GL Transcript Thursday 7/19/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/19/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Olivia: Here, look alive, O’Neill. You need this.

Ava: Hi.

Olivia: Hey. How are you feeling?

Ava: Oh... just, you know, my head.

Olivia: The doctors said you have a pretty bad concussion.

Ava: Yeah. You've been here the whole time?

Olivia: Yeah, and Jeffrey. But Coop, you know, Coop has put us all to shame. He has barely left your side.

Ava: Really?

Olivia: Yeah. That's what you wanted, right, for Coop to care?

Ava: Yeah, I guess so, I did. But thank you for staying with me.

Olivia: Yeah, sure.

Ava: The cop... I... I can I.D. the man who mugged me.

Olivia: You know, right now, Ava, what you need is just to take it easy.

Ava: No, I really need to tell him my story. I mean, the man could have killed me.

Olivia: No. No.

Ava: No? What are you talking about? He could be out there attacking someone else.

Olivia: I just think he's probably left town by now, that's all.

Ava: Why would he leave town? That doesn't make any sense. Oh. Did you set me up?

Ashlee: Hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute. Your money is no good here, mister. Here.

Coop: Oh, no, just put it on my tab, okay. I've got to get back to the hospital.

Ashlee: Oh, wait a minute, oh, wait, wait, wait. Check it out. Look, look. Look, it only cost me five bucks. How cute are we?

Coop: You paid five bucks for this?

Ashlee: What?

Coop: The picture. What if there were security cameras where Ava was mugged? They probably got a shot of the guy who did it. Here. Thank you so much.

Gus: So if you ever get lost, all you have to do is scream out to the staff, okay? One of them will come running.

Natalia: Huh, staff?

Gus: There is a staff here. It's a big staff. So big, in fact, I don't think my father knows them all by name.

Natalia: This place is...

Rafe: It's ridiculous, right? Ma, I told you...

Gus: It is a little ridiculous, actually. I never really felt like it was a home. You know, I kind of felt like it was more of a museum. A museum.

Natalia: We'll have to make it a home.

Lizzie: Good luck with that. So you guys are the new crop, huh? Granddad's new projects? Where is he, anyway?

Gus: He's out of town, thank God. This is Lizzie, my niece.

Lizzie: Oh, right.

Natalia: Nice to meet you.

Lizzie: Don't worry, I don't live here anymore.

Jeremy: Is everything in order, ma'am ?

Natalia: Yes. Hi, I'm Natalia. And you are?

Jeremy: Jeremy, the head butler. Mr. Spaulding left this for Master Raphael.

Rafe: No. Is this for me?

Jeremy: Yes.

Gus: Oh, yeah. I remember when I got my first Ferrari.

Harley: Why does it seem like you have more stuff now than when you left?

Daisy: Well, you see... dad wanted me to test out his credit cards.

Dylan: Apparently they work.

Buzz: Oh, someone's going to be building extra closet space this weekend.

Harley: Oh, thanks. Yes. Honey, we... Gus and I were talking, and we decided that maybe you should have the whole third floor as your personal space.

Daisy: Is that like a consolation prize for Rafe not living here?

Harley: You don't get a prize for that.

Daisy: You know, Rafe and I are going to find a way to be together.

Buzz: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We're not getting into that right away, no.

Daisy: Okay. You're right, you're right. I'm not getting into anything. It's not going to happen. I'm going to be on my best behavior.

Buzz: Good.

Daisy: So good, in fact I'm going to go back to Company and get the sunglasses you forgot.

Buzz: Sunglasses? You're don't have to go get... my sunglasses?

Daisy: Don't worry about it. I could use the walk. And I'll do my chores when I get back. So, see you soon?

Harley: Okay.

Buzz: Did she actually say "Chores"?

Harley: Be afraid, be very afraid. You know, I worry when my daughter does something wrong, but I have to say I might worry a little more when...

Buzz: A little more when she behaves herself. You think maybe that was an act?

Dylan: Hey, I'm trying to be a little more positive about this whole thing. You know, optimistic? You know that, that thing: Optimistic?

Harley: Me, too.

Buzz: Really?

Dylan: Really?

Harley: What, am I that much of a downer?

Dylan: Well... you're a realist.

Buzz: Pessimist, I'd say.

Harley: I'm trying. See? And I do have to say, to give you credit, I think you've been really good for her.

Dylan: Thanks. I'm going to go get the rest of her stuff.

Buzz: Ah, that was an excuse, you know.

Harley: What? Oh, the sunglasses?

Buzz: No, Dylan.

Harley: What?

Buzz: He's finding a way to be nearer.

Harley: Near who?

Buzz: You.

Harley: I know.

Buzz: Do you?

Harley: He told me he still has feelings for me.

Buzz: And you?

Harley: I love my husband.

Buzz: Then why are you keeping him on a hook?

Harley: Oh, no.

Buzz: No?

Harley: No, no. We are parenting. No, no, no, no. I have been honest with him.

Buzz: It doesn't seem to be working. Gus know about this?

Harley: No, of course not. He's too busy with his own family.

Buzz: You're his family.

Harley: Yes. You know what I mean, Daddy.

Buzz: I know what you mean.

Dylan: Hey, a little help?

Buzz: Got it. Here you go.

Harley: I just remembered, I forgot something that I was supposed to remember. I'll be back.

Natalia: You don't even have a license.

Rafe: Mom, I'm just going to turn on the car to check out the sound system.

Natalia: That is not your car.

Lizzie: It is his, actually.

Gus: Lizzie, don't butt in, please.

Natalia: You cannot accept that.

Rafe: Mom, you didn't give it to me, so it doesn't matter.

Gus: Actually, what your mother is trying to say is that is gift that size comes with strings attached.

Lizzie: Try ropes.

Natalia: And that is more expensive than any house we've ever lived in.

Rafe: Well, that doesn't count, Mom, because we never lived in a house.

Natalia: That is my point.

Jeremy: And for you, ma'am.

Natalia: What?

Lizzie: Oh, yours must be the SUV. It was just delivered. Do you like metallic blue?

Natalia: Is that... is that.

Jeremy: Yes.

Natalia: And that's my favorite color.

Lizzie: Of course it is.

Natalia: But how does he even know, how does he know what my favorite color is?

Gus: My father makes it his business to know everything about everyone.

Natalia: No, I'm sorry. I can’t.

Lizzie: She'll put up the noble fight, but she'll keep the car.

Rafe: Why shouldn't she? You should see the heap she has to drive now.

Gus: Yeah, it is pretty bad.

Rafe: And she deserves it, okay? You have no idea how hard my mother had to work to get everything we have so far.

Lizzie: Just relax and enjoy the ride, okay? My granddad collects families. And remember, Jeremy counts the silverware, like, every night.

Gus: Welcome to paradise.

Ashlee: Look, all I'm saying is that I think finding the guy that robbed Ava is like a job for the cops. And since everyone in your family is a cop, except you--

Coop: No, no, Ashlee. Look, Frank hasn't had a single thing to go on since Ava was mugged. All right, now if the security cameras has something on the tape, then I need to get to that.

Detective Morgan: Henry Bradshaw?

Coop: Ah, yeah.

Detective Morgan: Detective Sean Morgan, D.A.'s office. I'm working the attack of a Ms. Ava Peralta.

Coop: Yeah, yeah, great. I was actually on my way to... you're with the D.A.'s office? Isn't this case a little below your radar?

Detective Morgan: Well, we like to help out our friends.

Coop: I can't believe this.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: Your mom. She actually gives a damn about somebody else?

Ashlee: Yeah, about me, occasionally. Once, at least.

Coop: So this is you?

Ashlee: Well, yeah, anything to get the mugger off the street.

Coop: Thank you, Ashlee. Thank you very much.

Ashlee: What's the point in having an all-powerful mother if you can't abuse her sometimes.

Detective Morgan: We'll get the guy who did this to your girlfriend.

Ashlee: Oh, no, wait, she is not his girlfriend, okay.

Coop: Look, I can't wait to nail this guy, so when do we get started?

Ava: You put me in the hospital?

Olivia: I swear, I was trying to help.

Ava: By what, having me attacked?

Olivia: Well, okay, if you're going to be dramatic about it?

Ava: Dramatic? I got clubbed in the head.

Olivia: I know. I'm sorry. I... the idea was you weren't supposed to put up a fight.

Ava: I was being mugged.

Olivia: I told the guy minimal involvement. He was not supposed to harm you in any way. I guess he panicked and hit you and took off.

Ava: Okay, yeah, I was unconscious. Okay, how long was I on conscious for?

Olivia: Long enough to have Coop by your side.

Ava: Look, I don't want your help. I don't need it, okay?

Olivia: I thought you needed something.

Ava: If I do need something, then at least let me in on what is going on.

Olivia: Would you have gone along with this?

Ava: No!

Olivia: Well, that's why I didn't tell you, because if I told you, it wouldn't have seemed real.

Ava: You know what? When you figure out how to land my father, then you can help me figure out how to land Coop.

Jeffrey: Hey, look who's awake. What's all the noise?

Ava: Oh, you're not going to believe this one. You've been here the whole time?

Jeffrey: Well, you had us pretty worried. That guy really did a number on you.

Ava: Yeah, I'm getting that.

Jeffrey: How do you feel?

Ava: I feel... I feel, I don't know, a little shaky maybe. I'm okay. Mostly just mad.

Jeffrey: Well, that's understandable.

Ava: Yeah. I guess that's what happens. Something like this, you know, it's shameless, and you just wonder how someone could stoop so low.

Jeffrey: There's a lot of bad people out there, Ava.

Ava: I know it.

Olivia: All right, okay. You need to rest, and I need to leave.

Coop: Hey, are visiting hours over?

Ava: Coop. Hi.

Coop: Hey, there. Oh! You look amazing.

Ava: Yeah?

Coop: I mean for someone who just got attacked.

Ava: Maybe it's because you're here.

Coop: Oh, okay.

Ava: I'm glad you're all here. Even you, Olivia.

Olivia: Thanks.

Ava: You're welcome. I wanted to tell you all something, actually.

Coop: You know what? If this has anything to do with the attack the other night, I think there is someone else who should probably hear this. Detective. This is Detective Morgan from the D.A.'s office. If there is anything, Ava, that you can remember about the other night, anything about a description of the guy, and if you can tell him, he can take care of it.

Daisy: I think you're supposed to serve the dishes, not break them.

Ashlee: I'll remember that.

Daisy: Yeah. You okay?

Ashlee: Yeah. Have you ever outwitted yourself, like... like, outsmarted yourself? Like, you've made up this brilliant plan and then it just...

Daisy: Me? No, no, never.

Ashlee: Really?

Daisy: Oh, well, no, there was that one time that Rafe and I ran away, and then he almost died. You talking about like that.

Ashlee: Oh, yeah, like that, yeah.

Daisy: What did you do?

Ashlee: I got my mom to help look for the guy that mugged Ava.

Daisy: So Coop could let it go.

Ashlee: Right, exactly. And then... but the detective, he gets in here, and he is all... "Oh, we'll make sure that... Mr. Bradshaw, we'll make sure that your girlfriend is fine." And he didn’t... he didn't even correct him.

Daisy: Oh.

Ashlee: Yeah, yeah, and then he ran out of here like... like, like, like the flash and then got back to her bedside.

Daisy: You know, he'll come around.

Ashlee: You've been saying that for months.

Delivery guy: Ashlee Wolfe?

Ashlee: Yeah, I'm Ashlee Wolfe.

Daisy: Told you.

Ashlee: That was so quick. He left here like two minutes ago. Thanks (laughs )

Daisy: What does the card say?

Ashlee: It says it's from Stuart.

Daisy: Who's Stuart?

Ashlee: This... this guy my mom is trying to set me up with.

Daisy: Oh, what's he like?

Ashlee: Oh, oh, what's he like? He's, like, a lawyer. And he's, like, smart. And he's, like, a lawyer.

Daisy: And he's, like, a total tool?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Daisy: Yeah. Well, I'm surprised my mom didn't send him my way to get me away from Rafe.

Rafe: Gus, don't be like that.

Gus: We're returning this car.

Rafe: Why? Why?

Gus: Because we're going to wait until you have a driver's license, and then we'll go out and get you a safe car, okay?

Rafe: Safe?

Gus: Yeah. It doesn't mean it has to be a station wagon or something. It can still be cool.

Rafe: Cool for you or cool for me?

Gus: Just listen to me, please? Okay? Just take a minute and breathe.

Rafe: It's not your decision, okay? It's not your business because my grandfather gave me the car.

Gus: You know what, it is my business. Do you want to know why? Wait for it. Because I'm your father, that's why.

Rafe: So are you going to take my mom's car away from her, too?

Gus: Last I saw, your mother was giving it back all on her own.

Rafe: Well, then change her mind for her.

Gus: I don't have to do that. She's a big girl. She knows what she wants.

Rafe: Then help her make the right choice then. She's never had anything, okay? And you didn't leave her much either, so all she's had is a bunch of crappie cars and dead-end jobs and...

Gus: And dirty windows and floor boards with splinters in them? Rafe, don't you think that when we were young I wanted to give your mother the world, I promised to give her a better life?

Rafe: Well, when are you going to start?

Gus: It's started. You see this? Here it is. You happy?

Rafe: And you didn't want this either.

Gus: Because, Rafe, this stuff is not what it seems. My father is not who he seems.

Rafe: Dude, you said... he said that you were going to bad-mouth him.  

Gus: I'm sure he did. Look, there was a time that my father actually tried to be a good father, despite the fact that I turned out to be a Spaulding, and it shocked everybody and he definitely thought I was not worthy. I just thought he was a guy that bought a lot of stuff and didn't know the difference, that he couldn't actually buy people.

Rafe: So?

Gus: So when he threw me the keys to the castle and I wanted to throw it in his face, I've got to admit, I liked it there for a second.

Rafe: What’s not to like? Okay, what's not to like, right? Why did you leave?

Gus: Because this is not really a house, Rafe, as much as it is a spider's web. You know, all of the cars and the artwork and the swimming pool and the money and the big, fluffy beds, you know, it all just ends up sticking to you.

Rafe: Like what does that mean, okay? I'll be fine.

Gus: Yeah, that's what I thought.

Remy: Word on the street is they've got crypts under their house. And nobody knows who died or who's buried there, but...

Natalia: Oh, yeah, where did you hear that?

Remy: The street. And don't get me started on the giant meat locker.

Natalia: The Spaulding’s are not vampires, and I know because I've seen them in the daytime.

Remy: You know, there's this weird sound that comes from the attic.

Natalia: Would you stop it? I am already moving in there.

Remy: You're making a mistake, Natalia. You don't know these people.

Natalia: Okay, you don't think that I know that Alan Spaulding has his own agenda?

Remy: Well, why risk it? What's wrong with living here?

Natalia: What... okay, this may be exciting to you because you grew up with money, but this is not some adventure.

Remy: Whatever.

Natalia: You know, this is my life. And I have a son, and this is not what I want for him.

Remy: You can't trust Alan.

Natalia: Maybe not, but he's family, and Rafe can use all of the family he can get right now.

Remy: Yeah. Yeah.

Natalia: What?

Remy: Come on, man. The real reason you're moving to Spauldingville is living there puts you that much closer to Gus.

Natalia: Okay, Gus doesn't even live there. And if that's what I wanted, then I could...

Harley: Please, don't stop because of me.

Ava: You can find the guy who did this to me?

Jeffrey: I remember Sean from my days at the D.A.'s office. He's the best they've got, Ava. 100% close rate. Are you okay? You don't look too... too hot.

Olivia: No. I'm fine. I'm just sorry that Ava got hurt.

Coop: Ava, why don't you just tell the detective what you can remember? We're all here, so you're safe. Okay?

Ava: Yeah, well, I really want to help, I do, but you know, it's really kind of a blur. I didn't really see his face or anything. But... why don't you give me...your card, and then if I remember anything, I can give you a call.

Jeffrey: I'll walk you out, Sean, come on.

Ava: Thank you.

Olivia: I need some water. Excuse me.

Ava: Hey. You all right?

Coop: A little helpless. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that this all happened to you.

Ava: I know you are.

Coop: I know how much you used to hate it when I would crowd you, but when something like this happens, you know... I just want everything in your life to be good.

Ava: Right now it is. It is good.

Jeffrey: Are you sure you're all right?

Olivia: I'm fine.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? There's nothing to worry about. It's going to be okay. It was a close call, though.

Olivia: You have no idea.

Ashlee: Here I am again, picking up the broken pieces. I hate metaphors.

Daisy: I'll bet your lawyer loves them.

Ashlee: (Laughs) Coop and I, we were having the best time at the party before Ava got mugged.

Daisy: And you turned into a pumpkin. But you were making such major progress with him.

Ashlee: I know, right. And then there goes Ava getting smacked in the head. Some girls have all of the luck. Okay... you know.

Daisy: Actually, you know, I would probably get hit on the head on purpose just to get the guy's attention.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Daisy: Maybe that's why my life is such a wreck.

Ashlee: Yeah, maybe.

Daisy: I gotta go.

Ashlee: Okay. (Laughs) I'll talk to you later.

Daisy: Okay, yeah, text me.

Buzz: Having a little mid-life crisis, are we?

Gus: No, I really don't think so.

Buzz: I saw you driving very fast in a very red sports car, and that's, you know, a mid-life...

Gus: Well, no, no. This is a gift from Alan to Rafe.

Buzz: Ah, how wonderful for all the grandfathers who can't give away sports cars. How does it drive?

Gus: It's amazing.

Buzz: Yeah?

Gus: I'm going to give it back this afternoon.

Buzz: Well, good choice. I could have used you today, you know? Daisy is moving in her stuff.

Gus: Yeah.

Buzz: I've got a bad back.

Gus: Yeah, but I had to help out Natalia and Rafe because they needed me.

Buzz: A crazy quilt of a life we're living.

Gus: Is there something you want to say to me, Buzz?

Buzz: Something I want to say to you, yeah. Don't be so busy with your new family members that you let your old family members slip away. Would you mind if I... I'll be right back.

Natalia: Have a seat, Harley. I have nothing to hide.

Harley: I didn't say you had anything to hide.

Natalia: Or I could just show you my secret room where every inch of the walls are covered with Nick Augustino in his prime.

Harley: In his prime? So he's no longer in his prime? I wouldn't tell him that.

Natalia: You know, if you came here to accuse me of whatever it is...

Harley: I'm not accusing you of anything.

Remy: No one is accusing anyone.

Natalia: No, no. I'm just saying if she still thinks that I want her husband, I can't talk to you about that.

Harley: I just came here to help you move. I heard you needed help, and I'm here.

Natalia: Okay, well, then I'm sorry.

Remy: It's my fault. It's me. I'm just the jealous type. And I don't like you living in the house with the man who killed my friend.

Natalia: You know, I can handle myself.

Remy: That's what Tammy said.

Natalia: Thank you for stopping by to help, but I really don’t... I don't have much.

Harley: Okay. But, hey, you know, since Remy brought it up, does he have a reason to be jealous?

Daisy: Surprise.

Rafe: Are you nuts? What are you doing here? They're going to kill me.

Daisy: I snuck in.

Rafe: Then sneak back out. Are you kidding me?

Daisy: These people, they have more money than God. I'm sure Alan has, like, a whole closet full of vases just like this.

Rafe: Did they see you come in here?

Daisy: Hello? No. Will you relax?

Rafe: Daisy, I thought we had an understanding, okay? I thought we had an agreement.

Daisy: What, you mean that you caved in to your mom? It's okay. I mean, yeah, you blew me off to make her happy. That's fine. How do you think I got away from my mom?

Rafe: It's not about my mom, okay? Like, things are weird between you and I.

Daisy: Like what?

Rafe: I don't know. Like... like, your mom is married to my dad. Like, we're stepbrother and sister.

Daisy: Step?

Rafe: But still.

Daisy: Don't worry. If you could see the way my real dad is looking at my real mom, it's a lot like the way your mom looks at your dad. Everyone's perfect little marriage? I don't think it's going to be so perfect for much longer.

Natalia: Haven't you ever wondered what might have happened with you and Dylan?

Harley: Why?

Natalia: Well, because I have. I've always wondered about me and Gus. And it was just that. It was just wondering. I even stopped wondering until...

Harley: Until what?

Natalia: Until I saw him again. And it wasn't because I wanted him all over again. It really made me think.

Harley: My marriage to Gus has never been better. So, no, I never wonder about Dylan.

Natalia: Good for you. So why don't you go back to your happy home, and I will try to create a decent one for my son.

Harley: You do that.

Buzz: Wow, can that car move. Thank you.

Gus: You're welcome. Buzz, about that little thing that you said earlier. Has there ever been a time when you felt like I didn't make your daughter the most important thing in my life?

Buzz: Oh, come on.

Gus: I'm just asking a question.

Buzz: Come on.

Gus: Answer the question.

Buzz: To the best of your ability, yes, absolutely.

Gus: Oh, to the best of my ability. The best of my ability. Well, haven't I always been a father to her kids? Haven't I always been a father to Daisy? I broke your daughter out of prison, wasn't that me?

Buzz: You're a mensch.

Gus: I'm just saying-- then do this as a favor to me, if you ever feeling like I'm not, inside your heart, that I'm not being loyal or you're questioning my loyalty, maybe you can just keep it to yourself, because I don't really feel like I deserve that, you know?

Buzz: I have never-- never once, never once in my life, never once for a second-- questioned your loyalty. I just think maybe you've been too loyal.

Gus: Really? Is that possible?

Buzz: You want to give the same amount of attention to your new family members as you do Harley.

Gus: Rafe is my son. He's my son. It's not his fault that we just recently met each other. The least I can do, the very least I can do is give him the same kind of love and attention that I give to Daisy.

Buzz: What about Natalia? Do you owe her the same attention as you owe your wife?

Gus: Have you heard the sound system in this car? It's like sitting in the middle of a rock concert. It's amazing.

Buzz: Marriage, the strongest marriage in the world, is a fragile thing. It doesn't take much to crack it.

Coop: Okay, so do you want semi trash, or would you like to go with the full on trashy?

Ava: Full on, full on. Full on. Thank you.

Coop: So, are you going to call the guy from the district attorney's office back?

Ava: I don't know.

Coop: Okay. Ashlee did pull a lot of strings with her mom, though, to get him here.

Ava: Yes, and you know what? That was very nice of her. I must have ruined both of your nights when that guy jumped me.

Coop: Look, all that's important right now is that we get you back on your feet. Okay?

Jeffrey: Stop worrying.

Olivia: Am I that bad?

Jeffrey: No, it's not bad.

Olivia: I'm just tense. What about you? I mean, you should have seen the look on your face when they brought her in here.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I couldn't stop thinking about all of the times that I haven't been there for her. So I made a vow to myself, I said that, you know, from now on, no matter what happens with my daughter--

Olivia: Our daughter.

Jeffrey: Our daughter.

Olivia: So what are you going to do, put a helmet and pads on her?

Jeffrey: We're really in this together, aren't we?

Olivia: Look, I know that I've been... intense, giving you a hard time about Reva.

Jeffrey: Oh, that again?

Olivia: Well, no. I was just going to say, never again. Never again.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I hope you can restrain yourself because Reva’s not going anywhere.

Harley: Gus? Honey, could you come down? I could really use a hug.

Dylan: Okay.

Olivia: Okay then. Just when I thought you were being human...

Jeffrey: Come on.

Olivia: No, no. I mean, you show a little kindness, a little decency, and then I get the snout, the curly tail and the hooves.

Jeffrey: So let me get this straight? So it's okay if I lie about being with Reva, or if I joke about it--

Olivia: Who's joking?

Jeffrey: Just so long as I don't actually do it.

Olivia: Go, go, go, go, go. Sleep with all of-- oh, you have slept with all of Springfield.

Jeffrey: And you haven't?

Olivia: Reva Shayne of all people?

Jeffrey: Well, Alan Spaulding?

Olivia: That was a lifetime ago. You're still into it up to your lying little eyeballs.

Jeffrey: You know what I said about us being in this together? Well, just forget it, okay? Just forget it. If you need someone to hold your hand...

Olivia: Oh, I'd rather hold hands with a lizard.

Jeffrey: Lizards don't have hands.

Olivia: Oh, that's good.

Coop: Hey, guys. Look, she wants to see you.

Olivia: Are you okay?

Jeffrey: What's the matter? You need a nurse?

Ava: No, no, no. I'm fine. I don't need a nurse.

Olivia: Well, what's going on?

Ava: I don't know. Why don't you tell me?

Olivia: Well, it's..

Jeffrey: It's no big deal.

Olivia: No, no.

Ava: You know what you two just sounded like?

Olivia: What?

Ava: My parents. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but I have to say it's made me realize how lucky I am.

Remy: Lizzie. Hey.

Lizzie: Hey, Remy. Do you know where I could find a good exterminator?

Remy: Not really. The mansion has termites or something?

Lizzie: Granddad is auditioning his families again. Ashlee and Doris didn't work out, so now he's trying your girlfriend and her son.

Remy: Yeah, I tried to talk Natalia out of moving to that fun house.

Lizzie: It didn't work.

Remy: Nope.

Lizzie: They will move out eventually. Everybody does.

Remy: We can work on that.

Lizzie: Huh, we?

Remy: As long as Natalia and Rafe are living there, I don't want him messing them up.

Lizzie: How are you going to stop them?

Remy: You're going to hire me.

Lizzie: To do what?

Remy: It doesn't matter. I can work the grounds, I can work security, as long as Alan doesn't know I'm there. - I'll be just another employee.

Lizzie: And what do I get out of this?

Remy: You get a pair of eyes telling you things that even you don't know. Wouldn't you want someone to have your back?

Lizzie: You're hired.

Daisy: Your mother is not going to know. What, are you a mama's boy now?

Rafe: Shut up.

Daisy: You shut up.

Rafe: No, you shut up.

Daisy: No, you shut up. We never did get to go swimming.

Rafe: Yeah. I never got to see you in the water... you know, in the water.

Daisy: Yes.

Rafe: You know, how you were...

Daisy: Like what? Like not dressed. Yeah, like, almost naked.

Rafe: Yeah, shut up.

Daisy: You shut up.

Rafe: You shut up.

Daisy: You shut up. Don't blame Rafe.

Natalia: I don’t. But you should go before security realizes that you're here.

Daisy: Look at you. You've been here like a half an hour, and you're already acting like lady of the manor.

Rafe: Ma, we just got here.

Daisy: It's okay, Rafe. Could you just give us a minute alone? Nothing you say is going to change how I feel. But the thing is that all you care about is Rafe. Well, almost all of what you care about is Rafe.

Natalia: And?

Daisy: And don't forget who found you in Chicago, told you that Gus was living in Springfield. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have any of this.

Natalia: What do you want?

Daisy: Your son, just like you want Gus. So here's the deal: You let me have some quality time with Rafe, and I'll make sure you get some time with Gus.

Harley: Well, I thought you'd be long gone by now.

Dylan: Yeah, well, I got back and I found Daisy's mp3 player, so...

Harley: So you had to rush it right over here, huh? That girl has got you wrapped.

Dylan: Oh, no, no. It's not like that. It's just no big deal. She can't live without this thing. You should really hear some of the music she is listening to. Wow, I never thought I would hear myself saying that in this lifetime.

Harley: Yeah, tell me about it.

Dylan: But you know what, you really should hear it, though, just to kind of know what you're up against.

Harley: You just want me to listen to it because you like this stuff.

Dylan: Actually, yes! I might be guilty of that, so I should get one of these myself.

Harley: It is good. It makes me laugh. You know, thinking about our daughter, our Daisy, how crazy she makes us.

Dylan: Crazy.

Harley: How much I love that kid.

Dylan: Makes me think about how happy I am to have her back in my life. To have both of you.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: Someone called security?

Rafe: Ma, you hired your boyfriend here to keep tabs on me?

Coop: I have a theory about what happened?

Jeffrey: Let's hear it. I think you're on to something.

Natalia: My dreams are for my son, and they don't include you. Good-bye, Daisy.

Harley: No, Gus! Stop, stop, stop. Stop it! Stop.

Gus: Make sure he's breathing.

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