Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/23/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Billy: Hey, right behind you.
Reva: Oh, very funny. What took you so long?
Billy: I came as fast as I could, darlin'.
Reva: Well, there's no time to waste because I'm not sure how much longer that guy is going to be in there.
Billy: Who?
Reva: Olivia's travel agent. I told you all about it on the phone.
Billy: You were talking so fast on the phone, I didn't understand anything you were saying.
Reva: Okay, well here's the story: Olivia supposedly booked a flight for an employee of hers to go on a business trip, only it's a crock, because she's just trying to get the guy out of town. And I need that travel agent to help prove is that she's lying.
Billy: Why would she want to vamoose somebody?
Reva: Because the guy she's trying to get out of town she hired to mug Ava. She set the whole thing up, Billy.
Billy: Whoa, hold on, I don't put it past her, but explain the logic to me of her mugging her own daughter?
Reva: In one word?
Billy: Yeah.
Reva: Jeffrey. You know, what's a nifty little crisis with Ava to set up... guarantee some quality time, Jeffrey and Olivia. She's working him, Billy.
Billy: Well...
Reva: I know she is.
Billy: I think you've been working Jeffrey a little bit yourself.
Reva: That has nothing to do with this.
Billy: Darlin', I'm just trying to find out what's important here, that's all.
Olivia: Maybe we should check on Ava.
Jeffrey: We don't even know that Coop has her home yet.
Olivia: Well, why did we let him take her home? What if it's too soon for her to leave the hospital?
Jeffrey: It's not. Look, it's not. The doctors would have never discharged her.
Olivia: But... but we don't know. We...
Jeffrey: Olivia, I know the last couple of days have been very scary for you-- for me, too-- but she is fine.
Olivia: But I'm just... I'm worried about her, that's all.
Jeffrey: Coop is with her now. She's not going to get hurt again, and when he's finished, I'll fill in for him.
Olivia: Okay. But I just keep thinking that if she falls asleep...
Jeffrey: Olivia, please, she's going to be okay. She wanted me to get you home because she wanted me to take care of you. So why don't you let me do that?
Ashlee: Welcome home!
Coop: Ashlee, did you do this?
Ashlee: Yeah. And I stocked the fridge, filled with all the food I could think of.
Coop: Wow, that was very thoughtful of you.
Ava: Well, that's not the word I would use.
Daisy: Remy had it all wrong. As soon as I get Buzz on the phone, he can explain to you exactly what... shoot, it's just voicemail.
Rafe: What, you didn't feel like leaving a message?
Daisy: Rafe.
Rafe: You're making up stories, Daisy.
Daisy: What? No.
Rafe: Look, admit it, okay? You meant to get my mother fired.
Daisy: It's not like that. No. It wasn't like that, okay?
Rafe: Yeah, right, okay.
Daisy: Wait, why don't you believe me?
Rafe: I just don't, okay? I'm sorry.
Daisy: Okay, I was just so mad at your mom that I went to Company, okay? Yeah, I did, and I talked to Buzz, but that's all. I just talked to him, okay? All I'm trying to do is make things better for us, Rafe.
Rafe: By making it worse for my mother? Are you kidding me? It doesn't work like that.
Gus: What's this?
Natalia: An old shirt.
Gus: I can see that. Did you quit?
Natalia: Who needs that job, anyway?
Gus: Did you quit because of me?
Natalia: No. It was time, honestly, because our lives are very complicated now, and I think we should simplify things.
Gus: (Sighs) Well, maybe that's what I was trying to do, simplify things with Dylan.
Natalia: Dylan? You beat up Dylan?
Gus: Well, he was kissing Harley, so...
Natalia: Was she kissing him back? No, of course not, because she wouldn't do that, because she doesn't love anyone but you.
Gus: They have a kid together, so I...
Natalia: So do we.
Gus: Right.
Harley: I'm asking you as a friend to swear in your statement that the thing with Gus was mutual, that it was just a misunderstanding.
Dylan: As a friend?
Harley: As a friend. I didn't think there'd be negotiating.
Dylan: Well, he did attack me, so, just, you know...
Harley: Fine, let's negotiate. What do you want? You want a roll in the hay? Is that what you want? Will that save Gus? Hey, maybe we can find a car, we can do it in the back seat. It will be like old times.
Dylan: Would you take it easy, please?
Harley: Take it easy? I thought you wanted some action. Why don't we start with a kiss? I'll do anything to get you to play ball.
Dylan: You're serious?
Harley: If you testify against him, he loses his job. So, yeah, I'm serious. I'll do anything for my husband, so if this is what you want, you better go ahead and make your move.
Gus: I'm sorry.
Natalia: It's all right.
Gus: I don’t... I don't want to hurt you. That's the last thing I want to do.
Natalia: Don't be so hard on yourself, because this is not about me. This is about Harley.
Gus: Yeah, well, she's not here right now, is she? You are. And I wanted to talk somebody that understood this, and I don't know, maybe that's why I came to you.
Natalia: Exactly. It doesn't mean... it doesn't mean, you know...
Gus: What exactly does it mean? Could you explain it to me, please? Please?
Natalia: If you wanted me, if you wanted a life with me, you would have come back years ago, but you didn’t. And there is a reason. You were meant to find Harley.
Gus: Well, she rescued me and made me a better person. Not that I'm not a work in progress, because I am, but she saved me from all of the ugliness and the hatred that I was carrying around in the world.
Natalia: I see that.
Gus: And we fight, trust me. But it doesn't mean that I don't love her.
Natalia: I know you love her. I know love her and she loves you just as much.
Gus: Yeah, you can see that?
Natalia: Oh, yeah. And I'll tell you something else, Dylan can see that, too.
Gus: I don't think he cares.
Natalia: So what? You know, he and I may have been your first loves, but we know that we are not the last. We do, trust me.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Here, let me make this easier for you. Find a station that plays that '80s music we used to listen to all those years ago. It will help you set the mood.
Dylan: Do you really think this is just about me getting into your pants?
Harley: Is there something else?
Dylan: Yeah, you. You're something else. I just want to be taken seriously in your life as Daisy's father.
Harley: And you thought that kissing me would do that?
Dylan: I didn’t... I didn't mean that. It just... it happened.
Harley: It happened twice!
Dylan: Okay. Look, I'm not saying that since me moving back to Springfield and spending so much time with you and Daisy, that some old feelings haven't been stirred up...
Harley: No kidding!
Dylan: ... Because they have. Okay, all right! That's my problem. That's my problem to deal with. All right, I get it. I get that Gus... Gus is the guy you...
Harley: Gus, my husband, yes.
Dylan: Right, he's your husband. Gus is your husband, but there's nothing about that fact that should take away that I want a real relationship with my daughter.
Harley: You have a real relationship with your daughter. Wasn't it you that had the D.V.D. marathon with her the other night? Wasn't that you?
Dylan: Yes, but I want something... something steady. A regular family night. Us, as a family. You, me and Daisy.
Harley: Together?
Dylan: Yes, together. What's wrong with that? One night a week? One night a week, would that be so terrible?
Harley: I'm just asking, that's all you want?
Dylan: Yes, but I want it guaranteed, a sure thing, without fail.
Harley: Yes, but this thing that you're talking about, this isn't going to make us into this family...
Dylan: Okay! All right! All right!
Harley: ...A family, you think?
Dylan: I'll tell you what it will do-- it will make sure that I'm part of Daisy's life. And after everything that happened today, I'm not sure I really have that, you know? So I just need to be certain that I'm going to be part of her senior year, and I'm not just going to hear about it afterwards. Do you understand that? I'm just saying.
Harley: So if I do this, if I agree to this thing, you won't testify against Gus?
Dylan: Yeah. Family dispute, just like you said.
Harley: Deal. But I will be going to the police to check to make sure you do what you say you're going to do.
Dylan: Fair enough.
Harley: Put it here. Fair enough. Fair enough.
Dylan: All right. Hey, Harley? If I had really demanded that you sleep with me, would you have gone through with it?
Harley: I guess you'll never know.
Daisy: Hold on, you can't just walk away from me.
Rafe: Watch me, Daisy.
Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. What if I talk to my grandpa? I bet I can get him to hire your mom back.
Rafe: It was her job, okay? It was her job, Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah, but it's not like she needs it.
Rafe: What?
Dylan: You guys are living at the Spaulding’s now. She doesn't need to work any job. It's like you guys won the lottery.
Rafe: No. No, okay? You have no clue... you have no idea how hard my mom had to work to take care of me growing up.
Daisy: Hello, this is exactly what I am saying. Look, she should be happy that she doesn't have to work now. If you need something, she can just pick up the phone. She doesn't have to pick up a tray of dirty dishes. What?
Rafe: I really... I thought I knew you, okay? I thought you and I were like the same person.
Daisy: We are.
Rafe: Obviously not, Daisy. No, because if this is the way you think, then you're just another spoiled rich girl who gets whatever she wants just because.
Daisy: I'm not a spoiled rich girl. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Rafe.
Rafe: Stop, okay? Look, don't talk to your grandfather for my mother, and don't call me, okay?
Daisy: Oh, don't call you at the Spaulding mansion. No, yeah, of course, because the phone is probably bugged. I'll try to reach you on your cell phone.
Rafe: No, Daisy, don't call me at all.
Olivia: I'm glad that you're keeping tabs on Ava.
Jeffrey: I hear a "but" in there.
Olivia: I just... I just... maybe we should do something else, like get her a pepper spray or the taser thing.
Jeffrey: Well, I hope... I'm kind of believing that this is a freak occurrence. You know, a one-time-only type of thing.
Olivia: Oh, yeah. No, I just feel bad and I... I want her to feel safe again, because once you've been attacked like that, you...
Jeffrey: What? You never forget?
Olivia: I wasn’t... I wasn't talking about you. I wasn’t.
Jeffrey: Right. I think I'm going to let you get some rest, okay?
Olivia: Don't, please. I don't think of you like that anymore, not really.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We're both tired, Ava is a flight upstairs and I'll be two flights away if she needs anything.
Olivia: Maybe I need something. Stay, please.
Ava: Is there any ice cream in your freezer?
Ashlee: Oh, no, no, but I did get some brownies for you.
Ava: Brownies? You know what, I'm having this craving for butter pecan ice cream, and I was wondering, maybe, Coop, do you think you could go downstairs to the store in the lobby and get me some ice cream? Butter pecan?
Coop: Yeah, sure. No problem.
Ava: Thanks, baby. Fantastic, thank you.
Coop: I'll be...
Ava: Okay, bye, thank you.
Ashlee: The next time you come home from getting mugged, I'll make sure that I get ice cream.
Ava: Ashlee, there isn't going to be a next time.
Ashlee: You know what, you look really kind of tired in your face. Why don't you take off your heels and put on these?
Ava: That's good. You know what, because I am tired. I'm tired of you.
Ashlee: What?
Ava: Give me a break. Don't play games with me. You didn't come here to wish me welcome home. You came here to keep me away from Coop so we didn't have any time alone.
Coop: Ah, sorry. I just need to grab my wallet. I left it in my jacket here.
Ashlee: Coop, I think I'll go with you. Ava, she keeps talking about how tired she is. And I... you know, I just feel like we should leave her alone and let her get some rest.
Coop: Okay. That's cool. I'll get some butter pecan ice cream, and I'll just swing by tomorrow with it, okay?
Ava: You know what, just wait, Coop.
Coop: What? No, it's fine. Look, I understand. I brought you back, you must be tired, it's fine. Ashlee and I will just go...
Ashlee: We'll just hang out and watch a movie or just whatever.
Coop: Yeah.
Ava: But you know what, it's my first night home from the hospital, and I'm alone, and I'm feeling, I don't know, a little fragile. Would you just stay with me, please, until I at least fall asleep?
Coop: Yeah, okay. Tell you what, I'll catch up with you later. Is that fine?
Ashlee: Yeah, no problem.
Jeffrey: Kind of short notice to be calling up Emma’s sitter, isn't it?
Olivia: Yeah, we're lucky that she was even available.
Jeffrey: Funny you should mention luck, because I was just thinking that maybe we shouldn't be pushing ours any further.
Olivia: What does that mean?
Jeffrey: It means that we, you know, seem to be getting along.
Olivia: Isn't that a good thing?
Jeffrey: Yeah. So why don't we, you know, quit while we're ahead and not leap into anything.
Olivia: I just got the sitter... oh, this is... this is about Reva.
Jeffrey: What? No.
Olivia: You sure about that?
Jeffrey: Yeah. We don't, you know... well, it's not that kind of a relationship.
Olivia: What kind of relationship? Exclusive, meaningful? But, you know, I've got scotch, so at least stay and have a drink. (Knock on the door) You know, Emma probably forgot one of her favorite stuffed animals. Oh, wrong animal.
Reva: Hey there, Olivia.
Olivia: Hey there, Reva.
Reva: Got a minute to chat? Jeffrey. This actually is perfect. It's going to save me a little trip, because you are definitely going to want to hear what I have to say.
Olivia: You know what, could you come back during regular business hours? Because the office is closed.
Reva: Well, you might want to put in some overtime.
Jeffrey: What's going on?
Reva: I think I've been watching too much "C.S.I." lately because I figured out the case. I know who mugged Ava.
Jeffrey: The police got the guy?
Reva: No, no. But he's easily found. Just ask Olivia for his address.
Jeffrey: What?
Olivia: Get out!
Reva: No. She... she knows. She knows where he lives because she hired the creep to mug Ava. Isn't that right, Olivia? She actually paid someone to assault her own daughter. Do you have any white wine?
Gus: I'm going to go. I'm going to sell it on the internet, people love that stuff. Thank you for not throwing me out of the house.
Natalia: Oh, no, this is your family's house.
Gus: Actually, you're a good friend to me. Thanks. I appreciate it.
Natalia: You know, we have a son together and he's a crazy teenager. So what would that say about us if we couldn't get along?
Gus: Right. Absolutely right.
Natalia: I'll walk you out. In case the dogs to attack you, I can distract them...
Gus: Thank you.
Natalia: ...And then you can escape.
Gus: I don't know what's wrong with them. Usually babies and dogs love me.
Rafe: Mom?
Daisy: (Cries)
Harley: Are you okay? Tell me what's wrong.
Daisy: It's Rafe. We had a fight, a big one. He broke up with me.
Harley: Well, I guess that means he didn't love you after all.
Daisy: Thanks a lot.
Harley: No, that came out the wrong way, honey.
Daisy: No, it's okay, because I know you hate him.
Harley: I don't hate him. But that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how I feel. I want to know how you feel. How are you? Are you okay?
Daisy: How do you think I feel?
Harley: Okay. Just start at the beginning and tell me what happened.
Daisy: Natalia is at the beginning.
Harley: What about Natalia?
Daisy: This is all her fault. She turned Rafe against me and now she's after Gus.
Harley: So Natalia wants to hurt Gus?
Daisy: No, no. She wants to have him. She still loves him.
Harley: Did she tell you this?
Daisy: She didn't come out and say the words, but it's totally obvious.
Harley: Because why?
Daisy: I just feel it, that's all.
Harley: Honey, not "that's all." I need to know where this is coming from.
Daisy: Forget it, okay?
Harley: Babe, we're not going to forget it. Listen to me. Daisy, is it possible that you went to Natalia to try to get her on your side about Rafe, and she blew you off and now you're trying to get back at her for it?
Daisy: What kind of person do you think I am? She's just like everybody else.
Harley: Probably.
Daisy: I thought she'd understand. She thinks Rafe’s the greatest guy in the world. So do I.
Harley: She didn't turn out to be quite the ally you were hoping?
Daisy: She said I was no good for Rafe, that there are certain people who can't be together.
Harley: So did anything else happen after you talked to her? Uh-huh. Tell me.
Daisy: Well, I went to Company to talk to Buzz and...
Harley: Uh-huh, yes?
Daisy: I was still so mad. And I... I guess I hinted at him that he should get rid of her.
Harley: Fire her?
Daisy: Yeah.
Harley: Oh, my God. It's like looking in the mirror. Did he fire her?
Daisy: I don't know, but I think so.
Harley: Oh, gosh.
Daisy: I didn't really even mean it. Now Rafe blames me for it. And he wouldn't even hear me out when I tried to explain to him.
Harley: Well, what could you possibly say to him?
Daisy: Who cares? It's over. He says never to call him ever again.
Harley: You know what, it will be all right.
Natalia: Okay. Well, thank you anyway. Bye bye. Hi. I think you dropped this because I found it lying on the floor.
Rafe: Whatever.
Natalia: Are you okay?
Rafe: Are you? I ran into Remy, okay, he told me you got fired.
Natalia: Actually, I quit.
Rafe: What?
Natalia: I will find something else. Rafe, it's okay. You know, I swear if I had known that there was a connection between that place and your father when I first started, I would never have taken the job at all.
Rafe: Really?
Natalia: And having some space is a good thing, right? So, cheer up. I will find something else. I was on the phone today. I talked to the restaurant at the Towers, and all they need right now are busboys, but that's one place. I will find a job. It's all good.
Reva: You want a glass Oli? You might need it.
Olivia: No, no, Rere. You are so going to regret this.
Reva: I doubt it.
Jeffrey: Thanks. Unbelievable.
Reva: Yes, she is, isn't she?
Jeffrey: That was the cop who's working on Ava’s case. He told me that you told him to drop the investigation right after I told him to dig deeper.
Olivia: Yeah, I did, for good reason.
Reva: Well, we'd like to know why.
Olivia: Would you shut up?
Jeffrey: Actually, I would like to hear the reason why.
Olivia: Why? I don't want Ava experiencing this night over and over and over again. The police are going to hound her to death because they have no leads. And they still have no leads.
Jeffrey: What about this guy Rex? Rex Kingston that Reva tracked down? Your supposed employee?
Olivia: I don't recognize the name.
Jeffrey: No, because he doesn't work for you, at least not officially, which begs the question why did you pay for a ticket for him to go one way out of town, and why did you lie about your connection to him? It's true, isn't it? You set up our daughter to be attacked.
Olivia: You don't understand.
Jeffrey: No, no, no, spare me, spare me. Please, the spin control, I don't need it. I can't believe this.
Olivia: You really don't get it. You don't understand.
Jeffrey: I wish I didn’t.
Reva: Well, I, for one, have heard enough. Enjoy your evening. And, Olivia, by the way, the wine, it's really bad.
Olivia: Yeah, you, too.
Reva: See ya.
Olivia: Get out!
Jeffrey: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I know someone who hasn't heard enough, and I'm going to change that right now.
Ava: Uh, that feels so good.
Coop: (Laughs) You know, it's funny.
Ava: What's funny?
Coop: When you started working at Spaulding...
Ava: Uh-huh.
Coop: ...You didn't need me anymore.
Ava: Don't stop.
Coop: Sorry. No, I'm being serious. You didn't need me anymore. But now it’s... the hospital and this and...
Ava: Don't you know that I've always needed you? (Knock on the door) If that is Ashlee, tell her I am not asleep yet.
Coop: Yeah, okay.
Ava: Thank you.
Coop: Excuse me. Uh, please.
Jeffrey: Sorry to barge in like this.
Coop: No, no. What is going on?
Jeffrey: Go on, tell her. Come on. I don't want her to be afraid to walk down the streets, so tell her.
Ava: Tell me what? Tell me what?
Jeffrey: About your mugging. It wasn't the random criminal act that we all thought it was. Ava, no, you were targeted. You were set up by your mother.
Coop: What? Wait, this doesn't even make any sense.
Jeffrey: It makes Olivia sense.
Coop: Having her own daughter attacked? Why would she do some like that?
Jeffrey: Would you care to respond or do you want... I'll tell her myself.
Olivia: Wait. Shh. Okay, I... I did it because I knew it would bring Jeffrey closer to me. That's all. I'm just selfish.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry if this comes as a shock to you, but you needed to know.
Coop: Ava...
Olivia: Please try and understand.
Ava: How could you do that to me? I don't believe this. I'm laying there in that hospital bed, feeling cared for and comfortable, and it was all an act?
Olivia: No.
Ava: Yes... like hell it wasn’t. The only thing that you cared about was getting closer to Jeffrey. Who cares if I almost got my head bashed in?
Coop: Olivia, I think I time for you to go.
Olivia: I just need a couple minutes alone with Ava, please.
Jeffrey: Do you think that's a good idea?
Ava: Even Olivia can't hire a hitman at such short notice.
Coop: All right. We'll be right outside, okay
Olivia: Nice acting. But did you have to hit me so hard?
Ava: I'm angry, Olivia. That part is not an act.
Olivia: Ava.
Ava: What am I supposed to do now? Thank you for not ratting me out? Or scream at you for getting me into this mess already?
Olivia: All right. All right. Why don't you look around? There's your answer.
Ava: What?
Olivia: Coop. You guys are suddenly close again. He came running to protect you. He came running to your side, like old days. Isn't that exactly what you wanted?
Doris: Oh, they are. I bet I can guess who those are from.
Ashlee: Coop didn't send them.
Doris: Stuart. I thought so. They're beautiful.
Ashlee: Yeah, if you like roses.
Doris: Ashlee, what's your problem? Stuart says it was a pleasure to meet you. Oh, he has got brains and talent and manners. What more could you want?
Ashlee: Oh, I don't know, to like the guy, maybe? I tried, Mom, I did. I don't know, Stuart’s polite, but is that really the best you think I can do?
Doris: Listen, Ashlee, you're not a little girl anymore. It's time to stop being so naive.
Ashlee: About?
Doris: You and your prospects.
Ashlee: Prospects?
Doris: Look, I know you have this thing for Henry Bradshaw, but, you know, look at the girls he's dated before-- Lizzie Spaulding, Ava Peralta. You are not in their league, honey, and you never will be.
Ashlee: Whose league am I in?
Doris: Sweetheart, wake up. You would be insane to throw away a decent guy like Stuart.
Ashlee: Even though I have no real feelings for him.
Doris: Well, make feelings. Because, you know what? The feelings you have for Coop will lead to nowhere but a complete lonely end.
Reva: Excuse me. Hello.
Doris: Hi.
Reva: Hi, sweetie.
Ashlee: Hi, how are?
Reva: Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee, maybe with some milk?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Reva: And take your time. We grownups need to have a little chat.
Billy: Hey. Oh, what happened to you?
Dylan: I just fell off a swing.
Billy: Yeah, sure.
Dylan: Ouch. Me and Gus kind of mixed it up a little bit. It was worth it, though.
Billy: Oh, yeah? How's it worth it?
Dylan: Well, it opened up an opportunity for me and Harley and Daisy to have a regular family.
Billy: Well, come on, we discussed this already. It's no good you going after Harley. She is a married woman.
Dylan: Yeah, Dad, I know, but for how long?
Billy: Are you okay?
Dylan: Yeah. It's just a headache.
Gus: Hey, there's my girls.
Daisy: Hi. Bye.
Gus: What's wrong with her?
Harley: Boy trouble. It's going around.
Gus: Right.
Harley: I'm sorry about before with Dylan.
Gus: Me, too.
Harley: He said that he would make a statement swearing that the fight was mutual.
Gus: Really? How did you get him to do that?
Harley: Honey, don't you feel like we're never alone? Like there's always people around us lately.
Gus: We're alone right now.
Harley: Maybe we should make a promise to each other, you know, that we're always going to stand by each other, and we're always going to be together, no matter what. When it's really important, we're going to be together, okay?
Gus: Here, here. Well all this right here, this could all be yours if the price is right.
Harley: I know what you want.
Gus: What?
Harley: You want makeup sex.
Gus: Oh, who said that? Okay.
Harley: And let me guess where you went after the fight. You went off to the store and you wrestled with the dilemma of whether to buy cigarettes. And I'm guessing the cigarettes won because I smell them all over you.
Gus: You do?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: I went to my dad's house to see Rafe.
Harley: You went to Alan’s?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Rafe wasn't there. Daisy just said she just saw him in town.
Gus: Yeah, I know. He wasn't there. But, um, Natalia was there, so we just ended up just shooting the breeze. That's all right, right? Right?
Olivia: What now?
Jeffrey: So, do you think our daughter's okay after your visit with her? Or do we need to call the cops?
Olivia: No. She's in one piece, actually, which is always nice. Yeah, no, she might actually forgive me one of these days. If there's any permanent damage, it's Reva’s fault. If she hadn't stuck her nose in our personal business, everything would be fine right now.
Jeffrey: Fine? Fine? Why? Because the secret would be buried forever?
Olivia: You know what? You don't understand what I was trying to do.
Jeffrey: I know what you were trying to do, Olivia. That's what makes it worse, okay? You set this whole thing in motion. You were willing to put our daughter into harm's way. Why? To get something for yourself. Now, what kind of a person does that. What kind of a mother would do that?
Olivia: All I can do is say I'm sorry.
Jeffrey: Well, that doesn't cut it. You crossed the line. We're done.
Reva: You know what my definition of being a good mother is? Someone who supports their daughter instead of dragging them down every chance they get.
Doris: Oh, isn't this something, mothering tips from the woman who raised Jonathan Randall. Stay out of my life, Reva.
Reva: And you do the same with mine and we have a deal.
Doris: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Reva: I have a suggestion for you-quit spending so much time trying to gin up some bogus kidnapping case against me and concentrate on spending some more time appreciating your daughter. Ashlee is a great kid. God only knows how that happened. (Cell phone rings)
Doris: Excuse me. Doris Wolfe.
Olivia: Hey, Dory, what's up? It's Olivia Spencer. Listen, are you still building that case against Reva Shayne?
Doris: Very much so.
Olivia: Well, if you need a witness, I'm your girl. I will get on that stand and say anything you want me to.
Doris: Really?
Olivia: Yeah. As long as they find Reva guilty and send her away for a long, long time, I'm there.
Doris: Well, then I think we are after the same thing. I'll be in touch.
Billy: Look, son, you know, you're just heading for trouble. Hey, you've already found trouble, haven't you?
Dylan: I'm okay.
Billy: Yeah, right. Well, your outsides don't look too good and your insides aren't going to feel good, either, if you get involved with a married woman.
Dylan: You're wrong. You're wrong.
Billy: Okay, well then tell me how I'm wrong.
Dylan: Because it's Harley we're talking about, you know? She's not any regular married woman. She's Harley. She's in a class all by herself.
Billy: You're kidding yourself.
Dylan: No.
Billy: Yes.
Dylan: Dad, I felt the same way you did. I thought no matter how much I want this, to get back with her, why should I even bother trying because my chances were somewhere between zip and zero.
Billy: Your chances are still between zip and zero.
Dylan: No, no. See, things have changed. All I have to do now is sit back and wait. Harley and Gus, they're going to fall apart all by themselves.
Billy: Oh, yeah. And what... and what's going to cause this falling apart?
Gus: You're somewhere else. Are you somewhere else because I was somewhere else, and it happened to be with Natalia.
Harley: I'm just so surprised you went to see her.
Gus: Well, I didn't go to see her. I went to my dad's house. Baby, you have nothing to worry about. We're friends. It is possible just to be friends. We're friends. And she was there, you know, listening to me. Actually, I really appreciated her listening to me. It's all good. It's all good. Okay? It's all good.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Marina: You're marrying her? Please tell me this is a joke.
Rick: Cassie switched the tests, didn't she?
Beth: I'm just... I'm just glad this baby turned out to be Rick’s because it would have made it a lot harder to choose him if it wasn’t.
Marina: Is she really the only choice? Did you ever think about anybody else?
Cyrus: Why? Do you know somebody else who'd be willing?
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