risk losing her, Josh. I just can’t. I don't know how else to explain it to you.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, get your butt in here so we can finish!

Alexandra: Oh, Lizzie, your language. Come on. I thought the bride was supposed to be the bossy one.

Lizzie: Okay, do you want my help or not?

Alexandra: I just don't know. I...

Lizzie: Okay, about the dress. All right, wait. Look at yourself. You are going to have half the men in Springfield kicking themselves wondering how they let you go.

Alexandra: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. It's okay, right?

Lizzie: Yeah, it's totally okay. Like?

Alexandra: Oh, pretty.

Lizzie: Okay, so are you absolutely positive that you don't want to wait until granddad gets back from his trip?

Alexandra: Well, when you see his face when he realizes I married the chauffeur, you will understand exactly why, dear. So, look. I look decent?

Buzz: If this is how you look when you look decent, you must positively blind men when you're at your best.

Alexandra: And what are you doing here?

Buzz: Well, I heard Alan wasn't around so I thought maybe you needed somebody to give you away.

Alexandra: And you're applying for the job.

Buzz: If it's open. It would be an honor to accept.

Cyrus: Where'd they get this photo of me? (Knock on the door) Ah. "Mystery man to wed Spaulding Baroness." Is she really a baroness?

Marina: That's what they say. Does that make you a baron?

Cyrus: I don't think it works that way. How did they even find out?

Marina: She's Alexandra Spaulding. It's a big deal.

Cyrus: It's a green card wedding. It's not like we sent out announcements or invites.

Marina: Maybe you didn’t.

Cyrus: What does that mean?

Marina: I called over to Towers to make dinner reservations. They were all booked out for a wedding. A Spaulding wedding.

Cyrus: Towers?

Marina: Swankiest place in town. So much for your low-key justice of the peace sort of view.

Cyrus: I wouldn't read too much into it. It'll still be small, but Alex is a Spaulding. She can't just get married any old place, not if she wants to make it look real. It'll still be very informal. (Knock on the door) Hey.

Servant: Your tuxedo, sir.

Cyrus: Thank you. There you go.

Servant: Thank you. Thanks.

Marina: Let's see. Oh, yeah. Check this out. It's a very informal tux. How much do you think this thing runs? Five grand?

Cyrus: I can't wear my chauffeur's uniform. What did you expect?

Marina: I'm just saying.

Cyrus: I know what you're saying.

Marina: Well, I thought it wasn't supposed to be a big deal.

Cyrus: It isn’t.

Marina: Does the bride know?

Cyrus: Yes. The only people we need to fool are the good folks at Immigration, and maybe your father for good measure. Alex knows that.

Marina: Okay. Looks like she's trying to conveniently forget, if you ask me.

Cyrus: If you're so worried about it...

Marina: I'm not worried. I'm saying maybe you should be worried.

Cyrus: I'm not. How about you meet me here afterwards?

Marina: You're going to spend your wedding night with me.

Cyrus: I know I said we'd go out, but why don't we start the evening a little more privately?

Marina: Well, that's fine by me, Mr. Spaulding.

Buzz: You know, I wish I'd thought about this wedding sooner because I have a whole lot of stuff left over from me close-but-no-cigar wedding with Olivia.

Lizzie: Okay, hand-me-downs from a failed wedding?

Buzz: Well...

Lizzie: Yeah, no.

Buzz: No?

Alexandra: Oh, Buzz, come on. I watched that train wreck between you and Olivia. I watched it in slow motion as you crashed and burned, just like everything else Olivia touches.

Buzz: Honey, it takes two.

Alexandra: Well, she was lucky to have you.

Buzz: She was, wasn't she? But look at you. You're all grown up now with your own young man. Your own very young man.

Alexandra: Buzz.

Buzz: I'm not questioning.

Alexandra: What are you, conflicted?

Buzz: Maybe a bit.

Lizzie: Is this when I should leave the room, or was that five minutes ago?

Alexandra: Stay if you have the stomach for it, dear. You just might learn something. Now about your conflict, go ahead.

Buzz: Well, my granddaughter and Cyrus sort of had this thing, you know? I don't know exactly what it was, but...

Alexandra: I know about that thing.

Lizzie: Whoa, how much of a thing?

Buzz: You okay with that?

Alexandra: This wedding, this marriage, is simply a favor.

Buzz: A favor. To Cyrus?

Alexandra: To help him with his immigration.

Buzz: It's a green card wedding?

Alexandra: Yeah, for a friend.

Buzz: Well, you know, funny, because Lillian doesn't seem to think so. She thinks differently.

Lizzie: Wait, what does she say?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, you know Lillian. You know she's got a wild... (laughs)

Buzz: Lillian thinks that you care more about this wedding then you're giving out.

Alexandra: And you do know Lillian. You know what a hopeless romantic she is. And in this case she is hopelessly wrong.

Cassie: We're just going to go check our make-up before we leave.

Josh: But for the record, I'm just going to say, you look fantastic, both of you.

Cassie: Nice.

Beth: You've got him well trained.

Rick: So smooth.

Josh: So, I really thought the Cubs were going to pull through this year, you know, with all that money they spent on Sorriano and Panilla and...

Rick: I'd like to talk to you about the Cubs, but I just want to make sure you're going to be okay, you know, with this whole Godparent thing.

Josh: Yeah, we're good. I appreciate that.

Rick: Look, there's something that’s... it's really weighing on me and it has to do with Phillip. I mean, if he were to see Beth and I together, I mean, what could I possibly say to him?

Josh: Well, do you want my Cassie-Reva playbook?

Rick: I don't think so.

Josh: Are you going to be okay with this? I mean, keeping a secret from Beth for the rest of your life?

Rick: I have no other choice.

Cassie: Ready when you are.

Rick: Well, that didn't take long.

Josh: Are we going? Okay.

Rick: Yes. A couple of things, nothing big. Don't make presumptions.

Cassie: They're a happy couple.

Josh: Yeah, well, marriage is a beautiful thing.

Cassie: Was that a loaded statement?

Josh: What?

Cassie: Well, the way you just said that.

Josh: No, not at all.

Jeffrey: All right, well, I really should go. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Reva: I'm okay, hero. Where are you off to?

Jeffrey: I just got some stuff I've got to take care of.

Reva: Uh-huh. Olivia?

Jeffrey: I didn't say that.

Reva: What did she do now? Hire some bully at the nursery school to pick on Emma?

Jeffrey: Well, she's not too happy with you.

Reva: Well, is it my fault she's a grade-A psycho bitch?

Jeffrey: That's why I think it's best that I just keep you out of the mix, you know, for everyone concerned.

Reva: Okay. Wait, wait. What are you off to do?

Jeffrey: You told me you did everything you could to help your son. Well, tonight I am going to do everything I can to help my daughter.

Reva: Next time you show up here, make sure you don't look so damn sexy! (Laughs) Oh. Okay. (Knocks on the door) Okay, I knew you'd come back for more.

Doris: Reva.

Reva: I already contributed to your opponent. Bye-bye.

Doris: That's funny. I don't have an opponent.

Reva: So what do you want?

Doris: Well, there's been a development in your case.

Reva: What case? There is no case. I didn't kidnap Lizzie.

Doris: Well, we have a witness.

Reva: A witness to what? Lizzie and I having fun together?

Doris: No, actually, seeing you drag Lizzie into your car against her will.

Reva: Oh, please. Who is your witness?

Olivia: The sexy driver. Nice, Alexandra. Hey.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Olivia: I was going to call you, see if you were visiting Ava. I'm heading over there.

Jeffrey: Well, actually, I need to talk to you about her.

Olivia: Okay, talk.

Jeffrey: I've been turning this over in my head all night and I have realized that I have to do something.

Olivia: What?

Jeffrey: I have to go to the police, Olivia, about what you did to Ava.

Olivia: No, you don’t.

Jeffrey: Olivia.

Olivia: No, this is a choice. You're making a choice. My question to you is why are you making this choice?

Jeffrey: You have to learn that your actions have consequences.

Olivia: Is that right? See, I find that interesting, coming from you.

Jeffrey: Yes, I know, but I can't have you doing things like this to my daughter anymore.

Olivia: She's my daughter, too.

Jeffrey: What does that mean to you?

Olivia: Don’t. Okay, so you've been turning this over in your head and you came to this conclusion.

Jeffrey: Yes.

Olivia: Well, I'm wondering who was in your bed last night when you were turning over.

Jeffrey: Olivia...

Olivia: Reva put you up to this, didn't she?

Jeffrey: Forget about Reva.

Olivia: Never.

Jeffrey: Reva has nothing to do with this.

Olivia: I'm sure that's what she wants you to think.

Jeffrey: Can we just please get back to Ava?

Olivia: Fine. Fine.

Jeffrey: You almost killed our daughter again. For what? So you could get closer to me?

Olivia: Would it help you to know it had nothing to do with you or me, it actually goes deeper than that?

Jeffrey: Deeper than that?

Olivia: Coop and Ava, okay? It was always supposed to be about Coop and Ava.

Jeffrey: Coop and Ava?

Olivia: She was loosing Coop to Ashlee and the Cooper’s just, they can't resist a damsel in distress, so I...

Jeffrey: So you made Ava one.

Olivia: Well, it was for her sake, you know?

Jeffrey: You need help, you know that?

Olivia: Oh, golly, did Reva say that, too?

Jeffrey: It's plain to see for anyone.

Reva: Did you tell Doris that you saw me kidnap Lizzie?

Olivia: I saw what I saw.

Reva: Which was nothing. It's a lie and you know it.

Olivia: It was my duty to come forward.

Reva: So you're going to commit perjury just to get back at me?

Olivia: I haven't even started with you.

Cyrus: A lot of flowers.

Marina: Lots of chairs.

Cyrus: I better find the bride. Hold these.

Marina: What are you doing here, Dad?

Frank: Well, I am the chief of police, so...

Marina: No, just stop, okay? We both know why you're here.

Frank: Then why did you ask?

Marina: Because you're practically gloating. I know you told me that you couldn't wait for Cyrus to get the sniff of the Spaulding money, that he'd sink his claws in and he'd never be able to walk away.

Frank: I take no pleasure in seeing my little girl hurt, but it's better to hurt a little now than a lot later.

Lizzie: It's kind of an all-in-one gift. It's from my wedding to Jonathan, so it's pretty new, and you're borrowing it from me because I want it back.

Alexandra: Oh, it's very convenient and it's blue.

Lizzie: And it can be old, too, because, you know, it happened between me and Jonathan. Feels like a lifetime ago.

Alexandra: Sweetheart, I promise you, you will find real love.

Lillian: But Cyrus, the bride is not allowed to see the groom...

Alexandra: No, it's okay. Let him pass.

Lillian: Must be important.

Cyrus: It's important enough.

Alexandra: See you later.

Cyrus: You look great.

Alexandra: Well, you look very handsome yourself. I see the tux fit brilliantly.

Cyrus: I thought we were going to keep things simple, Baroness.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well for me, this is simple. I love to spend it and who doesn't love a party?

Cyrus: Are you maybe taking things a bit more seriously than we discussed?

Alexandra: Well, I did get worried that your immigration harpy might show up at the wedding. I thought we should look, well, really good.

Cyrus: So it's all about legitimacy?

Alexandra: Yes, of course. But I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable.

Cyrus: No, no, not at all. I just wanted to make sure we understand each other.

Alexandra: Oh, we do. Of course we do.

Marina: You've got to be kidding me.

Olivia: You know what? You're not interested in any other guy but Joshua, so why don't you go back to the love of your... wait a minute, he left you.

Reva: He left you, too, Olivia, for me.

Jeffrey: Okay, let's not do this, okay?

Olivia: No, let's do this. Let's get her to admit that the only reason she is with you is to take her mind off Josh and to keep you away from me. Let's talk about that.

Reva: You know something? You really are nuts. If I were you, I would be trying to square things with my daughter, who you had attacked.

Olivia: This is none of your business.

Reva: You use your kids and props to get things that you can't get, like Jeffrey. I should contact social services and let them know that you're a threat to Emma. Oh, no, don't you hit me. Don't you railroad me with Doris Wolfe! You are out of control!

Olivia: I will come after you like no tomorrow, you got it, Reva! You leave my kids alone!

Marina: Hey.

Cyrus: Hey. I talked to Alexandra and this is all for the sake of immigration. No Spaulding would get married without pulling out all the stops, so if we did do a city hall type thing...

Marina: People would get suspicious.

Cyrus: Exactly.

Marina: Absolutely.

Cyrus: So we go through with it.

Marina: You've got to do what you've got to do. Right.

Cyrus: Right.

Marina: So when do you start? Where?

Cyrus: Well, there's a lot more chairs than people. So until the people do get here I have just enough time to do the one thing that bride grooms would kill to do on their wedding day.

Marina: What's that?

Cyrus: Let's go. (Laughter)

Josh: Uh-oh. Wow, I didn't know that there was anything going on here, did you guys?

Beth: I think I know what this is about.

Matre’d: Excuse me, but the restaurant's booked for a private wedding.

Beth: Oh, my God, it's actually happening.

Lizzie: Mom? Oh, thank goodness you're here. Were you all invited?

Cassie: To what?

Lizzie: Okay, great. You are going to be the bride's side. Aunt Alex will love that.

Beth: Okay.

Rick: Alexandra's getting married?

Josh: It sounds like fun.

Cassie: It does?

Josh: Yeah, sure. Let's stick around. We can take some pictures and eat some food and it'll be great.

Beth: Okay. (Laughter)

Cassie: You're really into this?

Josh: I happen to like weddings.

Cassie: Okay, you're acting kind of weird today.

Josh: Am I, really?

Cassie: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Okay. Well, I'm going to go say hello to Steven. I'll see you in a bit.

Lizzie: Okay, don't worry. People are coming. I've already roped in a few. I spoke with the maitre’d, he is going to hold off until we say so.

Alexandra: No.

Lizzie: What?

Alexandra: We're going to start right away.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, no.

Alexandra: No, you go tell the groom that we are starting immediately.

Reva: Whoa. Are you sure we're in the right place?

Jeffrey: Okay, I think we need to find some other place to have a drink.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: Oh, hey, Cassie.

Cassie: Hey.

Reva: What is all this?

Cassie: Alexandra Spaulding. Nobody showed up so I guess we're going to be seat fillers.

Reva: Oh, wow. There for a minute I thought all the wedding stuff was maybe...

Cassie: Me and Josh?

Reva: Yeah.

Cassie: You really thought that Josh and I would have a wedding, just like that, and not invite you to be a part of it?

Reva: Yeah, I do. I mean, I'm sorry, but... I mean, I don't mean anything by it. I mean, I know you would never plan all of this kind of stuff on the spur of the moment, that's all.

Cassie: What does that mean?

Reva: It just means nothing, really, except that I know that when you and Josh are ready to get married, you won't leave anyone off the list.

Cassie: That better be what you meant.

Reva: I just don't know whether you and Josh are ready for marriage just yet.

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: You know what? I think maybe we should find some other place to drink before we get invited to this thing.

Cassie: No, you stay. Come on, there's open bar. Free top-shelf booth.

Reva: No, ma'am.

Jeffrey: Yeah, and some Spaulding drama just waiting to happen. No thanks.

Reva: This day has been strange enough already and I don't really want it to get any stranger. See you.

Beth: Once again, I'll tell you no. And no means no.

Rick: Is there a problem?

Beth: No, nothing that I can’t...

Photographer: Hey, Rick Bauer, right? Let me get a shot of the two of you together.

Beth: What is your problem.

Photographer: Look, this wedding's great, but here's Beth Raines and here's the guy she left Alan Spaulding’s millions for.

Rick: Stop it! Get the hell out of here. Stay away from my family! Stay away from my family! I don't want to see you again, you understand! Nobody messes with my family.

Alexandra: Are you running away from me?

Cyrus: Of course not.

Marina: No, we just...

Cyrus: Were checking the view.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, lovely. Well, may I borrow the groom for just a moment?

Marina: Of course. Damn humidity. Hey. Come on.

Alexandra: Ah, well, things are about to start, but before they did I wanted to give you something.

Cyrus: Alex, I don't have anything for you.

Alexandra: We'll worry about that later.

Cyrus: These...

Alexandra: Don't worry, darling, I promise you'll have plenty of places to wear them.

Cyrus: They're really amazing, thank you.

Alexandra: A little something to solve another problem. There's no limit, so when you feel like getting me something, you'll be able to.

Cyrus: That's very generous.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, you deserve it. Up until now I've been boss and you've been hired help, but in a few moments that's all going to change.

Cyrus: But what do I have to give you?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Don't underestimate yourself, darling.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Buzz: Excuse me, but the bride has to get in position.

Alexandra: Ah, yes, yes. See you at the altar.

Cyrus: You can count on it. ("Wedding March" playing)

Marina: Hey. How are you?

Cyrus: Everything's fine. How are you?

Marina: Fine. Fine. I was just going to leave in just a minute.

Cyrus: Okay.

Lizzie: She's really doing this.

Lillian: Oh, and you don't know half of it.

Beth: So are you okay?

Rick: Yeah, I'm fine. I have a slight problem with photographers.

Beth: Yeah, I could see that. We'd be lucky if he doesn't sue us. I think his nose was bleeding. He was in the elevator...

Rick: He bumped in to me and I helped him to the elevator.

Marina: I got it.

Cyrus: What?

Marina: I just didn't want to forget to give you those, that's all.

Lillian: You look wonderful.

Rutledge: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness to that still most beautiful rare of things: The holy vows between two people where they pledge to share their dreams, their fears, their hopes, their fantasies, their souls. We are, indeed, blessed to bear witness to this purity of heart, such charity of spirit. The selfless and sacred offering one person gives to another as they enter into the holy bond of matrimony. I believe the bride and groom have written their own vows. Alexandra?

Alexandra: Cyrus. Dear Cyrus, after listening to what the reverend has said, I somehow get the feeling of something like the lamb being led to the slaughter. I mean, you're entering my world and of your own free will. So you must be crazy. (Laughs)

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Alexandra: But I am so very happy that I found you and I can look forward to waking up every morning to the days with someone who makes me laugh, makes me think. Today is a very happy day for me and I look forward to many more.

Rutledge: Beautiful. Cyrus?

Cyrus: Alexandra. We come from very different places, but we have more in common than people might think. Meeting and deciding to make a life together has caught us both off guard in a good way. I never thought I'd find someone who'd accept me as I am. Thank you. We're going to have a lot of fun together, I promise.

Alexandra: (Laughs) I know we will.

Rutledge: And now the rings. And now, without further ado. By the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.

Alexandra: (Laughs) (applause)

Marina: Hi. I just wanted to thank you so much for helping Cyrus out with all this. I mean, when I thought he might have to leave the country...

Alexandra: Mm. Well, I couldn't let this one go. He's too special.

Marina: I know.

Alexandra: And now he's going to be one of us. A Spaulding with all that entails.

Marina: What's this?

Cyrus: It's my room key.

Marina: I'll wait.

Cyrus: I'll hurry.

Reva: First it was the birthday, you know? And then Doris Wolfe, then thinking Josh had gotten married, and then Olivia. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: You need a drink.

Reva: I need lots of drinks.

Jeffrey: We do need to discuss the Olivia situation.

Reva: Oh, God, please, let's not.

Jeffrey: What are you going to do?

Reva: I can hold her off. I can shoot down whatever she throws at me. I mean, she's obviously lying about seeing me that night. All I need to do is find a PI that can figure out where she was that night.

Jeffrey: And what about whatever happens next?

Reva: She fired her last shot. She's out of bullets. She can't touch me.

Olivia: Come on, Reva. You're not squeaky clean, you're as dirty as me. Come on. Damnit! J. Jeffrey. A baby. Sarah?

Cassie: Let's talk. In private.

Josh: Okay. Okay, so what is this about?

Cassie: How are things between us?

Josh: Things are good, I think.

Cassie: Good? I think... wouldn't you say they're great? They're better than good.

Josh: Okay, great.

Cassie: Great. So, if things are so great between us, doesn't that make you wonder why we're not doing anything about it?

Josh: Like what?

Cassie: Now, I saw you watching Steven conduct that ceremony. I saw you watching Rick and Beth and I got to say, you looked jealous.

Josh: I was just observing, that's all. I wasn’t...

Cassie: Observing? Uh-huh, okay. Well, what I observed is that it's time for our journey to begin.

Josh: Are you talking about getting married?

Cassie: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Just like that?

Cassie: It isn't just like that. We've been planning and hoping and waiting and dreaming and everything else for so long that we got off track, but I think it's time that we got on track. I mean, really, things have never been better between us, right?

Josh: That's right. And I think things are about to get a whole lot better.

Cyrus: Oh, there you are. I was just going to come find you. Listen...

Alexandra: Before you say another word, they want me to throw the bouquet now.

Cyrus: Well, give it a good throw.

Alexandra: Well, I can't do that until I have the first dance with my husband.

Cyrus: A dance?

Alexandra: Well, it's just... it sort of epitomizes the first step in a long and happy life.

Cyrus: Okay. A dance.

Alexandra: Yes, but are you going somewhere?

Cyrus: No, not just yet.

Alexandra: Well, I think it's time we had a little talk.

Cyrus: What's this talk about?

Alexandra: Your extracurricular activities. I just want to make certain that we have no misunderstandings. We're both adults, right?

Cyrus: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: I understand the needs of a man, and when we decided to do this, I told you that I didn't have any problem with you seeing other women.

Cyrus: As long as I'm discrete, and I assure you, you...

Alexandra: I'm sure you were a total gentleman and discrete.

Cyrus: So you're still totally fine with it, the extracurriculars?

Alexandra: Totally. Except for one thing: That any other women can simply not include Marina Cooper.

Cyrus: Excuse me?

Alexandra: Oh, you heard me. No Marina Cooper.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Alexandra: When it comes to other women, I will look the other way. As long as that other woman isn't Marina Cooper.

Cyrus: Now that sounds like a threat. Then I'd be deported.

Marina: Not if you turned around and married me.

Natalia: I'm not supposed to notice you subtly trying to push me and Gus together.

Daisy: You wouldn't mind that, would you? Us being more of a family?

Harley: There is something I've been trying to tell you.

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