GL Transcript Tuesday 7/17/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/17/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Dinah: Well, I'm here with Springfield Police Chief Frank... with our Chief of Police. Thanks for joining us, Frank.

Frank: Well, Dinah, thank you for having me.

Dinah: Frank, our current district... Doris Wolfe is up running for mayor, and she is currently running... she's currently running in our polls. So I have an obvious question for you, Frank. If she's running for the polls, Doris Wolfe, she’s... is...

Frank: I think maybe what you're trying to ask me, Dinah, is as acting police chief, what do I think about Doris Wolfe’s view on the issues, what her opinion is? Dinah? Dinah? Dinah.

Eve: I told you it's too soon. Let me take over.

Mallet: I'm sorry I'm late. I'm Detective A.C. Mallet with the Springfield Police Department. I'm on tonight's panel to help give a more hands-on perspective on Ms. Doris Wolfe’s campaign. The chief's administrative responsibilities often keep him from the day-to-day policing of our neighborhoods.

Frank: Yeah, that's pretty much true, actually. The mayor has an opportunity to be on the streets and has a broader range, broader reach.

Mallet: That's right. You see, beat cops rarely have direct contact with the D.A., but Chief Cooper here has had many clashes with Ms. Doris Wolfe on many cases. Chief, how do you... well, how will you work with the mayor if Ms. Doris Wolfe does become mayor?

Coop: That guy is, like, the weirdest tipper ever.

Ashlee: Who?

Coop: Who? All right, here's a hint. Five dollars and 35 cents.

Ashlee: Oh, why, yes, random change man.

Coop: Random change man.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Coop: That's right. Last week he came in here. He left six dollars and a penny. A penny. Who leaves a penny?

Ashlee: So you know that thing? It's this... it's tonight.

Coop: What thing is that?

Ashlee: Oh, my mom's fundraiser at Towers.

Coop: Ah, yes. You're going to that?

Ashlee: Well, I have to go. Oh, she even sent along a beautiful pantsuit. Here we go.

Coop: A pantsuit. Really? A pantsuit. Whoa!

Ashlee: Look at this!

Coop: Yeah, that is something. That’s...

Ashlee: Yeah, I know. Thanks, mom. Yeah. (Laughs)

Coop: Just put that in there.

Ashlee: I was just figuring, if you're not doing anything, it would be nice for you to...

Coop: What? Are you asking me to come with you?

Ashlee: Well, yeah. I mean, just as backup. You know how Doris is.

Coop: As backup? Okay. Sure, I'll go with you.

Ashlee: That would be really great. I figured after last time you hung out with me... I mean, you wouldn't be up for it, or... oh, I didn’t... I didn't mean it like that.

Coop: Thank you. Wow, that's great, Ash. Thank you. You know what? It's okay. Don't even worry about it. It's fine.

Ava: Hey, guys. Working late?

Coop: Actually we're just wrapping up right now. If you want something from the kitchen, I can put the order in the...

Ava: Actually, I wanted you. I have to go to the Spaulding political event, and I thought maybe you would go with?

Coop: The fund-raiser for Doris? We're already going to that.

Ava: Oh, well, great. Maybe we can all go together.

Cassie: There you go. Everyone needs a little junk food to help them study.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: Ooh. This is not good. You've been on page 22 since 2:00 this afternoon.

Josh: What are you, the study hall police? Although that's not a bad image, actually, you in a uniform.

Cassie: Keep it on point, Lewis.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Cassie: You've been kind of freaky ever since church this morning. You know, I think all this honesty talk really... really made you uncomfortable.

Josh: No, it didn’t.

Cassie: Yeah, it did. You are upset because you told Rick the truth about Beth’s baby, but you are allowing him to keep it from her.

Josh: I can't run Rick’s life, okay?

Cassie: Mm-hmm. Yeah, but it's killing you that you are a part of this lie. There is such a thing as a good lie, Josh-- the kind that helps save a child's life, for example. You're going to have to stop being so black and white about this. It's going to drive you crazy. Life is full of shades of gray, and things happen that we don't expect to happen. And what we as a result... we all take a left at some point, right?

(Knocking on the door)

Reva: You want me to get

Jeffrey: Shh. No, no. Let them keep knocking. Maybe they'll go away. (Knocking on the door)

Reva: It's probably Olivia. Sorry, but we've eaten every bit. Oh. Hello.

Doris: Reva Shayne.

Reva: Doris Wolfe. And in case you've forgotten, Jeffrey O’Neill.

Doris: Reva, Reva, Reva.

Reva: Doris, Doris, Doris.

Jeffrey: Why are you here?

Doris: Well, I was just on my way to Towers, and I thought I should come by and remind you about the party, the fund-raiser. Mayoral race? Remember?

Jeffrey: Okay. You know, I'm going to be late to that.

Doris: Yeah, well, just get there-- alone.

Reva: Oh, thank you. I would love to come. Sounds like fun.

Doris: I'm sure you would love to make a grand entrance with Jeffrey. What a better way to stick it to your sister for stealing Josh out from under you. Show the whole town that you're sleeping with her ex. Nice work.

Mallet: Hey, you all right?

Stacy: Dinah, what was that?

Dinah: What?

Stacy: You blanked out. You were slurring a little.

Dinah: Yeah, no, I know. I think it's just my medication, you know. I'm taking these pills, and they make me, you know... I'm ready. I mean, I thought I was ready. You know, it's just the pills. And these aren't really helping, either, the...

Stacy: What? The lights?

Dinah: Yeah, they're just too hot, you know? They're too bright. Did we get what we needed to get at all? Did we get it?

Stacy: Yeah, we got the interview.

Mallet: Come on. Come on, come on. Let's just go home.

Dinah: No, I need to go to Doris' fund-raiser.

Mallet: What? What for?

Dinah: Because I need to go, and I need to get a story.

Mallet: What story?

Dinah: I'm going to find a story.

Mallet: Dinah, you don't even like politics, and now you want to cover it?

Dinah: She wants my job, and I need to keep up.

Mallet: She's not even in your league. Listen to me, what you said earlier about your pills, about taking your pills...

Dinah: Do you want to be my husband, or do you want to be my nurse?

Ava: Do you need help with that?

Coop: Thanks. I got it.

Ava: You know what? I am the only Spaulding rep there. I should be there already. What time is it?

Coop: Well, look, if you want to go ahead and take off without...

Ava: Without Ashlee? We could go and have her meet us there.

Ashlee: I'm ready.

Coop: You look great.

Ashlee: Don't look so shocked, Coop Cooper.

Coop: No. Well, I was just expecting you in the suit.

Ashlee: Oh, God, Mom, I don't know what happened. This wild dog, this ugly wild dog came out of nowhere, and I thought it was going to be the end of me, and then at the last moment I shoved the pantsuit into its slobbering jaws.

Coop: Wow. Nice imagery. Love it.

Ashlee: That beautiful pantsuit, it saved my life.

Ava: Okay, you know what? I'm going to leave. I'll catch up with you guys later.

Coop: We're ready to go.

Ava: No, it's fine. I actually have to drop something off with Olivia.

Ashlee: Oh, well, take your time. I wouldn't want you to have to rush.

Coop: Nice story.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Josh: Am I the only person in this town that doesn't think it's wrong to do the right thing?

Cassie: It's important to do the right thing. I'm still a mother, Josh. I have to think about the right thing for R.J. every day. It's just that, you know, sometimes the lines are a little bit blurry-- for me, anyway. I know they're not for you, but that's a good quality in a minister.

Josh: Okay, first of all, I'm still going to be a person when I become a minister. And secondly, why did you suddenly decide that I'm such a black and white guy?

Cassie: Oh, let me think-- because you are one.

Josh: Ah!

Cassie: I mean, I've always thought that. It's not a bad thing, it's comfortable. It's just that, you know, sometimes it makes it seem like you're perfect.

Josh: That's a really rotten thing to say. And you know what? I've done a lot of bad things in my life. I've taken the wrong road many, many times. You didn't know me in my youth.

Cassie: Oh, when you had to be the captain of all that is right. I can understand that, spending all that time with Billy and Reva.

Josh: I am not a black and white guy, okay? I happen to like shades of gray.

Cassie: Really?

Josh: Yes.

Cassie: Mm. Okay, prove it.

Josh: What?

Cassie: I don't know. Show me that you're human, just like the rest of us.

Josh: Oh, I see. It's on, is that what you're saying?

Cassie: That's what I'm saying.

Josh: Uh-huh, okay. All right. I'll tell you what. Here's the thing. We're going to go for a swim in the lake, but we're going to do it naked.

Cassie: What?

Josh: Come on. Let's go right now. Let's do it. Last person with his or her clothes on is normal.

Reva: Oh, that Doris Wolfe. She just loves me. Are you going to go to that fund-raiser?

Jeffrey: I'm a little tired, thanks to the company I've been keeping.

Reva: You should punch her.

Jeffrey: Why is that?

Reva: For thinking that I'm here with you to get back at Josh and Cassie.

Jeffrey: Since when do you care what Doris thinks?

Reva: I don’t. But you don't agree with her, do you? That we're only here doing this...

Jeffrey: Because of the revenge thing? I'm going out with your ex because you're going out with mine?

Reva: Because you know why we're here, right? I mean, because it's simple. I can talk to you.

Jeffrey: Mm.

Reva: You have really great abs.

Jeffrey: I have a great beer belly, too.

Reva: Not to mention nice pecs, too. Forget the beer belly. And you're fun. You're really, really, really, really fun.

Jeffrey: Right back at you.

Reva: And why wouldn't we want to do this? I mean, why shouldn't we do this, right? I mean, we're both single. We don't want a big commitment. It's really perfect. Why wouldn't we want to do this?

Jeffrey: Why do people talk?

Reva: Who cares?! Let's go out.

Jeffrey: Like on a date?

Reva: Yes, on a date.

Jeffrey: A date. Okay. How about Doris' party?

Reva: Why not?

Jeffrey: We can do better than that. Get ready.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Ava: I've lost my touch.

Olivia: What?

Ava: I'm loosing Coop to Ashlee.

Olivia: No.

Ava: Yes.

Olivia: What? He picked her over you? Is he trying to prove a point?

Ava: No. No, he's not like that. He's all about what's on the inside.

Olivia: Well, you have nice insides. I mean, better than me-- better than most.

Ava: Well, thank you. I need different problems.

Olivia: What?

Ava: Coop. You know, Coop likes a cause. When I was little orphaned Ava looking for my parents, when you were running me down in parking garages, hiring hit men to take me out...

Olivia: Okay, I get it.

Ava: No, I'm serious. He loved that. Now you and I, we can sit together in a room and not kill each other. His work is done. I don't need to be saved anymore.

Olivia: But Ashlee does.

Ava: Yes. She's fresh out of juvie, her mother is awful to her, and she's got all kinds of issues.

Olivia: Hey, you still have issues.

Ava: Thank you. I do have issues, but you know what? It's not enough. It's not enough. I'm not helpless and confused and weary. If I was all of those things, Coop couldn't get enough of me.

Olivia: You know what? This is so typical. You take a strong, independent, beautiful woman who goes after the man that she wants and is being very clear about it, and what happens? She gets passed over for the crazy tramp who breaks herself out of jail.

Ava: Yes... well, I mean, she didn't really break out of jail. They released her.

Olivia: Yes, I know that.

Ava: And I don't know really if she's a slut. I mean...

Olivia: You don't know what she does in her spare time.

Ava: That's true.

Olivia: See, what you need to do is, you need to let Coop know how much you need him.

Ava: I've told him flat out, "I want you."

Olivia: Wanting and needing are two different things. He's a Cooper.

Ava: What does that mean?

Olivia: They need to be needed, Ava. Which is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing, because they know how to treat a woman. God, I miss that.

Ava: Okay, you are not making me feel better at all.

Ashlee: Nice sign.

Doris: You're here. Where's the suit?

Ashlee: Well, there were these dogs. This dog, it was slobbering...

Doris: Well, never mind. At least wear a button. Come this way.

Ashlee: Mom...

Doris: Everyone. You may recognize her from the pictures in the paper, but this is my daughter Ashlee, the one that I've been bragging about. You will find no finer example of our justice system at work. Here she is, all dressed up and rehabilitated.

Mallet: Honey, why don't we just go to the next event?

Dinah: I'm fine.

Mallet: Your own party was too much for you, okay? So why are you pushing it?

Dinah: I'm fine. I really, really am fine.

Mallet: It was very emotional for you last time.

Dinah: This is work, so it's okay.

Frank: Hi, guys. I didn't know you were going to be here.

Dinah: Hi. Well, it's work, and I have to find some news.

Josh: Buzz. Hello. Where is everybody? This place is usually packed.

Cassie: Well, if it were, they'd all see us naked.

Josh: I can't believe those kids stole our clothes.

Cassie: I'm just glad that we didn't run into anyone on the path. Can you imagine if we had to explain this?

Josh: What if we had gone back the way we came, going through the lobby of the Beacon? What was I thinking?

Cassie: You were just trying to think outside the box.

Josh: Yeah, well, I'm outside the box now, aren't I? I'm outside the box, and I'm naked.

Cassie: You wanted me to see your humanity.

Josh: Is that what we're calling it these days?

Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, someone's coming...

Reva: Wow, how very original. Beers at Company.

Jeffrey: Well, it was either that or Doris' shindig. This place is dead. I wonder if they're closed.

Josh: Oh, God.

Cassie: Hello. Reva?

Reva: Cassie? Where are you?

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: Hi.

Reva: Well. Hey, Bud. What's up?

Dinah: Now while I was interviewing Frank Cooper, he mentioned how you worked together, how...

Doris: How it's scratchy at best.

Dinah: Do you care to comment?

Doris: Well, you know, I am tough on the S.P.D., so that the S.P.D. can be tougher on the criminals, for the victims' sake, so they can get the help that they so desperately need.

Dinah: And as far as you handling certain cases?

Doris: Mrs. Mallet herself is lucky to be here, having recently survived a near fatal shooting.

Dinah: I think that the viewers would like to know about you.

Doris: To see her here tonight, looking so good-- as good as new, even better-- it really inspires me to do a really good job as mayor, to protect our community. That's what the viewers want to know.

Dinah: Oh, I think they would like me to ask you questions.

Doris: Well, they want to see your face. I mean, putting a face to these violent crimes is...

Mallet: Excuse me, Doris Wolfe, I need to steal my wife. Good to see you again. Are you all right?

Dinah: No.

Mallet: What's going on? What's going on? And don't tell me it's the pills, okay? Because I have the pills. I brought them in case you needed them. And Dinah, I know you're not taking them anymore, okay? But I thought that was because you were feeling better.

Dinah: Just look at it. Just look at it.

Mallet: What, this? Your interview notes?

Dinah: People understand pills, okay? But what they don't understand is this. They don't understand this, Mallet. They don't understand that my brain doesn't work anymore. It doesn't work anymore, and I don't need that for work. I need that to dial a phone, to make the clock, to make the sound to make it stop, and for my shirt, to put it on.

Mallet: I don't understand, baby. You're not making any sense. "Brushing your teeth. Remove the red toothbrush..."

Doris: Ashlee, I would like you to meet Stuart Small. He is our new A.D.A. Just graduated top of his class at Harvard Law.

Ashlee: Hi. Congratulations. It's nice meeting you.

Stuart: Hello, Ashlee. You're mom has told me so much about you.

Ashlee: Oh, well, don't believe everything you hear.

Doris: (Laughs) Stuart is the son of Small Walnuts-- Howie Small, Howard J. Small.

Ashlee: What are you talking about?

Doris: Don't be silly, Ashlee. Just kidding. Everybody knows about Small Walnuts.

Stuart: Well, dad's expanding the business to include cashews.

Coop: Hey, Ash, they're playing our song, so...

Ashlee: Sorry to... what, are we really going to dance to this elevator music?

Coop: No, I couldn't think of anything better. I'm sorry.

Ashlee: Oh. Wait, oh. Well, smooth. It was very smooth.

Coop: Do you want to go back and talk to Mr. Small walnuts guy, person?

Ashlee: Um, no.

Coop: Good.

Ashlee: Thank you for saving me.

Coop: You're welcome. Well, I see a friend in pain, I do what I can to help out.

Ashlee: My hero, Coop Cooper.

Ava: Okay, that's it. I'm out of here. Thank you for letting me vent.

Olivia: Where are you going?

Ava: Oh, I'm representing Spaulding at Doris Wolfe’s fund-raiser, and Coop's already there.

Olivia: So he's going to be your date. That's a good thing.

Ava: No. He's going to be our date, Ashlee and me.

Olivia: How did that happen?

Ava: It's a long story. I'll tell you later.

Olivia: Okay. Well, call me when you get to the party, and if I can help...

Reva: Nice night, huh?

Cassie: I know this looks crazy.

Jeffrey: No, not at all. Reva and I were just saying that we thought more people should show up to Company nude.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, dear. Look, there's Reverend Rutledge. Hey, Reverend, how you doing? I'm just kidding. Where's your sense of humor?

Josh: With my clothes.

Cassie: Josh was just trying to show me what a fun guy he is.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: Hey, don't laugh. He is fun. He's a barrel of laughs.

Josh: I'm really glad you're enjoying yourself here, Reva.

Reva: Oh, I am enjoying myself. This is so much better than Doris Wolfe’s fund-raiser. I'm glad we decided to skip it.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, I'm going to get in there before Buzz closes. I'm starving.

Reva: Again?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, room service doesn't do it for me nowadays. I need a burger.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: What brings you guys out tonight? Work stuff?

Jeffrey: Oh, no, no. None. No work tonight.

Reva: Actually, he's working to keep up with me. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: You know, just... we're out just for a walk. It's a nice night for a walk or a swim.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm going to go in. Do you guys need anything?

Cassie: Clothes. Clothes would be good. Yeah. I'd settle for an apron.

Reva: I'll see what I can do, as long as you say you'll join us.

Cassie: We'd love to.

Josh: No, thank you.

Reva: All righty, then.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughs)

Cassie: (Laughs) You look good. You look cute. (Laughs)

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: Well, at least I'm starting to warm up.

Josh: I think I deserve this. You know, it's kind of what I get for trying so hard to not be who I am.

Cassie: Never mind about that. What is up with them?

Josh: Reva and Jeffrey, yeah.

Cassie: Do you think they're together?

Josh: I think it's a casual kind of thing.

Cassie: What, you knew? Are you telling me you knew Reva and Jeffrey are seeing each other, and you never thought to mention this to me?

Josh: I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Cassie: Right.

Josh: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Hey, that's a good look on you two.

Reva: Nice.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: Thanks.

Reva: You look cute.

Cassie: (Laughs) It's great-- thank you-- running into you two like this.

Reva: Yeah, well, you know, small town stuff. You never know who you're going to run into. Cheers.

Josh: Cheers.

Jeffrey: Cheers.

Josh: Yeah, I guess everyone else in town must be at the fund-raiser.

Reva: Oh, please, don't say that. That scares me. That makes me think that Doris Wolfe may actually end up as our mayor.

Josh: Oh, no. You know, sometimes it's hard for me to believe that Ashlee is actually her daughter. I mean, she seems like a nice kid.

Cassie: Only you would call the person who let you rot in prison a nice kid.

Josh: No, no, come on. I mean, anybody who knows the circumstances would understand that she...

Cassie: No, I don't think so. I think you're amazing that way. I think you are loving and forgiving and empathetic.

Reva: All those qualities that will come in handy when you're wearing the collar.

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's a tough job you're going to be doing.

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: He's going to be fine. He's the best.

Reva: Absolutely. He's been training for it his whole life.

Josh: Well, actually, that's not true. I've been spending most of my life saving you from one situation or another.

Reva: Well, now that you don't have to save me anymore, you can concentrate on everyone else.

Josh: Okay. Can I borrow 20 dollars? We need to get a cab to get us home.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah, sure.

Reva: Do you have it?

Josh: And could you pay for... I mean, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Jeffrey: Keep the change.

Josh: Yeah. Do you guys... kids want a ride?

Reva: No, no, no. It's such a nice night, I feel like walking. What about you?

Jeffrey: That sounds good to me. Well, it's been fun, you guys.

Reva: Yeah, it's been great.

Cassie: Great.

Reva: Mm-hmm. Great.

Josh: Great. Great.

Cassie: Reva and Jeffrey. That is so weird.

Josh: I don't think either one of us can call anyone else weird right now.

Coop: How do you know about that?

Ashlee: What can I say? I guess I'm full of delightful surprises.

Coop: Yeah, you are. You certainly are. Hey, smile. (Cell phone ringing) Oh, excuse me for a second.

Olivia: Coop, it's Olivia. Have you heard from Ava? She was supposed to call me when she got to the party.

Coop: No, I haven't seen her. Why?

Olivia: Well, that's strange, because she left here a while ago, and she was going straight there.

Coop: Okay. Did you try her cell phone?

Olivia: She's not answering. I'm worried.

Coop: Okay. Leave your phone on, and I'll go look for her.

Ashlee: What is it?

Coop: Olivia. Ava left the Beacon a while ago, and now Olivia can't get her on her cell phone, so I said I would go and look for her, see if I can find her.

Ashlee: Oh, okay.

Coop: Are you going to be okay here by yourself?

Ashlee: I'll go with you.

Mallet: Is it really this much trouble to get through the day? Babe, do you have pain? Did you tell your doctor?

Dinah: I don't know what I feel. I don't know.

Mallet: Why didn't you tell me?

Dinah: Because the words are gone. Not all of them, but it's like a hand is in my head...

Mallet: It's all right. Take your time, it's okay.

Dinah: ...Grabbing at the words-- not just the words, but the names and the ideas and how to do things. Dialing a cell phone and how to drive, or whatever. And I try so hard to hold on and make it right. And when I have a thought of how to do something... because I know how to do it. I know how to do it. It's right there. But then I'm grabbing at air, and there's nothing.

Mallet: Come here. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. We'll get through this. All right? We'll figure this out.

Dinah: No, I don't want you following me around, you know, finishing things. It doesn't stay. It doesn't stay after I try it. It doesn't stick.

Mallet: What do you mean?

Dinah: The closet. The closet. I need this. I need this. We can't even talk.

Mallet: Babe, we're talking right now.

Dinah: No, we're not. No, I don't want you to have to tell me.

Mallet: Tell you what?

Dinah: How to fasten my shoes, how to open the closet. I don't know. I can’t... do you remember the buttons? The buttons?

Mallet: The buttons on your shirt before the party.

Dinah: Yes.

Mallet: Oh, God. Oh, God, I'm sorry.

Dinah: I don't want you to be sorry for me!

Mallet: I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm sorry I didn't know.

Dinah: I don't want to be a wife like this. I don't want to be a wife like this. And I thought once I would tell you, you wouldn’t... how couldn't you know? How couldn't you know that this isn't me? I'm just... I'm just damaged. I'm damaged goods, that's what I am. This isn't me.

Mallet: Well, we'll talk to the doctor okay, we're going to talk to the doctor. We'll find someone who knows all about this stuff. And then we'll go and we'll see them. And if that means we have to pack up and we have to go there and stay there, that's what we'll do until you feel better.

Dinah: We don't know if that's going to work.

Mallet: Well, we have to wait until we find out exactly what this is.

Dinah: This could be it. This just could be me, you know? This could be me.

Mallet: Kiss me.

Dinah: What?

Mallet: Kiss me. Just do it. Just kiss me. Yeah. Yeah, see. You have all the important stuff down. Listen to me. I didn't know if you were ever going to open your eyes again. I didn't know that, but you did. And you made it and you came home, and we're together. All right? So the rest of this stuff, we'll just have to figure that out.

Ashlee: We should go back. Maybe we missed her at the party.

Coop: Ashlee, her car is still in the garage. Okay, something is not right here. Ava! Ava. Ava, Ava. Can you hear me?

Ava: No, no, no, no!

Coop: You're okay. You're okay. It's okay. Look, what happened?

Ava: I tried to fight him.

Coop: Who?

Ava: I don't know.

Coop: We're going to get you to the hospital, okay?

Ava: I'm not... I don't know. I don't want to go to the hospital.

Coop: Listen to me. You may have a concussion or something worse, okay? Look, call Olivia, let her know what happened, okay? Ava, I'm going to take care of you. (Cell phone ringing)

Olivia: Coop?

Ashlee: No, it's Ashlee Wolfe. I'm with Coop. We found Ava. She was... I think she was, like, mugged, or something.

Olivia: Let me talk to her.

Ashlee: No, no. She's a little out of it, but if you could just meet us at Cedars.

Olivia: Cedars? She was hurt?

Ashlee: I think he knocked her out or something.

Olivia: Oh, my God.

Ashlee: No, well, I mean, she's conscious now, but...

Olivia: I'm on my way.

Rex: Ms. Spencer, I know why

you're calling.

Olivia: You were supposed to grab her purse, shake her up a little bit, not hurt her.

Jeffrey: So, do you think it would be forward of me to ask her ladyship into my apartment after our first date?

Reva: You know, I've been rethinking that whole dating thing. It's just... it's not you.

Jeffrey: What are you talking about, it's not me? I feel like I'm in high school again. It's great.

Reva: I can see the complications ahead of us. I can. It's just me, you know. Having to explain to people. You know, people watching you and me and Cassie and Josh hanging out, all at the same place. I'm just not ready for that so maybe we should just not...

Jeffrey: Is that what you want?

Reva: I think. I don't know.

Jeffrey: It's our first date, so, you know, it might get easier. Who knows?

Reva: Yeah, who knows? Maybe just one last time. (Laughs)

Josh: Well, that was fun, wasn't it? But, hey, at least I tried.

Cassie: Well, life isn't always about fun. But it was interesting.

Josh: Really? How so?

Cassie: Jeffrey and Reva, and realizing that I'm the only one who didn't know there was a Jeffrey and Reva.

Josh: It's not a big deal.

Cassie: No?

Josh: Okay, maybe it is a big deal.

Cassie: It's weird. Do you think that they're together just because... or is that completely self- centered that I even had that thought.

Josh: What, this idea that Jeffrey and Reva are together because we're not with them? No, that's very possible.

Cassie: Well, I don't want to make it all about us.

Josh: Well, everything is all about us, Cassie. I mean, isn't everything about us? Look, here's the thing. I really am not interested at all in Jeffrey and Reva. I'm glad that Reva, you know, has a life right now, but I'm more concerned about my life with you. I mean, this thing we did tonight. It was fun, right?

Cassie: Yeah. It was fun. You are one fun almost-minister.

Josh: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. And that's a good thing because I want us to have fun, you know? I want us to laugh together. Because last year, I mean this last year?

Cassie: Mm.

Josh: It was dark and it was serious and I thought for a while we were going to forget how to live in the moment. You know what? I want to do good things and I want to help people. I want to save the planet and all that kind of good stuff, but what I really want is for us to have a life that is filled with happiness and joy and surprise. I want us to try new things, you know? I want to turn things upside down. And I mean that in a good way.

Cassie: Upside down, huh? I'm going to hold you to that.

Josh: Okay.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: Do you miss me being the Tiger Woods of ministry? Do something for others. The guy deserves a second chance. Everybody does.

Billy: He cleaned out the petty cash and charged $11,000 worth of bogus travel expenses.

Josh: It wasn't really so hard, was it?

Marina: You wanted something like this to happen.

Billy: Can I have an amen?

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