GL Transcript Friday 7/20/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/20/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Nine months. Nine months and counting.

Ava: They're beautiful.

Jeffrey: Aren't they?

Ava: Yes.

Jeffrey: There you go. For you.

Ava: I love them. Thank you.

Olivia: That is very nice. You know, I saw some like these just next door.

Ava: You did?

Olivia: Oh, here's the card.

Jeffrey: The card?

Olivia: "Get well, Bernie. Best of luck with that pacemaker."

Ava: What? You didn’t.

Jeffrey: Your real gift is in the car. I'm going to go get it now. Thanks, traitor.

Olivia: Thief. (Laughs)

Ava: You guys are like a couple of kids.

Olivia: Well, no, no. He's acting like your father for once. And you have me to thank for that.

Ava: Oh, yeah. Thanks, Mom, for getting me mugged and conked over the head. Can you just organize that again for me?

Olivia: All right, so it wasn't the perfect plan, but you have to admit, I mean, it's kind of working. Jeffrey's showering you with gifts and Coop is acting like a hero.

Ava: Yeah.

Olivia: Your hero.

Ava: It worked out okay.

Olivia: Just okay?

Ava: You were amazing. Other than this big bump on my head, I really do have everything. I have a dad and a boyfriend, a crazy mom.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you got hurt.

Ava: Yeah. Are you sorry enough to get me some water?

Olivia: I'll get you the real stuff out of the bottle. Nothing but the best for this family.

Ava: Thank you.

Olivia: Unbelievable. She's everywhere.

Buzz: Take a break.

Ashlee: I don't want to disturb him.

Buzz: Take a break, take a break.

Ashlee: He's busy. Look, he has Ava and teaching and eating and...

Buzz: Take a break. Ashlee, have a seat.

Coop: Hey. Sorry, I didn't even see you. Thank you.

Ashlee: Well, you know me. Quiet as a cat. Meow.

Buzz: Yeah. Buy her a drink.

Coop: I would, but I actually have to run over to the hospital and see Ava. Sorry. Rain check, please?

Ashlee: Yeah, sure.

Coop: Okay. Thanks. Something up?

Ashlee: Stuart asked me out.

Coop: Who's Stuart?

Ashlee: He's this guy that my mom set me up with. He sent me those flowers and he asked me out on a dinner date.

Coop: So your mom made the choice, right? What did you say?

Ashlee: What do you think I should say?

Coop: Do you like him?

Ashlee: I don't know yet.

Coop: Hmm. Well, why don't you go for it, you know? It's a free dinner, right?

Ashlee: Right.

Coop: Right.

Ashlee: Coop. Would you tell Ava I hope she's feeling better?

Daisy: So, here's the deal. You let me have some quality time with Rafe and I'll make sure you get time with Gus.

Natalia: I don't know what's worse. The fact that you think you can buy my son or the fact that you were willing to sell out your own mother.

Daisy: I really don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to see Rafe. So do we have a deal?

Natalia: Oh, my God. You have to go.

Daisy: How about an hour with Gus for every five minutes I get with Rafe?

Natalia: Are you out of your mind?

Daisy: We need each other.

Natalia: Okay, let me be very clear. No. Absolutely not.

Daisy: See, this right here is why you're alone. I'm practically offering you a shot with Gus for all your dreams.

Natalia: Okay, my dreams are for my son, and they don't include you.

Daisy: Why? What did I ever do?

Natalia: Oh, God. I can see trouble coming with you a mile away, Daisy.

Daisy: And you're going to see a lot more if you don't let us be together.

Natalia: Is that a threat?

Rafe: Yeah, is it?

Harley: You're right. This is good. She makes me laugh, that Daisy of ours. How crazy she makes us.

Dylan: Crazy.

Harley: (Laughs) How much I love that kid.

Dylan: It makes me think about how glad I am to have her back in my life. To have both of you.

Harley: Stay calm. Do not react. This is not what it looks like.

Dylan: There's a simple explanation for this...

Olivia: You know, you don't belong here.

Reva: At the hospital?

Olivia: You know what I mean.

Reva: No, I really hope you're right.

Olivia: No, with Jeffrey. That's what I mean.

Reva: With Jeffrey? What about Jeffrey?

Olivia: He's here visiting his daughter, okay? He doesn't need distractions, so if you're going to cause problems, then can you just...

Reva: Olivia, I am here because it's nine months since they told me I was cancer-free. I had some tests, and I'm waiting for the results. Is that okay with you?

Olivia: I'm sorry. I hope you're okay.

Reva: Well, I don't intend to be in the morgue later, but you might want to check back in about a month.

Ava: Hey. Where's my water? Is everything okay?

Olivia: Yeah. No, it's fine. I just ran into Reva and that's never a good thing for me.

Ava: You'll be fine.

Coop: Knock, knock. Can you say, "Buzz burger."

Ava: You brought me a snack.

Coop: Snack?

Ava: Ava this is lunch and dinner. I see your appetite's coming back.

Olivia: She's rallying, thanks to you. Of course, she has her moments. She was having a nightmare when I came in here.

Coop: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Coop: About what?

Ava: Yeah. I had a flashback to the other night when I was attacked.

Coop: Uh-huh. Well, I have just found out some news which might help you sleep a little easier at night. The detective working on the case, he's found a lead.

Buzz: So. Coop left his backpack again. Why don't you take it over?

Ashlee: Yeah, he's with Ava. He's going to miss it.

Buzz: Ashlee.

Ashlee: Does he ever ask about me?

Buzz: We're guys, you know. We talk about sandwiches, sports... he likes you, I know that.

Ashlee: Really?

Buzz: In comparison, I don't think he knows.

Ashlee: So he's confused.

Buzz: Well, you know, that's another thing about guys. We're confused. ( Laughs)

Ashlee: (Laughs) So maybe I should tell him how I feel.

Buzz: Well, you could. You could put it out there if you're ready to get your heart stomped on, you know.

Ashlee: That must be how you feel with Olivia.

Buzz: That's a different situation entirely.

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, I mean Olivia couldn't get over her past and, you know, Ava doesn't really have that trouble with Coop.

Buzz: Ava and Coop have a past.

Ashlee: You know, I think I need to take another break.

Buzz: Honey...

Ashlee: I need a large bowl of chili to go. Come on, help me out. What else does a sick friend need?

Daisy: Your mom and I, we were just talking.

Natalia: And we're not talking anymore. Good-bye, Daisy.

Daisy: Can't I at least have a few minutes with him?

Natalia: You get five.

Daisy: Five?

Natalia: Four and 59 seconds.

Daisy: They're all against us. It's like, we might as well be doing what they think we're doing because we've already been blamed for it.

Rafe: What were you talking to my mom about?

Daisy: I was just telling her that you're, like, the only friend I have. She hates me.

Rafe: She doesn't hate you, okay? She's a mom.

Daisy: She said I was bad for you.

Rafe: You're not bad for me, okay? You know that.

Daisy: It's okay. I'm used to rejection. I was rejected the day I was born. My real parents, the ones who raised me, they were so great. They would have let us be together, Rafe. If only they were still alive.

Rafe: Daisy, you're making this way harder than it really has to be.

Daisy: Yeah, it doesn't have to be hard because I know you feel the way I feel, that you want to be with me.

Rafe: Look. It's the timing thing, okay? That's it. My mom and I are here, we're trying to get settled, and I have to look out for her, okay? And you have to understand that.

Daisy: I do. Of course I do. I do. I don't want to get between you and your mom.

Rafe: Daisy, you have to go, then.

Daisy: Rafe.

Rafe: I know. Okay, I know.

Daisy: No, no. Do you?

Rafe: Yes, I do, okay? But my mom, all right? We're here. We finally have a nice place to live. We're getting settled, she has a car that actually runs. And if we... I can really mess things up here, okay?

Harley: No, stay down. Stay down, stay down. I can't believe you just hit him.

Gus: I can't believe he had his tongue down your throat and you're worried about Rafe and Daisy?

Dylan: What do you expect when you spend all your time with Natalia, huh?

Gus: So this a matter of kindness?

Harley: Guys...

Dylan: We were listening to some music and I let the memory carry me away!

Gus: Well, that didn't look like a memory, pal!

Harley: It was! It was, and I handled it! Just like I did last time. I handled it.

Gus: Last time? What?

Harley: It was nothing. Baby, it was nothing.

Gus: This is my wife!

Harley: No, Gus! Gus! Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop it! Stop!

Gus: Let it go! Let it go! Check to make sure he's breathing.

Jeffrey: Bend over and touch your toes.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, you. Dr. O’Neill, I presume.

Jeffrey: Disrobe and I'll be with you in a minute.

Reva: What are you doing in here?

Jeffrey: I didn't want you to wait alone.

Reva: It's just test results.

Jeffrey: It's the test results and I just figured, you know, a little company couldn't hurt.

Reva: Yeah, well, you know, I'll be fine. You don't have to stay. I got through three months, I got through six months.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, nine has always been a very lucky number, at least for cats.

Reva: That's right. And I've certainly had my fair share of lives.

Jeffrey: You and me both, babe.

Reva: Mm-hmm. Go. Go see Ava. I know that's what Olivia wants you to do.

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? I'll wrestle you for it.

Reva: You'll what?

Jeffrey: Yeah, thumb wrestle.

Reva: Oh, no, no, no.

Jeffrey: If you win, I go, if I win, I stay, okay? Come on, Max is ready. Aren't you, Max? Get in the ring, you sissy.

Reva: Oh, those are fighting words because Thumbelina will take you down.

Jeffrey: Thumbelina? Is that supposed to be scary?

Reva: One, two, three, four, I declare thumb war!

Jeffrey: Ah. Ah! You're cheating.

Reva: I'm handicapped. (Laughs)

Doctor Flanagan: Am I interrupting?

Reva: Oh, Dr. Flanagan. This is my friend...

Jeffrey: I'm Jeffrey O’Neill.

Reva: So, my nine month check-up.

Doctor Flanagan: Yes, nine months.

Reva: I'm kind of waiting for you to smile, maybe giggle.

Doctor Flanagan: Sorry. You're okay.

Reva: I'm...

Doctor Flanagan: No sign of cancer.

Reva: I made it. I made it another nine months.

Doctor Flanagan: Congratulations, both of you.

Reva: A whole nine months.

Jeffrey: I'm not her... never mind.

Reva: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: All right, you know what? We've got to celebrate. What do you want to do?

Reva: I want to shout! I want to dance, I want to leap off a building, I want to fly. I want to do all kinds of things.

Jeffrey: You were a lot more worried about this than you let on.

Reva: Yeah. Terrified. Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. Oh. ( Laughs)

Olivia: Getting back to the detective, what kind of lead has he found?

Coop: Well, it's what he hasn't found. Ava was mugged, she was knocked unconscious, but for what? Nothing was stolen.

Olivia: She's a beautiful woman. I...

Coop: Did he try anything, though? Did he grab at your clothes, or...

Ava: No.

Olivia: She can't remember. No, you don’t... she can't remember.

Coop: But the doctors examined her. She wasn't sexually assaulted or anything, right?

Ava: No, definitely not, okay?

Coop: What was the motive?

Olivia: Who knows?

Coop: I think I do.

Remy: Someone call security?

Natalia: Is this a joke?

Remy: Nope. Lizzie hired me.

Natalia: Wow, she really does think we want to steal the silverware.

Remy: Well, who cares? I'm here where I can keep an eye on you.

Natalia: You are so paranoid.

Remy: No, I know what the Spaulding’s can do.

Natalia: Alan, is Rafe’s grandfather.

Remy: Alan is a psychopath. He's fine when you play his game, but when you don’t...

Natalia: Yeah, but he's so scary, what is he going to do to you when he sees you?

Remy: Well, he won't see me.

Natalia: Okay, I appreciate it, but I am a big girl and I can take care of myself and I don't need a bodyguard.

Remy: Well, how about a friend, hmm? So you don't get bored here and die.

Natalia: Bored? Do you know that they have horses here and they have servants and they have a bowling alley, and so much food.

Remy: And no one to share it with.

Natalia: What are you saying? You want to have dates inside the house?

Remy: I'm a good bowler.

Rafe: Daisy. Come on, Daisy. Daisy, wait.

Remy: What's up, Rafe?

Rafe: What's he doing here?

Harley: You remember what happened, right? How many fingers do I have up?

Dylan: Two. Three, I'm fine.

Harley: I'm serious. I'm trying to figure out if you're okay, here.

Dylan: I'm serious, too.

Gus: The sooner he gets out of this house, the better. I'll call an ambulance.

Dylan: Do yourself a favor. Call a psychiatrist.

Gus: Shut up.

Dylan: You know, you busting me up is not going to keep me away from Harley. We share a kid, remember?

Gus: You know something, Dylan? You've been saying that and working the same angle ever since you came to this town. Pretending you want to be next to Daisy, but you just want to be next to my wife, isn't that right?

Harley: Would you calm down?

Gus: No, I'm not going to calm...

Harley: Don't get yourself all worked up again. Just listen to me.

Gus: I know what I saw.

Harley: I know, you saw him kiss me. You saw him kiss me. Did I kiss him back? No, I pushed him away. I don't want to kiss him. I wouldn't kiss him because I love you. And you coming in here, I don't even know who this is. This jealous, drunken guy coming in.

Gus: You were talking about who's kissing who?

Dylan: He's a jealous addict guy.

Harley: We need to take you to the hospital. Don't do this.

Dylan: Fine. Fine, I won’t. I'm not going to apologize for how I feel.

Gus: No, it's just so clear, Dylan, that you're in love with my wife. And I don't really appreciate you sticking up to for him.

Dylan: What if I am?

Harley: Dylan. Dylan? Are you crazy? What are you doing?

Shirley: Police!

Gus: Just a little family argument, Shirley.

Shirley: You okay?

Dylan: Yeah, I'm good.

Harley: Yeah, we'll take him to Cedars. We'll make sure he's okay.

Dylan: Nobody's taking me anywhere. I don't want any help from...

Shirley: Looks like the complainant was right to call.

Harley: Somebody complained? One of my neighbors complained?

Zach: No, it was me.

Remy: Chill, okay? I'm a security guard. I work here.

Rafe: Yeah, since when?

Remy: Since you and your mom moved in.

Rafe: Ma, you hired your boyfriend here to keep tabs on me? And, what, to keep Daisy and I from sneaking around together?

Natalia: No, no, I didn't hire Remy. But you know what? Maybe on second thought it's a good idea since you seem to be forgetting why we're here and you're chasing after that girl.

Rafe: So you put a tail on me?

Remy: Come on, man. What your mother means is...

Rafe: Come on. No, first of all, I don't need a translation, okay? And I don't need a watch dog, Ma. I thought we were always straight with each other. What happened?

Natalia: I am being straight with you.

Rafe: No, obviously you're not, okay? Because when I have to break it off with Daisy, you get to sneak around with this jerk?

Natalia: I am not sneaking around. And don't talk to me like that.

Remy: She didn't even know that I was here.

Rafe: No. Okay, do you know him?

Natalia: Yes.

Rafe: Ma, do you know him? No, you don’t. Do you know he almost killed a guy?

Remy: A guy who ran down my friend, man.

Rafe: You call Daisy a bad influence, right? What the heck is he?

Remy: Now, wait a minute.

Rafe: No. Okay, no! Ma, ask anybody, all right? Ask anybody. He's ten times worse than Daisy is, Ma. And I'm going to see her, okay? You cannot stop me. No, you cannot stop me.

Natalia: No, you're not!

Remy: Rafe, come back.

Rafe: You know what? Who do you think you are, man? You think because you have some rent-a-cop uniform on, you can tell me what to do? Well, no. I don't take orders from you. And I don't take orders from you anymore, either. Bye.

Buzz: Here. For my favorite granddaughter.

Daisy: Was Marina busy?

Buzz: You're both my favorites. She isn't here, so you're number one on the depth chart.

Daisy: Lucky me.

Buzz: You're also number one with your mom, you know that?

Daisy: Yeah, I wish she'd love me a little less, just let me be.

Buzz: What's wrong?

Daisy: It's her.

Buzz: Harley?

Daisy: And him.

Buzz: Dylan?

Daisy: No. You know who I'm talking about.

Buzz: No, I don't have a clue who you're taking about.

Daisy: I could deal with most of it. And I could live with it, I really could, but...

Buzz: But what?

Daisy: It's Rafe. Rafe in another house and me in another house, and my dad living at the Beacon, and then my mom being with Gus. I could live with it. I could even make it work if it weren't for her.

Buzz: Who's her?

Daisy: Natalia.

Buzz: Oh.

Daisy: She's a very bitter person, Grandpa. She really is. She split me and Rafe up and she didn't want anyone else to be happy because she can't have Gus.

Buzz: Do you know she wants Gus?

Daisy: I just know. Yeah, I do, okay? She broke me and Rafe apart and she's not going to stop there. She's not going to stop there until she breaks Gus and Harley up, too.

Reva: A whole year. A whole year before I have to do this again. Yay. What are you doing?

Jeffrey: Just, you know, in case you forget your appointment and lose your appointment book.

Reva: I'm not going to forget. It's 365 days from now. 365 more days that they expect me to live.

Jeffrey: Reva, you're not...

Reva: And I was grateful.

Jeffrey: You're going to be here long after I'm gone.

Reva: Do you know something I don't know?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, just my age, habits, lifestyle. Add it all up.

Reva: Oh, please. You can change all of that.

Jeffrey: Yeah, what? And ruin our night tonight? Hell, no. Okay? Now let's go drink till we puke and then I'm going to buy you a steak.

Reva: No, no. You don't have to buy me a steak and you don't have to keep track of my appointments.

Jeffrey: Yes, I do, because you won the wrestling match fair and square.

Reva: I bit you.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm conceding, okay? Let's go.

Reva: No, O’Neill, no. This was not part of the deal. It wasn’t. We laugh and then we have fun. And then we laugh again. Then we have more fun. But we don't whine about each other's relationships and we don't hold each others hands for doctor's visits.

Jeffrey: Okay, my mistake. I thought that's what friends do.

Reva: Go. Please, go. Go and see Ava.

Jeffrey: All right. Okay, I'm going.

Reva: Okay. And, Jeffrey. Thanks. A lot.

Coop: Just think about it. The guy who mugged Ava. He didn't take her cash, he wasn't after her credit cards, and he certainly wasn't after her body.

Olivia: Look, there are a lot of deranged people out there walking the streets who don't necessarily have a motive, they just lash out.

Ava: Yeah, of course. Maybe I look like somebody.

Olivia: Like an ex-girlfriend.

Coop: No, I don't think it was random, though.

Olivia: Why not? Look, can we just change the subject because this is upsetting Ava.

Coop: Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to bring this up, but I just... I have a theory about what happened.

Jeffrey: Let's here it.

Coop: I think it was a warning. I think someone was sending a message. I mean, it's the only thing that makes sense.

Jeffrey: I think you're on to something.

Coop: Not picking up, huh? Okay. Hey, Ash, it's me, Coop. I was just thinking about this date tonight with Stuart guy. You know, it doesn't sound like you really know him all that well and... you know, dinner tonight might be a good way for you to get to know him. So, enjoy.

Olivia: I'm going to go back to the hotel and make sure your room is ready.

Ava: Thanks.

Jeffrey: I can drive you.

Olivia: No, just stay with Ava.

Jeffrey: Okay, what if Coop is right, okay? What if it is one of my enemies.

Ava: No, just please, stop. Stop, okay? I'm worried about my mom.

Jeffrey: Is this Olivia we're talking about?

Ava: Yeah, Olivia. This whole thing has been a complete nightmare for her. And, it's just, I don't know. She needs you. Go after her, go do something nice for her. Please?

Olivia: Hi. I need to book a one-way ticket to Mexico city. No, it's not for me, it's for an employee of mine and it has to be today. It's all booked? Okay. No, just pick any city, but it has to be in Mexico.

Jeffrey: Olivia...

Olivia: You know what? Just call me back with the details? Thanks. Why aren't you with Ava?

Jeffrey: Because I'm going to drive you home.

Olivia: I can take a cab.

Jeffrey: No. No, you can’t. Come on.

Remy: You're going to let what Rafe said get to you? He's a kid, Natalia.

Natalia: Well, he's my kid and he's right. You know, if I'm going to ask him to give up Daisy, how can I justify...

Remy: So I'm a bad influence?

Natalia: I am late for work.

Remy: Who's the one who found you an apartment? Who's the one who made you smile when your Nick broke your heart? I was there for you every time you needed me.

Natalia: I know. I know. I'm sorry. You were a great friend. It's just that Rafe has me so confused. Why don't they come with an operating manual, these kids?

Buzz: I had one of those, but I dropped it in the tub.

Natalia: I'm sorry. I know I'm late. I'm sorry. I'm going to get right to work.

Buzz: Can we have a second here? I want to talk to you about how things are going. You've been a great help. I mean, you've been a fantastic waitress.

Natalia: Thanks.

Buzz: But things have been getting sort of complicated with the issues with you and with Gus and Harley and Dylan. You know, Ashlee’s had seniority here and business has gone down, and then you and Rafe and the Spaulding’s. You know, it's complicated.

Natalia: This is because of Daisy.

Buzz: You know, when she walks in here and sees... you know, it's hard.

Natalia: You know what, let me save you the trouble because I know you want to let me go.

Buzz: That's not what I'm saying.

Natalia: Don't worry about it. It's okay because I quit.

Daisy: Great, first Rafe and now I lost my sunglasses. (Ringing of cell phone) I thought you never wanted to speak to me again.

Rafe: I was a jerk, okay? You want to meet?

Daisy: Where?

Rafe: Someplace we can be alone.

Daisy: I'm there.

Harley: You heard us arguing? I guess we didn't sound very grown up, huh?

Gus: Did we scare you? Were you scared?

Harley: And here we told him to call the police if he got afraid. Good, you did the right thing.

Zach: 9-1-1, I know.

Harley: That's right. You need to go to the hospital. I'm going to take you to Cedars.

Dylan: I can do it myself.

Shirley: You know, I'll handle that because I'm going to need a statement.

Dylan: Right. See you around.

Zach: Are you guys mad at me?

Gus: No, no. How could we be mad at you? I'm the one who messed up here.

Zach: You guys didn't mean it, right?

Harley: No. He didn't mean it. He just made a mistake. Because we know it's not right to hit somebody just because you're mad, right? We don't hit other people. And I think I could use some ice cream. You think it's a good time for an ice cream break?

Gus: Absolutely.

Harley: Absolutely. Would you go inside and get the bowls? We'll be right in.

Zach: Okay.

Harley: Baby. Baby. We have to talk about this. Gus, we have to talk about this. You know, talk it through someplace where the kids aren't around.

Gus: I didn't mean to scare him. You know, I love him. I mean, I love him. I didn’t...

Harley: I'll take one of those. You're knuckles are bleeding.

Gus: I'm fine. They'll heal.

Harley: How did we get here?

Gus: I don't know, baby. Maybe if you'd told me about the first time that you kissed.

Harley: I don't want to upset you for no reason. Babe.

Gus: Oh, kissing, no reason? That's no reason?

Harley: It was this big. It was so small. It was nothing and I thought I could handle it. Just like you thought you could handle your ex-girlfriend coming to town and not telling me that.

Gus: That is not the same thing. That is not the same thing at all.

Harley: She didn't have to stay here. Natalia could have gone back to Chicago. She didn't have to stay here.

Gus: She couldn't go back to Chicago, she's with my son.

Harley: Well, maybe Dylan’s not the only one living in the past.

Gus: Stop. Just stop, please.

Harley: I don't know what you want me to do. I'm giving you a reach...

Gus: I don't know, either. I don't know, either. You know, maybe we just need a little time out.

Harley: From what? From this situation, or...

Gus: I don't know.

Harley: What are you saying? From us?

Gus: I don't know. I just need to get some air.

Harley: What are you saying?

Olivia: Sorry.

Jeffrey: There we go. Come on over and sit down here. On the blanket. Do you want to lay down or something? Take a shower or... it's a little cold in here.

Olivia: No, I'm okay, thanks.

Jeffrey: You know, I tell you what. I'm going to call, I'm going to order you some dinner and, you know, why don't I call them to the spa. The spa. You can get a massage or something like that.

Olivia: Spa? Spa?

Jeffrey: Mud wrap?

Olivia: Oh, Ava put you up to this. Oh.

Jeffrey: Why would you think that?

Olivia: Mud wrap?

Jeffrey: Okay, maybe she did want me to look after you a little bit.

Olivia: Why?

Jeffrey: Well, because you've been looking after her, you know. She thinks your stressed. You are stressed.

Olivia: Well, maybe I've been a little tense. I think I'm trying too hard.

Jeffrey: You can't try too hard to make our daughter happy.

Olivia: I just can be so impulsive.

Jeffrey: You did sit next to her every minute since she was hurt. She loves you for that.

Olivia: She does?

Jeffrey: You can't see that? That's why she wants me to take care of you the way you took care of her.

Olivia: I guess she does love me.

Jeffrey: It's not easy. But, you see, once you stop trying to control everything, it's not so bad.

Olivia: This from the guy who stole flowers from a dead guy?

Jeffrey: Bernie didn't need them anymore.

Olivia: (Laughs) Okay, well, maybe... maybe you're not so bad yourself.

Ava: Where are my clothes? Grab them for me. Come on.

Coop: Whoa, whoa. You're going to change right here?

Ava: Yeah, what's the big deal? It's not like you haven't seen it already. Can you untie this, please?

Coop: No. Ava, I tell you what. Why don't we just get you back into bed and wait for the doctor to come with the release papers, okay? Please.

Ava: Fine.

Coop: Thank you.

Ava: You're going to take me home after this, right?

Coop: Whoa, I thought Olivia wanted to do that.

Ava: Olivia wants to do everything. That's the point, she's just crazed, okay? If you don't want to be with me, then I can always call her up.

Coop: What do you think?

Reva: That is the waste of a perfectly good dinner.

Ashlee: I can miss a meal. There's no way that I can compete with that.

Reva: Hey, don't you sell yourself short.

Ashlee: I don't in a fair fight, but since she's done the...

Reva: What?

Ashlee: No. Well, it's just something stupid that Daisy said.

Reva: My granddaughter is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. What did she say?

Ashlee: Well, no. It was just a joke, really. It was about the timing being so convenient. You know, Coop and I are getting close and things are going well and then Ava gets robbed. It's like she planned it.

Olivia: Hi.

I need to book a one-way

ticket to Mexico city.

No, it's not for me, it's for

an employee of mine and it has

to be today.

Ashlee: Reva? You don't think that she'd do that?

Reva: No, Ashlee. No, I'm sure it wasn't Ava.

Daisy: (Laughs) I missed you.

Rafe: Yeah, I missed you too. (Laughs)

Daisy: Did you run away?

Rafe: No.

Daisy: Okay, then why are you... ?

Rafe: No, I wanted to, but, my mom, she has no right, you know what I'm saying.

Daisy: Neither of our moms should be telling anyone what to do.

Remy: Need a blanket, or did you book a room?

Rafe: What are you doing here, man? Are you trying to score some points with my mom or something?

Remy: That's funny. I want to ask you a question, Rafe. Do you love your mom?

Rafe: Back off, man.

Remy: Because if you do, you might want to ask Daisy here why she cost Natalia her job.

Daisy: What? That's a lie.

Remy: Yeah, yeah. Your grandfather tried to be nice about it. Said business was slow and Ashlee’s back and the Spaulding’s might be a problem, but the bottom line is your girlfriend here doesn't want your mom working for her family. Have a nice day.

Gus: You know, you really shouldn't drink alone.

Natalia: Hi, Nicky. Do you want to have a drink?

Gus: This was a mistake.

(Knock on the door)

Harley: I knew you weren't going to the hospital.

Dylan: Well, if I went, they would make me tell them how I got there, right?

Harley: Yes.

Dylan: Go home to your husband. I'll live.

Harley: I'm going to get you some water. So did you end up giving a statement to Shirley?

Dylan: So much for my angel of mercy. You're just worried about Gus keeping his badge, right?

Harley: Gus has already got two strikes, you know. And if you were called to testify, that could be strike three.

Dylan: So give me the water. What are you asking me to do? Lie?

Harley: I'm asking you to say that it was a family dispute that got out of hand, which is was.

Dylan: A family dispute.

Harley: This all started because you kissed me, again.

Dylan: Okay. Maybe I won't press charges, okay? On one condition. You give me what I want, too.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Jeffrey: She wanted me to take care of you, so why don't you let me do that.

Coop: Well, that was very thoughtful of you.

Ava: Well, that's not the word I would use.

Harley: Fine, let's negotiate. What do you want? You want a roll in the hay?

Gus: She's not here right now, is she? You are.

Dylan: I want us as a family. You, me, and Daisy.

Olivia: Maybe I need something. Stay.

Daisy: She turned Rafe against me and now she's after Gus.

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