GL Transcript Monday 7/16/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/23/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Alexandra: Those were always my favorite, too.

Cyrus: Alexandra.

Alexandra: Cyrus, I don't recall giving you the combination to the safe.

Cyrus: No, you didn’t. I could tell you that the safe was open and I was just about to close it when I stopped to admire your necklace, but we'd both know I was lying, wouldn't we?

Alexandra: Yes, we would.

Cyrus: Okay, then. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I was stealing this from you.

Alexandra: Oh, so you were. Why?

Cyrus: I needed money, fast. I'm in a bind, and there are only two ways out of it: I can rob you or I can leave you. And I'd hate to say good-bye.

Frank: So, you seen Mr. Foley lately?

Marina: Is that a topic you really want to get into?

Frank: Look, honey, I know you're still mad at me for the other day for barging in on you guys, and I guess I should be equally mad at you for calling hotel security on me.

Marina: I really don't want to have this conversation, Chief.

Frank: I am your father.

Marina: Not while we're on the clock, Chief.

Frank: Can I get you some more coffee?

( Cell phone rings )

Marina: Chief?

Frank: Can you get that, honey, please?

Marina: Chief Cooper's line. I'm sorry, he's busy right now. Can I take a message? Yeah. Yeah, I got it. Thanks.

Frank: Who was that? There you go.

Marina: It's a friend of yours over from immigration. They just wanted to call and let you know that they went ahead and started tracking that call that you made about some Australian guy. I changed my mind. Let's chat.

Dinah: "The car is parked..."

Mallet: Dinah, you sure you don't want to wait a few more days before you go back to work? I mean, what's the hurry?

Dinah: Honey, I'm fine. I'm fine. I feel absolutely perfect.

Mallet: Then why don't we just stay home a few more days, huh? I'll help you recuperate, help you recover while I practice the healing arts.

Dinah: I like the sound of that. ( Laughs ) No. No, you know what they say.

Mallet: What?

Dinah: Something brilliant, I'm sure. ( Laughs ) No, we both need to get back to work. We have lots of medical bills to pay that I've racked up.

Mallet: That's why you're pushing yourself so hard?

Dinah: No. I want to get back to work, you know? I like it, I'm good at it, and I've missed it.

Mallet: Okay. All right. I will stop trying to talk you out of it then. Why don't I go to the shoot with you?

Dinah: No. No, I'm afraid you're going to make me nervous.

Mallet: Okay. Then you have to call. You have to check in with me.

Dinah: Okay. You go to work. Go shoot somebody, whatever you do.

Mallet: That's not funny.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) I know. I'm just kidding.

Mallet: All right.

Dinah: Okay, bye.

Mallet: Bye.

Dinah: Matt. Matt. Hey, Matt, it's Dinah. Yeah. Um, you know, I think I'm going to need some backup.

Gus: Look, Harley is my wife and my partner. But Rafe is just as much a part of my life as she is, which means that you are just as much a part of my life.

Natalia: Gus...

Gus: Look, we're going to work this out, okay? So you cannot just move to Chicago, and that's it. You're staying.

Natalia: You act like I want to leave you. I don’t. I want you to get to know Rafe. You're his father.

Gus: Fantastic, it's settled, and you're not going anywhere. You're staying.

Natalia: How? Where is Rafe going to live?

Gus: I'm working that out. Just, you know, give me a little time. What?

Natalia: What is it about you? Why do I always believe everything you say?

Gus: Because when something is this important to me, I don't give up.

Harley: Alan, you expect me to believe that you want to help my relationship with Gus?

Alan: No. I want Raphael to come and live with me. Then your marriage to Gus will be saved, and I will get a chance to know my grandson.

Harley: Oh. No, no, no, no, no. Don't, please. Children live in this house. So it's a win-win, right?

Alan: Yes, unless you do something foolish like letting your pride or your dislike for me get in the way.

Harley: You don't have to sugarcoat it, Alan. I don't dislike you. I despise you.

Alan: Fair enough. But you're also a very practical woman, Harley.

Harley: Probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

Alan: You love having Daisy home with you, but you also know that she and Raphael cannot live under the same roof. You also know that Gus won't let Raphael go live with his mother because the school system is so bad. And if you push that, he will resent it. And he will.

Harley: Gus and I will handle this on our own.

Alan: No! My offer is the only solution. Now, admit that, Harley. Admit that Alan knows best. Why? I'll make it easy for you. You don't even have to thank me.

Harley: So you want Rafe to come live with you, this troubled kid that you hardly know.

Alan: This troubled kid is a Spaulding. I knew it the first time I met that boy. Now, come on. Are you going to pitch this to Gus for me, huh? Save your marriage, Harley?

Harley: No, Alan, I don't think I will. No. It may be the answer to all of our problems, but I can't let you do this to Gus or to Rafe.

Alan: Do what?

Harley: Do what you always do: Suck them in and figure out a way to manipulate and control them. No, Rafe deserves better than that.

Alan: I care about this boy a lot more than you do, Harley.

Harley: Well, of course you do, Alan. He's a great pawn for you. But that's the difference between you and me. You look at a situation and you try to figure out what you can get out of it and what you can control. When I look at a situation, I try to figure out what's best for everyone.

Alan: You don't believe that!

Harley: Rafe living with you is probably best for me and best for Daisy, but it's not best for him and it's not best for Gus. So no, you can't have him! Now, could you get out of my house, please?

Gus: Who are you waving at?

Natalia: I'm waving to my little friends, the little pimps and drug dealers. They love me.

Gus: Is that supposed to be funny?

Natalia: I'm waving to the patrol car that you have outside my building every hour. Does Harley know about that?

Gus: Does she know what?

Natalia: That you put in favors with the Landon P.D.? That you are this involved in my life?

Gus: Well, when I found out that you and Rafe are moving to this nice part of town, I set it up. So I figured to myself, why cancel it?

Natalia: Because I'm your ex-girlfriend.

Gus: So?

Natalia: So you've moved on; you're married.

Gus: Yeah, well, we have a child together, and that makes us family, and I protect my family, so... I'm sorry, why do I feel like I'm apologizing for...?

Natalia: It isn't appropriate anymore for you to do this.

Gus: Who says that? Who says it's not appropriate?

Natalia: You think this is appro... I mean, you can't have it both ways.

Gus: Why don't I just help you finish unpacking?

Natalia: So Harley knows? She knows that you're keeping an eye on me?

Gus: I'm going to go, okay? I'll call you later.

Natalia: Gus.

Gus: Just could you please make sure you lock the door when I leave?

Natalia: You can try, but you can't have both of us.

Marina: Please give me some lame excuse why I just misunderstood that phone call.

Frank: I called immigration about Foley, and guess what? I'm not sorry about it.

Marina: Wow. Not only did you betray me, but you don't even feel guilty about it.

Frank: This guy is bad news and deep down you know that. But for some strange reason, bizarre reason, you're drawn to him. Now why is that?

Marina: I'm not the one who needs to be explaining myself right now; you are.

Frank: Everything that this guy is about is totally unlike you. Do you understand that? Everything that I've taught you... I mean, what are you doing? Are you trying to get back at me, I mean, for divorcing your mother? I mean, what is this?

Marina: I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't do things just to bug you. I'm a grown woman.

Frank: Then you know what? Then act like one.

Marina: I have feelings for the guy, okay? And because I love you and I respect you, I tried to fight those feelings at the beginning. But I don't want to anymore. Why do I care about Cyrus? I don't know. Why did you care about Olivia?

Frank: And look how that turned out.

Marina: Right, but did you listen to any of us when we told you time and time again to dump her? No. Did grandpa listen? No.

Frank: And look how that turned out. We both got hurt, right? What is your point?

Marina: We are drawn to who we're drawn to and we all have to learn from our mistakes and make our own mistakes.

Frank: And this would be a big one for you. This could cost you dearly. You got shot because of this guy.

Marina: You're the one who pulled the trigger.

Frank: And I have to live with that for the rest of my life. It is because of Cyrus Foley that we were in that situation.

Marina: I love you, Daddy, but you have got to butt out, okay? You had your chance at true love. You had your chance with mom. It didn't work out. Okay, but I think I deserve that same chance. So I swear if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will call Internal Affairs on you. I mean it.

Stacy: Dinah, it's so fabulous to have you back. How are you? You look fantastic. Did you get the flowers I sent you? All the fan mail I sent over? The get-well cards? Oh, we really missed you. So, you got the message, the e-mail from Judy, right? About the schedule?

Dinah: Judy?

Stacy: Marcy's assistant.

Dinah: Oh, right, yes. And we're supposed to be doing some wardrobe fittings?

Stacy: Oh, no, sorry, you didn't get the e-mail. Complete change of plans. You're going to be interviewing Police Chief Cooper about the department's take on Doris Wolfe’s candidacy for mayor.

Dinah: Oh, okay. I am?

Stacy: Live on the evening news.

Dinah: Live.

Matt: Dinah, look, you don't need to do this, okay? Look, you want me to be the bad guy? I'll tell them you're not ready. I'll tell them you need some more time. You want me to do that?

Stacy: Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, this is Eve. Eve is one of the new reporters we hired while you were in the hospital. Now listen, we know you're coming back from a traumatic injury, and you're supposed to take it easy, so if at any time during the shoot you feel overwhelmed or like you need a break, Eve can step in for you.

Dinah: No, no, no, no. I am more than fine. Pink shoes can go home. ( Laughs ) I'm more than fine.

Frank: I think you should take a step back.

Marina: I'm not kidding about my threat.

Frank: You would do that to me?

Marina: If you pushed me to it.

Mallet: Guys, what the heck is going on here?

Frank: My daughter is threatening to call Internal Affairs on me.

Marina: For abuse of power because he called immigration on Cyrus.

Frank: Cyrus has a record overseas and is under investigation here in Springfield. I'm not abusing my power, I'm doing my duty.

Mallet: Okay, Frank, now would you have called immigration if your daughter didn't know this guy?

Frank: Not the point.

Mallet: Now listen to me, listen to me. I know you love your daughter, I know you worry about your daughter, okay, but maybe, just maybe, you need to lighten up on this one.

Marina: Thank you.

Frank: Mallet, you don't have any kids, okay?

Mallet: Good point, Frank, I don't have any kids. You know, listen, I'm not thrilled she's seeing this guy, either, okay? Sorry. But it does seem like Cyrus Foley’s really trying to change. I mean, come on, you know how many people to steer clear of Dinah?

Frank: Yeah, well, guess what, you got lucky. She won’t. She'll get hurt.

Marina: How do you know that?

Frank: Because... because of your history, okay? Marina, you know how much I love you, right? I don't mean to be blunt here, but in the romance department, I think you've made the worst choices I've ever seen in my life. We're talking about Ben Reade, Danny Santos, Alan-Michael Spaulding. Okay, all these guys have serious issues here. And I see you going down the same path again.

Marina: Okay. And you want to stop me and you want to protect me, but you can't, Dad. Look, I have listened to you, and I have taken your concerns and your advice to heart, and now you just need to step back and hope for the best.

Frank: I've got to get going here. Just do me a favor and think about what I said, okay?

Marina: I will if you will.

Mallet: Frank, I'll walk you out.

( Cell phone ringing )

Alexandra: Looks like we don't have to call the police; they're calling us. A certain redhead detective you seem very fond of.

Cyrus: Hello?

Marina: Hi, do you have a minute?

Cyrus: Actually, no, I'm in the middle of something.

Marina: Oh. Okay, well, I just wanted to give you a heads up on something. It looks like you could be facing some real trouble.

Cyrus: You don't say.

Marina: Look, just give me a call when you're free, and I'll tell you about it. Actually, I'm at Company. Why don't you come meet me here?

Cyrus: Will do. I hope. Sorry, did you want to talk to her?

Alexandra: No, I think I'll just speak directly to Frank. Relax, I'm not going to turn you in. I've actually grown too fond of you.

Cyrus: Thanks, I feel the same.

Alexandra: So, your deportation problem has become mine as well.

Cyrus: I never meant to bring you into this.

Alexandra: No, it's all right, it's all right. I... ( Laughs ) So, this agent is corrupt, eh?

Cyrus: $100,000 corrupt.

Alexandra: Well, I suppose you could steal the pearls, hock them. Or you could float a loan from me, but do you think that's going to stop her from shaking you down?

Cyrus: Wouldn't stop me.

Alexandra: Well, I think we ought to look for a little bit more long-term solution to this, something more permanent?

Cyrus: We could have the agent removed.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) And then what if we fail? She lashes out. No, I was thinking something actually a lot more straightforward.

Cyrus: I'm listening.

Alexandra: Well, if you marry a U.S. Citizen, you'll become legal.

Cyrus: Marriage?

Alexandra: Yeah, you have to make it look real for a time and then you'll be safe.

Cyrus: Where would I find a wife?

Alexandra: Right here. Marry me, Cyrus.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Well, I went to the hospital, and I saw Rafe, and it was good, with the exception of the fact that he was sleeping.

Harley: ( Laughs ) Well, that's good, right? He needs plenty of that.

Gus: Yeah. Where are the boys?

Harley: Upstairs.

Gus: That smells good.

Harley: Thank you. Been baking, making all of Daisy's favorites.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: Dylan's going to drop her off in a little while.

Gus: I should tell you I stopped by Natalia’s apartment before I went to the hospital.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Yeah, she was packing up. Wants to take Rafe to Chicago, move there.

Harley: She's taking off? She's just running away?

Gus: Well, I think I talked her out of it. You know, I'm just getting to know him, and I really wouldn't handle it very well if he was living in Chicago.

Harley: Of course not. Of course not, but Daisy and Rafe cannot live in the same house.

Gus: Do you have a suggestion as to what we should we do?

Harley: Well, I think we should revisit the condo idea. Can't you just run it by her and see what she would say?

Gus: Let me ask you something, if you were her, would you accept a free condo from you?

Harley: Okay, I was saving this. This is my big solution. I'm thinking we renovate the entire third floor. You know, we put bars and alarms on Rafe and Daisy's bedroom doors.

Gus: We'd have to put an alarm on the car.

Harley: On the garage itself. The tool shed.

Gus: Hedges would need alarms all around them. It's kind of hopeless. What is that?

Harley: To add insult to injury, Alan stopped by offering the answer to our prayers, or at least that's how he put it. He wants Rafe to come live with him. Don't worry, I made it perfectly clear there is no way we would agree to that. ( Knock on door )

Natalia: Gus?

Alan: Hello, Natalia.

Natalia: Hi.

Alan: May I come in?

Natalia: Oh, sure, sure, if you don't mind slumming.

Alan: Well, I wouldn't know anything about slumming, but I do like to be the bearer of good news. Let me ask you something, have you ever thought about signing Raphael up for a clinical trial? The reason I ask you this is because they're testing a new insulin pump at the university hospital.

Natalia: I know, I read about that. I made some calls. There's a two-year waiting list.

Alan: Well, I passed all that by. He's in.

Natalia: No.

Alan: Yes.

Natalia: Oh, how did you do this?

Alan: Well, I'm very good friends with the dean of medicine, and I had to twist his arm a little bit. He doesn't like to bend the rules, and I know that you don't either...

Natalia: This is different. This is my son we're talking about. I would do anything for Raphael.

Alan: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that.

Gus: Why do you think he came to you?

Harley: I guess he thought if he could get me to agree to it, I could get you to agree to it.

Gus: And he actually would have Rafe live with him? He said that?

Harley: He says he feels a connection with him. Do you buy that?

Gus: Does it really matter? Anybody who ends up loving Alan ends up hurt.

Harley: Well, that's exactly what I said after I...

Gus: What?

Harley: After I thought about it for a second. You know, for one huge second. One second, it actually did seem like the answer to our prayers. Rafe could live his grandfather, where he would be in the same school district that we want him in. Daisy could live with us, nice and safe and sound. And then the reality of the situation came in and...

Gus: Right. He'd be having Alan lessons.

Harley: Exactly.

Gus: But, on the other hand, your life would go a lot smoother if I were just to pawn Rafe off onto Alan.

Harley: Alan went so far as to say it would save our marriage.

Gus: And you protected my son.

Harley: Of course I did.

Gus: Well, then me and Rafe are very lucky to have you.

Natalia: So with the medicine and the program and the pump, they're hoping to wean the patients off insulin completely?

Alan: Yes. It sounds very promising.

Natalia: ( Sighs ) I know not to get too excited because every time something comes up that's promising, you know, there's whispers about a cure for juvenile diabetes...

Alan: They're getting very close to a cure.

Natalia: Not close enough.

Alan: You know, I had a cousin, and also my mother had diabetes. I think it runs in the family, I'm sorry to say.

Natalia: It's not your fault.

Alan: Tell me, how old was Raphael when he was diagnosed?

Natalia: He was eight. It took them over a year to diagnose him.

Alan: A year? Didn't he see a specialist?

Natalia: I couldn't afford a specialist. You know, I took him from clinic to clinic, I waited months in between appointments. He never saw the same doctor twice.

Alan: You'll never have to worry about that again. From now on he will see only the best doctors.

Natalia: I don't know how to thank you for this.

Alan: Well, one thing is you could start by considering me your friend. And as your friend there's something else I hope that you will let me do for you and Raphael.

Alexandra: You're in trouble. I just want to help.

Cyrus: Why would you do that? What's in it for you?

Alexandra: Well, maybe just someone to share a brandy with at night, huh? Share my box seat at the opera. Make me laugh, travel, huh? Besides, I think you look very good on my arm, and I too would look good on your arm. And being married to me would give you a lifestyle I'm sure that you would appreciate.

Cyrus: Just what kind of a marriage are we talking about here?

Alexandra: Well, first I think you'd move out of the gatehouse into the house here with me. You'd have your own suite, of course, and an allowance.

Cyrus: So you'd just be paying me to...

Alexandra: Amuse me, keep me happy, make me laugh. Companionship. Of course, you know, you'd be free to have other relationships with other women as long as you were discreet. But I mean extremely discreet. This kind of thing is done in Europe all the time, you know.

Cyrus: I don't know what to say, Alexandra. Your offer is extremely generous.

Alexandra: I seem to be the only thing standing between you and deportation. How can you say no?

Eve: What are those notes you're making?

Dinah: Just some helpful reminders.

Eve: About what?

Dinah: Stuff. Can I help you with anything?

Eve: I just want to learn from a master, that's all. I'm a huge fan of yours, Dinah.

Dinah: Thank you. I didn't catch your name before. Is it Eve?

Eve: Eve Harrington Lopez.

Dinah: Are you making fun of me? Is that your idea of a joke?

Matt: Eve, hi. I think Stacy was looking for you. Dinah, you're not ready for this. You've got to read a teleprompter, you've got to listen to Frank, you've got to process what he's saying. All the while you're going to have a producer in your ear.

Dinah: I can do this. I do this. Not pink shoes over there. I do this.

Matt: Why not give it a few weeks? Tell them it's doctor's orders. You don't need to do this interview, Dinah.

Dinah: I can do this. I'm going to get in front of the camera, and I'm going to show everybody that I am as sharp... no, sharper, sharper than I was before.

Matt: I know you're tough, but you just got out of the hospital. Nobody's expecting you to be 100%.

Dinah: This is nothing. This is a challenge. I enjoy challenges, okay? I took a bullet for Mallet.

Matt: Not that long ago.

Dinah: Okay, and that's been the problem ever since I got home from the hospital, okay? I've been second-guessing myself. I've been leaning on you, I've been leaning on the notebook. But when I get in front of that camera, I'm going to go on what I have always gone on, and that's pure gut.

Matt: Did you notice that?

Dinah: What?

Matt: You just spoke perfectly. You didn't stumble over a single word.

Dinah: Well, I told you. I can do this, Matt. I can do it.

Matt: I think you can. I think you can, Dinah.

Alexandra: Well, I can see you're still uncertain about it. What is it, is there someone else you're thinking you could marry? Perhaps Marina, maybe?

Cyrus: No, that's not an option. I wouldn't put her in that position, and she wouldn't offer anyway.

Alexandra: Really? Are you so sure?

Cyrus: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: Well, you sleep on it tonight, we'll talk about it in the morning. Meantime, would you please put the pearls away and lock the safe?

Cyrus: Alexandra? I don't need any more time to think it over. The answer is yes. If you'll have me, I'm yours.

Alexandra: Wonderful. We are going to have a great time. We are going to make quite a team.

Cyrus: Yeah, I think we will.

Alexandra: Okay. Would you like a little champagne to celebrate?

Cyrus: Maybe a little later. I have something I need to take care of first.

Alexandra: Okay, well, don't be too long. We have a lot of plans to make.

Vincent: Oh, hi. Alexandra?

Alexandra: Oh, Vincent, come in, come in. And, Cyrus, don't be too long. And you made the right decision.

Gus: Great. Another perfect ending to a perfect day. You, now listen to me. Don't you start in with me, okay? Because I know what you pitched to Harley. You can forget about it. I do not want Rafe living with you.

Alan: That's a shame, Gus. I wanted your blessing, but I don't have to have it. Because I've got hers.

Gus: He is my son. You have absolutely no say what happens in his life. Do you understand me? And I really resent the fact that you went behind my back to her to try to get her to agree to something I would never agree to, not in a million years.

Harley: You don't know Alan the way that we do. He is using you, Natalia, and if you let Rafe move in with him, he will use him, too.

Natalia: Okay, you know what? Enough. Do you two think I was born yesterday? Do you think I don't know when someone is trying to pull something over on me? You're smooth, Alan, but you're not that smooth. I know who you are, and I know what you are capable of. But you know what? I don't care. I don't care what he gets out of it. I care what Rafe gets out of it.

Gus: That house is the worst possible environment for Rafe.

Natalia: Oh, yeah?

Gus: Oh, yeah.

Natalia: It's worse than here, where you two just chose her kid over your own? Worse then where I live in Landon?

Gus: Well, first of all, Natalia, trust me-- when it comes to Landon...

Natalia: No, no. You know what? I'm going to trust me. I'm going to trust myself to look out for my son. You told me you didn't want us to move to Chicago. Well, this is the only way that we can stay here in Springfield. That's it. It's that simple.

Alan: Well, then it's settled. I'll have someone get Raphael’s bags, and you and I need to go tell him the good news, huh?

Marina: Hi. Come, sit. I have news, and it's not good. Listen, I can't get into how I know this information, but someone has called immigration on you, and they're investigating you.

Cyrus: Yeah, I know.

Marina: You know? What do you mean? When did you find out?

Cyrus: I had a visit from an agent. I didn't want to worry you. But it turns out I've already solved the problem.

Marina: You have?

Cyrus: The immigration goblins won't be haunting me anymore.

Marina: Okay. What did you do? Tell me.

Cyrus: I will, but not right now. Just... I want to enjoy being with you. Now that we know that I'm sticking around, we've got a lot to look forward to, right? Come here.

Vincent: Now, it took me a few days to pull these together, Alexandra, but I think you're going to like what I've chosen for you.

Alexandra: Yeah.

Vincent: Exquisite, aren't they?

Alexandra: Beautiful. Perfect.

Dinah: You can do this. Just read the teleprompter and take your time.

Mallet: Hey, I know you said stay away, but I couldn’t. I heard the thing was going live, and I wanted to make sure you're okay.

Stacy: Dinah, what are you doing here? You're on in less than a minute. You have to get into position. Excuse us. Chief, any questions?

Frank: I'm good, thank you.

Stacy: Good. Dinah, listen. Lots of energy. Big voice, big smile.

Dinah: Is the...

Cameraman: Here we go. Four, three, two...

Dinah: Good evening. I'm Dinah Marler. It's nice to be back with you after my brief stint in the hospital. And I want to thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. I can't tell you how much they've meant to me. Well, I am here this evening with Springfield’s Police Chief Frank... the Chief of Police, Frank. Thank you for joining us.

Frank: Well, Dinah, thank you for having me.

Dinah: Frank, with the current district... Doris Wolfe, the district... Doris Wolfe. She is running for mayor, and she is obviously the law and order with the... candidacy. The law... she is... if I... I have an obvious question for you. I have an obvious question for you. She is leading in the polls. She is certainly, you know... in the polls.

Frank: Dinah, I think maybe what you're trying to ask me is, as acting police chief, what do I think about Doris Wolfe’s stand on the issues? Dinah? Dinah?

Next on "Guiding Light..."

Cassie: What a better way to stick it to your sister? Show the whole town that you're sleeping with her ex?

Josh: That's a really rotten thing to say. We're going to go for a swim in the lake, but we're going to do it naked.

Doris: Here she is, all dressed up and rehabilitated.

Dinah: You don't understand that my brain doesn't work anymore.

Cassie: Reva and Jeffrey. That is so weird.

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